i J MORNING ENTERPRISE. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1912. MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON t. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publiahar. "Satered as second-class matter Jan uary 'J, ltll. at the poet office at Oregoa City Oreg-nn, under the Aot of Huron t, !?." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. On Tear, by mall . . . .- M M 8bt Hon the, by mall l.M Pour Months, by mall l.M Per week, by carrier , .It CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. f$?e"dddS3 $, ttOve) THE MORNING ENTERPRISE S r is on sale at the following stores i every day: " Huntley Bros. Drugs Main Street. 4 J. W. McAnulty Cigart Seventh and Main. t E. B. Auderson, & Main near Sixth. S M. E. Dunn Confectionery 4 eY Next door to P. O. e City Drug Store . ' Electric Hotel. $ Schoenborn Confectionery $ Seventh and .T. Q. Adams. tytr$eeeewttttt Feb. 18 In American History. 1864 General R. E. Lee assumed com mand of all Confederate armies. 1876 Charlotte S. Cushman, tragedi enne, died; born 1810. 1898 Frances E. Willard. temperance advocate, died; born 1S39. 1902 Albert Bierstadt. noted land scape painter, died; born 1829. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 5:39, rises 6:4S; moon sets 6:07 p. m. . SALESMANSHIP OF HIGHEST CHARACTER. "Advertising is salesmanship of the highest character, and, with a single exception, religion, is the greatest force in the world," is what A. O. Loomis told the retail merchants of Spokane, Wash., at their recent con vention. "It will make you know the one thing in a thousand that is worth knowing; reduce the selling cost of any commodity, and so reduce the cost of the article itself; build a mighty institution of industry from an insignificant beginning in a few years; and, last and best, make the merchant who uses it more prosperous, the town in which he lives more prosperous and the land around him more valu able." In other words the newspaper ad vertising columns create a mutuality of interest between . the seller and buyer. Advertising reduces tbe sell ing cost, thus saving money for the seller, and reduces the actual cost, thus bringing economy to the pur chaser. The newspaper advertising columns are the basis of co-operation between buyer and seller. "I intend keeping my eye upon these gentlemen and not to unneces sarily put any-, weapons into their hands," Colonel Roosevelt quotes Lin coln as having said. . In the matted of political attacks it seems to be just one Wilson after another. Senator La Follette says "politic ians make asses of themselves." True. But the Senator's observation would have been much more interesting had he mentioned a few names. . Every inmate of Sing Sing and Ban nemora is in favor of the recall and in- favor of one term only. DON'T BE ENVIOUS. The men or women who envy those who happen to be able to dress well and to enjoy the pleasures of life a little more than those who are compelled to work continually will be miserable all their days, for, no matter how high they may get, they will find others still higher. The envious person is never satisfied and never can be. The Inhumanity of War and What Its End Would Mean By ABRAHAM GRUBER.. AR is ORGANIZED HUMAN BEINGS as must be destroyed. The ness of soul and great intelligence of the men to. be killed make the killing more atrocious, but they are not the slightest pro tection. The nations of the earth in preparing for war are today hut SPENDERS OF MAN'S HARD EARNED WAGE. They are as far away from the right mission of men as evil is from good. If, when war is declared, the kings and the male members of their fami lies arid th? presidents and their children were compelled to march in the front ran';, hi every battle wars would cease. ' ,' WITH THE END OF WARS WOULD COME A PROPER SETTLE MENT OF Mri3T OF OUR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC TROUBLES. MUCH OF TisE HUNGER, MISERY AND POVERTY OF OUR PRES ENT CIVILIZATION, WOULD BE GONE FOREVER IF THE MONEY, TIME. PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ENERGY NOW DEVOTED. TO THE PURPOSED OF WAR WERE DEVOTED TO EDUCATION, A BETTER WAGE T'j THE WORKINGMAN AND THE HELP AND CARE OF THE LAf.'GE ARMY OF UNFORTUNATE BUT, GOOD PEOPLE WHO INHABIT THE EARTH. - ' ' .-" - CQN1EST FOR AUTO STARTS TOMORROW ,. (Continued from page 1.) ager. These votes will be counted from time to time and the exact stand ing of each contestant will be pub lished in both the Weekly and Dally Enterprise: . In these days of "strenuous times" in which we are now living, the daily newspaper is deemed a necessity. The Daily Enterprise fills a long felt want in this community by supplying the news, both local. -and general, in a readable form. Any contestant who enters this contest and solicits sub scriptions will be accorded a hearty welcome everywhere, for sooner or later every one will want to subscribe for Clackamas county's leading news paper. THOMAS SHUTE WAS I In the death of Thomas Shute at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brown, son-in-law and daughter, in Maple Lane, there was the passing of more than an ordinary man. , He was born in New Hampshire nearly 100 years ago, and came West through the Ohio and Mississippi valleys to California, and from California he came to Oregon and settled in Clackamas county. He was a citizen of high standing wherever he lived and was always ac tive in promoting the best interests of society. He served his native state in the Legislature and in the judiciary, and in all the positions he was called upon to fill he justified the confidence and expectations of the people. Frank T.- Shute, of Highland, this county, is his son. The funeral services conducted by Dr. Ford, were largely attended by his neighbors, and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Mr. Frank T. Shute. His example of fidelity to public trusts is worthy of commendation and emula tion. T OF FAIRFAX PRIZE Mrs. Lena Charman entertained the Fairfax Club at her home on Ninth and Main streets, the highest score being made by Mrs. H. S. Mount. Refreshments were served and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. C. W. Evans on Center street. Those attending the meeting of the club at the Charman home were Mrs. J. J. Tobin, Mrs. C. W. Evans, Mrs. Rosina Fouts, Mrs. Elizabeth Fuchs, Mrs. E. T. Avison, Mrs. H. S. Mount, Mrs. H. P. Brightbill, Mrs. A. B. Wilmot, Mrs. E. S. Follensbee, Mr3. M. C. Brown. Two Couples Get Licenses. Marriage licenses were issued Sat urday to Maud N. Merrill and William A. Ferguson and Edith Vogal and Harvey S. Abel. Happy Woman. Oh. see the fat lady: How happy she looks. And why is she so happy? Her dressmaker tells her that her dress makes feer look thin. But does it? Never mind that Her husband tells her she looks thin and her friends all tell her she looks thin. But does she not know she is fat? Yes, child, but she thinks they all really think she is thin, and that is what makes her happy. Chicago Post Substitute For Garters. A cbaruiiug story of a child is told by Katheriue Busbey in "Home Life In America:" "One spring day I heard a small voice at my porch ask of the maid: " 'Please may 1 come in and soap my legs?' " "Mistrusting my ears. 1 investigated and found it to be the six -year-old daughter of a friend, and I bad not misunderstood. "She bad started for Sunday school and found, to her dismay, that her socks had a persistent tendency toward her low shoes, because, as she explain ed earnestly: " 'They will not stick unless you soap your legs.' " Be Agreeable. To be good and disagreeable is high treason against tbe royalty of virtue. Moore. Posted. "1 wonder if Jack knows I have mon ey." "Has be proposed?" "Yes." "He knows:" Boston Tra nscript Lawyer and Politician PREMEDITATION TO TOLL if they were wild animals that individual high character, sweet Wants, For Sale, Etc Msttses uadsr Umm elaaalfM will bs Uuarisd at Mat a ward. MM iRHrtlH. halt a cant additional fewer ttena. One la oh earn, It par month, ball mod sard, (4 lineal n par month. Cash must asoenipaay order unload an baa aa apes, account with the paper. Mo financial reapoaaibUitr far arrow; wfcsrt errors eeaur free oomteted BOtiee wUt b printed far patron. Mtnim-wa oh area the WANTED. WANTED Everybody to know that I carry the largest stock of second hand furniture in town. Tourists or local people looking for curios In dian arrow heads, old stamps or Indian trinkets should see me. Wil) ; buy anything of value. : George Young, Main street, near Fifth. WATNED Girl for light housework and care for baby. Call 1452. WANTED Woman for general housework 902 Jefferson street FOR SALE. FOR SALE English Pit bull pupe, thoroughbred. Address "X," care Enterprise. V FOR SALE A first class cow, part Jersey. Inquire Farmers 1988. FOR SALE Thoroughbred English Pit bull pups. Tel. Main 2793, Ore gon City. FOR SALE Cheap a block of land lying between Fourteenth and Fif teenth streets in Oregon City, com mencing 380 feet east of the N. E. corner of block 172, running east 280 feet, thence south 304 feet to the center line of Fourteenth streeet, thence west 230 feet north 128 feet, west 50 feet, thence north 176 feet to the place of beginning, comprising 11 1-2 lots. Will sell the whole block at a bargain, but will sell part or single lots very rea sonable. H. Ohlinger, Camas, Wash. Route 1. FOR SALE Bay horse, weighs 1100 pounds, 8 years old. Address B. L L., care Enterprise. FOR SALE Ten-room house, 110 Seventh street, one block from de pot, half block from Main street; can.be bought at your own price" if taken in a few days. Parties have other business; can also keep lots of boarders. Inquire on premises. PERSONAL. FELL and broke his leg, he was in such a hurry to get some of E. A. Hackett's hard wood before It is all gone. Phone 2476, at 317 Seven teenth street. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the city: SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone! your orders ' Pacific 3502, Home B 110. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dimick & Dimick, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEYS. U'REN & SCHTJEBEL, Attorneys-at-' Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice In all courts, make collections and settlements. Office in Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. INSURANCE. E. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Let us handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office in Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregsn. PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING If you want your piano thoroughly and accurately tuned, at moderate cost, notify Piano-Tuner at Electric Hotel. Strongly endorsed by the director of the Philharmonic, who will per sonally vouch for his work. SPRAYING. TREE SPRAYING We are prepared to spray fruit trees witn best of spray. Guaranteed ' satisfaction. John Gleason. 'Phone 1611. DYEING AND STEAM CLEANING. OREGON CITY DYE WORKS 319 Main street, French dry and. steam cleaning. Repairing, alterations and relining. Ladies' and gent's $685 FORD $685 I am exclusive dealer for this and Marion counties. I am exclusive dealer for Firestone Tires In Clackamas and Marion counties. I am exclusive agent for French Auto Oil in Clackamas and Marion counties. I conduct a wholesale and retail business. 'C. A. ELLIOTT Main, near Fourth.- OREGON CITY, OR. Phones A-72. Main 119. - i . V -V w- c T. B. Ford, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, a home like church for everybody. ' Motto: In Essentials, Unity; in non-essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. Dr. Ford's subject: This morning "An Appeal to Rea son." . This evening "America's Greatest Need Leadership." clothing of all kind cleaned, pressed and dyed. . Curtains carpets, blan kets, furs and auto covers. All work called for and delivered, phone Main 389. Mrs. J. Tamblyn "and Mrs. Frank Silvey. PROPOSALS INVITED. Bids wlli be received for the erection of an addition to Willamette school building until 5 p. m., Saturday, February 24. The .board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. A certified check for $100 must ac company all bids as a guarantee of good faith. Plans and specifications can be had of G. S. Rogers at Run yon's jewelry store, Masonic Build ing, Oregon City, Or. Sea Serpents. Sea serpents date back to the days of Aristotle, who wrote: "Tbe serpents of Iibya are of enormous size. Naviga tors along the coast report having seen a great quantity of bones of oxen, which they believe without doubt to have been devoured by the serpents. These serpents pursued them (the sea men) when they left tbe shore and up set one of their triremes." Glaus Magnus wrote in the middle ages of a sea serpent 200 feet long and 20 feet thick which baunted rocks and caves near the seaeoast, tbe old writer adding. "And- be puts up his head on high like a pillar and catcheth away men, and be devours them." Filing Steel. If a little chalk be rubbed on a file before filing steel it will prevent chips sticking to the file to scratch the work. An Odd Court Incident. Sensational incidents are not uncom mon in tbe closing stages of famous criminal trials! One of tbe most re marknble occurred iu Melbourne on the last day of the trial of Ned Kelly, known as the "ironclad bushranger of Australia." A knife dropped from a gallery overhead and fell at tbe feet of the desperado in tbe dock: Me bad every temptation to grasp it and put an end to his existence, for there was not 'tbe slightest chance of his escap ing the gallows But it was promptly picked up by a bailiff., and its owner was arrested and brought before the judge He pleaded that the occurrence was purely accidental, and the expla nation was accepted by tbe court. YOURSELF. Man's greatest enemy is himself. II every man in the .world should be as careful of deserving an honest opinion of himsell as he is ot getbng the good opinion of others there would be a vast difference in the standing of the tnaionty of mankind. Patronize our advertisers. FORD car and parts In Clackamas Dr. Madison Popular Crowds Wonder at Cures Effected Delighted Patients Bear Evidence of Marvelous Cures Deafness, Para lysis, Rheumatism and Chronic Dis orders of Long Standing Are Dis pelled Before Crowds Very Eyes. - Since the arrival of Dr. Madison here in Oregon City, much favorable comment has been passed upon the healing powers, possessed by this man of science over disease. Each -day crowds of humanity flock to his of fices in the Electric Hotel Annex, from all parts of the city of Oregon City, and in fact from airthe surrounding country. ,; The sick, the lame, and the afflicted come to be treated by this expert. It is said that Dr. Madison's treatment is unknown by other phy sicians. No knife for the cripple or poisonous drugs for the diseased com prise any part of his treatment. Noth ing but the miraculous art of blood less surgery and the "juices of the green plant." Every day wonderful cures have been" effected. Dr. Madison has scores of convinc ing testimonials at his offices. They tell stories of. human suffering reliev ed, which have rarely been equalled in the annals of medical and surgical history. Almost every one was at one time given up by the doctors either to die or spend the remainder of their life in bed or on crutches. Some of these; cures were wrought here in Oregon .City at the offices in the Elec tric Hotel Annex, where he is now giving treatments daily. Some are our Oregon City citizens, known and respected here. Some live in various parts of the state and some from oth er states. ,, ' No matter what the nature of your malady is, or of how long standing, don't give up hope until you have con sulted this great physician, whose wonderful cures are already the talk of the town. His vast experience and adept ability to diagnose disease, makes it almost impossible to estimate his worth in dollars and cents. Were Dr. Madison to appropriate these in herent gifts he possesses to the ex clusive aggrandizement of his purse, the services would be beyond tbe reach of only the very wealthy; but Dr. Madison is not the slave of purely mercenary ambitious, he considers his prime mission is to relieve as much suffering us possible m the space of time he is alloted to each territory. Dont hes'tate to call. Con sultation free. Will remain Oregon City until Feb. 20, closing at. 5 p. m. THE BARRED ROAD. "There is only one road to suc cess in life," said the man who had made his fortune and retired. "And how shall I know the road?" inquired the budding young man. ." WeD," replied the man with the fortune, "you go right along this path of adversity until you reach the first turn to the righL" "Yes, yes." "AncJ you'll find a road barred off with a gale and a sign that says 'NoTre5passing. Well.that'sit." Selected. The Mouse In the Meal Sack. When a mouse has fallen into tbe meal sack he thinks he Is the miller himself. Dutch Proverb. An Ungrateful Teacher. Little Boy Tbey won't ever get me to give another 10 cents toward a present of a book for tbe teacher Mother What weDt wrong? Little Boy We got the principal to select one for her, and be picked out one that was jus' crowded full of information, and she's been teachin' It to us ever since. Tact and Principle. We must carefully distinguish be- , tween the absence of tact and tbe pres i ence of principle. John Davidson. v A Few Hundred Dollars is often the making of one's success. Systematic saving will soon result in the accumulation of the' few hpndred dollars. The best way to save i3 to open an account with us and add to it weekly or monthly, as you can. The Bank of Oregon City The Oldest Bank D. O. LATOURBTTB President THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, $60.0OO.OU. Transacts a neral Banking Business. Greater Speed-Greater Accuracy-Greater Efficiency-are the logical resultts of installing the Underwood v Typewriter derwoods tar ahead of those of any other machine making neces sary the largest typewriter factory and the largest typewriter of fice building in the world. Such a demand from business men everywhere is unquestionable evidence of tbe practical mechanical superiority of "The machine you will eventually buy." Branch Offices in All Principal Cities Underwood Typewriter Company, ,nc. 68 Sixth Street Portland, Or. Ownef Offers For Sale Clackamas County Farms and Oregon City Homes and Home Sites. CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARMS. 160 acres 7 miles from Molalla, fine stream and springs," 10 acres clear, 100 tillable, plenty of range, five room house and outbuildings, lots ' of timber for household use, all good pasture where non-tillable; fine fruit land. Good cattle and hog ranch. Price, $4500.00. 6 acres 2 miles south of Court House in Oregon City; sidewalk all the way; all garden land in high state of cultivation, sevn room plastered house, good as new, fine well, land slopes back from road, easily irri gated, will raise anything. Good barn and chicken park. Price, $3500.00. 10 acres fine soil, 8 acres clear, fine view mile Clackamas Southern R. R., 3 miles of Oregon City. No" rocks nor shallow soil; good farms all around. School, 1 mile. Price, $1750.00. 15 acres; best of soil, four acres wood timber along fine stream; balance : easily cleared; no rock, 3 miles of Oregon City. School and railroad 1 mile. Good road. Price, $2000.00. 40 acres, IV2 miles from Clark's, school 1 mile; good road, hog tight fence two sides, 25 acres slashed, 3 acres ' plowed, house 20x30, small barn, good well, 10 acres wood. Price, $2000.00. , 7y2 acres, 3 miles of Oregon City, mile from Clackamas Southern R. R.; all clear and finest soil,' 6 room house, good barn and outbuild ings, good spring by barn and fish pond site, family orchard and ber ries, school 1 mile, fine roads. Price, $3000.00. Zyz acres in Oreogn City, all level and growing crop; some fruit trees, new 4-room house and new barn; two welis, good chicken ranch and room for few cows and a horse. Price, $2500.00. HOME SITES. Four lots, 50x100 ft., street front and back, clear, fine soil, good celery See the owner for terms, also free consultation in making investments and information about Clackamas County. JOHN W. Lode Bona Fide Owner. Pres. Title & Investment Co., Inc. Both Phones. . Clackamas County Abstractor. Stevens Building, Oregon City, Ore. ii 4 V J. MEYER. Cashlc Open from 9 A. M. te ! P. I Exclusive Underwood fea tures make possible the most important labor-sating systems of modern accounting. The ever growing demand puts the annual sales of Un land; Willamette car 5 minutes walk. Price, $170.00. Six lots, 50x100 ft., street front and side, all clear, half low and half up land. Willamette car 5 . minutes walk; rich soil Price, $220.00. Four lots, 50x100 fU street front and back; fine soil; some small brush. Willamette -car 5 minutes walk, . beautiful view. Price, $250.00. Four lots, 50x100 ft., street side and front, level, fine soil. Willamette car 5 minutes walk. Price, $300.00. Site 50x100 ft., Mt. Pleasant school 100 yds., store near, hot house close; sightly view, fine soil. Price, $125. Five level lots, 50x100 ft., street on two sides, rich soil, clear of stumps and roots, 5 minutes walk from Wil lamette car. Price, $260.00. Nine lots, 50 xl00 ft. Street front and back, half low and half upland. Wil lamette car 5 minutes walk ; clear, rich soil. Price, $420.00. Four lots, street three sides, fine soil, level, sightly. Willamette car five minutes. Price, $315.00. Four lots, 50x100 ft. on Willamette car line; 3 blocks N. of store; level, fine soil; almost clear. Price, $550., Three lots, 66x105 ft., 10th and Van Buren. Sightly, sewer In, and street improved within 200 ft. High school, 2 blocks. Price, $750.00. One lot, 66x105 ft., Cor. 10th and Van Buren streets, Oregon City, sewer and water. Improved street within 200 ft. and cement walk. Sightly view, close in, good part of city. Price, $300.00. - DWELLING HOUSES. Four room, closets and pantry, wood shed, etc., at Gladstone; new, lot 50x100 ft. Three blocks west of car line, level and convenient. Price, '$800.00. " Seven room, 212 Jefferson St. Street improved, cement sidewalk, bath, basement, lot 70x105, fruit and shrubbery, level, no rock. Price, $1850.00. In The County.