MOKHLNG EN TEKFK1S Jfi, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1912. HORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publlahar. "Batared aa aeeond-olaaa matter Jaa HiT 3, 111. at ths pot offioa at Orecoa Vitr Oregon, unrter tha Act at Ifaroa TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Jua tear, ,y matt ... .tl.M Biz Months, by mail l.M Tour Month, by mail........ l.M Pr week, by carrier... . . M CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. $ THE MORNING ENTERPRISE is on sale at the following stores every day: Huntley Bros. Drugs - Main Street. J. W. McAnulty Cigars Seventh and Main. E. B. Auderson, Main near Sixth. M. E. Dunn Confectionery Next door to P. O. City Drug Store Electric Hotel. Bckoenborn Confectionery Seventh and A. Q. Adams. Feb. 8 In American History. 1820 General William Tecumseli Sher man, born; died 1K91. 1861 Provisional constitution of the Confederate States of America adopted at Montgomery. Ala. . 1877 Admiral Charles Wilkes of - steamer Trent and San .lacinto fame died In Washington: born 1708. 1905 A pact between the United States and Santo Domingo signed at Santo Domingo. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 5:25. rises 7:01; moon rises 12:12 a.m. POLITICS AND THE NAVY. The country will severely condemn the action of the Democratic majority in the House in bringing the question of the nation's safety into questions relating'to purely party politics. It is unpatriotic and un-American. The maintenance of a navy properly equip ped for the country's defence is too grave a matter to be made a political football. Secretary Meyer in 1910 directed to the attention of the President and Congre33 the fact that the United States with a navy half the size of tlat of Great Britain had twice a3 many first class home yards. Ger many has six and France five to our eleven. These yards cost the United States annually $7,662,472.59: The secretary pointed out that from $2, 000,000 to $3,000,000 could be saved by abolishing yards that are of no value to the service ana exist simply that politicians may find in them re wards for faithful servitors. Instead of authorzing concentration and readjustment to bring about economy the House ignored the rec ommendations of the Secretary and proceeded to elmlnate from the ap propriation the money desired for two new battleships. As Mr. Meyer says, the Democrats might have brought about economy if they had the courage to abolish these needless navy yards. Even with a continuous program of two battleships a year, the United States will fall a little behind its pres ent effective strength for the reason that in another year four of our bat tleships will become non-effective. The policy of calling a halt on the ITY planning and building instead of an individual City planning and what j smit I Duty , I ; . J ; Q 1 Control I I of a -1 gif I Public 1 1 City? I hry- ' 'J' iutilities?! I By Mayor Jf jZj- ' Socialist I SEIDEL I . Vs I Milwaukee THAT A CITY AND A CITY'S PEOPLE NEED transportation, telephone, communication, light, water and lieat sup ply, factory location and innumerable other functions and duties. ; Nor need this sound chimerical. Are we not ALREADY CON TROLLING MANY, OF THESE things in a greater or lesser de gree? . - ,' - Besides this, we also have already encroached upon the preroga tive of the individual by exercising in every well regulated city control over the source of milk and food supply, health and sanitation. Some one will interpose that a city cannot operate all these enter prises economically. GRAFT WOULD BE RAMPANT among officialdom, waste would be the order of the day, taxes would be higher, and more of these stock in trade arguments would be heard against municipal ownership. They are already too well known. BUT HAVE WE STOPPED BANKING BECAUSE MANY BANKS HAVE FAILED? IS IT NOT TRUE THAT MORE CONCERNS HAVE FAILED IN EVERY ONE OF YOUR OLDER CITIES THAN ARE IN EXISTENCE IN THEM TODAY? AND YET YOU HAVE NOT DISCON TINUED PRIVATE ENTERPRISES. Some of the Big Guns That Guard New York From Attack 4fV'A , 1 Photo copyright by American Press T I sty mf i nMtiiti ft J lHIS is the story of a battle recently fought In New York harbor: "The flagship of the enemy is now approaching the mine She- is closely fol lowed by two torpedo boat destroyers The flagship now lies over the mine, and the fcan at the levers and keys destroys her The toritedo boat destroyers are driven within range of the forr's hig guns that are now trained on them. Another order Is given, and the torpedo hunt destroyers are sunk." Such, at any rate, was the explanation given by the rommanding offi cer at Fort Hamilton to the secretary of war when he watched the handling of the big guns in repelling an Imaginary attack upon the city by sea The upper picture shows a gunner sighting his itt"-e and the lower a gun crew loading a "Long Tom" for the secretary's benefit equipment for the country's defence does not appeal to the American sense of patriotism. - The defences of the tion must be free from politics. Burglars are unusually active in Greater New Tork. That's the way the police should be. Gifford Pinchot denies that he ever said it and thus loses a chance of election to the Ananias Club. The Russian bear feels comfortable with its feet on a Persian rug. While in Egypt Mr. Morgi j may make up his mind to add old Cheops and the Sphinx to his art collec tion. The red badge of courage belongs to the man who sit tight on the water wagon without being strapper. To date Mayor Whitlock of Toledo, has a monopoly of the limelight as the only municipal executive in the coun try who asked that his salary be re duced. - Since the time of John tjuincy Adams no Massachusetts man has been elected President. Governor Foss will not break the record. r It was left for the pert paragrapher must become a collective function enterprise. - its analysis, then, involve ALL Association. of the Boston Glode to remark: "If the girls persist in wearing elastic gowns," they must expect the horrid men to rubber." The Toledo Blade is looking for some one with an old - fashioned stomach. Has it looked"up any mince' pie fiends? - One characteristic of the self-made man is that he will not permit you to forget the fact. r A Sabbath soul content. well spent brings the Live Wirelets (By Edgar Bates.) Sure, give the youngsters a play ground. A great big place where they can romp around and have a glorious good time. Last evening a young chap not so very well along in his teens was playing "shinny1 ' in a lot up on the hill. Instead of "Using a can these the boys were using a golf ball. As the result of an extra heavy swing the ball put a nice sized hole in a man's front window, which cost the young fellow a dollar to replace. .As this boy carries paper six nights a week for the big sum of a dollar and twenty cents a week and has to turn in to his parents the dollar part of this amount, it is a sure thing that he will not play "shinny" for a few days. With a big play-ground at his disposal this accident would not save happened. A public official is elected to serve the interests of the people. It is an official's duty to " set aside' personal opinions in all things and perform the functions of his office in strict accor dance with the wishes of the people he is serving. If .the people want something done its up to the officials to do it. If the people want certain street work done, it is the duty of the officials to see that the work is done. If the people want a certain man to be appointed to fill a certain position its up to the executive officials or of ficial to appoint that man to fill that place. Advancement of every comparative ly new community is greatly retarded by wild-cat land companies. The gi gantic orchard land fraud which has just come to light- will hurt this great Northwest more than the combined publicity efforts of half dozen Com mercial Clubs. And that wholly un warranted ''scare head" letter sent broadcast by the Portland Central La bor Council is a . mighty bad thing. It will take some little time and hard work to conteract the effects -of such a terrible misrepresentation of condi tions as they exist in th?s state. - While the different Elk's lodges all over the country are making great boasts as to the big stunts they will pull off at the Grand Reunion In Port land next July, the local lodge hasen't even said "boo:" But just wait till the time comes, and the local boys will spring . a 'surprise package" that will be the talk of "the convention. They are mighty close about the mat ter but just leave it to them. The news, of the burning of the steamer Leona at La Center brings back memories of " the palmy days when she plied between here and Portland, carrying hundreds ? of pas sengers at 25c the round trip. The boat was originally built for passeng er service between Oregon City and the Metropolis and was at all times a paying venture. It was a sad day for Oregon .City when the P. R. LV & P. Co. bought off the boat company and caused the Leona to be sent else where. . To make life a bit more attractive the soldiers of the government are to have their meals served on aluminum dishes. To most of us the contents of the dish is of much more import ance than the composition. The ODenlnsr of the new Multnomah reflects great credit on all Oregon as well a3 Portland. The establishment of this vast hotel Is only another proof of the wonderful erowth and nerman- cy of this whole country. Why don't some' enterprising thea tre manager offer his show house .to the council for their meetings, and charge an admission to the public at large? From all reports the sessions are exceedingly enteresting and should prove a good drawing card. Along with other improvements in public affairs, an up to date fire de partment merits consideration The volunteer "Fire Laddies" have in the past done admirable service but it must be admitted that the present eq uipment would be totally inadequate in case of a serious conflagration. Some more work for the 'Live Wires.' Some Portland people are beginning to worry about the smoke that come3 from Jhe thousands of factories, mills, etc. If some of their numerous soap box orators and rabid Socialists went up in some they would be mighty glad of-the smoke.' v . Of course we all realized that P. R. U & P. company has a splendid, dam at Estacada but we didn't know it was one of the very best in the Northwest. A bunch of Seattle coun cilmen are coming down to examine the big works with a view of adapt ing the same style in a project they have in view. Reports 'state that the late silver thaw "only"' killed 628,500 salmon fry at Bonneville. Glad to know that six hundred and twenty-eight thousand is "only." " . There are a multitude of uses for a phonograph but the newest one is to allow a person accused of murder to take some "canned music" into a cell to help while away the hours awaiting trial. , , '' Is eating work? Most people say no, most decidedly but the attorneys for the government in charging rail road officials with working men over time, claim that meals eaten by train men is just the same as work, as they do it on company time. . When a person tells "yours truly" to "go to," there is generally "room for argument." But Gompers, who told the court to "go to," states that he was merely quoting Shakespeare. Now that he is gone, old Bill has to stand, for it. Most mothers approve of the Boy Scout -movement provided . the boys will "scout" enough wood to fill the box. HERE AND THERE. Something Very Practical and Pretty In Motor Sets. One of the newest and most prac tical novelties is a motor set which includes a hat. a cap. a cape and muff. It comes in several different warm DRESS FOR 8TTMMEK FABRICS. materials lu mixed browns, grays and dark greens. ; " " - For the practical separate blouse changeable silks, trimmed with odd buttons, are in good tnste. The pretty dress here Illustrated is a fine model for a school frock, and the small girl may take it on and off without assistance, as it cpens down the front ' JUDIC CHOLLET. This May Manton pattern Is cut in sizes for girls of eight, ten and twelve years of age. Send 10 cents to this office, giving number, 7276. and It will be promptly for warded tq you by mail. If In haste send an additional two cent stamp for letter postage, which Insures morn prompt de livery. When ordering use coupon. No. Size. Name Address v Stuff. ' "You can reach a man's heart with food, a woman's with flattery." remark ed tht wise guy. . . "In other words? stuff them and they are yours," added the simple mug. Philadelphia Record. . BEST COAL LOWEST PRICES-" $7.50 UP PER TON. , -. Free Delivery In City, Cane man, Gladstone and West Side... Oregon Commission Co ELEVENTH AND MAIN ST. Oregon City, Ore. . ROCK SPRING COAL . MEN DOT A COAL ; . SHELBY COAL Wants, For Sale, Etc will be iBaertea at aeat m WMtL ftroi InverUoa. half a cent additional Inser tlena. om tack ail U Br meatfe. bait iajaa aarC t nmaej si yer moata. Cash must ascompaay araar unless eo aaa aa apen aooosnt with the taper. Wc fta aaTlal wuenalbuttr far arrara; whew arrera oeour free corraotea neUas will h arlatal far patron. Minimum aaarse lie WANTED. WANTED Everybody to know that I carry the largest stock of second hand furniture in town. Tourists or local people looking for curios In dian arrow heads, old stamps or Indian trinkets should see me. Will buy anything of value. ' Georgo Young,. Main street, near Fifth. WANTED To buy a young mare, about 1250 lbs., not over seven years old. Apply E. W. Smith, Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 5. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Milch cows, both Dur ham and Jersey, can be purchased at any time. Apply to May field Bros., at Hughland, Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 4. Phone, Mayfield Bros., Beaver Creek. " " FOR RENT. FOR RENT One 6-room modern cot tage on improved street, with nice lawn and garden. Call on George Randall, Fifth and Jefferson streets, city. ' . - LOST. LOST Ladies' brooch, Crescent set with pearls. Return to W. A. Holmes . store and receive reward. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON" CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the city. SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone your orders Pacific 3502, Home B 110. - FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dimick . & Dimick, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEYS. TJTREN & SCHTJEBEL, Attorneys-at-Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice in all courts, make collections and settlements. Office in Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. INSURANCE. E. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Let ns handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office in Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregan. PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING If you want your piano thoroughly and accurately tuned, at moderate cost, notify Piano-Tuner it Electric Hotel Strongly endorsed by the director of the Philharmonic, who will per sonally vouch for his work. SPRAYING. TREE SPRAYING We are prepared to spray fruit trees ' with best of spray.- Guaranteed satisfaction. John Gleason. . Phone 1611. ' DYEING AND STEAM CLEANING. OREGON CITY DYE WORKS 319 MAZDA LAMPS MAI LIGHT WORK "I find that kitchen work is a pleasure rath er than a, dtvdgety," says the housekeeper , "now that this wonderful MAZDA LAMP brightens the room like sunshine. This new lamp certainly is a blessing to the housekeeper. It COSTS NO MORE to burn than the ord inary incandescent lamp and radiates nearly THREE TIMES as much light. And the quality of the light is ever so much better -it is so restful to the eyes." PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN OFFICE 7th and Alder Streets NOT EXPENSIVE . Treatment at Hot Lake, Including- medical attention, board and bths, costs no more than you would pay to live at any first class hotel. Rooms can be bad from 75 cents to $2.50 per day. Meats in the cafeteria are served from 20 cents up and In the grill at the usual grill prices. Baths range from GO cents to $1.00. - Wc Do Cute Rhetimatism " 1 ' . '1 V- S3 t HOT LAKE SANATORIUM HOT LAKE, OREGON. WALTER li. PIERCE. Pres.-Mgr. Prestige The successful business man always counts prestige as a tangible asset. A banking affiliation with the strongest bank is a prestige asset that costs you nothing. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY THE OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY. D LATOURBTTX President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON - CAPITAL. $60,000.00. Tranaaata a Aaaral Banktnf Bualnaaa. Stafford's Bargain Store SUCCESSORS TO EDDY & SON. ' More for the money. Best for the price. : Remember the little store, on the corner, opposite Bank of Oregon City when in need of Dry Goods Ladies', Gentsr and Children's Fur nishings, Notions, etc. McCall's Patterns in stock. .. C. L STAFFORD, 608 Main St Main street, French dry and steam cleaning. Repairing, alterations and relining. Ladies' and gent's clothing of all kind cleaned, pressed and dyed. Curtains carpets, blan kets, furs and auto covers. All work called for and delivered, phone Main 389. Mrs. J. Tamblyn and Mrs. Frank Silvey. MEETING NOTICES.. The attention of all local Odd Fellows is called to the funeral of our late brother Josiah Howell which will be held from the O. O. O": F. Hall at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. It is desired that as many brothers as can arrange to do so will attend these services and this .notice is , Hot Lake Mineral Baths and mud given under scien tific direction have cured thousands. Write for illus trated booklet descriptive of Hot Lake -.Sanatorium and the methods employed. Hot Lake Sanatorium is acces sible as it is located direct ly on the main line of the O.-W. R. & N. railway, and special excursion rates are to be had at all times. Ask agents. An Asset 3. MEYaTR. CasKlw Open from 9 A. M. t ! . f brought to the attention of the lodge, believing that it will be suf ficient to cause them to lay aside their accustomed duties for a brief hour to pay respect to the memory of our brother who for many years labored for the principles of Friend . ship, Love and Truth on which our beloved order is founded and held dear by us all. ' " ' -"-'- - -W. C. CRAWFORD, - Noble Grand. L. H. FEASTER, . Secretary. Patronr- our aaveniaerr E