Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 20, 1911, Image 2

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cajcooj cmr, Oregon
t B. rTOOtE, fdlwer and MM
fr a int. at aw pmm at
tans tr srocttrTtoft.
Ixaikta. a MO
MMLh. by Ml
dot sale at Mi following store
every day:
Hustle? Broa Drugs
Mala Street.
J. W. McAautty Ctgaxe
htwtk and Mala.
B. B. Anderson.
- Mala aeer Sixth.
M. C Daaa Coofactlooary
Neat door to P. O.
City Drug 8tora
El ec trie Hotel. . -
Schoeobora Contact low ery
e . Seventh aad .V Q. Adam
Dec. 19 In American History.
U14 Edvla McMaatera Stanton
swcretary under Lincoln, bora: died
1ST Bayard Taylor, peat, author and
traveler, dlad ta BerUa bora S3X
1809 General Benry VCara Lawtoo,
,1LB.Jl,i veteran of tha cItQ war
aad at Ua regular army, killed at
Saa Mateo. La ana; bnre IMS.
MOT Mr D. CL Croly (Jennie Janel,
noted Journalist 'and founder of
8oroaie, dlad: bora 1831.
, (From nooa today to oooa temontw.)
Boa aats 431. riara t7: nooa rtaea
Tf49 a. m.; 1024 a. e, now mooa with
tbe aua ta coasteUatio Saglttariu
croaatac tha MUky Way.
' Not an tba countries oa this hemls
, phere ara afraid of annexation to tba
.. ' United State Ona of tbaaa la tha
Rapablie of Honduras.
' 'Just bow tba Hoadaraa government
; la negotiating a larga loan which
T ot neat tha approval of a craat ma
a. h i . mmw nr ina sMnmiM
Tha Obfectnr. IIM I ttiat tlia, mllan -
, matlon of tba propoead deal would
. plaoa tna country at tba mercy of tba
ayadlcata of eapltaiista furnishing tba
money, tba syndicate of course belna
- composed of foreigner
Leading Hoadaraaa have decided
that their bat tntaraaU for tba fu
ture Ma la annexation to tba United
Statea, and to that end bare bean
i . . i . . in . . . .
wuu lav mimr, wita ua result
that a netltioa with mora tHaa IftoOOa
; name win be Beat to Washington ask-
tng for annaxatloa to tba United
Tba . aentiment prevalent in Hon
daraa ia la striking contrast to that
arising la Canada prior to tba recent
, Canadian election, when the propoai-
tlon for reciprocal trade wltb tbla
country waa mat wltb the reply tbat
. reciprocity would mean annexation.
and tbat annexation would entail trust
domination for tha Dominion.
Field Marshal Earl Roberts docs not
approve of the criticisms of Italy for
alleged atrocities la the war against
Turkey ta Tripoli, it "la totally un
fair," be aaya, "to criticize the Italian
, commander without having acceaa to
. tha Information upon which be. acted."
"I a war," be continues. "It Is usually
the severest measures tbat are, in
tba long run. the most humane.
The great field marshal does not
doubt tbat many Innocent people suf
fered when the Italian troopa cleared
the hostile village, after finding thenv
, selves attacked In tba rear by Arabs
who ur to tbat time bad made pre
tensions of friendship. "Such thing
are unfortunately Inevitable In war,"
Lord Robert Bays, "but no soldier
will put any credence In the reports
tbat women and children were delib
erately killed by the Italian.-
Sensational charges bare been made
reapectlng the manner In which Italy
baa conducted the war and there baa
been a great deal of severe criticism
la the newspapers of not only tots
country but England. The sober anr
true words of Lord Roberts will un
doubtedly do much to counteract the
feeling engendered against Italy by
the exaggerated statement.
Mayor Garnor, however, does not
commit himself on the usbject of tbe
recall of mayor.
Educational Infanticide" Is
a Crime of the Times
By Professor CUT POTTER BENTON. President or Uni
versity of Vermont
; .
, f
.aatvBslWaaw rT T TSi r
M T vLixur. proieaaors wiji d aa well paid aa baaeball plijers,
if " " prizefighter! id wreatJeri when the r of tb SAME
K- PROPORTIONS. It U falae to ht tbii u tbe age of the
joungmaa. It Ij the age of tba PREPARED man.
Ona of tba greateat erirnn of tb time in EDUCATIONAL IN
FANTICIDE. Pbyaiologicajjj and btallectnallj man waa, or ghonld
be, an infant nntil tbe age of twenty-fir. Infancy should be pushed
farther out by PROLONGLNO the educaUonal period of life. . Tbe
'TT eSciency ahonld be giitj-five yein.
t- jhqesx USETULNESS ia hindered by
Native Indian Soldiers Who "
Form Part of the Durbar Show
..... Y7
if V f
VV2i urrr X'.r :-'
HOCUH for years thalr grandfathers, coaouared la tho two SUb arara
of 1S4&-8 and 1MS-0, ware tba
George baa ao better or more
81 kn and Punjabi troopa. wbicb will attend aim during the durbar.
Tba Inhabitants of tba Punjab bare
moat warlike la India. It waa la tbat
la tha early part of the nineteenth century, built op a powerful Sikh monarchy,
extendlna; to Kashmir, which waa lone a menace to British supremacy. The
tana Bibb originally signified enly a
community which waa aa offshoot of
aew religion, which waa founded la
arise of ten pontiffs a strong nation
tka to the British constitute one f the
Senator Tillman la a consistent tar
iff revisionist. He refused to pay
chauffeur more tbaa twenty Ore cents
to drtre blm to the White Honse.
Where Is the man who baa lived to
be 100 through the consistent smoking
of cigarettes?
Report baa It tbat a really boneat
maa baa been found In Chicago, but
the Smithsonian Institute has made
no effort to get blm.
ttveryrouy appear to be In favor
of upaetting the tipping system but
It continues to Jog merrily along.
Clear the way for Santa Clan
Everybody admits tbat the Morn
ing Enterprise la some newspaper.
me iie or a Weatera governor U
one continual round of Joy these daya.
A new use baa been discovered for
Idols. The Chinese rebels are melt
ing them down to raise war fund.
Santa Claua ia a generous old soul
but be draw the line at stockings
with bole In them.
Infanta Eulalia realize that she
could cot be Independent If nephew
Alfonso shut off her allowance of
$50,000 a year.
A New Tork man left bla whole es
tate to a lawyer. He wanted to pro
tect hi heir from unnecessary
It was left for the Charleston New
and Courier to remark : "There 1 no
truth in tbe report that Editor Bok
will be made empress of China."
Safety razor are sold In the name
of SanU Clau, but you don't read of
hi perianal experience In their use
Attempting to cook a hot Tom and
Jerry in a paper bag might prove
unsatisfactory as to result.
mortal eaemlee of tba Brttiaa. King
loyal native Indian soldiers tbaa the
been from time Immemorial among- the
part of the peninsula that Ranjlt Slagb.
dleelpW aad waa applied to a religious
Mohammedanism. Tba adherents of tba
the fifteenth century, became under
and area aew that they are ta sobje
Op est elemeata of the population.
The Rev. O. William G'bocer, a re
tired Presbyterian mlnlater, who died
la Portland Monday waa pastor of tbe
First Presbyterian church In this city
for several years. The"'funeral will
be held at 1 o'clock tbla afternoon
at the First Presbyterian church here.
Dr. Walker, of Calvary church, Port
land, and Rev. Landaborough, official.
Ing. The Interment will be In Moun
tain View Cemetery, where Dr. Olb-
oney brother, Andrew, and daugh
ter. Ague, are burled.
Tbe minister waa a graduate of
Hanover College, Hanover. Ind and
of Princeton University. Princeton. N.
J. He came to Oreron In 1817. and
wa married the following year to
Miss Mary Montague, of Lebanon Or
daughter of Colonel C. B. Montague.
a Civil War veteran.
Dr. Glboney took a DO it Ion aa naa-
ior oi me nrt Presbyterian church
of Lebanon soon after comlna West.
He then became pastor or tba First
Presbyterian church at Orecon Cltr.
no jaier went io Spokane. He waa
paator of the First Presbyterian
church of that city for fifteen yearn.
wnger wan any other Presbyterian
mlnlater In Washington. Two rears
ago his health failed, and It became
necessary for blm to give up hi
work. He took a position aa Sunday
school missionary for Southern Ore
gon, resldlna; at Mad ford Six months
ago bis health became ao bad be waa
obliged to give tbla up, and be went
io roruana.
T I I . . .
nw I. survivea or nia widow.
daughter, Clare, and a aon, Robert,
Dr. Ezra Glboney, of Great Falla,
Mont, and P. J. Glboney, a hardware
merchant of North Yakima. Wash.
re ois Drainers, ana Mr. Ante Old
father, wife of William Oldfather, a
professor In the University of Illinois.
i uroaua,, hi., ia Dls Sister
If .ll a . m
auiiDorain loan No. 1. A P.. a
A M. baa elected tbe following of-
worwiprui Master R, c. Ganong.
oeuior waraen K. o. Chapman,
Junior Warden Henry O'Malley.
Secretary M . D. LatouretU.
Treaaurer William Beard.
KacKamaa chapter, r a m h..
vieciea me louowing officer:
Hign prieat William Beard.
King Mat Ballack.
Scribe C. J. Buchanan.
Secretary E3. A. Chapman.
Treaaurer j, -. Hedge.
Captain of Host Henry O'Malley.
a joint installation nf nfrir in
be held St. John Day when a ban-
quel win DO held.
Deri a, the tea Rever.
Doris palace. In Geuoa. where Verdi
lived at one time, w little assorts ted
In these daya with tbe aea rover wbo
gave tbe palace bla name. Andrea
Doris, supposed te bare been a native
of Genoa, fought against bla country
In tbe service of Prancla I. of Prance.
SubaeaueiiUy be deeerted tbe French
nd went over ta tbe Spaolab-Anatrlaa
party, thereby checking tbe progress
of French arma ia Italy. He drove
the French out of Genoa' In 1528 and
waa made " er eriaf magistrate.
ttreearaln Mllllaery Nevalty ef tba
Saasaw Fleha Peile
Old fsshloned groagrsla ribbon aad
heavy Ottoman ribbon make stunning
trimming bo we. especially tbe large.
eprawUng wing effect and tbe grace
ful fa a variety.
rtrbua af Bet or tulle, edged with
I bands ef colored mil to match tba
as arraaoTrva aaiar aaisr.
bade of tbe frock wbkb tbe Svba
trims, are popular.
Onfwr the new Ideas In prttlcoata Is
a fringe of allk aoutaohing all around
the bottom of tbe same color aa tbe
I allk.
There la alwaya a demand for new
ideas ta shirt walata Here la a vet-i
atmple and at tbe same time attractive
I design that la partlrniarty good fur
Bagert modela
Thle Mar Maalea settere eemea ta staae
free M to at tncliea kuM awasura aW4
M aaaia tthteemce. aumber. T1M
aad M WUI Be preoipUr forwar44 to you
by maJL It la haate wad aa sddlUoaal
two eaol stamp lor tetter saataa. whlc
taaurae aiore proaapt dUr y. Waea er
ase eaiipoa.
Band Trimming a SUIT I art Mint Fee
TroaaaeaM Qtwn,
Wide beoda of trimming, though
they have bean la ad long, still eoa
Unoe la-hlgb-favor and. are-aeea oa
day and evening gowua. Jar k eta and
wrape and evea petticoat.
From a r rials a tailor wboae Meaa
appeal to American women because of
their moderatloa and reOnemeat af
A aaiioa ooaTpara,
charactar cornea a little trousseau trav
eling suit of dark blue serge, wltb a
tunic abashed to ebow ao underskirt of
red cibellne, Tbe coat baa revere and
cuffs of tbe red material, embroidered
la dark blue. Tbe blouse worn with
tbla ult la of dark blue chiffon, with
hemstitched red chiffon bams.
All klada of fringes are employed on
mart costume tbla sesson, and tbe
bridge frock Illustrated la charmingly
adorned wltb the trimming. Tbe ma
terial naed I silk In a lovely ibada of
old rose. Tbe gulmpe and under
leave are of lace.
i ivy
Treatment at Hot Lake, Including medical attention, board and
bath, eoata no mora than you would pay to live at any first claaa
hotel Room can be bad from 76 canta to $2.60 per day. Meata
In tha cafeteria are aerved from 10 cant np and la tb grill at the
usual grill prices. Bath rang from 60 cents to fl.OO.
We Do Cure Rheumatism
. i . -
' 1,1,, Wlnaval Hatha
: V.' - ' '.1 ")
' ' ' ' t .
Heart to Heart
rtrsl-Tnou bH haw ao other wife
before thee tbaa tier waota Ibou beat
legally wedded
Second. -Tl" D P"! I(
where tbtrtt knlgeai and Ihy wife lla-
eat before tby lodge r lay tlub or
any ether nls- e
TW'rd.-Tbt.u Shalt Dot be a ladles'
maa abroad, a genial spirit among tbe
felhtwa and llkewla a groiKb In llilne
wa bouse
Fourth -Thou alialt give of thy uhmi
ay Ibat whl- b la due tby wife. Ut uu
baply thy a if should aearvb thy rrou
sere pocket bu I bo a art Wi si
tbe switch
rtfth. -Thou shalt not complain f
tby wife's tHutii at tby table, but
brag thereon Neither shall tbu be
alow to wipe I be dlh of tbe table of
tby bouse ur to sweep tbe porrhea f
thy realdme
Klitb -Tboti shalt not tape the pre
mium mva Ihy polk'y of life In.urau'
aor withhold the rVe thereof. tet tby
wife borrow money to bury tbee or
tbou gu to the potter a field '
Seventb.-Thou shalt eat let thy chll
drea stay from arbooi and work to
feed tbee iTlt thou be alllagi. fr
wbea ibou art old tby rblldreo may
deaptae thee and let tbee go over tbe
bills io Ibe (Minrbouaa.
Eighth. -Thou shalt not amoke lla
vans erf loa, aor alt la tbe seat of (be
gamhlera. uor dally wltb Ibe rhatu
pague wbeu II stlrretb llaelf. and let
tby wife's millinery bills go uupakl
and see tby seed begging bread.
Ninth--Tbou shall not leave I he
leaching of tby children to Iby wife.
aor to tbine handmaiden, aor to tby
manservant, aor to tbe Sunday arbooi
tearber. but tbu abali train them ap Io
the way ibey should go. and wbea Ibey
re old they bsli at dirt from It
Tenth -Tbou shall behave thyself aa
husband and a father and aa a rtu
en of tbe republic, aad tbou abalt vote
at tbe prim arte aad also at tbe elec
tion la order tbat tbou abalt live long
la the land and be able to awat tba
grafter, at Ibe ballot beg aad aav
tby country
Character ia I He wool of honor
from which a coal of mail can he
woven thai the swatrat atrow of
tha me or the keenest knife of entre
pot cannot pierce. Every thought
that enter our auatj, every act we
do and every word we utter add
a bnk lo the golden chain of charac
ter. Our (aiurea and ota ucccetea
help to form a repulanoa thai may
be destroyed br aa eitevnal force,
but ihe deruciioa of a character
cad be eflected only by tome in
ternal force.
. Jeb Fee an Ke4.
A rang of oavvlea were emnloyed
on railway reotract removing earth
with wheelbarrows While proceed
ing wltb bie work owe of tbe nawlee
noticed tbat tbe wheel of bla borrow
waa annealing terribly, and to put
top to tbe noise be turned tbe barrow
Over and waa la Ibe act of (Teasing
it when the ganger noticed blm and
booted out:
"Halloa. CBrleo! Halloa, sir? What
tbe deuce are you doing r
"I'm greasing my barrow, air "
-Who told you te do tbstr
"Snre. no one. air. I took It opoa
myself .
-Well, don't let ma catch you at It
again. What do you know about ma
chinery r-TU-Rita
Health In Walking Dewnstalra.
Not ao long ajro meo walked briskly
for a mile or two. two or three times
day or oftener, and thought nothing
of It. Now when we want to go a
mile we ride Tbe elevstor bs taken
way the aiert lne for the feet Ibat
aed to be oh'slned In going up and
coming down the atalrs. ao far a It
la of ue In facilitating awetit In the
blgb txilldlnit It la an advantage It
would lie probably much lietier, bow.
ever. If It were not used ipilie so much
for coming down and If people took
advantage of Ibe descent lo sjrengtben
Important leg moclee nod dissipate
certain tendencies to accumulation of
fat where It la moat disfiguring. New
Tork Independent
Awfully Senlahted.
Dash la be ao very Ignorant T Plaab
Ignorant T Wby, actually be doesn't
eveo(know a cur for colds!
Ssheels Per Adult.
Tha first school exclusively for
adult waa established at Bala. Meri
onethshire, Walee. In 1tl.
A vsnnmen. ,
-Pa. what la a fray r
"Why, my aon. It's wbat one who
ha never been la flabt call It"
and mud given under scien
tific direction have cured
tbousanda. Write for Illus
trated booklet descriptive ef
Hot Lake Sanatorium and
. tbe methods employed. Hot
Lake Sanatorium la acces
sible aa It Is located direct
ly oq the main Una of tbe
' 0.-W. B, N. railway, and .
special eicunion rales are
to be bad at all times. Ask
With ampl aaaltat, aaaurai aaeeuntlng, ait,t rttu
equipment tad a render helpful flnanelal
wa r In peeillen te five buelneaa men ana Individual! the
thsra It In anhlng Not
Vur lnteraU will grew If yew have a flnanelal baaaoua
and wa aordially Invite te I eel at heme here, ulna ,.
ta the fullest passible estent " "
The Batik of Oreson City pah a.
a 1 UkTOUMsTTTB rviHsat
a Bsrel Meatag SMetneaa.
Wants. For Sale, Etc
WANTCD Tourist and local- people
to ae my eullectlun of arrow heads
coins, ladle trmkaia, rid Umj
aad curloa of .! aorta Will bu
or aall la this ilua Ha euro a good
bargaiaa la seruadhaod furniture
ana tools, torge Vouag. Main ai
near Fifta.
CO, r. M- Dluhm. Wood aad coal
dellvared to all parts of Ibe el'y.
your ordera rarlOc 1(01, Home
n no.
TO RENT Room with board la
private family. Addreea 'A." care
Knterprlaa. .
ruA REST-, room bouse la QU4-
atone, oae block from carllne. two
lota. XruiL 111 months J. Car
ter, oiadaton. Or.
FOR RENT Furnished bouse . In
cluding piano. Modem convenience.
Inquire Twelfth and Adams street
Lawyers. Oregon city. Or.
O. D aTBT. AHoraerat-Law
Wa sad. abevaeta SiraaaaM
Uilaa eaaaaiBed. eats us aerUed, awa
oral law bwataaaa Ova Saab af
VfLMS A SCMUaVBasU Attaraaeaal
Law, Pnushsr aJvwaat. wi
uaa ia au aowrta. aMUe
prtaa BU. Ore City.
UlLDgft AMD C(rTaaCTOt
HASJIT JONabS Buflder aad Oaaaral
Oaatraaaor. Bettiaaiae abiiraaSy
rvwa oa an ataaeea af
week, eoaereie wafts aaa
eta. Sea. FVaa Maaa in.
. H. COOrWL Far na
ad Heal BeSMe. Let aa
ywar pceparilaa ee buy, i
aehaaaa. Office la am
"Wai. Oragoa CTty. rvraaea
CHICAOO TAILORS suits made io
order from 110 and up. We also do
cleaning, pressing and repairing.
Three doors south of poatoffoe.
J. ALBA SAQER. tear Bar of wind and
string Instruments, director of band
and orchestra. Will furnish music
for any occasion. Call at Bl-ctrle
PIANO TUNING If you want your
piano inorouguiy and accurately
SietMae mm uai vUiiHiS aeaaWaas
Ul V Me ta4 K aae m a wer. Mew
Nwwltos, aat a BSaiUeesI Watae
lliea, m Uaaa , IS m 0. MaU
waa ear I as S4 aa aana,
laaa BMI aiiaauiaja aar aaliae en
Ut a ae i eak aae .
nsaaalel aaiaallrlMtjr tmt art are, wkaae
rr are ana tree mun mil eaues Md hi
pewitad lar pawea Maiae asaa la
ii ii i ill i wtar
The Car that Delivers the Goejj
(000 pound Ford1 Delivery Wajcn
. $8J5 ;
For Demonstration Cell
Krcrrzr., tut
in uu CUUHTT
Owee) feaea I A. at.
'. a moueraie anaL sate
insao-Tuner at KlfMj
Strongly endorsed by the
of tbe Fhllbarmoale. J Crnl
aooally vouch for bla work. I
. . . . .
U3MT Saturday, a brown sad u
mubry cow. riad-r retura U Ja
flravea. Seventeenth treet. er a
Rnalebrecht's pUea, snj rarelv 1
ward. , ,
.. SAUCT10NHS. j
u'."M. TisnroK aniisrr
conduct suctions and will call a
any bare la Clackamas or Ufe
lag count lea oa abort soUm a
rvaaoaabla ralea, 1- i
Nellae ef Aapllcatlea far peal
Notice la hereby gtveo, that Wtl
at tba ail regular meetlsg sf Bl
City Council apply for a Deeaai
run and regulate a lm HaQ at a
pUca of bualnaaa. Mala auaei, ut
Stub street, for a period af urn
month. I
Netise ef Applltattaa fTUwe
Ko'te la hereby given, thai ait,
Ihe fm al regular m.eiiri m tMvVi
Cmjttnl apply lor iiraa u m
Ikijoi at my place ( 'nstaeax W
Malt, atreet, for a acrtod sf &
Notice ef Atptnc of fusst V
Notice la hereby given that tbt CU
Engineer of Oragoa Oty, Oram.;
-baa Bled bis certificate of thseav
- pletloo and approval of tbt tat
duoe br Mr. If. Joaea, eostiwar
foy tbe Improverafnt of Mat aowt
Oregon city, from tbe east g
Center street to the west tm
Taylor street, and the City Ce
cll of Oragoa City will eoaaUww
acceptance thereof, aad all Ik
Jectloas to tbe acceptance af a
Improvement at tbe Council Ckae
bar of said Oragoa City, oa Dw
bar IT, if ll. at o'clock av
Any owner of any property tltu
the assessment district of sUJ
provemeat or soy agent ef sal
owners, may at auek ttat
or any time prior tfcerete, s
" pear aad lie object loo la tbt
.- - - L-m lMMMt..MtAal lal
Wpuiei:e v mm9 iHiiriw -j
uch objections may be coniU
nd all tbe merits determlaet V
the Council at tbe abovs aaaai
time aad place.
This notice Is publishes la
Morning Enterprise and tb tfw
and place were fli4 by tb war
of tbe City Council of Oragoa 00
Oregon. '
Ia 'sTIPP. Recoria
Myers Nsmsd Admlnlatratar.
County Judge Beatie bas pM"'4
W. W. Myers, sdmlnlatrstor of
eatala of T. A. Williamson, vice V
D. Robinson, ordered remove! J
court. Tbe body of a "mas sH
bsve been Williamson was t oM
a swamp. Almost 1700 wsa 'o"14
tbe corpse, and Mrs. Roblnaoa, vw
Identified Ibe body and said K v"
tbat of bar falber. put la a claln
tbe money. Unless she can 9n
Is tha legal hair tbe money win
cheat to tbe state.
&ll4-&t? '