Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 27, 1911, Image 4

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Cmplr Bob bwll tall f a
; retort by Johnay McOraw, tb
i aVcy leader f lb New Tart
; GitiU, tot iimofr. AWiaader
bad tbe New Torka at ata t
; cy. Mighty few roe got tb
base, a ad atrtkeuuta war aa
; bwmm. It rnaij aa If Uaak
CD J, who was behind tb
put a, m calllmg nothing bl
art-lkea, whll every oo of
! EraaoVa deoWloeva o tb base
appeared to go agalast la
! Giaata, It waa aot fa enough
; that tba Giant eoaldat ait AW
! exasdec, bat both plre wer
; seeing everytBiag th PhlUdet
! pal way.
"Lai to th n McOrew
i ealftrd from th third base
; coaching Usee ever to Brst bas.
feaar k I waa Btaadlag.
; aaya ' Kmantv "Ha remaiaed
ejntet whIW two me wart re
I tired, eoa a a clos play at
first. Thinking to ba agrble,
'. I opened too rooraraatkto.
""Boys are sot kitting marb
; today.' I vouchsafed.
"'Nopa. aa wared McGraw.
"That Alexander la attft a
' pitcher. I added. taJakua I
: ailirfct rtlv tba stlsg of tbo
' bapeedtag defeat
"Tcp. replied VcCraw.
" Cectamiy working; a bwU ;
' gam. I coatlaoed.
""Ttk tb aaacstaac of a
ceapl of Wind empire, bo s
; dotng taDNM.' blurted tba aa- ',
fry McOrew.
"Tba tbird maa bad bwt re- ',
ttred, aad McGraw waa oat tbo
way to tbo beach before 1 could ',
reply. I enjoyed a smile with-
oat lottt&c McGraw obacrrt tt" ',
Baraaiwa lo $ttWe Tt ANeraas
, FloraatlB foalrd ki a new material
ta petticoat welch will attract lb w
ui wao as net comita. It ta eaerb
Bk eat ta tester, bat It la far
handsomer tbaa tbo ordtaary aataaa ta
braatbad tea etas
WH4 baaa gather lb aectar moat
rre,try ta tb bri wbaat. Tba;
a Wo will attack Woasmaaa I bat tba tan
baa braoro, Tb ba from tb wo
daaaat to car for r(afd
b vara, aof wilt It aatar aay alro tba I
baa baa placid for It. ao Biattar bow
aatkiac tbo food tbar. It i far aaora
TV-tooa tbaa It caltarad brotbara.
Aji 04 Varaaawt Laww ;
Draakaaaaaa la ITT la t arawot waa
Bab to a parity of $2 if aoUcaabto
U apaaca, gaatar or batavtoc.
C f o ! 00-oyOOoO
! Marooned
Story ( kn Aatomobil
Lac a pad
AimI Diatama Raaa Hald I
laaid Attf at Amariaaj Ewtriaa.
Tbo faasoa rowdcrbaU Maratboa
new, bdd aaaaaHy ta Ediabarvb.
Bcotlaad. baa attract ad. aa aaaaJ. aa-
1 oatrta frvaa tbc'diffrraat coaa-
tne. Aaaang tboao attracted
I Pbotaa ar Aaateu Praaa AaancUUon.
rue a rtaca urn
aVaatra. Tb aortic la aptrlakWd wttb
lart. blarry oowora la aabdoad bro-
cad cotortnc. and lb backcronad la
asaally tn a ry foud too, aacb aa ta
aaldoni foaad la cbeap fabrtca.
Soft aaatrlaia. sweb aa crap d
cbia. aaUa. cbiOToa. taffata. voUaa. vat
Tata aad aoralty fabric, ara aaacb am-
ployod for aftaraooaTrocka.
bfaay of tb aaaartoat aaw aatta ar
cat away la froar. a faw sbowiac tb
poafttta back, witb lb coat joat raacb
taf to tbo watat lla to froaL
Bktrta cot witb wld aidaa aad aar
raw frool and back portlooa ar tb
latest. Tbia ao abowa tb orlappad
draa that ar aaoart ttla wiatvr.
Tba Mar alajMa pattar Is ral ta ataaa
fraaa a la a tacbai waJM aaaaaara. I
at aaata la tbta aOVc. atrtn mbr. 131
aad k aria ba aaeoB4Ur torinM la you
by BBaa. If la aaata ao4 aa ad4Jtlanal
t ataata far lnar Boataaa. abtrh
asora sraaapa Oaitvary. Wmi ar.
Cawtraatiwa LiniMs In Caata Cao
aewM r)i Paltry Faahiana.
Wao j of tb far acta tbasa daya ar
Haed with a different fur or wttb aatlo
of a color I tut la abarplT coatraatail
wttb that of tb for. Tbla llnlDc ta
aaad aa conptcooaa aa poaaibl by
Oaf itabt br Aaaarara Praas
clauaa, UU.
"Uow aaaay mltaa fart bar r y4M
Aostla a be to tbo raablnf aula af tb
bl4 aaacalo.
Moor taraad bla baad aad a boo lad
back: "AlDKwt twaaty. W lost forty
mlaataa ovar that puactar.'
Lt'a atop, tbaa." oclfratd Aua-
tin. and hta cowpaaioa ooadWotly
broogbt tb atotor to a atop.
"What a tbo aiattar r bo deoiaaded.
"I'm baocry as a bear. I raat pus
albty wait aotll w to Jadaoa. aad
tbaro'rao certainty of crUn a decout
il tbar. aad it 'a ta aUlea farther
aa to Lakelaada. aad luocbeoa will b
Tr there. Why sot eat ow T"
'What a ha 1 1 w aatT" demanded Aaa-
Dklot yoor aua strap oa a bis
hamper Joat aa w war leavtaf" waa
aloore'a qoeatloo.
'Bleaa my aoal. I forget all about
taatl Of coarae Duffy would look oat
for a bit by tb araysldo." Auatla
Jumped froai tb car aad raa aroaad
to tb roar. "I fa a pip dream. Billy "
te atoanied wbe b ca back
'Nothing dolog tbar"
"Why. I aaw K aiynelf." cried Billy.
dartlag aroaad to coavlnc bla owa
area "It s been there ftp, tb arrape
aa dangllag t mot bar kwt It
ner war grief aod outraged and ao
aatiafled boDger ta bla eye.
1 Daur w aw. . satin cam
back to hU aeat "WeP. It a tb doubt.
fol loacbeoa at Jadaoa. tbea. llarrr
ep. Billy.
"Daffy ataraiarcd sbmetblng a boat a
'aa aa' weal pi' loakle that baaket.'
went oa Billy Moor In a grleeed too
aa b Bang himself Into bis seat.
"Tba fa Daffy'a Kmg salt. lUalwaya
geta la 000 of tboa pica. Ob. bat I
coo Id eat on oowT J (m Aostla atart-
d tb marhloe ooc more oa Its tear
ug career. All at oac tbar ram a
deafening report, and they larrbed to a
atandatlll aa Aostla ahnt off tb power
Two Fsaoca acaaaa kvtcbjcd i ud.
vrrum ncrvha aaows lAwaaoar; iow
aa owa; iolhu.
tbia aid of tb Atlantic who will corn
pet la tb event ar Tom Lflogboat,
tb famoos Canadian Indian runner;
Fred Cameroa of Anaberat and liana
Ilolmer of New Tort. Tb rare 1 tb
fall Maratboa distance and Is open to
all professional runners of tbe world.
Boiaier won It lest year, and many
Xpert predict be sboald com pretty
ear capturing this year's erenf. Tb
race will be held Jan. 2.
"1 in
Iwteraedaaiate Aaaaoiati Makes Bad
il Mv In Fancy Can testa.
Tb Intrrcolleglat Swimming aaao-
rlatioa mad a 11 a inter of change In
tbo fancy dlrtng rale at a meeting
beld ta New York recently. Wbeo It
waa proposed that alt standing sitting
aad aa&d-ataod dire be entirely euit
aatad tber waa a storm of opposition.
mm tbia sort of cocnbmatlona bara
bee proaalnent In tba ladlridaal dire
worked ap for tbe meets. Bat It was
argaed that this waa mors a form of
acrobat fc" work tbaa dlrlng and there
for oagbt to b rbecked.
After a hot debet the motion war
carried. Tbi will mesa a very radical
change la tb djring for tb coming
eeeaoa aad win mesa that many of the
roll aastic men wUI bar to work
ap entire y new dire.
Nat meintly Interest.
"Way ca at womea get tb ballot T"
. "Do yea want tb ballot aa badly aa
yea do a aow aatr
Tbar why yoa don't fat tt.
sTaablngtoa Harmid.
Whst H Wanted. ,
Captain Can't yon do something for
that aaalck passenger, doctor? Doctor
Not bo wan (a too much. Certain
Why, waat doe tia wantT !ctor
U want tb Mrth'-Tonkera State
raoca or cim arraoa.
baring tb ends flaring oat In tb maff
or cren by ha ring the edges turned
back Into deep cuffs and baring tbe
scarf trimmed with the lining far or
satin, aa tb caa may b.
On note! set is of sesl lined with
Short tonics suggesting the Oreek
Idea ar eery pretty for young girls.
Tbo dress pictured la of crep meteor.
lod tb bloaa la trimmed witb silk
braid and Iridescent beads.
These May Maatoa patterns ara eat h.
stass for mlBiii of fourteen, slxtean and
etrftteaa roars of aa Bend IS eenta each
for these patterna to tbla oflloa. airing
snmbars skirt 71a). Mooaa K-nd tbay
bill a promptly forward' ta 7011 br
mall. If In hast aend aa additional two
t stamp for latter post a a, which In
snraa mors prompt delivery. VVbea order
tog s coupon.
.,, ... ., 1
Half True Anyway.
Dentist I am eorry to aay. Mr. Dor-
klns, tbora's a carlty also la that op-
par Mcaspld.
Maa la Chslr-3 ahead aad fill It
doctor. I ballere tb latter part of
your statement--Chicago Tribune.
Csassr's Pet Avsrslan.
Jolloa Caar. to whom tb about
f thousands of tb enemy war but
weet maslc, waa mortally afraid of
tbo sound of thunder and alwaya
wanted to get underground to ecape
lh dreadful nols.
yoca rniKs. ldi;
and looked at bis companloo. "Ma-
roouedr be cried despairingly. "What
aball we do?" .
I aaw a farmboua a couple of miles
back, Let'a walk tber and ae If we
can't get something to eat and then get
a baol Into Judaon," waa Moore'a quick
suggestion, and tbey followed IL
They bad walked a balf mil on tb
back track when Billy Moor called
his friend attention to a abaded path
Just Inside tb wood.
Let'a get oat of tbla ana," b sug
gested, and tbey turned Into tb patb.
"Whafs tbatr demanded Jim Aus
tin suddenly.
"Looks Ilk a girl."
"Look Dior Ilk two girls," whis
pered Jim. peering around a tree
trunk Into a mossy dell, wber two
bit clad forma were sitting oa
either aide of a picnic meal.
Looks like a lunch oh. my, but
I'm hungry r
More on." aald Jim sternly. "Don't
cast another glance at those perls
yonder, for" Ills foot slipped on the
smooth, dead leave, and b mad a
udden and Ignominious dssceot down
tb slope Into tbe mossy dell and. at'
moat wrecked tb picnic party.
Tber were two girlish acres ma, a
boat of eiisperatloo from the mortl-
led Aaetln. and tbea Billy Moore.
fbaklng with silent Isughter. Joined
"I I beg your pardon, ladles." aald
Austin bombly, "I hope nothing Is
Not a thing la banned." aald tbe
tallest and prettiest girl, with a charm
ing smile.
flare yon hurt yourself V asked tbe
tKber solicitously.
Not a ecratcb.M declared Jim. al
though a decidedly bloody scratch
rambled dowo bla handsome noee. IT
moppd it away carelessly..
"We were looking for something to
t." bo aald awkwardly when the
tall girl Interrupted demurely;
Ob, alyar
gtrl MUhy
Tb two osotortais lifted their rape i
aad taraed rrlwrtaatty away. "Oaf
aaacbla broke do, aad w ware oa 1
tb bach track fr h faratboua. j
hoping I get aoatethleg eel. To 1
see. w Kl ear lui b bket from lb
car." eiplalaed IMtlJ. h j
glanc at tb we:i apfolhted wbkef !
bair lying oa tbe rMiJ
"Tber I a great deal more bar lhaa
w caa e'er eat.- aald lb tail girl
calmly, "ao yoa are quite weJcoui I-
luack with as If you I
"ta. Kr4yar crted ll youagar gtrl I
wttb dancing eye
Kvrtya shook her bead la dtaap-1
provaL. aad lb younger gtrl aul-kled
Into a state f dlmi'liug rboi kle that j
Billy Moor foaad noi alluring
Without farther lstrliciloa th four j
eat dowa to tbe eiceiient laacbdoo pro-,
pared by sum rareful hand r
"I dot kaew Jut what klrf
tbla bv-meat I beilcva," sakl Kvetya. 1
ffertng It t Jim Auatla as carter of
tb ocrasioa. " A" I
Jim looked aoWmaiy Into tb depths 1
of tb pastry aad theo announced. "It's '
aa am aad weal pie. l a arr
"That sounds like on af Mr. Tk-k-
wick's luocbeo.- said KtsIj. o.ult
aarudlad. "Tb fat ty waa fuad f
pie, yoa kaow."
"Yea mast bat fouud tbla haatpar
a baavy load to carry," remarked lUlly
Moor auiat blaeaww T
"We did Bad IL" retamad the salt
pusaBBd hlya. "What la that la
tb bottl. Dora! Tear
Dora bad opoaed o of th tbermoa
hot ties and aow brought out a bottl
of k-d ta.
"I think there's c(Te ta tb other
oa," ah aald. "Whk b will you barer
"Tea," aald atja
"Aad yr She looked at BUly
from deep baaa) yra.
"la that to la er-tboa other bo
Hear aakad BUly a!;ly
Tb two girt blubbed hotly. "Why,
ao. It mat bare twva put la by ml
Uka I bitvo It's cbanipacn, aald
Crclya after a Uttl pause.
"Oh. Elyar mad Dora.
"It must bar be a mutake." rbal
leoged Eralya, looking serersly from
00 to tb Other Of ber gaeata.
"It maat bar boao," aaaaoted Jim
Aastta, bowing with grav court ray.
"Of coarse," added Hilly Moor. ,
"Too better throw them away. Dora."!
aald Evelya.
"Ob 00 er of courser stammered
BUly. slaking bach Into the aeat from
which b bad auddrnly arisen.' I
rarmlt mo. MUs Ih.ra." sakl Jim.
with beary poUtaoeaa. sad. taking tbe'
two offending bottica from Itora'a prat
ty bands, b tossed them up tb In- i
rtlne toward tb road "Tberr be
ejaculated triumphantly aa be rataroved
to bla aeeL
But surely aomebody will Bnd
them." remoaatrated lra. "I waa
going to throw them Into tb deep;
thicket, away from triuiaatloo." ,
W will remov thru from lemiHa-1
tloa wbea w go away," assured Hilly,
Moor warmly, and a little auli rip
pled tb face of tb tw girls.
"Tbla la a mighty gowl pi." com
mented Jim after tbey bad talked
whll of motoring and other kindred
topic, "t tell yoa tbere'e nnbody caa
make a weal and am pi Ilk Imffy "
A ailaoce followed this baaty remark.
"Waa that thunder I beardr asked
Billy, with happy adroltue.
"A bay wagoa." aald Ervlja prompt-
"A poaaibl tow for tb marblne."
suggested Jim. "W"
l'erhapa It's oar car." eatd Iora
eoddenly. "Erelya. 1 do bellrte they
bare com bark for us."
"No; they would blow the born."
aald Erelya. "Let oa Balah this re
peat aad go forth to mat them"
I bop yoa will permit oa to carry
your hamper aa far aa tbe road." said
Jim aa tbey concluded tb meal.
"Certainly," aald ' Erelya carelessly.
and tnen, after a hurried whispered
consultation wttb Dora, she said with
assurance: "I really don't know
what to do with tbla baakeL Too sea.
wa found ft r
"Found It? Where r
"Out la the road here."
"Tbea It Isn't your lunch basket."
aald BUly Moore.
Never aaw It before. said Evelyn.
"We were with a party when our ma
chine broke down, and tbey went back
to the farm for rcpalre aod lanrh and
left aa here, wber It la cooL We
aaw tb hamper lytag besld tb road.
and aa w were tired of waiting and
quit hungry ws tackled IL Prrhspa
It Is yours." sb said, aa If suddenly
"I woaderP ejaculated Billy.
"I knw Duffy's pi." asserted Jlrn
And I recognised th tablecloth."
aald Billy.
And yoa knew all along It waa
"Of course."
"Why didn't you aay ao, then? I did
think we were puzzling yon." said
Evelyn, with chagrin. "Now we must
tbsnk you for your hospitality. The
luncheon waa dclicloua."
"Tea. Indeed." chirruped Dora.
There I our car We must go."
And they fled, followed by tbe two
Bfrsnded motorists, who bsd. after all,
partaken of their own luncheon under
moat delightful circumstances
"By crtckyr shouted Jim Austin.
Tbey all looked at tbe big touring
car drawn up nenr their path, where
aeveral curious faces peered forth' at
them. "Lllller cried Jim Austin, mak
ing a dive for bla sister.
"Of coarse this Is the Lakeland car."
explained Utile Anstln to ber brother
when tbey were all howling along,
with tbe Injured machine lowing be
hind. -Thos girls T fttaterenow
oh. dear. I do believe that fascinating
rimy Moore will teach Dora to aar
something els beside "Ob. Evelyn r
You know that every
tlsemcnt In this popcrUr
mc5sonc to you. Cochmcrr
that advertises has some?
he wishes to bring to your ;
If he did not know thot he iV
on article thot would
your opprovol he would not
the mon thot odver lists It
most ts the mon thot win hay
his goods under the crltkel eye
of the most people
-m- ' a . .
inus. oQvcruscrs must
most vigilant In the selection of
their goods, and keep them to
such o standard os to give the
buyer Absolute solbfottion
Every merchant in the city
knows this to be o fact, and It he
Is successful he must follow this
rule. rf
The- moral Is very ploin M
you ore safe In dealing vft
those thot Advertise in the
Oregon City Enterprise
(Continued from pais 1 )
SaoeerTbo for tb Dafty Baterprto
A Way the Baby Maa.
Tiaj the baby bad tbe meaalea yet.
Mr, PoppaF
'Bb-eb! Don't apeak ao loud. When
ever that child bears anything men
tioned that be baan't got bo crtee for
tetmd P refusing Mhln.
compact sound producing machine
for boo la connection with moving pie
tare can bo mad to produce flfty-
four different efforts storms, boof
beat, waablbg of aurt breaking of
flaaa and many more.
Intend to hate Mr. Co log arreated." 1
said th sheriff, "and h aald be did 1
- Mr Harvey told me Uat Mr
Cowing aald after betng orarpowered I
that h did not Intend to kill htm and
was shooting at th ground Mr !
Cowing asked that the pistol b r j
turned to him. according to Mr. Mar. j
vrv. but tb request waa refused " !
Ths sheriff aald the Brat part of !
Coaing a atory agre with that of
Hsnrey'a. Cowing aaya. bowerer. that
hen b asked tbe nurseryman to g
10- inn nom witb him and show
him how th bodies lay. Harvey ei
claimed. "M go down to that plac"
11 declares Harvey then seized him
by the arms, and ha dlarbarged th
pistol, shooting at tb floor. Cowing
says after Harvey selied him bla first
thotight was to. set out the door
T. r. Cowing. Jr, llrm m this city
several yeara and waa local agent for
lh Wellrargo Ezpreaa Company
moat of tbe time. He haa taken an
active part In searching fr the slayer
"t the HUla and donated the ne of
bis automobile for sometime to Bber.
iff Mass aad Detective Levin rs.
The shooting at the Harvey home
occurred on the afternoon of th. t.
the MrNamara brotbara pleaded guilty
In the Tlmea dynamite case.
O. A. C. Short Courses
Bfgtn Jin. 3, Conttno Foot Wcrki
Kterr eltliea of Oregon la cordially tortud m
ttd tbo abort eour of th oregoa Acrko
turaJ Colleg. boglnalag Jaa. 1 Cletea wa
tiv courses will bo offersd In Agrlcaltars, B
chsakt Ana, Domstl Bctenc and Art. Ca
fetarc. yoraatrr aad music. ISvery roarssbb
aimed to Htaj th student la his Uf swt
Mak tbla a plaaaaat aad profitable vteter s
lag. No lull Urn. Reaeoaebl srroeiwoojuo
ror beautiful Illustrated blltia. ad4raai
II. M. TEN N AWT, Registrar. Corvallla. Owea
Trmir walneaa Cowra by Correaeessw
What Is she here for? It aeema aa
though you've alwaya got to have
some of your relatione around here."
This Is th statement Frank (
Barges Is alleged to have made to bla
wire, when her cousin waa visiting at
their home In Portland laat year. Mrs
Herges brought ault Tuesday for a
decree of divorce, flh waa married
lo Dergea in Watervllle, Minn., Janu
ry 1 1890, and they have one daugh
tar. Hazel sited si 1 teen yeara. Though
Hargee Is aklllod mechanic and
earna $100 a month. Mre. Dergea aaya
she has been keeping boarders to
aupport herself and her daughter.
Hne aska for the rustody of th girl
nd 25 a month alimony.
Kva Johnson hss brought ault
against Jama A. Johnson for divorce
T.m', wer n"'d June l, 1892. at
Hlllsboro. Or., and aha chargea da.
1907 0,1 hVbnd Aurt,
Mrs. Jennie M. Mossman who Waa
mrrled at Portland. Or.. September
29, 1893, to Fred O. Moaaman. bru
Bled ault for divorce, flhe aaya be
deserted her In February, 1906, and
she gsks to ba awarded tha
years"1' 'JD' Er'' ,e1 n
day, December
weighing eleven
Peter and Laurie King Kerr to Wal
ter J. Hums, block S, Waverly
Helghta: I0.
Willamette Pulp A Paper Company
to D. J. Parmenter, I B acres of eectloo
30. township 1 south, rang 1 vast;
O. and Carolln Auv to Josl M.
Parmenter. 11 acrea of aectlon 11,
lownahlp 1 south, range 1 eaat; 110.
D. J. and M. L. Parmenter to Leon
ard U Parmenter, I acrea of section
31 and 41 township I south range 1
east; 11.000.
George W. aad Jennie Kummer to
Idd A TUton. 19 acrea of aectlon 4,
township I south, range I eaat; L.
Henry A. Dad man to Julia M. Rider,
lot I of block 4, Ddmaa'a Addition to
Canby; 17.
W. A. Uarner to School District
No. 123. land In aectlon IS. township
1 eoui, range 1 eaat; 1 2.524.
IX C. and B. B. Latourette to Aug
ust and Anna Krickson, .80 of an acre
In D. L C. of Ezra Fisher, township
1 south, range 1 east; ft.
Christ Kasor to J. w. Long, lota
13. 24, block I, Nob Hill; $1.
T. H. and M. F. Wilson to Margaret
I Roberts, lota 1, J. I, block 44, Mln
thorn Addition to Portland; 1 10.
T. II. and M. F. Wilson to Margaret
Robert land In Clackamas county.
Margaret L. Roberta to C. J. Roe
well and C, II. Hanson, land In Clacka
mas county: 110 1
C. and Agnea Bebuebel to Rdward th earn.
It Orfpry aad Ma GrrT.
met Of ft U T. of IV a Hasl IrK
ship eooth. range 1 east; H )
"Vdward Gregory aod Ma
ory to George A. Warner, K-71 i
of II K. Mala D U C.
south; rang I aal. 110. J
Kmlll Herneurr to t If!
bela, 29 acre of aectioa 7. lows-
south, rang 4 east; fl.U.
Horn to tb wlf of r. .
1 9th.
wigama . . . ... AM
pounda. Mother and child doljl
ri 1 .1 NO. 11
l Lo"" 1
aga1 S4BB I ,
Henry Trapp. Btara.
Trapp. Chaplain; Hrm DjJ
alstant BUward; 0,,"fTia
kper; Mra.rahl'.
n.,.U nvansa. NO.
nrer; u. r. 1. v: v-
Abbl Wagner. iw nn.'
ard; Mra. Anderson. r ,m" . y
MraJonn Ingllsh. Ceres. Pomort
Flora for th naulng rr' (yj
Mra. Ruth eery. " tn
of tb Kmtmcmdm M-rcsnt" 0 -gon
to Portland lor fclf
Hoad Dlstrtci ro. " '4ltaii
a ton of etumplng P00'' 4J
bave been going up lh " ' B. a
There will b n 'B V
the Tracy echool bouas , rridf -
Svea by 'bo tcch.r
Mr., Martha IwUSri
J. H. Dart baa Bled ault In th Clr
cult Court aaalnst Mare n ir..i..
al, alleging that the defsndanta aa
helra of the late H. F. Kayler, claim
an Interest In eighty acres In section
... WW....I.D a soum, range 1 eAst.
Dart maintains that ha h.. k... i
undisputed and peaceful possession of
in- progeny ior more than ten years
and asks for a decree thai the defen-
usnis nave no interest In It
ult To fsrsolose,
Charlea Mitchell iM flul ,,,t
against Kdward Grey U recover 1200
on a promissory note and for the fore-
69, Willamette Tracts, '
Treatment at Hot Uka. Including medical atlantlon, boa
hatha, costs no mora tbaa yoa would pr to Uv njr 0 Mkti
botl. Rooms can ba had from 71 eaU to 1S0 pr M- M
In th cafeteria ar served from 10 centa up and in tha r'
usual grill price. Hatha rang from 10 cnta to 100.
We Do Cere Rticticiatism
. . ... ulnaral
Hot 1" "' ' . - -niBd-and
mud g1 J;f for4
tlflo direction W
thousand. Writ foj f
trated booklet
Hot Lkke 8l"dm Hot
th method, .mploy
Lake. Sanatorium !
..hi. a. It 'd0d Th.
1 on th. main I ;d
special eicurilon raj
To b bnd at tin
WALTER M. PICKCE. Prea.-lijr.
"Ton cam to the right place."