i J i ! y. MORNING - ENTERPRISE. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1912. m . ....... . : . . .., fe . OR CLOSING--OUT SAL E . S r ' : : : " : ' " 1 : " " ' " ' ' ' : - , IS YOUR CHANCE to obtain first class goods at Closing-Oct prices. WE ARE MAKING THIS SALE OURSELVES, THERE BY GIVING YOU ALL THE BENEFIT. We have only one choice, and that is, WE MUST MOVE and our Parkplace Store does not need any more stock. So I am compelled to close it oat here. This is a Boni Fide Closing-Out Sate. I will sell all or any of the Fixtures Shelving, or any Merchandise in single pieces or in lots, or any way to suit purchaser. But as my time is short the goods must go and PRICES ARE SLASHED LOWER THAN EVER. R Y G O At Wonderful Bargains Just think of these prices : Calicos, yard 5 Seersucker Striped Gingham, per yard . 9 Zephyr Plaid Ginghams, yard 10 One dozen Ladies' Handkerchiefs, fine soft fabric, hemstiched, worth twice the price asked, per dozen, only 45 Men's White Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c sell ers to go at 2 for 15 Cambric Muslin, yard 10 Dimities, small check, worth from 15c to 18c per yard, to go for, per yard 10, Lawns, figured a dandy at 15c, we will close out at, yard , 10 India Linen, worth 15 c per yard, to go at, per yard 10 Dimities, worth 20c per yd., to go at, yard . 14 Mercerized Lawns, 12c to 15c, per yard 10 Silk Finish Pongie, 25c, to go at, yard. . . .16 Table Damask, 65c grade, to go at . 45 Standard Apron Gingham, 8c grade to go at. . 6 Bleached Muslin, 10c grade to go at .8 Dimities, checks, 15c to 18c, to go at 10 EMBROIDERIES AT ABOUT HALF The goods must go and customers are taking advantage of our prices and you might as well have your share of the bargains. Come early while the assortment is good. Our Embroideries are going fast and prices are only about half what you will be paying after' this sale is over,: and I shall have moved away. A 42 PIECE DINNER FOR ONLY $3.50 You should read every word of this as it means dollars to you. v Ni 42 piece Dinner Sets these are called $10.00 Sets we will close them out at . . .$3.50 SEE THEM. Skirts, Underwear, Etc Ladies' Overskirts, up to $6. $3.00' Ladies' Overskirts, up to $4.50. .... .$2.35 Men's Underwear cut again from 43c per " garment to . . . .39 Wool garments, $1 grade, cut again from ..83c to .79 $1.50 grade cut from $1.15 to 980 Embroideries At 5c pet Yard and tip. READ! READ! This Means" the Saving of Many Dollars to You Fine Swiss Embroideries, from V2 to 3 inches wide, both edgings and insertions, neat new patterns, only, a yard 50 Same in widths from 2 to 7 inches. ......... .8 Fine qualities and wider and prettier de signs 100 17 and 18 inch Flouncing and Corset Cover, ' v worth usually 35c per yard, only. ....... .220 A dandy 27 inch Flouncing for. . . ?.250 A 27 inch Swiss, beautiful designs," only.". . .350 Extra wide designs ahd very fine Swiss, 27 inches wide, worth $1.00 per yard, to close at .680 Just the thing for two flounce designs. A 45 inch fine Swiss with goods enough for a - wide hem, sold usually for $1.50 per yard, for A890 Remember everything is cut in price to close out. ' l FINE LINEN LACES AT ONLY 4 CENTS ' Remember time is short and it will be many a day before you will have another opportunity to purchase NEW GOODS AT SUCH PRICES. Fine All Linen Lace, from to l1 inches -wide, should sell for l1- to 10c per yard, for .. .40 Valeneennes Lace, worth usually 7e and 8c, for only 40 Fine Torchon Lace, from IV2 to 3 inches wide, per yard .40 MEN'S SHIRTS, ALL KINDS, GREATLY REDUCED ... , Men's shirts, new goods, prices put so low you lose money if you don't supply your immediate and future needs. Men's Shirts, $1 grade, reduced still farther from83eto ...790 Men's $1.25 Shirts reduced to . .870 Men's $1.50 Shirts reduced to . . ..... .980 Men's $1.75 Shirts reduced to. $1.19 D toess Goods anJ Suitings At About Half Price You better get the goods for that skirt now while it only costs you about half. Black Wirey Voile, worth $1.85 per yarcl, for .......$1.00 Poplin all wool, black, worth $2 per yard. $1.27 60-inch Mixed Suitings, $3 .85 values". . . . .$1.25 Black" Broadcloth, $1.85 values, for. . . . . .$1.25 Notions at one:third original prices. . MUSLIN GOODS Muslin Underskirts at about haif what you will have to pay a little later on. GREAT BARGAINS IN GLOVES Kid Gloves, including our new arrivals the $1.50 value for only, the pair $1.15 Colors White, Tan, Brown, Gray, Black and Green. - And you have the opportunity to get the KABO CORSET for these prices: " The $2.00 grade for only . . $1.35. The $1.00 grade for only. ...... . .850 The $1.50 grade for only. $1.15 The $3.00 grade for only. $2.35 The $3.50 grade for only. $2.85 RIBBONS, HALF PRICE A lot of Ribbons in short lengths and remnants sold at' about half in some instances less than half the regular prices. We are going to clean out the whole stock quick.- Our prices are doing it. Don't put off buying you can't afford to if dollars and cents saved means anything to you. Toweling, Silks, Etc. Toweling sold for 15c, now to go at onlyr. . . 110 The 20c grade for only. 15? Cotton Toweling only, the yard. 50 Unbleached, Coarse Pure Linen Toweling, per yard 70 Summer Silks,-60 values, only. .390 Others in proportion. Boys' Porous Knit Underwear, for, the gar ment .'...190 Notions, Toys, Dolls, are only about half. o Wonderful hoc argams Be sure to see our SHOES. My customers tell me we have the best quality shoes in Oregon City. A new high cut, button, patent leather. Ladies' boot, worth $4y (I had priced them at. $3.50), ONLY .....$2.85 (This is the'newest Spring "style.) Also a high top, button, gun met al; the newest shapes; (a few sizes are out). Our $4 Shoe will go for. . . .$3.15 Some high-top button tans, siz- es 212, 3, 5, 5i2, 6, 6I2 and 7 (notice : sizes 3, 4 and 4 " are sold out) $4 shoe for. .$3.15 Women's "Restshu" flexible sole, wide and easy, kid and patent tip, Blucher, $3.50 value for $2.85 Men's Oxfords, gunmetal and patent, worth $4 pair, for. $3.00 Men's patent leather Dancing Pumps, regular $2.50 val- . ue, for $1.85 Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps in' odd lots for, the pair. .... $1.50 Ladies' $3.50 Pumps for. . .".$2.85 Any pair $4.50 shoes for. . . . $3.15 Any pair $3.50 shoes for $2.85 Any pair $3.00 shoes for. . . .$2.15 AS A FINAL CALL remember only a short time remains to close this stock out and move in, for as soon as the lease expires, I will bid Oregon City good bye. If yotf come in in the mornings yon will avoid the afternoon crowds, and can trade at your leisure. The final rash will soon be here and your opportunity will be gone. COME ONE, COME ALL, COME EARLY. recpni Ci 6 1 7 Main O TO