Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 24, 1911, Image 4

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.' i ...... i ,
- ; i .':' MQKN1KQ FlNTKltlMtlaK, 8lTN)AY? HKCKMnKU 21 1011. " - S.1'S::.SS
For the Children
CM4 testa
Mil Un4 U Welee.
: 1 N I v
curtoaa boat. resembling
doth baaketa la form, are modern
type of tb coracle, aa aactvot craft
used by tb Briton 2XVO years g
Tbey have survived the eenrurte awl
art atUI used to Wales by salmon flah
rtuefi. Tb modern roracle comprise
a framework of stick a rat from tb ash
and beech tree, covered with a atrong
abeet of canvas, saturated irttb tar and
pitch. Tbey weigh about twenty Bra
pouoda. The fishermen waiag the
boata work In pair, tbe ealmo Bet be
tag strung between tb two.
Caaee mt Thwndsc.
Thunder Is tb eois produced b
I tgh tiling and I harmless' It baa
usually been thought that tbw wove r
created by tb dosing ap of the
vacoaaa made by tb passage of tbe
lightning, tb air rushing in from ail
aide with rlap. bat tb Intensity of
tb sola to rather disproportionate,
ad It la aow auppoaed tbat thunder la
du to tb Intense beating of fa,
specially tb gaa of water vapor along
tb Ua of aJectrtc discharge, and tb
caaat qoent conversion of suspended
aaotsfmr Into ateam at enormous pre
ar. la this way tb rrarkl with
which a peal f t bander oomettmc
begin might b regarded tb aound
f ateam expioeJoa oa a small seal
caused by dischargee before to mala
Bash. Tb rambi would be tb over
lapping ateam explosions, and tbflnal
dap. which sounds loudest, woukl be
tb steam explosion nearest to tbe
auditor, la tb eaae of rambling than
der tb lightning U passing from cloud
to cloud. When tb flush passe from
tb earth to tbe clouds tb rlap la
loudest at tb beginning. Chicago
Wkirtwmd a Osed Gam.
A good gam oa tb order of "going
t Jerusalem." bat less familiar, la rail
ed la this country -whirlwind." bnt by
or English cousins U known a "cater
pillar." When something Is wanted to
get a crowd of young folks stirred up
ad fun started Just try whirlwind.
Draw ap aa many chairs as there are
players and rang them la a ring All
the players alt down but on, lb ques
tion of who will be left standing being
decided by cutting cards or drawing
slips of paper. Tbe object of the play
er who remains atandlng la to get a
eat. bat this tbe other players try to
prevent .by moving rapidly from seat
to seat la aoch a way aa to Oil op tbe
vacancy aa soon as be la area to ap
proach It. This canoes tbe whirlwind,
a Very deacriptlv nam.
When be secures a seat tbe player
oa his left becomes rbalrlesa. Tbe
players may move either to tbe left or
right, as occasion requires, to protect
th rbalrs and prevent the c hairless
from getting a aeat.
Chines Punk Sticks.
Punk sticks ar mad In China, and
th cheapest grades of tbe sticks are
composed wholly of tb elm bark
They give off a heavy acrid amok
aot at all pleasing. Tbe better grades
ar perfumed with a variety of sab
stance, tb commonest being sandal
wood. Th prlc of tb sticks la China,
where th children ar as fond of
thta as they ar her, bat where th
ciders also regard tbem with much
seriousness, ranges from four bunches
for a cent to two sticks for a cent
Tb prices In this country ar Just
about doobl tboe prevailing la China
Tb most valuable sticks In China
and tboa which seldom If ever ar
Imported Into this country ar tboa
to tb maaafactsr of which Tibetan
tocraa Is used. These sticks are mad
almost exclusively for th Imperial
court, which require tbem for all Its
cere moo Las.
A Geographies! Q neat Ion.
"Mother." asked Jennie, -where Is
"Athens, you mean. I guess."
"No, another. 1 mesa Atoms, because
when a person Is la a boiler explosion
or aa earthquake they always say be
la blows to Atoms."
Harry's AJrseilav.
Harry bottt aa airship
Te sail oa ta tb sky.
Ha told bia little etetar
. Be meant t sail blah."
' Be worked all mornfais oa It:
He worked aO afternoon.
B aald be wlabed to finish .
His wood roue as-shl aoaav
Whs K was don b etlmbed la
Aad eriad to atstar ar
"Look eutl I thlak Tat rlalngt
To saastat some to nearl"
Bat sot aa Inch bodsad airship.
ta vat a yawnaT Harry tried.
Be eoaxsd. be pas bed. he lifted;
,' The eprasg he ewi sod ertsd:
- "Well, fast stay there, eld eJrehlsl
' Td aot aad aaywayl
r rather stay with sister
Aad aot a a tedayf"
' Kail i Is that fallow f years rrwr
golag ta gat p th roormg t pro
pose T Bell Qneas aot He'a Ilk aa
kowrglas. Nellie-An boarglaaaT BJI
Ia; th more flat a gets tb lesa
aad be has.-Phllaoiphla Times.
Largest Rivera, .
Tb world! largest rivers art Mis
souri aad Mlasdaslpoi. 4X78 mflea; Am-
asoa, 4,000 miles; Volga. miles;
TavitM. t.000 miles; Nil. 4.100 miles.
ia4 aent .as' OwfltBtv 1JK
:!:rcstl:i to Kola How Yet
cms kit Dclnf.
so:.:e are oa police force
Daffy aad Moffat New WMding Clubs.
Hsrmaa a Fleriae Whit Disaeg
Tesioela MaGevaeei Syserintandent
t Thaetae- Mabee Drtviag Waeeek
Everybody know bow baselall Hav
ers, professional and otberwlw. engug
d la fanning bees of tbe past and
present, recall tbe great feata of the
dUuood and prala th dotal of otN-r
day. But did any on ster mix la
a bunch of Vugillstle fanneis and be
any more eulhaataatlc Imaaing thuu
th gloTa wteldera ca turn lweT Tb
ana wee la "N" for the old time tWht
rs ar Just as talkative a iril a
rer could le found.
Keceatly a bunch of fighters, past
preeeat and future, got luvetbrr lu a
gymnasium la New York, and after
lights without number of years air J
bad been mastlt-ated . to the klnc
taste one of the bunch protwunded
question of natural Interest:
"What become of lu nghters when
their day f activity lu tbe ring are
at aa emir
- Tbe tfuextlna set everybody think
tng. and la order to answer It was
aeceasarv to "take case' ea some of
tbe lighter who la the hist few years
have left the ring for all time. It was
discovered that a greet mnay of tbe
DustllKt brH become polk-eaten. In
Chicago, tbt .tome of many of the best
firbtera who ever stepped betweea tbe
ropes, there are many of th former
gtov wMder who now awing clubs
. . . . k . ii
insieao 01 ine aisuiin.
Remember Martin Pnfry. who was
a of tb toooti h light weights of bis
time, which waa only a few years ago?
Paffy caa le found any alxbt In Chi
cago traveling, a beat. HeIint
lightweight ony more, but baa Joined
the heavyweight cbtaa. Jack Moffat
tb msldVwelgbr. who powwowed claC
ta a pottceman and travels a bent over
Chicago street Moffat met the brH
lisnt Tommy Kyau more thin one In
the ring. anJ Tommy always gave
Moffat credit for being a fighter of
the first water.
Jimmy Barry, the wonderful little
bantamweight chauipkm of the rtnar to
hia day. also is living la Chlcaao Jim
my spent! the anmmer mnth wnrk
lag in the public playEronnds. where
be Is consldi ted a huge encress.
"Kid" Herman. anothrrCbli-a go Ilicht
welcbt. U In Seattle. Wash., where he
Is proiH-letor of a florist s shp. Ilrr
toan almost ivaebed tbe (.lunarle of
fame, tbe obstacle In bia ilb lla
that wonderful colored fighter. J
Oans. aow dead.
Joe Cboyrotkl. tbe veteraa heavy
welrht. la now boxing Insrrwtor at
th millionaire athletic club of Pitts
borgb. Previous to thl he coiidiMied
a physlcsl culture achool and alm was
Instructor at the Uliuoia Athletic club
In Chicago.
Tommy White, who gained fame by
bis great flehts with "Terrible Terry"
Mct'overn. still holds forth in Chicago.
For the last couple of years he has
been employed In rantmtlon work
on a big underground telephone tunnel.
Tbe once great Australian middle
weight George Daweon, who fought
many battles of note, la boxing In
struct or at tbe Chicago Athletic asso
ciation. Tben there la Eddie Bantry
who at on time claimed the feather
weight championship. Eddie a couple
of years ago waa proprietor of a sa
loon, but sow to officiating aa referee
of boats in Wisconsin cities.
"Terrible Terry" MeOovern.
world's champion featherweight, la at)
perlntendent of a theater in New York
and also a referee at oue of tb clubs
Matty Matthews, welterweight cham
ploa for some years, is a special po
liceman la a New York music ball.
Peter Ma her. tbe Irish heavyweight, to
driving a milk wagon la Gotham. Gas
Kuhlln and Tom 8harkey are proprie
tors of booae emporium In New Tork.
Honolulu Club and Paorft Ceaat Cham.
plena Will Raee Nest tsassn.
Bowing has sprouted aa a sport In
faroff Honolulu. Tber la to be a fla
wallan regatta next Hep t ember, and
tb champion amateur crews of th Pa
clflc coast will measure lengths with
tb beet tbe Island can produce.
Tb Ueslanl bowing club of Hono
lulu baa sent a challenge to th Ala
meda Rowing club of Baa Francisco,
which now holds th coast caamplo
hlp, to visit tb Island and compete
la. tb regatta, and tb challeage baa
been accepted. 1
Spsskse One a Right Hand Thrower.
Trto speaker, tb wall known Boa-
ton American outfielder, was a right
banded thrower at first Wbea tea
years old b was thrown from t bron
cho, breaking bis collar bone. He tben
shifted to throwing left baaded and
has tossed tb sphere from bia port
Id alnc that Urn.
Penn Has Leyal Football fleeter.
"Farmer" Lytic, a graduate of tb
University of Pennsylvania and a resi
dent of Philadelphia, who to fifty-five
years old, say be hasn't missed a foot
ball gam la which bis alma mater was
represented for tb past fifteen years.
H who a fals to present duty
break a thravxi m the loom aod
wul find th Haw when h may hav
forgotten its caua.-Bcher.
Queer Metaehee. -
K . Pu1tomoUry fpeech haa, out
Con tbat of Major Arthur Bhae when
b aald, "Even th Stygian eloquence
of tbe chancellor of the exchequer baa
6t tww M toratsa-wMt whs
phaat entirely."
Habit, i wisely ami UJ'luIly
formed, become truly texum!
bjr. aa th common sayaig is, but
anskitMutly anJ unmcthovacaJly dV
rected t wJ be, M it wr,tb ap
oi Mlura, which imitate nothing, to
tb IJ. but only dumsJy and awk
wardly. Baco.
Whale bee oae of their great als
are aot fast swimmers. They caa make
only about ten or twelve mile aa hour
How They
i Gained Time
Tw) Lovers Managed Tbair
Affair Dinlomalkally
T Oapyrtcht by Amsrteaa fVeaa A sen- ,
i ctatlo, int.
O 040000000XOwO i
Elmer Worthlngtoa a banker of both
Baa acta I aad social prominence, railed
his danghter Mabel Into -his. private
waiting room and eakl to her:
"My dear. I am very much troubled
at having area you walking with this
actor, who seems to hav thrust biro
aeif apon you."
"Ion are mistaken, papa, in asauui
tug that Mr. Dean haa thrust hlatseif
upon m " -
"WeU. be to aa actor, and I wish you
to understand that no actor to welcome
In my bouse."
"Tbe profession or the stag to an
artistic calling, and I consider It above
buying and selling mervbaodlse or
lending money. Uut you are aot Dalit
In assuming tbat Mr. Van to aa a
tor. 11 waa an actor, but to aow a
playwright which me as that be la a
nember of tbe literary profession, lie
to tbe sob of a gentleman, has rsvelv
Saw rs SIM am worto aa aos-ts-Law
ed a college educatluu and went on the
stage for a abort tint la order to pre
pare himself for th work of writing
Playwright or actor, his' assorts
Hons ar not our associations, and 111
bar boo of blm Don't let me bear
of your ever belog seen la bia company
again."! ,
Tber waa a rebellious fir la the
girl's eyea aa ah toft her father tbat
bowed blm tbe affair bad gone far
ther than be bad supposed. Mr. Worth
lagtoa waa not a maa to give aa
order wit boot taking palna to Insure
Us being carried out. He did not sit
dewa calmly, relying upon bia dsugb
ter, on reflection, obeying htm. nor
did b assume that If abe persisted
la ber Infatuation be could prevent
her. H hired a detective to watrb Mr.
Deone and report to blm If tbe actor
were ever again seen In Mabel's com
pany,- after which drastic measures
would b taken.
It waa not long before tbe detective
reported that Deaae end Mlsa Wortb
Ington were eeen aittlng aid by aid
at a matlne. Tbe meeting waa re
ported to tbe banker, who told his
dsnghter tbat be bad beard of ber dis
obedience to his order and If she de-
fled him agala be would aend ber
away where she would have no op
portunity to ase tbe actor. A clandea
rlno meeting took place soon after
this, la which Mabel told ber lover of
ber father's threat which abe knew
bo would make good.
The asm evening abe bad aa Inter
view with ber father. In which aho
told blm that b moat look to Mr.
Deaae to fulfill bis orders. If the play-
Wright Joined ber b did It on his
own responsibility, and ber father
must can blm aad aot ber to account
for such action. This waa something
of relief to tbe parent, who would
rather deal with a man than a wom
an, even If that woman war bia owa
daughter. He did not doubt that
Mabel would assist her lover rather
than her father Id any contest tbatl
might arts between tb two, but bo
considered himself a match for both.
Within a fortnight hia detective re
ported that tb lovers had been aeea
together. Mr. Wortblngtoo spoke to
bia daughter about tb matter and
asked ber If It were true, lb replied
that, a aho bad ta formed him, b most
settle all such questions with Mr.
teane aad ab had nothing to say.
"Very well." replied ber father. "I
hall writ Mr. Deaae that If be agala
tbruata himself upon you I aba 1 1 take
orb means as I think proper ta the
premises." V
Mabel left blm without a word, aad
bo knew tbat tbe fight with tbe play
wright was on. He sent tb note, as
Informed hia daughter b. would.
tad received a courteous reply, aa fol
Mr Dear air If rear Informant en the
lay and bear sf this allersd meetlne ha 4
passed my boas la A., tbe suburb In
which I Mve whs at home, aad looked
(v at SUV study .window b would have
aeen tee dllls-esffV at my work.'
wtiteh was e that a ass sloe sotting la
th dlaJoajwe ef a stag tbe aoiaart ef
. .. I . 1 as.
hk-b I as 4 toat anfe I awtrs.4
rciMN your dsuanisr -kMte
her I meet t !
so t trSAir utw,li.M wranl
Mr worthtngton i-siied hi- Jviec
live for aa etpUiinil.Mi. and the isttrr
admitted tHal he hd H -eea the
kvra butether. He hit.l eMi H
Worthlngtoa eoter a f r.end s .'
and had sevn a man u H.kel er
Dke lne eater the hMe
half aa hour later After leatinti Mr
Worthlngtoa lb spy uk a train uu
aiedlateij; for A., aeul to IVsues
house and saw blm at rk al hi
study window Having reported the
fact to hi nipki.ter. the latter blrwl
toother detective to atcb tbe plav
wrlgbt a house.
It waa aot long lcfre the city de
tective rwrted another meeting Mr
Worthlngtoa took a memorandum of
the day, hour and minute and sent It
to the detective at A The spy. who
waa a woman, living opposite the
peenea. reported that at that time
he aaw Mr Deaee writing at bia desk
ear the study window. Half aa hour
later ahe mad bote of lb fact that
bia mother cam to the window, nolle,
ed tbat tbe sua waa tblnlug too
brightly on ber eon'a ile-k and pulled
down the shad.
Thla seemed to etabllsh aa altbl
laatead of writing a threatening aoie
to the playwright. Mr Worthlngtun
Imply reported the fact to hint tbat
be had been again Informed of meet
ing of Mr Dean and hi daughter
and would like to know If It were true
Deaae wrote a reply atatlng that be
had aot left bis rr.Ulriic at A oo
the day he waa reported to have met
Mlsa Worthlngtoa
A third report of a meeting between
tbe lovers cam to Mr Worthlngtoa.
but sot through eilli-r of bia detec
tives. .The lovers r said to have
beea seen walking In a park near tbe
center of tbe city, the prron rrport
big tbe meeting mi i slter of Mr
Worthlngtoa. -who. In the event of bis
daughter doath or disinheritance.
-ould Inherit the principal part or bis
property. He telephoned n whv t
hla py In A-. asking If the playwright
waa aeea In his home on tbe tliy and
hour named. Tb reply came that Mr
Deaae had not been een tber after
10 o'clock la tbe morning, when be
bad drlvea out with hW utother.
ftlnre he waa retoriel to have been
eeen walking In the park with Matol
at S la tbe afternoon be would have
had ample time to go to the city t
keep an appointment at that hour Mr
Wortblogton. who was now moving
mor cautiously, wrote Mr !esne
stating tb fact and aklng for an ri
planatlon. Mr Peane a rejUy contain
ed aflldavlts of three il'fT. rent per..u
tbat they bad seen him ilrUUigJn I
a aoburb of tbe city, nfty milr dis
tant. between I e I oVlrak la the
afternoon of tbe day In ipu stlon
Wbea Mr Worttili)i:t'-ii read thesa
replles hla brow i.'irl He a
aware that hla aiter a next of km
after ills dauebtrr. nud be at unce sti
pected ber of plotting to prevent Ms
beta marriage. The more he thoUKlit
of turh a scheme tbe more feaaitle it
seemed to him. Ue remrmt-ered that
If a girl set ber heart n a man and
meets with a disappoint meut abe I
very apt not to marry any uut else. If
Mlsa Amelia Wortblnston ruid secure
Mabel'a dlslnherttance. that would be
even a better scheme than to prevent
ber marriage. If he had leen convinc
ed of a plot on tbe part of hla s!trr
b would have conaeaud to biadaugh
tor's marriage at once. Hut the mat
ter was merely a suspicion.
However, be wis not sure bnt thst
some one was acting la opposition to
Deaae and Mabel, and I bia moulded
blm eonalderably. When one eveulug
Mabel asked blm to take her to the
theater be consented. It was the first
night of a new play, but tb old gen
tleman knew nothing about that. All
a did know was that lbs play
progressed tbe audlenc. Including b lut
eal f, became very much impressed with
It and finally enthusiastic. When tbe
curtain fell at the end of the third act
bouts .were made for the author
Wbea be appeared Mr. Wortblngtoti
found himself joining In tbe storm of
applause. Then, putting on hla glasses
and taking another look at tbe re
clplent, what waa hla aatoniabment
when b aw In blm hla would b eon
Mr. Desoe'a play waa reported by the
critic In tbe morning new a papers as a
great hit and tb playwright found
himself famous. Not only a living, but
fortune was assured. From the mo
ment of Mr. Wortblngtoo 'a leaving tbe
playboua ho ceased bis opposition to
bis daughter's match, bia change of
mind not only being doe to Deans a
success, but to what Worthlngtoa aup
poaed to b plot oo tb part of hla
slater to get possession of bis property
after bia death, no one day, after a
Conference between blm ad bis dangh
ter. sbo left him with hto consent to
ber marriage.
One day some time after tba wed
ding Mr. Worthtngton, who had be
come quit fond of hla oa-ln law, ex
pressed the opinion to blm tbat Mlsa
Amelia Worthlngtoa bad laid a plot
fc secure bis property.
I can't permit any on to offer un
justly." aald Deano. "no 1 mast exon
erate your alater from any anon sus
picion. This Involves a confession.
When aa an actor I waa atudylng th
taVhnlqu of th stage 1 took double
ptrt, requiring my appearance on the
boards when I waa not tber. A dnmm
waa eonatructed tbat waa my exact
twin. When you put detectives upon
me thla dummy waa placed In my
study window and afterward, when I
drove out with my mother, waa car
ried wrapped In a abawl Into tb car-
nag. I got out at tb station and my
motnor arove to u with tb dammv
HUng beside ber. while ( went to
meet Mabel In tba park,"
tHiMMrib for tb
est Thing Out.
"Do you know what to tbe best
thug outr
"No. What to Itr,
"I haven't decided whether If an
cblng tooth or conflagration." Ex
change. wffered In llenee.
Did yon toll tb proprietor of tba
betes tbat tba water Uakd into your
1 "! I waa caiefnl aot to tot him
knotr' It- II wis arrald ' b would
rbarg mo for a ahewer bath,"
- .
have only a (w day
to get the enterprise
In Oregon City, or $2
' The following program given:
Bong. "Joy to the World, rholr; pray
er and short talk. 'The Wise Men."
Mrs. J. Qnlna; song. TtrUhtest and
iuat." choir; recitation. Tnrletmaa
Working." Genevieve Edwards; song,
"Old Santa t'laua la Coming Thla
A large gathering of young people
assembled at tb Mountain Vie
rburcb rriday evening to listen to tbe
program given by the Sunday achool
pupils, and every number waa heartily
received. The church was prettily
decorated with evergreena, Christmas
bells, and one of the features waa the
prettily eonatructed fireplace, with red
light, and on tbe mantel waa hung
lh little stockings After the exer
rises were over Old Santa appeared
and distributed candle to each mem
ber of the Sunday achool classes.
Way." Infant claaa; recitation. "Chriat
maa Star," Fearll Newman; song,
"They Cam Upoa tbe Midnight
Clear." choir; recitation, "Chrtatma
Present," Mildred Clark; song,
"(irandpa'a Spectacles." Mrs. Srhoth'a
class; recitation, Gilbert Edwards:
song. "Tba Star of Bethlehem." Mlaa
ineta Dixon; recitation. "Tbe Chrlat-
maa Tre," Myrtle Moore; solo, "The
Raising of Laxarua," J. W. Swlck; ex
ercise, "Choice of Trade." eight bora;
oug.-"Jesu. the Uthl Of Ihe World-
quartet. Mra. Newman. Mlasea Bd
warda; J. W. Swlck; recitation. Merle
Moore; aong, "Wonderful Story of
ixv. j. w. Bwick. Mlaa liesale
Qtilnn. Mrs. 8. A Olllett, Mrs. D. W.
Ulllett; closing gong, ' Ood B With
You Till Wa Meet Again," choir and
Hrae ef Andalusia.
Sine the beginning of Ihe seven
teenth century Jsrex de la roronlera
baa been the moat noted borsebresd
lng center of Andalusia, for many hun
dreds of years famous for Ita fin
boras. Jeres de la foroatara waa oo
of tbe first aad last Moorish atrong
bolds In npaln. and the beet horse
there were r'l bred from famous Arab
talllona. to that what to known an
Aodaloalaa or Spanish bora baa !
ways good deal of Arab blood. II
baa. however, been crossed with ao
many other breeds, esnedail rumi.t.
that today tbe Spanlab horse Is not reg-
sierea in the pooka of record of pure
vreu aoimaia.
Wheat Tralna In Manehuria.
Wheal comae Into tk mm. s
IWI ,v
the rlvsra and rallwava nt
from almost locrsdlbto dlstancss. In
turn winter, wueu the rough, ungraded
road are froaeo hard and imooth, tbe
aatlrea haul wheat for 200 mil In
om case by meana of a heavy two
wheeled cart drawn by four to eight
mule. Lone trains r ih .....
traveling together for protection and
companlonablp at night, can be eeen on
tb main highway all winter and are
tb moat nirtnrsain ....
cburlaa life.
Tblrte thouaand naesnna Me4ka i-
India Oct. 11. 17ST. from tb effects
f a great gtorm.
- A Cenundrum.
WnV la th Uftse -mt ik. . m.
, - i uiwwi aesi-
tSDla to a daaf Inrnia f Du.
W -Ur , "
Tt'-9t war adv-rl j.
. ' iVC :
" ' -
left In which to rnw your
at these Uo rejoin Rates of i3 per year by corrirj
per year by mall. No mall deliveries mui
Oregon City. Write to
A GRANDMOTHER may not be a t;
y as she used to be, but she is in close tec
with her world for all that.
Tb telephone aabla ber to
In all aorta of wealber.
rormal gatherings have tbetr
visits over tb telephone tbat keep
".... .it a. as.
u-Buumuiosrs wiepaon viaita do not atop wita aer
long DUtanra Bervlc of tba Itolt Telephone take ber la other I"''
Hows ralstlvM inj .i..4. .t... v ..i...k k.iBradt "
- . . wmw IlifUUI Ml uwi
Pacific Telephone cndTdCr
"ii-ti" . i , ' ,
hate ii i.ew mil
'Ami ll inn etui it i ..i
ieniiMi ""i'iiii hie ii
Tbe re e-rv n"nr.i'iit . in
wriiers say " K.iu.nn in jun'iuii
j.-if". I Mil ll- s.nlii I'l lilt 't
I " l iM ' . - !
. '
m '
Do Ton afMnor ttimi niHMiu
yeaiend Bargain Period la now oaf
Tratmt at Hot LaU. laatmllag adl tt"t,?' ant
batba. oosta so mora tbaa yo would pT V" L,
boUL Rooms oan b bad from fa oenU to 1N ' &
la tba cafeteria ar ervd ffnta M oanU vp and Is w
ual frill price. Batba rang fjrom M eU W
V7a ns nitstij-iiitisci
v. w -ww .w..
hot laiic
uUcrlption lor the Enteral
make as many calls aa .
. i
place, but It U the many Dttkasx:
people young aad Inlereatei )
. , - Ian arm.
w lis r lw"s
If you are not readM
Bnuvrprtsa. why notf 'T"(l,
gala Period to aow oa. "
back pago. . .
An excellent musical
program wa. g l
tlonal chnrcb rrlOy r0 f
Cbriatmaa Jt
are I ebarg of V" J-jfa ,
The charch wVf.rwS ,
tb ateninr"
. ,
ot U MlnS
. Hot Uk &
;.d mud u u
ndi. Writ
booklet -TO
Hot lM,."Sw K
w a Annii .
tba mataous u
I. o tb. mli J 5"y"il
top "