MORNING ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1912, The Pygmy Hippopotamus. One of tbe animals least known to the outside world is the pygmy hippo potamui of West Africa. It is just what its name implies, a pygmy hippo potamus. It is much smaller than the common hippopotamus, being uo larger than an ordinary or fair sized hog. It differs somewhat from the common hippo In the character of its teeth, and Instead of spending its time in the riv ers and lakes In large herds it wanders about through the jungles singly or in pairs, much after the manner of swine in search of mast Agents for Standard Patterns Agents for 4 Buster Brown Shoes LOWER ELECTRIC RATES WATCH OUR BUSINESS GROW The fx Store i EASTER GLOVES Ladies' Short Silk Gloves C A white and black double tips "L Long Silk Gloves, black and white ble 83c and 1.00 Ladies' Geneva Silk Hose OCp colors pink, blue, white and tan m) V Ladies' 25c Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, special Or 2 for l Ladies' Fancy Neckwear Fancy Net and Lace OCp Jabots - Side Pleat Jabots 25c Messaline Bows, lace OC trimmed - - - - Men's Coat style Shirts, without collars, light colors I8p Special one week - - Ot Mill ends of Calico and Lawns, special for one day, Op Saturday, Mar. 30, yd JL EASTER SHOES Ladies' Tan Calf but- 'I ton oxford . . MmUJ Ladies' Tan Button O C A Oxfords, cloth tips3, Ladies' Black Velvet 1 C f 3 straps, the White House Shoe- Black Velvet, 2 strap 00 pumps . . 03 Black Velvet 1 strap 1 'JC pumps . . , V. i O Ladies' patent leather CA pumps, $2.00 and Misses' black velvet i f r pumps, sizes 1 2 to 2 ! Zf O SAMPLE SHOES A sample line of ladies' suede velvet and gun metal pumps and oxfords, sizes 3l and 4, widths B,C and D, to be sold at HALF PRICE Marines. Marines soldiers serving on ship board date back to the year 10ti4. when an order In council, dated Oct 16. authorized 1.200 soldiers to b raised and formed into a regimeut. More regiments were later on formed, and by 17.r9 the marines numbered 18,000 men. In the latter years of the French wars they numbered 82.000 The marines are today a feature of every navy, and In most countries officers of the marines are equal in rank with those in the army and navy. New York American. All Feet. "In a large city like New York one may find many queer names, particu larly of people," said a license clerk at the city ball, "but seldom does one find the succession of names In the same family continue in this odd groove. I came across such a case the other day. George C. Foote and Miss Mary Stocking came to me for a li cense to wed. "Out of curiosity I asked Miss Stock ing for her mother's maiden name. She said it was Miss Shoemaker." New York Press. The Peanut. The peanut is a mine of riches, con taining more protein, or lean meat val ue, than any other nut known and an immense store of fat, so that as a food It is a rich treasure, but it should be recognized and used as a solid food and not as a between meal tidbit, for it is anything but a deiicate or light food. This, however, may be said of all nuts, and one should avoid over loading the system with them, for by this is indigestion formed and unde served reproach to nuts as foods. Beliefs About Waves. The Persians believe that the waves of the Persian gulf are caused by air entering caves which have subterra nean outlets under the ocean. One of the most curious beliefs of all one closely akin to a certain ancient orien tal hell belief is that of the south sea islanders. According to their notion, the rolling of the sea is caused by a "thunder god." In old times this "thunder god" killed the chief deity of tbe islands and was confined under the ocean as a punishment His rolling with rage causes the waves. Some Men Do That Anyway. "What would you do If you had $1, 000,000?" "Nothing."-Detroit Free Press. As a result of economic methods and the acquirement of additional facilities, the PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY takes a great deal of pleasure In announcing to the citizens of Oregon City and the surrounding territory an import ant reduction In its electric light and power rates. IMPORTANT It has been the constant policy of the Company to give good service at reason able rates. The Company is more interested than anybody else in building up a bigger, busier and better Portland, and it fully recognizes the important Influence of low rates and good service. The new lighting rate is 9, 7 and 4c per kilowatt hour. Details of this reduction and the conditions involved can be secured upon application at any of the Company's offices. Several months will be required to change over the 31,000 ac counts which this reduction In lighting rates will affect.. In order that our patrons may be put to the least possible Inconvenience, new contracts will be mailed beginning May 1st. The Company earnestly requests that these be signed, witnessed and returned to the Company's representative in Oregon City as promptly as possible, thus avoiding the possibility of waiting In line at the office. Portland Railway, Light and Power Company MAIN OFFICE SEVENTH & ALDER STS. PHONES MAIN 6688 AND A. 6131. A Pound of Coal. One pound of good coal has sufficient energy to lift a man fourteen miles high. TnurrtD ana toe Nans. A lost thumbnail will be generally re placed in five months, and a great toe nail requires twice as long Baldness. According to a Parisian physician, premature baldness Is the result of some teething trouble. Blue (Qreyhomds off the Roaxd I 31 uT -Hi. XIV m rwm Price $685 F. O. B. Oregon City, Fully Equipped ,rOU have seen the big pretentious, showy cars clattering noisily tip the hill cn low gear, like taking a big freight elevator to the sixteenth floor the idea has gone out of date. Henry Ford exploded it long ago. He brought out cars of ample size, but built the bodies, as well as other parts, light in weight, and ptit in motors of ample power. Now Ford cars are the greyhounds of the road. They take hills on the high gear. They are noiseless and vibra tionless. Easy to run and inexpensive to operate Price $815 F. O. B. Oregon City, Folly Equipped V 1 i i 1 I I Price $785 F. O. B. Oregon City, Folly Eqoipped Visit the Ford exhibition at oar garage at the corner of Fourth and Main Streets, and a mo ment's inspection of the Ford Car will convince the most skeptical that it is the car that will do all its maker claims. I Price $685 F. O. B. Oregon City, Folly Eqoipped We carry a full line of Bicycles and Supplies. Our Repair Department is able to handle any job you may have C A. ELLIOTT, Local Agent Fourth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon Phones A-72, Main 119. i