yit.' '.''' to , . a .V ri,j..i -'. iVlATMM INDICATION ' Zpr i mtuihmilf wind. SSL ula or mwi Bun- NTERPKIIS MJW. An m Mr . atdjadkaaaav WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1506 vu'f Pn Wex, 10 Outa , ; J, OREOOK CITY, OKEOOK. SUNDAY, DECEMHEIt 31, 1911. "v a . A-- ...V t M 1 aT J LIHLfl II P 1 r 5 ldUllldd St M 7- IPLIta TO CftlTICa ANO MAKE I riNf PtlCM ON POtlCV. :s or dissension soon die dent Well Ouarded As M. Maaee Way Ta Mall Char? Of Inconaialancy la v Denied. XfV YOHK, t. 30. Preceded by tatluna wuirn Kina kit a nine uP-atett a cliuiai anything but pa rt. Ik l"lr" banquet luolght ptov Hi realisation alrary Ihlnar thai IU naa Implied In Ha attendant eondl- Lj ntnalivr of lit evmlng. ol honor wbila an tTi fur the ponding arbitration trea- m bataeea tha l oll4 iala and UMl lltllaln and rranr. went furtb- Mchl than heretofore and re-plfi-ally to rrltwisma re mad aaalnat lha principles Mtwdd In thea Ireallra II alo n,.rrd lha charge of luconaUUiiry against advocatee of lha arbi tration treaties who did not" fevoi uVtntiun la lha difficulty Ix-tweea it l ultMl Btalra and fluaala tktMa of ua who ara In favor 01 m troatlaa bava boon rrltlclaod aa . . . i - a I j- m iia MfM ll 1 ' I ll I ft I , JrVBipi PWT a ai wap- m n- " Mki arbitration In lha r-nt UtfTr-. , boin (uala." aald Mr. Tan. I aa t antlrrljr wllllli to a ; a frankly aa I wlitht of thai, bvcaua lutiKuo la lll la a aUcht aay by i tit a hoo for In futura ni-Ua-Maa." All I can tay la that If m alll, wU tba rral art utliaut of KUbu Hot ; at tba quoatlon of why lha treaty ibwM ba Urniyiil and by arbl-; nikm ouM a.t do, I wouUl ba ron-, Ml til ataud on bU alhlblt and j Moatlon of that. Tba truth la that tba lr-aty It tU tontalna contractual obllitatlona a tba nart of lha I nlt-J taia H waua the aWlrlna of woPl tk and rwnlaa tba rlht of I luuta tu aay thai tba naturalUad , luio rltliana In tba I'nltwl Biataa kaMild not hmm their alli'atanoa . to ( LoMla and rtiulil ba titilabid lor oe-, ..f,.ralllnd rllllrtX. Tb I'fOa- Wnt aa wll uardl aa ha antrrad Wa kalL - NKW VIAHi ORHTINOI. Mouda a la a holiday. IK. (Ir.i In lha Naw Yaar and tk. lr ri wUbaa to aiiond to Ita many radnr throughout Clarka- tnaa County and rlaaahar a Happy anr I'roaponitia Saw Yaar. Tha Morning Knt rpna In- a titada to rlbra(a tba Naw Yaar by Uaulng. on January I. Ita Drat annlvaraary adlllou, a I'rogra Numliar, M iaga and oorr, and lha handaoiunat and moat coral- prrhnalv ralaw of t'larkarnaa a County and Ita advantage and opMirtunita .r aiirmptad In Iba WlllamtitU Vallxy Thara ba no laaua of Tha t Morning Knlxrprlaa Tulay. Tha rinployaa want a holiday. a Thy darra It. Th y ara a hard a working liunrh, and ara alwaya - up a. id coming In an effort to give a to tha Hiile of thla action all a a lb nw worth bll evry morning. 4 Tb Ki(irprli irrl a Proa- a Mrou New Yar of 1ta nn In a IIII Thla naeapapar dUirlliut- e ad mor than IIS.ooo In wagai abma In Oregon. City In III I, and SUES NAN HE SAYS DESPOILED HOME JOHN B. HUMT OCrCNOANT IN ACTION FOR DAMAOEI BY JOHN COfFCCN. i 510,000 ASKED FOR LOSS OF WIFE Young Woman And Rich Electrician Accused of Having Clan daiilna Matting In Portland. Alleging Ibat tba defondant allenab ed tliH aff'tloiia of bla wife. John Coffafa. of Portland, but formerly of Canby, through Attorneya DrowDell A Htone. Halurdoy filed anlt for 110 THE NEW YEAR'S EVE QUEST OF HAPPY MONTHS. a la rwiWMw nf ha iai0uodiMM..iiut John lLJIumC rr Taitora iH-rne-Tiiialneaa life ., rlrUll, of cuby. of tba community. ! T,1B ,lUlllUB; r.c,eB th.t ba and ,hle wife Uvd happily together until a a a a a a . A ,910 wb,. baram. ac- TWO COUPLE! MARRIED. Uirnvi to marry aera laauid Kat urday to Ida MrSandrldge and Wit Hani C. Caawetl; Kmma K ruin I and Janma Varlaw and Mary t) Dooly and lieorge H llreltllug Judge Hoatle of llrlaied at th nam -d Couple and Hv. H. A aorth the aroond. marriage of the Aral Hay- 1MR RACKED ! BY WAVtJNE DEAD; 8A.V rHANClJtCO. t"- S "; fa aaa loat and aeveral paaaengi M 4 niemlwri of the craw were In-, Virad when tha ataamrr IUanoke, fiptatn Jeaann. bound from Portland 1 8a 0 rtanclaco hlpnl huge com-, k . In rnltie 111 I OIUinillB IV" i kr at I o clnch laat Thuraday morn-; One paaaanger. Iloliart Hterena. ity thra toara old. a Canadian kMrlrlan. who forced hU war from b aipial hall to tha afmr d- . Vrtlnat tha ordera of ha ahlpa or- kr. waa waehe! overboard ana Iroa ned. Hit body waa . not reco- -Commcncing- Jan. 2, 1912 4 Big Reels 4000 feet of high ' grade film The Grand a Program Today The Coward A Modern Cinderella A Frontier Doctor uualiited with the di-feadaoL. Ha a vera that between January, 1911. and iM-rmWr 18. 1911. the defendant and Mra. Coffeen had clandvatlna meet ing! In Canby. Coffeen aaya bla wife frequently w-nt o dancea with the othi-r man, remaining away from home until almoat daylight. Tha ilulntlrr uii he remonstrated with ; the dofi-ndant and aked him to keep aaay from Mra. Coffeen. Hla ra : monatrallng. however,, he aaaerta. ToffA-rrTiyrTioTigtrrTndnrd--Wr-- wlfe 10 move 10 roniana. luinmu he could get her away from tba In , floenre of Hurat. He aaaerta, how ' ever, that It waa not long until he learned that , the pair were having ' rtandoatlne meeting. In that city. Aa a reault of theeo meetlnga," aava the plnlntlff. "my wife no long er lovea me. but lovea tha defendant " The plaintiff aaya the defendant U worth 125.000 or more. - MILL WORKER ACCUSED OF NOT SUPPORTING WIFE. J. p. linker, a mill worker and a mualrlan. waa tx-fore Judge Iteatla Halurday on a charge oi not eupport Ing hla -wife. He waa placed under I bond and ordered to report to the court Tueaday when the cae will ba ' derided. MRS. HUGHES IS BURIED. I Tha funeral aervlcei of Mra. If. H. fHughen, of ladtona. were held at 8t. Paul's Kplacopal church Satur 'day afternoon at S o'clock. Rev. C !W. Itoblnaon offlclallng. Tba Inter I ment waa In tha Mountain View ! cemetery. Many frtenda of tha do- ........ 1 .noniled the aervlcea. and th ' floral offerlnga wera beautiful. BOY KICKED ON HEAD RE( COVERING RAPIDLY The llve-year-old aon of Mr. and Mra. John Harding, of Maple lne. waa aerloualy Injured at the family home Thursday afternoon. Tha little fellow had gone Into the barn and bad got too near one of the horaea which kicked the boy on the head. HI acalp waa luld open by tba blow. I xhe lad waa taken to the office of mm U ly-V 5?yJSVt: III moo fo m C1I1LDUQ1 PUU BROTHERHOOD OFFERS WORK WITH CITY AUTHORITIES. . TO COMMITTEE mH BY FkESTDCT Joeiah Strong Couraa of Study To Ba Take rjp Coming Yaar Han. -deraon la Teacher , of Claaa. The Congregational Brotherhood haa taken tha lead in providing , a awlmmlng tang and playgrounds for tba children. A reeoluuon -provrauax for thla movement having baea adopted at the last meeting, preal- dent Gary haa appointed ttio lMUrtr Ing commltteo to arrange tha detaila. llev. C. W. Roblnaon, J. W. Lo der, Mra. Emma U Jonea, Mr. J. w. Norrls and Major C. B. Nobla. Major Noble offered the resolution. It U . probable that the city council will bo appealed to to aid tha work. The Brotherhood claaa haa announce d a course of study fop tha year, be ginning January 7- It la the 1 1.. - I. h T-onnel of thw Klng- lf3BBUU IU - ' - - V . dom" aerlea, prepared by Joa Strong; of New York CUT. Tbaaa have been adopted or wiae " Bible claase all over the country n4 promleo a year of exceptionally Intec tHin atudy alon th line of service. J. H. Menaeraou tencher, O. W. H. Miller the presi dent . . .v-L The subjects for tne nrai mm months ara entitled "Religion .or M." and are aa followa: January. Religion In Action. , t. The neluslon of Being Spiritual Without Works. " . 2. Tha Mistake of Works Without Faith. . . .... m .j. 2. Religion a Thing 01 mis ro... 4 Religion a Tblng for Every Day. February: The New Politics. 1. Existing Politics. , t Christian PoUUca. 3 The Emancipation of tne Voter. 0 . -ok th. hMinnlnt a the New Tear In England la . nb of tb. moet amusing or auper,. - - - - M th. mtfBtbeT9 ot tb, tumn, .Ue C..KS '"7 T JDhc- one for tb person, while each atep auoreaaniny corrlKil)iiit monin " " .ck.-rd In thla manner afforda mu?4 amuBement The la- mouu.eo ....-a... a Uatpy month Climbing the '' X 'rn Th. ake. of th dork being very clo-e together, die. I., rartl'ular 0,.d It a difficult faa. 00 account ofthe.r ak Irta. Tb. rtfoka. Jaw fof Je. tber, la II..M. time for careful ' ' JSZXSL Na 6. while r-hap. the lad b.nv l-e- ,.rt the iniM-hievoua tinuner. -u umn.r. . . elf umee a tuiutla from AuguM u, to late autumn. Dr. C. A- Stuart, where ho was given attention. He showed plenty of "grit," and allowed the stitches to be taken In anesthetic. Idly. the Injury without an He la Improving rap- gJBBBSSBjaBfBBBaBaBBBJBBSSBBaBSBBSBBaBSJBBJJ ( 1 INU " " aSBSSBSSaSSSSSJ Huntl Brothers Co. AGAINST ROAD TAX '"Continued oa page two. r Great Holiday Reduo tion on ad Whiskies, Brandies, Wises and Cigars ' unt3 January 1st 1912. ' All goods Kuaranteed and satisfaction D. M. Klemseo 421 Main Street .-r-rc CCUITAS URGED TO hOItlt a-..r-., WORK FOR LAW PROVID ING pOMMISSION. Annual January S the time when we want to reduce our stock as much aa possible. A naturally .ununrv is our . or - , . that WifK fKU idea in view we iro A many departments in our oig store r - : . 1 i ; i i 20 to 50 All Holiday Stationery reduced One Third All Fine Stationeryjreduced 10 to 50 percent RmMMware of all kinds reducedOnrj AllHaviland China red. OnejWjQJ All Cut Glass reduced One third to QneJialf . All Table Silverware reduced One Third All Leather Goods reducedlOjcPcer Umbrellas reduced Wto333pL cent Boys and Girls Books red. WJoJgwca per All Pictures reduced Picture Framing reduced 10 to 50 percent Post Card Albums red. 10 to 33 1-3 per cent All Bibles (revised and King Jame$ ed.) red. 10 per cent All Toilet Sets reduced One Fourth to Half Pvroiraphy. Outfits & Wood to Barn, red. 20 per cent ! a Hnir, Cloth. Nail All Bristle Goods reduced 20 to 33 j per cent. toohm..... AU Mirrors reduced One Fourth tonjjM? All Rubber Goods reduced 10. to 33', pcent Cp. nf all Kinds reduced 10 Jo2S per I. cent JUDGE D1MICK GIVES TAX FIGURES Oregon City'e Mayor-Elect Declaree That Much Money Is Wasted In Building Thoroughfares. At a road meeting held at Oak Grove Thursday evening for the pur pose of considering a special tax for the Improvement of the public high ways In that district the proposition was defeated by an overwhelming ma jority. Last year one of the most bitter road fights in the history of Clackamas county was at Oak Grove over the management of road funds. A resolution was Introduced by B. Le Paget and unanimously adopted. Happy New Year - Same time we want to give you some bargains In un claimed repair Jobs, such aa Turning Wood Lathe. Carpenter's Rip-Saw Patent Drag-Saw. 62-ln. Pulley. 10-ln. face. 30-H. P. Atlas Engine. 18-H. P. Portable Engine. Store Trucks, Logging Tools. Blocks, etc, 200 Hooks, Coal Bags, etc. Come and make offer on any article of our annual clean up sale. OREGON CITY ' MACHINE WORKS, Twelfth and Main Btreeta. Nursery Clean and Stock Strong . Now la th. tlm. to set out Ro... In your part of the city. Two-year-oid budded Trosea. Fifty Varieties to choose from I W,l set them out and gu.rante. .very on. for only 20c aach. a fin. Hn. of fancy Fruit Tr... that you had ought to .... mental Shrubb.ry th.t will help t, make- your horn, attractive. ji ; r UaVHBiBVasBaBBBBBBi (Continued on page four.) I , Alao Beautiful Orna- i i H. J. :BIGQER: At the Old Stcrvl ''M, 0 -is1 M. S- V 7t 0 .--v. I : : " . 7 i 71h ond Center Sts.