ower ectee mi As the result of economic methods and the acquirement of additional facilities; the PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY takes a great deal of pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Oregon City and surrounding territory an important reduction in its electric light and power rates. It has been the constant policy of the Company to give good service at reasonable rates. The Company is more interested than anybody else in building up a bigger, busier and better Portland, and it fully realizes the important inflnence of lower rates and good service. ew D01 to-TO 01 0 sites Beginning July 1, 1912, electric light bills will be rendered by the PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY atthefollow ng reduced rates, based on the customer's demand: First 6 per cent of his possible maximum consumption at 9 cents per K. W. H. Next 6 per cent of his possible maximum consumption at 7 cents per K. W. H. Excess over 12 per cent of possible consumption at 4 cents per K. W. H. The above rates are net if paid within ten days from the date of the bill; otherwise they will be 5 per cent greater. " Discounts for quantity will be allowed at the rate of 1 cent per k. w. h. for monthly consumption in excess of 1000 ki w. h., with an addi tional 1 cent for monthly consumption in excess of 3,000 k. w. h. v The company desires to make plain .the fact that the reduction is not in the proportion of the 15 cent of the old rate to the 9 cent of the new rate. Of the smaller residences, constituting the vast majority of our patrons, those who use electricity in excess of their minimum bills will receive a substantial reduction, but the average decrease for all lighting business will be much less than indicated by the above figures. IMPORTANT: Several months will be required to change over the 31,000 accounts which this reduction in lighting rates will affect. In order that our patrons may be put to the least possible inconvenience, new contracts will be mailed beginning May 1st. The Company earnestly requests that these be signed, witaessed and returned to the Company's office in Oregon City as promptly as possible, thus avoiding the possibility of waiting in line at the office. - ew Power Kates After July 1st, 1912, new power schedules will be offered. As rapidly as our commercial department! can handle the Change-over, power . Plastic..', -i customers will be transferred to jthe new rates. We wish to emphasize the fact that all contracts cannot be changed at the same time, but each individual patron will be visited by one of our representatives who will be glad to explain the advantages and other features of the new schedules. The rate for installations of moderate size, based on the customer's demand, is: First 4 per cent of his possible maximum consumption at 7 cents per K. W. H. Next 4 per cent of his possible maximum consumption at 5 cents per K. W. H. Excess over 8 per cent possible maximum consumption at 2 cents per K. W. H. A discount for quantity will be allowed at the rate of 1 cent per K. W. H. for monthly consumption in excess of 1500 It W. H. For wholesale power a charge of $1.25 per kilowatt of demand per month plus the following charges per K. W. H. delivered. Fi st 1,000 K. W. H. at 2 cents Next 16,000 K. W. H. at 8 mills Next 2,000 K.W. H. at 1 1-2 cents Next 32,000 K. W. H. at 7 mills -Next 4,000 K. W. H. at 1 1-4 cents Next 64,000 K. W. HL at 6 mills Next 8,000 K. W. H. at 1 cent Over 127,000 K. W. H. at 5 mills A careful comparison of the published power rates of other cities has disclosed the fact that the above schedule is lower than any in force on the coast. . ' " V" ' .- Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. OREGON CITY '