b . MORNING ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1912. ester Tocns We're Dressing Up the Town STOP where you are. Turn your good ear this way. Listen a moment Men and young men like yourself are making a beaten path to our door. They're coming one by one, in pairs, in trios and occasionally in bunches. We're putting wonderful looking clothes on scores, and smiles of contentment on scores of faces. J We're but the "bull's eye" we've got the clothes, the styles and fabrics that -"make good" with good dressers. We've got thecorrect and stunning Easter Clothes. JUST GLANCE AT THE ARRAY OF THE MOST REPRESENTATIVE APPAREL MADE L System, Hirsh, Wickwire and Michaels Stern Clothes $12.50 to $35 Willamette and Stetson Hats $3.00 to $5.00 Doniger English dps 75c to $2.50 Etc., Etc. h ; Gibson ;i;s Manhattan and Ide Shirts $1.00 to $3.50 W. L. Dougl as and Stetson Shoes $3.50 to $5.00 Cowen's and Chertsy Neckwear 25c to Etc., Etc. 'Don't Dally; Come on Along.- Price Bros. Clothes Shop Not Like Others SIXTH and MAIN STS. Established J 895 ' ' . ; :. . ' 4