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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1911)
'A. 1' VT' 71 i;,.. 1 T' - I, "Sir V- . , , UORNIKQ ENTERPMOE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1911. ,-vV .aw 1 AS GIFTS JJ0 IUEWinr r- HERE AND THERE. It. Leaky te W..r Jeea ".Buler Colore of the Winter. A beautiful pleca of Jad. la nppla Tim, bau aud crystalline, almoat a kandwiine as no emerald and often ranging frum white to dark green and combining beautifully wit din mond.. Just now tbe light !ade are etylLbl select, never thenp oud brlng giM luck to tbe w.nrer. Nift of all tbe fringes of tbe sea sou I the rbenllle variety, tbe kind tbat waa uaed a Uiantlee and cloaks year, .go. Tbe crinkled allk fringe banging from narrow allk bend bind lag la new and pretty. ItaUln, a dull purple bne. one of tbe niuat favored Bliadee for autoron and waa particularly effective la two lre ault rerently exhibited. , Tbe siaehru afcifl waa iToimniiri b two rowa of medium ailed wblte pearl bottona, similar doratloii sp pesrlug on the berk and ruff of tbe Ac Tragedy of the Mexican Revolution By F. A. Mil CI (EL Copy rihl by American cteiioa. ifli r j NOV'S.YOUR.CHlkig Men's Gloves, Men's Shirts, Men's tic ond hose combination sets, Men's hankercalefs in gift boxes, Men's fancy suspenders for Xmos, ond numerous suitable gifts for men. 10 fttWARO rr the arteet an coovlcuow uf person or pereoee. wha -u.tuiir remote copies of Tha le-alaf KBta'JTtae (tm tee mim of subscribe, after bum kM bn placed Ik ere kf evrWf J Where H.e TrMwn Waa. UMmma A Llndbmrg HIGH CLASS TAILORING Os Mllng Blda., Portland, phone Main Ittl. Ma. do yoo ke m mO'"b tare wrre marrirdT "Ok. Be li tuKe."" Hee ronM )hi lute me an) moref -m kw taw h I bet lteted I11 ed fur refreahnienta. wamiwra auu tbelr frlenda are intuea A mixtlna of tbe Wlllamrf.e laila ( ami. No. 1H. W. w. win oe pr. Krl.U eoln. Iemoer o'rkM k for tbe purp 01 randldatea and rerelln application and linpedlallr after tbe meruna iu. iw-cree C'arap fill Oc.ia a aewnm. MlaaUmary tK-rlfty of M E. cburrn rill He baiaar and ltry aale all day rTt-lay In lreo buiiflinn. aud Center aUeeta. VU tor Oaull. who Injured bia Knee bout ttar yeara a(o b-P T fmMb.ll. and wbo receitea "J-' of bia knee tw oaya - ..- M.fl a rir ai tjiu'v. 111 ' -m a Ma room and It " ru,.:r.-i." t-tur. b. bi. to be out- rvea, of Aurora, waa In t hi a Uy. realaterlm t the EK'C- local potcrs t lUrtach, of Bandy. wM In tbla rtty 7iy Mr Moaler. of CUrkee, waa to thla rtty Tnrwlay M. V. TUomaA. of Hull Run. M In UK city Wedneaday. Nt Krout. 10 centa a quart, ftt eJUfa. CwUve Brbuobel. of Bbubel, BB UU rlty Tueaday. rre4 lUntano. of Ht Taul Minn , k Ihla city on bualneae. rH Bpanaler. of Tarua. w n kit city on bualneea Tueaday. A B. H'xklna. of MoUIIb, waa in Uli dty on bualneaa Tueaday. Rol-rt Dullard and family, of El- ttnia, were In thla city Tueaday. Mr. and Mra. Dan Oratea. of llal- k aa In thla city Wednesday. W H. Ilarrta. of roreat. ;). thla rlu Tueaday on bualneaa. Cbolc Riiltienbera autl l-60 a at Brrley t. . , Mr. and Mra. rerrla Mkyflold. ot HWtland, re In thl city Tuoaday. K T. and W. I. Dibble, of Molalla. mont theOreiton City ,,or ""Hay y Or ly Tuead trtc llotnl. Mr. and Mrs. Kline. wr In City Tuttadav. Mr. and Mr. Arthur BwtM. of t'llon Ulll .r. In thla City TueB- V. Thri.e parkaxea Corn FlBkea, 25 wnw, at 8ley'B. Mr mn, Mr. II W. CreBBon Viola. w,.r i this city on buBln Wadnmduy. 0. JC. Knle, one Of th prominent ''nnara of Molalla. n In tbla cuy Mi bualneaa Tueaday. lr fancy boiled hem. SS l, allced on our ptnt Ucint thlna, at Heeley'B. Wini. rv.-ii- nvr Creek, of the prominent farmert of inn HMe, waa In thla city TuW- Mr. . ..ll.n Of WIH' a. who apent the pat two rnonth California, baa returned to Orr tiiy, Mr., nyron, formerly Mlaa Onrtrud ?Mhor, of this city, but now of Po w in loia on tlUB! frUnrf. ' -r. j()hn McCrBckBn. of In thla city Tueaday ni.7T 4y vUltln. Mlaa rUtl IUrcUX Mra W H Pratt. u. ..j u ur&rer. Mr fi r onriland. wno In thl. city W.dn..dT. J "a tiara to Bttena me h ? Z. T. Wood. wWch ' n tkla city Wedneaday. . . Ta. united Artl.n. will hold U "NWar meetln. In WUUmetw n-. A JUGFUL OF BEANS Br M QUAD Cpvtm. int. kf A " irarr I . . .. b I... I ImU w. ...a n ..r M 11 .r-r founded 6.. wbru tbe inhabit- ant. br,. ' " rbU" Tu.o It took three more of bard ..kin. Ill (ft UP a in. rooi. i - bulldlnc tbat .K..rt mt the rooi oeltber aptre IHr oeury. - Jre well aatl.ned with tbluif a. iby IZZ til. II. Into .be W.l-r . dlaerlidon. of frtah tioolaed aod Wlffall. wbi. bad JU.t rot oter tbe tueaalea aod waa frellnc happy, be recited poem aod fare Chrtatopber Coluuiboa certificate of character for eobrtety Tben tbe meetlor waited for tbe peddler to abow op. and while It waited Fearoaosbt I1lrtrn fot op and etarted U euloclie Oeonte Waah InKtoo. H had been aortluf oer ph tatoee tbat day and bad K IbloKB I mixed. He aald Waeblnaion n ! bad rooe down In bl.tory toetber and tbat tbe Father of Ilia Country 'and Captain Kldd would oerer be forgotten while tbe oree oi i continued to bum Jot about tbat ti.... f i.h ttllllni:a came aauutenn- in It bad been wblcpered around idbi waa tbe ooly man In Bwan creea wo h.rfot couie ltb a ituew. um bad dared ro a.k htm. A. aoou Iearon lloainer caobt algbt of hlia ha uld I rre tbat Mr. Billing naa ju entered tbe ball. May I a o.u .Tt oa aotue Information on i. f rhnrrh twill r ' "ToU . b . ri m w i n... . UU . . io bur a tell for me n.-. Int bour. but I dont ondrmtand wtr ,lne to bang It. Will H Nt n . t-m i.r a iMiei r i"lr" or telfry. "by aiaui " ' " . . . i ,kib e.r iniir .a. i..k. kei-JaWI nH)lIV IU1U- v H" ' t.-ae. -,.,t al 1 r. " M n a,ai-ai in rhoru. UUkvaru ' . Mae vi....n i waa ' . i .... w .n t . i ,tn. or you wouiu u . .. , . ,her tbtnga. Ifa no nae to get ret a belfry.' ......h.n. it., tlu tiddler can help ua . - ,i ma one. and tbere !L .k...... nf Trddlrr.. peddler the ban ab b. did not .7" . re.none I.-con Uoamer lalMU wa- - . . a wu I,. n.l and untu: "t"..: M r Billing- wl.l be kind ten arro-a to tbe paim '-v the pedaler over." !t wouldn't be Th. with b grin. when bt amartly cnt coat, rwukb waa a trifle looser tbao the inodela of the pa aeaeon. Tbe aklrt with penela at tbe bark and front la an eetabllabed raronte. Tbla one can be treated in aeteral waya with a double boi plait pant rounded or e)uare at tbe bottom. jfDlc cuoixirr. Tbla alar Mantoai peturn la cut In atiaa from B to bd Inchea walt meaaure. Bna M eeata to Ible ofltoe. lln jiumbw, 716. aod It will be promptly forwarded to you by mall. If haate ema an aaamon.i two cent nimp for ltr po.t. which In.urM wore prompt ll.ry. '-r-tng UM thla coupon. No., Name. Addr Blie... a eeeeee fASHION-STRAWS. - Ceienlel tffeota en evening uowna r. the Lataat Fancy. Tbe colonial Idea la much In erldem-e on tbe new evening gowna. iun probably due to trogue for brocaoe i all Ita forma, aa many quaint tatteru In brocading are to be founo among the coloulal coaturore and urnlahlnB. One gown aern recently tuai u u Unctly colonial In type la of Ivory Bat tel brocaded In a peculiar dealgn of lit tle baaketa of flowera In color. It la la Burpllce etyle with trlmmlnge of aknnk aod beada. Tbe blouae that U maae m pe rtyle and rloard at the aide U decided a. It A anT ne. rein -He left town half . . , 1 . nit of n I- . hour ago. no u"u " ,een mile, an hour on him .. ..r the tirlilgrr -7; . were .numbed for thirty . ,, iirilk looee with a aecona. iw" I)econ Bparrow and othera ana . too h. T';; Jti IU. .",.. h. .h .n1 le a,, off awear worda aa tbe eur.a 01 n,t;.b..,n,w,,hM.o a. a.Kt Bl IBBVII VU other men. w.ot. Church juat a. muco - - . hat on bia beaa. " " . pel Jou nilgbtM well Put your preach- r , a ...b.e to v d ihm Th. peddl- went bU way na w.. talk .nd talk. After thr lack. ami m-" -- LraleJ tbe Sit. - peddler to .how ofl -U ran be done . a -My . fun over a log. have eoin tine. I'm oii ' couplt of week. wa ....i.lnMl. - anu i Tal . . i. - m. rt .r Of 'UP and ill ae. you through." ?r;1'.nA,a" to V't i r - . .,. I, no one ri po, . lot of wan- -KTerJhod .bou.d know ,d th " . .. to Buraa, .hould pay w , M number tio came -- bell. one JVrratla, night l!LlM ftM tht "Mak time a an a aauilal 1 IU OU..U - ,hmrB. lay OP her f,,r ' hit. I naini u-7 yell and legan thumping one another. ::-..w andth. .k.,ld eat hla half dollar ... .....m .o for a re,, of the mo. rj olT a Twoor throf bj.decn m . nttl. thinking t- - th lottary. but -.n-r. B flo.. thing w...r- ,Mre4 a "B,r- ni.nked down $2 and ,., man. pl.nk-d " ,,, wM corded four " a0J four day. .rted rolUnR. I"-" ofbBd paid for .-,ry m.n l Swan Cr B P , at leaat one "7"' " for flT mllM wt.k poat of the far T, . .round had r.ngn. . well d,.r b.d charge ' there tb. bean., and .very fflr t0 waa HBtnrnna Ulk tba thing "r M wer. no mora After two week, were e-M. fJaVh. money aod wa. .rraniad to counr op bean. Uvybody ttrned ont to 4(jB . Bcan-r took c barf wttn , tiy know wb'' ' or ,be BlnHni prth of JuU ,,n,0"n,rn, fmm -Ua. , bymn. but wn a i. a ..a. annia ni I ur iu aw. ana u t'. - - mk,BafA ttt rid of their di.c r,r- twacon tinnier loal three front ..I- k n wniikfri. a aU mOHt OI UI" " a. nisrtm b.d hi. no.. ana - - - hlt. knocked out or piurou .u ten Night cloaed down on Been, of car'nag. nd tb. a 00 ' p(5 carnage. ... . k h. town of delation. fioro. were aimpie tbat tbe peddler -i- " m Rwan anu lu'1' ' . ZJZrZ But b, never gladdenad them by hla preaence. Wall, Ftatharl Cncl. (.bowing city hoy th. f.rm,-W..h all your - fit warrant yon don t know 'h.nh aa. Too milk th. cow fromr wblcb .id. you dr Th. noy-8ure. I do! " u" ald.l-ruck. PaHiamantary Manner.. Parliamentary manner. on..h . vt.ltor to o.Ogl.u Tb , com. into tb. bona..- he wrote. tU .nd .pur It t. i(retcb. common i -k.. wbll. 1 waa Bitting oil tbe verauda of a ho tel lu Meilco when I aaw a young M.ilcao aod a girl pea. in In eu o otber'. comp.oy. Bbe waa talking rap idly to blm, evidently trying to lr Buade blm to do or not to do aonir thing. Suddenly 1 beard a era. k. aod tbe young fellow fell d-ad. Ue bud been .not by a man Blending oo tb other aide of tbe atreet. Tb. girl waa wild with grief and horror at thu. aeelog one I believed to be ber lover abot down lienlde ber. Bbe fell upon tbe body .nd t .lled wild ly for hlni to come back to ber. A lit tle knot of people collerted. aod pres ently 1 aaw tbein bear tbe body away, tbe girl following, aupported by a wo man, donbtleea ber mother. Tbe party dlaappeered In a boune a abort die ts nee op tbe atreet. I'raMillr a man t-Bme out of ibe houae Into which tbe body waa larrlrd. and. paaalug me. I a.ked him in a mlituro of BpanUb and EtiglUb to tell me what cauaed tbe affair. -Nothing, aenor. e.cept tbat tbe mur dared m.n to a .opiorter of tbe Irta governmeoL We .re nil In.uwtoa here." Wltb thla brief euromary of the atory be p.aeed on. I learned from another, however, tbat tbe murderer and l be murdered man both wanted tbe me k-lrl. 1 bad caught gllmpae of tbe mur derer. 1 did not are blm Ore tbe b.i. but aaw him walking away a moineut later. lie was a villainous looking man In Meitcan coat u me aod wltb a Bwagger. I bbw blm paw neveral times durlDg tbe day and did not ere In bis face or In hla manner tbe alight- eat compunction for what be baa aooe. On tbe contrary, be neemed to be proud of hla deed. ' Tbe eerood act of tbe drams) waa more aatonlablng atllU I aaw tb mur derer go to tbe boune where tbe l-wiy of bia victim had been taken and knock at tbe door. Tbe Bommooa waa aoawered by tbe woman wbo bad aup tmrted tbe rlrl after tbe mtrrdrr. Tbe villain said something to ber. and aba disappeared. Tbe man waited some time en the atep. and at lat tbe girt wboae lover be had abot came to ibe door. He talked to ber for quite awhile, after which abe went ba.-fc Into the bonne, and the man came on down'tb. atreet. lie bad lot eome of hla awagger. and bl. face wore a e rloua look. He disappeared In a a loon In the neit block where pulque wa. Mid. Tb.t evening .fter supper I lighted a cl.r and strolled lieyond the out skirts af tbe town. 1 waa o tba plateau where tbe climate la temper ate, and the air waa very pieaaam. a full moon waa rtxlng aa tbe aun waa aettlng. Hearing voice, behind me. I turned and met wltb another aurprtoe. Tbe murderer and the girl wboae lorer he had murdered were rtimlng toward me. He wa. dolnc the talking, while Bbe walked In ellence. TbeKe are a etranue .eople." I aald to myself. "The villain, having mur dered hla rival.' la punuindlng the girl to be reconciled to blm aud take mm lnatead. Tbey pnaeed me on the other aide of th road without appearing to notlca me. too abrbed In tbelr own grew- aome affair to thlok of any one be aldea tbemnelvea. If self prewervatlon. aa baa been aald. la the Brat law of nature curlol ty U certainly the second. Indeed, there are inatancea where' curiosity ha. been preeminent I w-bb Interest ed In thla affair, and lnatead of turn ing away from tbe path tbe ronpl. were taking I strolled on behind tbem. keeping tbem In eight. But presently the road where they wera walking made a turn, and 1 lost tbem, atopped and. leaning against fence, looked at the broad face of the moon rising oxer the dlatant extinct volcano litaocfhwatl or the -White Woman." from It. resemblance to a woman tying dead robed In a shroud of mow, my thoughts divided between th. rirama of the day and tbe moun tains or-many agea. Realizing that I A $3000.00 : SHOES. ' Wa have the flnewt Una af Ladle anal CMHeoWs h ever ahoww In Oregon CKy. Wo. are geMy ta Boll theae at to get acquainted. - $4.00 Shoes at $3.50 Shoes at vAs a further inducement we will give i FREE with every pair of Ladies shoes one pair of 'Baby's shoes. Merrill & Cave Comer 9th and Main Sts. CORRESPONDENCE CAN BY. 01.cs 01.00 ; ;l v A L ' - f .... H ':n i ..j) A OREGON CITY Edna and Allen Hutehlaaoa are 111 of grip. Bernle Davenport waa In Portland Monday, buy'ng hi. holiday goods. He has a fine dlaplay of Jewelry and other Christmas presents. W. F. Bcbuller. of the Big De partment store, waa in Portland Tuea day, buying Cbriatmaa goods. - F. A. Rosenkrati and El C. Carlton were in Canby Tueaday. J. C. Irish, of MoUao, had a narrow escape frwsi death when freight train No. 2828 struck hla hack while he wa. crossing tbe track at Canby one day last week. The hack waa com pletely demolished. Tbe horses ran away. Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Bowers, of I .one Elder, were shopping in Canby Monday. Peter Horn I g la drilling a well for Mra. Mary Hougham. Mrs. Hougham menus puiuug a j . Carl Lucke will ahlp two carloads of hogs from Canby Wednesday. Mr. Lucke pay. the highest market price for hogs, seven centa live weight - - George Meeka haa sold hla Interest In tbe barber ahop to Claude Baly. . . Canby la to have another butcher ship. Carl Kocher will be the pro prietor. - ... Andrew Kocher has sold hla Imple ment store to J. J. Sandnesa, John Fad and George Meeks. ' Mr. Kocher. wbo haa been In the hardware business for several yeara, will retire. Robert Vorphal haa sold hla large farm east of Canby: conalderatlon $19,000. The deal was made through Combe ft Wheeler, real estate dealers. Preaching at tbe Christian ennren December 24. Mra M. T. Mack and children were Sunday callers at the L. EL Bower's home, of Lone Elder. ' Mra. Llnle Vorphal , la having a foundation put under her houae. shingling the roof and otherwise im proving her property. Oscar Sanne. and Joseph Beattte are doln the work. ' - Chrlstmaa exercises and a Cnrlet maa tree at the Christian church Phristmaa Rv.- Mrs. 'John Graham and daughter, Nina, have returned home from Mo Mlnvllle. Miss Nina la very mucn iui- nmvH In hnalth. The drill that Mr. Hornlg was ualnx In a well for Mra. Hougham got out at wnrkine order and had to be aent to Wood burn for repairs. I wljl be several day. before work can be re sumed. ' The Home Mis sioaafy Society will give a ba zaar all day Fri day in the Green, corner 7 th and Center streets. week-end with her alater-ln law, Mra. Robinette and son James. W. H Moore received word that hat. wife waa sick In California, where, she went for her heaJUi A few wweka ago. Mra. Moore will return aaxnev aa soon aa abe la able to travel. Theodore Worthlngton, Fraak Law ton and Mr. and Mra. Elmer Worth-' lngton returned home Saturday ve ning from Brooknela. wasn , wow. they have hauled 800 cord. Of woo4 to the rlyrr ior tne rvwu-umi. Pulp and Paper Company, v. rn a the crew had been gone four month, and enjoyed the outing; aa well aa tho work. - ' to the OAK GROVE. ' Mr Piirner and son went to Salem nn huslnea Friday, returning home triteht ret into trouble by being too oo- s.turJay morning. nf other neoDle'B affairs. I waa Mr. M. A. Price .7 . . Y BARLOW.. -Twentieth Antnta; Orange held IU, regular meeting Saturday night OI-a fleers were elected tar the en Ml year. . Mr. Bergnso. received taw nw the death f hla fltaw, WW B waa living in Portland wttk Mr.NBer. guson's ramuy. Mr. Melrin and Mr. Jeeae' Wmt rmma Cltr Friday to at . nlr meetlne. . ... X. I lira. Ada. Anarua leu isi " hurt her aide so badly ahe la hardly able to get around. Mr. Melvta aaya he la going to sell an oi w so that Mra. Anarua win w ' nlng around after dark after them. Grandma. Anao was - attle last week to the bedaioe of her daughter who la Very 111. She re turned home Tueaaay eveawa- The .teachers are rencau.i-e . children for an ontensjiuDww. Christmas. U. 8. Armstronra ismuj - new piano. , . LOGAN. ' f -attended the meeting of the Lower Columbia Fir ReMef Association, held in uregon iw. day- . . a ' yA Frank Koni naa two un.- crashed while working in mill. ' Mra. McMnrray. or- " wu- from a visit in tne ksi, by her aged P"..,. tt Creamery p'r" ...... r.f tnr November rrot. Je thinking of going back when, turning my eyes for a last glance to tne point where the couple had disappeared. I aaw tbe girl coming alone, one was walking vary fast aeeralngly flitting innr like a spirit. I stood Derf"0" sUlL She passed ma. walking in the were Portland and daughter, visitor. Satur Mary. Mra 1. E. Armstrong and mother, Mrs Payne, were Portland .hopper. rif'Toarhera' and Parents' Assocla in of Poncord district want to thank the people for their hearty co- mlddl. of tbe road and so wrapt In her operation and them wawT wrr oarawtai. anaaoiDBBi. .mart this tear. Tb. moaei .n .motlona 'thst she did not see me. I will not attempt to find a wora to os acrlbe the expression on ber fsce. I never wish to ee such an expression again, . - ' I did not need to go ew what .he b.d done with, her cempan- nar returning alone and that look on her face aesured ma tbat Bbe ter. . . . . i .... k. k...a. held December 1. Mural Balcom la able to be out after a serious attack or grip. M mm A Ka T ahnwitrh and son f-a- mis. - , a m Snndav evening ior ' .v.r,l months to Californl; to visit relaUvea at Sandago and other .... t n ataata and daughter, Eia- nt Ore ion City, were v JLa i. .mhroldered lo Bulgarian Btyle . . . k aw lft revenge for tbe . W.fc with wool threada in onem.i de-tD 0f her lover, i weui juuiu hot. tDrw my rjeionging. im my trunk, paid my bill, went to the tttlon. where I waited twe hour, for a train to take me out of the country. I did not draw a free breath till I had boarded It and waa moving away from the town and the double trageay .... urifnar rridsv and Saturaay ' ' . . . iv.. Mr.. Roblnette, or saiem. apeui for butter fat for November C. C. Ceamery. - ' ... F. Hutchlna, one or lae . a a .a. a at v t naVt dairymen, waa in ""7"' " . dairy meeting In Portland. ' . . . . .tiin. In a mn- O D. Koooina is pu..B - . wi. mMaim. cre'e rounaauou w m . Mr. Henry Hagemao near Portland. , All wbo are looking for a good time ret your basket and come to the en feAalnment Saturday night and am lie . onlet Fmlly- doea Bl IUO " " J things. Good music. There waa a aoclal hop hall Saturday night. Clackamaa County Pomona Grange moeU with Harding Orange Wednes day, January 10. C. B. 8 pence who attended the national aesalon of the order Is expected to be present -o ad dress the meeUng, also 8Ut Lecturer H. A. narnall. at GUI'. This May Vanton patten, la out In aUea rJm 14 to 40 Inrh.a bust raiuiir o Seebu l & omce. atv.n. number ted It will b. promptly forward. o you iy mall. If in -nd an tio e.nt .tamp for tott.r poetaa which In.ura. more prompt delivery. la oro.r lac use thla eoupon. , out on on. . crel, ; others sr. Bpesklng. wm In sesaon. There o '"iXVh..fVfore th. ,0 i v.- -- r h. too nice . Wh.t VlaMa Notaa Will D. J i vMln oot. .y -"mar i- Mintlnued. may "'To' .tee or dla.ntegrst. .tone. Swi iu their unseen., unbounded a when thev come with rgu SVrrcl'se .n Muenc. upon larlty mey ron or atone. It .tructure. of Klk. 1 ,,0Wwn conTlnnou. plkyln tor have been con , f mMOn- VZZSi it w. No.. Nome.. Addr Staf-Kea eeeee-.waeee th. ajupram. tonaoenoe. n..,a,ii maw to have mot confidence In her hu-band- -I have often noticed It I believe wonld -ren eat moanroou ..... br pic kwl.--Cblc.go Hecord-Her he bad ",d- YaWi.nC Columbna waa going borne to enalna. "Tbe flrst Instance or toe reou Am eric ar ha crled--New Tork Sua. f nnnnml I could lev. It behind In Mexico, but I hav. been disappointed. t. t..nni. m. I dream of It. I wake up In tbe middle of the night and the cenea roll before m. a. if painted o. the canvaa or a panorama. And that poor girl! I constantly Buffering with bar. The Last Straw. Old Money (dying- I'm afraid Tv. been a brute to you sometime, dear. Toung Wlfe-Ob. never mind tbat ...-it iMi alwavs remember bow very kind you were when you left me.-ft.vdney Huneiio. in I X ub-JSr ) r. coidr 1IIIMUI aaVgwttafla Among the relics la the aadewt Oer mantown Mennonlte chorch. In Oer a..i..ii avenue, above Herman Philadelphia, la a tombstone -KL.h this sentence in insCTiowa gee ad on back pno NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Lake. Including medical attention, board and bathe, coat, no mora than you would pay to live at any first ciaaa noteL Room, can be had from 75 cenU to U0 par day Mt. Ia tbe cafeteria are served from 20 cenU up and In the grill at the usual grill price Batha range from 50 cenU to 11.00. We Do Cere Rheumatism Hot Mke Mineral Batha and mud given under scien tific direction have cured thousand.. Write for Mon t rated booklet descriptive ef Hot Lake Sanatorium and the method, employed. Hot f , V'J" 1 BBKasaMMaaaHBaaa' Lake Sanatorium la elble aa It la located direct ly on the main line of the O.-W. B. A N. railway, and SDecial excursion rales are to be bad at all agenta. HOT LAKE SANATORIUM HOT LAKC. ORIQON. WALTER M. PICRCC. Prcs.-lijr. "7T ' "if . ' .. y Hi t I Of I - '.'A -1 'ri amall ra win j'itk-iiitat Jl