MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1912. COUNTY COURT (Continued from Wednesday's Daily.) J. H. Kraus 5 37 J. Kopper . y. 17. Carlton & Rosenkrans & Co. . . El. Cha8 -E. Oglesby . . . .". . .: 2, J. J. Taylor 1 A'. L. Jenske ... 2, ' Jas. P. Oglesby .. . 1 Geo. E. Oglesby ...... 5 District No. 24. f. a.. Miner $ o, W. D. Miller ..$ 4 John Gahler, Jr. . 20 G. Stewe 7, Enos Yoder 10 A. Eyman 6 C. E. Miller 17 A. S. Thompson C. G. Hoffman 1 D. Hostettler 3, C. Raddatz ....... 6, Leonard 5, Geo. BroeKart 6, District No. 28. -Trojan Powder Co. .$171 Oregon City Enterprise 5 Robbins Bros. 12, C. R. Livesay 171 Robbins Bros. 12 John Fox 24. Leslie Shank '43, Seott Carter 25 Al Wyland , 20, Dave Fox 8 L. D. Shank .7 35, District No. 30. Glenmorrie Quarry Co ...$184.00 " Security Vault & Metal Works 29.86 F. E. Davidson 39.50 O. C. Whitten 5.00 S. Bouts 5.00 Wm. Dyer ...... 18.00 H. Worthington 16.00 A. Waldorf 5.00 G. S. Bullock 3.00 J. K. Worthington 5.00 J. Headrick . . J. H. Cox .... J. C. Haines . . Geo. Cline E. Whitten ... M. C. Stewart 3.00 18.00 20.00 17.00 6.00 6.00 District No. 32. E. G. Jones $ 2.00 W. C. Heater H. Heater C. Wilhelm ., District No. 35. B. Proctor $ 8.18 C. Shetterly R. Hutchins 9.50 4.00 5.00 5.48 8.22 H. Wiley 2.58 Wm. Booth 14.33 E. VanFleet 4.00 9.00 1.75 Wm. Booth Hood & Hutchins District No. 34. S. Ross $ 14.25 H. Colson 14.25 G. W. Colson ,6.25 E. Hughes 14.25 D. S. Colson . 18.25 T. Johnson 10.25 T. Johnson, jr 10.00 F. Ross 8.00 H. "Fisher 17.00 J. Edmons 4.00 J. Bell .". 2.00 J. Zimmerman 9.00 C. Kellnhoffer 16.75 F. Kellnhofer 14.75 M. Perlot 11.75 W. Kaiser 32.50 J. Shaw 3.004 Wm. Weismandel 2.50 Wilson & Cooke 3.80 Trojan Powder Co 172.25 ' District No. 39, 4 Louis Jaggar $ 3.00 Frank Jaggar 3.75 Tom Evans 16.00 District No. 40. bregon City Enterprise $ 5.00 Harvey Gibson 1.75 District No. 41. Oregon City Enterprise $ 5.00 District No. 42. S. M. Wornack $ 2.00 Chas. Rider 4.75 District No. 48 Oregon City Enterprise $ 5.00 Antone Malar 1.25 Ameil Wendland 1.25 Gotfreid Stucki 1.00 J. G. DeShazer 2.50 District No. 46. Grant Mumpower $ 1.76 Carl Mumpower . 4.00 W. E. Mumpower 3.00 A, J. Crafton 4.00 Elton Hattan 2.00 J. J. Hattan 8.75 District No. 49. F. H. Davis ...$ 6.00 F. M. Gill . 11.50 District No. 51. J. E. Siefer $ 11.25 Clarence Seifer 2.00 District No. 52. Oregon City Enterprise $5.00 District No. 54. Chauncey Yoder $ 3.00 w. f Nominate Your Candidate 1 oday Owing to the persistent demands of a ntimberof prospective candidates we will publish the nomination blanks for one more week. Take advantage of this chance to get 1,000 FREE VOTES. A goodbe- '" ginning is half the battle, f- YOURS FOR THE ASKING A 5-Passenger 20 Horse Power Ford FREE To stimulate interest in the voting and to give each one a chance to profit by their, work we will give a prise every JO days. These prises will riot affect the final count in any way as all votes will count on f 2L d 4 4 omo pile These prises will be given to the one, that hands in the largest number of votes every ten days. 9 ow s Y "CO Get nusy OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON Please Enter the Name of. In your Automobile Contest, to start February 19, J.912. This coupon to count as 1,000. ' Sign here. Fill Out and Mail Today Chas. Casto 3.00 J. L. Stanton 9-00 O. Mahler 5.00 Jens. Sorensen 2.00 W. P. Stanton 19.35 K. Gregerson 13.05 W. A. Winder 18.75 District No. 56. Jesse Mayfield ..$ 1.75 Bert Cody 2.00 E. J. Swank E5 Nat Scribner 2.50 Expenditures On General Roads For January, 1912 R. B. Beatie ; 5.00 W. H. Mattoon 22.00 N. Blair 17.80 Wilson & Cooke 4.40 C. W. Friedrich 3.50 Clarence Simmons 1.00 Pope & Co. ......... .... 13.80 W. E. Jones 10.55 John Heft - 57.00 L. P. Roley 9.00 Ed. Young 10.00 S. Turel 5.00 NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Lake, Including medical attention, board and baths, costs no more than you would pay to live at any first class hotel. Rooms can be bad from 75 cents to $2.50 per day. Meats in the cafeteria are served from 20 cents up and in the grill at tie usual grill prices. Baths range from 50 cents to $1.00. We Do Cure Rheumatism fifii'-ffltifrrYii Hot Lake Mineral Baths and mud given under scien tific direction have cured thousands. Write for Illus trated booklet descriptive ef Hot Lake Sanatorium and the methods employed. Hot Lake Sanatorium is acces sible as it is located direct ly on the main line of the O.-W. R. & N. railway, and special excursion rates to be had at all times, agents. are Ask HOT LAKE SANATORIUM - HOT LAKE, OREGON. WALTER M. PIERCE. Pres.-Iigr. W. E. Myers 3.75 Beall & Co 7.65 Buffalo Steam Rollet Co 5.70 Gladstone Lumber Co 7.40 W. W. Smith 20.00 W. Dutcher 14.00 John Kent . 10.00 Holmes & Co, .... 3.98 S. D. Kiger v 27.00 S. D. Barney 13.00 GENERAL FUND, COUNTY COURT W. H. Mattoon $ 39.00 N. Blair 36.00 Fashion Livery Stable 2.00 Mrs. W. W. Aldredge . 2.20 Circuit Court M. G. Clinton ...$ 3.35 Willamette Hotel 16.25 Mrs. Moreland 2.25 Mrs. H. J. White - 22.00 J. J. White 22.0.0 J. L. Arkins . . " 2.00 Eva Phelps 14.20 F. S. White 22.00 Sarah Wilkes Elmer Phelps 14.20 T. J. Wirtz 27.00 P. J. Winkel 7 27.20 Jessie Hardin. 12.20 R. L. Mabry 6.00 T. D. Phelps 11.20 Mortin Thomas 6.00 I Henry Inlan 6.00 John Yandell 12.00 Wm. D. Miles 12.20 E. A. Revenue 12.20 L. Davies ...... . .... 12.00 J. H. Revenue 10.00 O. A. Marquam ..... . 30.60 Mike Long t 2.20 J. W. White 3.00 O. V. Hickman 16.00 Curtis Hardin 14.00 Dan Hardin , '14.00 M. C. Young . 26.40 Silas Wright 32.40 W. L. Midlam ,. 2.20 W. W. H. Samson 9.60 Mrs. Al. Lewis , .... .. 2.20 John Boyer ; . 2.20 William Kaiser - 3.00 C. E. Ramsby 2.00 S. R: Green 4.40 Mrs. Goodpasture ............ 2.20 A. M. Vinyard Julius Paulsen C. C. Borland E. L. Shaw H. J. Bigger Mat E. Kavanaugh John Kaiser H. A. Heater .: R. DeNeui Molly Clark Fred Gage W. H. Bonney Nat Scribner Jos. Wilson , A. B. Hughes W. H. Smith Q. P. Roethe John Talbert Adelaid Stubbs B. O. Sarver G. A. Ward N. R. Mulvaney Wm. O. Bard Western Union Telegraph Co. . . L. Rail R. W. Porter Pat Harris . Minnie Watson J. J. Mallatt ; Chas. Surfus Alice Hardin Arthur Johnson A. J. Marrs Fred Jones Joe Andrews E. P. Elliott W. S. Tull Boylan Frost E- Runyon D. L. D. E. Chas. 26.40 35.00 31.20 2.20 3.00 2.20 3.00 27.80 31.30 2.20 31.60 . 29.40 32.40 2.20 2.20 6.00 27.80 31.00 9.00 9.00 3.00 4.60 16.04 2.00 30.30 4.60 7.40 3.00 3.00 14.00 4.60 12.00 5.00 2.20 27.20 29.00 2.00 2.20 20.00 Justice of the Peace. v EdlRaBates" 77. . . ; $ 3.00 Ray Eshelman 2.00 O. O. Bland .. 2.00 A. E. Helberg 2.00 A. G. Harberg 3.00 Geo. Tacheron 2.00 E. R. Todd .... 2.00 J. H. Vernon 2.00 F. H. Dungan 3.00 J. K. Morris-. , 2.00 W. W. H. Samson 3.00 A. Mosier 2.00 A. G. Harberg ..." 4.65 E. F. Donahue -9.70 Edwin Bates 8-40 A. G. Ames 8.40 W. W. H. Samson 86.20 Geo. A. Brown 29.10 A. Riggs 1.90 C. Riggs 1-90 D. E. Frost 4.30 S. R. Green .". 1.70 Frank Snow . . .". , . 4.50 T. Coleman ..... 4.50 V. Hes3e 4.50 D. Wells 4.50 Chas. Ely 1.70 G. A. Brown 1.70 W. Douglass '. 5.50 L. Nayler 5.50 D. E. Frost 5.70 J. K. Morris 9.10 F. Jones -.. 2.10 P. Jones 2.10 E. R. Leek 2.10 O. Leek 2.10 Dr. Eddy 1.70 V. Morgan 1.70 W. Morgan 1.70 C. R. Livesay 2.10 W. J. Rauch 1.90 J. L. Swaftord 1.70 G'. Gardener ." 1.70 F. A. Miles 24.00 D. E. Frost 4.30 S. R. Green 1.70 E. L. Shaw 3,10 Fred Meyer 1.70 D. E. Frost 3.10 ' Sheriff. Wm. j. Wilson $ 2.00 Fashion Livery Stable . ... 2.00 Chas. P. Ely ..-. 10.10 J. E. Seeley .50 E. T. Mass 30.10 R. L. Stevens 50 F. A. Miles 42.45 Typewriter Inspection Co 3.50 C. A. Elliott 5.15 FOUR County Court .. Clerk. M. C. Mulvey . J ,......."..$ 46.00 W. A. Holmea -50 W. L. Mulvey 10.50 Frank Busch 2.00 Extending Tax Roll. Clara Mitchell .$ 70.87 Edith Jackson 70.87 C. Bv Pratt 72.00 (To be continued.) SUITS FOR WOMEN TAXED NINE TIMES KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 22. "Every woman who buys a soring suit must pay at least nine separate taxes on it," said Mrs. W. L. Plattenburg, a prominent Kansas City clubwoman, addressing the Athenaeum here today. "First there is the tax the farmer pays on his stock, including the sheep. The commission dealer buys the wool and pays another tax upon it. The manufacturer makes up three taxes in the price he fixes one for stock in trade, one for machinery, and one for dye used in coloring the goods. The wholesaler, the merchant tailor and the retailer follow. Finally, to the list must be added the tariff on im ported wool. "There is only one way to remedy such conditions that is, through state and Federal constitutional amendments in favor of the land value tax." DEMAND TOR SEED POTATOES IMPROVES There is a good local demand for seed potatoes and Early Rose are com manding an improved sale. Stocks of Early Rose in this section are not heavy and prices are rather firm, al though unchanged. - American Wonder shipments to the south have been so liberal this season that it is now stated that not enough stock remains for home seeding. On this account there is a much firmer tone to prices and a sharp advance is generally being quoted. Purchases of American Wonder3 for seed at country points are report ed around $1.40 per cental by local buyers, but according to leading in terests so few lots remain of this variety that quotations are nominal. Even "the seed houses are said to re tain very scant supplies of American Wonders and they have recently boosted the price to the highest Ague in recent years. , Prevailing Oregon City price are as follows: DRIED. FRUITS (Buying) Prunes on basis of 6 1-4 pound? for 45-50's. ' Fruits, Vegetables. HIDES (Buying) Green hides, 7c to 9c; salters, 5to 6c; dry hides, 12c to 14c; sheep pelts, 25c to 75c each. Hay, Grain, Feed. HAY (Buying) Timothy, $12 to $15; clover, $8 to $9; oat hay, best, $9 to $10; mixed, $9 to $12; alfalfa, $15 to $16.50. . OATS (Buying) Gray, $28.50 to $29.50; wheat, $28 to $29; oil meal, $53 ; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per 100 pounds. FEED (Selling) Shorts, $26; roll ed barley, $39; process barley, $40; FLOUR $4.50 to $5.25. - Butter, Poultry, Eggs. POULTRY (Buying) Heus, 10c to 11c- spring,10 to 11c, and roosters, 8c. ' - Buttei' (Buy Ordinary coun try butter, 25c to 30c; fancy dairy, 40c. EGGS Oregon ranch eggs, 20c. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. $1.25 to $1.50 per sack; parsnips, $1.25 to $1.50; turnips, $1.25 to $1.50; beets, $1.50. POTATOES Best buying 85c to $1.10 per hundred. ONIONS Oregon, $1.25 to $1.50 per hundred; Australian, $2 per hundred. Lvostock, Meats. BEEP (Live weight) Steers, 5c and 5 1-2; cows, 4 l-2c: bulls, 3 l-2c VEALi Calves bring from 8c to r 13c, according to grade. MUTTON Sheep, 3c -and 3 l-2c; lambs. 4c and 5c. SEEDS XAND PLASTER HAY GRAIN FEED ' "POULTRY FOOD FLOUR. ... HOUSE PLASTER LIME BRICK COALl-CEMENT HAMS BACON Oregon Commission Co ELEVENTH AND MAIN ST. Oregon City, Ore.