Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1911)
'"'fl,-,7'-.,M'''',L'.'rV - ....v'.V.'i,... '.: . '' ' - "i.Viy' MfAlTairjlflATIOrlB, MORNING: E Nim M USE Mil 'I!I-Ooealniial ''In w at , -- rain ur JjfJgJ portion Bundsy. . -aM II1 " - m hi WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1566 0KK00N CITY, OUEOON. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1911. Pa Week, 10 Csirn '-3 i TREATY M'NAMARA FUND WISNER'S WORK IS PRAISED BY EXPERTS WATER POWER IS oaEGo;rciTY Alio THE XMA3 QUfSTtOft IT TODE ABROGATED IS BEING PROBED WABASH PLAY-TODAY TAXABLE-SIP f 3S Jtouh-no. 112. IS MELDRUM DIES SUDDENLY 1 ( jtm AG'7"' ev I iwv vr LOWER HOUSE. UjaftAfj vn MENDS IfiMNG u - I a. A .4 as. a - a - - ( Not e,a Are Delerenlneal Net T Conddar Any im. tUMISUTON. Ie. 1 -A proteat kull today efeinai anrga- Vt te' " W,,h ,h" ,0 ,ttrm wv resolution, overwhelmingly la N House of Rrpradta, t followed lutilshl by the deo of flenate lJ-r that, lit Jpeiifte tartna, resolution declaring tr(y at " be put jot ! Hanate befw the sd yint of lbal , boJy " Monday ffeM Senator tl ao fir aa lo aay i ik Suiter resolution, containing r,.. Mrtial eald lo be objection- adopted without amendment. W 0 wueenaue Ol Piinmn wee mat ft, lanat uuM lrlp lh rlu(lon ( Tto puiat upon b1rh all wM in bj tat lh Hna( would art H 6tf, raraiaa ot maj rni- iXPL0IVt BOUGHT IV CON VICTtO MtN TflACCO TO NtW ALBANY, IND. SAWDUST CLEWS ARE IMPORTANT McManlgal Mporlad T H Bought OynamKa In Indiana Town Attempt la Mad To Myatlfy Paopl. INOIANAItiUri. Iter ir. -Tb 11.004 paid montblr lo John J Me Samara rrrnrj traurr of lha lulvrnalloaal A lallun of llrld and Mirurtural lrnorkri. for "or lauUlna purpuara," and fur hlrh h aa h"t rqulrd lo anr a-n.unt Ilia-. lti'ulrd Into today by tb tiuf unioul (iiriclala vbo ara nmJurt. lh( Iba dynamlla lnMtla(la In-for lha Ktdral grand Jury. Tba ralatlun of Iba fund lo fwa paid to Urtla Mc Maniaal. tba confraawl drnamltar. for hla toik In blowing up truiiur arwtad by nonunion wuriman llao aa Irarad Krorn an auiploya of a llvary con rarn nt Munrla. Ind. lha iDvaatlcatnra Uarnd of MrManlgala tnovamnt (if nliro (lyrarlna from Naw Albany, Ind, wirt or roRMER burvcyor- CCNCRAL Or STATE HART DIEAt VICTIM. YBITINC FRIEND WHEN STRICKEN pnylclan Cava No Cncouragamant, But Har Condition Improvad at Plrat Parantt War Pionaara. lo hla alorrhouaa at Munrla f Washington alraala. Mra. M-ldrura Kht t and ragardlaaa of ftl Bill a Motlalkina that hat taB In pirM batwaffit Waablngton and tna laatlaa rapliaL k m raortad tonight that If tha fjiai hMild adopt Iba H'nim ralp- m. ahlrh boldly dariaro4 inai iu Wrt. Jannla Mldrum, nlfa ot Henry Mi'lilruin, formarly Hurvayor-Canaral of Orrgon, died aucldi-nly of haart d la-fan- at bar home Halurday afternoon. Bha bad In-n III fur two waaka, and bar phyalclan raid from tha alart ana roiild not rarovar. Mr. Maldrum and a Iralnwl nuraa ra praaant wbn aha dlad. Mra Maldrum Ixvania III wblla vlalt lug at tha buiiia of a frtand She u ramovad to har home and har condi tion rhaugad for tha bettar. How-aT-r, tha trained nume waa aummoned and although tha rondlilon of tha pa llet continued to Improve, bar phyalc lan gave no bopa for recovery. Tba riereaaed mil daughter of Eu gene and Mary LaPoreat. prominent Or-gn ploneara. Har fathar dlad teara ago, but bar mother l atlll liv ing, har boma balng at Twelfth and alao la aurvlved by four children, Don K. Maldurm. of thla city; Mra. Harlay Hlavana. Jr. of Portland; Joaaph Mal drum. of Ban Kranclaco; Mlaa Mary lialla M-lilrum. a teacher at Moacow. Ida., and John Maldurm. of Portland. She la aurvlved by three hrolhara. Eu- MrManlgat. under the name of J W. MHiraw, bought n0 quart of tba e p.wla naar New Albany. It aa de livered to him In wagon out aide tba clty..drren by Mm lo an amply houea al Muncte and Ibara parked In aa .lual He ronfenftet that ha afterward uaed Bom of tha nltrtvglyrarlna for I gi-na lforeat. of Portland; Emll Pioloelone at paorta. III. j Koraat, of Ban Franrlaco and Oacar Tha almllarlty of aoma of tha aaw , loKraai. of Alaaka. -dual und at I'aorla to that found at Mra. Meldrum waa about flfty-alg a. violated bar treaty pladgaaL . Munrla and lu tha wagon lad to tha yrara of aga and no woman waa ni- a Raaalan Ambaaaad.if. Oaorga linking of lha evldenc by datectlvea : tar knoan In thla city man ana. Hna lakaatetaS. would aak for Bla pa- and Iba tranaartiona were gone over .. ,.ii it munlrv. At beat ' to aarerUln ahat monay bad Itaan (n aald tha Ambaaaador would quit paid for eipanaea. , tnkiagton unoltlrlally,, Waving an j jaJartVtal In tbargw- j Read Ik- Morning ITa'-rprtae aiTTn-ir-TT-.-rr-rvc-rrie'-.r-; ixs -, r-1;:- J. N. Wlaner, who la one of tha'dl rartora of Arte and Crafta Boclety of Portland, and wbo recently had on exhibition at tha Art Muaaum at Port land aoma of hla handiwork, la being congratulated upon big eucceaa. The Oragonlan of laat Sunday bad tha fol lowing comment: "Koremoat of the metal workera la J. N. Wlaner, wboae work compare! with that of the beat allveramltha In IioaUn or New York. He la repreaent rJ by a allver fluted bowl with a Oreek border In repoae and a plain bowl atrlklng In Ita alraplllty of Una and finlah." Among the eihlblta Mr. Wlaner bad were two allver bowla. two copper vaaea In collaboration with Mlaa Knowlton, wbo recently opened an Of fice In tba Marquam building, lo their collactton waa a allver porringer, on which Ihree Ovh were engraved. Mr. Wlanar haa had no Inatructlon only what ha haa worked out blmerlf from Borne of tha tnagar.tnea on the art and with hla own artlatlc daelgna he haa been greatly benefited. HIHa workahop la attractive. It la well lighted and, fltteJ op not only for work ing but for comfort aa well. Not only dot- thla artlat make attractive bow la, vaaea, tea note, urna. etc., but Jewelry aa well, even tba aattlnge and enamel ing are dona. Mr. Wlaner prefera working on larger artlclea. Including punch bow la. traya. etc. He haa had many ordera to All during tha paat few month, to be uaed for Cbrtatma glfta, aeveral having come from New York. It require many toola to perform thla work. Including hammera. carving tixil. Hammera of many aizea and vartetlea ara found In the ahop, the vialtor counting thirty-eight of all Ize. many of these being made of pollahed born. CITY RECORDER TAKES IS8UE WITH U'REN AND COUNTY OFFICIAL. PRESENT LAW ADEQUATE, HE SAYS 'Propoaitlon Ud Aa Bait By Single Taxera Te 0t Vote For BUI," Daclarea Lawyer. Live Wire Luncheon. The laat luncheon of the Live Wires will be held neit Tuesday. Tbe first I I h. 1Q1 HI Km nn th mm. neea or In trounie sne wa reauj iu imu i glv har aaalatanra. Bb waa an ac- ond Tueaday of January. Membera live member of the Order of Eaatern who cannot attend are urged by M. J. 8,ar ! l-arelle. feed Wire, to notify him. i ; r mi w it ii r ' j was of a kind dlapoaltlon, and in alck i neea or In trouble he waa ready to -r-r " m- 5d- ?klL. ft Christmas Will Be llcre Before Yoa inow It Do Your Buyinr? Now! came last year you resolved nver tunment to a vwui har-Atter TaTrh-n Phrialmait aeain to wait uu m ia u.v."" . Chri.tm5. Shopping and te li ried alt the time-and hv to take hat Ml thn early il.oprrs had ibeir pick. Now is the Time to Cash in on That Proposition . i .l. Whether you buy of us of not, Kr--sr--. - kill UVC nrai .' r aaagtawgaBWaBBgaaaWgaMaanaaWaWajs 'III com In now Tou thing. u-. ifi r.rri.S so muc ino ouiii a-- of am.rrci.tion aa jewelry h aentiment or feeling of Nor l It neceaaary to nd gema. Tbe im)ori.. fi .7 i ..haa elsewhere, and. in in.tancea you e, very TrSl. in Our stock is absolute., 'r' -J There 1. no,. to this k ' . ..i.utlnnB. point ia-mak pr"." .. ' i-i from of any In tUia city Our line offers you the wl Our price at, in no cse - a . t. art MinrK W,U blKl , There no 0 i. renrearui1"- . zz? v -5 ot ,,K 1 .n1 w. will make them riKt of Suggest ions For Presents Blt., Coll Bollons, TM Silv.r. CWm, Cot GUm . -:-...! i nlll anil in-i in. i.e lines are still today or tomorrow, . -full and complete Please Wing your o-r stix li Burmksttr & Mndnstn C. ij.raJ, 4i SUSPENSION BRIfCt MJ I COHNIR -M I OILECON CITY jtWELtRS Uvy Etlpp, City Recorder and Aa slstant District Attorney, Saturday took laaue with the single tax advo- catea on a matter of vital Importance. The land tag men aay that nn.ler the present law water power I not taxa ble. Mr. Stlpp aaya It I. Hla statement follow: I understand that the "Single Tax era" ar claiming that their bill will add much In the way of taxable prop erty by providing for tbe taxing of watr power and franchlaea, and tbat theke thing ara not now taxed. Thla claim waa formerly made to both of these matter, but I believe that they have now with drawn tba claim aa to franchlaea for tna renaon tbat the preaent law pro vide positively that all "franchise and special franchisee" shall be aa- aeased. Tbia water power propoaitlon la used by the single taxera aa a bait to get votfr tar their bill, for that rea son It la Important to know what tha present law la and whether tbe clalma ar Just. Section 3531, UAL (Our present lawa) aay that all property not ex empt shall be assessed and taxed. (I am only giving the substance of the law and I find that water power la not exempli. Section 2552 aaya that land ahall not only Include the land It aelt but everything "appertaining to It." Section 432, Vol. 2. Fa m ham. Water and Water Rlghte, aaya that water and water rlghta ara to be aasessed with the land In connection with which It la uaed and the land la to be asieased with tha added value. I find that the other text-hooka on law and the deris ions hold the aaroe thing. So under our statute tha water la to be assessed with tha land. The duties of the Board of State rommUalonera la denn4 nnder Sec tion 36 1 7. Li. O- L. sub-sections 6 and 6, of which are aa follows: S. To construe the tax and revenue lawa of the 'state whenever requested by any officer acting under such lawa. or by any Interested person, and to Instruct such officer In relation to their duties with reference to assess ments end taxation and collection of public taxea. dues, and revenues. 0 To fue Instruction and direc tion to the County Assessor, County Board of Equllizatlon, County Clerks and Tax Collector aa to the method best calculated to aecure uniformity In the ayatem of assessment and col lection of taxes, to the end that a full cash valuation for asaeeament and taxation of ALL PROPERTY, REAL AND PERSON A I TANGIRUC AND IVTANGinLJS. INCLUDING franchisee nd special franchlaea. also ahall be obtained, and to prescribe blank forma of reporta for that purpose. . Mr. U Hen aay that tha P. R . U ft Company la using and aelling water power In Cnct""i county mat la worth a.' 'aM H.onoono. which la no. and which n-od lawvers gfy cannot. be legallv sesed for taxation under present No rood lawyer ever said that artef havinr ronje a carerui tudy Of te law Sown lawyer In terested In single tax mlaht have aald It for the purpose of promulgating the , single tx theory, or aorre lawyer whose client are Interested In water nower mlaht av the same tVn:. 1 do not believe that the Tax Commla- slon will give any auch onlnlon In ritlng aa Mr. U'Ren aaya they gave him. I am conceited enough to believe hst I ran convince the Sunreme Court r-f this state (if they need con- vlnclne) tbt water power Is assessa ble and taxable under present lawa. Mr. Jack sav that he never Rave any onlnlon that water power wrs not assessable. Certain It la, he never asked any assistance of me In aolv- Inr. thla question. If the Poar.1 of State Tax Commia- aloners say that water power la not assessable or taxable nnder present conditions. It 1 perhaps because tbey do not wish to do ao, or It might add to their Inbor, and ao Is taboo The troth la. the present law 18 adequate and it la only because we have Incompetent officials or Decanse hey are not Interested aa they should be. Tha above assumes the values as stated by Mr. IT Ren to be correct. T said nothing about freak lnwg my- elf and lust why U'Ren mentions me In the conclusion of hla article I Jo ' not know. Information waa received from Port land Saturday that the team the Wa bash Athletic Club would bring to Oregon City today la not the regular Wabash llno-un, bat etars picked from flva- of Portland a faateat elavena. If auch la the cAe Oregon City will cer tainly have her hand full taking car. of the visitor. It la hoped that Wabaah will have tha aame team that played Vancou ver and Folladay. In either eaae the local boys have their work cut out for them. It promises to be tbe beat game here this aeaaoa by far. There are some doubta aa to wheth er "Smiley- suer, tregon cuy a craca right end, will be In the game on ac count of lllneaa In hla family. The local lad had light algnal prac tice Scii'rday night, putting on the finishing touches. The whole team ap pears to be In excellent shape, ready to put o the game of their Uvea. long a foot la In pretty good anape and be will probably be lo bla old position In today'a etruggle. Thla will be big help to the borne team. The field la In fair shape but a cold wind would help acme. If It waa the leadt bit drier tbe play would be fakler. The game will be called at 30 o'clock. Couple Get License. A marriage license waa Issued Batr urday to Anna Schelbe and Edwln Wertendyhe. - PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY ofCMicnT . - Next rehearsal In ' Masonic Temple, Tueaday evening, December 19, lnatead of Mon day evening aa prevloualy an nounced. Readers of thla no tice are requeated to notify fellow membera of the change. 4 --;- i HAROLD A. BWAFFORD. Secretary. LADIES! For Him! NOVELTIES THAT MEN AND BOYS LIKE FOR CHRISTssAaV THEY ARE NOVELTIES. Many selected, especially for Xmaa trade, not to. apeak of p resell ta for ladles tbat will surprise them from a man's store. Fancy Vests, Silk Scarf. Knitted Mufflers, Suitcases, Hand bags, Handkerchiefs, Gloves. 80k Suspenders. Reefers, Sweatel Coats, Jerseys. Hosiery, Jewel Sets, Bavtk Robes, Smoking Jackets, Umbrellas. That's the anawer! For the gayetlea of the Holiday Full Dress Suits. Warm Overcoats! SPECIAL Slightly Imperfect . ka weave $10. ' Elk Robes S5. Only a limited number left. Price Bfotherc EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Not Like Others, , tin and Main Ba. HARDINO LAUDS SHAW. . , Bhaw has been aa efficient Chief. He has been In easy eaUl e when an officer was needed. Everything has been quiet oa tie the street. For the best later- ests and peace of the city I woald strongly petition the Mayor for e hia re -appointment. GEO ROE A- HARDING. ' Ask for the Red Trading Stamp, and secure iHc best Premiums: Great Holiday Reduc tion on all Whiskies, Brandies, Wines and Cigars until January 1st 1912. All goods guaranteed and satisfaction given D. M. Klemsen 421 Main Street L, ADAMS Oregon city's G0 Department Store Sec the new Palme Gar ment Suits and Coats. Special values now offered in Ladies' Suits and Coats at Xmas Price $14.90 Hart Scfiaffnef & Marx Suits and Overcoats for men. Just what you want at our Special Xmas Price. . $20 Young Mens anu Boys' Suits Buy your boy a suit for his Xmas present. We have a fine selection of the best makes of boy's clothing at prices from $2 50 to $10 New Department , of up to date new Furniture and Stoves. We invitt your special attention to quality and prices. : 4, ''' , .- n '"ft .;'.! .in :1 V. I .3 V.