5 THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST ale Dora IN QUALITY 1912 L I TO Spring f ADAMS D P A N Spring comes around every twelve months at ttie County Seat of old Clackamas, and with it the seasons fashions in Merchandise at L. Adams Department Store, and the interest -shown in the display of new up-to-date merchandisers increased at each succeeding event. This year finds.us better prepared than ever to serve the wants of our trade in every department of the Big Store. Our increased trade demands improved methods, greater variety, and if possible, better selection of merchandise at lower prices. We have spared neither 'time nor pains to secure the very best that money can buy for the patronage of this store, and we solicit the co-operation of the trade. If we are right tell others, if we are not right -tell us, and we will make if right. , The New S Suit F02 Men Copyright Hart Schaffher & Marx Is the Hart, Schaffner & Marks in handsome variety of Spring Models. A revelation at sight in Men's Cloth ing, patterns of indistinct stripes, pin stripes, self woven stripes, silk woven stripes, serge weaves, and distinctive blue-browns, reddish-brown, orange-brown, mottled grays, homespun weaves, etc., with sizes to fit the stout, the lean, the long and the short at absolutely the lowest prices at our Suit Sale Opening. Young Mens Suits and Boys' Suits The smart style, strictly up to the minute in fabrics and f ash ions, of Spring material and tailoring such as we now show at our Spring Opening Sale Young Mens Suits $10 to $15 " Boys' Suits $2.50 to $10 New Spring Shoes for 1 9 12 Shoes for the big, the little and the go-between, in our exclusive Shoe Department. Ladies' Shoes in Queen Quality, and Utz & Dunn, in patent leather, dressed and undressed kid, tans, black and white, from the high button to the low pump. New Creations in Ladies9 Wear Most exclusive designs and clever tailoring shown in the New Palmer Garment Suits and Coats for Spring, 1912, now shown at our Spring Opening Sale. Other makes of most fashionable designs, at very moderate prices, are now shown in our Suit Room. Light tans in plain weaves and indistinct stripes are prevalent, also the navy blue and white serge, made in narrow skirts and short coat. The New Spring Suits are very attractive and prices' most reasonable, ranging in up-to- date styles $35.00 down to $15.00 Another range of Ladies' Suits at even more moderate prices are offered for our special Spring Opening Sale from $12.90 down to $5.90 VISIT OUR I AniFQ' QUIT rtnrwt MEN'S SHOES in patent, vici calf, black or tan J 1 Y W Unlimtted choice of Boys' Girls' and Children's Shoes and Slippers NEW SPRING FURNITURE Our new and spacious Furniture Departmsnt is brim full of nice New Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Rugs, Linoleum, Draperies, Lace Curtains and Window Shades. When in need of Furniture be sure to see the L. Adams Furniture Department and secure our low prices. New Spring Dess Goods We have no fear of contradiction when we say that our New Showing of Spring Dress Goods is the finest ever opened in this city! Many new novelties in early Spring Suitings of all wool texture, new tans. browns and grays of indistict stripes, and novelty plaids with staples of navy blue, white, and cream serge for suits, dresses and spring coats. Let us have the pleasure of showing you our New Spring Dress Goods. NEW SPRING MILLINERY .We have just opened our new Spring Hats fdr ladies, a most attractive display of up to date styles at very moderate prices. Our very large selection will enable you to find just what you want in your new spring hat at a very moderate price. Let us show you. Ladies' New Waists For Spring, in fine materials of white and colored Lingeries, extra fine lawns and lace trimmings predomonates in waists. Silk waists are also freely used for spring. Our spring line of waists is now open. We will fit you in size and price. Mens Hats The Mallony $3.50 Wall Paper Decorations Our new stock of Wall Paper for spring is now in. Let us show you the new patterns in Wall Paper for house decorations to beautify your home, and give you the lowest prices.- ASK FOR RED TRADING STAMPS J U A fo) A JUL Oregon City's Big Department Store ALTERATIONS FREE OF CHARGE