MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1912. Furnish Your Home FREE by Collecting the Famous $M Green Trading Stamps The Stamp with a Baeking of a MILLION DOLLARS 3 a 3 HHHIHHIHIHHSSIHIHBSSiHISIH H HI) 111 P 4J 3 PEEM jj: o H 111 o GO a 55 J- .d3 S3 O (0 RHUS Hi 111 B fen In Introducing Our PREMIUM System to Oregon City Beginning SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1912 , We will give a BOOK with Feii Stamps Free At Premium Paslo in BANNON & GO'S. Stoie l" Premims Consist of Evetything the Most Fastidious Cold Desire Make Your Dollar Buy the Mos Bp trading where Stamps are Given mH: Green Trading Stamps are being collected by women in the five -hundred largest cities of the United States. Though new to Oregon City, doubtless every woman here knows the de tails of our Profit-Sharing Plan; we will not stop to explain it. From this day on yon will want to know the names of the merchants who will give these .t Green Trading Stamps with all cash sales, because you will soon know that by no other means can you demand so diversified a line of premiums as are given in exchange for. them To begin with it, is only necessary for you to Remember to obtain HVC Green Trading Stamps with your purchases. The merchant who gives them does so wholeheartedly. They bring cash to his counter. With cash he can take advantage of the markets, save his discounts and consequently buy for less. You. harvest the double profit of fresher and better goods for less money, and the richest premiums the world affords. Visit our premium parlor at BANNON CO'S. STORE. It is filled with such magnificent gifts as fine Furniture, exquis ite Cut Glass, Lamps, Silver-Plated Ware, Sterling Silver Ware, Bric-a-Brac EVERYTHING. Any or all of these premiums are yours, without a penny's cost And on Saturday April 6th every visitor to our premium parlor will receive TEN (10) STAMPS FREE to Start a book. Below is a list of the enterprising, merchants of Oregon City who give HVC Green Trading Stamps. Save your own purse by patronizing them. Bring us your Soap Wrappers, Tobacco Tags, Labels, Trade Marks and particularly your HAMILTON BONDS AND COUPONS. We will give you Green Trading Stamps for them. " , Take Advantage of the Ftee Coupons Below They Will Help Fill Your Book COUPON. . . .GOOD UNTIL APRIL 15, 1912 . . COUPON cut out this coupon good for Ten (10) "S. & H." Stamps. BANNON & CO. Masonic Temple building By making a chash purchase of Fifty cents (50c) or over and presenting this couponpon you will receive ten (10) extra "S. & H. Stamps. These stamps are given in addi tion to the stamps you receive with your purchase. Stamps issued with this coupon are good in any book. COUPON GOOD UNTIL APRIL 15, 1912 COUPON cut out this coupon good for, Ten (10) "S. & H." Stamps.. ." . OREGON CITY SHOE STORE By making a chash -purchase of Fifty cents (50c) or over and presenting this coupon you will receive ten (10) extra "S. & H. Stamps. These stamps are given in addi-, tion to the stamps you receive with your purchase. Stamps issued with this coupon are good in any book. mm COUPON GOOD UNTIL APRIL 15, 1912 COUPON cut out this coupon good for Ten (10) "S. & H." Stamps. . . J. E. SEELEY, GROCER. By making a chash " purchase of Fifty cents (50c) or over and presenting this coupon you will receive ten (10) extra "S. & H. Stamps. These stamps are given in addi tion to the stamps you receive with your purchase. Stamps issued with this coupon are good in any book. . Bring your Tobacco Tags, Labels, Soap Wrappers, Trade Marks, Etc., to the ZVt Prem ium Parlor. You will be given Green Trading Stamps for them. This will aid you to greatly hasten the fil ling of your stamp book. Hamilton Bonds and Coupons are exchangeable for the O&C Green Trading Stamps. COUPON GOOD UNTIL APRIL 15, 1912 v 'COUPON cut out this coupon good for Ten (10) "S. & H." Stamps PRICE BROS By making a chash purchase of Fifty cents (50c) or over and presenting this coupon you will receive ten (10) extra "S. &. li." stamps. These stamps are given in addi tion to the stamps you receive with your purchase. Stamps issued with this coupon are good in any book. COUPON GOOD UNTIL APRIL 15, 1912 COUPON cut out this coupon good for Ten (10) "S. & H." Stamps JONES DRUG CO. By making a chash purchase of Fifty cents (50c) or over and presenting this coupon you will "receive ten (10) extra "S. & H." stamps. These stamps are given in addi tion to the stamps you receive with your purchase. Stamps issued" with this coupon are good in any book. GRAND OPENING DISPLAY OF ?C Cash Premiums Permanently on Display at Bannon Co's. New Store THOMAS A. SPERRY, President PORTLAND BRANCH, 108 11th STREET. Paid V Capital, $ 1 ,000,000.00 LOCAL PREMIUM PARLOR, BANNON CO'S. STORE BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY 0 iil ' is is ml jlljjj FT m ml H