Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1911)
wiATHS" INDICATIONS. nVJ-on n WUlll Mil JT... southerly wind.. -aat portion rrl'Ujr. an vnL. I INo. llA. flSSIAN TREATY AT C CAOCO TO ACTION St- CAUl Or ATTITUDC . TOWARD J1W. flfll RS01UTK)?I IS FAVORED tir fiptcUd T Qlve- Nolle for ChrUlmaS 0' Stane" Of U. S. Adoption Nearly Certain. WASIIINOTON, Ixs. 14 Tha abro niia of tb Uuaalaa treaty of UJ1 Vrane discrimination, agslnal I Aartran Jew. end olhar. may m 1 we lb law f the land bafnre the rvuima holiday.. Ti riultor resolution. alreaJy aiupted by tba llnuaa, alioctlng Iho larailaatloa or tha troaty after a w'a nu. waa brought up Unity a ' Tho dM-ii.n to rfr I to th tromraliio Ott foreign rla lkraibrr Iban art ItnmiNlUlply aa Bkd fir an aaauranro frtm Ibo nanilitr thai It nuld rr1 Won UT Tf Hna may tbn llbr ib ratilutloa alia a alcb( hni or th Cullwraun roatiluiion rtnatllf mmirai. -, J drlMito U Um Hnlo Included hmm jUruukia of tha aitltud of thn pu trpartnt'nL Bona (or f'ulborwtn tt(i4 lmmdlal atlun on Mmdr nkout f(orar to Ibo rommltl riilpnil4 tbat tiollro ol abnnca tka tuuld Uk ofTrrt until on r -nf tho Itrat day of January follow k tbo artloa of 0n-rO and Uwrdn, If tho roaululloa ahimld fall f ,4tlln hofora I ha holldaro l( .Mid tint fO Into olTorl until 1114 ftroatfif I'ullotn and ilald fn, Ibo rrfrrotira U) tba rutnmlttM. kkb tby aald wouM riort Mn. tW tnatnr Itaynor' aomoabat kaprtral a In I ha ronintlttisi'a alUHty at icr altbla irfat tlraa. 1 fcava no doubt hat wo can do It. traitor i'ullom aalj Mr. !d(o adJo.l tu Muranra to bo aamo offort THE, XI A3 QUC3TI0M LADIES! Por Him! KOVILTiei THAT MCN AND 0Y LIKE FOR CHRISTMAS TMIV ARt NOVELTIES. . Many M-loHed. oupoclally for Xmi trtda. not to lak of prcaoota for 1JIp that will aurprlaa tbotn from a n atora. Kanry Voata. Bilk 8carf4. Ktittrd Mufflon, Bultcaaoa, Hand bat ifuntL.r.kir. ninvna Hllk Sutpriidora. Raofora, gwoatai Ca'. Joraoya. Hoalrrr. Jowcl 8ota, Hath ""I. Hmoklng Jackota, UmbrolUa ! That a tha aoawort For tho gayetlna of tha llolldaya rull Droaa Suits. r Warm Ovarcoatsl . SPECIAL Slightly Imporfoct In wtav. 1 10. Elk dahaa IS. 'Only llmlttd numbar loft. Pfickt Bf others EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Not Llko Othars. 6th and Main 8a. Great Holiday Reduc- tion 00 si .Whiskies, Brandies, Wines and Cigars .ii MAY BROKEN January 1st 1912. "l All goods guaranteed nnd satisfaction given I D. M. Klemsen iTOIfeN.NGi uncoo ukm A5 RAILWAY SIDiNG IN MILWALiKIE DENIED Ttia Cnunty Court Thumday aft-r- iiiKiti rr-vokpd tho frant-ht of lb a iMltvav. Ucht A I'orr .. I, irark on Klfntb aire! In MllaatiWlo. Tho franchl.o as yrnntod b tb court aomrum. airo aftor It bad bcoo dcUnd by tha lawyora for tho company that tho property onrt d'd not objoct to tho aidlni. C A. Wolfjrgany. Bdmund 8wny and oth.T pi-mr-d lr. oualy mid thrlr attorroy. toi II. I)y. oxpumod iheir ,h court, with Ibo rr"lt that tho franchlo tv" ir""M " ' miltrd thai bo proixwca rloiuly affoct proprny BCHO f STATE H.000. ' ai "VibpI Ilrrt. who ,1.,: Number " ,",l'.r"1 Columbia, was flM for prbate In .h tv. nty ro-r Trr". Th. real pn.perty. whlrh Is In this county. U valuod at ii.wv. What mothrr.vho does her own housework .would . not appreciate a Caloric Fireless Cooker Fnr Christmas U boils-bakes-stews. It cooks, meats-vegetables- breads-pastry. It never overcook s-ncver bums-need , no watching- h makes tough meats tasji like choice, cuts. We refer you to manysathfiea Oregon CityL 'Huntley Bros. Co. IXrT'iA ' Antique o. LtATMER l f K lSii fJCOnA- Wry taJy effect. t WALKING k,5! r OPERA CUK-Q ROCK AK-lltojJl - ' PoaXf OCLolMm) The Rexall Store. WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED IS66 OI.EOOM'CITY, OREGON. Fill DAY, DECEMBER PFRPFTR ATPn DV WA IT aac nrki VARIOUS HUSBANDS INTERPRET IT I flri in imiunuvrnuurTrTini. vw'yww"vm w"rt 1 1 1 iuH( 1W3 McDouaall's Outlet 1911 FINE CHRISTMAS IS ST. ACNES HOME AT PARKRLACE" STITUTIONS IN STATE. Tho chlldron of Bt Altnos Ilaby Homo. near Parkploca Is de rrvlng cf asulstanca, eai)oclally at Ibis tlmo of tho year, when tho seven-tv-two llttlo children will havo a CbrUtmas celebration. Thera will bo two tros with presents on xni-m ir 11 the little onet. The 8ltr of 11 ....... " . i kn ara In rharae Of tho In .i....i,.r,. ra nrvnarlnc an excellent program to consul or songa. reviu.-. program .. v"..... . Hons and aiaioguea ior m -.itiiu ui'i v.-. . Tv desiring to contribute to tho i are better carei for than many of the 1 . i 1 1 A mm- linm-a Thav are trees may do so, ana mir iwim-rnuui'u Hons will be Itreatly appreciated by ! ih winters The program is to d a-e several g.iuiiu, alven at tlie Home Chrlstmao after-; tor?elan tubs with hot and cold wa " Th. u,. year's program showed ter. The clothes are clean and one noon. The laai yr v K..iMln 1. ...arf aanec- hat the tots couia on, u rtrl in thoir-prettlest for tho af-i TL.J tl.n. in thla cltyt who would not grudge a few littla;nc and cno for the girls have been gift, and th-M wm, go a I In innklnc tha IHII0 onea imi'l'J- i 111 maKina ....n,ii' Tha Bt Acnea Iiacy loin, uuiihh r""m i"" , ina m "V . '.I.... . rwwi... .-nii... anri tha toddlers are al- rd'Xurn.n. ye.;;". "go. and i WVlJSrytfftrtaSS The Sisters oi " f women by mean, of ; of nnfortunsto " . ... 1 operating a laundry, o.h '7 I opr ".r oV t.l. kind to keep not enoiiKii w... " -- the institution In operation. It was j ..u.j a hs.vff inn nLMiiw ST. AGNES UABY HOME. for this elHJa cf veork. Shortly after .w- hn,iin whs In Charge pi by the 9lters of Mercy a a baby home, sn.i caio'u 7". J. ' li.i-.n-. The Inst.tutlon hard iruKwla, dren placed there ior '"""".-, . " 1 i... h. s aters without tuXen cm" ui "i ., ctt;nd are .U,wed I to romp In ion. ... . fi I ao n rat l i vrn i. n w " nf tho l'irie nms , h ,t luring the summer they may p ny 0 Vne cVownd, snrmnndlng the bu Id ? flwlngs are placed under the tS.ll Kind! of afA door names "..SnT'R-des .ra taught 1. th. .h,vl ranging from the primer class "t?K ffi or in. to the are of the child, The girl" S5 tit aMhls ln.tltHon until they 1 , aW fourteeu year, of , whll Ma.hov, a:o P"t K'P1 "rt '"V- rev are InMnicM -o wh.n they are ready to take up their homea at other L tltMtlo... the RlrM at thn Oswego. Va he b"V- st neavorton. they are t.M Bdvsnred. Tho achnol hours are ENIEMISE irAt I ... TO Johh.MolE. Prairie Cftove,U PLANNED FOR BABIES ONE OF MOST OESERVINO IN o'clock until 4 o'clock p. m. Tha cboeks.of tha llttlo oneo ara niumn and roar, while thosa who wera In poor condition when arrlr Ins; at the Homo aro becomlnc strong and Will ooon have tbo appearance 01 thoe who nava been mere aonio lima Flv raeaM rach dy r Ktvn the .iiiMmn ihm hours helnar Prevkfaat. 7:T0 o'clock; lunch, 10 o'clock; din ner. 11:30 ocloca; luncn. i ociock, V a .wa Th- rhll.lran .....v bathed regularly, and In the building -w."'"1 -- - iallr for hto clothing. , Irge cabinets - lthahelvea. one for the boyi ciotff- nt .,. in, " - " tk. itnn Tha flnnra ed to p.a'y to heart', content nursery ara lit,, rocking .v.i i .. n. tima nf tha day one may see ome tot enjoying these but iw. ara not enouah of th" m. .nd the chUJ aettlng one first Is considered the lnrkv one in the bunch. Toy. are a thcJu I'ttn cMldren cnuM be mde happy If a hobby horse or aoma toy eovlJ be presented on Christma.. In ,hl. donartaient and ona adjoining hallo, running from two weeks old tl two years ar. kept, hui the two :. ii. aiinwad to bo In the I Hay mom for several hour, each day ! and are given proper eye by one o ' the Sisters, who la In charge of that ! room during the recreation hour. In j.n.,im,ni ara severni m-io waifs, pome of which are for ad""- One of theie WR receimy iuuu -ivs.ilaml and o on n. gnraen in r" - . door-step. They have found a good home at the Ht. Agne. Baby Home. ..... will l, adopted by some one who will give them a home. Many of these children ior ("i' .trr?w!.r j'iin. r.u.m on the lower floor opposite the schoolroom f i fitted ut v.tth Ion-, table, and little chair, alml lar to those used 1 kindergarten ,-rr.rk. At the proper time for par taking of meals the children are form ed in lino and at a proper sign! march to their respective plncea at the table, and are tnught the proper ' " V 'MS-. .4 (Continued on page theo ) ' 15, 1911. PARTLOW ROUTS CHARIVARI PARTY SCION Or 'OLD FAMILY FIRST PLEADS AND THEN AT TACKS VISITORS. FOUR KOtSE-MAXERS "TAKE COUNT Bridegroom And Bride Urge Frlonds To Accept Tha'r Hospitality Whan Work On Home a Finished. James W. Bartlow, aclon of ona of the oldest families In Oregon, who became a benedict about a week ago, proved himself a bero when a chari vari party visited tha ancestral home at Mount Pleaaant Tuesday evening Mr. Partlow had been Informed of the plana of bis neighbors, and aent bis bride to tha home of a friend. When the charivari party reached tha Pnrtlow home aeveral members flred pistols and guna. and the din caused by tha beating on tin pans and ringing of bella was deafening. Mr. Partlow went to the front gate; and pleaded with the.cfckbratore. but hU voice was lost In tha babel 01 i nolae. Placing hl fingers to bla lipa, Mr. Partlow whlatled shrilly. Juat like j nnderlck Dbu. when he summoned his clans, and Instantly thera wil st ance. Then Mr. Partlow explained that his bride was not at home; that tbo house was undergoing repairs, and he and Mrs. Partlow would be de lighted to have tba party call In about a week, when they wouia ws lnrlted into the reception room an J entertained. . urii h.H th hrldeeroom finished ki -.1.1... wh.n at lnaat twenty auns 14 1 suawv " " " " ' " and pistols were nred in nniiwn, auu pans and bella were wieiaea .tisw ously. This was more than bt. fan-1 low could stand, and, throwing on , his coat, he waded Into the noise- j makers, etrlklng right and left. Four I young men were ent sprawling in i ahout aa many directions, and the other of the party took to their heels. Mr. Partlow then repeaiea, io those who had been detained - by blows from his mighty right and left that ha meant no harm; that he want ed tha party to come again, and tnat a fine entertainment awaited them. Mrs, Partlow. who was Mrs. 1 rtmwn. of Santa Barbara. Cal.. before she became the bride or Mr. part low, also has laaued Invitation, to their neighbors. Including the mem bers of the charivari party, to vUit them Just as soon as the repair, to the house ara completed. Mr. Partlow, who' wa. In Oregon Citv Thursday, declared that he had no 111 feeling for any member of tha party, and that he acted .a he thought proper nndor the circum stances. T IS FAVORED BY COURT Tk. r.i-r'- f i).ir: T'j-riday denie l the mot'oi "t qarah tj order for th ofter'ns o' S-eb'n road. Ttie order for orenlnn the road wss granted ft t:e term or court in juiy, 1Q1A A r.1 lilnn ulrnel by severs! cltl7ier.y cf the district wa preaente-1 . .1 1 , - v.. i,. .nnrf tvn. m. imrv. The road U In the Sunnysida district and will be ?!out one mile long. An appeal will be taken to tba Circuit court., TX YOtJ KNOW that tbo Entenr. .... n.rirwln Period HOC on? Sea ad on back page for parUonlirs TODAY A Man for All That Western Drama Her Exclusive Hat A Spanish Wooing t Owing to an acute attack of tonallitls Mr. Tipton will not appear at Tho Grand today. THE HOROUGHFARE and HADIES 1 v vr . A Gift that "She" Something that will remind her of you ev ery day for years. The present that she will prize above everything else-a hand some' gold, or gold filled watch. We have whole case full of such - watches to select from, at every price at which a good watch has been fold Ladles' Gold Filled Watches.. Ladles' Solid Gold Watches Gtata' Watchea Select your gifts now, we will gladly engrave them and set them aside tor you until Xmas. " Burmeister & Andresen JEWELERS VitCfUbnciAil JUSpVlaaiVll ava mMfy w a PHILHARMONIC NOTICE Next week" meeting will be on Tuesday evening. Instead of ! on Monday aa announced at the quested to pas. the word along. ' it 1 p. m. prompt TUESDAY EVENING CHARTER BOARD TO MEET ... FRIDAY AFTER NEW YEAR'S. Cccrse A. Harding, chairman of the darter Commission, ha. announced ;h-t the next meeting of the commia- s.on w-Hl be held the nrsi Tiaay auer New Tear's. I Hyde To Have Third Trial. i KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Pec 14 j (Special.) Jud?e Porterfleld an nnnnrd that ha woold dismiss the Jury ! impaneled to tr? Dr. Hyde for the TurJer of Colonel Ttioma. M. awope, on account of the mental incapacity of the Juror. Harry Waldron. who re appeared today after escaping from the hotel A retrial of Dr. Hyde will probably be -ordered Immediately. Ask Ior tli red trading stamp, the stamp of full val- : , ue and best premium. The Up to date Furniture Department Laden with new goods in Furniture, Stoves, Rugs, Carpets, Beddings, Lace Curtains, Window Shades and Wallpaper. THE CELEBRATED , . - , i ; Ostermoore Mattress . FROM $15 to $25. fBuYurlott-aYF lowest prices. l. . " : i" , ' ' ' L. ADAMS i OREGON CITY'S BIG Tha Mijr Wjr Mwwr y , twOon FrtlN4 an tat f late lii ovary S.aalaa at tl-, ', mas County. M a paa-latlsa , " BOOM. Are yH Merfvestiaayf - . . T '-.-(I - : -I ' fh Pes Wm, 10 Cwrn wUI appreciate SIO to 825 - 23 to 850 i 85 to 8100 Oregon City. last meeting. Members are re- Sjght-readfng at 7:30; choral work IN MASONIC TEMPLE HAROLD A. SWAFFORTi, Sec . MAKES PLEA FOR SHAW. 1 Morning Enterprise: To the Editor : Thaw has made Chief of Police and hnlft h retained. I think a good that he What the people of the city want are of fleere that will do their duty, and Shaw aremd to have done thla without fear. ' J. J. GORBETT. DO TOU KNOW that the Enterprlae rear-end Bargain Period Is now on? See aj on hack page for particulars. DEPARTlvJTT II - T :,r . v. . " ) " "u ''it ! , - .i tl 1 421 Main Street .jffu.ii 'i. ''"i.t'.'i:..-..