Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 21, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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(Continued from regw X.)
ing of June ." The shariff rWuw u
toll how b found oat the) exact ttm
of th murder. llrvy got 08 a
streetcar coming In thla dlrwctloo.
from Portland at Ardenwald at It. IS
'clock. Several prona mw him
thru he allghtad from the car. It la
aid ha had to pas th Delh hom,
br lh a 1. th lutrumnt of tba
tragedy, u obtained.
tlla wlf and- other member of tit
iamtly do "toot know what ttm he
returned horn, for Bo oo occupied
the room with htm.
Harvey, It la aald, haa revealed in
formation which bo on, hut th alayer
could possibly know.
Lawyer Engaged.
Five day after th crime, accord
ing to th authorities he went to a
JNwUand Brm of lawyer, of which
Jay Bowermaa. late candidal for
Governor, la senior partner, and en
gaged th arm to defrad htm ta cas
of his arrt tor th Hill murder. He
la aald to ear stipulated la wrttlnf
that he would par th lawyers 110.000,
and pledged hi reach at htllwauki la
payment of the fee.
Susplctoa was not directed to Har
vey until the authorttle learned of
the transaction with th lawyer.
It la aald that h attempted, oa aee.
oral occasion, to hold up women, and
that several year ago two glrla, who
wer driving la a wood eacaped from
him 'by whipping their hor Into a
gallon. He Is accused of hi Ting re
peatedly Insulted women.
Th authorttle say that th pris
oner wanted to buy th property
which was bought by th Hill, and
he mad threat of preventing th
sal. Threats, It Is aald. wer also
Biade br htm after th eaJ. He la
reported a hiring said h would yer
ob Lai the property, which he wanted
to rlv to a relatlT. V
Motttar and Brother aialn.
' Sheriff Mas aay that criminal in
stinct are hereditary la th Harvey
family. His brother Daniel and hla
mother wer found slain la their
home la 1SSS. Th authorities at th
tlm suspected Daniel of having hilled
his parent and then committing sui
cide. , - - - - -:
" Another brother At the prisoner was
drowned tn a pond two feet deep
,. I.I:
sm renin pt of enr
. V Si 1 U ' -i'" ' ( ( r I
Two-year -old budded rosea,
fifty v arte tie to choon from,
win set them out and guar-
a alee them for 20e each; also
all hinds of fancy shrubbery
and fruit tree at low price.
Apply H. J. BIGGER, Seventh
and Center streets, at the old
twelve years ago. . Solcld was sus
pected. Not long after the death ot
Harvey's mother, Mamie Welch, a
sixteen-year-old girl, was slain ta
Harvey ktra berry patch. A rela
tive of Harvey, Charles Wilson, who
wa charged wtlh the crime, com toll
ed suicide la th Clackamas county
Harvey's father died suddenly la
Iowa after he had deeded hi proper
ty to hla eon.
Sheriff Mase first Intended to have
the evidence against Harvey submit
ted to the grand
Jun , 11L Th victims wer WU
tiara H. HUU'aged thirty-two, Mrs.
Ruth Hill., eg thirty 4 wo, and her
two children. Philip RlntouL aged
eltbt, and Dorothy Klotout, age Or.
After being Murdered, th bodte of
th woman and little Ctrl were via
lated. The morning of June . C W. Mat
thews, while searching for a cow, aaw
that the HIIU wer not up. and told
hi wife to see if anything wa the
matter., as he had to go to town. Mr.
reach hts own home.
"I ought not to be here, said Har
vey when visited at the Jail by new.
VuV auTmak U! N.tthe. looked .tn the window of the
arrel Immediately after, la case ot!Hi .w. . " . ZT,
Indictment District Attorney Tongue ; " r.VY" " "7
said the cas could not be submitted ' to bell.v th child was dead Bum
ontll neit term of court and the Sher-. the otnclala, the aouee ws
tff concluded to make the arret at r,.,u"d i'",
once and have the preltnitnary hear. ! .hamble. n?Lu.,!; Vw.
Ing tn th waglatret a court. 11 and e husband was mlaslng. but Hill
Deputy Sheriff Mile went to the liar-! body was found partly covered by that
vey home In a vehicle obtained at ( hi wlf.
livery stable and made th rreat As Selenaed t
Prisoner Net Concerned. The trer stole a newly sharp-
The prisoner woh had been brought ened a from th porch of R. T. Dj-lk.
her before and questioned, did not J ho .jlbaS
show tn least alarm. Harvey made i horn on he htt'
a sutemeat lu which he denied an ! road, and with "
connection whatever with the crime, j quadruple murner. Hill waa
He admitted paslng the Hill home on 1 member of the family killed, his head
... . 1-- .1.. ..i.iiii. 1 being chopped to piece. The the
that he had to paaa It In ord. r to j murderer killed Mr. HUU then went
to an aicov wnvr tow 007 .
striking htm with the as and finally
murdered Uttl Dorothy, who lay on a
- -1 .iit couch In th livtng-room. Th murd-
of the crime than any man within the era were done In a cool and dellber
reach of my voice, I want Sheriff' ate manner, the Betid carefully plac
Mas to dig down to th very bottom. cth across th window of th
of this thing. 1 hare been nearly a beJroom and lights a Ump after the
nfL.n. M.i.ient f thi. nart of th slaughter. la handling the bodlea,
country, and I hav built up a goo, the murderer '"W0'1' """'r!
business and made a respected clt. on th woman, girl and boy. but these
tea of the community. I started tor ; marks wer smeared and not dUUnct
Portland from my bom at I o'clock ! hen measurements wer taken La
in th afternoon of June . After . r. the murderer went to the hltchen
gotag to th Corbett building to see! and carefully washed his hands, leav
a man on business I went to Mount , Ing the water stand In the baaln.
Tabor to se T. V. Sulman. a nursery-, Robbery waa not the motive of the
man. on business. Returning I went; crime, for the purs of Mr. HUl was
to the home of Mrs. George Miller, found on her pillow, with f I and some
who live In th rear of th United ' Jewelry In It. and around th neck of
State Laundry on Grand aveou. ! Dorothy was a gold chain with a
With Mrs. Miller and others I visited locket suspended. Ther was no strug
th roa festival parade on Grand 1 H on th part ot th victim, and af
avenue. Later I went to the Wood-. er the deed th ax wa left at the
men of the World building to see a bedside, where It ws subsequently
friend who did not keep his appoint-1 found and Identified. , f
menu - ' I 1
Passed Hill Hem..
-I boarded the 11:30 o'clock
my home, arriving at Ardenwald
tioa at 11:15 or 11:30 o'clock.
ed straight home. I did not notlc a
light la th IIIU cabin, nor did I see
an ax at the Delk cabin. I went bom
and went to bed. and I knew nothing
about the murder until th officers
told me of It" ,
"I did not know Mrs. HUl person
ally and only spok to her one. I
think that wa three days before the
murder. I was driving along abroad
when ah calUS to m and said:"
"I am Mr. Rill, a neighbor. Do
yon know where I can buy a cow?"
"See walked besld the bujtry nntn
I reached my gate and turned Into my
place, I knew Hill only slightly, an
never saw any of th children to my
"I cam to Oregon In l$8l. and set
tled at Mllwaukl several years later.
I went to Alaska to seek gold la 1900.
I have mad money, have always been
respected and knowing I am Innocent
of this horrible crime, am certain that
I will be acquitted." --
After the conference with Harvey
tn the Jail Mr. Idlemaa aald that he.
was confident hi client wa Inno
cent. I hav been his lawyer for
twenty years," said the attorney, "and
I never knew a more upright man.
There win b tittle) difficulty In prov
ing hi Innocence. H has said nota
tng that Incriminate him." ,
Story of Crim.
Chopped almost beyond recognition
by an as la the hands of an assassin,
the HUl) family was slaughtered at
Ardenwald early In th morning of
Mr. Gertrude Preston Rutherford,
wife of Rev. Charles Rutherford, mis
sionary at Hanumakonda. South India,
died In the foreign mission field on
October 13. News ha just been re
ceived tc a letter to .friend here to
this effect She sacrificed herself to
th fever of the country In doing ner
duty to Christianity. Sh leaves a
baby child and her husband la left
alone in that far-off country to car
tor th offspring.
Mrs. Rutherford was a natlv of
Oregon and a gradual of McMlnn
vllle College. During her college days
she was actively Interested In all
forma of Christianity. Her elt-acrt-flc
In this and In foreign countries
for the service of Christianity endear
ed her to thoe who knew her Inti
mately. The funeral service In th
far-away land held the hearts of many
who are mourning for her who gave
her life In th lnterestk of her Chris
tian work. J
Charles Rutherfordher husband. Is
well known In Clackamas county, es
pecially In th Highland district, and
thoa who knew him while he resided
here extend their deepest sympathy.
In a letter to the Morning Enter
prise the following paragraph will
touch th hearts of those who hav
have only a few day left in which to renew your subscription for the Enterprise.
?f , ' i t
to get the Enterprise at these Bargain Rates of $3 per year by carrier
in Oregon City, or $2 per year by mail. No mail deliveries made in
Oregon City.' 'Write to TJ ' 1
1 J
1 M,B,,,,1waanwwwnnwa 1 w
f -
p) ;,; (I
must: MtK QUKsrioxs that auk nmso cos,
Nothing Equals Furniture as a Gift
Not in yearn ha furniture b rii mi jugular for (.'hristinaii
Kije. i why not f It is si nn'tliiiij? that will nll to the
U auty ami ttinfort of tho homo an irothlnij Hxo will. Thrr
in nowhere to U fouiul a lctter cLim of 'Kuniiture than U
lianlltl by uh. You ilnn't have to o Kat, Went tr any.
wlieiv clsti to lliitl the very lct ami at tho very lowest jkm.
Me ) ii es. It is rijjht at your dtor where you can Insert
it yournelf. We intuitively guarantee every piece of fumi
tu"re to Kvt entire witisfartion. ;
Our Favorite Kangea are the ki'u
that are made tor service and insure
you greater fuel economy and greater
durability thau other ranges and at
rock bottom nnce.y The v come in all
sized and pricetl from $50 to $S0.00.
We have other makes of ran'gea from
523.75 up. -
We arooffering a gotxl twohorw hack
complete with pole and upholstered
with genuine leather.
A $100.00 value for $82.50.
s rg
Holiday . Oiirtogs
Ono of our h(lilny
necial!4 n a lmrd
wood extension ta
ble, like euCand G
high back hanlwtNMl
chaira, all for $15.
We have other din
ing room M as Jw
as $0.50 and up to
Rattan Rockers
. ,...,.-.- .x '.(.,. fr'-l""
lUttan rocker arejhe net euta
fortatte sad InTtttng rorkvr made.
Hpvrlal prtre, ranioj from M 75
t 1 10 00
Silverware Specials!
iVnle an4 forks hi It cL silrerware II Bf waltifor . KM
kntvrs ac4 4 fork Under rrry A CUrk mak llOOtelue for UM
ft 00 TeapMma at 7ft. ..f 1(0 Tll Hlxx al flJI
C , A well COIlSimcietl roucil miiwiammiir iiumr juivi nm nn iui
j I .latent Vehmr covering ;- peeial $0.75. . Wc linve .. other
,': SpCCfills couches as low as $3.13 and up to $30.00.
(Iven their sympathies to the caui
la tb Tar Bast:
"Tb sympathies and prayers of th
enttr mlssloa ko out to thoe lored
ones to whom this sad news I speed
ing But our hearts sr wrung with
th ovepest sorrows for the mother
less babe and for th stricken hus
band, who far from hta kindred brave
ly continue hla work for tb Maatr
to whom h has consecrated his life."
Clara-While I playln whlt
with Mrs. Slnsleton last evening she
aakd sne wbst ws the trump st lmt
eti times. Msude-Weren't yoo pro
voked? Clare-1 sbould say so! As
U 1 knewj-l'urk.
A Fearful Typheen.
Three hondred thousand nrson lol
their llfrs m a typbouo. Oct a. ISM.
In Ilalfonc. China.
Th aueiyar.
Th stewlyBrd. s simple weighing de
vice that la still In vogue, wss used by
the Roma as in S13 B. G.
A Split Coin
Copyright by Ama'iieaa Ptms A
elation. UUL,
It was the poeto Mrs. Browning, I
believe, wbu said that while love Is
but a portion of mso'e life It is a
woman's wbol exUtence. or words to
that effect. Wblle there are many ex
ceptions to the rule, there Is nd doobt
that womsn treasures a love, or st leaap
Its memory, lunger than a man.. MIm
Amelia Dexter bas tbe half of a allver
ten cent piece wblch bss beeu In ber
possMtaion thirty years. At sny rate,
be wss tresaurlng It till recently, when
sbe met tbe man wbo gave It to ber.
What sbe bas done with it (loce no
body knows.
. When Amelia wss seventeen sh vis
ited ber sunt, tb wife of a professor
of tbe Nsval academy at Annapolis.
Tbere sbe met a young mldablpamo
wbo smiled upon ber. showing a beau
tiful set of white teeth, wblle bis eyes
langbed with every other fen tare. Tbe
girl collspscd at once. Whether br
love for tbe yonng man strengthened
la a question. More likely It was born
all st once.
Nevertheless Csdet Williams and
Amelia Dexter "paired off." a yonng
people call being exclusively devoted
to each other. William waa Mia Dei
ter escort to tbe cadet da ores and
accompanied ber In ber walks. No
other girl ssplred to any attention from '
him. and Amelia received no attention ,
from any other cadet.. In abort, tbere
wa between tbem one of those inno
cent relstloos which' bsv not tb for-
. . A " A -
ana my or an onBtrurui man i
natural youthful amotion preliminary
to mating. In a man It Is usually a
pleasant tenderoesa which may or may
aot take root. It may be tbe asm In a
girl, yet tbere are ease wberetn It baa
been sa ondylng lor. -
There were airlal auxlltarte la this
eas. th academy band discoursing
martial moalc. tb cadet corps march.
lag oa and off parade, tbe formal sa
lute between onVer and between ofD
rers sod cadets Tbere Is aa autocracy
among men trained to debt aa well as
a certain swagger, probably Intended to
overbalance tbe fact that what tbey
are being educated for Is to be killed
Nevertheless It la f sarins ting to the
young of both sexes, wbo take very
llttf account of what It ta for. It haa
always figured Isrgaly la love.
Amelia spent a couple of months at
Annapolis, then want borne to begin
soother year at school. Tb earet
thing to an understanding between her
and ber cadet lover waa the split coin.
A to aa engagement neither of tbem
thought of such a matter of fart pro
reeding. Tbey had not grown mature
enough to make an arrapgement for a
lifetime. They lived snd le-d only for
tb present. Tbe future ws or seemed
to be too fsr for their counlderstlou
Tbe split coin represented what tbey
fult. and It Intrlnnlc value bout .10
per rent of Its current vsluet repre
sented tbe real depth of their a (Tec
That la. for tbe boy. As to tbe girl,
this Is one of tbe esses tbe xiet de
scribed. It ws not an eirg to be de
veloped. It ws horo perfert snd In
destructible. Hhe left AnnepolW with
ber balf a coin bidden away In Iter'
bosom, wblle nnderpesth It burned a
flame like that kept alive by vetnl
Wbst tratiaplred from that time til)
thirty years bad psaeed I not a part
of tbla story. Ml Dexter I now no
old maid. Williams Is so admiral and
a grandfather. One summer there
wss a oivsl wsr gnme on tb Atlantic
cosst. Al a reception given to tbe of
ficers of tbe fleet MIm lexter. so el
derly splnater. wss prenenf Admir
al William waa Introduced to ber.
Tbey chatted awbtle. when Mlxa Dex
ter began to sak hi in leading question.
Rbe spoke of a certain moonlight even
ing on tbe porrb Of one of the pro
feMwor of the Naval scsdeiny. Then
and there he bad given her her flrat
klM. Rh contented herself with men
tioning certain correlative Incidents.
Tbe admiral didn't twig. .hs referred
to a ride on the water In which they
sat side by aids In a retired corner,
bis arm encircling ber walt The
admiral did not even rememler th
boat ride. Fbe mentioned certain cir
cumstances connected with their Isst
parting. The admiral wondered what
sbe wa driving st '
Then tbe admiral began to rally ber
on not having married, saying that It
wi undoubtedly her own fault. Sh
admitted tbt sbs bsd had sn affair
when very young with a naval offi
cer and. taking In ber band On
gold chain she wor about her neck,
drew from ber bosom bair dim.
She told tbe admiral that tbe man who
bsd kept tbe other bslf bad forgotten
"It you'll tell m wbo be Is." re
plied Williams, "and If he Is ever un
der my command I'll mak blm wish
b bad a better memory." ' . '
Mis Dexter sighed, but made no
reply. Tbe admiral bltiatered about
th fin sen of honor of oflWr of th
navy la matter t--rfl,ir.iiI Co wutnaa.
declaring thnt the alius that a iwllt
be a wwttrarl la every rt la a lur
on tbe wrrire , Thru. tel0d railed
sway, he made a profutind In and
ronllnurd nir forth hi repertory
ef complaint oua the next vomit he
Whyldkl sot Ml fitter tell him
tbat be wa tbe rsvreant lover) Had
her love died a his had died perhaps
be would have eo Joyed hla discomfi
ture t tbe revelation Bat with bee
It wss a a child Is to Its nii.tber
tboogb dead. It always lives.
Heart to Heart
Are you In debt?
Most persons are. And with most of
as It I a good thing u, be under obli
gation to creditor
A debt Is a load tbat bold one
W sr Ilk horse wbo need not only
tbe load, but tbe spur Tb debt 1
th load; tb creditor Is tbe pur.
Ibt la often bleming U dlguls
It arouse wtthla oa tbe dlvla forr
that make for winning
Balxac would writs only when be
waa In debt And uoally be wss lit
debt; therefor bis long sbelf full ef
We. like Balsac. need mo met I nice to
feet tbe apur In our flanks.
Wbo ran aay what re of Ulr
Walter we might have mled had Dot
Hcott been under the ueceoaity of pay
ing bis debts?
Or wbst should w bsv bad from
Ootdnuiftti. who "wrot Ilk sa angsl
and tslk'd Hire Poor Poll" snd who waa
always borrowlngT
, And our own Mark Twain.
'Mr. Clemen aay by nature be wa
laxy. But at tb g of alxty be felt
tbe apur. Ill publishing bouse fitted,
and, though be ws not under tb legal
nrelty, be felt morally bound to pay
,tb creditor In full.
In paying tbat debt what a delight
ful heritage waa left nl
It la no dlagrac to ow g debt.
Th dtagric conalata In oeglectlng
or refusing to paf ,
Ton may reach an bo n sat roan In do
mors under spot tba a to send him bla
bill marked "Plsaae remit" or to have
the collector call more tbaa one.
II want to pay. It hurt him to
dlaappoint or fall, ti will do bis
If tb debt I mad with l!kJlhood
Of payment and th oeaire to meet tbe
obligation It la a blessing, because
Lacking capltat tb average man
would get nothing ahead. But by go
ing la debt be buy something, burklss
down to th job and psya oat, becom
ing by so moch a capltallat , .
It la hard aotnstlmea, but
Wba tb load 1 landed at th ad
of tb road th itlaj of th ap4 Is
forgotten. v
III 8001 IS "IB
S , . , I I ...
The movement of potato t tat
South continue tight, the aura
there for th most part still being sal
supplied with California River
and until this stuff Is Isrgaly eat i
th wsy th demand for Oregon fc
California. Arlsona and Nee Mstt)
will remain limited. That elU
ably be two or thre week kese.
Ucal buyer for ablpmeat to tk
tanl marketa report a fair tboagk ta
iled demand In th South for trfcttT
flrslla Oregon potatoes, which IN
much superior to the ordinary c
fornls product, and for good
carefully aaaorted. they ars
up to 11. zo a hundred at a!
points In this stste. Iluylna. hover
I held In check both bv the
Hons of th demsnd and tns bUtt
attitude of tb grora.
Prevailing Oregon City price
aa follows:
rolt. VegeUhlea
DRIED TOOT'S (miylsi) '
Prune on baa I of 1-4 pound for
HIDES Buying) 0rea I
So to o; sailer, e to to; dry s' J
jjc o lie; np pens, w e 7
each. ' 1
. Hay, Grain, Pd. '
HAT (Buying) Tlmo'thf T
tit: clovr. M to It; ur, btJ
o 110; mixed. 10 HI; elfalf.
to SI0 HO ,
OATB-(nuytng) Cray. I"
i:i ; wheat, lift to $:: oil .
Bhady Brook dairy feed. 1 f
100 pound.
FEED (8elllng) Short a. I!
21; rolled barley, l7i0; rtJJ?
barley, Ml SO; whole cor, gj;
cracked corn. 3; while. M r'
bran $17 to Ml.
t uttr Poultry, f 09
BUTTER (Buying) 022
country buttr, lie to 3Xi J
dairy, 10c; creamery, 0e to I.
. POULTRY (Buying) HI-!
Ho; ,rlng. lOo. and rooat".
RCK18 Oregon anch
45o. oli,
1.18 to 1 SO pr ack: V-ri
Ml to 11.10; tumlpa, L2l toWJ
rrniies, on dsbis 01 o
10c; beeU. 1.50. ,
beet, fl.BO ttA e
POTATOES Best buying
l per hundred. .use'
ONIONS Oregon, 1 15 W "JV'
hundred; Australian, 1 P'
Llveeteok. Ma-
BEST (Uv welatT8..'?sV
and 50, oow. V; DU" " V
VEAL Calve bring
I la, according to grade.
lamb, io and . f
HOOS 111 to ! ""fXf
nd Ucj 140 to 100 pound, .
. ,. . f
Mill T ! r'rl- f
Th Wlllamstt Pulp VzL,
pany Mills, ha Miibr
mn on mday vnlng. pe":LV
lnted of Deombr 1. f7
do thlr Chrlatma ghoppwi
night or oa Saturday. , . .
-.'..... ',.