Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 22, 1911, Image 3

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    , ;V''" f .
t ' i fiitnr a. many handeom. Xikii gift haa left thla
(till he, plenty Wl0r Oyr eoggaatlona reah
w.. f h. family irm th. tided, an, to the little bt.
thU alar, leaded, wth beawtiful Xmat glfte. See th.m
Jawf . -.a-- We ar nei Sent Claue but w arc hie nackar.
I fgranaB'"- ------
I mm ha a. a
aiewara oi in club IleUedlotfc
room, fur aotna Uma. and as tha nam. nomine
barablpU rapidly growing and making At Iba cIom of tha aerrlc. dletrv
InOftt bferrar It a at Ia I.. - .. . ....
ttr mn for tfa pottttoo
a a . . . .
and candy will b
Mr. and Mra, J. W. Cola will War A cantata, "Tb Created Day In tha
"ii Monday for Pendleton, wbara tbay T.'." will ba raadarad by tba Coa-
W 111 attend th. mA.:m a a. - . FalrlLaallMl llaanil.v au-taas.l aa f Tafl
is wanning ui ma form
era Mara, Ml Ermal Mann, and Mr.
(leorie llalr. of i-onUnai ui.. u..
baa vlaliad lo tbla city oo aeveral
orcaalona at tba Cola noma.
o'clock tbla
IJil of chara. tare
Father Time ,
achool at 7:30
Tba program
Continued from pa fa 1.)
I ... aauiANO
L a- ooa.UHIon
JSauTttmo. ' Tbt
u( ,ubecrlbra aftr
ba plecd there by
laaeten Wleda.
Li nd berg
lot Mllinf tM'tK ftland.
hone Main lH.-
i Hua-Ko. air. I aatar
ibT U abat'by dnraa. Ila kuay b4
tmilr fnltta. rlMufIo ara
, tn hi aa ladat. A aua. waar-
rt; cWHbaa and rarrytn AxiA
, aty b a oiiajoi ui t i
Tba dagraa of I'otahontaa oit la
rutr loa In Ita wiswam
Kiiatpa Hall, Wadnaadar aveulua.
and lha following cfrirara wara alct-ad:
I'd abonta. Mr. Ilaory llt-ODlnf-
aa; Wfootiab. Mra. Mlka Oroa:
t'rfafaaStelaaaaal 11.. aa I . i. . -. laa..
. . "fi-i-.--. wi. iih aim iniiuair;
Kaapvr of Wampum, Mra Hopbla fbll-
lla.a f',.llu-a.. . -
vuiwrivr ui wauipuni, atra.
Walter Hyta; Kopor of Jlooorda,
Mra. Clarwnta Oauoro; Truatao, Mra.
j w rruai.
Among tba fvaturaa of iba avnln
waa tba preaaiiiatlun of a baudaoma
Aiuarlcao flag lo tba ordar by W. L.
Utlla, rprMTDlaUva of tba g'aat
council of tba t'liltad BUtea. Tbta
waa a com plat turprlaa to tba matu
bara Mr Ullla purcbaaad tba naf
Iba Eaat wblla attandlnx a Had
... J. A. Roaka
Florence Oravaa
Nlxht rioranca Wblta
liarald Albart Itoaka
HprlDg Marian .Wblte
Buromar Alloa Pbllllpa
Antumn Eva Dya
Wlntar .-.... Ellxabatn Morutl
Rain Emma Ellla
Hunablna rrta Raddick
rog Kara Burka
Bnow BUIrlay Park
New Tear Taddy Hendry
Uncolua Itlrtbday .... Iiarnlca I'oola
Valantlna'a Day ... Maxxarat Clarke
Cupid (Jena Hendry
WaablnKton'a Birth. .Mildred Huntley
Here Walker.
April Foola Emaraon Hoeye,
Merl Jam.
Memorial ty..Oenaa pack, Maxim
rnnm.iiimiant r... K1U Telford
Children'! Ue.y ..Mra. Caufleld'a and
Mra. Clarka'a CUaaaa.
aViMirtti at iuW (IndcDaMidence Day)
,. Alice Ooettllni
Ulx.r Day Bam McUrty
All Hallowe'en Alice Haater
Mra. Crautorfl
Tbankaflvlnf Loulaa Walker
Tba Cbrlatmaa Angei. .Liouiae nuuut;
a t,aw aweaat. UilaJ BAiWTUUlU aw Mil
Nn' too rem lun la Ohio Id 8ptm-
g Jlaaroltb. of aarbaa, waa
1 I. ariaaMal.
rwk ft-laar. of Ueef Crwek. waa
M rl'y T-ar7.
kn M'ttler. of Portland, waa
0rfiC1t Tburaday.
bra, Tbaraday to tba wife of Rf.
Uaaakerougn. quoir.
J. L. Aihton. of Cnby. waa
(ba ttty oa boalnaaa Tnurwtiay.
a. .v ir iinblender. of lleaaer
W were Oreaon City Taarw
(Nik Ballard, of lladUnd. waa In
dty traaurtlng puaineaa I aur
I a- WmAnomJl aVaalua tO tb
la I. I.. 0 Cayton. or inia any,
rajkl M1IW. of Ctarbea. waa Irana-
bealaeM In tbla city vsanDev
I liwJJ lilriKnl.l .mtnlnant farm'
i Eatauraao, waa in iaie cny i v
kf ai aailnesa.
n. Taomaa Carrel and ata Ifar
. aaa Mert 1h. of Canby. ware) ro
a fit Tkuradar.
- - . , - ,
Mr. and Mra. Herman rtaber and
star, Paula, or Carua, wara in
aa fit Thuravlev.
I Mr I I.. I. nitiaaai khal lai a-Kll-
. ar Highland, were maung ma
OB flla laillnra YtiiirailaT.
& t Ely will aurprtaa you when yon
w pne or lure ana comparv
them with otbera. They make good
Jmu gm a.
Mra. Ilarman Bmltb aad mother.
Mra. T. McCarthy, of Carua, wara
In tbla rltr on buelneee Wednraday.
' Jarob Oroemlller waa In thU city
Thyraiai.K ila la una or id wan
known farmera of Clarkamaa county
Mr. and Mra. A. II Biarena. of
Maple tne, wall known raldenU
of tbal place, aer In thia city Tbura
' Mr. and Mra. Jacob Plainer will
i. ihu avk tnr llaaver Creek.
wbera they will apend Cbrlatmaa with
their children.
irm i a arKMBlmri. who ttvaa
near Eldorado, waa In thla city Tbura
day, bringing with her amna geeee to
the Oregon City maraeia.
it r n Ij ahowlbe one of tha Urc
eat Una of toya and holiday oi
In the city, at tow prtcea.
n.M ttuido Drramlier 20. to tba - 1.11- i . iirtvr a eon. welcbl
twelte pounda. The youngater haa
bn given tba name Anaar jodo. au
mother and child are doing wan
ur ii nkavar. one of the well
k. ...J n f.rmara of Molalla. waa In
thla city Tburaday, bringing with htm
rortf turhaya.- all corn fed. and for
which he received tha aigneei maraei
Ur. nnd Mra. laaafl puralful and
children will leave the nrai or me
year for Powell River, Ii. C wnare
Mr. Pwrelful haa a pre r tad a poaltlon
In tha paper n.llla at that place..
Oren Chancy of Portland, waa In
aa.1. TkliraifalV. UltlDC bl gTand-
-a. ii. la now a aiuarni 01 ue
rnllgara. ftnd U ttNtftdlOft
HUUIU a m" - .
tba holldaya with hla parenta. Mr. and
Mra. A. W. Cneney, 01 rwm-
of AatoHa. and
alater of Mra. U. B. Umlck. of thla
city wno unrterwant a Knu '
cal opermtU at tha Bt Vincent 1 .ca
pital in IMrtiana uaturaaj,
proving. Mra Dtmlck ajwot Thura-
a.r arith her.
NobeL 71 Main atreat baa hta of
wine for tba holldaya: Port 60 centa.
Muacat 70 rente. Older wlnee at pro
portionate price. Mince maal and
Plum pudding flavor. Orao Br.
;. . a. inrlmt Ilrandf. Ma-
A.r Pnrt. Bbarry and Muacalel
k.aa tvavaan BnlMllOtad
by tha' cmmen-lal Club aa 'd;
an aaalatant to h. i-. ur.... ..." -
Klwanda Council. Nn 11 of Pnrt.
land, waa represented by George Or
ion, wno gave an excellent talk upon
Velvet Ceetumea the Vague Wrape
Oareaoua In Thla Fabrla.
Tba prettleet of the velvet aalta art
b eacaiieuv vain uuua i Tha nraltleal or me Trirei puna
tba order. Dr. Theodora Keealer. of Linni. k..m r.e thla fabric la eo rich
P,arlaatia4 a Ka. la awa.a.1 .arh.n. ..f aa ft I . a. . a. . V. .
order of Portland, waa Initiated Into
lb tnyeterlee of tbe Degree of Coca-
bontaa. Mr. Itoxella E. Batea, rep-
reaentlng Waaconka Council of Mad-
rora. waa aiao in attendance, jure.
Uatea gave a talk on tba work of the
Warhann THIaa kin 11 Inmroved
Order of Red Man attended an Invi
tation to tba Degree or iocanontaa
to a Joint Installation at Knapp'a ball,
January I. Tba Invitation baa been
acceptud, and a big time la being
planned by tba two order. -
In Reelf that It la a pity to ore a me
lovely llnea It fonua by too' ranch trim
Velvet coata are rather looee-aod ar
tut In tunic atyla w avoid marring
eta ma. Mocb bandaome braid la naod
oo Iba coata. and tbe braid trimming
la band motifa and crochet bnttooa h
repeated on tbe aklrta.
Another la of black velvet and) violet
brocadlnr. wnll' a third of red bro-
J at I
f f fa
LIFE would be flat and colorless tor
both young and 'old without some
pleasure to give it piquancy.
Bo with food. A falUh creatf. plo.aur. and .ppJ I-
-to. It la a. much of ton.o .. tb , k.t pr- handed oot by pby.lcl.n. It U your duty -JJ
tul houaawlfa to gat tb. beat l 'l,,hM ,p
ooij food,
( i
"Wt Au ka.o I" thaaa " V?
Mclou. jama ancf Jallhaa that ara . w" Mrv.d In
"ap the natural flavor of th hrandall tha hun
th. finaat malt vlraflar. iaucaa of JJ dally maala
arad and ana .HotKlaa that haip to " V
""r plaaalng.
U ,o wnnt any rellah-w. bava It Com. n 4 look ov.r
toch. ;
Son oi our kio trtklet for th current weekr
pineappia warm-
r..n-iava will laa held In aeveral of
lha churchea of thla city thla evening,
and tba program will ba participated
In by tn. couaren oi ne duuu
achoola.- Among lha cburchr tobav.
aterclaea wtu be me anuoui
church. CongregatUmal, Bapuai. univ
ad Brethren and EpIacopaL Ther.
ill ba aoeclal aervlcee In aeverai oi
tba churchea Sunday.
At tha I'nlted Brethren church ax
errlaea will b. held thla avenlng at I
o'clock, which all ara Invited to at
tend The Melhodlal church women
bava prepared an excellent program
which will conaiai oi reaiui.
i...- itnata and aoloa. wnen toe
following number will be given:
prelude-Mlaa rora.
Hymn "Joy to the World
Scr.pmre 'Reading-Paator. "
A7h.m--Th. Earth la the Lor.
Klroatr ck "w"
puliation Ruth Katchum.
jtong-Prlmary Song.
Duet Maria Louer ana r.i
RaclUtlon Thelma Beio.
Solo Iella Woodfln.
limitation Dona uavia.
Ko tlo-M... Mabl. Valkman
nlalogue "Tna Bnepueru a
SoO LlttU Bab. of BKk
tiUW.aue "Tha OlO Biorj
IlUk Rraala Davla. Ardona Davla
RoVg-Mlaa Blancharda Claaa.
Riwltatlon M aa Anna ....
Solo Mta MlUwlhkS
R.t.t.on-"Ab.d. ;,.
rct-Mi.. MVrVla"croaa and Everett
DrliKto of Mr Jack', and MU.
raae'a Claaaea.
Remarka by paator.
SaitU ClBUa neraiu..
Tb. Baptl-t church will hav. th.
following program, commencing at
7:30 o clock:
Ug-' Joy to tha World
Prayer" bV Vjtor.
Chorua-' Slelgh B."" -d4
iri in -
Boio-Welcome" .. Mathay Mclrty
ReoltatlonWIvlan Curtla.
Hong Primary Claaa.
" 7.... mil n borne.
Ilecitaii"" ,v
Llo-EIUabeth Hayworth
Recital on wrouui -
.-"Holealn your Staking-..
flnrdon M I er, r-n-
!S Judith Iladw-. S"""
bennen. . . .
Anna and Emma ,
Song Anna i ,nnimnLl
(Anna plT own
R(.c.,..on-W..bur mUh
".ndcbol Arm.trong.
im' v ... . nnna lauiaa.
S;;nKBoy. of Mr. pop.', c
Recitation bix -
Chorua Young i"-.
Santa tiaua. . v.n
a beautirui vu..-w-- -,-lrm
Th. flarman mi"-t-" n th. Chrutma-
Monday, w""-"" , h. cf tha
hrp. in -;7' -TD" followlnl enr ,- y- - .
urogram wiu v-
prelude, jtt
Choir: m
d. BOmin a a. a aervica
reatlval parade. I had to paaa tha
Hill place to get to my home. I have
tiaased It tbouaanda of time. There
aan Ka nalhlnar auaolclOU la tbal."
"I dealra to correct aome iiiwiwrau
th.i vaaar. isawn made In recard to
my family. Daniel Harvey, my brother,
and my mother, Mary Ann Bunnell
(ha waa married a aeoond time) were
found dead In oar home at Milwaukle,
In June. i0. It waa aald that my
brrxhar killed my mother and com aniHdn. Mr father died n nal-
na-al llaalh el OUT old home In lOW. I
Ther. wer. no auaplcloua circum-'
atancea In connection with bla death. 1
Albert Clark, or Porxiano, iamer m
Claud. CUrk. th. mlaalonary In China,
for tb. Portland Young Men'a Chrla-
ai. i.alrai attended HIT father'
funeral. Mr. Clark and I war. achool-
u. kmihM William Corwln Har
vey, waa drowned July 1. 1877, wher.
T.i. - mna Inti tha Wllla-
aUUUW. - w-" ' " - -
matt. Rlv.r and not In two feet of
water aa haa been puoiieneo. inariea
i'ii.n aia m kill Mamie Welch In
my atrawberry patch, but on another
farm In th. neighborhood. Th. girl
.. -i-binar talarkherrlea for ahort-
cake when ab. waa attacked. Wllaon
did not con Tea to my nroiner moiw,
for Daniel bad been dead three year
tha eHma waa committed
-u a.tira life haa been an open
book, and I want BTwrltT Maee to
bava my antlr. record. I nava done
attain, that T am aahamed of. I
aa arv aa ' a
a . ii.,.. nraa tbeat aome men.
IHB7 WW a ..v..w " - , -
bat I know tbat I am a great deal bev
ter than n majority or iBem-
I auama tn ba little COO'
I a a pi mni . -
a ...niria hla nredlcament. Ha
eaya ha reallxea that h. will hv to
remain In Jail aometlma. bnt to not
worrying becaoa. he la tsonlld.nt of
acquittal H haa hla meal went to
him from n reetaurant, and apenda
bla tiro, chatting with thre. other
prleonera who ar. with him in big
eelL Harvey rave th. aherlff n check
for $10 Immediately aner ma aarreai.
with which to buy mrata.
Juatle. of tha Barnaow aald
t.. ti.a lawvara Tlrtnallr bad
wvmj iu " ,
agreed to bar. tha preliminary bear
ing next Toeeaay. nenn "
he wtU Introduce) only enough !-
dene, to bold in. priaoner w
grand Jury.
If too are not reading the Morning
EnterprlB.. why notT Tear-end Bmt-
vain Parlod la DO PD. B au v-
back oa
Eat Brink arid
Be Merry
Here are a fewofthe things you can save cn
Ribbon Candy ...
Orocere Mixed .'.
Cbrlatmaa Mixed
Cream Mlxad ' .7.
Beauty Mixed ....
French Mixed ..,
Cbrlatmaa boxea
price trom.,
2.1 cent !b.
JO ceata lb.
15 eta. lb , 2 iba. for 25 cl"
t 20 'b.. 2 lb for 35
..15 cu. lb, 2 ! for S?5 eto.
only 20
.tat. ta. .f nt Hnilf ranalne In
Wliaa .ara a".. - -a. m -
afk ta A ell
k ill a
Aaaortad nuta. fin, and freah... 20 cU- 2 35
Good old faahloned Hickory Nnta 15 cU. lb.
Pln.Nu 1 .......... . 25 'to. lb.
Clgara by tb. box. all alxaa. aU aUndard branda, at price that
will aur. pleaae yon.
Special ManlU 4 for 25 cto-or SI 50 box.
M. E.
517 Main St
CilA Waatlna.
Tba modern method of gold beating
waa devlaed at Nnremburg. Bavaria.
In the year 115a
aWnaiant r-ertivan naaaa.
- Parnrtana tn lfiOO bed admirable put
lie roada. oo. of them extending UMMi
wh did ron name your boat Ro
mnrT" -Bec-au I want her I. keep
.Boat."-Baltlmore Amrrtcan. ,v
ugar. ,.
w.Ma discovered in tb Eaat In
die by Neerchua. admiral of Alexan
der. In Ii3 B. 1
a.kaa. r.lVaiMa.
redeatrtan-Bey! Vou Juat mkaaed
L. h an inch! CbaufMtr- Be patient:
I I'm coming back dlm-tiy'.-IUck.
Ferelonera In England.
ffAialamsri were banlabed from Eng
land tn 1155 becauee they wer consid
ered too Dnmmw .
A coal mine located In Advent Bay.
Spitsbergen, la tb. moat northerly in
the world
st. AGis ;:oi
u. and lira. T.P. Randall n-
Urtalnad In a"moat dellgbUul manner
th. Twenty-Nlnara at tbelr bom on
Center atraet, Wedneaday renin.
. tta r.m inarheon waa aerTcd,
JUIOI a aa - . '
and thla waa followed by th. hoeteee
acting aa 8ni Claua. ana prewpuu
each rueat with a aouvenlr of th.
occaalon from a prettily decorated
-a-. , a. a. Ttl ai aWYfrnLl(IIl WWJI WJ
rti-itift. bsln of Oregon .p-ftp. nouy
wrfcthi and miiw.
at-x. - akiiit,aT re ra Mr. B.BC1 aTlia.
Mward Schwab. Mr. and Mr. Henry
svm.ii. lir. and Mra. H. 8. Moody,
w M j , .... u.
. a um -r w rt Kaata .il. aa a
JHX. ailU jnia. - - .
a u t . a. Morria ana air. aura
Mra. Theodore Oemuna.
i won ar not reading tb Morning
Enterprla.s why not? Year-end Bar
gain Period la now on. d on
back page.
Unclaimed Letter.
Lltpf unclaimed letter at tb.
Oregon City poatofHc for th. weok
ending. December IS. Mil: . . .
Woman' Uat Baird, Mra. Made.
Horner. Mra. Margarett; Matbi. Mr
Jeaal. U: McFarUn Mrt. Addle,
, ..kiaiaa. T1.1ha.lL Anna.
Miner, jumpu'"a ' . , .
. . . - i k -v.. Jobn ; Aldeon,
men a -" "v
nf ur . nHaaoren. George; Britton,
TT. " i " . ,K
O C: Compnia, uu.; "'""-
. nautad. Nllea: May
Henry? Miller, H. 8-: Miller S C. ;
5 "... . wain Hnfh: Rich
ZT-r m b: d. r.: smito.
"VLSniWrH B.: WbltUer. r.
V.; Wllkln-on, J. T.; Zorxa,Ul.
Th bablea In St. Agne Baby Ho
wiU not be for got ton Cbrlatmaa. Tb
Riatera of Mercy in charge of Ue m-
aUtuUon ar eparing no pain to giv
th cblldrea a good Urn. Tber. ax
ii..i. rv In tba InatltUlUOS WbO
hav. no bom. where their atocking
oa be filled wit canay or I
-..! Tbara will b tW aVS
Cbrlatmaa tree In tb piny Wf
tb big buliaing. ana wa -
receive It khare Many of th bl
hearted people of tklg city and o
PortUind are making dooa4a. wUck
wiU not be forgotten by tb cklWrea
or tb Slater. Tb.ra Mar
two children raaging front tb MM
of two week to thirteen yra at
Home- many of them bA0
Proteettat lajwii. rCTrkTu '
in h ariwaw hr tb. emu-
EwTWho havaleealnatrncted byth.
Siatera. Tber wui ow Znarm .
aoloa and chomee by the C"Z
Th youngster, ar Jlf
to m aveni i'""" ... k
room wher tn. .xercieew " "
held will b prettily decormiew.
Among tboee muii TT .T '
ar. at th. Bmnawlck Hotell ben .for
a few dava. Mr ana ra- -r .
Lnt an orier to on of tb. et
IT. her. for Ave turkey., and hav
also aent to th Home a box of or
ange. box of apple. J"" !
allppera. larg. amount of candy and
toya. They also aent
Rad tb Mornlaaj htTtoa..
ramoa Tainnao tb.twi oow.
cada all over la lined with bright gold
-pi.i- ....nninr town la of black el-
. a. a. l. m .na Cliff Of Whit.
ret wnu wn". -
broadcloth edtfed with black Wnj
Tbla May Mantoe pa eomee In ataa.
. -. . auat maaaur. Band
mm " .win. lumbar. Tiaa.
inrr. wtU l7pn,nPllr iorwardl to you
atJatTJ ii
. latiar mataa-a. wblcn
. nramnt dllvry. Wbn r-
gar-ac uae ooupon.
flame .
... ... .
Talk StODDd.
. . aa onr wife MJ
when yon told her yon wouldn't b
bom till mldnlKhtt . a,.'.i-rarka-1
don't know. Immediately
after telling ber I bung op tba racalr-er.-Boaton
j. . . r.atliae.
-What do yon auppo-e attracted that
. .. .iri to aucb a man"
h. l.a pigeon to-a-"-BaJtlmor Amer
ura Strained Honey
Strawberry grrvM
Crabapple Jelly
Staokberrv Jelly
Currant Jelly
. . . . - r r
- . u Wraaarvaa '
- ' Piaapoerrj r
- 4 Loganberry JaMy .
aveat India Rallah
Alternate reaam- "-. m
Children and Choir.
Th PMPhecy. hjich. . .
Recitation oy -r"'- " - w Men
Th Adoration Canard
wecltatlona byM' w,ur ,
lang. ' traf
-..a-aaation: , .
- n IwHelcn.
Cboiri Gloria.
Cloaing LJthnrgy. .
frayei'. .
a... far the Hair. '
. . . i. . hair tonic aa well aa a
0BW . MA
darkeoer Make a atrong brew of dried
ZSm. atraln tb , Hquld carefully
1 .- im and to eacb pmx "
. au.auuYnri I OI Bivvaaa.
'W .... i
.M ha robbed on me '
nlcbt bfor retiring.
. i. ila. Amu
i ueveip."w --'
in aiaaainntiiiraia rTc
Bxemee win
tic with cheat weight and dumbbell
.. - a orfderful arm d-
Honaewwa - - . - , .v.
yeloper. It yo a Dl J. Z-
actual Uliura a- -
moramenu. wa-hlng. aweeplng. win
dow cleaning, etc
. For a Saahy noa bar a pomad
r. "a and half acb of
.nA lanolin: add on gram
T""""" - ;- .-a twmntt drooa
t, tbta n-amad aTral time a way-
Electric Christmas
Arc Popular
They still possess that element of novelty
dear to the American heart and thus solve the
problem of giving Christmas gifts that are 'dif-
Imagine how, pleased most men would be to
receive an electric shaving cup or electrc cigar
lighter, instead of neckties, socks, and hand
kerchiefs, "as usual."
A tea kettle for grandmother, a samovar for
Madame's five o'clock teas, a chafing dish fo
the college $irl or bachelor maid, a disk stove
for the bachelor, a flat iron or sewing machine
motor for the practical hottsewife-all these
novel and useful gifts will be appreciated by
whoever receives them.
.tahould not baforgottan that th.M .Lctrlc ChCatm.. B.ft. ar 5.. ,
USEFUL .im. fch of th-.' -VIC. 1. MH do .on,, on. th ng
Lar than It can b. -on. any otb.r way. It to t P- -co.
to.H bread or furn.ah tb powr for . - n. mad la
Th. Iln. of ...ctHo CHHma. gift, to compl.t. that In K w, b.
found a aultable gift for ev.ry m.mb.r of th. family.
f . v . ' '
MAI N orriCC 7th and Alder Streets
DO T0TJ KNOW that th. Bn'V'1"
w . t onA la now on!
y ear-en r'
9 ad oa back Pe tor particular.
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