Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 02, 1912, Image 3

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MRS. B. Did you notice the
distinct styles and patterns in
those Ladies' Plain Tailored
Spring Suits shown at LEV
ITT'S Store.-
MRS. J. Yes, I have heard
much praise of those suits;
on their Fit, Style, Quality,
and on my personal investiga
tion found them to be the
very latest from New York's
best fashion shops.
MRS. B. I must call at MR.
LEVITT'S and see about get
ting my new Spring suit, as I
want something different from
the common suits that you
find everywhere.
Knew Htr A HU
Willie Wiggies Tommy Scrabbles
ma sent him to get a switch to use on
him, and he fetched ber a stone and
told her tc brw i- it him.
Frank Miller of Clarkes, was in Ore
gon City Tuursday.
Alice McGugln of Bull Run, was in
this city Friday.
A.. A. Allen of Sprlngwater, was In
this city on Friday.
H. B. Nickles, who has been very
ill, is slightly improved.
Born, to the wife of Dan Martin, a
daughter, weight 10 pounds.
Charlea Dones of Beaver Creek, was
in this city Friday morning.
Miss Eliza Mulvany of Union Mills,
was in Oregon City Thursday.
Herman Smith of Carus, transacted
business in Oregon City Thursday.
O. H. Smith of Aurora, was in this
city Friday, registering at the Electrie
hotel. -
Kirk Cassaday and son of Carus,
was transacting business in "Oregon
City Friday.
Mrs. Charles Babcock Is visiting ber
son, Charles Babcock and wife, of
Portland. .
Mr. Perry and daughter, Miss Blod
win of Beaver Creek, were in Oregon
City Friday.
Mrs. M. I. Shortledge left on Friday
morning for Salem, where she will vi
sit her aunt.
Dr. J. A. Van Brakle, licensed osteo
pathic physician. Phone Main 2664
for consultation.
N. O. Say, of Wilsonville, and a
prominent farmer, was in Oregon City
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bequeaith , of
Portland, were in this city on Friday,
visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. C.
The Maple Lane grange will meet
at the grange hall today, and business
of importance will be brought up for
Another shipment of choice navel
oranges this week. 20 cents per doz
en at The Hub Grocery.
Mrs. C. A. Miller of this city, who
has been visiting her relatives at Ta
coma and Seattle, Wash., for the' past
three weeks has returned home.
Charles N. Wait, one of the promi
nent residents of Canby, was transact
ing business in Oregon City Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Guinther made
a business trip to Oregon City Thurs
day, and while here visited relatives.
L. H. Kirchem of Logan, one of the
prominent farmers and grangers of
that place, was transacting business
in this city on Friday.
Mrs. M. Williams, of Vancouver,
Washv who has been in the city vis
iting Mrs. A. D. Vatcher of Twelfth
and Center streets, has returned to
her home. Mrs. Williams is head of
the branch of the society for the pro
tection of children of the state of
Some fine apples at $1.50 per box.
Hub Grocery, Seventh and Center
Winnie Boylan of Cathlamet, Wash.,
but formerly of Oregon City, is in this
city, and is visiting his son, Guy Wil
liams, who is in the Oregon City hos
ptal recoverng from a severe attack of
typhoid fever, having contracted the
disease at CathlaSmet, and was in St
Vincent's hospital for about five weeks
before being brought to this city.
Prof. Ringler of Portland has open
ed a new dancing school at Busch's
hall; meets every Thursday eve. A
class of 40 is enrolled. Full course
$50.00. Beginners and advanced class
in latest society dances. Come next
A. R. Stephens, one of the well
known farmers of Maple Lane, was
in Oregon City on Friday. Mr. Stev
ens is the owner of a 10-acre tract of
land, most of this being under cultiva
tion. Mr. Stephens states that the
ground is yet too wet to work, but
with about one more week of good
weather will be ready for the planting
of potatoes.
Colonel Hofer, editor of the Capital
Journal, : of Salem, is in the city on
First Baptist Church, corner Main and
Ninth streets. S. A. Hayworth, pas
tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m., by the pastor,
a. m. Classes for all ages. Junior
at 3 p. m. Christian Endeavor at
6:30 p. m. All are invited.
Catholic Corner Water and Tenth
streets, Rev. A. Hillebrand pastor,
residence 912 Water; Low Mass 8
a. m., with sermon; High Mass
10:30 a. m. ; afternoon service at
4; Mass every morning at 8.
Congregational .Church George Nel
son Edwards, pastor. Residence,
716 Center Street Phone, Main
395. Morning worship at 10:30.
First Church of Christ, scientist
Ninth and Center street. Services
Sunday, 11; Sunday school immed
iately following service; Wednes
day evening meeting. at 8. Topic,
"Christ Jesus.'
German Evangelical Corner Eighth
and Madison streets, Rev. F.
Wievesick pastor, residence 713
Madisou; Sunday school 10 a. m.,
ing Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
Gladstone Christian Church Sunday
Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching
by Rev. L. F. Stevens of Portland,
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Mountain View Union (Congrega
tional) Sunday school 3 p. m.,
Herman Schrader, Monroe street,
superintendent; morning service
11; Young People at 7 p. m. and
preaching at 8 p. m.; prayer meet
Mrs. J. H. Quinn, superintendent;
Biole Study every Thursday after
noon. First Methodist Episcopal Church,
- "The Church of the Cordial Wel
come." T-. B. Ford, pastor. Resi
: dence 815 Center street. Phone
Main 96. Study in the church. 9:45,
Sunday school, H. C. Tozier, su
perintendent. 10:45, public service
and preaching by the pastor.
The first in the series of the Open
Forum meetings in the First Metho
dist Episcopal church Sunday even
ing March 3. promises to be one of
greatest interest. Judge Campbell,
one of the leading jurists of the
state and the Hon. Gilbert E. Hed
ges, a prominent member of the
Oregon City bar, will deliver the ad
dresses. The subject is: "Christian
ity from the tSandpoint of a Law
yer." There will be special music.
The young people's quartet; and the
men's quartet, will each render a
Zion Lutheran Corner Jefferson and
Eighth streets. Rev. W. R. Krax
berger pastor, residence 720 Jeffer
son; Sunday school 9:30 a. m., Rev.
Kraxberger, superintendent;, morn
ing service 10:30; evening 7:45;
Luther League 7 p. m.
First Presbyterian Church J. R.
Landsborough, minister Sabbath
school at 10 a. m. Mrs. C. Green,
superintendent; morning worship at
11 o'clock. Subject, The Paralytic
Healed. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:45. Topic
The Christian View of Patience, II.
Thess, 3:1-5. Evening worship at
7:30. Subject, Bramble- Authority.
One half hour of sacred songs pre
ceding the sermon.
Parkplace Congregational Rev. J. L.
Jones pastor, residence Clackamas;
Christian Endeavor Thursday eve
ning 7:30. Sunday school 10, Emery
French superintendent; preaching
services each Sunday, alternating
betweea 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
St Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church
C. W. Robinson, rector. Holy
Communion at 8 o'clock Sunday,
'and Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Holy Communion anl morning pray
er sermon at 11 o'clock. Evening
prayer and sermon at 7:30 o'clock.
German Lutheran Church (Ohio
Synod), Rev. H. Mau, pastor. Ser
vice at 10 : 30 a. m. Sunday school
at 9 : 30 a. m. Everybody is cordially
Willamette M. E. Church Regular
preaching at 2 p. m. Sunday school
3:15 p. m., Mrs. Fromong, superin
tendent. West Oregon City School House J. O
Staats will preach at 3 o'clock. Sun
day school conducted after service.
Church of the United Brethren in
Christ Rev. F. Clack, pastor. Sab
bath, 10:00 A. M., F. Parker, sup
erintendent; morning service, - 11
o'clock; C. E., 6:30 P. M., Alice Boy-
The Justly
Always Fresh-Always Pure-Always Wholesome-AIways five cents.
Sole Agent in Oregon
City for this Famous
and delicious product
lan, superintendent Evening ser
vice, 7:30.
Strings Worn Again on Hats Both
Largo and Small.
Strings ure being worn again on bats
both large and small. : The small, close
fitting bonnets have narrow strands of
satin made to cross over under -the chin
from ear to ear, with little clusters of
satin flowers as a fastening at each j
side. Larger hats have longer strings
of velvet some of the hats of picture
dimensions having streamers which
sometimes fall to the hem of the dress.
The malines chou for the collar bow
Is sometimes centered with a silk rose
that has regular artificial flower sta
mens. This is one of the newest fan
cies. The blouse made with raglan sleeves
is the very latest. This one includes a
pretty pointed collar. In the illustra
tion it is made of Scotch flannel, but it
will be found adaptable to all wash
materials. JUDIO CHOLLET.
This May Manton pattern Is cut In sizes
from 31 to 42 Inches bust measure. Send
10 cents to this office, giving number, 7300.
and it will be promptly forwarded to you
by mail. If in haste send an additional
two cent stamp for letter postage, which
Insures more prompt delivery. When or
dering use coupon.
No Size
Name ,
Didn't Show Them.
"He wears his heart on his sleeve,"
asserts the fair damsel, who is telling
about the shallow youth.
"Yes; I 8a w that long ago. That isn't
what puzzles me about him," replies
the more practical maiden.
"What else about him interests you?"
"1 can't discover where he keeps his
brains." St Louis Republic.
Have You Seen These Three
The Mitchell
$1500. What
more can we say.
The Classiest
Roadster ever
shown in Oregon
33 K O-
$1,100 f. o. b., Oregon Qty
This has all the features
of the higher priced cars
withquality to equal any
$ 1 , 100 f. o. b., Oregon City
These cars are all fully equipped with top, windshield, speedometer, lamps, tools and horn
Wehave a complete line of a 1 1 k i ndso f a u t os u p p I i e sT We a re"a I so ' rTpaTS 7o"do y " 'arufaYi
kinds of altering at short notice. If your car is not giving you complete satisfaction come and see us.
C. G. MILLER, the Auto Man, 6th and Main Streets.
Phone Main 77.
J. F. and Lehore F. Nowlin to Port
land Railway Light & Power com
pany, land in section 20, township 1
south, range 2 east; fl.
Willamette Falls Company to Clack
amas county, 12 acres of section 35,
township 2 south, range 1 east; fl.
Thomas Meserve to Lilly R. Me
serve, 40 acres of section 8, township
2 south, range 5 east; $1.
E. F. and Martha S. Riley' to James
T Moore, land in W. T. Matlock D. L.
C.'No. 37, township 2 south, range 2
east; $10.
T. J. Inglish to Mary V. Dwyer, 5
acres of section 22, township south,
range 4 east; $200.
W. A. Garner to Archie L. Watt, 2
acres of sections 5 and 6, township 2
south range 2 east; $800.
Emil and Alma Elison to Thomas
and Inga Dylevad, 39 6-7 acres of sec
tions 9 and 10, township 5 south, range
1 east; $3600.
Mary Melissa Griffith and William
Griffith to George Griffith, lot 8 of
block 11, Oregon City; $1.
Henry F. Boeckman to George F.
Boeckman, 1-2 acre of land in Clacka
mas county, $25.
Etta V. Barnes to Edward W. Boeck
man et al, 30 acres of section 12, town
ship 3 south, range 1 west; $1800. ,
Fritz Wolf to Andreas Anderson, 40
acres of section J., township 6 south,
range 3 east; $100.
Mary Louise VonGlen and William
Van Glan to Royal F. Riley, 69.50 acres
of section 32, township 3 south, range
3 east; $3,000.
H. M. and Laura B. Patton to R. B.
Brown, tract in plat "A" and tracts
52, 55, plat "C", Woodbunr Orchard
company's tract; $900.
ope Quality is Known the
The Pope Motorcycle Model H a
rational machine for all round use. A
machine that will run when you want
it to and keep running at a low cost.
Pitted dust oil and waterproof magneto.
It is the best and most reliable motorcy
cle built. It - weighs 150 pounds.
Price $175.
"Think of the pleasant rider in the county this summer if you own one of our fine
We carry a full line of Pope bicycles all
guaranteed at the following prices:
Columbia - - -Hartford
- -Pope
Special -Pope
Roadster - -
All equipped with coaster brakes.
Motorcycle and bicycle supplies and repairs
: Pacific Highway Garage
Phone B 5 5 M. E. Park, Mgt. 1 2th and Main Sts. . Phone Pacific 390