MORNING ENTERPBISE, FRIDAY, AFiilL 5, lyiz. -J AN APPEAL TO THE FARMERS OF OREGON There is undoubtedly an organized effort being made by the EXPRESS COMPANIES AND MERCHANTS AS SOCIATIONS to defeat any candidate for the office of u. S. Senator or Rep resentative in Congress who favors PARCELS POST. All who have been aggressive in support of this "Over due Reform" have incurred the en mity of the above interests and it ia now evident that a quiet and concerted effort is being made to defeat them at the PRIMARY ELECTION AND se cure the nomination of men who are in sympathy with the interests and are opposed to PARCELS POST. The . usual tactics are resorted to, such as personal abuse, in order to throw dust in the eyes of the voters and cover up the REAL ISSUE, but their main hope is that a great many FARMERS WILL NEGLECT TO REGISTER FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION which will be held April the 19th. WE APPEAL TO THE FARMERS OF OREGON, AND ALL OTHERS WHO "FAVOR PARCELS POST, TO REGISTER BEFORE THE BOOKS ARE CLOSED ON APRIL 9fh at 5 p. m., Ihen go to the polls on April 19th and VOTE FOR PARCELS POST by voting for MEN WHO WILL REP RESENT YOU in this matter. We have no Initiative and Referendum as yet in NATIONAL AFFAIRS and must be represented by proxies In these im portant issues. Be sure you vote for MEN WHO REPRESENT YOU and not the merchants associations and express companies. THE CANDIDATES ARE SELECT ED AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION, and if you allow the. other fellow to make the selection you will have no choice but to vote for HIS PROXY at the November election and HE will have a representative in Congress and "not YOU. IF WE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY to DO some thing for PARCELS POST AND SHOW OUR APPRECIATION OF THE WORK ALREADY DONE for this cause, it will likely influence the enactment of A PARCELS POST LAW AT THE PRESENT SESSION OF CONGRESS, but if we neglect this op portunity and the interests succeed in nominating their candidate, it will be some time before another SENATOR OR REPRESENTATIVE WILL DARE TO TAKE A PRONOUNCED STAND FOR PARCELS POST. SIX YEARS IS A LONG TIME TO WAIT, MANY OF US WILL BE DEAD BEFORE THAT TIME. Every civilized country on the Globe, save the U. S. A., has a GEN ERAL PARCELS POST. FARMERS, DO YOUR DUTY! YOUR VOTES ARE YOUR OWN, and remember that THE GREAT ISSUE IS "A GENERAL PARCELS POST." Signed by the Executive and Legis lative Committees of the Oregon State Grange. C. E. Spence, Oregon City; A. I. Mason, Hood River; C. L. Shaw, Albany; F. M. Gill, Estacada. - Epistolary Caution. Before the customer paid his bill the hotel stenographer tore several pages out of her notebook and handed them to him. "Only the notes of his letters," she said to the next customer. "About once in six months somebody comes along who keeps sueh a watchful eve on his correspondence that he won't even let a stenographer keep bis notes. Of course It Is nothing to us. and we alwa.vs give them up when asked, to. I don't know what the cautious folk do with them destroy them, maybe. Anyhow, there is no record of foolish utterances left In the stenographer's books." New York Times. Heart to Heart Talks. By EDWIN A. NYE. AS A NAN THINKETH. Looking for trouble? It scarcely seems true you should be looking for something you dp not want. Nevertheless a lot of people do that And there is Scripture warrant for the statement that you will find that which you diligently seek. Some persons are in life long bond age to the fear that something unto ward may happen them. Which is a mighty handicap, because Fear is an invitation to trouble. He who constantly fears that some III or infliction or loss may occur is meeting trouble more than halfway going out to meet .it He is laying down the fence to give trouble an easy access. When calamity leaps the low place you have left in the wall can you call it an intruder? Fear is weakness. Hope is strength. ': Much depends upon whether you face the world with the weakness of fear or the strength of optimism. Be cause we are learning more and more the truth of that saying in the old book: "As a man thinketh in his heart so Is he." If you keep the Sear thought in your heart it is likely to issue in something fearsome, whereas if you cherish the hope thought it is likely to issue in the strength that overcomes. . Sickness? If you go about fearing lest you be sick you probably will become sick. Weakness of your mental forces will open the door to physical ills. Be cause He who fears is likely to lose his head, and he who loses his head loses his health. . Your family? If you are forever haunted by the dread that some infliction may come upon your loved ones you weaken the strong arm. that defends them, the brain that plans for them, the heart that beats for them. Your business? . If you are looking for some detri ment to your business 'the fear of it will weaken the powers you are de pending on to make the business suc cessful. It is so of everything. , There is plenty of trouble in the world without, your organizing an ex pedition in your mind to go looking for it Look for happiness. Masonic Temple Building Masonic Temple Building Masonic Temple Building Masonic Temple Building You Are Most Cordially Invited to Visit the GRAND OPENING of Mew Btme o morrow Sail NOTIONS You can find almost anything you can think of here in the line of Notions and everything at any small price. We feature for the opening sale the following: 25c HOSE SUPPORTERS 10c sad Hose Supporters 4 straps 25c quality 10c. 25c SHEARS AT I()o Dressmakers' Shears nickle plated brass screw and bolt. 50c HAIR BRUSH 25c Large size Fine Bristle. 25c" HAIR BRUSH lie Mahogany Finish Back, Good Qual- 25c TOOTH BRUSH He Celluloid and Bone Handles fine bristles. J5c SHAWL STRAP Qc 2 long straps strong handle. 10c DRINKING CUPS 4c Collapsible Aluminum Drinking Cups, 10c kind 4c. RIC RAC BRAID 5c These so popular braids all size, 5c pack. SAFETY PINS 2"c AH sizes solid brass safety pins, dozen 2c. COMMON PINS l"c Needle Pointed, Good Grades 10c HAIR NETS 5o The "Carmen'' largest and best made. We herewith extend a most hearty invitation to the people of Oregon City and its environs to visit our new store. It is located in the room formerly occupied by John Adams in the Masonic Temple Building. By way of foreword, we want to impress upon your mind that while we took tfver the John Adams store room we DID NOT take over any of the Adams stock, opening with an entirely new stock throughout. We came to Oregon City because we felt that there was an opening in this city for the sort of store we intend to conduct. We want to make very plain to you that we are going to do our level best to make this store worthy of your patronage through all legitimate means. We shall at all times endeavor to carry complete assortments in the various departments. We shall at all times persue a "money-back" policy, meaning that if you are dissatisfied at any time with anything you buy here, will refund the money instantly. We have decided to conduct this business on a cash basis because through doing so we can always undersell. All our buying is done in connection with several large Eastern houses, sharing with them special lots bought under value for Cash from the best wholesalers and manufacturers. We shall also give the famous S. & H. Green Trading Stamps, each 10c purchase allowing you a stamp. The Premium Booth will be permanently located in our store. Come then to this new store and become acquainted with its new stock, its method of doing business and its prices. To our fellow merchants we extend the hand of good fellowship, feeling that whatever we or they do toward making Ore gon City a better trading center will redound to the common good. Again we say: Welcome to Bannon's! You're welcome if you buy and you're just as welcome if you just come to visit. We will be pleased to see you in either event. . MILLINERY Popular price millinery that bears the stamp of fashion's ap proval. Women who appreciate the truly modish will find in 'this bewitching assembly of unique 'conceptions a refinement and ex clusiveness which appeals most strongly to the educated taste. No only is an artistic standard maintained but the prices are al so kept down we have devoted special attention to provide ac ceptable models at most moder ate prices. Here are reproduc tions of imported hats which have all the value of the origi nal, both in fineness of material and in style. We can assure you that you will find it needless in the future to go to Portland for millinery for we shall make it needless. We invite inspection. Beautiful SOUVENIRS FREE TO ALL Not necessary to make a purchase here tomorrow in order to obtain one of the beauti ful Photogravurea free. They are reproductions of the world's master paintings and will beautify any home: While we have several thousands of them we suggest that you come early in order to get one. Remember you do not have to make a purchase to obtain one of these beautiful pictures. . . Grand Concert Saturday Tomorrow Saturday our House warming Day we shall have a con cert by The Philharmonic Orchestra. We invite you to come. ' H.&S. Trading Stamps Free with each purchase We give "S & H" green trading stamps free with each purchase. This system has been added as one of the additional attractive features of this store. It was inaugurated after careful investigation. Through your collection you are enabled to add beautiful and valuable premiums to your household articles that cost you nothing for which you would otherwise have to pay cash. They are given in addition to our always low-, est prices. Permanent Premium Booth in rear of Store. The following stores join with' us in giving these stamps:. Jones Drug Co. Price Bros., Clothiers Oregon Shoe Co. Seeley Grocery " w AsNew Standard of Value Giving in Women's Suits and Dr e s s e s $20 SUITS $11.95 Women's All Wool Serge Suita Skinner Satin lined, covered arm shields, Midnight Blue, Black, Tan, Grey, 3 large buttons, semi-fitting, plain back, skirts have high waist line, pleated and postillion effects. $25.00 SUITS $15.00 -,' Novelty and Cream Serge Suits, newest Soring: models, compare well with any fin- est serges and whipcords, cut-away jackets tS latest skirts in Midnight Blue, Black, Grey and Novelty effects. $10.00 STREET DRESSES $5.50 Dainty one-piece frocks, charming models, of all wool serges in Midnight Blue, Grey or Brown, contrasting trimming of Black Kings Blue, or Sky Blue semi-high wai3ted ef fects; high waist lines small sailor collars very attractive.- S2.5G WASH DRESSES $1.19 Washable Tub Dresses for street wear Gingham, Percale and Fancy Lawn. See sensational window display. Silk Messaline Petticoats $2.29 Every imaginable color represented, deep accordion pleated flounces soft finish silks, The Opening Sale's Great Values in Hosiery and Underwear We want you to know and remember that we guarantee every pair of Hose we sell a new pair given free to replace any that fail to make good. WOMEN'S 39c HOSE 25c Fine Silk Gauze Lisle Garter Top; -double Heel and Toe. 50c SILK HOSE 35c Women's Fine Thread Silk Hose, Black and Tan; 50c value 35c. 85c SILK HOSE 50c ,Womeils Outsize Silk Hose Lisle heel and toe 85c value at 50c. 19c HOSE AT 10c Women's Plain Black and Fancy Hose Big assortment of weights, colors and styles. BOYS 25c HOSE 12i2c Boys' "Whalebone" Hose, heavy cordu roy rib, fast black, all sizes 25c value at 12c. 20c UNDERWEAR AT 10c Women's Vests sleeveless taped ' neck and arm holes. m mvmr '50c UNION SUITS 35c Women's Union Suits sleeveless, brella knee pants; all sizes. um- Entire .Window Full of Stamped Pillow Tops at 25c One of our big windows will contain a display of Stamped Pillow Tops. There are at least 100 patterns.' We fea ture the "Oregon City' top, Mt. Hood surrounded by rose3 and the words "Oregon City." It will well repay your time if you did no more than come down town to see this big opening display. Back and Top for 25c. MEN'S WEAR " We desire to call particular attention to our Men's Furnishings Department. It will be our aim to at all times carry complete as sortments of the wanted and stylish things everything of approved quality and guar anteed lowest "price. For the opening sale we offer: 50c NECKWEAR AT 25c Two hundred dozens of Easter neckwear four-in-hands, Tecks, Clubs, in Plain Bara thea Silks fancy silks endless variety of newest designs. $1.00 UNION SUITS 50c Light weight cream Balbriggan and also Porosknit Union Suits-r-long and short sleeves $1.00 quality during Opening Sale at 50c. ' $1.00 WOOL MIX UNDERWEAR 50c Medium weight wool mixed light grey shirts and drawers $1.00 values at Opening Sale, price of 50c. DRESS SHIRTS 100 We offer you the best shirt sold in the land at $1.00. They are perfect in fit and come in a -wide assortment of patterns. You can't buy them elsewhere under $1.50. PARISIANA CORSETS Women who wear them Pronounce them the Best Made. For the opening we will feature No. 555 Reducing Corsets at $1.00 They are especially designed for large women. They have abdominal straps and 6 Hose Supporters. Every pair guaranteed to give satis faction or a new pair. Laces Embroideries Picked at random from out of our immense showing are these two opening sale specials. 7c V A L LACES jc 5000 yard3 of Imported French Val Laces in Edges and Inser tions. 25c EMBROIDERIES 10 3000 yards of Nainsook Edgings, 5 to 10 inches wide perfectly finished. Neckwear Quite the daintiest and finest lines of neckwear gathered here for your inspection. Prices dur ing the opening will be about half of real value. 50c N ECKWEAH 25c Dainty Jabots, Plauen Collars, fresh from New York's best im porters. 25c WINDSOR TIES 15c Silk Windsor Ties Plaids and Plain all colors. V ; ; DOMESTICS 8 1-3c GINGHAM Qc Amoskeac Apron Ginghams, all siz es of checks. Best made. 10c PERCALES 6 Double" Fold Dark and Light all new patterns. 25c CURTAIN MATERIALS 15c New Spring designs in Reversible Scrims, "Voiles and Etamines. FEATHER PILLOWS EACH 50c Blue Twill Tick clean and sani tary feathersweight 2 pounds each. LACE CURTAINS PAIR 35c White Scotch Lace Curtains 2 yards new and pretty patterns.' $1.2 5 BED SPREADS 89 Full size Marseilles Bed Spreads. 7c CALICOS 5c Best Standard Calicos light and dark. BLEACHED SHEETS 39c Good quality 2x2 yards in size. Shoes for All In making our selections of shoes we paid more attention to quality than anything else and know that when you buy here once you'll come again ' and again. We are agents of "Selz"' shoes for men, Val Dittenhoeffer and "Red Cross" shoes for wom en and "C & E" and Walton shoes for children. Several op ening attractions, $3.50 WORK SHOES $269 Tan and Black, Willow Calf, Box Calf and Chrome, Goodyear Welt, Drill and Leatherlined Oak bottoms, Viscolized soles. $4.00 DRESS SHOES 315 "Selz" Shoes, Tan and Black, Lace or Button, high toes, new est lasts. GIRLS' PUMPS 139 Girls' Black Velvet, 2 strap Pumps all sizes,. 8 to 2 a $2 value. WOMENS ' SHOES S3 50 "Red Cross" and Dittenhoeffer Choice of Velvets, Suedes, Tan and Black, lace or button, White Newbucks Colonial pumps. Best $3.50 values in America. OlDlOQl COo ri asonic Temple BIdg. OREGON CITY