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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1911)
UOttNINO EtiTKKPRISK. SATURDAY. HKCEM BKK 1(1 1911 A CJtjtzty Mavomont In Chrfsintao Qooda from Today oh. at too Dto Oioro-Oticp Earty cad Pel FtrcUJk TODAY IS DOUBLE STAMP DAY PramK ByscBi Oa all aceounla paid today we will aUe Itouble Trading bUbi Tba wilt enable rod to both pay your account and ... On all purchases made today will give double the amount of Trading Stamps. Carlatmae shopper ehould lake ll'MUM f thla offer. able gift. STORE Santa Claus' Headquarters ,--.- ,. - II i i i a at i a v 1 lllll III m vi irm a a . a a a ar vrsaaaf i tit 1 1 IIAV 1 kg) (I ' ' V - f -v, L i ' The Gift of Lasting Enjoyment Too plMM the home-maker moot when rm ghe her eomethlng that ru be weed la the bom. No knick knack, nothing ho value or wa fulneee la for only a abort time. No matter how eipeaelve that thin ana bo, tt cannot offer toe complete noytnft and aaitsfactloa of aoanething that will brine constant comfort and pleasure day la and day -out to the woman la the home, and ao we suggest to you. father, eon or dsugater. to you Individually or collectively. gift that will fill with delight the womaa who pridee over yoar home and be a pride and comfort to her for many yeara to come Tb Standard Favorite Range we bare them from $50 to $80 The Standard la only one of the maay makea of ran gee we handle. See oar complete One before buying BEAUTIFUL RUG FOR XMAS What U more appropriate for holi day preeenta than something that will beaatlfy and make more com fortable, the home? And what adda more to the beaaty anj comfort of the home than a handaome floor covering. Right here' la the place to and the newest and largeet line, to select from. A Ggeat Holiday Display Christmas Stocks at Highest Point of Completeness Now The HoliJar arc almost here and ChrUtmaa (.itta will mcgevt thcmrUca if you tthia Kttat nt Store.' The splendid rradlrx-w of our unumal stockt now nulca tclcvtiom a rrMUW"lc,r.V.T"'?'"!li2! handling the holiday rush have been made. The choosing of rP.KiiJjl urPlinS ."LL'L"!?-! household need of almost every description could never re more pleasantly and cowvwk ally a4wnplihed than now at this helpful atore. Today we call your attention M a number of attractive uffct7lnr; hu,jhryare small proportion of the great number you'll find here. MANY ATTRACTIONS IN TOY DEPARTNENT So there will be interest for nwtbejx.a4eJlAiixcilemr4 for children from now on. Come to the atore ol plaything Ciladdrn the Girl'a heart by trtting her a writing dek ; only $VJ.3,Y A larr a-rfmrnt of hamUm iloll from, 8c to $i.50. Make your boy happy give him an automobile. Here is Gift that ft sure to please $M.50 to $ GIVE HER A KITCHEN CABINET for CHRISTMAS You couldn't find anything in town ao certain to delight your wife as this great labor-aving machine, $7 to iVM A GIFT OF LASTING ENJOYMENT One of the most appropriate, and a gift that will be appreciated for a long tinie will be a good carpet swerper. Anything that makes the housework easier is appreciated t a gift. We hare them at up. V YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER Why not enjoy it on a nrw dining table? One llr ibmc cut. 9.1113. We have nthera. up to fMMMI. SEALY MATTRESS No Tuft No layers The ttoaly la the Maitreea of qualltf; M l worth what It ruete. u filling le all pure, eg flbre rot loo eonk t a pound In the bale. We ao guarantee It No other malt ma maker gtvea aurh guarantee Ha bta mattrwa Many felt mettreaaea are not even adrertld aa cotton. Manr that are advertised aa rottii are really made of llnlera. or the eaale frea cotton gtna. or of mill acre pa 'and abodly. The Healy tnftleaa albgle bait construction require fbe beet mtnal In order to produce a tunlesa mattreaa that raa be guaraaterd ( W yeara against becoming lumpy or hanrby. The BCALY la ao guaran teed ao other tuttleaa mattreaa ever was. PRICE $24.fl5 C o o O u r Window DiopiayThoyVJiii Nolp You In Golootlng Your Chrlotmao Qifto Stories froni Out of Town . - LOGAN. F. C Wilson attended the meeting of the Lower Columbia Fire Relief AaaocUtion. held in Oregon City, Mon day. ,T Frank Kohl had two Angara badly eruahed while working In the saw mill. Mrs. IfeMorray, Br, has returned from a visit la the East, accompanied by her aged parenta. Creamery patrons received 34 cents for butter fat for November from '-he C C Ceamery. V. Hutchlns. one of the enterprises dairy-men. waa la attendance at the dairy meeting in Portland. O. D. RobMne la putting In a con cre'e foundation to bis residence. Mr. Henry Hageman haa moved near Portland. All who are looking for a good time get your basket and come o tb en tertainment Saturday night and smile at the way "A Quiet Family" doea Jours. Good muale. There waa a social bop at Gill's hall Saturday night ' Clackamaa County Pomona Grange meets with Hardin Grange Wednes day, January 10. C. E. 8 pence, who attended the national aeasion of the order la expected to be present to ad dress the meeting, "aleo State Lecturer H. A. DarnalL COt-TON. The membere of the Molalla tele phone dlrUlona Na 13 an J , held a meeting last Saturday and elected new officers. Mr. 8anaon, the supervisor of road district No. 11, and a crew of men are doing aome needed road work, and bias ting this week. ' Mr. and Mra. C. Carr, of Bee Hills, passed through Col ton on their way to Oregon City Friday. Mlaa Nora Wilson, .our teacher, re tnraed from Oregon City after apend lnr a week with her folks. C. Stromgreen, director of Beaver Creek telethon dlvlalon 14. attended the dlrectora' meeting at Beaver Creek Monday. He also mad a trip to Ore gon Cltr. Mr. 8 wan son fa visiting bis brother and family at Colton. Uncle Stromgreen butchered two hog last week, one weighing JM pounds and the other 370. Mlaa Nellie Bonner, who waa home from Eatacada spenJing a few days with her folke at Colton, waa pleaa antly eorprlaed Saturday evening, by anlte a number of her frlenda from Klwood and Colton Mlsaea Blla .Dohlstrom and Nora Wilson, teachers f the Bee Kill and Colton nrboole, attended the teachera meeting at Clarkea Saturday. John Arquett made a trip to Upper Colton the latter part of the week, v Ed. Ball la working for Law Hub biM. W. B Oorbett did aome stump pull inr for A. Erickaon with bla stump puller 1"t week. Charlie Swan, of El wood, who was butchering bore Saturday, dellverod the meat at poltotj the first of the week. . MARQUAM. tereral realdenu of this town at tended the basket social at GladUJ Inga school houa last Saturday night Harry Hibbard and hla vlfe will take charge of the telephone the first of the year. Mlaa Nora Barth and her brother Albert, who haa had charge of the Marquam telephone for a year, will retire the first of the year. Guy Larklna. Miss Bell Gray and Mil Kate Ridings were appointed on a committee on muale and program for the 'Christmas tree eierctses Christ mas evening. Other committees will be appointed later. CheMey Bentley took a fine lot of hogs to Canby Friday. Ha bad twenty-five or thirty bead and reowed 7 rente live we'ghL The Thaakaglvlng euper given by V. f iluy A L4 waa a mail flnan. rim i if mm wni u .mil. a crowd waa present The night's pro gram consisted of recitations and ao loe. The Marquam Marine band played. . I John Barth la hauling lumber to ! build another barn. Mr. Aabo la hauling poUtoea. He is getting IS centa a busbeL t -CLARKCS. Haaev Rogera la on the sick' list H Wallace waa calling on our new neighbor, Mr. Harrison, on the Beck place Monday. E B. Stark and N. Lapham, hla nephew, were In Oregon City Monday. also Mr. and Mra. L. Wallace and children Pete Sagar passed through our burg Sundav. W. Wallace is clearing land at pres ent r Mueller anJ J. Delnlnger, the In surance agent, were calling In thla burg Monday. A number from here attended the shooting match at R. Bullard'a Satur day and many carried off prieea In the dnck llae. Epb Iodge and family have moved to Redlsnd. A number are suffering with bad colds. I : I Fall rown grain looks fine around here. The Wallace family spent Sunday with IX Sagar and family. Tbe teachers' meeting waa held last Saturday In the Clarke school house. Mr. Gary and the supervisor, Mr. An derson, were present and also genersl tescber. A short program waa ren dered. Refreshments were served , Mr. Marqnardt was la town last week. Tbe German M. B. church la mak ing preparations for a Chr1mna tree, Mr. Berath, from Portland, was la Clarkea last week. Mr. Hasg Is very 111. Mr. Eaaton, from Canby, visited In Tlmbergrove over Thanksgiving. A special road tax meeting will be held on the 23rd of December In dis trict No 30. r Clarkea haa organized ' a society which meets on Wednesdays of each week In the achool house. Henry Orossmlller, Will Melntyra and Vernon Larklna have postponed their trip to The Dallea until the fol lowing Wednesday, the postponement being due to a minor accident which Mr. Orossmlller received by cutting his toe off while splitting wood one Amw tart WMk. Mra. ' E. A. Creavea fa Ttalttng her parenta. Mr. and Mrs. U. N. Larains. Lew Maion. wife and daughter at tended church Sunday evening. The leap year dance at the Orange hall will be on New Yeara" ntgbt The ladles of the Grange will be In charge. Vernon Larktue and- 8lene Sagar, of thla place, attended the basket aoclal at Beaver Creek Friday night and re ported a good time. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Jim Shell and family, who spent the last two yeara In Aberdeen. Waah , re turned to thla place last week and have moved Into H- Brand's houae ad joining the atore on the south. F. M. Darting haa hla green house nearly readr for the glaae. Mr. Grady, who Uvea In the Hyaom cottage on Hood street, papered a house this week for Fred Eggiman. of Mount Pleasant. Mra J. H. Qulnn la staying with Mra. W. A Eggiman thla week O. F. GIbba haa a lama foot and la using a crutch.. O. M. Heckart, of Meadowbrook, waa tranaactlng business In thla burg laat Saturday and Sunday. The bible atudy class of the Moun tain View Sunday achool. met at the home of Mra. A. Mauta laat week with ten womea present and next week the meting will be held at the home of Mra. J. A. 8wanson. , - .- Claude Van hoy la Ill Mr. Babeock. wf Beaver Creek, took bta alek horse home Tuesday after having It here four weeka. Mr. and Mra. A. Manti are 111. Mr. Waltera la III at the home of hla daughter, Mra. D. W. Orifffn, of Hood etreet. Walter Oorbett, of Colton. waa the gueat of hla parenta Tuesday evening. He la hauling goods from Oregon City dock to the Colton atore. . Fred Ballard la making preparations for a fine garden next year. Mra. Jennings Is spending this week among relatives In Portland. ' Mra. Maggie Cnrran la much better thla week. Rev. S. B. Moffft of Newberg, is a guest of W. 8. Oweng. Mra. Magle Lowry, of Falle View, and two children, are visiting her mother, Mra. Edgecome. Rer, B. Cyrus Smith, of Mt. Scott, Portland, will hold services at tbe Mountain View church next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. He preached a One aermon at tbe church last Sunday evening George Strong and wife, of Willam ette, wera gneste of D. W, Gillett and family laat Sunday. COffiCIAl CLUB CAINS 43 MEMBERS (Continued from page 1.J ; Hyde, O'to Hogg, Fred Hogg, Dr. OeoT E. Humphreys, George J. Hall, Cbae. J. Hood. Dr. L G. Ice A F. Jack, J. E. Jack, Frank Jag gar, Dr. O. I j. Jenkins, O. F. John son, Hsrry Jones, Linn E. Jones, Joa. Justin, Carl Joehnke, R. V. D. John son, H. If. Johnson, ' If. L. Kelly, L. If. KIrchem, John Knspp, B. Kuppanbender, Arthur W. King. . L. J. I Agesen, N. R. Lang, E. S. Larsen, C. D. Latourette, M D Latour ette, J. R. iAtourette, Ward B. Law ton, George Laxelle, M, J. Laxelle, J. Levitt, A. J. lewla, John U. Lewtb- walte, John W. Loder. Kurt Luti. Dan. Lyona. p. D. Undaley. - B. Maaa, M. A. ' Magotie, W. H. Mattoon. J. W. McAnolty. . T. Me lUln. Dr. C. H- Melsaner, C. O. Miller. r. J. Meyer, J. W. Moffait. Dr. I.. A. Morris. H. 8. Moody. 1. 11. 8 Mount. Dr. Clyde Mount. Win. U Mul vey, Tom J. Myera, Henry A. Mont gomery, 8. J. Manning. L A. Noblt, Charles 8. Noble, Em ery J. Noble. ( F. A. Olmsted. Henry O. O Mal ley. Theodore Osmund. Oregon City Enterprise. E. L. Pope. O. A. Pace, C. T. Par ker, R. C. Parker. M. E. Parka. Pari fie Telephone Company, R. Petsold, Dr. L. L. Plckena. Forbes B. Pratt. A. A. Price. George E. Pueey, R. O. Pierce. Rev. C. W. Rob I son, George Ren dalL, Thomas p. Randall. E- P. Rand, H. A. Hands. John F. Rlsley, Charlee W. Rlaley. E. O- Roberta, Thomas F. Ryan, L. Ruconlch. L. A. Smith, W.'W. 8mlth, H. C. Stevens, R. L. .Shepherd, F. B. Schoenborn. Henry C- Salisbury. J. C. Bawyer, Fred Bchafer, W. F. Schooler. C. Bcbuebet W. A. Shew man, H. G. Stark weather, Carl A. Schram. Ed. Schram, J. E. See ley, W. H. 8llcox. Wnt. Shehan, C. E. B pence. Dr E. A. Sommer, Samuel L. Stevena, Llvy Stlpp. H. W. Btre blg. Dr. M. C Strickland, Wm. Stone, Jr., W. B. Btokea, Dr. C. A. Stuart, E. Kenneth Stanton, T. W. Sullivan, D. T. Skene, Clarence 81mmons. I. D .Taylor. M. D- Telford. J. J. Tobln, V. i. Tooie, I. Tolpolar. W. 8. U'Ren. J. L. Waldron, J. If. Walktr, A. C. Warner. Charlea Walte, J. C. P Weatengard, Walter 8. Wells, Norman White, Lloyd Wllllame, D. C. Wil liams, W. J. Wilson, W. J. Wilson James Wilkinson, J. N- Wtsner, John A. Webber. R. O Voung, Harry E. Toung. AMONG TflCflURpIEi First Bsptist Church Main and Ninth streets 8. A. Hayworth, pastor. Preaching by the pastor at IV a. in. and 7:30 p. m. ' German Lutheran Church Service Sunday. Dec. 17, 10:30 a. m. Sun day achool at 9.30 a. m. In English and German. At 3:30 p. m. rehear aal of tbe Cbristmss progrnm. Wed nesday night meeting of the Young People. All are cordially Invited. Rev. H. Mau, pastor, Csthollo Corner Wster and Tenth etreeta. Rev. A. HlUebrand pastor, raaidence 313 Water; Low Maaa a. tn., with sermon; High Mass 10:30 a. nfT; afternoon service st 4; Maaa every morning at S. Congrsgstlonat Church Rev. George N. Edwards, pastor, regular morn ing service 10:30. Sunday achool 11:60. Evening service 7:30. Morn Ing subject, "The Quest for Christ," a Christmas allegory. Evening sub ject "Tbe Child Crowned King." ' Special mimic. first Church of Christ, gclsntlst, y Ninth and Center etreet Service at 11 a. m. Sunday achool Immediately after morning service. German Ivsngsllcsi 3orner Eighth and Madison streets. Rev. F. Wleveslck pastor, - residence 713 Mtdlson; Sunday School 10 a. m., Ing Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Olsdstene Chrlstlsn Rer, A. H. Mat- . key, pastor: Bible school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 and I. Mountain View Union (Congreca tlonall Sunday achool 3 p. m., Herman Behrader, Monroe a'reet superintendent; mdrnlng service 11; Young people at 7 p. m. and preaching at I p. m.v prayer meet Mrs. J. H. Qulnn, suMrintendent; Bible Study every Thursday after noon. First Methodist Eplacepsl Church, T. tl Ford, pastor I'sstor's reel dtnre SIS Center street. Pastor's study In the church. Services: Sun dsy school :tJ a. ra., C. A. Wll llama, superintendent. 10:41 a. m., public aervleea, preaching by tbe paator. 13 m.. Class meeting. Broth er Yoder, leader. 3 p. m.( Junior church aervlce, Mlsa Caae. leader. :30 p. m , Epworth League devo- . lional meeting, Harold 8 w afford, preaUient 7:30. preaching by paator. Prayer' meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. A cordial Invita tion la extended to tbe publle. Ac commodating ushers await you at the door of the church. "Come thou with ua and we will do thee good." First Prssbyterisn Church Rev. J. R. Landsborough, minister. Sunday ' achool at 10 o'clock. Mra. W. C Green. superintendent Morning worship at 11. Y. P. 8. C.E. at 6:45. Parkplacs Congregational Rev. J. L Jonea paator, realdence Clackamaa; Chrlstlsn Endeavor Thursdsy eve nlng 7:30. Sunday school 10, Emery French superintendent; preaching aervleea each Sunday, alternating betweea 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; at. Paul's P rotes tant episcopal Church; C. W. Robinson, rector: Holy eucbariat, S a. m.; morning prayer, 10:30; holy eucharlat and aermon, 11; evening prayer aod aer mon, 7:30; Sunday achool, 11. United Brethren Corner Eighth and Taylor, Rev, L F. Clarke pastor, residence, Portland; Sunday achool 10 a. m., Frank Parker, Maple Lane, superintendent; morning aervlce 11; Y. P. 8. C. E. 6 p. m., evening aervlce 7. Willamette M. Ev No regular preach- Ing aervleea; Sunday achool 3 p. m Mra. Reama, superintendent, lion Lutheran Corner Jefferson and Eighth atreeta. Rev. W. R. Krai berger pastor, residence 720 Jeffer son; Sunday school 3:30 a. m.. Rev. Kraxberger, superintendent; morn ing aervlce 10:80; evening 7:4?; Lutber League 7 p. m. West Oregon City School House J. O - Saata will preach at 3 o'clock. Sun day 'achool conducted after aervlce, Churoh Of the United Brotherhood In Christ B. Clack, paator: Sabbath achool 10 a. m., F. Parker, superin tendent. Y. P. 8- O- E., 6:30 p. m Alice Boylsn, president Evening sermon 7:30. Welcome to alL A Waip That Uses Tools, Wsspe are In one ree-t more civ ilised than any other Insect or animal. John Hurrongua tells us that, "though it bss been thought that man Is the only tool using animal, yet there Is one species of wasp, ampiophlla, that uses a little tiebble to pound down the earth over her nest She takes the pebble la her mandibles, ss yon or I would Iske a atone In our band, and usee It aa a bammer to pound dowft tbe aell above the cavity that holds her egg. This la a remarksble fact So far ss I know, there Is no other animal on this continent that makes any mechanics! use of an object or substance foreign to Ha own body to thla way." ( TWO HURT IN SAME WAY WHILE DmVmG Charlea Derrick, who la employed by Chris Muralt, of Beaver Creek, sua talned a eertoua Injury while working Thursdsy morning at the Muralt farm Mr. Deirica waa driving a t4m of horses, and when hla left foot became caught between tbe breakbeam ot the wagon and a stump, breaking hla ankle. The injured man waa brought to this city by Mr. Morsl' and plated ta tba Oregon City Hospital, wheie lr H b. Mount attended him. Fred Josal, wbo lives on the Beaver Creek road, waa Injured a frw days ago In the same manner aa Mr. Iter rick. He waa driving along a road when hla foot struck a stump, break ing bla right ankle. Crude Mining Methods. Mica mining In the .Xelloro district India, though a highly profitable Indus try, la earrb-d on practically aa It waa by the aatlvea a hundred yeara ago. Tbe mica vein la followed up by un derhand atoplng which rulta In the production of tortuous, wormlike boles sometimes extending to a of .110 feet below the surface. Tbe mica St eavated la brought to the surface by a string of roolles working band over hand on rudely constructed bamboo laddera. On account of the scenmuu Istlon of water during the nlitlit whro work ceases all sinking nitrations lire delsyed each morning for an hour or more while the water la being dipped out with buckets by coolies. Net Yst Pini.hsd. During a visit to a tit hern town a Washington man am much Interest ed In a smrtll durlir mho bad leen told off ft- MilinliiMrr to bla wsnts One nioml. ir the -sininirer neiied ils eyes to (In I the diminutive cool black servlior -Mndlng n hU Itedidile with a imy benrlng coffee and rolls. "WIki sre j-u, enyhowr facetiously demanded Hie Wahlngionlitn. The taciturn yrtitister vouchsafed no reply, but grinned timidly, "Where were you raledr next In qolreil the visitor, with a vague no tion that this waa an opening iueatin. The little darky griunpd again and chuckled. "I ain't done raised yrt sub!" -New York Herald. Hired. Wsdding Presents. Did you ever hear of hired wedding presents? Home t-urlotie Information about them la given by the Paris Ex. relator, which declares that wedding presents may le hired for the occa sion. The niofher wbo la am Ions to make a brave show of presents st fier dniighter's wedding haa only to go to one of tbe Inrge atores In the opera qtiarter. There a complete aet of prea enta may lie hired. The goods remain under the care of a shopman dlagulsed aa a guest Honor la thue saved, but the Journsl adds that it la aa well when paying a first visit to the young couple not to ask to be abown aome of tbe charming glfta of jewelry ex. hlblted on the wedding day., 111 MARKET IS HEARING BIG W. The chicken market la Or Ouj bowed no change Friday. Ilu ata. selling from 10 to 11 rents, sprint to 11 cents and roosters fur 3 reata. Continued heavy arrivals kar dd to tbe great accumulation asJ i big break In prices Is eiect4. Last week aalea of rhlckeM i made at better than lie a poaa4; k fact one dealer allcg-s that k sV talned lo above this figure. At Us time reeelpta were so small ani demand Ittieral enough to abtnrk 1 offerings at the extreme point Those who hav rhlrkena to os at Itlll lima, ir. tntrmi lo areft whatever buyers are willing to eaV.I because the latter hold the hid D" and are forcing . prices kwsr at I rapid rate. It la predicted la sues quartera that eblckea prices will " aa low as 10c a pound for live af before the week Is over. Prevailing Qregoo City prices aa roiiowa: . Frulta. Vsostsblss. DRIED1 FRUITS (Buying) Prunes on basis of I 14 pounds for BO'a itinm i-ni.vinsk riresa Msk He to go; salt era, to to 6a; dry W 13o to Ho; sheep pslts, tie to T esrh. Msy. Oraln. Fsd. HAY (Buying) Timothy. M JJ fIB: clover, M to l! Pr- b!: to lift- mtieit 19 to 1.1: alfalfa, I'' in tl KA niTo n . - n,i. 127 to 1 tit- iA ta- oil rneallM- Sha'dv llrnk itatrr feed, tl' r ion Dounda FEKD (8e!IIng)-8horts. UT tin: rolled barley. 137.60: proe" K.rl.v niu. tinla corn. cracked corn, 38; white. V 40 ,r; bran 37 to 2I.' utter,' Poultry, Egfl FLOOR 14 SO to 151V BUTTER (Buying) - O6?. nntmtrw l..llar K ta IOC! IV! dairy, line- cream erv. JOC to POULTRT (Biylng)-H'. 1 11... .rlr.. in. mnA ronsiera, o sow m l" ' " W t v v EGOS Oregon ranch ... . 1 SACK VB0BTABTJC8 - "J 11.35 to II B0 oer saek! Pr'?T II IS to 11.50; turnips, It-M to '- Krunea. on baala of Ho f"f BOe; beets, fl.BO. 40c to ise to beets. 11. B0 POTATOES Beet b(ln I I M -Mr. ft per nnnureu. " m mt ONIONS-Oragon, flirto ItW T hundred; Australian, 13 P' "" .a &a - .ia LiveetocK, '""...a Lt BaW-fUva walght)-8'f,1 nd me; oowa, 4Hi D0"' 1 and lOUo. VEAU-Calvea bring 13o, according to grade MUTTON Sheep, 30 lambat 4o and to. frora 34 , an M moat so ana 10. HOOS 138 to 140 pound oa, ry 1 lloj 140 to 300 pounds. If yon are not reading tb uterprlaa, whr not? Yeaf-"" ila, la . rst Mt SU . Bnterprl gain Period back pag la now on. ¬ .-