Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 20, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Ma Dmnltwit Pr Drees y Om
Quit tbe latest and moat popular
air decoration fur drees occaelona la
tk cap of pearl or Jewels, which will
h of a alto to twm Ita wearer, sod
Mow glistening nff of hair to at ray
la Ks Maboa and ripple below them.
Bmm cape a ad hair baodj aro aey to
aawifc at homo, and oo aro tbo dainty
oral wreath that girl will war all
.' Tbla charming evening gown la very
for tbo bom dremaker to tura
KASiLf UAl BVt.lJ ttOW.
at and (mart wben finished. Tbo
btooa and tunic adorn ux-nt aro of all
Thla May Manioa patter la cut to slae
ma n ! a hrctiee bust aauait Bend
I eanta to tbta olBea. tvln numbw. T2H.
a It will be promptly forwarded to you
T awn. If to ham aend aa additional
aSaaap for letter postage, whk-b Iniurr
aaovw prompt delivery. Wbe ordering ua
Ne ....
Blu tK Prominent Color In 8 mart
Walking Suit.
Bluo la a color tb Parisleun la tak
lug np for her afreet u!t. ao It -aoDot
aarap hatlug a great rogue here la
America Tb two ahadea 'most liked
In thla color ar raven and water, one
being rery dark and tb other a rather
light, faded out tint
number of taffeta colored hata ar
noted, and the covered hat will un
doubtedly bare a blgb place In faahlon.
Dreaay frock a of aatln abow narrow
pointed trains or aiure or rounded
OIlL'n bAIUloBt
train quit aeparat from tb rest of
the skirt.
- Tb bathrobe that la loose and am
ple fulfil la the essential requirement.
Her la on that la both good looklag
and comfortable.
This May Mantoa pattern la cut In alxee
Ar ruia of eight, ten and twelve years of
mm. Bend I cente to thla offlia, alvlng
umber, TO, and It will be promptly for.
warded to you by maU. If la hast eend
aa additional tw cant stamp for letter
postaca, which Insure mors prompt de-
rsry. worn ordering
' coopon.
Mams ..,
A BHkapse.
-My papa's a bookkeeper. aa Id Ilttl
Johnny, proodly.
"Tea. I know ft," rejoined email
dna. -He borrowed a book of my
papa six months ago and hasn't re
turned If-Chlcago Newa.
Dutch Clocka.
Practically all tb wooden clocka
called Dutch ar made In th tlllag
f rreyborg. In tb Black forest Thla
ttlaaiiiiui Is due to almpl mlspronnn--Daajtacfc''
maaMnf, of coon.
Rinl Clubs Bid HlD For Serv
ices of Crick Players.
?PKflSI Wll I K(tH nPPN
uuiwvn ii iu wuun ui km
Knights ef tn Stloat and Blada Are
Preparing Fee Btreevewa Season 4,1.
Michael's Will Not Supper Saniae
Dorkey baa again com Into lia own
la Canada Practice Jsnow la full
wing In all tb rlnka. When the
team tak In Ice to at art off wbat
promlae to be tb greatest of all
hockey aeaaooa numerous rhaogea will
b noticed In tb makeup of tb teama
Starting with tb famous Ottawa
law, rbamplooa of tb world, on
cbanjr at least will be aeeo la l be
Uneup. Tbey will be mlau tb aerr.
m of Bruce KldiHith. their aterllng
right wing man. wbo la struggling be
tween life and death In St. Michael
bovpltaU Toronto, aa tb result of be
ing atrack by aa automobile. Even If
Bhlpatb recover be will never be able
to play bnrkey again. This la to be
greatly regretted, aa Rldpatb waa a
Iroe sportaoiau. 1
Rtdpatb'a reieaa waa bought from
tb Ottawa team by aome Toronto
men wbo are running a tea m to rep-
reaent Toronto In tb big league Rld
patb waa mad manager of the new
team and waa busy buntllng for play
ers la hla horn town when be met
with tb accident. Tber ar no other
change expected on tb Ottawa learn,
though It la rumored tbat t. Sueur,
the goal tender, will be aeen In Mon
treal. Tb Wanderers will be tb club with
entirely new lineup aa the Vic
torlaa of tb Western ten cue bar se
cured flv of tb Wanderer to play In
tb went the coming aeBmin. There la
protection against rnkla of this
kind In Canadian hockey. -
Renfrew haa also lout two of Ira
tar to tb mm team. Tb Sham
rocka. Lea Canadteo and Quebec will
be about the same aa laul season.
Tb Toronto team, of coarse, b at
present an unknown makeup, at at
present It la without a manager. Then,
again. It 1 not just aure If lu new
arena will be ready In time to start the
season. Tb Toronto bom game may
bav to be played on Montreal Ice for
tb first month.
In tb Western Pro. league Vtctotia
ace ma to be dead set on landing tb
championship. After visiting the eat'
and spending a lot of money In buying
ap aeveo etars It looks to be a likely
challenger for the Stanley cup.
Tb senior amateur aerie will tbla
aeaaon be without the moat famoua
team ever turned out by Canada
namely. SL Micbael'a college Tbla
great Httl team baa retired, and tbe
college will be represented only In tb
Junior C II. A. series. Tbe two
Spratta. Peter and Jack, are tbe only
players left at college. The Park dale.
Eatona and Argonaut will again be
In tbe senior aerie and will mak an
Interesting group
Champion Will Be Wintered In Geor
gia In' Preparation For Trip.
Tb champion trotter, Chlan.
it waa learned recently, will be sent
by hla owner. C K. ii. Billings, from
Cleveland, where be bas been quar
tered at Randall track since tbe close
f bis campaign, to Brunswick. Ua..
tber to be made ready for a trip to
Ruasla eirly next lommit.
Tbe journey abroad will be made In
fulfillment of a promise made by Mr
Billings to leading itnanlan breeders
when be waa tbere two years ago with
tbe trotting mare Lou Dillon.
Cblan la to be driven to wagou dur
ing tbe trip, and It Is said to be Mr
Billings' intention, to bav bltn np to
mil faster tban any trotter ba
shown outside of this country.
1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I HI Mr
"An uroi'lr muat be dignified
t on tb field, and If tbere 1 one
I thing that peeve 811k O'Loogh-
t lln. tbe American league arbltra-
t tor. It Is to ruffle bis dignity,"
I says Umpire Billy Evans.
"Catcher Krltcbell of tbe 8t
t Louis Browns put one over on
i 'Silk' one day that drew a laugh
T from both teama. O'Longhlln
f failed to appreciate It.
"Io baseball wben a player
I- hit tbe ball squarely some of bis
I teammates sing out. That's pot
f Ung tb wood on It old boyT
"In th gam In question
tO'Lougblln was working th
plat, and a fonl tip struck bla
mask near Uie top, sailing Into
I the grand stand at great speed.
NIc work. "Silk." That'
4. patting th wood to It old boy."
"In an Instant O'Loughlln's ex- -presalon
changed from pain to
astonishment H glared at th
St Louis player, and tb man
ager of th Brown waa relieved
wben be didn't atari a procea
slon of athletes to tbe club
boos."' ,;.;
A Mistaks.
Queen Elizabeth made great fos
wben abe was told her cousin, Mary,
queen of Scot, bad been beheaded
"My lords," she remarked, "bellev
when I say tbla affair I quit ail
dental" Baltimore American.
CeHleal Sena. '
"That yonogest son of Bllggln'
seems to bav tb making of a tro
musician In blm." '
"Doe he sing or playf
"No. But be cries ptteoosly wben
Bllgglns tries tax" Washington Star.
Copyright kr Amertre. hni Aeee.
Dotibtloaa any on permitted to
amino to rocorda of chancery court
would bo aurprtaod at tb numbor of
roes wher fortune hav bora Wft
to thoe who cannot b found or. If
i .
rouna. uiy aner year or aerc
Sometime tb heir ha to died befor
tb testator; aometlnt they bat tuy
Urioualy disappeared, never again to
bo board from. Tb reason tbat prop-
arty often paaae throucb tbW pbaa U
tbat tb tuerobera of famlllr aa tb
y ran go by beoooi para led and
Qftn loat to acb other, fl'bio per
sona wbo hav bo on near and dear
to tbm mak wllla, prefer rim tbat
their property shall go to tbetr own
kindred, tbey oaually leav tbetr
tatea to auch. possibly not baring
beard anything of tb legate for
Zachary Thompson when be wa a
boy ran away and went to ava. Fifty
year ago and mor tbat wa a favor
It capad with boy. Tbey dont
do It o much now, for ateatu baa tak
en tb romanc out of tb life before
tb turn at. Indeed. Inatead of a tuast
tb modern reaael baa a amokeatack.
Zachary. bavng read aea atorlea. be
cam Infatuated with tb great deep
and ahlpped aa cabin boy oa a barken
tin trading between New York and
Tb boy mad a trifling mlatak In
thinking b would Ilk tb a. Even
la tbat day tber waa no romanc In
being reproved by tb captain, aworn
at by tb mat and flogged by the
cook. Even tb artilllon tyrannised
over little Zachary. and. baring mad
on to t re, tb boy remained asbor.
though b waa too proud to go bom.
Indeed, b got aa far away aa po
aibl from hla bom, and went to work
la a ator. hla principal dutlea being
to aweep out arly to th morning,
mak to Area, clean up generally and
run errand tb reat of tb day.
Thompaon apent twenty year try
ing to keep bla bead abov water, and
with rery poor eutvee. Tb only
thing about blm tbat wa eucrenaful
waa keeping np his prld.
When b waa thirty year old be
married a girl wbo should have had
better sense. She. too. had never bad
any lock, and now tbere were two un
lucky mortals wbo proceeded to bring
Into tbe world unlucky children.
Thompson In order to nil tb stomachs
of his wife and children, though b
had been born a gentleman, took up
any occupation tbat appesred. at last
accepting a position with aa under
taker. Tbta led blm Into that depart
ment of the mortuary bualnesa which
pertains to carrying the dead to their
last resting place.
lie was taking hla hearse to cover
after a funeral one evening wben be
ran Into a light buggy driven by a
gentleman who. being nearsighted and
darknesa having come on, did not se
him In time to get out of bis way, and
Thompson, wbo waa dreaming on hla
bad luck and his lockless wife and
children, collided with him and amaab-
ed tbe vehicle.
"Yon aboold paint yoar funeral wag
on red or noma other color If you're
going to drive around nights running
people down." eald tbe gentleman. "It
waa your fault and you'll have to pay
for my buggy."
"I don't believe tbere la any law
to compel me. to do tbat" aald Thomp
"Tber Isn't. ebT Well I think 1
ought to know alnc I'm a lawyer.
"Just my InckT moaned Thompson.
"If any one else bad run down a
wagon be wouldn't have happened to
hit a lawyer.
By thla time a amall crowd collected
and a policeman waa among tbe num
"Wbafa upr be aked.
"Thla driver of black wagona for
dead men on dark nlgbta baa run Into
me and amaabed a f.luo buggy."
"Shall 1 Uke blm in 7" atked tbe cop
"Not If be will give hla name."
Tbomoo waa discouraged. II
gave op bla nam without a tnurmur:
"Zachary Taylor Thompaon."
Tb gentleman looked op from tbe
memorandum book oo which he wa
about to writ tbe name.
Zachary Taylor Thompson V be
"How did yon happen to be named
Zachary Taylor?"
"Born wben General Taylor licked
the Mexicans and named for blm."
"Wbo was your fatberT"
- "Edward Prentiss Thompson."
"Did you bare any brothers?"
"Tea one."
"nia naroer
"Wlnfleld Scott Thompson."
"And yon consider yourself an ua.
locky man?"
"Never bad aoy luck ao far."
"Well, you've got It now. Ten year
ago your brother, Wlnfleld Scott
Thompson, died and left you an estst
worth 1200.000, and tb executor of
the will ar client of mine. We've
been bontlng for yon ever since your
brother died, and if we hadn't found
yon before tbe end of this year your
property wonld baft gone to chari
liy gum!"- exclaimed th hearse
driver, r "My lock ba all come In a
lump." '
Mr. Thompson Is now wealthy and
Is called "Locky" Thompson, the sto
ry of bow he was found srlll clinging
to him. Rnt no one who knows him
la aware of th quarter of a century's
ft a mm that attended blm.
Bb Women ar mora economical
thao men.
I" That's right A roan will manu
facture a He out of the whole cloth.
but a woman will generally use reen-oanta.-1'bladelpbla
"Chlggewortn admits that b gta
easlck vry tlm be bsppen to bOB
tost In rough weatber."
"Whiit In remark hie snoot It 7
"ThNl he admits It." Kirh.inr.
' ' ' ' '; - . . . ' .
Everything for the
M.inieurini? Sots
$2 to8
Carvini; Sets,
$1.23 to $15.00
Shears of all kinds
10c to $3.00
Safety Kazors
$1.00 to $T.00
Razor Strops
75c to $3.tX)
Pocket Knives
10c to $2.50
Chafing Pishes
$2.50 to $3.00
Water Sets
$1.00 to HOP'
Parlor Lamjvs
$1.50 to $5.00
Water Bottles
15c to $1.00
Beer Steins
50c to $5.00
Bowls ami Pitchers
$1.25 to $5.00
Punch Bowls
$1.75 to $3.50
Nut Crackers
15c to 50c
Tea Sots
15c to $25.00
Store Open
Sine tb member of th 8U An
drew' Brotherhood of St. Paul's
Episcopal church of thla city began
tbe movement for providing Christ,
ma present for the poor and needy
of thla city In many of th cklxcna and
business men bav taken Intereit
William Hammond, wbo la treasurer
of thla society, and who will handle
tb funJs that com In for thl bene
fit, haa already on band fit. It la the
desire of thoa who ar In charge
to hav aa many namea of children a
poaalble. It la tb society's Intention
to se tbat no child In Oregon City or
In Clackamaa county la forgotten. Tbe
namea of thoe receiving assistance
will not be dlscloaed. Namea ahoulj
b Bent to the rector of SL Paul's
chorb, or to any of th member of
the St, .Andrew'. Brotherhood. '
Below are two coupons which x
plain themselves. All will be treated
In the strictest confidence. Mall to
William Hammond of Cross A Ham
mond, either or both coupons. A re
ceipt will be returned In th raa
of gift or money from him and at
Christmas tlm from the little ones
by a signed card.'
Th following ar namea of
children, given In confidence,
who should be assisted by your
Nam ;
Send a many name as yon
I desire to be Santa Claua to
some chllj to th extent of the 4
enclosed caah
Order (on any Oregon City )
Name . .
In case of an order th cont,
written order on th ator
designated must b enclosed.
Manager Harry Whit, of the Ore-
goby City Football Club la negotiating
with the fast Holladay Atheltlo Club
team of Portland for a game next
Sunday In Portland. Several weeks
ago the Holladay team played a sr ore
less tie gsm with th Oregon City
eleven and the local boys ar anxjous
to meet them again. If thla game la
played It will settle the championship
of tb stat.
Kd U atomiM afctarpr!,
Eleventh-Ho Delayi
be avoided
Home and Something Special for Every
$1 to $(i5
Dressing Tahles
$12 to $25
Parlor f aMcs
$1 to $30
Iiiulies Desks
$3 to $23
China Closets
- $S.30 to $3t.00
1 Chiffoniers
$70 to $35.00
Dining Chairs
G3c to $1
Music Cabinets
$1.50 to $18
Book Cases
$1.50 to $15
Brass Botls
$10 to $15
Sowing Machines
$15,85 and $22.83
Dining Tables
$3 to $50.00
Parlor Suites
$lf to $12.35
Mission Iunps
ny O. D Eby.)
Aa the Cbrlatma time draws near
ana wa ar all enjoying the pleasure
nf Christmas aud tbo many gifts tn-
ar beatowed upon ua, aa wen aa in
pleaaurea of bnatowlng gifts upon our
friends, let us not for a.' t tboao who
are more unfortunate than ourselves
and especially tboa who ar alrk and
afflicted and remember that w ran
gladden th heart of aom poor un
fortunate person by a small oontrlbu
lion In th way of a purchase of Red
f'rosa Seals, which not only beautify
the packages which w mall to our
friends, hut the money derived from
such eii Is goes directly to those who
are Buffering and In need and eapee
tally to those who are afflicted with
tiilierculoals. one of the most dreadful
disease with which humanity la af
I understand that these seals ar on
sale with th merchants of our town
and If each one of ua will contribute
only something, even though It be
small, to this fund, tb several
amounts taken together here, added
to the amounts contributed from oth
er towns In our state and In other
states of our l?nlon will mak a large
fund which goes to a plsrs where It
Is sadly needed and will fill the hearts
of many unfortunat people with glad
ness at Christmas time.
While we are filled with our own
Joy and pleasure, let ua not forget
these unfortunate people, whom we
can help make happy at so small an
expense to ua by purchasing a few
Hed Cross Seal.
County Judge Beatl announced
Tueaday that John Hft, of Beaver
vreen, nm neen employed to build a
ahed at Cams In which to keep the
machinery used In building roads dur
ing me winter. Mr. Heft will work
nnaer in supervision of Frank Jag
ar, road master. An acre of ground
was purchased upon which to erect
in uneci some time ago, the county
paying $100 and Mr, Jaggar $200 A
house that waa on the property baa
been used for a tool shed, but It Is
not large enough and It was decided
to build a big addition. The county
owns about $30,000 worth of road ma.
chlnry, and all road mmrrianr.
Jacent to Cams ar urged by Mr. Jag
Kr to ator the machinery used by
Ikon. I It.. -V-.J ' J '
In describing t ti dully life of a cer
tain distinguished cltl7n of th re
public a writer In the Itevlew of Ue
view ghee by way of contraat the
atory tbat follows;
This rslls to mind an English hu
morous writer who sketrbed out Ills
dally program as follows: nine at
noon, bresltfust at 1, a stroll to the
club, attention to mall, aome afternoon
calls, a ride In the park, dinner, a
round of evening parties and then to
"Bnt wben do you do your literary
work?" he waa aaked.
"Why, the next day. Of course." waa
the reply.
Pntrontt) onr aTrttars.
if you buy you$
Gifts Now-
Leather Couches
$3.05 to $50.X)
Morris Chairs
$) to $30
Smvrna lings
75c up
Axminstor Mtxjuctt rugs
jMJLM np
Art Squares
$7.1)3 to $33.00
CarjHt Sweeers
$2.50 to $5.00
Trunk-s -$3.50
to $15.00
25c to $1.00
Children's Rockers
40c to $2.50
$1.50 to $10.00
Ann Chairs
$2.50 to $35.00
Chillis' Cril
$3.50 to $12.50
up to $23
Heating Stoves
ipjo $18
Kitchen Ranges
$23.75 to $80.00
Tb movement of lurkeya for the
Christ maa trad haa started. Shi
ments aggregating several thousand
pounds of th birds.' all dressed Block,
reached the Front street market
rortatni. and still heavier consign
ments are expected during the nei
three data. The market, however.
ran hardly be aald lo hav opened
yet. tor the holiday Is still nearly
week distant and values for that rea-
ao,n are more or leaa uncertain.
Tbe luteal retort from Iloseburg
one of tb great turkey renters of th
stall, ssy that shipments from
iKxiaias County for the Christmas
trad thla year will approximate
Firo, tb IUlk of th consignment
going to Portland and Saa rtaneiaco
llosehurg this year Is sending fewer
turkeys than usual to Seattle, the
wnind jobbers thla sesoon having Ink
en on liberal supplies of Eastern
birds. Various other produclns dis
tricts In this atate and Idaho will con
tribute to th supply of th Portland
A fact of Interest Is that the lur
seys now coming genersl v show bet
ter weight and Quality than the offer.
Ings at Thanksglrln time, the maul
Of the longer feed III a and fattnlne
season. Practically all the fresh birds
now ode red are of excellent quality
Dealers Bay that within a few diva
prlcea for the Christmas trade will be
oenniteiy established. The prices In
Portland and Oreaon ritv are .k...
ini Mint,
Ing Oregon city prices ar
as folio
Fruits, Vegetables.
I'HIEI) rRUITB fllnli..i
n . . . - . . .---f
runes on DBSIS OI 6 14 Hounds f... it
60S. ' "
HIDES (Buying) rirun ,m
oo to oc: aaitera. 6c to f: dry hides.
izo to lie: sheen belts Kn n ikk
- - i iw
Msy, drain. rd.
- If A V i . .
ii i i iiwrinsi I irnothjr, $jj 0
vis; ciover, $n to $9: oat hsy. best, $
Jo $10; mixed, $9 to $u: alfalfa, l)
in; wneat, izn to $:9; oil meal. $153;
unany iirook dairy feed, $15 per
1 Ail niM nils '
KEED (Selling) Shorts,
2: rolled barley, $37,60;
127 to
unney, $3.6o; whols
corn. t7-
cracked corn, $38; whit, $26 to $2T;
Butter, Poultry, KQaa.
FLOUR $4 60 lo $6 25.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butlr, 25o to JOo; fancy
dairy, 30c; creamery, SOo to 6o.
POtrLTRY-(Buylng) Htns. 10o to
lie; aprlng, 1O0, and rooatars, lo.
E008 Oregon raach eggs, 40o to
O. A. C. Short ' Coofies
Btgtn Jan. 3, Contfno Font Weeks
Member of 'the Family
Boys' Wagon.
$1.10 to $j.5()
Mrls' Writing niT
Rocking Horses
, J 1.23 to $.75
Doll Carriages'"
$2.23 to$3.00
2(V to $1.75
tip to $13.50
Doll Chairs
30o Jo 50c
50t? a tul WV!
HIhm) l''lvs
$1.25 and lljS
Dinner Sets
10c to $1,00
Tool Ches7s
75c to $3.20
Horses and Waguna
25c to 75c
Doll Trunks
up to 30c
Rubltor liaTls"
5c to $2.75
Violins niitl Mad..liia
up to $8.00
Store Open
Special Holiday
Home made Chocolate sod Doaaaai
parked In special J lb. o)ey koBft
IteguUr $11 all ?3 Mat
Holiday Postcards 1 rest aj
Holiday Stationery, la gift boias, J7
to 40 rente ihjy on the kill ai
save money.
Mr. L. Nrt0n, 60 Seventh atreA
II.SS lo $110 nr sack: nanalm
II IS lo $160; turnips. (I ll to LH;
I'm nee, ua basis of I I 4a for M 11
10c; teeta. $1 60.
beet a, f to
POTATOES Bsi buying Ik
II per hundred.
ONIONS-Oregon. II 26 to II Mr
hundred; Australian, II per kuaaYst
Livestock, Mssts.
BEKr (Llv wlght) Steers, k
nd IH. cows, 4 He; bulla, It
VKAL Calv bring from M
I3n. according lo trade
MUTTON 8bD. Io aa
lambs. 40 and la.
HOOS III to 140 pound hoc. 1
td lie; 140 to 100 founds, 1
J. C and Alice If. AlnswortB
Paul Ralmera, bbn k in, lots 10. U
block 17; lota I, J. J. 4. block II. I
It. block It. lots I. 7. 10. 11, be
7, Robertson; $1.
J. Coleman and Mark and M"
Mark to Edward Graves land la
Ion 11, township 4 south, rng 1 eat.
H. E. and Ella T. Noble to T
Olldner, I acrea of section 30, toww
hip I south, rsnge I at; fi
ll, and Katie Olldner to Katie u -
rmabee, 6 acres of section 30, I'
hip I south, rsnge I east; $J.i"-
William O. Thompson and B"i7.
Thompson to Walter Cox, Una w
May wood. Clackamaa county; H-
James A. Reynolds to (J. K- T
W. Uwre-nce, land In T.
ensteln. Including 20 acres; I'.0'
ii r ..n.i c-.ii. n ohermsn ,
.lames Reynolds, 20 acres of F. war
ostein I). U c.: I.
James M French to John Hennao
tewart, 60 acres of si.rtloni I
township 3 south, 'rang I .
Krank Sajovlo to Jennl
ndlvlded on half of lot I. bioca u
Oreenpoint: SL
A. and Anna Vaster to wow"
Beden. tract I. Gordon Olen nam'
Home Tracta, rep Creek Junrtie.
11.860. .
Anaon O. Holllngsworth and .-
Holllngswortn to August OW". 1
acres of aectlona S and 6, townsum
south, rang 3 east; 2,250.
J. D. and- Vrna B Lock to 0. T
lota I and 19. block 3, Mountain vw"
Addition to Oreaon rity;
Bery cltlr.en of Oregon Ja oordlally lnJ J
attend th short coura of th Oreiton AVW
tural , Colleg. beginning Jan. 3. Klvn dlalln
tlv courses will b offrd In Agrlcultur.
chanlo Arts. Domeatlo 8olnc and Art, Com
marc. Forestry and Quale. B3vry coura l a
lnd . to HELP th atudent In hli J"r w,r7
Mak this a pleasant nd nroflUbl win'' 2i
In. No tuition. Raasonabl aocomtnodk"0"
For bawntlful Ulustratad bnllaUn, llrjt v
H. II. TBNNAMT, Registrar, CorrallU.J!!CT
Virwar'i tiiilnw CfH by Cr0f'