Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 14, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Do Vcur Shopping Saturday and pet Dcublo tha Amount of Trading Ctanzo vtth Etrc??j ftjrcTj
Dczibto Gtampo Saturday appl&o to any amount paid on Aoocunt--TvoaJy IncCocd of Tea Co too p-M'
A Bounteous Feast of Christmas Bairgaimis
Saturday is going to be a regular Feast Day for Holiday Shoppers. At the Big Store there is to be
found something suitable in the way of Gifts for every member of the family.
1 jkJT w-.
VVT "'iv ;.,
A Bcaotifa! 7att? Set
let Rlotfccf
We v feet gotten I a big lot of fcwaatlful 1 peec
ter eets A deady tft tof Mather i U 4.
A New Raxor for Father
A irooj raaor would be aa ideal Cartetaaaa Gift
lor rtkr W are shoe teg a dandy bn from fl
to lie
As Christmas Gifts
You cant go wron if you select a
nice piece of furniture as a Christmas
Gift At this store you have the great
est stock in the county to select from.
You can find just what you want and
at the same time; save money on every
Suggesting Furniture Gifts
Anything You Want
from the Parlor to the Kitchen. That's
the beauty of trading at this store ; if
it's to l had we have it in stock. While
buying other Christmas things remem
ber that the Kitchenware has an im
portant place.
Tirasa H9
$10 to SI5
Piniw; Tables
S5 to S50
Music Cabinets
$1.50 to $18
Morris Chairs
- $9 to $30
Sewing Machines
$15.85 - $22.85
China Closets
$16 to $35
Center Tables
$1.00 to $15
Leather Couches
$5.65 to $50.00
Parlor Suits
$16 to $42115
Hook Cases
$1.50 to $15.00
Parlor Lamps
W ar showing a apleadid aaaortmenl of parlor
Umpi A practical Chrlatmaa Gift It to C
Suggesting Toy Gifts
Big Stock Dolls
. 8 to $2.50
Bovs' Tool Chests
75 to $9 00
Rocking Horses
$1.50 to $3.75
Girls' Writing
Desks, $2.25
Coasting Sleds
40 to $4.00
$6.00 to $12.50
Boys Wagorw
90 to $6 50
Wheel Barrows
15 to 45
20 to 50
Shoo Flvs
$15 to $2.75
The claim we are mak
ing alxmt selling TOYS
AT COST. may h doubt
ful hut you have only to in
vetigate to find that it is a
fart. We are going to
clean them up. We don't
waut to lave a toy Icfl at
the end of the1 - Holiday
Season and the prices
are making will move
X J . l
Two Toys
Price of One
Sat unlay will be none
too early to buy Toys.
Well store them for yon
Free of Charge.
Suggesting Hardware Gifts
Manicuring Sets
$2 to $8
Safetv Itazors
JMJ0 to $5 00
Carving Sets
$1.25 to $15
Set Chisels nml
1 Case, $6.25
Clans Razors
Shears nil kinds
10 to $3 00
Itazor Strops
75 to $3
Set Hl Devil
K Devil" Wat er
Motors, $3.75
Stanley Coin
Piece. $12.75
imported bt (In la all alsea, Tk dealgna
ar beautiful price raag from 60 la 00.
Other Gift Suggestions
Kiteheu Hanges
$23.75 to $80
Dining Oiairs
65 to $4 00
Cut Olass and sib
Bowls anl Pitch
ers Blankets and Comforters
Kitchen Cabinets
$7 to $28.00
Heating Stoves up
to $18.00
China nnl (Mass
Oil Bumers and
Gasoline Stoves
Ijice (Mrtains and
Wrj tot fiff Hr mm dtzi
A Willing dh I a ifi tk4
BpVTC'e Of Ve, fclothaf, fig
ik beet girl At ibis k., m ,
0at tk U lk rrr
Chrt.W T1 la (,104
bar, Crt Wa ar o9.rii k
(lD4 U tkl 4pr(ninl tkM fMl W
A kJ'i ht)4 moat Brartkal v,
of furottur A tl U-i lu Uct
9? oo
Don't Forgot that Saturday
io Dcublo Stamp Day.
SO Trading Ctampo for ova?
Dollar Paid on Acot Sct'd;
Crna ct Gentry's Atfttes
Ectered la Lt
HEccnos tar ee slushed.
With Afl Crawlu C4xnatjc km OI1
Mark Will ftw4y O-EvaM Ma,
Hava Baainf ai Pick Far tKa 1t12
CMjmia Turn.
Tk approach of tha AaUooal Indoor
ckamplooaUpa ot U Aatataor A(k
Wtlc anloo. which will ba tll la Srw
Tort Dec 2d a4 77. baa broaKht c
fill tba vocation. Wha art the beat
athlafaa and what will ba Uta otakaap
f tfc Aaacrlraa team la th Oluptr
(aaaea next aanmarl
AHhoafh aoova nx-a perform batter
woraa a a wood loor thaa
I.";- ' 4
.- . 1
vfil h
oat of doora. nyarthala K
poaalbla to (at a good Una on
Liviu4e erruia iakr pia-.
Tbere will ba .4uba bty lb (rcatrat
IUi of alhJetaa comiwUsc that aver ea
trred acta mart ludoura.
la the afTtat racaa tbere are tbre
Be aotered who dm ba aarmbera af
toe Ol7oapar traom. Tbey are Alrik
kleyer. Bobby CtoaKben a ad Jlaa H.
Seabrrcer of tb Iriab-Aajertraaa. All
of tbea oa a rood otdor track have
don the hundred faal aa tea err
onda. It wQl be a rreat Ibre roroered
Olt wbefl the poaod tbeir wa toward
Ue upa.
A remarkabla arrar ia entered la lk
middle dlataac eooreata. Jim M ta
tee of tke Waat Side Tea ax Uea a
ChHattaa aaaorlaUoa. w Terk. U at
parted to ahow hla beat frtB. tla la a
woaJee oa a board tnrk and may take
the tneaaara of Ilarry Gbwlac Prick
aad Borrtnaa of the Sew Torka. Bor
Uod aod TarwIIlUer of tbe ratltoea
and Jim Boaeoberrer of tbe IrUb
Amerk-ao. If Teerleaa Ur Sbrp
pard ia allowed to compete be will, of
coaree. ba tb farorUa la tbew areola,
bat bia rerent dlaboonrable rilarbare:
from tbe TwrBty-earoud rectmeat la
likely to raoaehl diwpialiaratioo by
rbe Amateur 'AtbleOr anloo. and It la
rreo poartbte that be may ba forbid
oVa to rprte at America la tba Ol jn
pic rontaata at Swedeo.
G'orre Boobac barlnc retired fmm
tbe ram, it eeetna certain tbat tb
race vrer a mile will be eaay for
rraak Krsox of tbe Lone Ialand Ath
letic dob aod John Daly of tba IrUb
Amarkaoa. with Loola Scott of the
Sew Torka aa tbe dark boraa.
Tbe Eller brotbera. Jack and Bob. of
tb frlab-Americana, aeem to bare tba
bard'.ea between them la tb Jompa
and pole raulr there are atu-b atar aa
OVer. Jennlnc". flnimpelt. Heldlna.
Parter. Ewry. Aberoe and flat! Ad
ama. all of tbe New York A. C Tba
Mercury foot ctab wmi to bar a
"corner" on the food Jimplna ma
lertaL Each ore of them la aa Olym
jle poaalblllty Tbe welbt erenta wITt
rail oat men tbe caliber of MrOrith.
Sheridan. Dnncan. McDonald. Waiab.
Elltoft and Bredd. all atronf ootntneea
for tbe Olympic tea m
Traly a (treat crop of aplka abo
artlata la belna; eondltloned for tb
big Indoor occaeion of tbe year. aDd If
la more tban likely tbat tba winner ia
all of tbe renta win be Included In
tbe peraoooel of the American athletic
army tbat Inradea flforkholm.
Bat tbere are other Many college
atbfetea. who beawoe of tbeir etodle
ara anable to make tba trip to New
York for tbe Indoor -champa." bar
anal 1 fled tbemaeWea for conalderatloa
by tbeir recent achlerementa.
BomI ranka tblrd among tba flab
and deep aea fuod prodiM-ing coantrie
af tb world
becox'g inous
Many of tb young paopl 0f thla
city ar becoming enthualaatle orer
tba onmlng of C'hriaUnaa and tha
appearanca of 8anU t Clana, who
makaa hla round a one a year. The
following letter to Santa, Claua vera
received' la thla ' office WJ.nead.y.
AKhoogh the reoaeata of tba Uttl
one ara aameroaa thera la do doubt
but old ganta wiU ba tbere with tha
gooda on December 2S. Tha letter
were written by John and May Tobln.
little eon and daughter of Mr. and
Urn. J. i. Tobln, whoa agea ar Or
and foor Tear, and ara aa follow:
"Dear Old BaaU: I waat a doU.
I waat a dram, a monkey, on of thoe
'antobilea.' a track with a choo-choo
on, a tunnel, little bin aewlng box.
cowboy glorea. cowboy dreaa. II
horae, awing, candy and not, aled.
cap with name of Soar printed oa.
Santa, if row gire me thlnga I woi't
cry any aaor.
"Toor little friend.
"Aged four year."
"Dear 8nta: My nam 1 John
Tobln. and laat year I lived la tba
Eaat, bat I am now bring a tba
hotel, and I want to aee yo thla
year. I bar never aeea you, and
will you tall ma whaf time yo will
b there ao I caa aee yoo. I am It
year old aad I want acm toy To
caa bring torn a drum, a real horae
and wagon, a choo-choo, candy and
nut. cowboy glove and cowboy
panta. drawing alate with a pencil
tied to It, magic lantern, white cap
with printing oa tbe front of It, and
anything elae yoa want to bring I
will b glad to gat.
"Don't forget tha place at tha bo
teL I will hava the Cbrlatmaa tree
ready for yoa and I will watch for
If yoa ara nofrvadlng tb Morning
Enlerprtae, why aotf Tear end Bar
gain Period la now oa. ftee ad oa
The entertainment and bazaar to b
give by tke Ladle A miliary of tb
Cbrlatlan chorch of Oladitona tbla
evening at tbe ball at Oladatona
promUea to be a novel affair, and tne
ladlea In cbarg bava worked hard
to mke It a auccea. The barar
will commence at S:31 o'clock with a
hot aupper aerved by 12 ladlea. Tbere
will be no admlaalon charged, and
during tba evening a moalcal and lit
erary program will b given, thoe
taking part wearing fancy coetume 'x
correspond with tb booth they ar
repreaentlng. Tb hall la being at
tractively decorated, and. thera will
b an American booth, a Japanea
booth, an Irish Booth, and a Oerman
booth, all to be decorated with tb
national color. Mr. T. E. Oault aad
Mr. Ralph VicGetcble have cbarg of
the program. Tb grand march will
Uka place at 8 o'clock, and at to
conctuaion of thl "America" will be
aung by 'ha audience, with on of th
well known young ladlea of Glad
aton acting aa Columbia bearing tba
national color. Tha program fol
low: Solo, "ftood Old U. B. A ." Kenneth
Woodward, who will be dreaaed aa
Uncle Ram; recitation, "Th Thing
tb Aid Society Doe," Mildred Hall,
dred aa a Pilgrim, TUeaa. num
ber will b given at th American
At th German booth Char lee Mill
ar, one of '.be well know aoloUia of
thla city, will aing; Germ a recltatioa,
Mla Evadna Harriaon; Oermaa
cborua, Miaaea Mopp, foar alster who
recently arrived from Germany. Theae
young worn will render many of th
aelectlona la their native tongue.
They ara einellent alngera, and thla
la their Brat appearance In public at
Gladstone. At tb lrih bootk Mr
Ralph McGetchl will aing -Kathleen
Mavoureen"; "Spiel," by Mra Reed
of th notion aba ha for aale at thl
booth: Japaneae booth, drill by '.be
following girl, forming aa Illustrated
eong: Mlaa Prance Croaa. aololit :
Anna Gardner, Helen Pain too. Pa my
Oawald. Mable Chaee, Mable 8ladn
and Kathryn parka: Indian tepee.
Mra. Prank Oawald. eoloUt, B InJian
coetume. -atngtng Sparkling Eyea
Indlaa Dar. well known Indian of
tbla county, will b at thla booth. He
will be dreaaed la fancy coal u ma
At th Amertcaa booth will be Mr
Heodrlrka. Mra. John MoYIeuebU. Mr.
Harvey Croaa, Mr.' Emery Noble;
Japaneae booth. Mr. W. A 8cbooy,
Mra. C. T Toote. Mra O. W. Church.
Mra Clarence froat; Irtah bootk. Mra.
I. A. Reed, Mr. J. M. Hollowell. Mra
Homer Rockwell, Mra. Gilbert Rue-
aell; Japanea booth, Mra Julia
Schmidt, Mr. Mead Kenned, Mra.
William Riven; Indian Tape. Mr.
Martha Oawald, nd pappoo, Ken
neth Oawald. UmI Mulkey, Mra.
Prank Oawald and Indian David.
All aorta of value ar ruling In tbe
Portland egg trad, galea of freih
lock are belDg mad from 38 to 27 1
cent a dozen, with both price In
Receipt of egg ara again heavier
with tha outlet but Uttl Increaaed.
Thla la dua to tba reported practice
or aome handler In unloading beat
Eaatern atock aa freah Oregona and
then ahadlng tha price to 20c. Thla
la in reality from J to 4c a dozea
mora inan tb egga could be sold at
If tby wera dlipoaed of on their
Leading handler of egga along
Pront atreet Intend to make another
strong effort to atop the practice of
aelllng Eaatern Ice bouse egg a tbe
freh Oregon product Thl practice
baa proved a detriment to tha market
for freah atock aa many ar deceived
by the method. To date proof of the
practice baa been lacking and there
fore conviction could not be aecured.
Tha practice ha now become ao bold
that recently aeveral country ship
per ent forward storage egg aa
atrlctly freah ranch atock.
Prevailing Oregon City prices ara
aa follows: t
Fruits, Vegetable.
Prunee oo basis of 6 14 pounds for 4$
HIDE8 (Buying) Green hldea,
(e to 6c; aaitera, 5 to 6c; dry hide,
12e to 14a; sbeep pelt, 25c to 7Sc
Hay, Grain, Peed.
HAT (Buying) Timothy. $u to
tit; clover, M to $9; oat bay, best 19
to 110; ml ied, 19 to 112; alfalfa, 18
to 116.60 , .
QATS-dluylng)-Gray. 127 to
12a: wheat, tit to lit: oil 112:
Shady fcrook dairy faed, l 2 per
i"u pouaaa
PEED (Selling)' Short, 127 to
l:i: rolled barley. I7S0; proce.a
barley. Ill SO; whole onrn, 127;
cracked com. $28; white, 26 to $27;
Bran 127 to 2a.
Butter, Poultry, tgoa-
PLOUR 14 10 to 112$.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country batter. 2t to 20c; fancy
dairy, JOc; creamery, 10 to 2 So.
POLXTRT (Buying) Hen. Ic
to fc
EGGS Oregon ranch eggs, 40o to
4 Sc.
II. 2$ to l(0 per sack; parsalpa,
II 21 to 10; tumlpa, .2J to tLM:
Prune, on baaU of 1 4a for 41 aad
60c; beeta. 11.60.
beeta. ft 60
POTATOES Best buying 16 to
11 per hundred.
ONIONS Oregon, 1 26 to 11.60 per
hundred; Australian, 2 per aandrad.
Llveateck, Maata.
BEEP (Llva weight) Btr. 6c
nd ie, cow, 4H; bulla, I 12c
VEAL Carve bring from I U
13c, according to grade.
MUTTON Sheep. Io an 140;
lam be, 4 and 6.
HOGS 121 to 14 pound hoga luc
and lie; 14 to 20 poanda. 10 and
D'atrlct No. 1.
Eaat 8lde Mill A. Lumber Co...f J 95
Miller Mowray Lumber Co.,... 1.40
M. E. Caffney 25.00
C. E Ilattln , 36 26
0. A. Battln 60.00
Wm Smart ' 62.(0
Wm. 8trange 22 60
D. Gaffney 42 60
J. Hoffman ., 1175
P. Brhuld g.00
J. Hunter 10 25
0. Avery 17 00
P, Hchuld 9.00
R. A. Redell ,y H.76
J. A. Davla 27 60
DlstHct Na. 2
Billy Jonea $1160
Norman lender 11.15
Geo. Wlcklund J 3.00
H. P. Langenburg 160
Ward Jonea g.25
Jamea Johnson .25
i. W. Bennett 23.75
Walter Johnson 6 00
E. R. Bayer 2.50
District No. a
W. W, Cooke $ 26.00
H. Gerhardua. Sr. ,.,......,, 33.75
II Gerhardua, Jr 22.6O
Pern Thabo .
E- Pllter 17 C3
J. Pllster 12.13
0. IJngle ic.13
W. R. Brewster , m0
II. Rlttari 70.63
Martin T rogue 400
Carl Henk . ,t ; ijo0
Marlon Tong ,. jgo
A. Atwood .-. 100
O Unal 100
W. Iirodie ;rrF. i o
II T. IWrr 1 00
A. Heller so
J. C Elliott A Co. 32 4
II Gerhardua, Br 4 00
II. Gerhardua, Br. 4 00
P. O Cooke 4 00
District No. 4.
If Wylaka 10
J. T. Hawk 12 00
P W. Dowty 7 0
rred Bannlater II Oil
J. GUhena 1160!u' if.,.
O " W J. M. Smith ..
IL Barton 00 j W. C .,,, .
DMrlct No. . ru Vailoon,
21 00 I J polter
Joe Spat ....
Herman Koch
J. IL Tracy
D'etrict N. It
Kilmer A Klntel
W. A. Holme
J U. Cumins
J. E Smith
C peckover
P. Smith
L. Munger
W. II Smith
District Na. 1k
Kerr A Boany ...........
Wtlaon A Cook
J. T. rIUm
va t.ttiitiJ
l(. A. Beck
J. r. Wllmarth 30 Ou
0. W. Boring 2100
R. Rlchay 6 00
C. palmer 11.00
J. A. Imel 11.00
L Rltiar 1400
8. J. Oarriaon 13 00
R. A. Moreheed 2.00
It MeClung it 00
W. H. Card 9 60
J. W. Rootai 314 61
District Ho. 6.
Jarl Broa. 4 Rath 1366,12
R. K. Jarl
N. Schmlta
C. Ruther . ,
C. Wendland
P. Slolk
E. Gruner
C Krh
C. y. Wandland
Dlatrict Na. 7.
A I. Emily ,....
Geo. Gibbons
R. R. Leaf
Dlatrict No. .
City Car'ge and Shooing 8hop.
A. Iild"ntnlQ
D. W. IkNlgU
Dlatrict N. t.
J. P. Wood I
W. R. Wood I
14 60
12 50
14 0D
W. J. Howlett ,
J. Gltmon. Jr. ,
II. 8. Olbaon .,
Wm. Held ....
N. Scheel
P. Och
Otto Paulson ......
C. Lin
A. Scheel
P. Wletxham
A. WlederholJ .....
N. Rath ,
It. Ktlnker1 ,
C. Kllnker ,
E. E. Elliott ,
P R. Melnlg
Peter Rath
Estacada progreaa
Dlatrict Na. 10.
A. Morrow
E. W. Hartlett ..,
Eatacada Mercantile Co .,
T. FX Thorns . ,
0. Call ff
P. Holm
...I 1406
... 4. no
20 00
1 1111
5 00
13 25
30 36
Lou I a Punk
W. . Bonney
R Mat toon
T. Allen
A. L. Allen
W. Ilaam,
O. Court wright
II. Babler
O. InlJer
A Balder
Alfred Balder
W. P. Rreham
J. T. Hindi
A. Punk
W. C. Oldham
a. ouibam
E. W Oldham
D. Allen
J. round ,
Dlatrict No. H
A. Mailt
C. Crawford
D. J. Thome'
O. A. Pagankoph
G. Oullllam
P. C Davidson
Dlatrict No. 16-
Wilson Cook
Eugnn Cumin
Wm. Iletman
C. Moehnk
II. Hanson
A. Illtihm
P. Kamrath ...
J. ntuhm
Dlatrict N. 1.
U. Horaa
W. Ol thaa
Ptad Chin
W. O. Randall
D. Critaser
N. Crlteaer ,
A. BUhly
N Nortn
C. Olailer
Rnyfr, J
A. W. Riga '
Dietrict No. 1'
Carlton A Roaenkran
Mapl MM'rtoo
A, Stefanl A
H. Molaan
H. Rapp ...,.. '
J. Kraft
P. A. Nlchola
D. R. Dimtok .
P. Crawford
(To U