$4 High Grade . Black Silk Shirt Waists, selling $5, $5.50 and $6.50 Fancy Silk Shirt Waists beautiful de- CQ QQ signs, go at )u.UU $3.50 to $5 Sweater Coats, all colors, now Mascot Kid Gloves, all the desisable shades, price $1.25, nOr Long Kid Gloves $3.50 grade, very fine quality now sacrific- & Q 1 fl ed at price of f this is your chance, sel ling out at the price of 10 and 11c Percales pretty patterns, sel ling out at "1 1m $1.00 Silk Hose, our standard quality, sel- ling out at jqp price of tub out at low price of $2.33 go sacrificed at price of $2.33 selling out at 0 $1.25 to $1.50 Ladies' Shirt Waists, a fine as sortment, selling "I fl out at price of J $ 1 3o 15c KOMONA FLANNELS slaught ered at per flip yard JU 12ic OUTING FLANNEL selling out at per yard 8c 75c and $1 Childrens WASH DRESSES sacrificed at closing out 48c 50c LADIES' VESTS AND PANTS selling outat 33jj $1.50 Ladies' High Grade Union Suits selling out at 79c KAYSER GLOVES the $1.00 GRADE, Black and White at 59c ful selection iffo fv C to choose fly from, selling eVQ 2TiJ ' out price Q-T O Dress Goods, Wash Goods Muslins, Ginghams, Etc. 50c Dress Goods, selling out at the 65c and 75c Black, Brown, Blue. M0g etc. Dress Goods at Tub $1.75 wool Cashmere Suitings go ! 15 sacrificed at per yard a $ 1 .00 White Wool Dress Goods to be CQn slaughtered at uUu 75c Albatross go slaughtered at per JJJg $1.50 pure white wool flannel, fancy QQa embroidered edge, per yard...... Uuu 12 and 15c Silkoline and Cretonne Ifln go slaughtered at ' Uu 25c Lawns and Challies, selling out 1 C a at per yard . Ob 40c and 50c finest Lawns, beautiful OQ a patterns, go at per yard.. ZOu 50 to 75c imported Lawns, expuisite QQa -qualities, selling out at uub 20c Galatea Cloth, best quality,' all IAa colors, go at I'tv J 5c Shirtings, A I quality, all staple flip patterns, go at per yard u2b 35c Zephyr Ginghams, now selling 1 Q a out at per yard... lub $12.50 and $15.00 Ladies' Suits good selection of patterns, latest styles, good quality, r -f fT selling out while they ZT last at the low price T) of each . Y . .. . Table Linens, Calicoes, Percales, Toweling, Etc. 65c and 75c high grade red and blue checked Table Linen .... $1.00 bleached Table Linen, two yards wide, go at $1.50 extra fine Damask Table Linen, slaughtered at 1 5c linen crash Toweling, selling out at, per yard v Lonsdale bleached Sheeting 2c grade sacrificed at 25c All colors Satteen selling out at yard 10c Cabot W. Sheeting, sacrificed at per yard J 5c double width, 36 inch, fine Per cales, go at : 7c Calicoes, many patterns to pick from, go at i. 1 5c Outing Flannel, very best grade slaughtered at 10c Cotton Toweling of the best quality, goes at 30c Bed Ticking, very strong, sell out at yard 121c Dress Ginghams, all the desir able patterns 42c 58c 88c 9c 9c 18c 7k 9!c 4 c 9c 6c 19c 9c Women's Misses and Chil dren's High Grade Shoes Our Shoes were always our pride. We car ried only lines we could absolutely guarantee.. $3.00 ladies' Shoes, all sizes and "Ifl styles, selling out at J)l.u $3.50 fine ladies shoes, now go slaughtered at $4 00 vici, gunmetal, velvet and patent leather shoes ........ $4.50 and $5.00 highest quality ladies dress and street shoes $3.00 ladies Oxfords, now selling out at, choice $4.00 snappy Oxfords for ladies, now sacrificed at $2.00 old ladies' comfort shoes and slippers, g at . $J.50 old ladies' comfort shoes and slippers, go at $2.50 high grade misses' shoes, fine ' leather, go at ... $2.00 good misses shoes, now slaughtered at $1.50 strong, fine children's shoes selling outat... $1.00 children's shoes go sacrificed at per pair i .. ........... $2.38 $2.89 $3.15 $1.68 $2.39 $1.23 $1.15 $1.69 $1.23 $1.05 68c Underwear Hosiery, Com forters, Blankets, Etc. 35c ladies' ribbed Underwear, selling out at : 50c ladies' Underwear now being sacrificed at 1 5c children's stockings, heavy black ribbed, go at , 25c children's stockings, in black, tan white and blue 1.50 to 2.00 Niagara silk ladies' hose selling out at.... 1.50 Comforters, go while they last at : 1 .25 sheet blankets, 9-4, full size, sel ling out at .. Shawls and Fascinators 18c 38c 9 c 18c 1.2 73c Fine Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons and Bonnets 4c 35c Shawls and Fascinatars, selling 1 0o out at (C 100 Shawls'' and Fascinators, go CQ slaughtered at jjt 2.50 and 3.00 Shawls and Fascinators 1 43 slaughtered at.... a 50c Corsets, all sizes, good models, now to be slaughtered out at price of ...... 33c $1.00 R&G Corsets, all styles, selling out at the price of each .,.......(.... 75c $1.75 R&G Corsets, in all the leading designs now selling out at o o $1.15 $1.00 Ferris Waists for children, the best "7Cp in the market, selling out at 1 0c Skeins Yarn, all colors, selling out at "T the low price of .., $2.50 R&G Corsets, very fine quality, now selling out . at price of $1.69 $3.50 Highest Grade R&G Corsets, beauti ful designs, selling out $2.38 8c to 10c Embroideries, nice assort-. ment to choose lrom 1 2c to 1 5c Embroideries, good quality "7 selling out C 20c to 25c Embroideries now to be 10 slaughtered at-.'. IS 35 and 50c extra wide corset cover 0O Embroidery go at US 5c and 6c Laces selling out at the Q record price of ( ... JC 1 0c Laces go while they last at per C yard yC 1 5c Laces, a beautiful line to choose "7l from, go at 2C Baby Ribbon, all colors, selling out at 1 2 yards for , C 5c staple Ribbons in all the demandable shades 1 0c line ribbons in the proper widths O and quality J 5c Ribbons in all the popular colors, go at......'..., 30c and 35c high grade wide Ribbons "I Q all shades go at..., 0 50c, 65c and 75 children's Bonnets tYlr, goat, choice...,...;).!..:..- Jl 3c 8c 50c Ferris Waists, for Children, selling out at the low price of each .... 37c $1.50 Lace Curtains, selling out at the price of pair , 98c 6c Skeins Yarn, all colors, selling out at the price of 4c HANDKERCHIEFS THE 10c GRDDE, selling out at "v:"-'' '''' FINE LINEN 25c Handkerchiefs in plain or ini tialed at 13c 25c JABOS, neat designs, selling out at ' 10c 20 and 25c LADIES' FINE LINEN COL LARS, selling out at 10c 10c PEARL BUT TONS, selling out at per doz. 4c 50c KAYSER GLOVES in Black, White, Tan, Q7A Etc. at jU One Lot LADIES' SHORT COATS $5 to$10 I AQ grades, at J) JfQ $3.50, $4 and $5 Lace Curtains, ar tistic designs, selling out at $2.35 Underwaists for Children, knitted, 1 5c to 25c grades go at 10 c $30.00, $32.50 & $35.00 Ladies' Fine Suits Strictly hand tailored, Swell Mod els and Fabrics, fine quality, sel ling out at the low price of 7 45 One Lot Children's Coats, $3.00 to $5.00 $1.00 grades, choice 25c BURSON HOSE - fine quality, selling out at the low price of 18c 20c Ladies' Ribbed Top Hose, selling out at the low price of 11c $3.00 Ladies' Wor sted all wool Union Suits, to go at price s$1.79 8 and 10c Embroid ery, many designs, selling out at price of 4c Torchen Lace', a big assortment, 5 to 8c, sacrificed at Qn low price of mjj LACE CURTAINS our $2 grade, selling out at the fr4 OA price of 3aZu $1.50 Bed Spreads fine quality, selling 95c out at price of each Ladies' SWEATER COATS, the $3.00 grade, sac rificed at $1.79 $1.50 WRAPPERS pretty patterns, sel ling out at the low price r 89c $1 to $1.50 R&G Corsets, short styles selling out at price of 39c MP IL 1 il N i! : V V v 1 )U 1 N -yfll mess -, We ate jtist selling out the Dry Goods Department and all Merchandise pertaining to Women's Wear. We haven't got the room. When this department is closed out, and it won't take very long (because we have cat the life otit of the prices) we will then tern otr entire store into one Big Clothing Store for men and boys, and a store that will be a pride to the county, y ( nil fl iff fl imp0 11 T O SALE BEGINS FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Corner 7th & Main Sts, Oregon City SALE BEGINS FRIDAY, MARCH 8 9:30 O'CLOCK A. M. SHARP Corner 7th & Main Sts, Oregon City