4 MORNING ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, APEIL 25, 1912. Big Horse Show Saturday, April 27m See the Big Automobile Parade in the Afternoon HDStCT pecials 11 men Every Pay Depart The Horse and Carriage Parade starts Saturday 10:00 A. M. sharp. The Automobile Parade starts 2:00 P. M. Our showing of Booster Day Specials starts Saturday, 7 A. M. so as to give all a chance to purchase as early as pos sible. We have made preparations to take care of the big crowd that will be in town Saturday on our Booster Day; all are welcome here and we want you to make this store your home while in town. Big reduction in Men's Clothing' Shoes, Hats and Furnishings; as you all know we are Closing Out Our Ladies' Dry Goods Department and are selling it out for ALMOST NOTHING as it must go in a hurry. The Real Value of Booster Day to You Will Be the Substantial Saving to You in Our Booster Specials Saturday Booster Specials in Men's Suits Society Brand Clothing for young men and men who stay young. These are garments that any young man will appreciate who wants style, tailoring and individuality. We are giving fcnrtrtg Srattb (Brtipa on this high class clothing. Society Brand "SSTSt gj. $18 to $35 FranM FiftAAn THE W0RLD'S best $15.00 sun 1 lallncl 1 lllCcll If you are looking for a good honest suit for about $15.00, don't fail to see our FRANKEL FIFTEEN DOLLAR SUIT. Florsheim Shoes for Men Who Care Another thing we can boast about is our Florsheim Shoes, exclusively handled by us in Oregon City. Once worn al ways worn. $5.00 to $6.00 r. - Chesterfield Shoes $3.00 to $4.00 best values on earth Booster Day Specials in Dry Goods, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Ladies' Furnishings, all must go at prices that will take them out, as we want to remodel the store for an ex clusive men's store. Special Booster Day values in Boys' Suits. Closing Out Ladies' Suits Take advantage of Booster Day Specials Closing Out Prices. Some beautiful Ladies' Suits left and we want to close them out in a hurry; blue, serge, tan diagonals grays and velvet. $15.00 SUITS booster day specials $5.00 $25.00 SUITS booster day specials $11,45 $30 & $35 SUITS booster day specials $17.45 Suspension Bridge Corner Oregon City Oregon, 7th. and Main Sts. Come in and get acquainted whether you buy anything or not Levirirt Booster Day Information Headquarters Full information about Parades, Races, Slide for life, Horse Show Judging, Ball Games, at this store. MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON C E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. "Batered as second-class matter Jan uary 1911, at the post office at Orscua Cttjt Oreron. upiier the Act of Xaroh I. VmJt." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, On Tear, by m: t 0 Six Months, by mail 1.S0 Pour Months, by mall I N Per week, by carrier It April 25 h Ame'i-oan History. 1781-B?tt!n of HobUirk's Hill, or sec ond bailie of Camden, S. C; Gen eral Greene's colonials -defeated by the British under Lord Ruwdon. 1862 Confederate Fort Macon, at Beaufort, X. C, was captured by Federal forces under General Burn side. 1909 Charles Warren Stoddard, au thor and educator, died in Monte rey, Cal.: born lS-i-1. 1910 Governor Charles E. Hughes of New York appointed justice of the United States supreme court. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 6:30, rises 5:03. Evening stars: Mars, Saturn. Morning stars: Venus, Jupiter, Mercury. A CONVENTION CITY. Now, what do you think of that? Oregon City a Convention City. We have entered into work for our spirit ual as well as our financial welfare. In April, 1913, one year hence, we will welcome and entertain the represen tatives from Sunday Schools from all sections of the State, 500 to 600 in number. This demonstrates that all we need do to get things is to go after them. We are awaking to the fact that we have a beautiful, resourceful city, one which everyone in the state should visit, one which will be visited by thousands if we only let them know we are on the map. Since the large expenditures during the past 2 years on street work, and the other work of great public interest and benefit, including the beautifying of our parks by the Woman's Club, we have something of a scenic nature be yond compare to show and methods for showing same. Now we are after conventions. We have proposed and been accepted by The Oregon State Sunday School As sociation. We have many places in which this, convention can be held, but none of them public halls or audi toriums. If we get busy and build a place second to none, one large enough for gatherings twice in num ber of that to be with us in April next We also have hotels, and our peo ple will take many into their homes, but the Hotel Committee of The Live Wires says it must get busy and In terest Foreign Capital in the enter prise if our city and county folk do not see fit to do so. There are many sites of considerable value for this , purpose, and with the promised ele vator to the hill bluff sites are val uable' and available. The Commercial Club and Oregon City are to be congratulated on se curing this assembly of church folk. FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW ADDED ATTRACTION The Electric TODAY THE COWBOY BANJOIST JOE SACKETT The Monarch of all In the realms, of Banjo music. The Man that makes the Banjo TALK. This is in addition to our big pro gram of 4000 feet of the best of film, all of which has passed -the Censor ship and a EXPERT piano artist Professor Fred Feuerbach Entire change of program daily No raise in prices only 5 and 10 cents. I am ready to fill orders for fresh milch cows. Mayfield Bros. Phone Beaver Creek or address Spring water, Oregon, Route No. 1. Dressmaking and all kind3 of sewing Mrs. C. A. Davenport, Room 13 over - Jack & Albright's store. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. S. C. R. I. Reds from greatest prize j LAND FOR SALE: By Mayfield winning stock on racmc uoast, nne big laying hens $1.00 each. Eggs $2.00 per 15, Mrs. S. A. Strong, Ore gon City, Route No. 3. . - - FOR SALE: Thoroughbred Berk shire boar. 350 pounds or over. $35 C. A. Nash, 16th and Divisiion. Bros.,, will sell in any number of acres from $25 to $80 per acre. Ad dress "ayfield Bros., Springwater, Ore; .lOute No. 1, or phone, Beav er Gisek. INSURANCE. B. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Let us handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office in Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. NOTICES BARGAIN-! 5 room modern bungalow. ! Lot 50x100, one block from station. j $1200. Easy payments. Thos. E. Gault. Gladstone. Cre i rutt OALijii: ury wooq, narawoou, a specialty. Price reasonable. E. A. i fiT.AnSTnNTS propertvi wnnspa I rr i ii Oi rt t nL m a. ; 1 natseiu oil nu oireet. liive us; Vacant, lots. acrAHtrP Kaav nav- ments, Thos. E. Gault, Gladstone, Ore. a trial. Phone 2476. DYEING AND STEAM CLEANING. Wants, For Sale, Etc Mettees 4r Unh classifies naassstgs will be Inwtsa at m sat a wars. stoat Inasrttoa. half a cent additieaal teaser Hosts, oae task cais. II acr month, bain taoa ear. (4 mass; si mr awth, v Cash mast aaewmpaay srdcr unless sat has aa apea aeeowU with the paper. Wo Baaaoial riwiuwslbUlty tor errors; wharf errors oeevr free ourrsotssl aotlos wtU b rmtea for aatre. KHmikb sbaroa ttc WANTED. OREGON CITY DYE WORKS 215 7th street. French dry and steam cleaning. Repairing, alterations and relining. Ladies' and gent's clothing of all kind cleaned, pressed and dyed. Curtains carpets, blan kets, furs and auto covers. All work called for and delivered. Phone Main 389. Mrs. Frank Silver. . FOR SALE: 5 room bungalow, bath and modern conveniences. Inquire G. B. Dimick, Oregon City. "WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the city. SAWING A SPECIALTY." Phone your orders. Pacific 3502, Mome B 110. EIGHT AND ONE HALF ACRES And a six room house furnished sev en and one half under high state of cultivation, rich bottom land, five ' blocks from station,, land sells on either side of this place from six hundred to one thousand dollars per acre if sold within sixty days this place sells for ($4400.) Jennings Lodge Real Estate Co., office at sta tion, Jennings Lodge, Oregon. .. . ATTORNEYS. U'REN & SCKUEBEL, Attorneys-at-Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice in all courts, make' collections and settlements. Office in Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon. Notice KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES ENTS, that, Whereas, the State Board of Fish, and Game Commis sioners -of the State of Oregon ' (as well as its predecessor, the Board of Fish Commissioners of the State of Oregon) has propagated and stocked, and is propagating and stocking the waters of the Willam ette River, in the State of Oregon, with salmon fish, and WHEREAS, said stream is fre quented by salmon fish, and for the purpose of protecting same, the State Board of Fish and Game Com missioners of the State of Oregon has decided to close the said Willamette River below and north of the falls thereof at Oregon City to a line across said Willamette River from the lower or north end of the Oregon-Washington .Railroad & Navigation Company's Dock at Oregon City to a concrete pier al most opposite from this point on the west bank of the Willamette River to prevent fishing therein by any means whatever except with hook and line, commonly called angling, for salmon fish, during the period of time hereinafter specified. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN - by said State Board of Fish and Game Commis sioners that said Willamette River below and north of the falls there of at Oregon City to a line across said Willamette River from the lower or north end of the Oregon Washington Railroad & Navigation Company's Dock at Oregon City to a concrete pier almost opposite from this point on the west bank of the Willamette River is hereby closed to fishing of any kind, ex cept with hook and line, commonly called angling, for salmon fish, from and after 12 o'clock noon, on May 1, 1912, until that portion of said Will amette River is opened again to sal mon fishing, other than with hook . and line, commonly called angling, in accordance with section 5316 of Lord's Oregon Laws; and it is and will be unlawful to fish for, or take, or catch any saknon fish by any i means whatever, except with hook j and line, commonly called angling, in any of said waters during the said period of time above specified. Any and all persons whomsoever so fishing in violation of this notice will be prosecuted as by law pro vided. .- GEO. H. KELLY,- Acting Chairman. J. F. Hughes, Secretary. M. J. KINNEY. Constituting quorum State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners. Notice To Creditors Notice if. hereby give that the under signed has been duly appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Clark N. Greenman, deceased, by order of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. All persons hav ing ckims against said estate are required to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned at 1208 Main street, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. ISAPHENA GREENMAN, Administratrix of the Estate of Clark N. Greenman, Deceased. Dated this 4th day of April, 1912. BIDS WANTED Bids will be received until noon, April 30, for the construction and completion of a two story eight-room frame dwelling for D.-M. Shanks of Oregon City, Oregon at the office of) White Bros., architects, No. 408 Jef ferson street, Oregon City, Oregon. The Morning Enterprise is the best breakfast food you can have.. Watch the automobile contest. A CARD OF THANKS ' We wish to thank all the friends and neighbors for many acts of help and sympathy to us in our sad affliction. No one could have done more. In the sadness of remember ing there will be a sweetness in the recalling of alt those kindnesses. MRS AUGUSTA TONKEN. MR. AND MRS. OBEN TONKEN NELLIE' TONKEN LUMBER BUILDING .MATERIALS. OF ALL KINDS at the old stand Harris Saw Mill Address, W. T. Harris, Oregon City Oregon, Route 3. 3oth Phones, Home Beaver Creek, Pacific, Farmers 4 WANTED: Steady, experienced girl for housework. No cooking. Must give refernces. Good wages. Ad-, dress care Enterprise office. "There's a reason for everything" but it's just foolish to trade where you will lose money. Here are some of the things we bay and sell; -SSgjasj WANTED: People that are lovers of curios to call at my store. I have one of the best lines In the valley. J will buy or sell anything of value Have a fine line of second hand furniture. Geo. Young. WANTED: Indian relics and old U. S. postage stamps, good prices paid. : Henry Schoenborn, 1015, 7th street WANTED: Incubator Cyphers pre ferred about 240 egg capacity, ad dress 450, Gladstone. WANTED: Girl for general house work 1007 Main Street or B 284. Squirrel Poison Rose Sprays Disinfectants Lice Killer Weed Killer Lime Brick Cement Fertilizers Seeds Hay Grain Potatoes Stock Poods Blatcht'ords Calf Meal We pay the highest market prices for MOHAIR and WOOL make oar place of Business Your Headquarters on Booster Day OREGON COMMISSION CO. TEL-A 90 nth. and Main St. Tel. Main JO