(33 MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1912. V) v9 n DRY n m E B3 G P C Not since the existence of Oregon City has sach great sacrifice on honest merchandise ever been made. Time is limited and the DRY GOODS STOCK MUST BE SOLD Every article in the line of Yard Goods, Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-Wea Garments, Fornhhings, Shoes, etc., mtist be sold by May I. We will stopit nothing. These departments mtist be abolished no matter how great the loss may be. Cost and former value scattered 11 liias iremenaous SLAUGHTER COME and witness the Greatest Bargain Event in it will be many years before Oregon City will $25 LADIES' SUITS. A beautiful assortment to choose from. All sizes go at 60c Back Combs sacrificed at .20c $5.00 and $6.00 LADIES' SKIRTS In blue and black Serge and Pan ama; very neat designs. $1.25 Mascot Kid Gloves 88c. $1.50 BLACK PETTICOATS Sateen. All go during the final wind-up of the closing of our ladies' departments, for only 10 and 15c Ribbons only 6c. $4.00 and $5.00 SILK WAISTS An entire line of these fancy silk Waists all go for 10c Zephyr Yarn only 6c. LITTLE GIRLS' COATS. Values up to $7 and now will go at the very low price of only 25c and 30c Ribbon Closing out at Only 17c. SHOES, OXFORDS. One lot of ladies' Shoes and Ox fords. Broken sizes and in all leather; srzes run from 2 1-2 to 4, and values to $3.50; clos ing out at 50c and 75c Corsets only 10c. EVERVTHING IN The stock is at the mercy of the and come quick. It is for you Suspension L Cornner $1111.95 siPr. BEGINS 9 a.m. $15 LADIES' SUITS. A few left. Must go quick. Take your choice. 25c Zephyr Gingham only 15c. $10 and $12 SKIRTS Black, blue and gray; plain and fancy trimmed. Closing out for only $3 and $3.50 Long Kid Gloves at $1.98 $7.00 AND $8.00 SKIRTS. Some very classy designs and they will go fast, but all must be closed out, only 5c Val Laces 3c $2.50-$3.00 LADIES'. JERSEYS Just the thing for out doors when you take your summer's vaca tions 6c Domestic Yarn now 3c OUR LINEN WASH SUITS $4.50 to $6.00 values. Ladies we have a few ladies' linen wash suits in tan, blue and white. All go for only $1.85 75c Albatros, closing out at 39c $3.50 TO $4.00 SHOES Ladies' Shoes in gun metal, pat ent, tan, vici kid, in lace or but ton. All go for only $2.38 Odd Lots of R & Q Corsets 50c 402 Sale starts toda y . DRYGOODS AND publie. Price, quality, or cost is to say how much you shall save. Bridge OTHMI r SHARP $30 LADIES' SUITS in blue serge, greys and mixtures. Closing out for only 50c and 65c Dress Goods only 20c $13.50 and $15 SKIRTS Silk Voile. The newest creations in spring Skirts. Ladies, these are beauties. - $1.25 Long Kayser Silk Gloves 72c $1.50 WHITE PETTICOATS Embroidery and lace flounces; closing out for only "P(g)C 25c Child's Knit Waists, only 10c $2.50-$3.00 UMBRELLAS with long mission wood or gold handles.-Closing out for only 12 1-2c Gingham, 9c SPRING LAWNS, 8c. 20c and 25c Spring Lawns, nice selection of patterns at, to close 8c per y d. 10c Toweling closing out, only 4 1-2c. CHILDRENS' SHOES Sizes 9 1-2 to 12 1-2 in all leathers. All to go for the low closing price, only 95c Odd Lot, R & G Corsets, 59c. SI 6 LADIES AND CHILDRENS MERCHANDISE MUfT BE SOLD BY MAY FIRST. entirely ignored. Ihe sacrifice is without a parallel in the annals of merchandising in this section of the State. We say to you, come to the wind. Every price slashed your Life, and, REMEMBER, buy all you can, for again be the scene of such a SACRIFICE as this. ,$35 LADIES' SUITS , . Ladies, take notice of these beau tiful hand-tailored Suits only $1 BLACK PETTICOATS A few left and must be closed out in a hurry. Going at 65c to $1.00 SUk Remnants, only 22 cents Yard. ODD LOT WAISTS Reg. $150 black and white check Waists, must go at once :9c 30 and 35c Fleshiners' Yarn 21 c $2.50-$3.00 HOUSE DRESSES Some very pretty patterns and - made up to suit the lady who , wants style as well as comfort, $1.59 7c Calico, 4 Cents. COTTON GLOVES. One lot cotton lisle Gloves for Misses and Children. Regular 25c Gloves go, for only 5 c pr $1.50 Cotton Blankets, 79c CHILDREN'S HOSE, 18c. Children's Hose in all colors, tan, white, blue and black. Regular 25c Hose, closing out for only 18C $1.00 R&G Corsets 79c. at 9 a 59c $10.00 AND $15 LADIES' COATS A beautiful long coat for sprinS in tan and brown. Closing out 50c Lawn and Silk Organdies 29c $3.00 SILK PETTICOATS. In blue, black and tan, a very nob by dress petticoat, closing out at 25c Phoenix Mufflers 15c $1.50 UNION SUITS. Ladies' made from the finest mercerized cotton and closing out for only 69c 10c Val. Laces only 6c. . $ 1.50 GIRLS' WASH DRESSES. . A few left yet and" will finish them upf or only 25c Burson Hose, 19c. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES A big assortment to choose from in many different patterns, now closing out for only $2.50 Quilts, only $1.29. 12 1-2o OUTING FLANNEL. A bunch of nice patterns to buy from yet. All go for only (0)1 75c Table Linen, 42c. 7th R00 2cY(L 9th $11.50 SERGE DRESSES. These dresses are all made with , silk waists and serge -skirts; closing out , 20c Embroideries Bo for 9c. $1.50 HOUSE DRESSES. in several styles .and patterns and made very neat. Closing out for only 25c and 35c Underwear at 17c ONE LOT WHITE WAISTS Regular $3 and $4 Values and all go at the low price of 15c Val. Laces now only at 9c. 50c KEYSER GLOVES. Black, tan and white Keyser Silk . .Gloves, closing out at only . . . 15c Ribbons now 10c. HOUSE LINING 3 1-2c. Spring is here, time to paper the house and revive it. Regular 6c house lining, closing out for only 3ic Yd. 25c Black Sateen now 18c. 12c PERCALE 8c. We are closing out all yard goods and our 12c Percales goes now for only 20c Galatea Only 14 Cents a Yard. & Main $535 79 $1.79 Oregon Gtv, Oregon i j