Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 17, 1911, Image 3

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    MN1NqgNTERPRlBK. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1911. - ' "" 'j
a making your selection of Xmas gifts
feiv something useful as it will be much
pore appreciated by the receiver. Our
.w is filled with Xmas trifls for evprv
I ,"-- w J
I pember of the family. This week will
be a record-breaker, so every day if pos
sible shop early.
OS Sailing BldiK Forti.4.
hen Main
( no mvAno
l fw U rtt ! touvtclloa
kt ' iru, ,f ,rul,.
tZl!"''7 '" rila f Tb
!alK :utrrrM trow Ik
!Lis "I aubarrllier ftr
Id 1 brtna b ) lock.
Jus Italy, of Carua, u li thl
(X; BalurJay
luaa WimandL of Car a, m In
a fity Haturday.
1 B lUhlel, of Clark, M In
ttu ciir Haturday.
)lrr Kirbraon. of Hhub!. waa la
(kit city Falurty. j
1tlir Walla and wife, of Clark. I
la Ule rliy tuterday.
t'Ulun Jon. f llar Ork,
tu to Ihla city Haturday,
Ulu Amy Durham, of Carua. aa In :
U city Haturday on buatneee. i
It R. rnna oi lu'Tha tMll on
aval bunluvaa Haturday evening, j
(Mill-b mirWh ant n. Erik. (
t&mJu, wr In ihla rlty Haturday. '
Mr. and Mr K. Morris, of H- j
Mil. Waah. ar la thl city on bnab j
ay bni) fnun ,a t'alvtralty of l)r
wh'-m ah la a aiuiUtx. Hh wiU
ln. hr varailun at hr hom
r?"i., haa arrtv4 In Orcann ( My and
ill lali bla parvnla. Mr. auj Mra
II K. (.', at lila1aliioa for aral
erka, la now rmnr-rtrl th a
uinbrlna runiany of t)
H. C'bllilira. of t Jobna. a (iromlTc
nt r"U-ni of Ibac city, aa in Or
n t It y Kalurday on buaiiiaiu and
U Iff laltmt at ibo bom of Mr.
and Mia. H V. Kraarla. Mr. 'blhlfr.
baa aold hla bom at Kt Julma. and
nta tu rnaka Nolr hla future
lur of rvaldrnr.
M. M R ll.ivlr.. of Molalla. who
baa IxHrti In I'olk roumjr, baa rturn-d
la Oronn fit r and on gaturdajr Uft
fof Molalla, hr b will rrtnaln for
rrral pIui. It la lh Inirnllon of
Mr. Iiottoa to mum to I'olk rotiDty
after the bolldar. whr bo riwti
l rnaka hla future homo.
No!l. 711 Main airt. baa lota of
Iti for Ilia holnlara: port o rnt,
Mua-at TO rnta. t)ldir wlnra at pro
portional prime. Mlnr meat and
i'lm piiddltil flavor. Urap llrandr.
IVarh llrandr. Aprirut llrand, Ma
dera, port, tlberry and Muaralel
I lie
t'barl Catra and Herbert Doutblt,
ho have Keen on a hunting trip on
CnlumMa Plough, returned to Oregon
ritjr Haturdar and bad eirellent lurk.
They liroualit bom eighty five durka
KtlUiiy w the laat day of lb aeaaon
for rlnrk bunting, and many of tn
huiilera took advantsg of ihla.
lxii t you think ah' would like a
nli pn.r of KlMH-a for CbrUunaa? W
hav them at the Oregon City Hbo
Mr i. J. V wlUon aad little daugli
U. Alhe. of 1'errydnle, Or, hare gr-
; rived In Ornn city, and ara vlMltlng
at the honui'of the foruir'a uioihr,
Mra. (. r.. Myera, of tllndaloiie. pro.
ffD.' MiUoii, Mho g principal of the
IVirj.lelt. M'lioftl, will arrive the flrat
! ne wi ek n, !JI alao (H nd t'hrlat-
I iiiaa at the My-ra bom.
Mr and Mra. Jmiiik Petty, of Hea
alile, who hut Jjeeil In'lhU rlty for
lh put etk, 4eglKlrliiK at the
lirunlik. and alao vlaltlng with
frlend, will leave for their home by
the net (he Aral or next week. Mr.
i petty hua a Ix-antlful eight room hung
, alow at Ihe uihin.-r reiMirt, and la lo
ratxd alxiul one IjIih k from the ix ean,
1 and romnianda an excellent view.
Very ewell Hllprer that will fit any of the family at lb Oregon
Olty 8 ho Btor.
Mra. C. K Myera, who rfently aold
ber fur-n at Mount Plenaant and ruov
I Oregon City haa pure haaed the
t'larenia Klmmona bungalow at Glad
atone, and ah and her three da u Kil
ter, Mlaaea M utile, Wllma and Anna,
have taken po4.ra.lon. Their bom la
one of the moat attractive In (lliifl
atone, and la on of (he moat convert"
lent In that place. It waa planned
and built by Mr. Hlinmon, who in
tended to occupy tt blmaelf before
Mra. Myera purrbaaed It The houa
baa alt large room a on the lower floor.
Including reception room, living room,
dining room, kitchen, batb, alneplug
apartment. Among Ihe comforti of
the home are the fireplace, built-in
buffet and built In bookraaea. ' A large
verand t fronia the realdenc.
Kurnltur and piano for aale. In
quire I0 Fourth etreet, Oregon City,
limine to rent.
John II. Jaokaon. of Clalrmont. waa
In tali city on Friday on bualna.
Cbarle Hpenc. of Bvr Crk,
waa In (bla city Friday
Herman 8 hmldt, of Carua, waa In
Oregon City Friday tranaactlnf bual- j
neaa. i
Merll Jonea. on of th well known I
i farmer, of Kl lorado, waa In tbla city i
Mr. and Mra John Davie, of Calbal- j
amet. Waah., ar In thiat city vlaltlng
A. Jonea and wife, of Carua, were
among th Oregon City vlallora Satur
day Hohert Ouenthar and eon, of Bhulet,
were In Ihla city Saturday.
Philip Iloblendor, of Heaver 'reek,
waa lu thla city Haturday.
Mr. Herman and aon, of Heaver
Creek, were aauong th Oregon City
vlallora Haturday.
(. K. Oggleahy, of Harlow, road au
pervUor, called Oil Judge Hatle Bat
unTiy. A. H Wllmot I aerloualy 111.
(). F. Ileimett, of Heaver Creek, waa
In 'he city Haturday.
W H. Young, of Eatacada, wxa In
Ihe city Haturday. '
Frank Wllaon. of "tone, cam to the
county aent Saturday to transact buai-
With the exception of aeed Block,
j buying of potatoes fcr California ac
count, baa been entirely auapended at
; W'lllamett Valley polnta ' ; .
According to null ad1cea from the
! aou'h th trad' ther la not In a ery
good condition and there aeema to be
: more than a aufflclent amount of hom
, Ktnck to take car of th requirement
; of the trade. Wnlle extra fancy Ore
gon pot a toe a ar In requeat, th ab
. aenr of olTerinK la working no hard
rlilpa upon the trade ther becauae
I there la plenty of fancy California
atock to tak tta plac.
Iluylng for Arlxonla account con
tlnuea and a fair volume of trad la
atlll paaxlng wltb the aouthweat Lieal
era for thla account aay they are now
able to aecur all their preaent
from Portland apeculator who ar In.
cllned to let go, rather than bold pend
ing th New Yar.
Prevailing Oregon City pr.-ea ar
aa follow:
Fruit. Vegetables
Prunea on baalaVf ( 1-4 pound for 43-
lO'a. I
HIDES (Buying-) Orn hid,
It to to: aaitar, Ic to 6c i dry hid.
Ite to 14c; bp pelta, 2&e to 76c
, Hay, Grain, Fd.
HAY (Huylng) Timothy, 113 to
fll: clover, $ lo $; oat bar. beat, $3
to 111; mixed, 1 (0 It; alfalfa, fli
to nr. r,o .
OATS (Buying) Cray, $27 to
$2; wheat, 2t to $:; oil meal. $33;
Hbady Brook dairy feed, $1.26 per'
loO pound. j
FEED (Selling) Short a, $27 to
t:t; rolled barley, $S7.60; proceta
barley, $18 60; whol corn, 137;
cracked com, $3; white, 2 to $27;
bran $27 to zi.
utter, Poultry, Igga.
FLOUR 14 SO to lt.26.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter, 26c to 20c; funcy
dairy, 10c; creamery, 30c to 35c
POt'LTRY (Buying) Htna, 10c to
lie; airing, 10c, and rouatera, 8c
EGOS Oregon ranch egg. . 40c to
$1.26 to $1 l0 prack; paranlpa,
$1.26 to tl.60; turnlpa, $175 to $1.60:
Prune, on baal of 6 l-4 for 45 and ;
60c; beeta. $1.60.
beeia, $1.60
POTATOES Bet buying 86c to
$1 per hundred. -
CNIONS Oregon, $l.Z5 to IliU per
hundred: Auatrallan, $2 per hundred.
LIveetockT Mata. '
, BEEF (Llv weight) eteer, 6i
and 6V4c, cowa, 4Vio; bulla, t 12c i
10 He. I
VEAL Calve brine from Sc tx
13c, according to grade.
MUTTON Shp. 3c an 3c:
lamb. 4c and 6c
HOGS 125 to 140 pound Jioga, IJc
and lie; 140 to 200 pound. 10c and
A $3000.00 STOQC OF
We hav th ft neat tin of LadiaV and Chlldrerr fho
1 1 ii.
aver ahown In Oregon City. We ar going t ell th at c.
to get acquainted. ' '
$4.00 Shoes at
$3.50 Shoes at
01. SO
As a further inducement we will ei
. Rev. Levi Pennington, of Pacific
College, dellyerej probably the moat
Interesting and Inspiring addrea
which baa ben beard at any of tba
brotherhood meeting tbla year at the
Baptlat-Brotherhood dinner Friday
night Hla aub)ect waa '"Four Facea."
The lecture waa baaed on the vision
nt Fakiel In which wii Been, the
combined Image with th face of a
man. the fac or a lion, in iac oi
an ox and the lac of an eagle. - Mr
FREE with every pair , o Ladies
shoes one pair of Baby's shoes, i
' s
Merrill & Gave
Corner 9th and Main Sts. OREGON CITY
Pennlntgon explained what the face of
a man la. That face representa the
apirit of aympathy, lor and klnJneaa.
The face of a man la nectasary In or
der to give one tbe ability to get down
by the aide of a needy brother and
render real helpful aerrlce. Mr. Pen
tilngton Illustrated that thought by
relating bow when a .young man, a
stranger In a city, he waa working hla
way through high school and a poorly
paid, unappreciated Baptist preacher
of that plac invited him to bla home,
spoke word of sympathy and aeelng
him shoeless, by word of sympathy
nil hrotherllneaa. made him ft gift
tf a new pair of ehoea. Tb fac of
a lion representa courage nolo aeain.
jThis Mr. Pennington aald la needed
today aa much a ever In the hlatory
of th world. The face of an ox rep
resent patience) and tbe face of an
eagle the faculty of farslghtedneaa and
viaion. Mr. Pennington aptly applied
every point and closed by showing th
strength of tbe Man -of Galilee com- ,
binlng perfectly all . tbeae element. .
Tbe BrotberbooJ voted Mr. Penning
ton a bearty and unanimous expra
iOn of thank for the magnificent ad- .
dresa. Sixty fire men wer present. '
Tbe next meeting of thla Brotherhood -will
be held the latter part of Janu
ary. - . .
Read the Morning ncterprte
Mr. and Mr. Jo Henry and too,
tt Th Iktlle. arwln Ihl city for
le days
Mr and Mra. O. R. Denioreat, of
hirtlanl wer Oregon City visitor j
fraak Turny. of Ptrtlnd. but
krmerlv of thla city, wa In Oregon
City Saturday.
Mr. 1. nry Plpka. of Eldorado, one
f Ike prominent farmer of tb( tlc.
In ihl rlty ftaturday.
Mr A O. Hamlin, of Portland, waa
h thla rlty Haturday. th gueat of
Mr, ( harlea IX Ijitourett.
W. H. thmdnougb. of H"o4 nier. j
a In thl city rTlday. rflllat-Ting
W th Electric JlnUL
' M Ijimbert and Mia V. Um
Vrrt, of Kan Kranclaco. ar among the
Electrto Hotel arrival.
Mlrhal Kmll nd to daughters, of
rialrtnont, wer among the Oregon
City shopper Saturday.
Mia pansy Irish and two brother. ,
f Union Hall, wer among th Ore-,
t'B City bualneail vlaltorg Saturday.
It W. Parrow and wlf," of Pan j
rtanrlacA wer regletared at th i
JClactrle Hotel Friday and Saturday.
Mia Haael Toot will spend her
aolldara with . her jiarent, Mr. nd
sir cbarlea Toot, and haa amvea
l thl city, i
Wallace and IUynnd CauflelJ r
among th student returning to Ore
Ion City to spend tblf holiday with
heir parenta, ,Mr. and Mra. Charb-
Mr. and Mra. Fran Mueller, the .
former being on of the well known
farmer of Clark, waa In thla cl
Saturday. . . I
D. C. Ely I showing on of th larg- j
t line of toya and balldny r,01
In the city, at low price. I
Mr Harley Steven, of rortland. I
n thla city, having boon called here i
"7 tne sudden death or hr momer.
Hfnry Meldmm.
Mia C.rorgl Croa 1 hom from
h I'nlvoralty of Oregon to anend th
hulblaya with her pan-nn Mr. n1
M" II. Ii Croaa. ,
Attorney nruc C. Curry. former
llint of Oregon City, but now of
Portland, waa In thl city on lKl
biialiioag Saturday.
Win. EIoim. Roadman, of (llndaton.
I"t Huturday evening for Roaebnrg,
'here ah will visit for aevral weeks
Uh relntlvea.
Mr. and Mra'C. W. Swallow n1
'inilly, of Maple Ln. were In thl
Saturday. Mr. Swallow la on of
lb prominent fruitgrower of CUcka
n,a county.
D. C. Ely will aurprla you when you
hi price of fur and compar
'ham with othra. Tber mk good
Xma jifta,
Lloyd Hrdlng returned to bregon
fl'y Bnturday evening to Pnd the
Mldayj with Ma parenta, Mr. nnd
Mr, o A. Harding. He U udont
' the V, of O. t IDugen
Mia Uraon. ft atudent of the tint
'walty of Oregon, ha arrlvd In Ore
nn citv. and will apend the Chriat-
bias holidays with her .parent, Mr.
nd Mr. BX 8. Laraen.' : ,-'
. Rrl Walkr haa rtdtud to Ore-
;!" City from Mgene,vwhr n tias
hn atUndlng th University of Or
Hon, and will apend th holiday with
hli parenta, Mr. and Mr. J. H. Wal-
' r.
, Mla Bthel Rlaley, of Rial.
datiha. r u .nrf M re. Charl Rl-
We are making . epciftlly,.t
tractive price on our big atock
of Jewelry. ... M off, 13 off and
een 142 off on many of the very
thingiyouwant. Don't fail
o''lookower lK atock' before
you buy.
Xma$ Cards for Teachers
' at Special Prices
and Manicure
Latest StyleirlVriaiari
very and SteringSilver
W saved money for you
by buying th good of th
maker. Thr' only cn
profit between th factory
and you. ,
German Silver Toilet.Set
$2.00 to $5.00
Ebony Toilet Seta '
$3.75 to $15.00
Sterling Silver Toilet Seta
$4.75 to $20.00
Bruth Seta, $2.00 to $6
Military Seta,$l to $7.50
Silver Manicure Seta
$2.50 to $7.50
Ebony Manicure Seta
$2.00 to $8.00
Shaving Seta $1 to $6.50
Huntley Brothers Co.
Christmas Headquarters
Oregon City
Presents p
A Great
Display of
Three big rooma full to overflowing of
Chriatmaa Gift. Where we have had to
' buy here, there and everywhere to get thia'
big atock, you can do all your - Chriatmaa
ahopping under one roof. Come in now
and let u put aaide thoae preaent, it will
take a big load off your mind if you do.
If you would give
continuous pleasure to
any one family or to
any person, give them
a beautiful picture for
their home.
A Home is never
a Home Without
More than any oth
er' article :of decora
tion, it has the peculiar
power and charm to
mike Home of a
House. . " . .
We have a large,
well displayed stock of
pictures that appeal to
Home Loving People.
Prices are very low. ;
v.-" BtRr
:.s " ::
For the money there k nothing
that aeetna to go aa far aa a boat
of nice Stationery. We havi
the famoua Eaton, Crane and
Pike Stationery in Holiday boxes
at any price you wiah to pay,
from 25c to $2.50. Theae make
a, beautiful gift for 'a amall
' amount of money.
Dainty Book and Booklets
5c, 10ct 15c, 25c , . s
for this genuine
. Yes sir, a gennine
Victor-Victrola for 15.
Hardly seems possible,
and yet this new instru
ment embraces all the
fundamental Victor
Victrola principles.
And the u n equal cJ
Victor-Victrola tone
that's the most important
thing of all.
Come in today1 .and
hear it no obligation to
buy, but you won't want
to do without one.
Other tyl J2M;
II desired.
All Kinds
Here are a few of the many
kind of Safety Razors we
have in our big atock:
Gillette, LGifford,uto-vx
atrop, Eveready, Dur-
ham Duplex, Brandt.
In fact all th bt dvrtld
klnda, bealde a eomplt tock
of th good old atyl raiora that
ware good enough for our rath
r In th past.
Shaving Sets
The ever popular gift for a
man. Thia year we have a
bigger and better ataort
ment than ever.
Prtty Hvr mug vlth a
dainty biiah ' put up In satin
lined ca; Ju th thing for
any man.
Pricea 75c to $7.50
More book are given for preaents than any other one article.
For aome frienda nothing elae will do; for others they do better
than anything elae we can afford to gives for chUdren and young
. .. l- i :. . wlikmit ImmIcb. Hmner cost or
people it wouian i nc - -
Uving doe. not apply to our book atock. We can .ell you better
book, for le.. money than we could ten year. ago. We meet any
Portland or mail order price.. Won't you Ple..e .elect your
book, now before the ru.h begin.? We can give qmet, personal
ervke now later; well, you've been through it.
200 Alaer Jlenty and Optle Booh, for boy.. Published at 35c and 40
TsSX Al-tV and Sophl'a m'.V Ba.' for' g'.ri.' bitahsd !.
Wo'nSCMUem f?' 33c
Have you ever looked over
our atock of perfume? If
not you ' certainly have a
pleasure awaiting you. The
best, odors of Roger & Gad
let, Peivers, Violet, Solon,
Palmer, Wright., Colgate
and a hundred other. ,
No less than one hundred differ
ent odors In all. Our bulk odor
sell for 50c to $2.00 per ounce.
Put up In fancy bottl from 25o
to ? 00.
Toilet Sets
r c
Never before have we been
able to offer .uch value, in
Toilet and Manicure Set..
In many caaea w have been
able to price these seta at about
hat we paid for them last year.
Some of the finest thlnga In sil
ver and ebony at price that will
surprise you. See them In our
$1.00 up to $20.00
Nelson's Large ,
Type Bibles
are the beat Bible values pub
lished. We quote lowest
prices aa we buy direct in
large quantities.
Leather Bibles - 60c to $7
Prayer' Books - $1.00 up
Catholic Prayer B'ka 50c up
Testament. - - 10c up
Cloth Bible. - - 60c up
Revised Edition 50c up
Christmas Candy
It has arrived-nearlyaJUfton of it, andjhe
TAt is made in the finest and best
PTjnhe" world - UgzeJjJ
You can get a Christmas package for 50c up to $5.
Let us lav it aside now. ! -
Pyrography or Wood Burning
Intensely interesting from an artistic and educa
tional standpoint. Not expensive. Outfits $2.00
mp; Wood to burn 5c up.
Dainty Glove Box 15c; Placque. 10c up.'
Hundred, of different de.ign.
Pipes and Cigars
Does he .moke? Then a
Pipe will fill the bill. Fine
French Briars and genuine
Merchaum. with fine Amber
tern, at price, ranging from
$1.50 to $15.
Our Ggara are the standard
brand, put up in aa little aa
12 in a box at 50c, up to 109
in a boxatSI0.5U. Hears
coming from Huntley's are a
guarantee of quality. .
1 0 1
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y. tu in tM olty gtury on her