OREGON" CITY ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY; APRIL 25, 1912. 5 A BOOSTER DAY PROMISE GR AND Theatre Promises You a Good Show and You All Know SCHRAM Circumscribed Mentality. "What a contrary wretch Is Biggs P "I know it. If he had two Ideas at the same time they would have a smasbup." LOCALJJRIEPS Dr. J. A. van Brakle, licensed oste opathic physician, 806 Washington Mrs. Albert Hurst, of Union Mills, was in this city Tuesday. Mr. Crook, merchant of Mulino, was in this city on business Tuesday. William Daniels, of Beaver Creek, was in Oregon City Wednesday. George Gregory, of Molalla, was in this city Tuesday and Wednesday. H. M. Mosley, of Canby, was in this city Wednesday. ! Miss Anne Sally, of Portland, is a guest of Mrs. H. S. Mount. I W. E. Mumpower, of Stone, was in i this city on business Wednesday. I Gilbert Robbins, of Beaver Creek, was in this city on Business weanes day. D. Duvall and family, of Eldorado, were in this city Tuesday on their way to Eugene, where they will vis it Fred and Phil Steiner, of Beaver Creek, were in this city on business Tuesday. " Norman Howard, of Carus, was transacting business in Oregon City Tuesday. Chris Muralt, of Homedale, was among the Oregon City visitors Tues day. Louis Wallace ,of Clarkes, accom panied by bis wife, was in this city Wednesday. Mrs. M. Huiras, of New Era, was in this city Wednesday visiting her daughter, Miss Mary Lucas. W. P. Kirchem, of Logan, was in this city Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Kirchem is one of the prominent farm ers of the county. Mrs. J. M. Volkmar has returned from Corvallis, where she visited her daughter, Mable, who is a student of the Oregon Agricultural college. Mrs. Sophia Phillips is seriously ill at her home on Third and John Ad ams Streets, suffering from inflam matory rheumatism. Lloyd Harding, a student of the IF YOU WISH TO BOOST YOUR PROFITS DEAL WITH US Highest market prices paid for veal, pork, beef, poultry, butter and eggs... Goods delivered to any part of the city Our goods are al ways fresh. FARR BROS. SIXTH STREET We invite you to make our shop your headquarters ON BOOSTER DAY We have a fine line of meats we are proud of and at a price to make you our friend forever. BROWN & KLOOSTRA 7th and Center Sts. On the Hill BE A BOOSTER Boost your bank account by trading where your dollar goes fartherest. At the Huh Gtocery We would be pleased to add you to our long list of Customers. "We will treat you right and are always ready to correct all errors. Phone os or send the children, they will ' be treated with as much courtesy as your self. We do not give trading stamps or premiums hut give you full value for every dollar you leave with us. The Hub Gocey University of Oregon, who has been in this city visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Harding, return ed to Eugene Wednesday evening. Dinner at Baptist church Booster Day. Miss Montie Coldwell, of Ellsworth Wash., is in this city and is a guest of Mr. and . Mrs. W. Bruce Zumwalt having come to this city to attend the Armstrong-Zumwalt wedding, which was solemnized Wednesday ev ening at the Congregational church. Miss Coldwell is one of the promi nent young musicians of Ellsworth. Philatheas will serve hot dinner at Baptist church Booster Day. 20 cents. Mrs. Jacob Weidner who was tak en to the Oregon City Hospital a few days ago, underwent an operation Tuesday. The operation was perform ed by Drs. E. A. Sommer and H. S Mount, Mrs. N. A. Carle, of Seattle, cousin of Mrs. H. S. Mount, is visiting Mrs. Mount. A surgical operation on her throat vi as performed by Dr. Mount a few days ago. C. H. DICKEY M. E. BUNN FRENCH CORSET COVER Another dainty corset cover of French design and make intended for wear with high waisted gowns ap pears here today. This is made of fine nainsmook fitting closely and closing at one side of the front. The corsage line is slightly "V both front and back and finished with a narrow frill of lace. Two diagonal strips of insertion, one of embroidery and the other of lace, run from beneath the arm to the center in the back and disappear at the front beneath a broad vertical band consisting of strips of lace and embroidery and which is finished with a narow edging of lace. .This latter also finishes the bottom of the cover. The garment ties over the shoulders with ribbon bows. Too Late To Classify Notice of Closing Streams. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES ENTS; that WHEREAS, the Board of Fish and Game Commissioners of the State of Oregon and the United States Bureau of Fisheries have pro pagated and stocked, and the Uni ted States Bureau of Fisheries is propagating and stocking the waters of the Clackama3 River, in the State of Oregon, with salmon fish, and. WHEREAS, said stream is fre quented by salmon fish, and for the purpose of protecting same, the ' State Board of Fish and Game Com missioners of the State of Oregon has decided to close said Clackamas River and it3 tributaries to prevent fishing therein by any means what ever, except with hook and line, commonly called angling, for sal mon fish, during the period of time hereinafter specified. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by . said State Board of Fish and Game Commis sioners that said Clackamas River and its tributaries, in the State of Oregon, are and each of them is hereby closed to salmon fi3hing, by aay means whatever, except with hook and line, commonly called ang ling, for salmon fish from and after May 1, noon, 1912, until said stream and its tributaries are opened- to salmon fishing in accordance with Secton 5316 of Lord's Oregon Laws; and it is and will be unlawful to fish for, or take or catch any sal mon fish by any means whatever, except with hook and line, common ly . called angling ,in any of said waters during the said period of time above specified. " Any and all persons whomsoever so fishing in violation of this notice will be prosecuted as by law provided.- ' GEO. H. KELLY, Acting Chairman. J. F. Hughes, Secretary. M. J. KINNEY. Constituting quorum State Board " of Fish and Game Commissioners. Onv ford - 1 -f m H "SHi if i $735 Fullv Equipped at Oregon City $755 On they come and by they go seventy-five thousand strong all new all alike and all FORDS. Every road is a good road to the FORD. And should accident befall there's a Ford repair shop close at hand. No horizon binds the FORD owner. As a special Booster inducement I will give free of all charge one pair of "Ford TiresV to every person that will introduce me to, or give me the name of anyone I can sell a FORD to. I will also give one pair of tires to anyone making a deposit on a FORD on Booster Day. I Invite Yoti to Make My Garage Yovt Headquarters on Booster Day. Free Demonstration AH Day. A -G. A. ELLIOTT 4th and Main St. Main 1 19 Shively's Opera House SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, APRIL 27 AND 28. THE National Stock Company IN PLAYS THAT PLEASE Saturday Night the 4-act Drama "THE LION AND THE MOUSE" SECOND NIGHT "DORA" This Company just played here a 4-night Engagement and PLEASED PRICES: 10c 20c 30.. . RESERVED SEATS. OUR BOOSTER DAY OEEER On Saturday, April 27, "Booster Day,' we will give away absolute ly free with, each. 50c cash purchase one 15c package, best grade "Red Ribbon Raisins." Only one package to a, customer. On all purch ases we give the genuine S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. Bring your coupons to us and get an extra ten stamps as a special "Booster Day' offer. JONES DRUG CO. The time to read the Morning En a little before. The Morning Enterprise is the best breakfast food you can have. Watch the automobile contest. FRIENDS PAY LAST TRIBUTE -TO MRS. MARY FARNSWORTH NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Lake, including medical attention, board and baths, costs no more than you would pay to live at any first class ho tel. Rooms can be had from 75 cents to $2.50 per day. Meats in the cafeteria are served from 20 cents up and in the grill at the usual grill price. Baths range from 50 cents to $1.00. We Do Cure Rheumatism Hot Lake Mineral Baths and mud given under scien tific direction have cured thousands. Write for illus trated booklet descriptive ef Hot Lake Sanatorium and the methods employed. Hot Lake Sanatorium ia acces sible as it is located direct ly on the main line of the O.-W. R. & n. railway, and special excursion rates are to be had at all times. Ask agents. HOT LAKE SANATORIUM HOT LAKE, OREGON. WALTER M. PIERCE. Pres.-Mgr. services, which were conducted by cemetery. There were many beauti- Rev. T. B. Ford, pastor of the Metho- ful flowers. The pallbearers were Roy dist Episcopal church, at the church b. Cox, F. E. Albright, L. P. Horton, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The George Randall, E. A. Piper and M. J nnn Af lota "hlft-a Ai"o rv E. Farnsworth attended the funeral interment was in Mountain View Yoder. BOOSTER DA Y BARGAINS at HUNTLEY BROS. CO. If you get tired come in and have a chair and listen to some good music Toilet Articles Reduced for Booster Day 75c Imported Bay Rum. . . ,. . . . -48$ 40c Lester's Face Cream '25$ 25c Violet Cold Cream 13$ 25c La Vie Face Powder.... 18$ 60c Rickseckers Rice Powder. . -45$ 50c Violet Dulce Face Powder. -38$ 25c Rickseckers Talcum Powder 20$ 25c Menens Talcum Powders. . -15$ All odors 25c Cotgates Talcum Powders 20$ All odors 25c Bylo Talcum Powder 18$ 20c Violet Talcum Powder. .... -13$ 15c Fetlows Talcum Powder gfc 25c Rexall Tooth Paste. ....... -18$ 35c Box Spring Violet Toilet Soap lg$ 9 Cakes Jergen Asst'd Soap 25$ 10c Armours BathSoap. g$ Household Needs Reduced for Booster Day 1 pt. Washing Ammonia. .. .(J$ 4 oz. pure Essence Lemon 1(J$ 10c Pkg. Borax. . . ....... .g$ 15c Pkg. Borax..... 11$ $1.00 Alarm Clocks. . ... . -79$ 1 Pd. Cotton Waste....". -20$ 1 Pd. Roll Hospital Cotton 3g$ Good Rubber Gloves 40$ $1.25 3 qt. Hot Water B'tle Qg$ All Wash Rags 1 PRICE All Nail Brushes 5c to $1.00.... i OFF 1 lb Famous Satur day Candy - - 29c Smokers' Goods Re- 100 Boxes of 35c duced for Booster Day d 40c Stationery on Booster Day 25c 25c Pipes (100 of them) .104 Tnjg incude8 our Highland 50c Pipes (100 of them).....QC Llnen' Twilled Swi88' Cham- bray, Madras and Silk Lisle, Any Pipe from our big stock at a" hi9n 9rade Papers. 20 Discount. 5c Round Up Cigars 3 for... .10$ Sc Otld 40c BoyS 10c La Marca ..5 Books OH Booster Day 25 c. rr ri k7 . The books the boys want. tamousLhmans Ulwe Good type good binding good , j n J J books. You ought to get 3 UOOdS KedUCea. or 4 of them at these prices. $2.00 Cans Ehman's Olive $j 0q GqW pountain " $1-70 $1.00 Bottles Ehman's Olive Pens 79c. Oil .......... .....eX,4 . T Fully guaranteed and return- 50c Jars Ehmans Ripe Olives 40$ ab,e lf you don,t like !t after 10 days use. . Razors Reduced fori SI Watches ft?" 79c Booster Day ,Guaranteed for 1 vear Durham Duplex Safety. .... .35 25c Playing Cards 19c $1.50 Hollow Ground Razors. 79$