Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 07, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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This torpedo type is a jolly little car
for "just two.." It is as graceful as
our designers could conceive it, as
strong and dependable as Overland
engineering skill could make it
equally good for long or short trips.
Costs very little and you cannot buy
its equal elsewhere.
F. O. B. Oregon City, $1700, fully equipped. Full 45 H. P.
A model embodying every feature
conducive to ease of operation. An
ideal car for those who appreciate the
fact that starting, stopping, and speed
changing are robbed of complication.
Especially adapted for women and
children strong, sturdy, reliable and
costs little to operate.
$1425 F. O. B. Oregon City, fully equipped. 35 H. P.
This model combines strength,
speed and grace all typical Overland
qualities. We offer here to the man
with the modest pocketbook a car of
service and beauty. To understand its
many practical, satisfying features,
to know its beauty, study this illustra
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$1 100 F. O. B. Oregon City fully equipped. 30 H. P.
$1425 F, O. B. Oregon City fully equipped
- Conserving the graceful lines of the
racer with the sturdy qualities of the
touring car, of which much service is
expected. Overland touring cars are
built to "tour," offering strength, re
serve power, speed and easy riding.
Price low Value far above the or-dinarv.
35 H. P.
$1750 F. O. B. Oregon City, fully equipped.
You can pay more for a touring car,
but you cannot get a better one at the
price. We offer here every refine
ment of equipment and finish found
on the highest priced car. If you in
tend to pay more, see this car first
it may change your mind and save you
money. .
Admitted by experts to be the most,
perfect torpedo body in existence
and guaranteed to embody Overland
quality and workmanship. A power
plant most elastic in speed and power -requirements.
45 H. P.
$1750 F. O. B. Oregon City, fully equipped. 45 H. P.
An ideal car for professional men,
particularly doctors, with whom dig
nity of appearance and weather pro
tection are essentials. Designed along
latest lines a bvi, in appearance
nnd .xt.5!-s! irr- nee.
$1375 F-O.B Oregon City
rull 30 H. P.
The Car they all turn to. look at.
The most modestly priced touring
car on the market. Reserve power
and speed to meet all rational require
ments. A big roomy body, carrying
five passengers with all comfort.
$1100 F. O. B. Oregon City
30 H. P.
When we say fully equipped, we mean top, windshield, lamps, horn, stool, speedometer, and everything you will need. Let us give you
specifications on these cars.
3s Tikes K&i&dom Mltelholl srs
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Mitchell Baby Six
$1500 F. O. B, Oregon City
FuU 36 H. P.
Mitchell Touring
$1900 F. O. B. Oregon City.
Full 48 H. P. A beauty.
We show here only two models of the Mitchell, but have others on display. These cars are so well known that most every one has heard of them.
We will be pleased to give a demonstration of either the Mitchell or Overland any time or place.
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We carry everything in the Auto line; have one of the best Garages in the State and will back up anything we sell. Tel. Main 77