MOHKIKg ENTKttPHlBE. Kit IDA Y, DECEMBER 3. 1911 0 Ladies Dresses Aiw.y amelhf)t U ' the ladiea and Mlaeaa. tB, K lt D'eeeaa. Mer.y fcea.Uful f"' Was. They rt than '"eat Jm hl ''one far. Ui ;ill)M TICKETS i I0 MWAAO V lb erreat 4 , person of peraoae, who LtwUiUf remove ?' a k tutting ICuierprtaa) fronj ta) 4 !Zte of ubecrller after ; 117.. . . l..r. k lM " " ' " ' 1 WMrt M Oa ll Tarter-No. vTIIIW. where did ;m Lrkatauuit I weal tb trl. I ruua-lwM dual ! truth, 'Bar. int I'd rather not te a lb. I TnriMV-ll yen aey 1 duat mi ib truth" Tell at tan yi f that chewing gun. tBlW- t u'lrr yoor deek. . LOCAL PRICrS fraek Miller, of Dark ml waa Id IV euy Thuraoey, Uareere HoeL of Sheridan, waa In .nil city Thursday. r v r .A. I lionil I. IHDDW, C U ttkj dif Thursday. f III. Iloratnaa a ad W Cat. are In Ibla TVaaae L Iribbr. of MoUIU. waa family, of Oak- i city. L I. Turner, of Alberta. Canada. In la IM city on Tburaday, i. A. Cm I. of fUlleton. waa In in thy on bueineae Tburaday. ft Rrh.frr. of MoUIU. waa In I elty Wednesday and Thursday. I MIm UuIm rUndera. of ihla city, in ai puntanil for a faw daya vlaltlnf toad. Eoaro rrMi. of uctUad. U In Ihla ; Tttliina hli moihar, Mra. Julia MM. Phil flrav nl Janahlaa rvf llwwa. avra In Ihla rilw na kualnoaa TtrtUr. w4a. vaa In Ihla city on al tuat Tar.lay. Hoa. II. K. Croaa Utl Tharadar Bnrain( for Halom. whara ha f" on w Miinraa tBa amaiilli-VBl. r. aad Mra. Alfrad ftpangler. of Canta. w. 1. r ....!. Ka Wednealay. Ckarlea Mulvey. of fteattle. Waah.ld"rl hi thl city vlaltlnc with Mr. and! .. ni. .,rirr- are aa MMat4 Rachner. L fcj . 1 r. u R. ataa, I In ihla city and la reglatar-' -ine r-iectne llotai. I n a it 1. . 1 la Ihla rltjr for a few daya, regla- - - iur a lew ua terlag al the rwipiii trnfa.1 Heary Hettman, of BcbubaL ona of ll known farm era of that placa, m ll tbla city Tburaday. Aar n - - . k uiiiiuiiib, or iieaywr v rr Mwmlll man of Ibat placa, waa In ll CltV Thnralaa n k.i.lnul County gcliool Superintendent Oary la Portland attandlng tba Weatern I M Via Ins 11 . . . . . ... "u maia learnara Aaaociauon "t li being beld In PortUnd. Uka Caalo, on of tba promlnwnl ""r, of Carua, waa among tha wtoa Oty vUitora Tbnraday. Vlaa XtlM . ' t 1 - miuer, or Aurora, woo ia iwi'Dt of tha Oregnt. Agrtcultural -, waa in thia city on Tnuraaay "m Dernlca. Daulton, laachar of Una Mill achool, la In tbla city a er paronta, air. ana H Haulton. It Mury rtolan, a profeaalonal ' Mary Dolan, a profeaalonal J1" af Portland, and formarly a raal " of Oregon City, waa Tlaltlng "da bera Tburaday.' Ml- Maria palaley, formerly of tbla VllV. hill . . 1 I - -kla Ml .. .iuw ui ronianu, ia iu i"1 flt i, 1 .1.1 a.1L x . ' wiiini ina Mlaaea Rdtth and nn Mlaa Palalav ra nty I At ft il inpiiw nar term 01 bcuwm Gardner, Southern Oragon.'' JJJm Mary ficott, taachar In tba iki . Uk Publlo achool, who la In J1 Hy tlaltlng bar naranta. Mr. and Mri. R. W. Hco((L of rail viaw. will Sunday evening for Trout Lk 11 oer uuiiea, arJI'!" w' k- Holmea. who waa op upon aaveral waaka ago at 8t- nt' Hoapiui. Portland, la Inv rfivl n aa m ... . .... r-""a, ana win ba tbla W rauim w Jjrhoma at Parkplaoa In about tan MTrv?l ''''clough, Mr. Hunlar and Mr. ri n reianvea over cnruimaa, 5? Wednaaday avanlng for 01 2"'ln Mtnaa. Thay aipaot to an ""r much anow bafora reaching destination. ,J"m Addla Clarb, ona of tba prom- tnatructora of tba Portland J""00'. la In tbla city and U ipandlng 2 "oHdaya with bar brothar, Attor JTJohn r; Clark and family, of tha t Hide. Mlaa Clark waa formerly JJ jiparlntaj(dant of tha Orgon City Ifla taalaa. . . a . . ' .wranoa Natba of thla city, waa Ud upon for appandlcUla at tb. W CJty HoaottaJ Tburaday morn- .. A. Comntr. of Portland. Misses rjr . 4The art nw, atyliah; Sea aur window. Nlotmen A Undberg HIOH CLASS TAILORING KM tolling ildg, aartlar4. phene Mali and lf. Huth 8. aluuat. of lbl cltr, oxrformlna- ih (ratun. Ura Juaoph O. Mrata. a al.lvrlnlaw of Mr. Nalha. ho la a prfaaalonai aura, la aiundlng Mr Nalba Kdaard ortun. of (Ma rltjr, Uaa Munday or lb folio Inn day for Indiana tfli. fnd.. bra b will rvmaln until March. , Mr. I'urtun PM on vualooaa. and hl!a hir will Ult bla f, bo aa call. 4 u In dlanapulla on arrouni of Iba llliiaaa and dalb of b-r Mr rranb Mra. Harry wlr and thraa lilt la Children will l-a Uxtajr fir Mark a burl. bra'lb a-lll rlall Mra. Ihitlaa' parftita. Mr and Mra. V. M. Oravaa. romlnrn( rraldvnia of thai plara Mra. (iravva and dauibtr. Mlaa Ka. arrlrvd In tr(in Cl'y on Tnuraday mnrolni, arid will accom pany Mra. IWirlwi and brr rhlldran boro. Mr. and Ura md RrhwarK Ivrlalnad al I heir hnmn rhrUimaa In a moat d'tlfbtful manner iba follow- ln: Mr. and Mra William Hrbwarti an4 baby, of IMnland. Mr. and Mr Jinix Rnrb and baby, of Atrla. Mlaa N Ula lllrkman. of Aalorla. Marry (ilraaon and Wrd Clow, of, Ihla city. AmiMia tba fcaluraa of Ih" arrnluc'a antrrtalnmxnl waa a beau tifully daroratad rhrlatmaa tr. aarh guvat rwelrlna; alfta. County JuAa V-all. who wvnt to Tacotna on bulnaaa. will return to day - - : 25'CEWTS OFFERED FOR CONTRACT HOPS Twenty ne cenla I now bclnK rrx-lr nfferwd fur Ihe hi 1 troa Iba of tha coming hop crop at Willamette Valley point While a few grower bata alaned up. the bulk of them are nnl ArmAA la tie no their pn! Mo tive hnldina In anticipation of bet ter prlrea 10 foine. With tha market for 1U atlll II aboa tha 43e mark, aalet of nit year contract a at JSc ara not con M.nwl favorable: allbooih to date tbla ha been the blgheat (Uura that baa been aval labia for that itrowtb. Tha market for aot bP w Dwain rather firm, althounb dull oyer tne TK.r. haa been practically no biiBlna abroad durln tha paat 111 "ll"'"' - we - - 1. -A Ma...llaa iKIa ll r-flfW tM OH f ff H inu nl ill - - I. a- Kai fa .I. ! aide owing 10 ; elcnera have been to data me wai buyer of tha I'aclflo Coaat 1U pro- .,.r"",n ' ' lull"" . . I lmne ha,4 0f . pound for 45 60 a. fruit. VagtDi. . . . ...... , iiHtn.t 1 : rt-n bide. Be to oc; .altera. S to 6c: dry "Idea. 1ZC to 14c; aheep pell., tie to j.'.c each Hay. Oram. r-IIAT-Oluylngl-Tlmothy. til to IB: clor. IS to $9; ft to llo: mlied. 19 to 112; alfalfa. ,,OA'V-Srn.r.y. gj. IJ: to 129: n meal, ,Sri!orR- 8 10 15 IS- Butter, Poultry, taa-TOULTRY-(nuylng)l;n.Oc to tie aniing. 10c. and rooater. 80. !!i!,!,KP.M&; b70TAT0k3-t buying 85C to 1 per hundred. .l fJ() r IlKKr(LUVy. YUjO-Stj.r. 5c Miir. US' Si- w 13MUTTOK'd?o and . 1: UmAo m to'l40 pound horn. 1 ..S JT"o 5 too p'ound.. 100 and 10 l o- Blactrlo Hotali Rtchney, H. jamaa D. ward. J. M b, II, McDonald. "?Y: Branded rrledman. Ban nfl'' p Mungon, Chicago! W. M- Mungon 1 g R J-6 Voea B": Alf,, 0uerrla, O. Bwi Prt ' ' helL T. R- Burna. Bam port. Audney. portlana, v. gton. A- B. T0"';nn, Portland; R. T- rM,0:MoUlUl William Heln. Au- Dibble. Moiaimi fa. W. T. aa jwaBjBBaJ II nibb... Moijnai w. r. tZ ?ci of ood .t ror: Mffi f M V0W'e": rrtUnd Mr.. Brink and Grace Tled Bmlth. Hubbard; T. m . PortUno. m mtendlog to "Ir.Ti O.born. H. 0. L J r i - j-a ana. i Lana, ir.rt J. uwi -- . TV ''(,., j0hn Morri.on. -. - C W. Auattn. Mo Watta. poru liana. - - - Stories from MOUNTAIN View. ' wbrtfc waa on tha akk Hat 1 ""J " homa from tha mill j rrank Dullard and family, of a"d t-ud. are yl.lti,,, r.t,.. here durlnc iba holiday. ""r Heard, who la working In Tor and. 1. t bom, to, tha noll'aya. yUltlng parauu and frtenda, I Mr. uiid Mra. Harvey Moot, of Im ''( tiet and Molalla avanua ara ap..i,.n ihla w.,k In Poriland among I Walter Minn I on tha alck lut with j a eera cold. I Mr. N A Martin A.....I.. . I earl. ar. vlaltiug ralatlyaa In Kelao. Wh., (hi Week. Virgil Merrill la vending bl holldaya in Itjrtlaud. Jlb rinrl. of TuaUtln, apeDt (brlatiraa here with bla brother, 8 V. Trer and family, and oa Tuea day w.o to Montavllla. aocompaolad by bla uter; Mr, g. A. Olllelt. and altended ib funeral of their uncle William Howltl. O A. Vwiboy (i-turnod from Gold endale t w.-vk and Left bla brotner a little bHr than ba had baeu. lia MUae A hi and r'loreuca Hrown. of'Falem. ara apendlng tb holiday hr, among friend. Mr A. U lllrkman gava a Xma dinnff for her children and familial, Mr. and Mra. A- C. Warnar, of Mt I'leaaant. Mr. and Mra. Kveretl Hick man, of Hpokane: Mr. and Mra. liar ey HUkman. of fortland. and little Wanda lllrkman. ' Mia Mabel Krancl. of Clackamaa. t M-iiding the holiday at borne Mlavea ivarl and Ruby Krancla and Iona Kordenant ylalted Mt Vincent' hipltal patient In Portland Wed neaday afternoon. Mr J N. Harrington, of Bellwood. and Mr Krnat Harrington and aon, of Mt. John, ware calling on old time frlenda here Chrlatmaa. The Mountain View BuDday irhool baa toat a very faithful member In tha death of A II. Humphrey. Ha helped to organise the Hunday acbool In I cemlter, 90, and ha been a regular attendant until Auguat, 1911, when bla health failed. 1 1 owe Company No. i la having Ita ball ruUcd and will have tha fir bell placed over tb building and tha chemical angina under tha ball In the new part VC n IfaM rt V tv V w rtrui la arwnrt. In the holiday with bl family and will rMturn In Ma work Wldav Mra. Mabel Omon and children, of rortiand. made a flying trip to tnia burg Sunday Franrta J. Qui an and family, of New rraona j. uu no ana larany, 01 rew - --- . , - . . . . ... ..liar from bla inn. I T. Mnohnke Kra, apent mriatmaa nera wun nia mot her Tha Xmaa preaenta ara ao numeroua . .. . ! thl vear that our mall carrier ba uhatlttite to help him. . II. Waldron haa all he can carry every day We had aome mow In thl burg Inst Pun day morning. SHUBEL. Mr. Clarke, of Marmot, vlalted Mr. and Mr. R. Glnther a rew daya Uat week. The rhrlatmaa tree at the achool botiea lYlday night waa enjoyed by all nreaenl. The Mlaaea uura and tlertia HDauei rame borne for ChrUtmaa. Henry Moebnke had a runaway Tueaday bat fortunately no ona waa hurt. , I)a..hh a M amll ftf I J- van ar anendlnc a few day wltlfl her folk here, Mr. and Mra. Oodfrad Mo'bnke. Tha Ch rutin a tree at tha Luth eran church, and tha Congregational rhnrch. were well attended 8unday night- ' ' K W. Hornachuh baa a number of Italian clearing land for him. Mra. Ooucher and Mlaa Danlela. of Mullno, apent Chriatmaa with Mra. C. Noblltt NEEDY. Chrl.tnia. I . Chrltnia I over and tverybody la Th( h, Thnmpaon'a hall waa a grand auccea Everybody bad a One Walter Noblltt ha gone to Salem for a few daya. Mr. and Mra. Ray Fl-h .pent Chrlat maa with tha Jobnaon family at Naady. Mra. C. Miller waa rlaltlng at the home of Ed. MIHer Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Bchelr. of Aurora, ara .pending a few daya at the home of Mr and Mr.. Albert Elliott, Mr. and Mra. Frank Fl.h. Ivan and Anna took Sunday dinner with tha former' daughter. Mra. Elliott The Needy achool I. baring a raca tlon for a few day. Mr.. John Oalar. Jr. la home, after anendlng a week at tha home of her parenta. at Newburg. u. ... Mra noiler apent aaverai daya at Canby with their aon. Pat. Mr. and Mr. C. Miner ana a,"" noncher. Mra. Ilnnlela. Carl Raaaati noncher, Mr, imnn-ia, i i i 1 anent a pleasant day Sunday at the home or Mr. ana mr.. Mr and Mra. Tnomp-on ana ni il. .nent Chrtalmaa with Mr. Tbomp- eon'. parent. , Mr. and Mr. VA. Hilton had a pleaa ant Sunday by having the children all come home to dine with them. rv- t, Iriren. Of INeear. wibu i lhank Old fanta tor ma ...n..7 enta an.1 good tlmea they bad and wl.h en e I thank 01d Bsnta for bla many prea- a TUPPT New rear. STAFFORD. . . ... . ChrUtmae. aa v"' , K.. ' quietly In Stafford a Stafford. The acnooi n.a a trae. Mra. Knowlea the P0" wIM, ..Uted by Mr. Holmea. made .aa .InV randV BBCkB BOd they BOQ 125 pink candy aacka "T.," Mr.. Gage met t Mra. E legaen a on Mr.. Gage met at Mra. E leg-en a on bI,Ub.. . A gplal meet Fray afternoon, and w I h the belp m 7 7 nM n of Mra. ElllR-en and daughter, uer mMMr of tmde. filled them wun om- -'7.. .. una. hihw'"" o..,. night Thera waa a abort program by . j aw rnaa iriw mi oiuihj the achool. Tnen cie -he BaptUt church, then one at the : . . in vo Pond, be- iide.en;ro;abe;....tbu. I kept al re tne unnaimae ! " vl. a w-. ni.a iirorw to Oregon Mr, anil mi. -- , - . . rity Saturday where the latter took the f Portland and St Helena to mend the nonaaya. ,pr" ...a ne acr be or the prlnNr' "evn madt a mt.t.k. laat Prl" . . .v. rtaoaa-n Dranre week in aayina 7 aave her a picture ahower when In Mia Oertrune B.iiia" -'" 1. t. in Pnrtland. ma wun r-iaii. - r" Nu.sbaum and C Tledeman morning to attend the M- of the Church of God at - tay an weea. Read tba rnlng lanterprtrN a a- I Out of Town WILtONVILLt. Marlon Toung apent om time la Oragoo City Uat weak. Tba WllaonvllU team won out In tha basket ball gam with tba Colum bua Cluu Baturday night. Mr. ralkanhagen, who baa been via lng at a. Iiatalgla'a for eoma Ume, left for bla tome ia Eaatern Oregon Tueada. The local ai bool haa been cloaed (or the paat wtek for the Cbrlatmaa boll daya. Tha Vlaaaa 1A. .na j-.ft.l-. t Ulgla apent tba Cbrlatmaa holldaye at their homa near our village. Mm. Marlon Young apent a few dayl In the Koe City laat week wltb relatlvea. Mra Aubrey Wood apent aereral daya laat week la Oregon City aad Portland. Mr. and Mra. Benjamin Moore and family were gtietta of Mr. and Mra. Elmer Jonea during the Cbrlatmaa holiday a. Uh 11.11.- . ri . ----- "m iv i uniauu Batur day to vlnlt a few daya with frlenda. A a 1 . . . iiuru miir acoompaniea of me coualn. Earl Petaraon, of Portland, pent Ch rlat maa vacation wltb Alfrad'a parent. Mr. and Mra. Alteon Baker. Hoy Nendel vlalted friend here during Cbrlatmaa week. Mr. and Mra. Harry Bay and daugh ter went to PortUnd Baturday. The Motbera Club, of Corral Creek arhonl .. . a vara . 1.1 to the niambara of their dlatrlct and wi-ir aueaia on inrwmaa nigni. About 75 peraona were In attendance A karv lnlj.t-.allr. after which Bant a Claua made bla ap luri, inurn uj ma aeugai or ine little one present. The M- B- Sunday acbool bad a plendld Cbrlatmaa entertainment In (ha r h it rrH Mnnilaa av.nlna- mwA mill. a large crowd waa preaant to enjoy the happy Cbrlatmaa time. aaaaBB-wa-BaaweaBa-Biiiaaama.-a-MB-aaaWaa) WILLAMETTE. Mr. and Mra. Cbarlea Moehnke atart- ed for Seattle. Waih.. Saturday to pend the holiday wltb tbelr daugh ter. Mra. A, V. Dickey and Mr. O. A. Ijebeau. and to celebrate the 60th annlveraary of their wedding day. Mr. and Mra. Moehnke were married In Ontario, Canada, on New Yeara' day, realdlng In Canada until 1878, then came to Oregon and hare made Clackamaa County their borne ever alnce. Many friend Join In wishing a Merry Chtiitmaa and many happy re turn of tbelr wedding annlveraary. J. A. Moehnke baa received a me- r; v. r rv. : ' Mkln n,.m hl" " thr tm: UT?"lral" m ,l"ur u nnrnn California Nevada A rlnna Oregon, . California, Nevada. Arliona, New - Mexico, Teiaa and Mexico a cornet aololat In a clrcua band. ANDY. Myrtle Mulr la aaendlng ber Cbrlat maa vacation at home In Portland. Walter Revenue U cutting wood on the Strow bridge place. A new lighting ayatem baa been Installed at the Bandy Hotel. Ed. Burna apent Xmaa In PortUnd. Annie Bachman apent Cbrlatmaa In Clackamaa. . Mra. E. M. Douglaa U In Portland tbla week. A I. ratnn' and family anent Chrlatmaa with frlenda In lnta. Tba deatrucUon or Herman Kilter hv flre waa narrowly averted Monday by George Qrunner, who aaw a email blase through the window aa ba waa paaalng by. He nnlrklr broke through a window and amothered the flamea. The family were away and tt U thought the blaae atarted from a Ump which, bad been left burning. FIR WOOD. The heavy fall of anow Saturday enveloped the country In white, and aeemed very approprlata for Cbrlat maa time, alo making it eaay tor om Santa and Ma alelah. aa be haa to die- card bla airship In thla part of the country on account of the. tall tree and annga. Mra. Eva R, Hart and children ana John BlnrUIr apent Tueaday at Cot- trell with I. P. Hart'a family. Mlaa Ida Stuckl apent Cbrlatmaa with her folka at borne. Mr. Cudd. of Dover, la moving into the Flrwood dlatrlct Mra. E. R- Hart apent a few daya In PortUnd thla week. Clair Corey waa a portiana viauor Tueaday. A. J. Moxley ia making a line renew for Mra. E. R- Hart, on the eaat .wia--a-Wwa-wawaei-a-MWw.--- CHERRYVILLE. rw Dntvitii haa returned to ChetTV- viiie'rmm Portland accompanied by bla nephew, Harold Graham, who will pend the holldaye with mm. a numoer vi , tne nom, of Mra. J. T. FrleL Jr, Cbriat- number or peopie .mn tn a rhrlatmaa tree, ana 11 1 v w. '. - u..ii Tnhnaon acted aa Banta Claua, and ChrUtmaa evening Mra. Frlel gave an entertainment and aupper and alng- Ing and dancing, etc., ana inree naure Syrlana danced and aang after the manner of their country. ' The Cherryvllle acbool ai.trici ia m a paa mix-up. j- a. tne ,cnooi cr over to Roy Murray . ...t .k.i. Hf. anA t trn Karl mlr.lin. J. T. FTiei. Br aeeaeu and wife during their life, and to go to their children at their aeatn. wr, and Mra Murray Bay their deed calla for tha whole 40 acree; Including the . - hnni acre. Borne four yeara ago a uu-', - - - Mr. Frlel promUed the achool tha acre Mr. rrlol nr "V. : .n,Tih.n made tha atloulatlon JS." T5 should be cleared before be i , Mr My n, 7" . . XI. A Mra. deeded the acre over to Mr. and Ura. mutake. A apecUl meet- covering the achool acre. covering the achool acre. EAGLE CREEK. ' Laat Tueaday evening about thirty of the relatlvea and frlenda of Mr. and Mra. R. B. Olbaon gathered at tbelr home and apent the evening with them in honor of their 11th wedding annlveraary. The evening waa pleaa antly apent In listening to the phono graph, playing gamea, and listening to Rd. Chapman, the brother Of Mra. Gibson recite, after which refreah menta werw-ewrved and aoon after all departed for their homee. Mr. and Mra. Ed. Douglaa wera Ea Ucada vUltore laat On Wedneaday evening last Mlaa Leah Jonea and brother. Russell, and Dave and Erneat Hoffmelater gathered at the home of R- B. Olbaon and haloed fill the candy aacka for tba Cbrlatmaa entertainment - A few nelgbbora came to Mr. Ca bllfa Uat Tburaday evening to etrtng the popcorn for decorating the Cbrlat maa tree. Lat Saturday evening Mlaa Duacaa gave ber Cbrlatmaa enterUlnownt which waa quite Urgaly attended. The achool bouae waa very nicely decorat ed wltb evergreen and paper decora tion. Tba program, which waa well rendered, waa aa follow: Song, " Tla Shining Still,'' achool; recitation, Le na Cahlllj recitation. Glen Douglaa; aong, Robbla Cahlll; recitation. Myr tle Cahlll ; mualc by phonograph; drill, "The Crow DrllL Olen Douglaia and Albert Affolter; recitation, Mildred DougUaa; aong, by the acbool; reci tation, Erneat Hoffroetatar: duet. Hun ter and" Lena Cahlll; reel ration, Wini fred rieek: recitation, Ed. Chapman; mualc, phonograph ; dialogue, -The Cenaua Taker." Erneat Hoffmelater, Lena Cahlll, Grace Cahlll. MyrtU Hoff melater and Mlaa Anna Duncan; reci tation, Bobble Cahlll; violin eolo, per ry Murphy; recitation. Mra. Cahlll; aong, "Bethlehem Babe,", achool; mu alc. phonograph; "Goodnight Drill." three llttl glrla. Distribution of prea enta and candy. Mra. Kltzmlller la on the alck ltt Ray Wood la and family and Gny Wood la and family .pent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. J. P. Woodle. , Mr. and Mra. Walter Douglaaa and children. Mildred and Ftoiice. and Mr. and Mra. R. B. Olbaon took dinner with Mr. and Mra. Howlett Bunday. Ed. Chapman apent Monday wltb Mr. and Mra. R B. Olbaon. Mra. Viola DougUaa and daughter. Mlaa Blna. were vlaltlng over thla war the first of the week. Mr. and Mra. Henry TTdell and child ren apent Cbrlatmaa with Jamee Olb aon. Sherd Jonea waa calling at borne Cbrlatmaa. Rav Woodle. with Fred Hoffmela tera belp, bntchered hog Tueaday. DOVER. The Dover country waa covered wltb anow for ChrUtmaa. Mlaa. Leah Morrison came borne from Portland for the holldaye. C. A. Keltb apent two daya of Uat week In Portland. M. M. Raid returned Saturday from Oregon City, where be took the teach er' examination. - Mra. Olive A. Hayee, from Newport, Waabu, la vlaltlng her brother, C. A. Kelt. Viola DeShaxer waa quite alck Uat week but la better now. - John Roberta la home for tba holl daye, from Corvallla. M. M. Reld and family took dinner Cbrlatmaa with Mr. and Mra. Bewa. Mra. J. W. Exon waa home for Cbrlatmaa. The Sunday acbool entertainment and Cbrlatmaa tree exercise wera well attended and much enjoyed Sat urday evening. Road dlatrlct No. 41 held a meeting December 23rd and voted a apeclal tax of ten mllla to Improve the roada. C. A. Kellt waa nominated for auperviaor. The church baa new gaaollne Umpa. TWILIGHT. . W. A. Dodd and Curtl Dodd and family apent ChrUtmaa In Canby with relatlvea. Mr. and Mra. A. H. Harvey were gueeta or Mr. and Mrs, Smith at Mu llno, Cbrlatmaa. Clyde Harvey la borne on a vUlt, after an extended trip through the Eaat Mlaa Anna Wllehart, of Oregon City, waa a guest of ber Bister, Mra. Jamea Hylton, Cbrlatmaa. Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Laxelle and M. J. Laxelle were dinner gueaU at tbe borne of Mr. and Mra. F. J. Melndl Cbrlatmaa, In 8ellwood. Mr. Currant and daughter, Lola, of Portland, bav been vUlting the for I HOW SMALL STORES CAW DRAW TRADE By Using MAZDA lamps in show windows and electric signs outside will draw trade from larger stores not so well equipped. We will be glad to teiryoti Eow this can be done with these lamps which give more light for less money than, any other illominant. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN OPHCE 7th ond Aider Streets mer alater, Mra. Frank Black. ' Mra. H. A. Joehnka haa returned I from a Visit With her aon Vjlairil I Joebnke, t! MarahflebJ. Tbt following program waa given by the Twilight poplU at Twilight ball Uat Friday evening: Opening aong, "KrU KrUgle." pupil: The Cbrlat maa Sprltea," Opal Camp, Haael Camp, Pearl Hcbner, Elal Nih. Ethel Naah, Florence- BulUrd, Mlltaa Holmea; "Tbe Flower Bong," Opal Camp; "The Kltlen'a Phrlalmaa " Viv Tmih. "An Eastern Legend." Lillian Holmea; duet, opal and Hazel Camp; "My Dol lie," Florence Holmea; "Cbrlatmaa ov er all tha nd." Erneat Kunzl, John Bcheer, Lillian Holmea, Florence Bul Urd; "Twilight ThoughU," Hazel Camp; "Cbrlatmaa Eve In Wlldwood Hollow," Raymond Holmea; "Ing Ago on ChrUtmaa," Clarence Old; oloalng aong. "Upon the House Top." puplla. - BARLOW. Tbe Cbrlatmaa cantata Friday night waa well rendered, ahowlng tbe work done by tbe teacher and puplla to prepare the entertainment, it waa a aucceaa all the way through. A tree waa beauinully decorated and the lit tle folka wera made happy with can dy, nut, orangea and preaenta for all. Iva Harter furnlabed tbe mualc for tbt evening. Mlaa Lewi and Mlaa Anderson left Saturday morning for their homea In Aatoria, where they will apend the holiday week. They win re-open tbelr achool Tueaday morning. Mr. and Mra. Heary Gllbertaon, Mr. and Mra. C. G. Tull. Bernard Berg. Walter Howe and Mlaa Olga and Lena Howe were gueata of Mr. and Mra. Edgar Smith, of Canby. Cbrlatmaa. W. B. Tull waa In PortUnd ChrUt maa. ' , Mra. Berguaon, of Portland, cam np for a few .daya Uat week. Mr. Berguaon apent Cbrlatmaa wltb bl family In PortUnd. George Berg came home from Cor vallla for tbe holldaye. Davy Auavs, Mlaaea Geo. Be ale and Lanra Brndvlg. Mlaaea Gertrude and Alta Evans, and Teddy Laraon were among thoae who were home for Cbrlatmaa. - Mr. and Mra. B. Johneon went to Glendala Saturday, where they will visit Mr. Johnson' mother, brother and their daughter, Mlaa Nellie, a few daya. A Urge number attended tbe United Lutheran church entertainment at Canby Monday night Some of tbe children took part In tbe program. Mr. and Mra. Frank Jeaae. of Port Und. apent Cbrlatmaa with Mr. Jeeaa'e parenta. Mr. Wurfel, who waa Injured by falling, la Improving. He la able to be In tbe atore again. Mr. and Mra. W. 8. Tull were Ore gon City vtaltora Saturday. - Mlaa Hattle Irwin and cousin. Wal ter Irwin, are visiting relatlvea and frlenda In PortUnd thla week. Mr. Bmdwlg haa aold a email piece of hi. farm to Mr. Archibald, of Alaa ka, who will atart a chicken ranch aoon. He win alao build a bouae on the place. " .. .The Oldenburg farm baa again been aold and Mr. and Mra. Oldenburg have moved to Portland. Tbe rest of the family la going to Hermiaton, Ore., to realde. Mr. Games, of Alaeka, la visiting bla alater, Mra. Brndwlg. MILWAUKIE Mllwaukle Orange, No. 28S, elected the following officer for the enaulng year: Master, H. O. SUrk weather; Overseer, C. B. Hanson; Lecturer, J. P Shaw; ShapUn, T. R, A, 8ellood; Electsic BeereUry, Kate Caato; Tre L Bolatead; OaUkeeper, C. t, T nail; AaaUtant fteward. E. W. I nU; Lady AaaUtant Steward, I Rawla; Flora. Mra. Florence Root" l Pomona, Mra. Lydla McConnell: ( ee, Mra. Jennie Davie; J. D. Daotyj Executive Committeeman, The r; lar meeting of tbe grange will be beld Friday. InaUIUUoa of oflleer will be beld. tbe loth of January. Mra. Maagtw Burnett of Bremerton, Waah.. arrived Tueaday avealaa- aad will apend the balance of the year wltn ber parenta. Mr. aad Mra. I. I- Johnaoa. ' r Mr. and Mra. R L Large anterUlned Mra 1 If,.', n.r.nla a.nJ.. . . ala- aer, and on Cbrlatmaa day Mra. Mae gle Johnson entertained ber daughter and family. Tbe United Artlaana will give a leap year party January 6 In tbe city hall. - Mayor Strelb. with bla wife and daughter, apent Cbristmaa at their tarm - near Cedar Mill, returning borne i bat evening. Mr. I tola lead, and A. Hanaon were ia O.a Giova on bcslnesa Wedneaduy niornlng W. A, Hanaon haa aold hla two drug atorea to Mr. Peery, of Newburg. The Mothera and Teaebera Club will hold tbelr reguUr meeting the 18th of January at the acbool bouae. . Wedneaday evening tba Boy a and Girl club will meet and bavw tbelr work under tha direction of Prof. Jena. iw. a, jv.ucu.ukh VVDl lo I BDUUia, . Waah. to aaaiat Rev Hornachuh with, a two weeka' revival matting. E, T. Elmer haa takes charge of bla ator again. ' - . ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Harry and Etta Rand to Sarah G. Eisner, 20 acree of aectlon 29, town ship 1 south, range S eaat; 13,060. Sarah O. Elaner and J. J. Elner to Harry Rand. 20 acre of aectlon 29, townahlp 1 aouth, range i eaat; $3.00. at ..j T -.(.. n -TVn- A Hazel Tooxe, lota 2. 2, 4, B, , 11, 12, 13, bloca 28, GUdatone; $10. Haxel Tooae to Minnie W. Hender aon. lota L 2. 3, 4, B, 8, 11. 12. 12, Mock 28, GUdator., $10 ! Henrv Tcutfeat et al to John Taut lent 5 l-l acree of aectlti 31 township S aouth, range 1 west; $1. John Taut feet et al to Anna Cud k)lp. 5.34 of aectlon 31. townahlp S aouth, range 1 weat; $10. : Alice M. Starkweather and H. G. Starkweather to May WleUnd Wal i.. . -.. n v. r f.9 t a Rlsley, townahlp 2 aouth, range 1 eaat; $3440. PLEA FOR BETTER ' TEACHERS IS MADE PORTLLAND Dec. 2. That an effort be mad to elimlnats from Ore gon's public acbooU all teaebera who have not bad a high acbool training, and to that end to have Uwa to that effect paaaed by tbe next LegiaUtnre. waa urged at the annual meeting of tha Oregon State Teachers' Associa tion by J. H- Aekepnaa. The meeting ' waa held at tbe Lincoln High SchooL Mr. Ackermaa U presi dent of tbe Monmouth State Normal SchooL "A Higher Standard for the Prepar ation of Teachers." waa Mr. Acker man'a aubject He aald that In one county of tbe aUte 80 per cent of tbe teachera have not bad mora than an eighth-grade training, and that tn many counties 60 per cent have not bad high achool training." tr ,,.'-'Ufc'-V..,r. Light