MORNING ENTERPRISE, TIHIftSDAY. DECEMHKK 18. 1!11. Nationalist tot. Gladstone waa n abl to carry England for bom rale Now For A Clenup of Our Entire Stock Our Prt-Inventory Sle Is now on. Ewythtni U cttrktd dawn. v Iztzri Kihfr K Inventory we desire to clesn out all odds and end, ind to ; rtk r'ci tVl&Lwt' - -v i " a.i : -wTt V J UOItfiUIG. ENTERPRISE kC3003 CITY, OREGON aad It la lot bMved Aaoulth can wta A Primitive Elevator In Use At a Monastery on Mount Sinai where Gtadatoa tailed. AaquttV party la hopelessly divided oa tba queetloa. Tba premier, severer, baa ft. tJBRODIt, Idltwr and rkl1kr. failed la bla ability to force tba meas ure through tb Common. Tba laau of home rule la apt to fore a spring election, when the qua toa will be fought out at tba poll. S, I til. 4 IK ( m at fcTTfc- weal - f i ' imm Teer hp - .. U M Ha Mcwtke. by mall .... M Maatk. Wr Mil t . "r Hk, a eejrrtar...... a CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. TH1 MORNING ENTERPRISE U o Ml at th following atore every day: . Huatley Broe. Dnn Mala Street. ' - J. W. McAaulty Cigar 8vatb. and Mala. E. B. Anderson. 4 Mala near Sixth, M. B. Dana Confectionery Nut door to P. O, City Drag Star Electric HoteL - 8c hoe a bora CoafectVry 8voth aad .1 Q. Adams. Dec. 28 In American History. 182-General Jatnea WUilnsoo, sol dier la tlia Revolution, against tb ladlana tpd la tb war of 1S12. tied; bora 1737. 1001 Rear Admiral Fraaria Aebary Boa, C. 8. N retired, a veteran, of tba clTfl war. died: bora ISO. 1910Bea Pitt ma a. antbor. lecturer and taventor. founder la America of tba Plttman shorthand system Invented by hi brother. Sir I mac. died la Cincinnati: bora 1822. t aw ai aa. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. fFreca boob today to aooa tomorrowj Baa acta 4-H rtaea T20: moon rtat U 31 a. m.; aaaoa at rreateat UbratJoa cat; ZB p. bl, aaatarn ttma. aaooa at Brat quarter. tINTILLEO LANDS. Oat of the 611.000.000 acres of land la tb South only 15.V250.0OO are un der cultivation, according to Senator Fletcher of Florida. In other .words, three-quarters of the South are un tllled. ' . Ai the Soath Increases in popula tion tills condition of affairs will be changed. Land hunger la general throughout the country and large nnnv bera from the Northwest are cross ing tb border into Canada. Ia anticipation of this Influx th South la taking a keen Interest In the matter of good roads. In the last few year many of th Southern State hav taken np the matter of Improved highway and millions of dollars have bee apeat and mill ions more are now being spent for the improvement of existing road and the construction of new one. Tb farmer must have goon roads aad la providing these the South 1 offering him one of the best possible inducement to cast his lot with her. OUTLOOK FOR HOME RULE. Aanocncement ! mail k. n-.. t Law ts t-ii.. , . I Law. th new CnionUt leader in th Houa of Common that his party Is j . opposed to bom nil for Ireland and that th Unionists will light th meas r are to th uttermost extremity. He la confident that no bom rule bill can be passed at the present session of parliament. At tb but election England re- turned a Unionist majority. Tb Lib- , ersJa are only able to maintain a ma jority through the support of the Irish ij MONEY I IS OF M-aa S f ww4 . t A I SAMUEL W WjAjSg! 1 'HE onlj excuse for the existence of money at all is its con Teniencetsa MEDIUM Jt an outlet for the " '. ENERGIES OF MANKIND, too, laWn. tl.ev seen, to be ETERNALLY IN SEARCH OF IT. It ia not an estimable or helpful thing to inunkimt to accumulate mone. It is plain that Carnegie and Rockefeller in the midxt of their success do not thmk the building of a fortune a meritorious thing, for the hsvo sUrted to DISPOSE OF IT in the best manner possible as aoon as it is acquired. THE STRIVING FOR MONEY It A FERVERTED AND MISTAKEN AMBITION. AND IT It TO BE HOPED THAT THE RACE WILL EE , EDUCATED TO SUCH, A STATE THAT PEOPLE WILL NOT REGARD THE PROFIT A MAN MAKES RATHER THAN THE REAL WORK HE ; MAS DONE IN LIFE. I believe we bold a wrong attitude toward trust and corporations. Wt ought not to blame men who hare taken advantage of conditions which euxround us. The cure ia not the ABOLITION of the pres ent trusts or corporations, but the PREVENTION of mora In thia ' .'. v "i v- -r . 4 ,-' .' . .. . . .. Jim 11111 eay there la not a cloud oa tb financial hortaoa. Vncl Jam la not only an optimist, but la not afflicted with optical Illusions. "The government la elated." aaya a-pekla dispatch. Now let It avoid Setting Inflated. Emma Goldman, addressing the stu denU of Williams College! Shades of Mark Hopkins! Mr Hryaa baa amoked out Champ Clark. Ile'a got tb Mlsaourtaa deny ing that be adxrocated tba forcible annexation of Canada. "B wlae." aajra Hetty Green. She caa afford to. London grand opera la getting. strong, sandow it to tackle it. Tba bathtub trust baa at but got Into the dissolution swim. ' Mr. Harrtnun's achievemente con. tlnue to bob up In Investigation. ASSESSMENTS FOR STRfTTS APPROVED (Continued from pag 1.) men who have had important parts In meetings or the past Mayor Brow. nell and President Andreaeo were not present. Grant B. IXmlck. mayor elect, will preside at the next regu lar meeting. January 3, and Council- men Andreaea. Mlcbels and Strlck Und will be succeeded by Messrs. Albright. Beard and Toose. In tht absence of Messrs. " Brownell and Andresen Dr. Strickland presided last nigni. The Improvement of an alley In block Ave. Water street; from Sixth to Severn a streets and Ninth street. subject to the contractor doing a lit tie additional work, asked by Cham bers Howeu. waa accepted. Mr. Howell aska that a fill of twelve feet be made The following report sub mitted by the commltte on streets relative to the Washington street as sessments waa adopted: "That the assessment against the Gottberg lot remain the same. "That the assessment against the Misses Cochran remain the same. "That the assessment against the Oman lot remain the same. "That the assessment against the Gleason lot remain the .same. "That the assessment against the lot of Mrs. J. E. Roy lea be reduced to 1100. "That the assessment against the lot of Mr. Williamson be reduced to 1150. "That lot 1 and 2. block B. be longing to Mr. Williamson each pay 125. That the appraisement of the lot of Mr. H. L.. L. Clark, of $360 be reduced to $300. "That the appraisement of lot 7. block Tl remain as before." Mr. Michel submitted a survey of the second addition to Mountain View cemetery. The survey wss made by Stephen D. Hungate. It was approv ed 1 he price of lots In the addition was increased from $25 tot S0 and for grave from $5 to $10. The prices ere not changed In other part of the cemetery, Tb committee on street was ord- ere, to haTe cruBned pUce1 on Seventh ureet. A motion that rock be placed on singer Hill this win ter was lost. It was announced that the franchise of the Clackamas South ern railrrad would be revoked Jan uary 1 unless the trestlo at Fifteenth ud Washington streets., vas raised, A report of the committee on "r" "k?'!!8 k",!,n'nt of ..... ,Le rowrtv owner inv-?o ner cent of th cost and that tne charge be divided among the lot owners. ThW will make a cha"e of $31 V LITTLE I USE rVaser ( Governor of feansylvania OK EXCHANGE. PH?lf?AI. AM MF.XTAL M- OCNT Pl.VAl was In early Christian tlma a favorlt retreat f monk and auchorttv. sad their cells and rave are very auuirrvu a monasttry still ettats tbere, ormpled by monks' of tb Oreek cborrb Viniiwrs-of bu there are a goodly aumber. for lb Slum tic eula- anla otTirs exf Uvui shouting to traveler who are making tba Egyptian tour are obliged if tbev wish to see tb Interior of the building to mount (o It by means Of the rrlmltlv elevi tor shown la tb Illustration. Jabel Uusa (tba mountain of XIumcsi la the on uf four peaks that la preferred by traditloa aad ItlMk al authorities as tba acene aaainst each lot Tb report waa ap proved. The report of the committee fixing the valuation of lota owned by Frank Iteesberger at Eleventh and Monro Street at $750 for assessment pur poses wes approved. FORUM OF THE PEOPLE PLEA FOR TEACHERS. Oregon City Enterprise. To the Editor: At a recent teacher' meet ing held In our supervisor's district. It was suggested to m that I writ my opinion about th relation thai ought to exist between the parents of a district and it teacher. Now bother this opinion waa to be given at our next meeting or to be given to tb public at large, I do not know. And having confidence In a charita ble public, I giv It with tb hope that I am not treading on forbidden ground. In our rural communities neighbor visits neighbor from time to time aa a matter of soclsl necessity. They meet at least once a week, many of them, aa a religious necessity and listen with due respect to tb man they hav chosen for a limited time, to act aa guide on their way to Para dise. Tbey will erect freely and un complaining, at any expense, tbelr places of public worship and regard I the individual who mis (be pulpit aa a superior being. But bow different does tb same community act toward Its other common home, th public school! Tb most valuable disco v ery, if you please, of modem tlmea! The common meeting place of all tb children In the community between certain ages. Children who hav as msny kinds of training as there are homes In th community meet here. This same community "hire a man or a woman from somewhere for eight or nine months in a year to Instruct their children In human affairs. Cut this man or woman who la called the "teacher" Is looked at In a different way than the man In tb pulpit. Th one is looked at with reverence, th other Is regarded with suspicion gen erally. You have established a cus tom that on day In aeven you meet your minister but you never feel It your duty to meet the teacher of your children one day In a hundred. Par ents, however, are not to be blamed alone; and In many cases, possibly In a majority of cases, the teacher I moat to blame. Not th new min ister Just "come to town." He, al though a stranger, begins at one to meet his people and becomes acquaint ed with them. He Is courteous, polite, and sympathetic. In other words, he goes light Into their homes, no mat ter how humble, and lead them to feel that h I their friend. How many teachers do this? Do w won der why parenta feel Ilka stranger In tbelr own achooIhouseT It Is alao true that many teacbera feel better If the parent finds no time to visit the school (But this should not keep parent away.) For the great major ity of them, to their human weakness, be It said, fall to establish and main tain those happy relation between all the children of tb school that com onlv from an Impartial teacher. It la equally true, that the most suc cessful teachers In their best day fall to pleas all the parent. For It I a curloua fact that some parenta feel that tbelr children ar so good that no reprimand la ver earned by them! Having thus briefly out lined th conditions of mind concern. Ing the schools a tbey exist, and the cause therefor, I earnestly believe that If parenta. and teacbera also. will do more visiting, tb parenta the school, and th teacher th horns. and each hav regard for tb other as men and women; talking over mat ters concerning th Individual chil dren confidentially; and adding to this all a kind vole, a good y. and a strong arm, etc., on th part of the teacher In tb schoolroom, our schools everywhere will become hap py homes for all tba children, a pleas ant outing for parenta, and an honor to th teacher. ROBERT OINTHER. Oregon City, Rout 4. Dec. 26, 1911. RsWIosI Tsen serene Law. Chines law In 1109 required that all officiate who drank utoxJcaata s boa Id be beheaded ' - of tb giving of the law to Muss Wants, For Sale, Etc tea Mri nmi ( yr i ifc. leak mem immdu rer niw) r ewltiMHy tar mnt I a is BWila4 far pair Malauw iSarai WANTED. WANTEDrrToujlBts and local people to see my collection of arroe -beads coins, Indian trinket, ild stumi and curios of '. aorta Will bu) or sell la thia tiu. lists ton good bargaioa In serooihand furniture and tools. Ceorgo Young. Malii u near Fifth. FOR BALE. FOR SALE Cedar poles, au liable for telephone and telegraph poles. Writ C II. Wartben, Oregon City Rout No. L FOR 8ALB OK TRADE An Al'suVk saddle and chap. Inquire 602 J Adams street. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished room, wit furnac heat. Pbooe Main M. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON Cirr WOOD AND 'FUEL CO, F. M. Blubm. Wood an coal aenvsred to all part of the city 8AWINO A SPECIALTY. Phon your order. Pacific SS02, Home B 110. FARM LOANS. FAJUa LOANS Dlmlck at Lumick Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEYw. O. a EBT. Attorney-ax-Lww. Meawf loaae. abstracts firnlahed. la title examined, estatte MtUed, away eral law anew as. Over Bank Otegoa City. U'RJCN A BCHUXBau AUorajrs-at Law, De leaner Advofcet. wtH U la ail aoart. asake e4i aria Blc Or ace City, Oraayaw. BUILDER AND CO"tb) ACTOR. HARRT J0NB8 Ballder aad Oeaaral Cos tractor E tiu at as ehrreuy glvea oa all classes of building worx, eoaerete wans and rctafor eoaeret. Re. Fboa Mala lit. INSURANCE. I. H. COOPaTR. Foe ri taswraaee aad Real Ketat. Let aa ttaadl year propertl w bey, aefl aad aehaaaw. Offie la waferprhie Rldg., Oregon City, Oroa CLEANING AND PRESSNO. CHICAGO TAILORS suit made to order from 110 and np. Wa alao do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Three doors south of po toffee. ImusicTans? SADIE EVELYN FORD Teacher of piano. Residence studio, HI Center street, phone MsMIn . J. ALBA 8AGER. teacaar of wind snd string Instruments, director of band and orchestra. WM furnish music for any occasion. Call at Electrtd Hotel PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING If you .want your . piano -thoroughly aad accurately tuned, at moderate cost, notify Piano-Tuner at Electric Hotel Strongly endorsed by th director of tb Phllharmonln. who will per sonally vouch for hi work. AUCTIONEER. R. h: TiuuoNa." of 6iad(ou, win , conduct auctlona and will call sale anywhere In Clackamas or adjotn- i i mi m r. aa wui to isna I ihmtum. aaif I tlaas oat bmSi abaJt We have marked the price low eooaffh READ A FEW IHI0LMES, Maio Street Ing counties oa reasonable rale. short nolle at NOTICES. Netlce of AppHettotr L'qu' Clcens. Notlc is hereby given, thai I war 111 al the next rrcular vteellng of the City Council apply for a lu-ens to sell tlijuor at my flsr of business. 417 Msla street for a period of three month. E- A. BRADY. RoUc 51 Aippfleatioo' fee Xiquer LKsnte. Nolle Is hereby given, tbsl I will at th nail recti Ur mavtlae of the City founriL apply 'for a license to sen uuuor ai my place of nuaineea - &!3 Malu street, for a period of three mobtbs F. R. McCONNEU. Notc of Application fee Liquor L lean a. Jtotlc la hereby given, that I 'will at - me next recuiar meeting or tb City Council apply (o; a license to sell liquor at ray place of business, cor ner Heventh and Main streets, for a period or three months. Ell RETKNER. Nolle f' Municipal Incorporation Nolle la hereby given that apnllra Hon will 6 made to the Coun'y Court of Clacxaras county, Oregon, at tba recuiar January, 111. term of said court, on Friday lb lib day of Jan uary. 1R, at 10 o'clock a. m., for tb Incorporation of a certain por lon of Clackamas county Into municipal corporation ander the terms and by virtue of Chapter I of Title XXVI of Lorda Oregon Laws, In accordance with tb fo lowing pet It loo: IN THE COUNTY COl'RT OF THE 8TATE OF OREGON FOR CLACK AMAB COUNTY. To tba Counly Court of Clackamas cuuniy. Th unJerslcned. roup ttatlilnnara qualified electors of the county of Clackamas, stat of Oregon and real- ueni wnnin in following described bouudarlea. to-wit! lletclnnlng at tb southeast corner oi i ran ro. Blxty-on (61) or Willamette Tracts; thsnce south mxiyseven (67) degree Thirty nln (39) minute west along the souintriy boundary or Tracts Hlxty one (61). Blxtv-two 3t tii.i. thre l3) and Hlxty four (64) of am n uiametie Tracts and '.he pro jection thereof to tb Intersection of tb east llneof Twsifh street In me vjwn or willamett Fall; tbenc south TnttJn a- gree Twenly-on (21) minute east along th east line of said Twelfth iree'. prooucad lo tb north bank .of tba Tualatin River: tbenc up tb north bank of tb Tualatin Rlv. r to a point on th aald north osna wnera a projection of th west line of Tract E and r of First Addition to Willamett Falls Acr- ag Tract Intersect tb norttt bank of said Tualatin Rlae f north lo tba northwest corner of iraci K ot aaid First Addition to wiiiameti rails Acrae Tracta; tbenc east along th nor.h boun. dary of Tract V. of aaM rir.f iaai tlon to Willamette Fall Acres iraci an.i along tba north boun. d.?.r.T. Tr,M;U E- N and p of Willamette Falls Acreage Tract and along the north boundary of Tract Porty (40) Fortyone (41), Forty Jwo (42). Forty-three (43). and Eorty-four (44) of Willamette Tracts to th northeast corner of ?.,!?. Tr4ct ronr-toar (44) of said Willamette Tracts; thenc north Blxty-aeven (67) degrees Thirty nine (39) minute east along )he north line pf tba County Road to a point wher th north lln of aald county road Intersects a northerly projection of the east line of Tract .Sixty (60) of said Willamett Tract; thsnce south Twenty-two (22) Jegrees, Twenty-ona (21) min ute east along the east lln of tract Blxfy (60) and Blxty-on (61) of said Willamett Tracta to th southeast corner of Tract No. Sixty on (61), th place of beginning. All In Clackamas county, atate of Or, gan. Reference being hd herein to th plata of aald Willamette Fall. Willamette Tracts, Wllla- mou ran Acreage Tracts and first Addition to Willamett Fall Acreag Tracts, all of which are duly recorded In tb offlc of tb Recorder f Conveyances of said Clackamaa counly, stat of Oregon, within said Clackamaa county, Ore gon, pray that tb salj psrt of Clackamas eounly, Oregon, describ ed by th foregoing boundaries shall b Incorporated a d municipal eot poratlon under th provisions' of Chapter I Tltl XXVI. Lord's Ore gon Laws, th said described part Ut us urge Uat yo oar stor aarly ir jroti waal , REAL BARGAINS ' You a III find Mi of goods throuthout tba ktor narked do a to leas than. paid for' them, OF OUR EXTRA BARGAIN! lre l!Vc To el will go at v. Ribbons, values fiom T 10 ISO tr yd...., Ribbons, value from Uc to Jim pec yd Kihbont, values from lie l lie per yd UIIiIhui. values from 1 lo 30c per yd A kit of Hooks and Rye, I paper for.... A M of Hal plus, value lie to lie. A lot of Embroidered Collar, earb A M of Button, some at l don. otbara at 1 d for ... You cannot affird not to buy aa extra pair of Bboea A M of 1I0 values. In men's Shoe, now BAKQADN STORE Oregon Qty .. '-"K itiHtyusai-jiK je-se of said Clackamaa eounly contain SIT number of Inhabitant. And your petitioner will-aver pray. il I. Hal low. II Courtney. J ( Kdmonds. Joseph lleder. F rt tihiley. Cbas. A Aadma. XV. II, Crlleeer. C M Wlllson. J M Turner. II. T. Bbipley. W. I'olloeh. Hurloa Hire, A. Creaqulst. It . II. Ituucen. U It Moaera, J A. Hodges, Oliver. Cieirtt Ktmng. R. P. Carpenter. C A. Ctolaon. W. A. Hoes, llsaiaa. Ham lleldorf. tierg l udotf, j "W. nil. J K Ream. Jr. if. il Urates. T J Uary, J O KnlahL J A. Hesm. J. Hayl. A. Man von. W F Itunyoo. Frauk Capon, Edward dross, (.' lelb Uroee, R A. Junken, II A. W a Id roe II Kleiner. . E Adamson. J R Hunt. H. C Newton. II Fisher. K. T. Mae POTATO SHIMS ARE AT SWTILL ivtato ablpmenia ar at a aland still In ibis terrliory. No orders ar romlog forth front Any section aad burlna for bom eonaumiitlo I e irsmely limited Offering of nearby rower ar rally tskina car of tbt demand at rurreat price. Artsona has been Ihe onlv falor of Import a nr In th potato trad r renuy aaa practically all of tb pur chases war for that account. Al best Ih demand from there la limited aw. Ina to the smallnes of th norm la tum there belna few ellle of nola ana put iitti country anpuUlloa. 1 ner ar Soma orders ramalalne for shipment to Artsona but they are lor rut ure delivery and were received some Urn ago. At th present tint tb Aciiona trad la blocked whb supplies and will need no additional shipments tor awhile. Texas ha nrartleallv withdrawn from tb local buying field after a few purcnaaee at Willamette Valley points. California la at nreaanl e'nllrat mil of tb local market; even lb demand for seed being at low abb. Table stock cannot b sold I here at aa good prices aa ar ruling locally at ore. eui. . Prevalllna Orecon fit nrtcea are aa ioiiowb: Fruits. Vanatihl.a DRIEn FHHITB f lluvlnelPrnaa on basis of d 1-4 pounds for 45-50's. HIDE8( Buying) (ireea hides. Ic i no; as iters, a lo oc; ary hides, no 10 jc; sneep pelts, zse to 7M each nay, Oram, Feed. HAT (llnvlnsi Tlmnfhe tit III; clover, l lo l; oat bay, best, l lO 110: mixed. II to III. alfalfa til to 116.10. OAT8 (lluvlnc) flrar. Ilf to 11. Wheat. 121 to 12a; oil mesL Shady !)rook dairy feed, 11.21 per 100 pounds. PqtED (Belllna) Bhorts . 117 to 121; rolled barley. 37.60: process barley. 138.10: whole corn. 1.17 eraelr. ed corn, $.18; white, 126 to 27; bran J( IO 2S. Butter, Poultry, Bag. EliOUR 14 60 to 5.2S. Iltlttsr (Duvlncl Ordlnsre mmiii. try butter. 26o to 80c; fsncy dairy, POULTRY rrtuvlne Ifana in tn lie; aprlng. lOe, and roostara, la, EGOS Oregon ranch eggs, 40c to 46c. SPEND HONEY WISELY Let thc'CtubtmM Sptrft PrcTAil ,but remember that money once spent Is like the water ln gone past the mill Jt never ra turns. "' t The best gift that Banta caa put In the child's locking ""L book no matter how small the flrt deposit The boy or girl W'6 In life baglna from that hiur. It's the first stap to ut" w ' euo inuepvnuenc. The Bank cf o o. LATotmarrni rrtdwt THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, rraa a wewerel anklnf Biesleeae, to do ' thh; r . . . . ...., ........ i II cu . a ci. 11 cl 7 CIS. . eU I real feat cent . t real. S2 4D now. ( I , . Rock Springs Coal Hay, Orel see mhi pa. White Queen Flour Slue Stsm Fay sist Oregon CommissioaCo KLKVSNTH ANO MAIN ITl Oe9N City. Or. SACK VKOKTAIUM - Cam till lo II0 per aark. pansiia. 11.21 to l 10; turnip. It 21 lo Ut. aeeia. l M. POTATO ItJiIWal buying Ik to II nae bandred ONIONS-Oregoa. 11.21 ta lMp hundred; Australian. 12 per baaini, kveeieea, m t IEEF (Live welahll-ilteera, and I 1 1; row. 4 1 Ic: balls, I Ml VEAL Calve bftn fro si at to 12c. accord In e lo arad. II L'TTON Bheen. 3c aad t lf; IIOUS 121 to 144 pound bos, l and lie; 140 to too pounds, is sat le I so. RIAL ISTATI TRANiyiRl B n mm. A U. Xt . Amwm 11 Ml It. tloyd. land la eoctloa II. ( I soot a. rang east; lie Mount Hood Land Compear JS II. lioyj. acres or aeriaia it. ww kl a . IW f m.mml tl ' Hll WV.N, IRNI, a . Chart U and Lelah May No 10 now boo it y iwium. tlon 32. township I south. rMg t asi; fioo. eiary winrira ai 10 r i -Und. (and tn O. U C. of Aleuxdw K. Mara, go acres: si.uv John W. and Kal C. Tborotoa M A an U n a.,tlrlislser. kXt W and 14. block l Wlleoovllls: la . . v. . . . i . . r. , AaatA St. u. ana mmn n ' rtlie Ahrwme. lot IT. First AddlttOS to Jennings .Lodge; lo. ' CHIT and 1111 Abram w v- r;' Redmond, north half of W First Additioa to jennina ... M Ilenjamln Noyer to n. r. oirsns. - acres of section 11. township I so range I east; 10. . T. Leonard Cbarman ao -"7 Charman to Luey Kler. lot 11 I. Wesiye; IB0. Marian K UBall and "f. e.ii. ,n uiMwi a lineman a, ios D. Oladstone; 10. ITTfNn rUNIRAL Of lNvk- W. W. Howltt fatslly l"J,,r!L Homsstssd In Nhslm va"y. , Mr, fl. A. OllUlt and J, rrancla, of this city, att-oasd t" m . is tliA Isilsl W. t. Francia, or mis cuy. zz m . . . i ... - ih, lals W. unersi or meir -. HowltL of Monlavllla, Towt' T waa Injured aome tim working on bis homestead l T halem Vall.y. Ilia wlf. t-o -jg ters. Mrs. Alice Tttts. of NjJJ ..... m-A tmm .!) S iTllIUP. " Tana, anq !. t-- - ti-a-IU. Montavllla, and aon Isbalew i ITO of Montavllla, two brothers, rrd i a ...... iFii.a tinker. ! joe, on iiwr, . ' .iiiMta, .v.i- m-A Mrs H. A. OII'm"' a alec, and 8. V. francis and J. Francis, nephews, or Oregon City r MiTtUL Oa i f. IS040S.SU ' A, M.