A W For Clackamas County, Oregon City, and Adams Department Store, Saturday, April 27 , 1912 BP ' ADA m. n -1 1 irrrnrar i i w A a ill mil t I JM.m II IV I Boost for a Greater Clackamas County, Ore gon City and Adams De partment Store. HYTl ThtHV tore Otff doors ate wide open for the festivities of the great Booster Day. Come to our store and make yourself at home for the day. Our best means are at your disposal, meet your friends here, use our telephones, store your parcels here, and let us help you to make the day pleasant and one long to be remembered. - Ladies' High Grade Suits Worth $35.00 to $40.00 By selecting your cloths f rem our own stock in any pattern you like, we can make (D J I 50 to your measure a high-grade suit for Hart Schaffner & Marx High Grade All Wool Suits We name for Booster Week a special $25.00 value just received and opened for this sale 5 j2i-S(0) We Feature for Booster Day Special Prices in MEN'S SUITS New Spring Colors and Styles, well-made and guaranteed a perfect fit, suits made to sell at $15 to $20 We name for Booster Day two special prices $12.90 and $15 of Ladies' uiits $9.80 To make this Booster Day the best of all in Ladies' Suit Sale we have collected from our stock a large assortment of suits formerly priced from $1 8.50 to $25.00, we make the sweeping Booster price of any suit in this lot, for this week only, at $9.80 Booster Bargains in Shoes We have a very large stock of Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Come in this week and be fitted for Shoes. We have your style, your size and your price Booster Furniture Sale Our Furniture Department is now full of New and Handsome up-to-date Furniture. We can furnish your house from celler to garret at lowest prices. Come and see. Good Iron Beds $2.90 We name you a special price of a late model in a regular $4.75 Iron Bed for Booster Sale only, one to each customer. Special S2.90 Out Men's Department A Complete Store in Itself : ' . We want you to see our Special Suit Sale for this week, it is our Booster Suit Sale. We want you to see our Men's Furnishings and all ready-to-wear goods, Dress Shirts, Neckwear, Underwear, Socks, Gloves, Hats, Caps. Big Stock of Ladies Waists of every description now at Special Booster Prices White Tailored Waists, . . . . . . $1.35 to $2.50 Ladies' White Swiss Embroidered, lace trimmed, latest style, prices from $1.00 to $3.00 U SURE SM OF A COOP STOVE Booster Sale of Stoves and Ranges Extra Special "Queen" Range, six hole, eighteen inch oven, for wood or coal, guaranteed for service, with or without base. Special for Booster Day, $29.00. SWELL FRONT OAK DRESSER Four drawers, large mirror, handsome oak finish. Special for Booster Day, $8.90. LARGE STOCK WALL PAPER IN HANDSOME PATTERNS AT LOWEST PR1CES AsK for the Oregon City's Big Department Store Red Trading Stamps Ask for the Red Trading Stamps