1 ( ' , -y, . . .. .. " W 0 UtM In very aistlsa CetCaa , mt Ctuxtr, wRn Be-MlatM t 'V SO.OOQ, Ar. an awvenfcyf f if, ". JItmih indication. EMfEKPKtfSE ljLgit portion HaHirday. sw-, - WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISH CO I 5 66 vol n-No. hi. OREnOK CITY, OREGON, 8ATUKDAY, DKCEMHEK 16, 1911. Per Wax, 10 Oira STOKES glOOTING GO FREE BUSINESS MEN COMMERCIAL CLUB rai HITS TO m LET PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL BOOST f OR CITY AT TAX CRITICS f I THE MAIN THING NOW IS THE MUFF LnV mturns vtROiCT or AC " .1"'":-;-f; .,." M 0 K N B TO bad:i GAINS 43 MEMBERS r tr- SPEC!L CAMPAIGN WITH RE QUITTAL AFTtn IlNO OUT AN HOUR. DUCED RATES BRINGS TOTAL UP TO 221. DISCIPLE OF HENRY GEORGE DE NIES THAT MISSTATE MENTS ARC MADE. NEWSPAPER EUrlD FC1 EC3 PROGRESSIVE COITION OP MORN- INO ENTERPRISE RECEIVES INDORSEMENT. SENTIMENT SIO FOR ADVANCE Wm OTHER IS MYSTtRICAi M,lieelr VWI Of W-me' It liawiy Ree.vertna, Vw9 Acrt "Going Mom. to Mather." KEW VOHK. INK. V-A verdict s rKuni4 Uie today. Mini IJII'bs O'eham fcibel Coo ...minil rharse. on shU-h they bPl held lnr U' JuM ,"r 7Li tha nllllooalr. aportBtneo. I I li Kiokes. Th. Jury reached Ua -rtirt la HOllf " man vr Tfce shooting a how rU" war. M an Indictment of three Lssia. iba Bret charging an attempt At count. however, th. Jurors ere im br Juilee Maim, al tha r f ha I Hal rut Ali'irnar. i iro ixl ilia lurr lo Iba al ta.1 Ikird ruBU. blrh rbar(4. ,rtlrl). aauil m io nri fM a lib tnlM 0 kill ! aaaaull In U rrd dcr Ub InUnt to do WJll? Uijuff. . - - timmnnod to bar Iba MImi Crabam aftwarad nlnin 4 M aaUlad ino la ctrann, . ...n. Tha mora aolrHrd Ml nw"1". . (aard rania aaaaaiaiad. but narmoa. tba 1rla faoa! Iba rraman BjiaaaunraJ Iba ord. "niA aT'lT " DM t'onrad l. "Tbaah God'" w4 nt into vkilrnl hr"-rlr Hba tuk m Iba cmibI tabla. than Jumped M'n. ahrlrkliit and larlo br tair and ihrtwloi bar arma alwul iMly It a aurpra to tha apa laliira. Un Mla rora4 bad kap tnorh iia naiivr nra of tba lo (Irla (irmfbMil Iba trlaL Oa Ua Utaar band. lia uraoam. ika continually wajit during tba trial. u4 auhhad lha mora ban aha har4 lU tardlrt. racovarad baraalf ban tW a br rnmpanWin ao airartad. ik4 ariad aa iba oomfortar to br joaniar frlrnd. It waa at Brat thought KM l oMtd bad Rilaundaratood Iba tardlrt o I bar comtanla triad to aa MTt br that thaf war fraa t)h. I kno.- aba aald. Tall moth r ra rraa Tall bar a ara rttxn Hi koma" -fib I know.- aha aald "Tall moth er aa ara fraa. Tall bar wi ara com la koma. Tha rrl'a byaiarla contlnuaU tan Inala Tha Jurjr arrivad at Ha ar in fi.r fitur tutllnia On thraa of lba. iba Juryman volad aacb tl"' It lo 1 fr acqtilttal. tba ' " Ittwnlln lln In faor of con nrtlon n( rHnd darrao. aaull. TODAY The Always Wel come PATIiE'S WEEKLY laaatHaaaaialH t Special for the Ladies Mid-Winter Fashions In Millinery V THE Gff and I l" W Jit 9m ii v . a this YLAR DCAIITV HlklTC CVIIIVaklWRIWTlF - - EJnai'TeS.NitrtcArbloiJQuk-Ulime will mnova Tor. onA Freckle. Ulii.a ;Tle Cf m Jj t- fny f amou Eic Bleflol. is as follow J 1 I b. Bres -1 IkAJwJIiSoj.GrXl HrwJiJi,l ILPIaaWcf RHsf lef Gasolene, Lit VijrwJiT Jiir &3ueo,l LU.FLfrnvA-r MixtolUr anJ boil U- two hours. A . L JLL Li. Br.f.-11 Bti.tv BIcyx4i carMy rub mortv hto ..'.ii ii X tl JL-t- K f,- caJ) tr UeftrL clrte vi-y L'arJ . Remove witti a cold cblsel . - i I I .11 1 . irri.i lonnob n).iryoiar oni4eton write me ana I wih anutx (JU rrelno 4 owe. &rorvJcfap lmtei laJ. Grrt. B. No,moLUr or rJu-xJon1r.f.M.Jo JUnclUrmo wa wooJrO UNoS ,v orfirw o.J pJcrrJ brick WuJ,mKd wiTh one paH cJ ft K Public Spirited Cltlxana Ara Giving Aid Partial Llat Idaa of Who 5upportra Ara. 106 McDouaall's Outlet 19H OREGON CITY FOOTBALL TEAM TO PLAY WABASH ELEVEN TOMORROW I " "" " ZJ At OUET.ON CITY FOOTHAU, TEAM. RECEPTION TO BE HELD NEW YEAH Room! Hava Bean Rafumiehed And Other Changea Mada Or ganization In Proaper. r oua Condition. - Singlt Ta Leader Aeeerta Tha Men Who Ara Decrying Plan Are Not Well , Informed. Great Holiday Rcduc: on all Whiskies, Brandies, Wines and Cigars until January 1st 1912. All goods guaranteed and satisfaction given D. M. Klemsen 421 Main Street Tha lineup of tha Wat.aah team of nub it ranamah lark. " ara wall known- man. PARTLOW CRITICIZED FOR CHARIVARI ATI MX . T,. i... nmtntinloallon ra- Tna iou"""" - th-h Nirss, .turt hoi: vu.t of . rt, H - rlo "Tb K. Uor Ve. the under.lKn To tha Killlr. corroctone W. wlnh to hava a oma corr ,oW n,a,l. in tha .cco.mt ot charivari party pu- - " M frlen-la and only for lun. . h(d tontlon or "'" -"d', of Mr. TartluWa .d with curaaa ' t h fiar "".'".Anrt wa hardly con wa raa,ly or V, ,,y the act . .trlklng : . onii 1 T p(irUow of a haro. And wnan ne)th(p canta out of th. n- Uon. pk. nor whUtW. t th Inn up ma ,nj aa w over benan ?;;7r ,una and balna rraatad with ;un. In plBtola thare wWch w. he crowd-ona h.0,",:"rt r..vr. nrad onca " , the at- Th. .hoSun waa t. Ha lack nJ the Va. not thare. told tha P"rty h a he Whn b" tlil h"m , he,dy work. Tha local roan ara full of confidence, none doubting but what ,hey will defeat the Wabaah aleven. The game will be called at 1:30 Wabaah. " al,.. rorbe. (r.pt C. Fraeman v Ra. T mm, m y , Ward wl,ee,er Ta" , . MontRoniery Bloch HT. PLEASANT HAS COMMERCIAL CLUB Chrlatanaen W. Froaman u a. O Shar Lwrt.nc. U T. Scott Wh (Capt Watta .Blamark Q nnlan Carothera (Capt) U H LeuadUa T. Frearaan n vr Ferdelux Long or 8mlth F. BEATS OFF THIEVES WITH HER UMBRELLA . mrr.il Club with about forty fharter mamb.ra hn. boanj Drganl.ed Mount Pleaaanl. , me ..- -.-Ward Uwton. pranldent; Bert Clark. vlre praal.lent and r a. a..u.-- reUry nd treasurer, rive u..... w,r. alncted. Th club will erect a 11 .a mtrtA II Will VJII i am kltrhon, ataK. eio. -Snthualaatlo over the proapect. of th. dull and t a tnounni wl!l l.e".me arflllatad with th. organ Uation eoon. t MILL MAN LAUDS SHAW. . . v.. twwin a faithful Ianr.t'rand: : ,nbean"har7'tw.;y:four t Lara and ther. haa bean leaa I f,wMn".. .inc. th. tppolnlment I ills retirement would te a blow t Ii the city which he haa aerved ! S ?;.rZuo,..ly. Th. big ma- prt?y of the mlllworker. want shaw '"frkd a. mrtznbr. A mldJle-aged woman with an um brella for r. weapon, put two would-be wi.,K...vnlun to rout early Friday evening t Fourth and Jeftorion .traels. one of "the men receiving a good banting. na nmm. . xioln oir.t chon house OWIlPr in a , r . , I and ber moinar a ;: - when they noticed two men i....-, tbam. Thev tried to elude th. men by ... .., k ih QAvanth street park, nn.ncceasful. Th. men caught up with Mra. Prlo. and her rauKiiv V v,.h and .TofferSon aaugnier i -- , , strata, and on. of them aald. "Hold up your handa!" Mra. rr.ee Ti-i- i...u with the umbrella r ,k- h.H of the man nilroat to ber. Finally both or th . . nA Pnllraman Troat nignwayma.. n, looked for tne men uw '"" - the night wlthoui auccen. After ateady and oonsUtent cam paign of nearly thre. wetka In aacur Inc data for our Progreaa Edition and aollrltlng bualnesa for aawe tba En terprise la pleased to be able to ao nounc. that th. aacceas of the big Isatin la aasured. Nothing In th. way of a publicity muiuri for Oracon City and Clacka mu rnnntr has aver been attempted upon ao comprebanalv. a scale aa this number will be and ir trier, ar. any klckera In evidence after the Isjue cornea out w. opine that It will be those who have overlooked tn. oppor tunlty to be represents! In Ita pages ahlrh bannllr will he few In number. Below we print a list of tbe live, pro gressive business nrms ana otoers ihn hava alraadv alfnlfled their will- tngnesa to co-operate with tbe En terprise In publishing tne Dig ooosier edition, eitner mrougn tne purcu of conies of same or oinerwise, These people believe In progress. They bellev. in a MORE PROGRES SIVE OREGON CITY AND A MORE I'OPl'LOl'8 CLACKAMAS COUNTY. They believe that an Issue of thla kind parrvlna the message of Clackamas county's opportunities to thousands of Eastern readera will De or uniom value In attracting NEW BLOOD. NEW BRAINS AND NEW MONEY, to thla section Th. alao talleva that such an Issue published in attractive magaitne-fonn. profusely Illustrated and circuiaieo an over Clackamas county offers an Ideal meJIum of local publicity, but apart from any direct benenta wnicn may accrue to themselves by reason of thoiv nartlrl nation In the Issue, they are broad minded and public spirited. enough to appreciate tnai anyinmB that la good for the community as a whole ta worthy of liberal support. There ar. a large number or me duhi nesa people who have not yet been eean. and atlll others who are consid ering the matter. Watch Thla Llat Grow. nr.in ft l Commercial C1UD. Willamette Pulp PPr Company. ' Hawley Pulp at Paper company. Crown-Columbia Pulp paper Com pany. Flrat National HanK. - Bank of Oregon City Portland Railway, Light It Power Company. Pacific Telephone A. TelegTaph Com pany. iwtinnri riour Mills Company. Oregon City Transportation Com Oregon City Abstract company, C. Ilrownell. CI O. Miller. Automobiles and Elec tric Suppllea. r4-.w r-it ipa u or ' 1 v.. - - .... Clarence Simmons, Bulla. ng ton Mullna Towns.tc t'omptiny, kbi e.- Ut. Clackamas Southern nauway wu nanv a a- - . Builders Supi)UcJ Compsny, bum Harry Jonea. Paving Contractor Oregon City Steam Lunury. . . a. ulnar p.iL.ick r.. . A nHr.4f.n Jewell") nurnitriBii . " - - mnk Busch, Furnunre ana ware. F. C. C.adke. PluraDer. lion. u. i'. mmvj- t a u.ritinff Drues. C, T. Toote Company, Real Estate, (il-idslone Lnmuer compa". Willamette Hotel. M. E. Dunn, coniecnonery tirta Phnto Studio. Dinnip -Transfer Company si 1 1 viiinv Curioa. Vr. XI --- rw. Charman & company, urupi John W. Loder, Inveatroenta. Hon. Charlea H. uye, E. II- Cooper, Insurance. u.navinb RaHtaurani . ..mQTiw flrooara. C. A. Elliott, liarage ana Sales Ageuca. irnin.rin Construction uirn"u ..! - i Company, Oenerai vomraui"... Oregon cy iio"i". n - & HAnDlOtlY I I R I I W ,1 II Kope r. . r. inri.nnn. Confectionery. Willamette Valley Chautauqua Aa aamhlV Grand Theatre-. Tbe special campaign for members Inaiimirated hv the Commercial Club several weeks ago ended Friday, tbe total membership now being ZZ1, an InrTMM of fortv-three. Tbe old ratea of $2 for resident and 10 for non resident members become enectiv. airin todar. The club never waa In a more prosperous condition than at present, and all but one or iwo uum ness bouses ar. repreaented. A big reception in honor of the new member baa been planned for New TLir-m Tha club baa SDent $300 In remodeling the rooms and refurnisb- lri tha narlor. The following la a list of tb. mem bers : ' John Adams. L Adama, Jamea Ad klns, ank E. Andrawe. J. T. Appr aon, Roy Armstrong, E. T. AvIon, O. T. Anderson. ' Frank T. Barlow,' R. W. Baker. A. U Beatie. Wm. Beard. E P.tBerdJne. C. L Blakeslee. Charlea Bolliager, H. VT Brightblll. E E. Brodle. K- w. Brown, George U rowneu, . c Dii.1.. Purl C. Rnrke. Frank Busch, Sr, Frank Busch, Jr., John Busch, Leo Burdon. A. B Buckles, J. w. uenneii, a n urwlia M. J. Brown. E. P. Car ter. 8. L. Caato, J. U. Campbell. H. B. Cartltdge. E. A. Chapman, i. uuur rnan inhn if rlark. Mort J. Cockrell, J. W. Cole. E- II. Cooper. John J. Cooke, H. E. Cross. v, J. Danlton. O. B. Dimlck, W. A. Dlmlck, H. E. Draper, C. H. Dye, E. C. Dye. w r Rddv. O. W. Eastham, Clar ence L. Eaton; O.' D- Eby, C. A. Elliott. Duane C. Ely, George v. r-U, Charles Evana. Torn B- Flalrclough. John B- rair clough. C- P. Fair, E. T. FleUs, C. C. Fields. O. B. Freytag. rerry Farnsley. A- O. Freel. Wm.-Gardner. J. W. Ganong. F. C. Gadka, T. J. Gary, "Lyonel Gordon, F. T- Grlinth. G. F. Gibba. Ed. Harrington. J. W. Hiatt, Wm. Hammond, (ieorge A. Harding. V. Harris. G. E. Hayea. Joseph E. Hedges, O. L- Hedgea. Rev. A. Hille brand, R. L. Holraan. Wm. B. Howell. C. G. Huntley, W. A. Huntley, v. it. (Continued on "page 4.) W. 8. U'Ren Friday declared that tb. aUtement of Grant B. Dimlck, Mayor-elect of Oregon City, at th. meeting of the county Judgea and conv misiionera In Portland Wednesday . that tbe alngle Ui advocate were making misstatements regarding the assessments In Clackamas county waa untrue. Mr. U'Ren also aald that oth er who were accusing tbe single tak ers of unfalrnes were themselves mis informed. Hie Btatement follows: "Som-i of these Live Wbr.a apeaJx - .v...;. ha.i. aa tha nrODbet did OB lU V UC a aaa)aFa W - one occasion. But in all thU diau alon about the Slngl Tax it ahouM bw remembered that there ia atwaa chance for misunderstanding. "In the debate reported between Mr. Stone and Mr. Zeazle in last Tuesday's n twdiva acres of InV - proved logged-off land paying aa much r a m W a.arLna. tax aa th. retnainaer m , waa located- In northern Washington and mx in Clackamaa county. The mistake was not Jifflcult for th. re porter to mak. becaus. Mr. Stone was dealing largely in iia.w ' facta. . . 'Aa to errors In the uiacaainaa county aingle tax roll now being mad.. I have no doubt that It wlU be toon ..ii- nr.ii rata aa any other roll on which taxea have actually b collected. It U being maoe nnawr th. direction of Mr. G. V. JoBbsobv deputy assessor for Clackamas couw ty and the work la being don. by peo ple who have worked aucceasfuUy om the regular tax roll In Multnomali and Clackamas counties, and the taxes on which wer. actually paid There fore we have no fear that there will be any errors sufficient to affect the) general value of thla aingl. tax roll a an object leaaon or me of the whole state. "In the course of this work we have learned that th. P. R. U P. Company la using and selling water power in Clackamas county that 1s worth at least W.OOO.OOO, which Is not and which good lawyers say cannot be legally assessed for taxation under tbe present lawa. If thla water-pow-er waa assessed on the same percen IContlnned on page 3.) Ask for the Red Trading Stamp and see our Valuable ftetn.ulns L. ADAMS Oregon City's Big Department Store. 1 r Atal II canse. A marriage licenne dJy to Frehla Stelner and Clifford Young, of Boring. NEW YORK. Dc. 15 If Mrs. E H. Harrlmon h",J "n,w,,r 'T'J n every letter that ahe has race ved In the past year and a half asking for financial aid. the widow of the rat road I . u h fnrtnnn reduced sing wwuiu Uf . " .-v, -1120,000.000. That waa the deduction reached after compilation o. rlman'a lettera to tne imreau ui clpel research. Ttaad tb. Morning FJr'arprlse. THACKERAY IS THEME OF WOMAN'S CLUB .. ckank w.mi akatrh of MrB. 11 ni j on"!" ' the life of Thackeray and Mr. Brc. ia . .1 m ll r. ill lain"1" spoke on hi. nove.s an., meeting or tne wonmu a day. Miss Vlua vyiiii".-" i two Instrumental solos and Mrs. vai- i Wantwortn rsnunmi ; .w. .tins was one of the Soloa. l no iiimvi-ii - - , " .m. th. rlnri- has held most iw-"'"' "7 oh.n this aeason. several o. took part in th discussion of TDack- S-t works, following th. address by Mrs. Brighton!. Special Holiday Suit Sale of tbe Hart Schaffner & Marx, all wool, high grade Suite. Xmas price $20 Herman Wilde Special and other'good make of Men 'a Fine gulta at Xmas prices. Spec ial from $10 to Q15 Men's Furnishings DRESS SHIRTS MUFFLERS HALF HOSE DRESS GLOVES HATS AND CAPS MUSLIN NIGHTGOWNS NECKWEAR SUSPENDERS HANDKERCHIEFS UNDERWEAR OUTING NIGHTGOWNS JEWELRY Ladies'Neckwear Xmas Novelties Collars. Tlea. Jabolts, Hand- In Holiday Ware. Toys, Fancy kerchiefs. Purses. Belts. Rib- aood, and Nstlona. 1ait our bons. Kid Gloves. RJlk Gloves, 811k Muffler, and Jewelry. Toyland basement. New Futnittire and Stoves Just opened for our special Xmas trade. Visit " our new Furniture Department and see the many new Furnitur, Stoves. Ranges, Heaters, Rugs. Blankets, Comforts, Lace Curtains, Wall Paper. . . , . r'S' "a: (TotlnlV ' V - -3.. t -- -.'.