CVDtt (Goiow yf of flt&e Dry Cfioods Business r n n n y' nj M; II V J V - - -3 or the entire lines of yard goods, ladies' and misses' Stilts and Coats and all ready-to-wear garments. Also the entire line of women's, misses' and children's shoes. The entire stocks of women's, misses' and children's Furnishings everything this store handles in the line of ladies', misses' and children's merchandise. Our increasing immense business in men's and Boys' Clothing, etc., has compelled tis to make this move. For want of room we were enable to do justice to both lines. It is our misfortune that we did not decide to do this sooner, as our Spring yard goods and ready made garments are already in, compelling tis to slaughter thousands of dollars worth of new goods that were just unpacked. 5 O O Oo o toe Mie Markets LAUGHTERED est tferehaindlDse WITHOUT ME io CY tie 4 Mire D Y G O O 3 u Must Wiped. i! I IT3 (S g 111 9 AT 9:30 A. M. SHARP AND CONTINUES TILL STOCK IS SOLD A A c c that will be classed among the Greatest PACT merchandise events in history of the State Uvul OR ffl PRICE SCATTERED TO THE I This great sacrifice coming as it does right at the opening of Spring, will cause the greatest interest among all shrewd women in this vast community. There is not an old article in the, stock We were always careful to keep the stock clean of all undesirable or unsalable dry goods or ready to wear garments. LET NOTHING KEEP YOU FROM THIS GREAT SLAUGHTER Gome Prepared to Buy the (GREATEST BARGAINS of Your Life Every Article in the Stock Goes in Proportion to the Folio wing Bargains: HOUSE DRESSES $1.75 and $2 grades selling out at Q BEAUTIFUL NEW Fleishers Knit ting Yarns, price 35c, sel ling out per skein 23c 10c GINGHAMS all the neat designs selling out at per yard 7c SERGE, DRESS Goods, $1.25 grade selling out at per yard 79c 9c LL SHEETING Sacrificed at Selling out at per yard 6c $20.00 and $22.50 Serge Dresses, full value at $12.50, now selling out at the low price of $7.48 9-4 UNBLEACHED SHEETING,best30c 19c quality, sacri ficed at $6.00 ALL WOOL Heavy BLANKETS selling out at $3.85 6c SHEETING now to be sold but during this Selling Qlp Out at per yd J2u 50c CHILDRENS' COTTON UNION SUITS selling out at 29c 5c COTTON TOWEL ING selling out at per yard 3c IMMENSE LOT of 75c and $1 SILKS selling out at AQn per yard . HOw $20.00 and $25.00 High Grade M 1 QQ . Swell Silk Dresses, selling out at 3 I I ,0S) $12.50 and $15.00 Long Coats go during this great closing out sale at $5.00 $25LadiesSuits $2.50 AND $3.00 GREY and BLACK SKIRTS (1 yin selling out ) I , fl) One Lot of Ladies'