MORNING KNTEKPKISK, WEDNESDAY, FEBBUAEYJ, 1912. MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON fc E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. Wants, For Sale, Etc Natloea amdar (MM olaaaUlaa itii will be laser led at ene cent a ward. ftat unorttoa. h&lf a cent adetttlaaal bMer tieu. oim iaeti eua. tl per Btoatk. tuui iMk aHL (4 naaeJ u itw aunt. Cash EUiat aooompaay arder unlnee aa hM an open aooocnt with the apr. N (laaaoiai reaponaibiUtr far um; whan arrora occur tree correatsd aoUaa arill Ih arte tea far &tren. ttiatimKm akaraa Ihe Toledo Has Handsome New Art Museum, Which Cost $500,000 NOT EXPENSIVE - V Treatment at Hot Lake, including medical attention, board and brths, costs no more than you would pay to live at any first class hotel. Rooms can be had from 75 cents to $2.50 per day. Meats in the cafeteria are served from 20 cents up and in the grill at the usual grill prices. Baths range from EO cents to $1.00. Wc Do Cure Rheumatism Heart to Heart By EDWIN A.NYE. "Kntered aa aecond-claaa matter Jtn-luu-r J, 111. at the post office at Oraaoa Cttj Orton, unrte? the Act of March . lUi." WANTED. TESMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. y Oue Tear by mail it.M Six Months, by mall I N Four Month, by mail... l.M r week, by carrier It . CITY OFFICIAL. NEWSPAPER. Se.S?5v3S'$!' THE MORNING ENTERPRISE $ Is on sale at. the following stores every day: Huntley Bros. Drugs Main Street. .- 3. W. McAnulty Cigar Seventh and Main. B. B. Auderson, Main near Sixth. , M. B. Dunn Confectionery $ Next door to P. O. City Drug Store . $ Electric Hotel. 3 Schoenborn Confectionery Seventh and .T. Q. Adams. Feb. 7 In American History. ,1800 Millard Fillmore, thirteenth pres ident of the United States, born: died 1874. 1876 A-liniral Silas Horton String ham. U. S. N.. distinguished in all the wars from 1812 to 18til, died: born 1789. T.904 The most destructive fire In the history of Baltimore laid in ruins 140 acres in the heart of the city; loss. $50,000,000. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 5:24. rises 7:02; moon rises 11:06 p. in.; moon at greatest libration CLEAN CITY GOVERNMENT. More than a month ago the coun cil of Oregon City went on record, by a vote of S to 1, in favor of the retention of E. L. Shaw as Chief of Police. This action was taken in the in terest of Clean City Government, and the council has the backing of the great majority of the law-abidine neo- ple of the community. Following the action of the council, Mayor Dimick attempted the removal of Chief Shaw upon charges that have no actual foundation, but the Chief, with the council behind him, is stand ing pat and has continued to see that the laws and ordinances of Oregon City are rigidly and impartially en forced. . The Enterprise, even before the council declared itself, announced through Its columns that Chief Shaw should be retained in the interest of Clean City Government, and this news paper has seen, no reason for chang ing front. The Enterprise has no fight on Mayor Dimick, but we believe he is making a great mistake in advocating in change in the police administra tion. We believe that his action is alienating his friends of many years' standing. We believe Mayor DJmick's own ambitions of a political character will suffer in the extreme by his stand. All this, of course, is Mayor Dim ick's own business. He is reputed to be a far-seeing politician and we have no desire to tell him what he shall do or what he shall not do, especially as he has gone beyond the pale of advice In the matter of appointment of a head of the police administration. Our position is plain. United States Banks head of South America. The approaching completion of the Panama canal accentuates the critical condition which it is the point of this discussion to bring out. THERE- IS NOT ONE BANKING INSTITUTION SOUTH OF THE ISTHMUS OF PANAMA WHICH IS IN ANY WAY CONTROLLED BY UNITED STATES CAPITAL, AND YET IN EVERY IMPORTANT CITY OR; PORT LIKE RIO DE JANEIRO, MONTEVIDEO, BUENOS AIRES, VALPARAISO, t LIMA, GUAYAQUIL AND CARACAS THERE IS AT LEAST ONE BANK, AND IN SOME INSTANCES THERE ARE MANY BANKS.. CONTROLLED BY ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH. BELGIAN, $PANISH OR OTHER EUROPEAN MONEYED INTERESTS. ". The trade of the United States with Latin America is today grow ing with such rapidity that it' is ENTITLED TO THE VERY BEST FACILITIES. - V There is no question in the minds of experts that there is business to maintain banks, the majority of whose stock and whose control would rest' with the.;-BUSLNESS MEN OF THE UNITED T HE city of Toledo, O., may now seum of art, recently completed at a cost of $500,000 for building and grounds. Of this sum half was given by Kdward Drummond Libbey. the president of the museum, and the rest by more than 20.0(10" citi zens, who subscribed in amounts ranging from 10 rents to $10,000 The build lng is of white marble In the Ionic style and stands In a tine grove of oaks In the center of the city. George W. 'Stevens, the director is systematically popularizing the museum among all classes of the population, carrying its work Into homes, factories, churches and piinlit- schools The feature of the opening was a loan exhibition of paintings by Rembrandt. Hals. Rubens. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Constable. Turner and many other masters An exhibition of the work of modern American sculptors has also bwti distillled Behind us is the same element that is behind the city council. There is no inducement for an of ficer to do his duty, to transact pub lic business in the right way, to be honest and upright, if he is to lose his job as a result. . The council of Oregon City should stand pat on this proposition and force it through. .They should see it to the finish and we believe they will. Mayor Dimick ought to realize, as many of his good friends have realiz ed, that the entire city is interested in the retention of a man who ha3 been the best police chief the city has ever had. In Old Stagecoach Days. There used to be rate wars in the old stagecoach days in England. At one time early last century oue stage coach company not only cut the prici from Lewes to London to a very low rate, but gave also other inducements. As the roach started from Lewes 8t a somewhat uncomfortably early hour In the morning, by way of tiding over the difficulty the proprietors allowed the more slothful of their passeugers to go overnight to Brighton, where they were accommodated with good beds free of expense and could proceed comfortably to London by the com pany's morning coach. London Tele graph. Have a Big Field In s South America By JOHN BARRETT. Direc tor General of the Pan American Union HE United States is at & CRUCIAL PERIO'D OF ITS TRADE EX- iCILANOE WITH TWENTY EiEPUBLICS OF LATfj AMERICA and espe cially 'with that section of Latin America comprehended under the boast Its. possession or a baudsome niu Live Wirelets y , (By Edgar Bates.) Oleomargarine might fool the in mates of the insane asylum, but the landlady of a prominent boarding house stirred up a peck of trouble when she substituted "oleo" for but ter, thinking that her boarders could not tell the difference. A farmer living just outside the city asks a Portland paper if he must have a license to peddle his produce in that city. No need to go to Port land. There are many housewives right in Oregon City who will be glad of the opportunity to purchase farm produce direct from the grower, part icularly at this time of the year when green stuff is scarce. Taft seems determined that the Su preme court shall get the Hook. Church isn't what it used to be. All of us can remember the long, dry sermons of a few years ago and the mournful hymns that we used to sing from the black covered hymnal. But now we hear new spirited songs that are sung with a swing. A pleasing solo or duet is offered and then comes a bright snappy little twenty minute talk by the pastor. Not a deliberate oration or lecture but an up-to-the-minute talk about things that inter est us. A talk in the language we can understand and appreciate, ana yet with a message of cheerful ad vice and helpfulness, delivered with an effective "punch." a The woman who says Postmaster Randall should devote more of his time to local girls instead of giving such wide publicity to the letters from women who want husbands, is certainly giving her Clackamas sis ters a hard slap. Whoever heard of one of our young women requesting assistance in "making a drag in the sea of matrimony." Statistics at hand do not show a single case where this has been done as Clacka mas County girls can and do get what they want without any outside assistance. This writer says that ow ing to the strenuous efforts of the Postmaster good men are leaving here to "marry these women It isn't that way at all: These outside wom en don't want the men to come to them; they want to come to the men, get married and live in Clackamas County. But no one need worry about our own girls, they can take care of themselves regardless of it being leap year every now. and then. a ' Appartment houses for Oregon City is a new departure and will fill a long felt want. Desirable houses at any time are hard to obtain and the scarcity of suitable dwelling places handicaps the town. A new comer arrived here three weeks ago and be gan a search for a house that was not far from the center of town. He at last .has the promise of a house but must wait till the "D" family moves out. The "A' family is going to the county - the "B" family is going to take "A" house; the "C's" will then move to the "B1 house and the "D's" will move to "C's" old house. AH this make3 work-for die transfer men so I suppose Its all right Wall Street has $5,000 to bet that Taft will be elected "if" nominated. That little "if" bothers a lot of peo ple. a a Reports inform us that La Follette will "give up "give up" whatr Bashful. Nellie Is that fellow of yours ever going to get up the courage to pro pose? : Belle--Guess not. He's like an hourglass. Nellie Like an hourglass? Belle Yes: the more time he gets the less sand he has. Philadelphia Times. Subscribe for tha Dsilv Bnterpriae WANTED Everybody to know that I carry the largest stock of second hand furniture in town. Tourists or local people looking for curios ln- dian arrow heads,- old stamps or Indiaa trinkets should see me. Will buy anything of value. Georga Young, Main street, near Fifth. WANTED Girl for general house work. 902 Jefferson street. 2t WANTED Men to board and room in private home. 616 Eleventh Street. Phone 2753, Oregon City. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Milch cows, both Dur ham and Jersey, can .be purchased at any time. Apply to Mayfield ' Bros., at Hughland, Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 4. Phone, Mayfield Bros., Beaver .Creek. .FOR RENT. FOR R.ENT 5-room house, bath, pan try, hot and cold water, nearly acre .ground in fruit, wood-house, chicken-houses, etc; $10 per month to ' responsible party. 1718 Harrison street. FOR RENT One 6-room modern cot tage on improved street, with nice lawn and garden.. Call on George Randall, Fifth and Jefferson streets, city. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL ' CO., F. M.T Bluhm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the city. SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone your orders Pacific 3502, Home B 110. FARM LOANS- FARM LOANS Dimick & Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. Dimick, ATTORNEYS. U'REN & SCHUEBEL, Attorneys-at-Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice in all courts, make collections and settlements. Office in Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. INSURANCE. E. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Let us handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office in Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregan. CLEANING AND PRESSING. CHICAGO TAILORS suits .made to order from $10 and "up. We also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Three doors south of postoffce. PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING If you want your piano thoroughly and accurately tuned, at moderate - cost, notify Piano-Tuner it Electric Hotel. Strongly endorsed by the director of the Philharmonic, who will per sonally vouch for his work.' SPRAYING. TREE SPRAYING We are prepared to spray fruit trees witn best of spray. Guaranteed satisfaction. John Gleason. Phone 1611. DYEING AND STEAM CLEANING. OREGON CITY DYE WORKS 319 , Main street, French dry and steam cleaning. Repairing, alterations and relining. Ladies' and gent's clothing of all kind cleaned, pressed and dyed. Curtains carpets, blan kets, furs and auto covers. All work called for -and delivered. Phone Main 389. "Mrs. J. Tamblyn and Mrs. Frank Silvey. r His Hat Joke. After greeting In the street the other day one of two friends, who was sup posed to be a wit. said to the other: "Say. old man, have you heard about the young lady who, poured a jug of water Into a 'straw hat?" "No." replied his friend. "Neither have I." said the wit as he walked away. "It hasn't leaked out yet" London Tit-Bits. Waters of the Oceans. To stow away the contents of the Pacific ocean it would be necessary to fill a tank one mile long, one mile wide and oue mile deep every day for 440 years. The figures of the other oceans are in the same startling pro portions. It would ta'.e all the sea water in the world 2,000.000 years to flow over Niagara. Oh, That BoyI "I'd cheerfully lend you my whistle if I had one. Charlie," said the guest "but I haven't such a thing." "Well, papa says you have." replied Charlie, "and that yon wet it a dozen times a day."' New York Times. BEST COAL LOWEST PRICES $7.50 UP PER TON. Free Delivery in CityCane mah, Gladstone and West S'de. Oregon Commission Co ELEVENTH AND MAIN ST. Oregon City, Ore. . ROCK SPRING. COAL MENDOTA COAL SHELBY.COAL. " " THIS NEW DAY. Miss the way yesterday? Try again today. - If you failed yesterday you have a brand new chance to sncceed todav. Because This is a different world today from yesterday altogether different When you woke up this morning you woke np in a new -world. This morning? Why, this morning the world has turned completely over. And in turning over a whole lot of people and things were spilled com pletely out. For instance Thousands of people have died dur ing the past twenty-four hours. And It will be long before the thousands who have been born dur: jg the twenty-four hours will be able to take the jobs of those who died. Which gives you a chance. Get in. Thee are gaps in the line of the living. Get in before somebody picks up tho dead man's gun and the ranks close np again. And, then, a lot of people have done what you felt like doing yesterday- thrown up their hnnds, surrendered. They are quitters. There "always are quitters. Every time one of them steps out there is ' good chance for you to step in. Yesterday is ancient history. This is a new day to-lay. Yesterday yon felt discouraged. Things went against you. You fought with your lmcK to the wall. And your heart misgave you. You thought you had failed. Well, you hadn't! You were just merely being slowed up some. This morning you had a new chance. The kaleidoscope had changed. There was a new, point of view. You learned something yester "iay. Use that knowledge today. It is your tryout.. This is a rough but kind world. It is putting you to the crucial test. It is trying you as the furnace tries the gold. If yon will let it do so It will melt the dross ont ot yoo- .and leave the refined gold. Yesterday? The furnace seemed heated seven times its wont, but you are alive! The smell of the fire may be on your garments, but this is an other day and you are alive. Latitude and Longitude. "Are a 1 of Maupassant'? stories short?" - "Most of tbem; but. then, nearly all are broad, so that makes up,-y-n know." Lippincott's Magazine. Iceland. 4 . Icelanders are now famous for their high standard of education. Every child of ten in this remote little land can read and write, neither abject pov erty nor important wealth is seen, and crime is rare, and the latest step in the evolution of this remarkable people is the founding of a university at-the cap ital. . Patronize our advertisers. Why All Are Progressive merchants everywhere have found the wonderful MAZDA LAMP an immeasur able benefit to their business. This lamp rad iates brilliant white rays nearly like those of the sen. This SUPERIOR QUALITY of artificial light is produced by a rare metal fila ment that not only radiates a perfect light, but gives nearly THREE TIMES as much light as the ordinary incandescent-and COSTS NO MORE to barn. It is this remarkable combin ation of facts that is causing thousands of peo pie to have their houses and placee of business wired for electric light. In fact, this new MAZDA LAMP is swiftly revoltitinising ar tifcial lighting. It is making electricity the universal illuminant. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MA I -- -v jS.V J HOT LAKE SANATORIUM HOT LAKE, OREGON. WALTER M. PIERCE. Pres.-Mgr. Prestige The successful business man always counts prestige as a tangible asset. I A banking affiliation with the strongest bank is a prestige asset that costs you nothing. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY THE OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY. D. C. LATODHJCTTM Preaideat THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL. $60,000.00. Tranaacta a Uaeral Sanking Busineaa- Open from fl A. M. to ! P. f Stafford's Bargain Store SUCCESSORS TO EDDY i SPNw , More for the money. Best for the price. Remember the- little store on the corner, opposite Bank of Oregon City when in need of Dry Goods Ladies', Gents' and Children's Fur nishings, Notions, etc. McCall's Patterns in stock. C. I. STAFFORD, 608 Main St. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John and Louise Murray to Agnes T. Weber, 13 acres of section 28, township 3 south, range 1 west; $10. Northwestern Trust . Company to Mary M. Hoist, lots 33, 34, block 2, Bell View; $10. J. C. and Anna Havely to Fred C. Eckhoff, lots 3, 4, 6, block 36, Oregon City; $20. Fred C. Eckhoff to Charles A. and Grace Baxter, lot 4 of block 36, Ore gon City; $1,600. Phoebe Clark and T. H. Clark to S. M. Long, northwest quarter of sec tion 28, township, 5 south, range 1 east; $1. ' - . - J. W. Long and Sarah Long to S. M. Long, northwest quarter of sec tion . 28, township 5 south, range 1 Progressive Using Electric N orflCE 7th and Alder , Hot Lake Mineral Baths and mud given under scien tific direction have cured thousands. Write for illus-' trated booklet descriptive of Hot Lake Sanatorium and the methods employed. Hot Lake Sanatorium is acces sible as it is located direct ly on the main line of the O.-W. R. & N. railway, and special excursion rates are to be had at all times. Ask agents. 9 An Asset r. 1. METER, Caahla east; $1. Georgia P. Meldrum and John W. Meldrum to G. C. Fields, 2.645 acres of Peter Rlnearson and wife D. L. C, township 2 south, range 2 east; $1,634. . . j -sj J. H. and Maggie L. Sevier to Gertruds E. Hicinbothem, 1 acre of D. -L.-jC., Allen Mattoon, township 3 south, range 3 east; $1. Anna L. Schneider to E. O. and Wright, lots 1, 2, block 29, Bolton; $1,000. William and Susie Evans to C. A. Blane, 1.10 acres of section 5, town ship 5 south, range 1 east; $85. Richard E. Andrews and Emma Andrews to Northwestern Associa tion, land in Clackamas county; $1. Northwestern Association to Myr tle E. Hardy, land in Clackamas county; $775. Merchants Light Streets ! i ! !