Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 16, 1911, Image 2

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at S. BROD1E. Idltee ea Pwfcllohee.
saaitac Ja-
T Jl Kit at tha pmt ffl al Ora-aa
CaOre.. weeef UN AM at Mara
Tons suscttrmN.
la Mrwtba. ay a.ll .
e -k. k
Kintf George and Queen Mary
Off For the Delhi Durbar
.ft SO
. I M
. Ie I
. la
IN Sale at the foliowtcc SIOTOS
every day:
HuaOey Bros Drugv
Maim Street.
J. W. McAsolty Cigars
8eveath u4 Mala.
B. B. Aademon,
UUa itir Sixth.
M. E. Duao CoofeotJooery
Next door to P. a
City Dnt 8 'ore
Electric HoteL
8cnoeaborw Coufectloaory
Seventh aad X Q- Adama
Dec 16 In American Hist:ry.
ITTJ-BrMsh tea destroyed tw R"
harbor by America a patrl.Hn.
177T Tbe Called State republic ree.
ognlxed by Pram-
1864-End of the battle of Nashville
. and Coal defeat of the Confederate
ray of the west
1907-Tbe battleship fleet walled' from
Hampton Road a on Its Partfle
T91Q Metvtlle tendon, tumorous
writer and lecturer, known aa El
Perk'nw. d4 at Yoakera. X. T.:
bera 1W
(From mmn today toooon tomorrow.)
Sun seta 430, rtaea T:13; moon rlaea
Sentiment in favor of the reciprocity
agreement with the United States la'
not dead ia Canada by any mean J.
Despite the defeat wulc Ita advocacy
brought opou the Laurler govern
ment the proponents of the agreement
are still aggressive, aa waa B4d
manifest In the Canadian aenate the
other day by Sir Richard' Cartwrlght,
.former minister of trade and com
merce. Sir Richard characterized the op
position to reciprocity aa a political
care and voiced earnest protest
against the manner in which the Coo
servaMTea and their newspaper had
attacked the United States. '
Expressing the belief that the
Canadian people , ahonld cultivate
friendly relations with . their neigh
bor -on the other side of the border
Sir Richard asked: Do the people
know, do ' tbsjee'allngers of mod re
call that jhe people or the United
States are today close to 100.000.000
strong and within twenty-five year
will reach 150,000.0007 . That la the
alnd of power, that la th eort of na
tion that these people think It wise
and prudent and in the Interest of the
British empire for us to insult and
' Now that the eicltenient and noise
of the campaign have subsided and
Canadians can reason calmly and
sanely Sir Richard ' views will un
doubtedly win . many converts to reciprocity.
. -C ' w
; t,,;; i .. , " c
'AX - idili.YM J:
cm TTaae Aaaoctattoe.
Photea by Amrp
A MID the r beers of the London crowd, which never Ure of glittering (ec
4 tactes of royalty. King George. Queen Mary and their entourage drove
on Nov. 11 from Buckingham palace, through the Oreea park, over
CoonUtutloo bill, to show themaelvee for the last time to tbetr loyal
subjects of the British metropoUs until they should return from the iHplbl dur
bar. A short railway Journey In the royal special train took tbeo to VorUt-
mouth, where they embarked on the steamship Medina, converted for the In
dian trip Into a royal yacht. The divan, the room shown in one of the tlhistra
tkna above the other la of the royal carriage aa It paaeed over Conatltutlun
hill Is aa airy lounging place on the hurricane deck. It la paneled la light oak
and baa gray pile carpets and upholstery and hangings of light blue. .Alle
gorical paintings on the wall represent dawn, night, sea and sky.
In the aggregate 28.490 persons axe
receiving pensions from the Federal
government on account of the war.
This number exceeds the strength of
the regular army when the war was
commenced and U said to be 10,000
more than all the troops we had be
fore Santiago On account of the war
there are also pending 8.384 claims
for pensions.
Up to the present time our Spanish
American and Philippine warwipenaes
have been t34.H2.97.37. which ap
proaches within f 12.000,000 of the en
tire pension cost of the wars of 1812,
or that with Mexico. And red-blooded.
patriotic Americans cheefully contri
bute their share of the cort.
American volunteers have proved
that they can be turned into soldiers
la less than three years. On this point
the Secretary of War can safely ad
vocate a shorter term of enlistment
The Cape to Cairo railroad, once re
garded as a mere figment of fancy,'
Is slowly but surely approaching the
stage of reality.
r From the north the tracks are slug
ginshly but steadily pjRMng their way
down to meet the tracks that are
gradually advancing toward the north.
The Blue Nile waa bridged at Khar
tum last year, as welf as the White
Nile at Rabak, Now we are told that
early next year the track layers will !
be at El Obeld.
The Cape to Cairo road waa long i
the favorite vision In the fertile brain
of Cecil Rhodea. As he sleeps the
sleep that knows no waking his dream
Is coming true.
Mr. Taft may have the felicitation
of thinking that If he had not yielded
to Colonel Watterson's combined
threats and blandishments and stayed
out of Kentucky until after the elec
tion he could have turned the tide In
that state.
After It Is fully pumped out the
bulk of Maine will be towed from
the harbor of Havana and sunk In
deep water. An everlasting succes
sion of sensational yarns by magazine
writers out of material will thus be
' Trie Warm lurMa.
The runtuu.Hr Uml tniltrO tifteeu uiln
Utin fur tlu ttn It tmd onu-rrU. II
was very jtil-t as he msii lliere. but
Imernnily there win a wvtbtuir. At
tUw eod of ' I be aixtreuth uiluutr Ibe
waiter who luad beeu in total vlle
fur flftrru mlnuiee and a Imlf Imatled
"Tlint Bob will lie brre. Ir, In fire
Klrf luintttin elnl'xed ibrve 1 1 men
Theu the waiter buttled ii aeuiti.
"Tli t!h will be Wre. ir. la a uilo-
Tbe ruxtntuer turned to lilui.
"Tell me." he uld iv'lftlr. but with
a (ertalo euipbaxlK. "wbnt lull are )ou
nslagT-New Tork Time
Net Fee Tan Timas as Much.
XIarka K" yuu saw tbe wi.uiho who
druiped tbe purse, but IuhI her lu tbe
i-rvwd Old you adreritMv fr ber
rark Ve: I nt tbU iu: "If tbe rerr
homely woman of forty, wearing a
dr of lat year' a style and a iuot
unliei-omlog bat. wb Iran ber ure
containing 83. .V) on Boylaton atreel
Saturday will apply to ber prop
erty will be returned." I've bad no
answer, though. Marks I shoold ssy
not! Do you think any woman would
own up to that description for 83-60?
Boston Transcript
An interesting feature of the re
port of the commissioner of pensions
treats of the soldiers who served In
the Epanish-Amerlcan war.
The figures show that there are now
33.000 Invalid soldiers of the Cuban,
Porto Rlcan and ' Philippine cam
paigns on the pension roll. In addition
to 3,032 dependent mothers, 1,217
widows, 822 fathers, nine brothers
and sisters and 327 children of de
ceased soldiers. . .
An Eait Pruatia Custom.
Mldaumiuer Aj. or Ht. John tbe
Baptist's djv. Is s feMilrnl of ninctl
importance union the M;i-nr ieitant
girls lu eiiKi 'rnml:i. Ou Ibis day
tbey each lunke s wreath. nndea b la
tnrn tries to throw' ber, wreath ho as
to brtfee It on a fruit tree. A girl mnat
keep on throwing- until lier wreath
stsys In Ibe branches, sod ibe uumlier
of attempts Is Miippeed lo Indli-ate
tbe uumlier of yesra-xbe will bare to
wait to jret mnrrled. When tbe girls
are thus enitsKed the .routi;: men of
tbe village at and round challlnK tbero
when Ibey uiisM. Tbe Maur ars
Poles who live In that purl of Prussia
which was noiv part of I'uiuud.
Snnscribe for the DrJIy Rnteroriee
The Musis In Baltimore.
Tbe name of Baltimore undoubtedly
has sweet munic In It. though our own
ear, through king uxuge. ml ax the fact
Wbat ther rlty lo tbee Htatea hears
a more Mtalely, a wore sonurous. i
more meliiSuoua apiellstkioy I'hlla
delpbla ia clumsy: Kanxa City la com
montilaie: New Orlenu la eonxtaDtlv
and rUllcuUHiMj.v mlipronotimed: Pitts-
burgh Is vnlsrar: New Vork Is naa
and harsh: Chh-ago Ix eacopbomiux
Boxtoo la tximbaatic: t'lnrlnnuti and
BuTalrt are nlmurd. Only Balllmore
wooex tbe xenxex and xailxtlex the mind
a lovely, n luwfcini name, a name
full of dltntliy and xetry. a name fit
for tbe baliltnt of bemitlftil women and
magnlflceut men.-Baltimore Huu.
We Must Take Care of Our
Moral Defectives ;
Br Chief Justice I5AAC F. RUSSELL of New York
There is needed a staff of physicians who will give 'all
their time, or nearlj ll, to examining moral defectives the boys and
girls who appear to be moral imbeciles, having no moral sense, no
ondenttandsng of righl and wrong. . -
We need a place for these boys and girls where thej conld be sent
and kept for schooling and manu training and general discipline
EStil they could be turned out into the world with an understanding of
rdar and virtne. "
Forttoc'e is the guild and Hip
port of the other virtues. Locke.
There is s t'rength of quief en
durance that is at significant of
courage a the most daring feals of
prowess. Tuckerman.
White men should exhibit tlia
tame' insentibilitv to moral tortures
that red men 'do to physical tor
ment. Theophile Cautier.
Coisrs U3 Depend Upca
Strengtb 60 Dan Qulclciy.
1 "
tea aaraV l IHaaai 4 t
aae aa aavawat Oaa-
naaxi wasaatlailltr Nr awn,
swers eaawe frae stevMled SaUae wMI
ertawe tmr eelraai hUaMa akea U
White Queen
This Is The Bsst Flour Obtain
able. Lay In Your Winter Supply of
Coal Now.
Hay, Grain, Ffsd' and Kofroct
- Poultry Food.
Commission C o
Oraoon City.
Frae Chemieaj Has ttsed tKe Oat
Ramaraaely Wa4Aa AltsM In
Oame Many Ysare MFarland and
Ceuleet Unntarkad.
Abe Attvll. cbamplou still aftr near
ly fourteen yeere la Ibe ring
Parky MvKarland. well aud Uaprj.
tb beet lu tbe world at bl weight and
Bot a mark to abow fur " yra at
a s ranprr.
Matt Wells, sevta year lo the gaute.
perfectly ratloual and Ibe KuglUb
light weight t bantploB. w
Johnny Coutuo. rlear compieiKa. like
that or a aot'rty belle, and bantam
ehamplou. after all yean of avlttlos
Aud agidu:
Ink KiimvII. t as clear f brain a
be uxetl lo lx.
Khl ItrtMd. a trine unaHMtai
itattlldtf .Vlaou,ifruui all avt-vuata.
puo. n groggy.
Abe tKldi Good uau. out aa wbur a
of jure; Itoer I'ubola tbe wuie
The above are a few llutrallon ot
the xuprewat-y of s.l.-o. aa pitied
agalnxt bulldog strvOKtb .! louk'bueaji
00 tbe batlleicrouud of board Wuowo
aa tbe "roprd sreua. lu oue band
we bsve four wen, rbaniioua lu tuelt
reepei live i la Who hate won then
rrowna ibriNuh a prvfeivihe lo bug lu
Stead of lu ncbt. I" liw Ihelr beads" In
atead of their brawn. Kei-Hillr. shirt s
gtame over tbe tlxt of uten bo look a
putx h 10 give ooe wbo depended on
tbelr physical power-' more ton a tbey
did upou (.'levrroena. - Note Ibe effect
of tbe two eourwe to pui:tlliic fame
A moral lu tbU atury la uot barut to
Cod-tbe xafrxt way la the le-l lu OkBI
dotu and geuerally the hortet ruuta
to the height. Moreover, tbe stay at
tbU coulee aput Im of louiser duratWo
One tiften bearx Ibe et rrloii. -Ile'a
a rough, tough fellow " There are
plenty of rnigb. tough felloea. bul
tbey usually t-ome to ibe end of itteir
let ber long before Ibey ImuM. Touch
neaa la all right ami undeniably count
whjle la tbe full bloom of It stability,
but unleaa there la something else to
endure tbe bardxblps or t make Ibeiu
lighter tbe Jaw becomes quite rare and
' Abe Altell Is a lough fellow, but lie
Utllliex tbe axxet but seldom, for the
reason that be bua developed arleo
tlflrally to xuib an eilrnl that be la
rarely forced lo fall liaHt iu It I'urky
klcKnrlsDd u a sharp inmraxt Now,
very tew a wild xey that 'ntrt k hnd
a Cru Jaw or c-oukl went ber a vk aua
pum-b The Cbhugoan U 'toriumtte
enongb to not need a atrong Jaw,
bowei er, for it la ool often I bat be
gets banged bard enough to ro k lit
eyeballs. Parkey knowa how to pru
tei t blmxelf. Ho do Matt Well and
Johnny CouUin.
Tbene glove puxberw. therefore, go
on year after year meeting the lel
and are good for an extenalre -rl.l
of ling activity, t'nleea you bud area
MrParlnml'a picture and were
qiiiilnted with blm you oetrr would
Imagine be waa a puglllxL III kin
la pink and unblenlxbed. Illx enrx
are like an ordinary man's wbo bu
never xeen a right, and tilx none b
never been iNrsted upon .
Tbe ret of the gixxj one bare not
been aa Im ky. attbougb Ibey are
marked but little. CouUm bax a gaxh
under hla eye. Wells baa a puffed ear.
and Attell bus a sumabed noa Ate
didn't get It In tbe ling, however A
thrown brfc k did It.
Battling Nelson was a lighter. Lit
tle ntienre bad he It waa strength
and stamina tlint be depended ou.
Tbey served bint for uiosy years b
cause Bat was an exceitUo to Hie
general run of tough ones. Rut take
a look al tbe Dane today. Ill fine
has been all battered up. bla iioxe baa
been broken, and hla enra bnv swollen
so sbnormslly that his besting la so
Impaired be can't distinguish the
sound of ibe gong soy more.
Unk Ituaaell Is snld lo be demented
from tbe punching be bss received.
Tbere are a great tnsny others we
might mention. Ueeted abuxe bsa
driven many a lighter crazy At moat.
unleaa he Is a Battling Nelxou. the
career of s "rough, tough fellow" la
not a Marathon oue. It la the nmn
with tbe clevemexa thai win nut In
pugilism, and toughness alone Is not
worth three hurrah
Driver Murphy Hss Great Rsoord.
Tbotvas Murphy, who wna tbe
largest winning driver over the grand
circuit this year with It. T. C Charlie
llltciiell. Lady tale, fir it. sod other
well known harness boraea. with 873..
000 lo his credit, rode 29$ mile In bis
races, not counting the dlxlsort trav
eled while scoring. Of the 20ft miles
raced 1-'jA were made In time better
than 2:10.
WANTKD Tourists Sod local people
to see my collection of arrow-heads
coins, India lrnkia. vid slants
and curios of ! aorts Will bu
or sell In thu i-ut IUt n gou.1
bargaisa la seiooJbaad furniture
and tools, (,eiu(vt VotUg. Main' tH
Dewr rlfth.
Miss Sutton to Play Tannic Abroad,
According to renorta from Monte
Carlo. Mlxx May "utton. toe ex Ameri
can and English tennis champion. Is
to vlali tbe Itinera this winter and
play In moat al! Ibe big tournaments
there. Msnsgers of tbe tournaments
at Nice and Monte Crftio think tbey
ul be able lo Induce Mrs. lamhert
Chamber, the English champion. To
pir. ,
Possible Rsliof.
Proapectlvs Tennnt-I like the bouxe.
but I don't like that bugs building
iu front. It's siH b a dreary outlook.
Agent Oh. but that's only a gun-
Itowdcr factory. It might aiplode soy
dny.-London Opinion. '
A nsreine.
Mrs. Freed to small dangbterh-My
darling. I want to tell you a secret
Tour mother Is going-to be married
sgaln neit week. Daughter Ob. mam
ma! And after all tbe trouble ws had
with psps!-Boston Transcript.
WANTKft Pour a to b"ard and
room by prlvsie family, good table
and rooms, ft M a week. Inquire
at Enterprise. t
tXR SAIJ5 by C. II. Uveaay, carload
Trn powder. Jutt received.
POIl 8 AIJC-Household furniture,
bouae for real. Inquire It Fourth
a reel, Oregon City-
Wltb ample sspllal, ae
equlpmsnt and a genuine
w ar In position te
k - . - J I. . . L I
Your Intorewts wilLf rew If yew hova
and w serdiaiiy
te the tullsst peesikf eslsnt
att , aaeeuntlns. sallit
! raM hslpfu)
bualnssa man an.: individual.
,nm ssai
rsrew if yeu hsvs a flnsnslal heaaew.-
yew tool at heme Hera, um, sr 7.7
ThcyOAak of Orecon City
.Vt-m PAH a. in THE CUUWTT
DV n. UkTOVsUri rri-il p. J -igT-fll. Caaa
a Jisatral B)MhleMj Sweleeee. Osmsm feee t A. M.
Flng instruments. Slrector of bend
orchoatra. Wl.l rural muMc
or any oteaUU. OU at Kleetrti
Hotel - .
CO, V. M Bluum. Wood and ral
delivered lo all parts of Ibe rl'.y.
your orders I'acllle JiOJ. Home
II 114.
PIANO Tl'NINtl If you want your
piano thoroughly and accurately
tuned, al moderate roal. uotirr
ptsno Tuner at Electric Hotel
Htrongly endorsed by the director
of the philharmonic, who will per
sonally vouch for bla work.
TO- RKNT Itooma with board In
private family. Address "A," rare
PARM- LOAN Wuilck i "uimick,
lawyers, Oregoaj City, Or.
O. IX BUT. Altorwer-at-Law. Meate
loaoed. s Net r acts fir Disked, faad
Ullea aiaattaet. a(ats settled. e
oral law Over leak el
Oreguej Oty-
C HEN flCHl'ETlEU Attoraeywxtt
Law, Deulsehsr Advokat. wtM prax
Uce la all oura. make cotlntlras
arise lUdg Or ecu) Oty. Oi utav
aiuiiot Ra N cTcoraj TcToat0
HARRY JONEH Buflder aad OaeersJ
Coetraetor. EoMmates cbeerfwly
given on all elaaeee of bwlldtng
work, concrete watka ane retaforeed
ewaereta Res Psoas Mala IP
K II , COOPlfR. rH" n-e laewraaee
and Real Ketsta. Lot ae handle
vor prnperttee e bey. eel! and
eirbange. OfTlce ta ajafrprtoe
Rtdg.. Oreeow City. Oeesm
CIIICAOO TAILORS aulta made to
order from 110 and up. We slao do
cleaning, preaalng and repairing
Three doors south of poatollce.
J. ALBA 8 ACER, tearaer of wind and
IjOHT Saturday, a brown and while
muley row. Kinder return lo Jim
(iravee, 8eveuteenth street, or Q
Kntlebrwcbt'a place), aad receive re
ward. v
IJewellen Gordon Heller pup. brown
face, white body, brown spot on
hips Return to 604 Fourteenth
street and receive reward.
i-w ..-aevr- a. eM:n tee .i ,.m
Court of sld county. aa4 lu (w
,Iale4. Dec. . ll.
A Homey fur ytts.
Netisa of Apptisstien rf iZL'
Llseo'i. ""
Notice la hereby gleu. thai
at the Hen eilr tttaetlna i .J:
City OoutwU apply for a Boson, u
sell liquor si my ptsce of kiwM
411 Main aireet. for a psndst
torn ntuiiiBa.
' Hotsl Arrivtla
The following are reginersd u n
r.wirn iioivi:
J, U lleodry, Ora
MlrberL Kugeoe; A. 8 t'srle. fx fc
Tbomaa, Portland: pred RuliUs4er
Beaver Creek; M. P iHiylea, rnud
Mann. John t;ian. Albany; J M ke
wards. 8pkana, Weak ; II. A. Ktrt
man. II .11. Bower, PurtUod; C I
Fields, Ran Ftaaclsoo; R H r; j
ruier. roriiaua.
Notice of Pinal SottlsmenC
Notice la hereby given thai Ibe un
dersigned. . Ihe duty appotn'.ed.
qualified and act It eiaautrls of Ibe
estate of John J. voamark. deceas
ed, baa Bled ber Pinal Report aa
such etecutrts la Ibe County Court
of Clackamas County, Oregon, and
tbe Court has set Tuesday. Janu
ary I. 111. al I o'rlock p. m4 a
Ihe date for the Bearing of said
Pinal Report and settlement o,' the
jr ' . . . ....
aroresaia estate.
. . t b. . . i ra km
rrVHU are uw,wj "- J- -e" , loB, wf. o.cj.aU,
p..r ' o-"- -- -,Mrw. Iou IIre
. .ounty rntirt oi saw couniy.
Bla tbe same.
Dated. Dee., t, Itll.
Attorney for Catate.
Tbt LWtblrh Club met at tk ka
of Mr II. K. Vtrslght Prltiay sitaf
Boon, the boslesaea bains Mrt
Un.l.,1 Ant l M tl . - - - .
said estate. Any ana an per- , . . MlLl.. . .
bavin, objeetna to said Sn.l 2 12 UrS
Notice of final Settlement.
Notice la hereby given that Ihe un
dersigned, the duly appointed.
luaUPed aad acting administratrix
of the estate of John ICrlon. deceas
ed, has Sled her Pinal Report as
such admlnlstratris In the County
Court of Clackamas County, Oregon,
and the Court has set Tuesday, Jan
uary I. Isll. at t o'rlock p. m., ps
the date for the heating of said
Pinal Report and settlement of tbs
pforesald estate. Any and all per
sons, having objections to said final
report, are hereby notified to appear
on or before said date In the County
render ky
Tbs aa.s
Included "Love's Garden.- "Msarlfju?
-Mummer," Mrs. U. L Hedftegaftt
reading from "Musical Canwu
KvettU" and Miss Marjory CaeAsM
read Recollections of aa Early (toi
Tboee attending wore Mrs. C S
Miller, Mrs. John Loder. Mrs Baw
Charman, Mrs. fl. L. Hedsee.Mrs Can
Joehake, Mrs. Anna llayeo. Mrs. Wil
ler A Inmlck. Mrs. 8 a IMllin, Mr&
Theodore Oeraund, Mrs. Char I C
fleld. Mr J. W. MoSatL Ml Ktafw
Harrtaon. Mrs. m IelJirt. Urn
P.dna Caufleld. Miss Muriel gis
Mrs K A Chspmaa. Miss Msrjtvr
Caufleld. Mr. II. K. Straight. Vn. t
C Oanong. Mrs. John P.- Clark- -
Tbe nest meeting will be kM st
Ibe home of MUs Muriel 8tesa, ise
ner Sixth and Washington ateteu.
Jaouary Mrs. J. H. Ile-Ke
Mlsw Muriel Rtotens will b Ike -esses
of the afternoon.
Electric Christmas Gifts
Are Popular
They still possess that element of novelty
dear to the American heart and thus solve the
problem of giving Christmas gifts that are 'dif
ferent." Imagine how pleased most men would-be to
receive an electric shaving cop or electrc cigar
lighter, instead of neckties, socks, and hand
kerchiefs, "as visual."
A tea kettle for grandmother, a samovar for
Madame's five o'clock teas, a chafing dish for
the college girl or bachelor maid, a disk stove
for the bachelor, aflat iron or sewing machine
motor for the practical housewife all these
novel and useful gifts will be appreciated by
whoever receives them. -
It should not be foroott.n thit nM t,etp) CnpmM glft,'
USEFUL gift. Each of dsvless Is dsslgn.d to do sums ens thing .
better than U esn bs dons any othsr wsy, whsthsr It Is ta percolate
eoff.,, tosst brsad .r furnish the powsr for running s sewing msohlns.
The Hn. 0f .l.otrlo Chrlatmas gifts Is so eompl.t, that In It will bs
found s aultabls gift for svsry msmbsr of the family
& P07ER CO.
MAIN 0mcC7fh and Aider Streets
Real fkt "rnlng nfarpr1.,
t.u. X .
.,..-. .... i , ,,...'-. .