MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1912. The Most In Value SPRING OPENING SALE ,li(r 1 L. Adams Department Store The Best In Quality 1 1 Ij I ff- Hi. 'HI . ' I , I -A. 1 ' I I n. i'!ti' , i S " ,! Pit lit' !: I J nr". Early spring opening of ready-to-wear suits and coats a great success. Many come from far and near to see the new styles in spring suits. A new feature in our Ladies Suit Sale is a Men Tailored Suit selected from our own New Clothes, made to your measure in three days at the same price. '1 A V,.(i;-i:?--?f.;ii1' '-' X ft ft ':C Winston Churchill Speaks Of Home Rule to Belfast O A r J L Oregon Citiy's Great Department Store w 1 $&y ? Churchill photo by American Press Association. A THREATENED outbreak of the old feud between Irish Unionists and Irish Home Rulers on the occasion of Winston Churchill's speech at Belfast on the new home rule measure was averted through a for nate combination of circumstances. . The original' purpose of Mr. Churchill was to speak in Ulster hall, the building in which his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, delivered his famous speech opposing an earlier home rule bill, in the course of which he said, "Ulster will fight, and. Ulster will be right." Mr. Churchill abandoned this intention, a large force of soldiers Was thrown into the city and a steady downpour-of rain discouraged any violent demonstration, although the weather did not prevent a great audience of Nationalists' assembling hi the tent which was pitched for the meeting. Mr. (?hurcliil! spoke at lenttth, defining the government program for Ireland, and was supported by .lotm Redmond,. , who so dominates Irish politics in the British parliament-nod at' liome that he Is derisively called the "king of Ireland' by !;is Uisteriti- enemies. The first lord of the admiralty (which is Mr. Church!.!!' ofi';-''l it;l) will be recognized in our illustration by his char ucferlstk' jre-Uire.' extendi nr the right arm to its full length! The other ph tpgrapU is li-'iit f Mr Uertiv.ond can "eat.- The feast lasts for hours, and as the big party troops ont of the banquet room they shout: "Long live Antonio Mancinl!" Another eccentricity of this great painter is that his one Idol is his fa ther. Mancinl says the most of the pleas Dre he gets from the larjre prices he Is paid for his pictures Is that he can spend money to make the old father happy. One of his famous pictures Is of his father. He Is his "father's boy." He forgets he Is a man with a great reputation and treats his father as he aiu wuen ne was a sirujrsnus: an stu dent His first Impulse on seeing his father enter his studio is to embrace him in the same way he did when a child. ' - Mancinl erplains that his father struggled and mad many sacrifices to enable him to get his art education. Now, if these "eccentricities" show Mancinl to be insane give us more such mad painters. . We have heard much of "the eccen tricities of genius.'" but few of this sort. ' Psychologists and pathologists may disagree as to what Is sanity or In sanity. But - A great" man ?bo loves the common people and tvho shares his successes with them and who dearly loves the old father who for his sake in thei days of privation ate many short din-" ners why. he Is glorious, sane or Insane. BARON SANDHURST. Now Lord Chamberlain of England; Social Arbiter. Clark Griffith is a philosopher-. Ha has warned the Washington fans that they must not expect a winner the coming summer, as it takes a long time to get a winning combination to gether out of as small a nucleus as he had when he started on the job. bows ana oeaux. Bella Is she musical? B-rulah Not i bit. Bella But I heard somebody say ;he had had experience in handling a w? Beulah Oh, they meant she had been engaged to be married several times. Yonkers Statesman. ' Consideration. "If anybody gave you tainted "money would you keep it yourseif or send it to the foreigu missions?" "Keep it myself, of course. Would you have me spread infection?" Balti more American. ChampionT rotting Gelding. Charley Mitchell, the champion trot ting gelding of last season,' wtll cam paign this year "in the colors of C. K. G. Billings, who" recently , bought the rare trotter for . $4,500. Charley Mitchell last year hung up a itecord of 2:044- Heart to Heart By EWLN A.NYE. . SANE CK INSANE. - Rome 'and Paris, are asking, "Is the painter Antonio Mancinl mad oronjy a genius?" ' Certainly he is a genius. His pictures bring big prices, and he never has to solicit orders. Some of his critics hail him as ; the coming great painter, and others say his ec centricities point to Insanity. These are the "eccentricities:" He cares nothing about high society. Nothing attracts him except tUe com mon people, whom he loves and finds Interesting. He -finds them less spoil ed, more natural.' He studies life with the veneer off down to the flesh, bones, sinews and bloo'd. Beneath, at the heart of things, he finds their disappointments. Joys, sorrows, and puts them on can vas. ' . Moreover He has his studio above a stable' among" plain dwellings. When he cel ebrates the completion of a picture he does so by treating the entire neigh borhood to as much macaroni as they AVSfr .... s- ; . Making of Character. To endure injustice without answer ing it with hatred, to endure grief without having the spirit , broken, to endure disappointment and yet to go on cheerfully these things make char acter. . - Witriam. Wisdom is cherished by the few, neg lected by. the many and hired by the Working for the other fellow and Get Busy for Yburself What can be won with a little work a Une pAze every JO days THE To what people are saying and yot will see how popular yoti are THEN GET IN AND WIN a, 5?.-4 ;s; t . v.-safe -f r t - . t . - v Yours for the asking . - . 4 , It " ' ' - - ).-: '' l- ? Si1 . ' . .-if I' - x'K -i- - - ' . - Don 't it look good to you To stimulate interest in the voting and to give each one a chance to profit by their work we will give a prize every ten days. These prizes will not affect ;the Una1 count in any way as all votes will count on THE GRND AUTOMOBILE ; These prizes will be given to the one that hands n the largest number of votes every ten days. the Third Special Prize for the best 1 0 days showing will be an order on J. Levitt's Popular Store. This order is good for anything in his store worth up to $15 00 or can be applied on a larger account. This order had ought to be worth every effort you can put forth.