MORNINO BNTKUPIUSK. THUKSIUY. DKCKMIIKK 28. 1011. UI1LAN, 1:501, TO RACE IN RUSSIA c5-;!:a Trctter wa DIsplxj Prcrsss JLtrcad (text Season. EXFECT HOaSETO MAKE SPUSH :. Hi Mimimii WUI B Cwtrtnrf Witk THaee f Lm Dlli WKm Q La We Half In M hi In Cur Fsv Year Af. a k. a Buiur. BOiUoMtr bors. " of CteveUad. bo spends thou eeada f dollar annually la th W- , TClopatat af light , baroea horse aaerotr for tha sport tWt ta la it, has started t imit for his trip to Hus sU. This win be tbe aecwad Urn thai Mr. Billing baa bkn his stab) of haraeaa aura across tbe water. A few year ago the noted amateur retaamaa exhibited tit trotting qnmi. Lm Dtlloa. aad a few other trotters aa the track ar Genua ay and Austria. Th sppearaac of tb work! cbasapioa trottar created furor la Europe. sad Mr. Billings. Doc Tanner aad tb rest of th America part wc treated royally by every on roa acted with tb trotting sport to Eu- Bfora leaving for Vmb Mr. BIlllnr waa mad to promla that be would ratara to Europe to a rata bow hU great etabl of trotter, and. being a tea of bia word. Mr. Rilllnjrs baa de cided U aall for Europe la tb spring Jast wber tbe stable win ba shipped ta Brat baa not bora settled, bnt It fa a certainty tbat-Cbbrar tb king of trotter, will be exhibited a I anus of tb pretnlaeat track of Eo ropa, To key tba champion ap for this lot porUnt campaign Doc Tanner wll! - prepare- TJblaa aad some of thaotb ee boraea owned by Mr. nillimra In Brunswick. Ga. There tbey win bo ' Jogged over tb gravel roada of the annny Georgia city. For Ublaa to max a apian b on the European track (miai a great deal as? exertion oa fhe part of the ebony ranted apoader. - Talaaa perfonnaarew will aatorally be compared wUb those af Loa Diiloo. and aa Queen Loa trot, ted a barf la SO seconds -tn Europe tt la np to Uhlan to equal or bet ter tbla. rklaa trotted faater halve thaa tbla Ust Bumiuer. but tbev were worked over " good trarka. built for peed. Tba trarka ta Enmpa are good, bat are not built for seed aa much aa are tba Ameriraa trotting track. J oat bow many boraea Tanner win bar at Brans bk with hint neit .month be doea aot know.Jot be Is ore of taking jm Rilling 3. 21. In addltioa to fblan. ' NEW HAIR FILLETS. ev(ia Can and Kajrattiaa Baaaaaa, A V - i A Tart Awawee. "I bope yaali knw iwe tba aeit Uom oa ae . aaaiied the ilrt wa bad ataaajred ta aex-ara a eaat la the crowded car. "I probably a bat If yoaTe waartajt tba aaaaa bat yoa'va aH aa now," placidly aaawered tb (1H wba was C&natnf ta strap. "I'll kaaw that bat anyway," Chkar Trlbati. anh yWaeWiaa. Tba repnMv orfora of aoat forelca batterfllea prevent them from belns aataa by ttaarda aad bird. "No." I ataaiaierrd. "I feeter did" Taea yoa dua I know lb tarrar ta In navva. know, doa t It looked dowa at tba lrl of wboui b asked the qittKa. and ana replied with a nk of dread tad by ella(tu rdmr ta blm. -W were bathlnc." the Man rantlua ad. "The ware were running blub, and wa bad been advised nut to o ta. Tba beach waa anwln and the i aadertow atronc Both pw.1 swtw j aiera. w aeitstiied in nntretint tne bus roller, and a bra woLieo ! children were dawlne In the shallow foam or a few cilnaina: to tb rt. aquattlna ta let an eelHled brraker prtnki their ahauMvr. ne walked st! tbelr whit bui ne and awam. uow O I buoyed no toward th aky and now A Weird Story I Two rifaraa J loaered toward the btHtni of sand BADOBaaa oa aorrrtaa Daaxta. Haaddrsaae ar qalte wonderful. There ar walla vt Truy in rhlne- Btoajaa and )et wttb ,a white sUnvt at tba aide; there ar two tnva banda o( tareiabed ballkM tattk-ework set with tarqaolaa and garnet: there ar broad bar of btai k tulle aeld by bortaontai barn of rbinetoaea set la silver: black velvet band with a hUUrawork of Jewel and n yellow aigm at the aide. la addition to all tne oriental nlteta there la a aid showing of tb foar teeotb century Italian capo la kea(Uac with tba aleevea. the aboulder line and tb lac refflea a hka are revived from tb Italian period. The capa ar Ilk those to which we aoce gave the name of Juliet. Tbev ar atad of pearls, crfstal. turqooir and corals oo a white aatia. or white tulle ftxi Dilation Aa piak a no much tba faahlou thia year among tb eit-lu aivea. altbuuch It ta not widely Ulkfd about, on aee a god niany of tbee capa made of coral beads strung oo coral allk and mounted oa a whlta fab ric . . Satin t rather aa unusual material for these cap, bnt It la newer than tall and looks quit pfc-tureaqu when tt la worn oo top of the bead edgnl with a row of pearls or'crystsl and caf to sharp points that fall over the hair, whk-b bldea tb ears The bead dma pit -lured la a rbartulog reprudur tioo of .Egyptian art. Hct At Nittniibt By f. A. MITCH tL Osayrlckt by America PTa Aa flatten, UU t PAPKE TO RE-ENTER GAME.' lti;aia ThanaWbelt" Matebad Up Far , fiv Fight In Franca. BHly Tapke. tit middle weiKht porll K la going to fight again. He was algned recently by Al IJppe. the Amer iraa representative of tha Clnin dt Fhrla. tba biggest boxing ' club of France, for five fix bta at the club, be ginning tba first week In January. Tape any be la now In splendid hap and i pacta to establish bl Had It All Mapped Out. A young lady waa acting tcmporarl ty aa bastes, mys Ufa. and oer titu waa much occupied Une of ber ad nurers. a nervoua and abaentnilnded terer. perretved That thfat'wtHiid be the case, and to factlirata mutter be de termined to bring affairs to a point. H didn't get n chance Afterward.- says th object of nl m starred devotion. "I found this morandum oo the flour, wber b dropped It In bis agitation- "Mention rise In salary. Mention loneliness. 'Mention pleasure la ber aociety. Mention proapecta from Cn cla Jim. Never loved before. Pro- J i I I o ! oooo ooooooooo o City folk who g to tb sea bore for a coo pi of week, ar tt moat a faw month In "the sea sun." ae only lb summer pbaa of IL Of tba other fhas they ar aa Ignorant aa tb In habitant of th earth are of tba other akin of tba mooa, which never pr sent lis further bemispber ta v Tba summer vlaltors donbtleaa tbtnk that ta winter tba coat ta bleak. 80 It ta at time, but It la only n different Jilnd of bleakneaa from that whkb oc casionally prevails la hot weather. In winter w bav anowstorma; In aura- mer w bare fugs. But a bright, crtap day In wtntrr at the seashore caa tbera b anything mora stimulating? It seta the pulse throbbing and briuga th crimson ta th cbeek. And a moonlight night! Tb white snova reflects tbe moon beams, and tba Ic breaks tbera into prismatic rolora. while far out at sea them la tb sam shimmer on lb revi le wavea that there la ta summer It waa on such a night that I set out to walk from n friend's bnoe. a coo pie of mile Inland. Tb a now on the run d bad been beaten Into b-e. and tbe foot tag waa bard From tb eaat ward I could bear coo tinned rustling which I bava beard, from toy birth aixl which 1 could then hardly live without I walked facing the nn. wnhb vrns at tb foil and atood midway between tba horizon and th meridian. MX-dogA-ttiiUawwaa-H-awpeelfe about ahead of me. evidently a mt I exhilarated by our surrounding a I Suddenly I beard him give a quick growl; then be cam running bark to m whining and (rubbed agaiuat my legs.' I waa surprised, for usually Th Ever Popular Blouse. To moat women a lieauttfnl llo'ie la perfectly fascinating Indeed, some women apend as much iinniev for a single blouse as for a lallowd suit, and tba amount I frequently wore than a iy 4-- . - i kra e CSV"; r "' .', -v (K) .11 i'hoto by .America a Praaa Assoetatlon. rirxa ooanso otrr or wntn Arran oat. or am V4iiw ivih. claim to tb middleweight title. He tales that swimming dally bas restor ed blm to Ms old condition. Tapke'a bowing In his recent boats with Burk and Mobs was poor, and tbe general opinion among fight followers Is tbnt b bas seen bis bast day. ; Kirby Nw President of A. A. U. Qutttavna T. Kirby, new president af tb A. A. V.. Is better posted on field athletics than any other ma. In tb world ' Evldena Wanted. Hwitt I want yon to know that I kar sens. Jewctt-I never bellrr ainennfirmerf rtimora New Tnrk Pnwa i A Lead of aVieka. Seven pounds is tb weight of tb or dinary brick, and a load constats of 500 btlcka ' M to 4 or Ti ano snow hondred dollars for each. Tbla cuodl tloo la rapidly developing, tjecause tbe designers of biousea ar creating sncb Iniurlou styles. Tbe exquisite model pictured is of cblffoo and net In lovely tan and brown tones Tbe stjuare neck d effect of tiny pin dotted tull Is very new. and th aleevea ar th latest ap proved of by Parisian makers Premier' Daughter a Cabinetmaker. Mia Berntaen. eldest daughter of tb Danish premier, baa aurprlaed ao clety In Copenhagen by adopting th profession of a cabinetmaker lo real earnest Tbe young lady worka dally la tb arorksbop of a wall known lady cabi netmaker along wttb tb other ap prentlcea. among whom at present aba la tba only woman, from 0 o'clock lo tba morning. Candid Declaration. "What sort of ticket doea yonr aaf fragetta clnb farorr "Wall." replied young Mrs. Torklna, "If wa owned right op I think most of os would prefer matlnra tickets." waablngton Bur. What Old H Maanf ' . Naidore Your wife naed to slog and plajr a great deal I haven't bear.l ber lately. Naybor-HInc tb children ram ah bus bad no tlin Xexdore Ah.-children- sr anrb a blesalngt Pton Tranacript. Pulvorizod Flah. In northern waters millions of flab ar ground Into nothing by tb moving masses of ire. Beth t Blame. John Too ar always buay when I com In. Cbsrtes-Well. yod always j coma in when I n busy. ,, Cenoaalad Waa pans. Magistrate Old be carry concealed weapons? Policeman-Ves. II bad his Oats lo bla pocketa-New York Press older Far Class. Glass may be fastened toe ether with 1 a solder mad from plnety fiv parts of pn to Drtor copper. "waa oosDccrao to a a irtwo on vaa soad. ' when we walked out together either by day or night be paid little or no atten tlon to those w met on tbe wsyV I spoke to blm encouragingly, but looked ahead to aee what bud frightened blm I saw two silhouette, for tb moon light waa on tbelr backs, leaving thrlr faces dark, th on a man. the other a woman. There was something singular la tbelr motion or something tb mat ter with my vision, for they would ad vance and hull, advance and halt, keeping up this motion continuously, which seemed to m to be like tbe awaylng of an object moved by wavea But aa tbey. drew near ma I did not no tice such motion, tbongb tbla might bav been because I waa Interested In tbe persons themselves. They wer both young and. strange as It may appear, wer walking enclr cled In each other's arma, clinging so tight that I wondered bow they could move at ail. Both wer pale, and tbev was so expression on tbelr face which I can only describe as nnrest Tbey stopped when wa met. though my vision con tinned to Impart to Micro something of tb swaying I bav men tiooed. And Just then, whether It wa a breeca from lb eastward or soma thing la the clothes of tbl singular con pie. I amelled th sea. Tbey did not speak to me. so I addressed tbetn. "Ton ar out lata," I remarked for tb want of something better to say. "Tea." replied tb yoong man. "Wi ar going np on to tha bill yonder." Tbera waa bnt ona bill, and tbat was only ao eminence on tb crest of whlcb was our cemetery. Tber wer no bouses tbera, only tb tombstones. Which even from wber w stood were white In tbe moonlight Wby In the world should this young coupl wish lo go up ther at midnight? Tber Is a fin view of tb ocean np there." I remarked. "But It's cold." said the girl, with shiver. "It Isn't tha view w want." ssld the young man: "It's tb rest. Tbe dead tber are undisturbed. Tbey II (ran gull by day and by nlgbr. Tbrr do not bear that rontlnned distant rustle of th wave W'bear now nor tbe boom tha water make when they djub against a roek. Nothing I an frightful a a great Mack cold wave. It la merrt less fUd you ever get raugi out among tbemf . "On, tha xhliarstka of spurting oa tba atoostor'a back: Tbey were our playfellow, towing ua like frteodly glante, whose laugh la a roar. W swam aid by l1e oa our cheat, aa our sklea. aa our tacka. under th ur fac. , Why arkmWI w fear ir ntr mou comrades When tbey threw ua up w knew that they would break aur fall when we cam down, a a strong aiaa will catch a child. "But, when I looked and saw that w wer drifting. sutMeoly I became ra scions tbat tb billows woo HI not help as bock. It wa than that tbelr turret less aatar first struck m. We stop. ped oar play and struck out fur tbe 1 ahor But wa glod nothing against j tba current aettlug seaward Tbeu you. darling, becam . frightened I j strove to encourage yoa. I assisted yoa wttb on arm. while 1 awam with tb other. When w rs upon a wave ; w could see thM our danger was ', known to those 00 lb beach Tb bathing master bsd plunged In and wa coming for aa, ahll other wer try tag to Is a nab a boat Hut tha bathing ' tnaater could nt reach aa Now and j again, deaptt my support, you aank j beneath tba surfaces tbea aU grew ) black"- . j n ceased, while the twa clung t each other a if tbey wrre again sink j Ing omler their playfellow, whose Buerrtles nature tbey bad not under stood till their own welfar ram In ' conflict with their luorganlc fore. " "Bat you were saved al laatr I gap- j ed. shuddering. "The boat reached you ! and took yoa lur There waa no reply. Tb couple ' passed on. moviiiK In that satne nn.lo Utlug motion with which they bad ap 1 proached. I watche! tlietu till t hey J turned to ascend the cemetery bill i Then tba moon seemd to go under a ' black rloud and - It waa near daan a ben I felt a shake and boum-i blue bt -pouring duwn my j throat Then I knew tbat I wa being) cuaieu. 1 wa tumi op. ruir were pot about me. and I was plmed In some sort of conveyance, for I heard th aoond of wheels and felt a Jolting Now and again liquor wa poured down my throat till the vehicle atop ped and I wa carried Into a warm room, and hot water bag sere plated beside me. Tho I oft-ncd my ryes and awihat waa atbonie Aa soou as I was able to talk I wa asked bow and wby I b id collapsed on tb road Had I been struck, bad I felt Illness t outing 00 J It I dlflVnit for m to explain tbat. shrinking from giving tb true csuse f my breakdown. Waa It a dread of being considered insane? Ind I fear Inaaalty myself? Waa It tba result of 1 ten o us weaknesa Was It a dUtlk to talk about my frightful experience? All these causes wer mingled. Tb only reason I gav waa tbat I bad been walking on the road and supposed I must bav recetred a stroke. Bat a physician declared he could not find tbat any portion of my pbya Ira I makeup had glveo way. Tb only danger I bad Incurred waa that of freetln;;. My dog bad got noma with out me and barked at th door. My brother, bearing blm. bad got up to let m In. auiHslng tbat I bad left my night key at horn. When b opened tb door (he dog ran sway, barking, now aud again runolng bark to the bouse, then starting on. My brother, realizing that tha dog waa trying to persuade bim to follow, put on tils coat and hut and waa conducted to me. I jinx on tb road. I waa nearly froxeu Within a faw boura after my arrival at bom I waa aa well aa vrr that la, bodily. Mentally I bad received shock. Those about me. seeing tbat I did not wish to b questioned about th cause of my troubl. refrained. On day I beard Ibnt tb bodies of a yonng man and a young woman who bad been drowned during the previous season had leen recovered. Tbey bad been thrown In a sort of cove during a atortn and wer found so tightly locked in each other's arm tbat tbey wrre separated with difficulty. Tbey. wrre taken to th cemetery on tb bill aud burled there. On would siipHs tbat I would now say something a boot my meeting at midnight. The discovery only drew me tba tighter within myself. Not for the world would I he pointed out, aa the man whose brain bad auddenly given way and had supposed b bad met with a uprustural experience rather chose to keep my own council. Tbe day may com, though probably not In my time, when a method will be dls covered by which wcan communicate with th dead may vn ae and benr tbetn. Tbeu those whose natures seem to b so constructed thst tbey ran ban this communication onalded will be abla to tell their stories and atill be believed to be mentally sound. W do not know tbat all oar senses wer bom In primitive mso, Perhaps a new set anc may be devtloped for discerning tb supernstura TO YOU . N tff'J a " Vnn Itfwtw IK ,1 M - tun Hiiun nidi every tlscmcnt In this paper Is a t mcssofle lo you. Cdch mcr trior advertises has soW he wishes lo bring lo yourl Ice. " - 1 If he did not know that he J on urtlclc Ihot would meet V your approval he would nn 3 7, "w vcrllsc BECAUSE the man that fldvcrrUr k -'"o most Is the man that win hr.' his goods under the critical of the most people Thus, advertisers musl ' most vigilant In the selection ') their goods, and keep them i such a standard as to give tt; buyer absolute satisfaction I Every merchant In the rt knows this to be a fact, and If it Is successful he mu.t followiv rule. j The m iienl I m uem kI.U M. you ore safe In dcolln g we those that advertise In the Oregon CORRESPONDENCE ANDY. Myrll Mulr I spending ber Christ mas vacation at horn in Portland. 1 Walter Kevsnu la cutting wood oa th 8trowbrldg plac. A nw lighting aystem baa been Installed at th Bandy Hotel. Kd lluma apent Xmaa In Pnrtlsnil Annl Itacbman apent Chrlatmas lo Clackamas. Mr, K. M, Douglas l In Portland this week. A. L. Deaton and family spent Chrlatma wttb friend In Lnt. Tb dastruction of Herman Rltter biiah's bom by fir was narrowly averted Monday by Oorg Omnnr. who aaw a amall blata through th window aa h waa paaalng by. If quickly brok through a window and mothered th flames. Tb family wer away and tt ta thought the blai started from a lamp which bad bn en Darning. OAK OROVE. -1 City Enterprise Tba frea drawing took plac last gram al tba cburrb Cartas j Batnrday. Ilrat prita waa woo by Tba prograia glvea bf tW O. Ill awl from tb county; second by Thursday and rtMav atfta Ix,m. wirfa and iBlrd. rr.nk Patch, " Th J jr " " " rB" ; waa ry god. Tk follpS Irov Walker and wlf spent Christmas with relatives tn PortUnd Orva tteatoa and Mr. nh war married last Thursday and all! make Canby tbelr fulur bom. Mr. nb baa a sevsnacr trart of land north of towa ibat b recently purchased from Mr Mary. Mis fteaton Is ona of Canby's charming young ladles, well liked by avsry on, w wUb tbem all aucceaa In their new under taking Jopb Warnork baa raturnetl after several months spent with rhv ! Cborua old gauta Ctasa program: Thursday Nlata. Walcom Hong, by Ik srsool Reollailoo Dtrk a Modsat Vat Oanrt Exrcl Tbs First Ckrlatasi ) Br nines; DuatVndar tb Ioobl talk J ....Josephine and Norto h ChoruB Jolly ganla Claa J , ty a, ios) I maloaueflnow'wblt u4 In Uttl Dwarfa sens) I i i iunaerfba for tb DaMf BaUrprl cntnss rntns. Ia China an Inferior npoa horseback meeting a superior dismounts and waits until tha other has passed. ' Organ. Organs wer known be for tb tlm of Christ snd were used In religious service eerie In tbe rtiiistlsn ars. Miss Mary Glenn and Prof. Dean J. rtutler was married at Kalama, Wash., October 1, and wnt to Inde pendence on a bridal tour of a few daya to visit Mr. Butler's parenta. Th marrlag baa been kept a secret for sev al week from relatives snt friends. Mrs. George Campbell and son, of Oregon City, spent Christmas day with her brother and family, Ed. OMa. On Monday Mra. Campbell visit ed at tb boms of F. M. Dennett. Mis. W. M. Pric entertained st dinner Christmas day Mra. Mary Lit- iM-neio, r. ana Mra. Woolen and aaugnter and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ingnont, of Portland Tha telephone company la painting and remodeling th telephon offlc and making some good Improve ment. A community sidewalk has been laid on th aaat and north aldea of tha Armstrong property, temporarily, nntll Mr. Armstrong gets ready to lay a six-foot sldwafk around nla property, whlcb b contemplate do ing. Charles McClarln, of Runavlati. spent Christmas with his slater, Mrt. H. L. Herron and family, returning bom Monday evening. Mr. and Mra. 15 r art flhsrV or gena, ateat Christmas with his par ents, Mr. and Mra. Oorg Shark, returning bona Monday. Mr. and Mra. Oaorg gherk nte,.-. talned at dinner Chrlstmaa day Mr. and Mr. Graham, of Portland, and Mr. and Mra. Evart Shark, of Eu gen. O. J. Holman, of Silver Soring. wa found In th station Saturday at 1:45 by on of tha train craw suffer ing with a strok of paralysis. Bar- eral man carried him horn and t he- doctor waa called and saya ba la In serious condition. Mrs. Brown, of Mount Tabor, wag Christmas gueat of Mr. and Mr J. II. Graham. Murll Pagt gar a party Saturday evening to aom of hi classical and friends from Portland. Tts ve iling wis pleasant) apent In music pnd uames, Refreshments were sorv- rd by Mr. Paget and all anloynd ilia vonlna, r turning bom on h bt car, . .. Feetst timmpak TJnltad fitate postage stamps bra tnrall printed la sheets of iOO twenty each way Slewing Dewn. Whan a man Is going to pay bis debts b hardly aver exceeds tb speed limit.-Dallas News. aisra ana family and John Graham boo ramuy wer present. John Knight and famllv of Port land, apent Christmas In Canby, the sue.,, oi ma oroiner, William Knlgbt. Mr. anrt Mra. George Hpencer n teruined at a Cbrlatmaa dinner W. IC nawiey, or Portland; Cheater Ita ley, oi Albany: Mr. and Mra K I. Cha, and daughter Mable, of (ilsd- .ions, ana m, t. Hawloy, of port land. Albert Frednaha was calling on friends between trains Monday. It Boper, of Divide. Or., Is visiting moiner. airs. k. ur. and alster. during tba holidays. Bam I4wery vlsllsd bla Uttl daugb- trr ountisy, 8vral of th young poopl at tended th danr at Needy Batnrday evening and several went to Hub- .ru ah report a good tlm. HI I no arry arrett er th muslclnn at Ndy. Mabla and Ralph Koebler returned home from Portland Wednesday morning. ' and Christmas tree at the City orated with evergreens and red and ttir. it cam down a lari fir. P Th.!: P'ck 00 h" Tba Chrlatlan churcb gav a pro- live In Waahlnglon. f it intenneJUt I F. (1. Thacker baa taken posse, i RecltaUoa From tiobbv'i rohtt lon of tba store that ba purchased View Kddla from W. 8. Schutler. ! Instrumental Solo . . .Klrld Anna K mixer. Haiti Meyers and j Recitation Santa's Choice 1 Fay Via Tber are spending the boll- kVl I day wak with Ihelr parenta la Canby. Duet Myrtle Huicblnsoa bbI I .... n1 Mre (rsorge Martin, if Scbuller. McMlnnvill. with bla w0 children. VTiat w Did. Itorma Ha sijent Chrlatmas with bla mother. I Champ Vaughn. I who gav a Cbrlatmaa dinner n n ! rv...i ir.n,in. ford I lam ti ton. Recitation Bt. Nlck a fingr ..... ........... Ftoraaoi I Cborua Cb rial ma tvery RaoltatlonA Utter to 8nt- 0 Ktkel I Friday Night. Cborua A Cboaen O'r Oration Florence Munaon. it.rk tId's tDtarrw1 .... 1-wls Mitts and WVMC Solo M tea Florence Munoa Unalx Ke the Land . ,rft 111 UHAM A TI1K M 11""" Cast of Characters. I Kate nell (tha School M Mls Floresre Mr a Orump (tbe complalBlM ... Ul.a nsDDB Mra. Undertow ..Mls IwH Marly I'ndertow (a pupl MISS josepniuv , Mr. Undertow (a "&V Ml'nnla 'TTueblood' ''' oV Milt Harmon (a PP". ;''u eii' i little aoa'- Johnnie Orump (tb. ljfit Mr," Troabiood (a e-, ( Jaaila' XaVwhaok' (janitor) , CANBY, . Joseph TleattT and son Oscar wer Oregon Cltr visitors Tuesday, W. R. Wlgi and famllr bar mov. ed to Corvallla, which plac will b their futnra bom. B. F. Combs and family, of Salem, spent ClirW-"a la Canby, tha guasta 0. B. v- NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Lake, Including medical attention, board ha he, M no mort thfji m woojd to Hw fct tnf flr,t eUM hotel. Rooma can ba had from 75 centg to S.B0 per M- " In tba caftrlg ar. srr4 from 10 cnta up and la th. r uiual grill prlca. Batba rang from 80 cents to $1-00. We Do Core Rheumatism 1101 UBS and mud gl n4-r tlfla dlrctlon bav thousands. Writ. M Hl trated booklet oMf"TiDi Hot Uka Sanatorium th. methods employed. Uk. Sanatorium la alhl. aa It la located - ii nan vt - V"'; ' . . -. " and" r . n.vo p aN. rail41 special excursion rate, .r. ..... .ti timsa. A"" 10 p nao at mn agents.. HOT LAKE SflNATORlUN TALTCR M. PICHCC. Prcs.-r;;r.