j'silndenyear ; j Special ; ' ; ALL ' i m a . f 1 I 125 uar ! Acnts r SPECIAL 90c' HIGH OLA S3 TAILORING! ' , t 'hone Main I1J1. i Vancouver. Wash, ware Q -w.vnxm, enterprise. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1911. WDCIIEERSH lAS COURT FREES HIM Good form : ' " tDHMMH With (h. Uit.re paranta. Mr. and Mra Jo lhambars, of id Wnt Mid. . Waldo and Mary Bllver, 0( lb. Mount Ani.l Cullag, tntt Academy are la thle city, spending ,hair ifc with their mother, Mr.. ,, Bllver. " Mr. and Mr. W. A. Nhewmsa and . A hoi. ware In oa Utwe on Christinas. bltt lb gut of Mr. W. A. Bbewuiau, mother of Mr, Bbew. mm, MIm Uu Ooldauilih. o( Mn Kren rlsco, arrived In Oregon city Tus day afUrncMw, and will visit bar tooth ' Mrs. A. tkildamlib, for several ehs Ild Eby. wbo baa Iwg at jir. rlaburg. vlaltlng bla s.n, H. y, Kby and dsugbtar, Mra. Morru, arrid In Oregon City Tuaaday afternoon iu visit bar um. O. U Kb. Mr. and Mrs Jams HIsbaeBablp. no spent t'brtaimaa at Vancouver. Wash., with tb Utters pareu's. Mr! and Mra. Hall, rturni4 i0 Oregon Clly Tuaaday morning. Mr, and Mra. Upturn ilorUu. wbo bave bNa making their botu at Had motia, or. bat arrived In Or-g-m C'ltjr and III remain bar fur lb re malnder of tb ainlar. They am at praaeut vlaltlng at th bum of tbelr Oamnirr, Mra. Uord Williams. MUa Clara MIUh.ll and Mlaa Mollio Milrbfll. b left bar cm Hunday morning fur Handy, brm tbey einl Christmas With tbvlr parents, return ad hum on aloud ar evenig Tbey r accompanied hum by tbalr aia (r, llaial. obo lll rantaln until afirr Naw Yar"a. Mr. and Mr. frauh Nr.o of To lado, ara In lhl city, hatltn rotna to apand i'biialmaa and N Year a with Mra. K. L. Nton and Mra. T. A. Mcllrlda Mr. Naatou la ona of lha prominent nierchauia of Toledo, bo- Ing In tba hardaar bualnnaa. Mra Mary llroo. tA Ban franrlaco. baa arrtvr4 In Orvtori City, and la tailing Mb bar alatar. Mra Martba lUarb. of Cladatuna. Mra. (imo and Mr. Itarb baa not axn rb othrr (or laanty ar. Mr, and Mr. Ilarlry Hlrrna and tao aona Itartay and llanry. of 1'urt- land. Mlaa Mary llrlle Mrldrum. of Moaroar.-Mabo. ara In tbla xlly on Monday, balnc (urata of Mr. and Mr II. C. Hiatana and Mr. and Mr. Dun Maldram. Mr. and Mr. B. C Itrry and Nr- am Marra, of Woodburn, ar In Ihla rtty lltlii Mr. Ilarry a alatara. Mr. Thnmaa Hmlib. Mr rrauk Wbitv man. and tba Mlaa Itoaaa and Ucor- aia Marra Mr. Irry la manager or tba Imperial Nurary at Woodburn. K. A. N'aaton and lf and Mlaa liartba Naaton arrlvad from Oakland. CaL. Monday and ara vlaKlnj Mr. IJul Nawton. of Hrrantb etrwt. Trvy lll alao lalt at yha boma or Mr. Nawton a tatnrr. k. owion. 01 Molalla, parora raturning lo California. Mr. and Mr. C. C. lN-ary. bo r- rantly arrld In Orrgon my irora Nawbari. and bar bean lamn mo latlar'a paranla. Mr. and Mra. C. II. (Jala, raaldlna: nir tbla city, will mov to Mllwaukla tbla waaa. Mr. IXry aa in lha drua bualnaa at Nawbarg and baa purcbaaad tba atock and fix- turM of lb Mllwaukla rnarmary. Mr. 8. A.- rrncla. Ioula rrancla. .I.i.ra at tha lata William HOWfll. of Oraaham. laft Tuday morning for Uraaham. wbara tbay attrndad the funaral rrlca. wblch rra bHd In that city on Tuaaday aftaruoon. Mr. Mowatt waa Injured during the aum mar at bla bumaatcad, and ni ra covarad fn.ro tha afTacta. ahlrh cauaad bla death II learaa a wira. boma U at Oaaham. B.J. rrancia. 01 tbla city, la alao a couln of Mr. Ilowatt. Mr. and Mra. KYank Nawton. or io- ll.. Unraln county, ara thalr holldaya wh ralatlvaa In Ore gon City. Mr. Nawton la In tha bard war luialnaa at Iimi i . i tta NI WAND far la arraat aa colctlo i aafaun or MKaoaM. who Wttlly tinui co pi a of Tba Kaiarpriaw rruai ia w of aubarrlbafa after a baaa pla4 tbaro by Waa a P'frlleaaehea. i, iakaa;. tun muat be good' nl baaithy Wyr Jaa Tha fid die yoang." LOCAL BRICrS Saaor. of lllibland. waa In City Saturday. Gardner, of Carua. waa la City Tuaaday. btMball Mill anwnt Chrlat till frwnja at Cama. tad Mr. John llalT. of Kldora. ra la Uragon City Balnrday. : It J. Mnblergr and on. Al- ear la Oregon City Tuaaday. rrancla. of Tualatin, la la tbla naiUag bla brother, g. J. rrmnola. Cuiday and wife, of Cam, mad unp io tbla city on Tuea- Ml J. Kvana. of Haialdala, mad trip to Oregon City Batur- .T""a Evana, of Carua, waa In tbla lanitma, wbara ba vlalied llllai yia,ri a w kBown farm. Irtay. Maralt, ona of tba wall known w reaiding near Carua, waa In Saturday. Jonaa. of IWaver Creak, -whni ay bia daughter. Mrs. Anna a. war in tbla elt Saturday. Mrad Caylar of Btono. waa In Or v"7 on Haturday vlaltlng at Ue vf Mr .and Mra. R. Bchoenborn. Uluun Jonea, after apendlng a. --ri wun bla mother, Mra, Ilohel. U" CltV. ratiipn m kla al "a. Saturday. r. ad Mr. a LJnalay and Mr. "re. 8aor nt Iiaoa. r'mk. thl city Tueaday. j .rjpendl" wvaral daya bar " runiand. JUchard Davla return- " II boOle at f'arna TnaaHa "r, tod Mr. iriiv vii . .Ta !!,r,, ot Mr. and Mra. M.J. m ma Weat Bide, Chrlatma. ,7a ptr on Chrlat maa llt- "omer in-Uw, Mra. Mary L Abairt Inlredwamg faaple. Bo unfamiliar ara many Aiuarkaua lib tba tnglUb rul that tn "roof m to luirwlut ijo" that when one wo fcaa aiK-aka to aoetbar at aotu aortal fuoi-tlou ibara will b no reply. t. iaua -abe baa not bu lntrodd.au." taiy wwuiaa abould rauiauibar that, no matter wuv .be la or where abe I from, no eu h raaual ronrrraalloo t an burt bar. and abe abould not lay bar aalf on t the ry natural crltlciam that ab doaaa t know aoougb tok Whau aba U ajaro to. A tnaatlng of tbui kind a-M-n uu nateaaiute a fur ther arualulaor. aa It may reaae wbao tbay tav tba bouae of tha buete.. Boo. i Ilka to follow thl for alga uaioiii uf not IntrrMlm-ing tbrir gucata lo Ml. au.Kbrr. ravllug tbat tba mare fa. t of Ibalr all bring frlrivU and gitaata of boat and boatraa la aultliicut liilrodui U'Mi. Tbar la a dlffrr-u of 0luln. bowavar. on Ibia aubjait. and muat -ru think thai a boataaa abould put bar guaata at tbWr eae and liiirodwe them wben octa alun rafulm It Tbar la a dirfarrwe brtwean a formal, and a raaual Introduction. Tha formal lotr.xlu, nun la made' will, a dalllwrata .urtM- Tba raaual Intro duiiion la wad tu ant a awkwardna and bead tn etitall furl her arqunlnt-au-e M'ban a formal Introduction I made tba limlnM ahuiild alwaya Brat aak tba prlvllrc uf making the Imro ductluti. Tbla nn la dne tu a wry anobtroalv way. an tbat the one who wtabe lo l InlrixJiMfd know notb Ing of lha raurat. In making an Introduction' the man la praaaiuad lo tba woman In tbla way. "Mlaa Julitiaton. may I pretant lr Baarr" or "MUa Jubtuton. allow 0a to praaeut Mr. Kaara," or atlll a out liar eiprraaUm la. "Mra Tbompaon. Mr Browning daalraa lb honor of know Ing you ." In IntroiliH-lng two woman alwaya praaeut tba youuger to the oldar. It hi rorrect for a man to aak a mn tual fnrnd to praaaiit blm to a woman or young girl. and. aa a role, the re quaat la granlrd mi Iran tbar la euiua tary good raaaoo why the woman. or girl dor ont wlab to uiavt tbla aperlal man Mao rarely aak to ba Introduced to each otbarr but If a woman wlabe to praaant two man to one another tbay abould oarer rvfua tb Introduction For a rry formnl Introduction a bow. a pie taut a ml la and tb word "How do yoo do. Mr. Bo-and-ao or "How do you do. Mlaa (or Mr I Ho and eo." U aiidlclent. or on may mere ly repeat tb nam f tb roo pre eeotrd In an urdcrtone. If on la dealroii of being lean formal ft la correct to ahak handa eran at a Brat Introduction It I alao correct to aay, "I am eo glad to meet yoo. Mr Bo and-ao.", or "It I a great pleaaure for me to meet you." Ml Roland ao." bat tb lprealoo. "Pleaaed to meet you." ta not at all correct. Man alway abak band wben tbay ar Introduced to acb otber. (Continued from page 1.) Al Bckng., . ; . lU ,,, , vi varus, waa m ,U. J on 8urday rlaltlng bla pr- - ana Mra. Richard Bchoan- "'at Oartpiiii a -i. ... k. i i . r"'U0l In CnrlU.J . r-k..!.. . WJV Prnia. Mr. and Mra. Q. ""H of BhubaL Vk.A' "ndrlckg and L.-L. Kan Wta .w . fUnnd, apent Chrlatmaa JC uJLvi' rI. Mr. and Mr. N. p rleodrlcka, of Parkphwa, ll!iiM; Kv,n, of Hnaaldala, wara ,1 Z on Saturday while on thwlr icrtatm.?0r!l,ln1' whr ttir pent i aH.'l?n,m' t 8 rranelaoo, who kbTl!4 vt0 thu Mr br tb death ih,r' tn Mr. Henry T"aw, baa returned homo.. ail I' N' Harrington and Mr, tl thi Warrington, of Portland, wera J1!. X 0n Cnr,,tm "r rUltlnf Bchoanborii, a well known jL'r. of Eldorado, waa In Oraon u C1,r,,tnaa, vlaltlng bla par r. and Mra. Richard Bchoen- 'Ji tU Main atraet. baa loti of s? 'Of 'tha holldaya: Port 0 eenta, -SL I cnu- Oldar wlnaa nt pro t prlcaa. Mine meat nd PMdlng flavor. Or pa Brandy, Brandjr Aprksot Brand, Ma Mugoatel knd Mrs. . Roy Wllklnaon, of , L.rr bn la oonneclel a drug atore at Aatorla, pent CbrUt maa Day with hi family her, return ing o.AaturiaVJ.niamornina. Mlaa Lrtetla McKlnnon. orrort- land. waa a gueat oi urenou frlenda Cbrlatma uay. u. .4 uri William II. Ilurghart. Jr. of Balem. war Chrtatmaa gutata at th nom or air. iu.u - or. Mra. Draper. VICTORIOUS FOOTBALL TEAM TOGIVE BALL The Oreaon Cy rootball Club will glva arana bill af nuarb". Hall on Saturday .ven.ng. December 10. Con Iderabla local lnterat la ba ng man treated In tha affair. In that tha boyi of thcmb bay. thu. fjJ7"K m.ndable .nt.rprU In ptaclng tta club on aound baala. and by their a Ueaaful work h won. i? 1 of all claaaaa of cltUen In their wei 't.Hn the ntlr aeaaon not ona have ylnltora aueceeded In "'" Sway w. bout being ."l"tk "n thl latter team refund to rl.k ' rVaTpbenalba. brought thi bS. oon.ld.rabl. Paucity. J engagement, for 7'" r.."dy' being book.L A W tt.n daoca t tha danc la aaaured. 0,,,.V.wTnfl ln f.orln g.nMga. are growing I rh..d..pb... .nd on wt rn phi. woman who "Ju,t , bbor. ,.D,d you yoa boy by without kln. ' tt -Oh, dear no. ' " Jlm u .b..U- r,'r.aret. wou.dn-. Ml -- . rbllaaaipnt" .k.i trnmm in The Coming Out Party. A -coming out" party la a trying or deal, but If tba debutant can prerent bar erode from hecomlng act and ber manner mechanical ab will Imprea many In ber faror. She ehouid pro nounce the name of each peraon dla tlnctly and with a graclnua Inflection of the olo when .reeniad and not make loo great a difference In greeting bar old frlenda from her new acquaint ance. It la a pretty coatom today for a debutante to aak aereral girl frlenda to aalt In recelrlng and entertaining thegueata. They, of cour. anire be for the hour appointed lo the Inrlta tlona If they bare about tba earn a.t of coualntance tbey will know many of tb gueat. but If they do not know them by nam tbey ar prlrl leired to pea to any one. for they ar repreaentlng the boat. It la their particular duty to alngle out for atten tion any wbo may ero aby and un acquainted with thoae preeent The tea la often followed fcf a Httl dinner glren to the young women who bar helped to recelr th gueata and to Otber particular frlenda of tb debu tant. Sh I now formally "out." and Inrltatlone protmbly follow. Upon a debutant eboul4dolT tb. duty of keeping th .ccount of recep tion daya. .eelng th.t card .r aant. noting any chance of realdenc. In the ddreaa book, writing notea of Invl a Uon. acceptnoc or regret On recelf Ing day. ber mother frequently ."owe her tbe privilege or uu-iu.-a ....!- tr. nd In all entertaining r vuc. aba U ber niothefa aaat.tant Informal Dinner. At an Informal bom. dinner tb. ho.t . may aerra tb. aoop from tureen which la Plac tor ber Tb '5 .hould be Placed before tb. bo.t and aerred by blm. H. .1 aerrea tb meat If on baa a maid It I. beat to atand tb yegetablea on the ide table, but they may be placed on the dining tabl. If on. prefer, to bar. J. dinner aerved lo "J"0? imp.. .yl Tb. Mlad V. doT .ar, abould be pl.cd befor. th. boat -aa. .nd If coffe ta th aftr nercoffM.. .poon and .ug.rmay b placed brfor tb boateaa. A Parallel Cat. n.re-. .n. ccount of . f."ow -ho took two year to mak.n toothpick. "Bom. overdrawn. nT .-Oh I don t know. I knoxe or a at A Matter f niatary. i- l.hnnr'i doing nicely acboo." Mr P""".."""! remember, .r.rrth n, b. le.rw. W- dally In hlatorr- U. told m the .tory According to Dputy Watrlct A torny Btlpp, wbo appeared for tb. prosecution, la bl. .ummlug up almoet tho etact tlm of tbe crime waa ahown. Wltneaaea testified tbat a clock In th Hill home bad stopped at what waa thought th tlm of the murdor. Dog had barked . at th horn of a neighbor about tha tlm the clock (topped. Harvey waa aeon at the elation a abort time before, and It waa argued bla movement a bad been timed ao b muat have been In rront or at tba Jllll boma at tha tlm tbe clock stopped and when tba dog. barked. A aubaequent act, tba em ployment of lawyer to defend blm by Harvey, lb prosecutor aald. Indicate ed a guilty knowledge. Sheriff Maaa aald after the trial tbat It waa thought by blm an bla aaaocUtee before tba hearing tbat thla would be aufridant evidence upon which to bold tb de fendant Tbe flrat wltneaa, Clarence W. Matthew, of Hlllalioro .wbo lived bout 800 feat from the Hill home, teatiried that be saw Mr. Hill In ber yard 1st In th afternoon of June I, when be went by ber bom to stake hi. cow. No Raapons To Bra pi. "I rapped on tha door of tbe Hill house the neit morning wben 1 went to stake tbe cow again." declared tba wltneaa and called. -Are you people not going to get up.' I got no re sponse and told my folks to ae what was the matter; a I had to go to Port land. left on tbe 7:04 car, and my folk Informed me upon my arrival In Portland over tbe telephone of th crime. I got back at 10 o'clock, but did not go In tb Hill bouae, nor did t aee the bodle. "I was awakened on tha night of June 8 by the barking of my dogs. They bsrked louder than usual and kept It np longer. I got up and look ed out of tb door and a window. I couldn't see th Hill house from th door, but I aaw It from the window. I saw no one there. My mother's bouse obstructed my view from the door The doga barked Ave or ton mlnutea, and I concluded they war barking at something In a northerly j direction. It la north on tha road from th Hill bom to Ardenwald Station. Harvey's bona la tbe next house smith of tba house In which we lived. June I was a blight night" Crose-examlned by Mr. Brownetl the witness aald he did not ae a man about five feet "eleven Inches tall go by hla honae two or three tlmea on tha night of tha marder. He repeated that he aaw no' one at tbe Hill borne when he got up after being aroused. He said It waa fifteen mlnutea to 1 o'clock wben be went back to bed. Clock Stop at 12:52. Mrs. de Parqae, sister of th slain woman, who sobbed at Intervale while ahe waa testifying, aald that lbs and Mr. Thomaa Cowing had gone to the Hill home Saturday two daya after the discovery of tha crime to get some belongings of her slater. She aald that the house waa In disorder and that tbey found a clock on tha floor In the front room near tbe couch of tbe little girl. The clock waa a new one, aald tbe wltneaa. "It wag lying with tha face up. It had atopped at eight min ute, to 1. When I righted It It began running. When I put It on Its back aa I found It It stopped. Mra. Cowing got tbe aame results when ab bandi ed the time-piece." Cross-examined by Mr."v Brownell Mra. deParqu said sh and Mra. Cow ing went to the house at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Tbe lawyer asked If ther bad not been a great many persona In the house after tha crime waa committed until th arrival of tb wltneaa and ber .tatr-ln-law. Answ ering In the affirmative Mrs. deParqu aald tha clock waa to aom extent ob scured from View; that It waa par tially under something. She aald her sister l.sd told her aba waa going to buy a clock, and tbat her father bad found tba bill for th time-piece In tbe house after th discovery of tb crime. "Mr. deParque and myself went to the Hill home on th morning of June 10 to get aom clothe," aald Mra. Thomaa Cowing. "We found the clock lying acroea the room from the table where Mrs. Hill had placed It It waa In a position ao It could not be readily seen." Corroborates Clock Story. - Tbe witness corroborated th testi mony of Mr. deParque aa to tbe clock having atopped at eight mlnutea to 1. and that It "would run when righted and atop when placed on It back." Ralph Wllla, who iiv. near Araen- wald 8tatlon, .aid that he left Port land on the 11:06 o'clock car., having gone to that city to ae a Rose Festi val parade. "I did not aee Mr. Har vey on th car." declared th wlt neaa. "But when 1 got off th car I aaw the defendant etandins on th platform. I also saw Howard Russell ther. I don't know whether the car waa on time, but I fudge It got to th station at l!:t5 or II: SO o'clock." Tha wltnes. said Harvey toia mm aa ha atepped off tha car to be care ful and not atep on a board that waa ther for fear It would throw him down. R .W. Ooodale, a traveling salea man. aald he got off th car befor It .topped. He did not anyone coming hi way, but declared h aaw several persons at th atatlon. Mr. Ooodal testified ther. wera two waya to get to th Hill bom, but In either case th. Delk bouae. where it waa charged th ax with which th crlm waa committed waa obtained, would hav to b passed. On way waa about aa long as the otner, aeciarea sr. Ooodal. "T aaw a man on tn piatiorm ana a boy In tho station when wa got off k. mf" testified John A. Marek, of Ardenwald 8tatlon. Th wltneaa aald ha hat been to Portland to aa tha parade, having been accompanied by his wlfa and three children, and hla alster and her husband. RaoorUr T.H. Of Contract. prrv Parnsley. a newspaper porter, aald that Harvey admitted tb econd day after hla arrest that b had signed a contract with Bowerman a. Abh Portland lawvera. to pay them $20,000 to defend blm In caa of bla arreat In connection with th case. The witness declared Harvey bad told him In th presence of Sheriff Mass that Mr. Abhs and a detective named Mitchell had coma to hi. home aome tlm. aft.r th. crime; had Informed him th. "woods war. full of detec tives or sheriffs" and that h. haa ter go to Portland with them, rarna ley did not remember that Harvey aald .-.ln. aa aaM at hla home about m ii j i ii i n - - - - Harvey employing tha lawyera to d- fanit him. Th reporter recited that Harvey had told him h went ro me and Mr. Mitchell b algned tha eon tract or agreement rroly aald be formed tb conclusion from Harvsy's statement tbat b (Harvey) Inttnded to convey tbe Impression that ba waa alarmed and went with tb lawyer and detective In their automobile while In a confused auto of mind. . Tb reporter aald tbat Harvey told blm tbat sometime later after conferring with bia wife, they went to the of fice of Mr. Able and aaw tbe alleged contract destroyed. After tb publication of the Inter view of tha reporter with Harvey, Messrs. Bowerman and Able, In state ments In th newspaper denied em phatically that either of them with a detective bad gone to Harvey'a home and taken him to their office. They aald that Harvey bad com to them at their office of bla own volition, and had retained tbem. Mra. HHI'a Bieter faint. . Mr. Idleman. who waa first to sum up, aald th evidence waa not suffic ient upon wblch to "bold a dog." lie placed great stress upon tb state ment made by the wltneaa Wills that Harvey bad cautioned blm aa be atep ped from th car to be careful not to trip on tbe board. "I hardly think a man contemplat ing tbla horrible, tbla belnoua, thla almost unbelievable crime". (At thla point Mra. deParqu fainted, causing a atlr In tbe courtroom. Sh fell heav ily on th floor and waa taken from tbe room.) "I hardly think, aald th lawyer continuing, "that a man con templating a crime of such an atroc ious character would have presence of mind enough to warn a man he did not even know, against a board, telling blm not to trip over it" Deputy District Attorney Btlpp In summing up said tbe evidence waa sufficient upon which to bold tho ac cused. He asserted tbat tb. testi mony .bowed that Harvey bad "hung back" at th. station while tba otber. who cam on the car went directly to their homes. "He ahonld have been bom by 11; 40 o'clock," aald th. prosecutor. "He waa not sewn by anybody aa he went home. Th. Matthews' dogs barked at 12:45 o'clock; tb clock In the Hill boma atopped at eight min utes to 1, and Harvey waa th. man who had been left behind." Tha prosecutor aald no man but on. with a guilty knowledge would employ a lawyer befor. b. even bad been accused. "If this man' Is to be held on thla evidence then no man In thla court room la aafe, and I abould advise every man, woman and child In thla county to carry a gun In every pocket." ahouted Mr. Brownell In the course of hla argument Thla brought applause from all part of tha room and It waa sometime befor. Justice of th. Peace Bamaon restored order. Mr. Brownell told th court that It waa hla duty to Bet the prisoner free and not allow th. stigma to rest upon him and bl. family upon each evi dence, j "Either do that" said the lawyer, "or compel the prosecution to pro duce some evidence opon which the court can conscientiously hold thla man. There la absolutely nothing against him. - If one of the Main street banks were robbed and a man had been seen getting off a car late at night ' anywhere on Main street that act would be Just aa conclusive of hi. having robbed the bank, aa the evidence given here la that my client committed thla outrageous crime." Br. Brownell referred to the pris oner once aa "brother Harvey." and aald bla reputation had been spotless up to the time of hla arrest tn this case. The lawyer made a atrong and eloquent appeal. After the appladae had Subsided Justice of the Peace gam son aald: 'I have known thla defendant twen ty-five year. I never heara anyxning ly 1H -.-v - ......a., cutting the other y .o"j . Mf AM mA n th. th. accordloo knot. -,uic.gu ( Mno- Bow.rman, Mr. Abm against hla character before. The fsrtjrTftiM faja a.-v tbat be was sawn at tke statloa tb. I f(M 1 " I bight tb. crime waa committed la wot I ewUlllas. V.swJ sufficient evidence upon which to bold him. Human nature la flexible. He waa frightened Into going to Port land and signing tbat contract 1 do not bllv be,, knew what h waa doing. It was not ethical hi th lawyer to take advantage of bla con dition, and. I tblok an Investigation should be made, and If It la shown they did wbat tbey ar accused of do ing, they should b$ dlsbsrred. Tb complaint . dismissed." "I hav been working oa this cas ever t Inre tbe discovery of the crime," aald Sheriff Maaa, "and only a few daya ago tb grand Jury sent for me and asked me wbat progress I bad made. I gave the Jury an out line of the evidence, without mention ing any name, and the Juror ar re ported aa having aald the man abould be Indicted. A few day. later I waa called before the Jury again and gave the evidence In greater detail. Tb Juror Insisted upon Indicting tb man accused, and asv4 me to communi cate with District Attorney Tongue. Thla I did and the district attorney advsed me to have a preliminary hearing. Tbe aame grand Jury will meet again January 10." FAMILY RBiS HELD CHRISTMAS Mr. and Mrs. Brlce Zumwalt had as tbelr dinner guests Christmas Mra. M. C. Wells, Miss Mary Hegdale, W. E. Wells, of Portland; Will Wells, Jr, of Portland; Mr. and Mra. Fred Heg dale, Andrew Hegdale and Roy Arm strong, of thla city.' Tbe Zumwalt borne was beautifully decorated. In the center of the table was a minia ture Chrlatmaa tree.- During the af ternoon Miss Clarice Zumwalt and W. E. Wells rendered several "aeleo tlons on tbe piano and violin. Mr. and Mra. Frederick Greenmaa had aa their guest Mr. and Mr. An drew Robertaon, and family, of Sell wood, and Mra. A. Holden. Their home waa prettily decorated In ever greens and ciuistmaa bells. Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Williams enter tained at dinner and at a Christmas tree at their home Christmas after noon the following: Mr. and Mra. George Boylaa. Mr. and Mra. W. C. Oreen and son. Clyde, Mr. and Mra. Carl Green and baby, Mr. and Mr. Frank White, Mra. Fred GuUlott and baby, Charlea Boylaa and Bert Boy Ian. Mr. atd Mrs. W. C. Green were taken by surprise at their home Christmas night wben forty relatives called. The evening wad devotea u gamea and vocal and instrumental music Refreshments were served. What the Palicemen Are Far.' There are a grt-iitmuny ixillcemeu In th atreeta'or th CUT of Mexico, for lb government consider It desir able to know all that la going on. and at night there la on art very corner. Each carrlea a lantern, which la gen erally placed In the mlddl of the Inter secting street. There are only two osea for th lantern first, to let the thieves know where the guardian of tbe law I, and. aecond. aa tbe police man la generally aittlng on the pave ment leaning agalnat one of tbe bouaea aaleep It enablea tb tourist to find blm and wake him np and make him tell where the tourists" hotel Is. E. Qulncy Smith. Travela at Home and Abroad." bOrBriirzD A pretty home wedding waa solem- nlzad Sunday at 12:10 o'cloek at tha home of Mr. Maggie Cress, of Sev enth street, when ber olde daagh- tor. Mis Bertha, 'waa married to Berten Helgerson, of Aurora, the ta presaiv ring ceremony being per formed by Rev. 8. A. Hayworth. Loav engrin's Wedding March waa played by Carrl Crosao, niece of the bride. The bride wore a 'very pretty and be coming gown of white) albatross, asd carried a s newer bouquet of white carnation.' A wadding breakfast waa served by the bride's mother, after which Mr. and Mra. Helgerson left for Portland, where they remained until Chrlatmaa morning whew thy return ed to Oregon City and apent Chriat- mm. mm .,ia .V..J m- jwiwi,HW Mr. and Mra. W. M.Etters. of Park place. They are apendlng their honey moon with tbe bride's uncle and aant, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cross, of Silver ton, and will return to Oregon City Thursday, and from here will go to Kalama, Wash. . Those present at the ceremoney were: Mr. and Mra. Henry Helger son, Mrs. Anna Helgerson, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cross, Mr. and Mra. W. A. Cross and family, Lewis Helgerson, Riley Helgerson, Lester Helgerson,' Mr. and Mra. Frank Lambert. Mlaa Ella Cross, Mr. and Mr. William Et ters. Rev. and Mra. 8. A. Hayworta. ; FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD HAS XMAS CELEBRATION. The Fraternal Brotherhood held lbs regular meeting and Chrlatmaa tree at the Knapp Hall . Friday evening. There was a large attendance. A large Christmas tree, prettily illumin ated and filled with gifts, waa one of tbe attractive features of the evening.. After Santa Claua had disposed of hla gift tbe remainder of the evening waa devoted -to a banquet and danc Ing, Miss Maude Woodward and Os car Woodfln furnishing the music for same. Two Couple. Granted Llcenaea. License to wed were Issued Tues day to Susans Lohre and Robert Lee Tlsevof-1983 Eaat.Clay street. Port land .and to Laura May Fields and Gay Lewis Case, of tJ Taylor street Portland. Hose Company Haa Dance. Tbe dance given at Busch'a Hall on Saturday night by the Fonntala Hoae Company waa a moat successful affair. The mualc waa furnished by the Fall City Orchestra. ' DO TOTJ KNOW that the Enterprise year-end Bargain Period la now on? (Continued from page 1.) with a transfer from a city car find It utterly useless, for they are eom pelled to pay aa high a tare from Golf Unka to Oregon City aa from Port land to the aame destination. These are only some of the reasons why tbe Live Wires of the Oregon City Commercial Club Intend to probe Into tbe decision of tbe Railroad Com mission, wblch haa apparently pleaaed the trac'ion company to the extent that It made no attempt to reelat the enforcement of the new I HOW SMALL STORES CAW DRAW TRADE By Elective Ligtt Using MAZDA lamps in show windows and electric signs outside will draw trade from larger stores not so well equipped. We will be glad to tell you how this can be done with these lamps which give more light for less money than any other illominant. " i PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT , iV POWER CO. v MAIN Office 7th and Alder Streets lu. Tlmea. J