MOKN1NG TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1912. MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON . . t. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. "SBtvred u Maond-elus matter JB Wf i, Ull, at th. poat office at Oracoa City Oresrm. unrtof the Aot of March t U." THINS OF SUBSCHPTION. u Tear, by mail .ft.M 31X Months, by mail l.M Pour Month, by mall.;, l.M r week, by carrier 1 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. THE MORNING ENTERPRISE Is on sale at the following stores 0 every day: t Huntley Bros. Drugs Main Street. " ' J. W. McAnulty Cigars 9 seventn ana Main. v E. B. Auderson, Main near Sixth. M. E. Dunn Confectionery Next door to P. O. - - City Drug Store Electric Hotel. Scaoenborn Confectionery Seventh aDd .1. Q. Adams. 4 - &. March 4 In American History. 1748 Count Casimlr Pulaski. Ameri can 'Revolutionary soldier, born in Podolia. Poland; died of .battle wounds near' Savannah, 1779. ' 1789 The United States constitution went into effect. 1883 Alexander H. . Stephens, vice president of the Confederate States of America, died; born 1812. 1909 Inauguration of William How ard Taft, twenty-seventh president of the United States. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 5:55, rises 6:28; moon rises 7:34 p. m.; noon today, planet Mars at quadrature withe the sun, 90 degrees east thereof; 11 p. m., planet Jupiter at quadrature with the sun, 90 degrees west thereof; either sets when the oth er rises and vice versa. . Columbia has "seperated its Amer ican minister from his place, but he may proceed to hitch unto a presi dential boom. When it said that no progress has been, made in correcting business abuses, just look at the present condi tion of rebates. Uncle Sam will not adopt a policy of excessively high tolls at Panama after spending $400,000,000 on the ca nal. The disposition to be liberal is already established. Politcal reform is all right, but neither of the big parties will ever become so good that it can dispense with a campaign fund sufficient to advertise the issues and the candi dates. At last we are to have a limited be-, ginning with a parcels post system of delivery of mercantile packages. It is called an "experiment," but it is aot. The experiment was made in other countries long ago. I A prisoner in an Arkansas jail says : that he is the man who killed Gov ernor Goebel of Kentucvky. Like some of the Illinois Democrats who have confessed to being bribed to vote for a Republican, he finds it hard to get anybody to believ him. I Watch the automobile contest. frOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO-l-O-S-O-I-O-fi Problem Today of Selling Farm Products o o o o ooooooo4-ooooo-r ? - o By $ BENJAMIN F. YOAKUM. o Chairman of St. Louis o o and San Francisco - o Railroad o o AST year's agricultural products were worth $9,000,000,000 to the farmers. The govern ment used farm values in getting TT figures for this total. Assuming that the farmers kept one-third of the products for their own use, the consumers paid more than $13,000, 000,000 for what the producers received $6,000,000,000. The cost of getting the year's products from producers to consumers amounted to the enormous sum of $7,000,000,000. The real problem to deal with is not high cost of living. It is HIGH COST OF SELLING. In the last twenty-five years our agricultural exports have increased 60 per cent, while our commercial exports have increased nearly 400 per cent This is certainly a BAD SHOWING FOR THE FARMEES. ADVANCED METHODS IN HANDLING THE BUSINESS OF THE FARM ARE BOUND TO COME. WHAT WE MUST REALIZE IS THE COST OF DELAY. WE HAVE ALREADY WAITED TOO LONG. WE SHOULD NOW WORK FOR PROMPT IMPROVEMENT IN MARKETING FACILITIES. ALL WELL MANAGED CREAMERIES PROPERLY LO 'CATED ARE PROFITABLE. IN MOST CASES THE CREAMERY IS THE FIRST STEP IN CO-OPERATION OR NEIGHBORHOOD MARKET ING. CO-OPERATION IN MARKETING FRUITS, VEGETABLES, GRAIN, COTTON AND OTHER PRODUCTS IS JUST AS SURE OF SUCCESS WHEN PRACTICED UNDER CORRECT BUSIN ESS RULES. - The strong so called trust organizations have TAUGHT US A LESSON" OF DISTRIBUTION. They have shown us that one ex ecutive head can direct the distribution of a commodity where under old methods it required hundreds of men. , : DENNING REGARDS BOXING AS JOKE Welterweight Says Fistic Game Is Easier Than Pounding Iron. HOW HE BECAME SCRAPPER. Learned Ring Game In Bouts During Lunch Hour at the Foundry Expects to Be Hailed as Champion Some Day. Tells of His First Fight. " Most boxers look upon their profes sion as a very serious occupation, but Jack Denning, the New York welter weight,, who recently fought a draw with Mike Gibbons in Gotham. Is a glaring exception to the rule. Jack thinks fighting is a huge joke, especial ly when compared to his former mode of earning a living. . "Pounding iron in a foundry is no joke; thumping an opponent with a pair of boxing gloves is so amusingly funny that it's really a big joke. To me there's nothing furnishes the same amount of fun and entertainment that the boxing game does," said Denning as he ordered an extra platter of eggs at a hotel In New York recently. Perhaps Denning's Idea that even fighting is only a Joke may have some thing to do with the fact that his friends all call him "Laughing Jack.'" He is fond of boxing principally be cause of the amusement It furnishes him. The business end has not receiv ed Jack's attention until within the last twelve months and then only be cause he has a big family on his hands. , Denning has been fighting only three years, but today be is considered to be one of the most promising welters in the country. He is a very clever boxer, who can bit as hard as any of the men in that class today. It wouldn't be surprising if he goes to the top and wins the title. But for Denning's story of how he drifted into the fighting business. It's interesting because it shows how com paratively easy a man succeeds who keeps on plugging: "When I was a kid of twelve my fa ther died. It was up to me to bustle, and I took the first thing that came my way. It happened to be a job in an iron foundry pounding iron all day At first the work was terribly hard, but when I began to realize that it was making me strong I stuck with it. Foundry work is no Joke, particularly to a kid. and I was looking around for something to myself with dur ing the short noou hour. In one of the neighboring back yar.ds several of the men gathered and put on the gloves. Soon I was at it with the larger fel lows," said Denning. Learns During Lunch Hour. "Some way I seemed to box well without much effort. In a short while the men in the foundry brought in clever fellows who knew the game to box me during the lunch hour. I learn ed many little tricks of the craft "One day in 1908 I was asked over to the new West Side Athletic club in New York to box. In those days the club was considered the toughest school of fighting in the world. If a fellow got away with all the men in his class he'd be stacked up against heavier men. The process would be continued until some one received a good trimming. "1 made a hit at the club. Every heavyweight they put up against me I outboxed. and they decided to send me to the national championships held that year in Boston. There I won the amateur lightweight title. - "Four months later I decided I'd try the professional game. "At lust i got on L.bout"atastag o o o o o o o o o o o o Is High Cost Wants, for Sale, Etc mw uMw uhm dawwlftaof Maitip will to MevMt at ena eeat a ward. fir naeruaa. half a ceat addttloauU aurr tieaa. one taea cud. U aar Mat'. baJ' aea ear. (4 uaeaj m par most. Caaa muet aewnapaiay eraar anlnaa en qas aa epi aoeoaat wit the far. M flaaaalal raapeaaitittitr for arrora: wWr xrara aeeur (raa aame&4 aatlaa wlM a Drtata4 tor aatraa. Mtxim- at atiaraa lar WANTED. WANTED Everybody to know that I carry the largest stock of second hand furniture in town. Tourists or local people looking . for curios In dian arrow heads, old stamps or Indian trinkets should see me. Will buy anything of value. Georgw - Young, Main street, near Fifth. WANTED Good milk cow cash, state particulars and price first- letter. Gustav Fletchner, Oregon City Gen. Delivery.' . " FOR BALE. FOR SALE Having leased my place, I have for sale . 6 head fine young horse3, also 2 buggies and 1 surrey. W. M. Robinson, Oregon City, R. P. F. No. 5 Tel. Farmers 76. FOR SALE Pure bred S. C. White Leghorn and" S. C. Buff Orpington , ggs for hatching. Christian Meyer, Molalla ave., home phone. Beaver Creek, A-35. Household furniture and garden tools for sale, cheap, must be sold at once 208 Tenth Street, city. FOR SALS: 7 head of Eastern Ore- gon horses. Can "be seen at Billy's Feed barn. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IMPROVED and unimproved building lots for sale. Lota in Oregon City $150 to $200. Lots in cltyof Glaa stone $225 and upward, half cash, balance monthly installments, 100 ft. square, (2 lots), in Sellwood, (Portland), $3,000, half cash, terms on balance. Also have several de sirable residences for -sale on easy terms. William Beard, owner, 1002 Molalla avenue, Oregon City. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Good comfortable five room house in Canemah; 4 lots, $6. Cross & Hammond. LOST. LOST On Main Street, small gray purse. Finder return contents oi same to C. C. Store, Oregon City and receive reward. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO., F. M. Bluam. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the city. SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone your orders Pacific 3502, Home B 110. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dimick & Dlmick, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEYS. U'REN & SCHUEBEL, Attorneys-at- Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice in all courts, make collections and settlements. ' Offiee in Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. INSURANCE. E. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Let us handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office in Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregn. - PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING If you want your piano thoroughly and accurately tuned, at moderate cost, notify Piano-Tuner at Electric Hotel Strongly endorsed by the director of the Philharmonic, who will per sonally vouch for his work. Application for Liquor License. Notice is here by given that I will at the next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business corner 4th and Main streets, for a period of three months. A. J. KNIGHTLY. DYEING AND STEAM CLEANING. OREGON CITY DYE WORKS 319 Main street, French dry and steam cleaning. Repairing, - alterations and relining. Ladies' and gent's clothing of all kind cleaned, pressed and dyed. Curtains carpets, blan kets, furs and auto covers. All work called for and delivered. Phone Main 389. Mrs. J. Tamblyn and Mrs. Frank Silvey. held in oue of the tubs in Gotham. The inannner warned me there'd be no pursi unless there was a quick knock out, and at the bell i tore after the big fellow who was my opponeut. I be lieve It was in the third round that 1 put over the knockout. ' "There was a terrible banging at the locked doors, and a second later half a dozen cops broke into thel!ace They hustled that stag party into the patrol wa;;on. the fighters going first. We were arrnstetl. and it was my first at tempt at fiutinu for money. I luughed and liiujrued. It was terribly funny. "As we bobbed under the- tight at the corner the fellow I'd knocked out was sprawled on the Boor of the wag on. Eveu that was funny. , In a couple of minutes he came to and asked. Oh, wherK am I?' . Somebody told him he was riding in a wagon. "I've been knocked out hundreds of times, but I never came to joy riding before.' he re plied. He was an amusing fellow, be lieve me. " "Well, " I went along fighting and working in the foundry until a year ago. Since then I nave been very suc cessful. "1 expect to be the welterweight champion some day.- At present I have to fight middleweights. but gradually 1 hope to see the welterweight situation Cleared hp, with me at the top of the class and holding the title." Syracuse to Row Annapolis. Junior and varsity races with the Naval academy crews have been sched uled by Syracuse university. The races w'ill be rowed on the Severn May 1JL- Los Angeles Has Five Semi pro Leagues Ios Angeles has five semiprofessional baseball leagues and sixty independ ent nines. Many well known playes Bpend tbe winter in that city. Wife of England's Premier T J Is an Enthusiastic Skater Photo by American Press Association. RS. HERBERT ASQUITH, wife one of the women who are credited with a large share in the polit ical success of their husbands. Before she became the second wife of-the middle aged cabinet minister, who was not then marked for the first place in the British "government, she was Margot Tennant, famous as one of the two or three most brilliant women in London society and, the story goes, the original of Dodo in E. F. Benson's once popular novel of the same name. It has been charged against her that she has forced the grave parliamentarian she married too much into the whirl of smart society, but ber Influence as a political hostess is admitted even by her critics. Mrs, As quith is an expert skater and takes great pleasure in her favorite winter sport when she visits Switzerland. Our photograph shows her on the rink at Muer ren, one of the well known Alpine resorts. A Scientific Love Remedy - By F. A. MTTCHEL Ethan I'inckney, a patient in. hospi tal, had been operated on, a bit of bone having been removed that press ed upon his brain. He had enlisted for the Spanish war at sixteen. A shot had grazed his head, and six or seven years afterward he began to lose the sight of his right eye. Trepanning was recommended. A few days later Mr. Peter Pinck ney. the patient's father, called on Pro fessor Gaugler of the Institute For Original- Research and said: "Professor, I wish to state a case to you. My son having been trepanned and the surgeon having removed a small lump on the brain, the patient on re covery has changed toward a young lady "to whom he was betrothed. On going into the hospital be bid her good by with every evidence of affection. When she called to see him after the operation he treated her no more affec tionately than any other girl. Do you think this change was brought about by the operation?" "I certainly do. Our experiments in this institution on monkeys have told us that the phrenology practiced som years ago bad a grain of truth in It There are tiny lumps in the brala which are the seat of animal faculties We are not permitted to practice vivi section on human beings, but have been able to destroy in monkeys a pre disposition to certain 'peculiarities by removing corresponding lumps in the brain. - 1 can cite a case where two monkeys had a great affection for pacb , other. I removed a tiny protul"rouce from the brain of one of them, and aft- i er that be would bave nothing to do with the other, repelling her whenever : she approached him. . I do not doubt that the lump In your son's brain : which stood for his love for this par-:; Ocular young lady was taken out when he was trepanned." j "We are all much troubled about the ' matter." pursued the father. "We were pleased with the match. The young lady is a lovely girl, and she Is heartbroken over her lover's change Does science admit of any restoration of my son's previous condition toward her?" "Not directly. I have a theory of my own, however, that might, if put in practice, bring about h new condition that would be practically the same as before." " . "1 would like to hear it." "The brain Is res(msive'to impres sions from without. The Utile lutnr, removed from your son's lieitd was pro duced by his niiml-dwelling on tha lady with whom he h:id f;tlleii in love. I would advise you to throw . him ami her togpthi't'. ev!nditu "' other wo-man.- HN th niu-tiis prevwiteil from ' SEEDS LAND PLASTER HAY GRAIN FEED POULTRY FOOD FLOUR x HOUSE PLANTER , LIME BRICK . COAL CEMENT" HAMS BACON - Oregon Commission Co ELEVENTH AND MAIN Sm Oregon City, Ore. of the prime minister of England, is lar lady, will be focused on ber. Were she a person not capable of producing the required impression 1 do not main tain that be would love ber; but. since she had produced the Impression once, she will, I believe, produce it again." "And another love lump will grow in the same place?" " "I believe so. Nevertheless there is one thing that may stand in the way memory. I think that bis remembrance of her may interfere with a new pas sion. It is very easy for a man to be won away from a rirl he has knowu long and loved by a new personality." "We all feel the force of that." "There is also a tiny lump of memo ry for his betrothed In his brain. If it were removed he would start fresh with hrr. and she would bave a great advantage " "Doctor, yon spesik words of wisdom. 1 shall tell my son that the operation has not been satisfactory and must be repeated. Then the lump of memory for his betrothed may be cut out" Some- time after this consultation Professor Gaugler was called to tbe re ception room of tbe institute to receive a ladv who had called upon him. H Turn Down Lamps Save 85 per cent. of current when the small, one-candle-power filament is burning. Useful as an all-night fight in hallway, bedroom, bathroom, or else where in the house. Fit any ordinary socket. A gentle pull on one string gives the fell i 6 candle-power; on the other, the low light or out as desired. Save their cost the first month. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN OFFIce 7th ami Alder Streets SAFE AND SURE To avoid a possibility of money loss, have a bask account, and pay ALL bills by check. Whether you're a Merchant, Professional Man, Farmer or Ar"?0n, the rule applies. We invite you to open an account with us. The Bank of The Oldest Bank i. LATOURBTTK PtmMmi THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON . CAPITAL, $50.0O0.ou ranaacta a twart Banking Bualneaa Special at Jones' Lrug Store Quality and Quantity of Flowers Carnations . ... ". 50c Doz. Daffodills ....... .'. 25c Doz. Oregon Violet3 . .. 25c Doz. Sweet Peas ... 7 25c Doz. Also Potteed Plants and Ferns.- . Orders taken for floral work and decorations for all occasions. "Uuat ca.-i l do tor' ji on, madam?" he asked. - "Nothing. You've done It already. I've com to thank you." "For what?" "Do yon remember a gentleman calling upon you toTisk how the love of his son for bis fiancee could be re stored?" -. "I think I remember such a case." "The gist of your recommendation was that the bump of memory for his betrothed should be taken out so that she might bave a chance as a new girl." "I remember that." . "Well, your advice was acted upon and worked to aVbarm." "Ah, 1 seer Yon were all made very happy, 1 suppose?" . "Yes. but that's not the especial matter I have to thank. you for." "Indeed?" . "No. ' It is for the suewtion It bore in my own case. My husband was faHitiir into the toils of n designing woman. I got out n id- liuiatico In quirendo or something of the sort and had him shut ti. Then 1 paid a sur geon to put him uinler an anaesthetic, and when he came to himself bis bum of memory for me had been taken out. I 8trit;htway took him off where he could see no one but me. and within a week he proosed to tap. To piense h!m we were remar ried, and tie Is now the most devoted lover In the world" "1 trust he may remain so. madam." "Not he. Hut when he flies off again he'll bave to submit to another trepaouius." ylo" Economical Oregon City In The County. 4 f J. MEYBR Rash) Ut.n from 9 A. M. Us ! P. f Heavy Gamblers. If is said tha't Oeorge IV. lost 800, 000 at cards before be saw his twenty first birthday, and one is not surprised when -ene reads tbe gambling chroni cles of the time in which he lived. At Almack's. we are told, it was quite .t common thing to stake 5,uOO on a sin gle card at faro and for 100.000 to be won and lost In a night Of the mad gambling jit White's club many re markable stories are told such as how one player lost his entire fortune of 150,000 at a sitting and wheu the last card fell against him produced a pistol and before a hand could be raised to prevent him put a bullet Into his brain. London Answers. ontisn museum Dome. The reading room of the British mu seum is crowned by a spacious dome, which is about thirty feet wider than that of St. Paul's cathedral. It is 140 feet, in diameter and. with its 00.000 superlicial feet of glass, springs more than ICO feet in height. Neither St. Pe ter's at Rome nor Santa Maria at Flor ence is a mutch to it. It is larger by forty-five feet than the dome of the capitol at Washington, by thirty-five feet than that of Darmstadt cathedral, by thirty-three feet than that of SL Sophia, Constantinople, and spreads sixteen feet further than the concave roof of the tomb of Mohammed Adil Shah at Bijapur. . Sound Logic Don't go into debt with yourself Just to get square with somebody else. De troit Free Press. i