Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1911)
"1. J 11ORN1N0 mmtKPni8K.'THUHai)AY, DKCKMBEIt H. f f - r. ucao EirrEri?ai$E CTTY, CBUSSW t ft. BROfMC. Idraee ana alalia-, - T 1 - ' - f fr K ten. at d m av i TESM If MKSPT1M. Jae tnr, W Mentha, ar nail . - 1M fswr MMIH ta- .....a......... i ae ML kr Mntar a CC3TRACT ADVERTISING RATES FWw Pee. w m- rwwt IiiiHih 1 Htm nn, ear M mil i rti i ftfi altMi amy fV par I i le .ar Mm; to hawe o BM. Waata, rr Bale. Te Cliiiaa aaaMelsaT aa se faaae ulNblau aaclaa f aartt wttk WW aa ri4Iy Ca7 mat ret mad CITY OFFICIAL NEWSFAFErL THE MORNING ENTERPRISE la oa Ml af. the following; atoraa tott day: Hustler Broe. Drags Main Street. . J. W. McAaalty Clgare Seveatk and Mala. E. B. Audereon, ... a ' - Mala near Stxtk. " at. K. Dana Confectloaery Nat aVwr to P. a - . .City Dm- Star , Electric Hotel. ." " Bcaoanbom Cofctloery ' 8vatk aa4 X Q. Adajaa. Dec 14 In American History. 1783 Tba British forea aratel -- Cbartoatoa. C - 1799-CcMral Gaorf Wuhlnrtoo. flnt praaMrat of tba Called Sutea. died at Mount Varaoa, Ta.; bora 17S2. 1804 Arbitration treaty cone tod ad ba tva tba Cnltod Btataa and Italy. . ASTRONOMICAL EVENT. v - (Prom noon today toAooo tomorrow.) Bun aeta 4X'tW 7:13: toooe rtaea 1:24 a. m.; planet Mercury Just Ttatble after sunset ' ' f GERMANY'S PROBLEM. i 4 eeeMina ear ., aaa aae it ttiu M iMh Am tr sKlMr JpM ftrvt ft!, asSsjgai ImmAotm MM a were rtra BMttNj mm aaa- Ml IM e44lrlsai liln far t4nnWM ai aw Weautr hiatal t win a tae aa a tax mm&f, far rarttaaaaBta eet aapaanatty Bar bV waty wnws tae n innawint Is r ejrarnl rreai the eaiar to She na W. nl'-SBI aaasap. tka (Ma wag Be to p-lTn- asi niiT jlmmm9' " " trniKtm 'mkt-nmTmmmJm 'atfiaT"' aaa haileewrtee. tin' iaiiia at Mewl ilniiai aaaa eng ara saoe" afear tacn Hrvt Hi nin; aBBI as aaass matter at keen, end watt arm arthaaa I raw to local iiatirw, Germany kaa an Uue on Its kands Tklnk of tka audlcaOy of it! Rep now which may tura out to be more 1 reaentatlve Underwood quotes Thorn- Charges of Corrupt Politics Have Bad Effect on Future Citizens I T IS CONSTANTLY SERTEO BY THE THINKING THAT HAVE TOO MUCH POLI TICS AND TOO MANY POLI TICIANS. INSTEAD OF ' THERE BEING TOO MANY POLITICIANS ' THERE ARE NOT ' ENOUGH. In a country whose institutions are Lased npon popular suffrage EVERY MAN should be s UN. I WE I POLITICIAN, and every man men a PORTION of hia TIME, ' EN ERG V and 'TALENTS to the SERVICE of the STATE. I do not mean that every man should run for office. ' That is a poor buiiinefM at best poor when you succeed, inexpressibly poor when you faiL What I mean is that EVERY CITIZEN should help so , far as he can to aolre the problems for the BETTERMENT, of ' GOVERNMENT, tbe IMPROVEMENT of SOCIETY snd the . PERPETUITY of the REPUBLIC. It is the DUTY of every citizen to ATTEND both the PRIMARIES and GENERAL 5 ELECTION to the end that GOOD and CAPABLE MEN MAY BE SELECTED. The ONLY way to REFORM POLITICS is ' to be ACTIVE before and AT the ELECTIONS. THE PERSISTENT CHARGE THAT ALL PUBLIC MEN ARE FOR SALE AND THAT ALL GOVERNMENT IN THIS COUNTRY IS THOR OUGHLY ROTTEN NOT ONLY PUTS IMPROPER IDEAS INTO THE HEADS OF OUR OWN PEOPLE AND HAS A WOEFUL EFFECT ON THE IMMIGRANTS COMING TO OUR SHORES AT THE RATE OF MORE THAN A MILLION PER ANNUM TO BE ASSIMILATED BY US AND TO BE FORMED AND FASHIONED INTO AMERICAN CITIZENS. They, should be taught that our theory of government ia the BEST ever devised by the wit of ( man, that the vast majority of American voters of all parties are ABSOLUTELY HONEST, that the MAJORITY, of PUBLIC MEN, are of HIGH CHARAC TER and PATRIOTIC and that the C0RRU1TI0NISTS . are only the EXCEPTIONS which prove the role. I have no sort of patience with these PESSIMISTS, "who go about PREACHING the UTTER and UNIVERSAL VILENE6S of AMERICAN crnzExs. ' " etaqutvilof taan did th Morrocco quaatlon, a4 hloa la cortaia to Wat kntr. For maay daya tk Rakhtac dabatad tba blh coat of IWInf, aad maay davtcea bar beta propoaod aa a rallof. but tba cbaacva tot tba aJ optloa cf aay raJ ramajy fcr rmot Tba advaaca la prtcM of food aad dotblag la Qarataay deaU a far bard ar blow to tba maatea of tba people tbaa tba like pbeDorotaoa bare doe to tba welfare of tbe American work era. Tba marcta between warea aad tbe coat of Urine la much wider la tbe United 8tatee tbaa It la In Europ ean couatiiea, and la tery murk wider tbaa It la la Oermaay. Tbla la eo vital a questloa over tbere tba. It kaa peen orouaat i -,m"- is'atarc aad tt ts arouaad a aiore exciting debate tbaa aay almtlar la ta, kaa ever called forth oa tkla aide of tke wa'er. The Socialist and aome of tke member of 'the Otker partlea aay tkat tba only pract.1 cable relief would be through tbe removal of tbe dutlee oa moat of tke food product aad tbe lowarini of It on the otbera. Tbe duty oa trala averfaee about II reata a kuakeU and tkat burdaa to real be cause mack of tke gral" consumed by r.rminr kaa to be Imported. Some of Ike more modema party men. J tkey' would be content with tke pension of U duty for twelve montba,' or until the barren of ,1912, In tbe hope that tke Garmaay fleWa wouM be more prolific aext year than tkey were tkla year, and tkat tke world's aupply would be greater tkan kn It la bow. Tke chancellor, however.' jr tbat If tbe dutte abould be easpend- ed It would be difficult to reetoretkem and ke la opposed to any modification of tbem wfcatever. American farmers hare aome Inter est la tke. German agitation for tke removal of tke dutlea on wheat aad Lcorn. for many of tbe advocates of tbat policy point out tbat tbey could obtain big auppUea from tbe United Sutea If tkla barrier waa removed. evea for a year, una eueci ox. toe algk price in Germany, It la said. will be to Increase Immigration, aad as moat of tkla will aeccesaartly be to tka United State, thl crisl , kaa a large concern for na. Tke Germans kave been among tbe moat valuable of our Immigrants but the stream kas been narrowed In recent years. Ia the meantime, Americans wbo are grumbling about tke Increased cost of living may find a little conaolaUou In tba circumstance that their burd ens of tkat sort are ligbt compared Uk those on aome other people. Margaret IUingtoo, who left tke stage to seek domestic bliss. Is to ap pear In a play called "Kindling." a title savoring more or leaa of domes ticity. . ; k ; . ' , . : Courts and Juries 'throughout tke land are putting tke kibosh on tke unwritten law. -a s : TaV Coprrlit br AmerWn Preae Assoclatloo. By CHAMP CLARK, Speaker of House of Rep resentatives OF OUR OWN CHILDREN, BUT as Jefferson without asking tka per- ralutoa of Mr, Brvaa. " " , Tlaaa was wkan the Laird of Sklbo wouldn't dare accuse tke coatiibgilag Editor of splurging. . We are Indebted to a New York newspaper aage for tola startling rev elation: "A woman's kalr la never red except wkea ska came by It t arally.- If tka Court of Commerce kas pow er to punish for contempt, a kunck of Congreeamaa are Jumping Into Jeo pardy. A , 8kaaeatlee corespondent assure aa Ikai wkea Kipling wrote "the fe male of tke species la more deadly than i. tke , male," Ruddy meant' tke aioea.ulto." ; . . . "I am for nobody , say Mr. Roose velt. Aad who U dare say tke Colonel la nobody; Ab Martin observes:" Ther's alius some thl a" brew In" a Mtlwaukle t' stage kumaalty." Aa author arguee tkat It will be, easier to die In tk futuraWell, moat of na are willing to watt aad aea If ke U rlgkL "American railway train ar tke beat In tbe world." aaya Alfred Ten nyson Dickens. Wherein be la ac cord with Mr. Bryan, wko Uvea la them. . Champ Clark I going to write a book. Very considerate of him. for ke will save aa unseemly scramble among tbe vaudeville manager. BASEBALL WAR NOT TAKWOSLY NEW YORK. Dec: -(Speclal) ' -Tkere will be bo baseball war. It takes two aide u make a.figkt" Wltk tkeae words Anguat Herrmann, chairman of tke - National Baseball Commission, todav refused ta t.k. up tke gauntlet thrown oan by Baa Johnson, president of the American League, in declaring tbat the Ameri can League would kava nothlna furth er to do wltk the National except to protect territorial and player right, and securing the passage of a. resolu tion to that effect bV tka lea rue dlntc tors. Tbe resolution adopted by the American League are being generally regarded today aa a harmless mid winter diversion. The resolutions were kandad to Herrmann aa h ul at a banquet given' by the World's Champion Philadelphia Athletic to baseball magnates and writers at the A st or koteL He announced kis Inten tion to probe tke ticket scalping scan dal to tbe bottom, and place tka re sponsibility wkere tt should res. FREAK BILLS COST OT-DLTO (Continued from page 1.) and to know its effect anon tke state. Derore voting lor It Judge rnmick wss ss muck opposed to tke bill pro viding tor the elimination of nerao- al property to tba amonnt of $3,000 as be was to the slngl tax. Aa to bonding the county or state to raise money for roads, the ludce pom red out tbe Interest tkat must be met, and 'said that, although tbe roaJs are built and millions expended, aa soon as a new railroad line aoes In It changes tbe location of the roads tbat are used the moat, as all farmers are anxious to haul to the nearest sbjpplng point As to county fairs, he said: "I dont believe In these aDoroDria- tion by the atat at large to benefit local or Individual enterprise. If the taxpayers would throttle every nshwheel In the state and leave tbe fishing to the alllnetters ther would save the state a heavy expense and permit tbe propagation of the flab to go on naturally. Tbe teacher supervisors created by tbe Legislature last year, we have no more use for than I have for another pocket, but tbey cost us $4,000." Dodge Funeral Held. Tbe funeral services over the re mains of Mrs. Anna Dodge, who died at Hallard, Wash., were held at the Baptist church Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. 8. A. Haywortb. pas tor, officiating. Many friends of the deceased attended tbe funeral an 1 also members of tbe Sola Circle, of which deceased was a member. The Interment was In tbe Mountain View cemetery. Learning by Experience, Ha Iceman mhuvrlng umbrellas! TTere's one with sn excetlonslly st trsctlve bundle. Customer Not for me. AH my nmbrellas bsve been en tirely too sttrsctlve. Loudon Tele grspb. Charity. . CU irlty begins at borne becaase If It began downtown It might bsve to walk borne. Osl vest on New. Ksisin. ' . Balslna often stick to tbe paper In which tbey have been wrapped. At suck time bold tbe paper for a mo ment over tbe stesm escaping from a teakettle and tbe fruit can then be re moved readily. White Queen Flour Thl Is The Best Flour Obtain able. Lsy In Your Winter Supply of Cost Now. Hy, Grain, Feed and Korrect Poultry Food. - Oregon Commitsioa Co 11TM AND MAIM L . Oregon City. Wrr.ts,FcrSde,Etc aa aww4 a aaa eant a ware, gwa aaaav vase teak aaa M sec t eaal asa sere, aaaa St a mm. Cwak saaat I is erase mini ens aaa aa aa ia as 1 1 na wBa iaa IM". IS aissf lar him atlas-Mi iimai ae WANTBaV WANTED Tourist aad local people to aea my collection of arrow-beads coin. Indlaa trmkata. v'.d stamps aad curio of ! aorta ' Will bu or asU la this i 'la some good bargeiaa la aevood-kand furnllura ana tools. r,eorg Young, klalh l air Fiftk. r WANTKDFour men to board and room by private family, goo4 table and room. $4 SO a week. Inquire at Enterprise. tt FOUND. rt)L'NIWlll partyNsho advertised for glasses la' RnUrprise call at office? FOA SALE. FOR SALE On black mare, com ing four year old. very geutle, but not broke to work, weight U&O pounds. Farmers Feed Yard, O. F. Hegdale. owner, ketaeea Hecood and Third an Main street, Oregon City. . , FOR 8ALK by C 11. Uvesay, carload of Trojan powder. Just received. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND Ft' EL CO. F. M. IUukm.' Wood and coal delivered to all part of tke cl'.y. 8AWINU A SPECIALTY. phone your order,- pacific SS03, Home B 110. " t t .. FOR RENT. TO RENT Room wltk board In private family. , Address "A," rare Enterprise. FARM LOANS FARM LOANS Otmlck at Dlmtca, Lawyers. Oregon1 City, Or. ATTOSXNaTY. O. D. BUT. Axioraer-at-Law. kt luaaed. abotraeta tirnlaked. land Utlea atamhui. eeiatte aettled. mm eral law kasaavaaa- Ovej Csty. ITRatN tt BCHVnWU AUavaeyal Law, DeetaeSar adveka, wUI aeaa taoe la all aoarta, aaaka prtae Bldav. Oraamai Oct. UlLDf R AND COWTataCTOR. HARRY JOHEft Buflder aad Oeaeraj Coatraator. Eatluvatee ckeertall; givea oa all classes of batiatag work, aswerats warna aaa retaroreed Has. pvtaw Mala 11. INSURANCE. E. H. COOPER. Foe Pile taseraaee aad Real Batata. , Lai as beadle ynar properties we bay, aefl and escheat. Office la Raierariee "SS-. Oregon City. Or saw a CLEAnVncTaND FRESaVNO. CHICAGO TAILORS eults made to order from $10 and np. Wa also do cleaning, pressing and repairing Three doors south of postoffce. MUSICIANS. J. ALBA 8AGER, tescser of wind snd string Instruments, director of band snd orchestra. WM furnlih manic for any occasion. Call st Electric - Hotel - PIANO TUNINO.. - - PIANO TUNING If foa' wsnt your plsno thoroughly and accurately tuned, at moderate cost notify Piano-Tuner-' at Electric 'Hotel. Strongly endorsed by tbe director of tbe Philharmonic, wbo will per on ally vouch for bla work".. LOST;, rLOST Saturday, a brown and white muley cow. under return to Jim Graves, Seventh street or O. Engle brecht's place, snd receive reward. NOTICES. Notice of Application - for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given, tbat I will at the next regular meeting of the City Council apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business, 714 Main street, for a period of six month. , L A. NOBEL, Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given tbat I will at the next regular meeting of the City Council apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business, "The Idle Hour," comer Fourth and Main streets for a period of three months. A. J. KNIGHTLY. TEACHER'S EXAMINATIONS. Notice Is hereby given that tbe Coun ty Superintendent of Clackamas County will hold tbe regular exam , Inatlon for applicant for atate and county paper at Willamette Hall, Oregon City, as follows: For atate papers commencing Wednesday, December 20, at a o'clock a. m and continuing until Saturday, December 23, at 4 p. m. Wednesday Forenoon Writing, United States History, Physiology. Wednesday Afternoon Physical Geography, Readlag, , Composition, Methoda In Raadlng, Methods In Arithmetic, ( Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, Civil Government, History of Edu cation, Psychology, Methods In Geography. Thuradsy Afternoon Grammar, Geography, American Literature, Pbyslca, Method In . Langtisge. Thesis for Primary' Certifies'.. Friday Forenoon Theory ind Practice, Orthography, English LIU erature. " Friday Afternoon School Law, Botany, Algebra. Saturday Forenoon Geometry. Geology. . Saturday Afternoon General HIs- krv. Hookkaenlna rours truly, T. J. GARY, (Viunty lUhool Superintendent Notti pe Municipal Incorporation. Notice Is hereby glvea that applies tkn will be made to the Coun'y Court of Clackamaa county, Oregon, at the regular January. Il. tann i'f said court, on Friday the tk day of Jan uary, lilt, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the Incorporation of a certain por tloa o( Clackaaia county Into a launicipai cvrpoi avion uuuer lbs lei ia au4 uy vu tua 04 Caapier 1 sm liue AjkVl ol Lde Vtesou ias, ia Bfewtuauue i Ul looltig palitioa. IN !. COCM Y tXJUKT OF Tllh? a i Ala: or oHk-tiON oa clacp.- AA lUU.Ml. To tua Lwuuiy Court of t'Ucheuiae couuiy. 1 ae andersigued, your petitioner. quallUed elecioi o ttt county ot CiaAkamaa, alaie ol Oraaou aud rest Uanu witkln the following described boundarlea. Ut-all; liaainaiug at the aoutkeaat corner of Tract No. tilxty-ooa (1 or Wlllauiette Ttacta, tbeora sou Ik aUtyaeven tT) degreea Tkir'.y ulna UJ minutes west aloug the aoutktrly bouudary of Tract elaty one ll). 8ixty to (all, Stat three tsl) aud tiliiy-lour ($4) o( said Willamette Tract and '.ke pro jection thereof to the Intersection of the east line of Twelfh alreet In the town of Willamette Fall; thence south Tenty-two (33) de gree Twenty-one (111 mieutee east aloug the east Una of said Twelfth street produced to tbe north bank of the Tualatin Itlver; thence up tba north bank of tbe Tualatla Riv er to a point oa tbe aald north bank where a projection of the west line of Tract B and F of First Addition to Willamette Falls Acre age Tracts Intersect tke - aorta bank of said Tualatin River: tkeoce north lo tke north a eel corner of Tract E of aald Flrat Addition to Willamette Fall Acreage Tract; tkenre east along tke nrk boun dary of Tract K of aaiik Flrat tton to Willamette Fan Acreaae Tract aad along tba north boun dary of Tracta K. II. N and P of Willamette f all Acreage Tracta and . along the north boundary of Tract Forty 0 Forty-one Ol). Forty two (41). Forty three (41). aad Fortyfour (44) of Willamette Tract to the nor 1 beast corner of said Tract Forty-four (44) of said Willamette Tracta; thence north Slxty-aeven (7) - degree Thirty nine (311 minute east along tke aorrk line of the County Road to a point where the north line of aald county road Intersects a northerly ' projection of the east Una of Trar ' Sixty (60) of aald Willamette Tracts; thence south Twenty-two (33) dearee. Twenty-one ($1) min utes east along the east One of tracta Sixty (0) and Rtxty-one (1) of said Willamette Tracts to Ik southeast corner of Tract No. Sixty one (1); the place of beginning - All In Clacksma county, atate of Ore gen. Reference being had herein to the plat of said Willamette Fall, Willamette Tracta. Wllla tnette Falls Acreage Tracta and First Addition to Willamette Falla Acreage Tracta. all of which are duly recorded In the office of the Recorder of Conveyance of aald Clackamaa county, atate of Oreaon. within aald Clackamaa county, Ore gon, pray that "the aald part of Clackamas county. Oregon, describ ed by the foregoing boundarlea ahall be Incorporated aa a municipal cor poration under the provisions of Chapter I Title XXVI. Lord a Ore gon Laws, the said described part r avi ' Electric Christmas Gifts Are Popular They still possess that element of noyelty dear to the American heart and thus soItc the problem of giving Christmas gifts that are 'dif ferent.'" Imagine how pleased most men wotsld be to' receive an electric shaying cop or electrc cigar. lighter, instead of neckties, socks. And hand 'kerchiefs, "as usual." . A tea kettle for grandmother, a samoyar for Madame's five o'clock teas, a chafing dish for the college girl or bachelor maid, a disk stove for the bachelor, a flat iron or sewing machine motor for the practical housewife all these novel and useful gifts will be appreciated by whoever receives them. : V ' ' - - ' v . , It should not be forgetUn that th lctH Chrletmss gifts are ' all( UIEFUL gifts. Esoh of these devlaea Is designed to da soma one thing better than It cn be don any other way, wfcether It Is to . peraolate eoff, toaat brssd er furnish the power for running a sewing maohlne. The ling of slsetrio Chrlstmss gifts la sa complete that In It will be ' found a suitable gift for avsry member of the family. V , PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. V MAIN OPHCC 7th and Alder Streets AN INVITATION with ampla eaeltaL assure I uulimist and a neaulna deelra wa are In poeKle ta five business msn and Indlvlaw4ic tka kill there I In Sanhlaf. Vur IntsrOeta will rw If yen bsve a finanelal kaaeaa and w serdiaMy Invite yea- te te at heme here, wslna au imItiu! ta ths fullest peeaJbl aatsnt " s'tla The OAiilx cf Ofccoa City OLDEST lAWK IW THI COUWTT ' , bV Ck ITrtHTaaVrffal THE FIRST NATIONAL BARB 3 ol OREGON CITY, OREGON OAFiTAL, t reassess a saaeel aakkaf ailaaaa. of aald Clackamaa county contain IIT number of Inbabltanta And your petitioner will ever pray. II. I. SnlJow. ( 11 Courtney, J. C. Edmund. Joeepk I Under eon, r K Shipley, Chaa. A. And rue. W. I. Crlteeer, C IL Wlllson. J M. Turner, II T. llhluley. W. Pollock. Ijurtod Rice. . J. A. Ream, Jr. A. Uranqulst, (1. O. t) raves, U II. Duncan, T. J. Uary. (1. H Roger. J O KnKbt, J A. Ilodgee, J. A. Ream, F. Oliver. J. RayL Gore Strong. A. Hun yon, B, P. Carpenter, W. F Hunyon. C. A. Colson, Frank Capon. W. A. Roaa. Kdaard dross. ). llsmaa, t'llb (iroaa. Ham lutdorf. R A. Junken. tirge Itatdorf, H A. Waldrun, It. Mtelner. K Adamson, J. 1L Hunt. J. W. Olle. II. 0 Newtua, ) 1her. E. T. Masa Ms Himself al Hem. "Mr Pigs U alius- her luu literal " -llow m.y ' "Tbe last tie. ke a as Bt my I totil bla t make him -If InoriMichiy al koiue. aad In lean ibae Ova minute be had irreWd with aiy wife. kU ked the -al (Hti ot d.. itis'aarae4 the rook, wfuiakea tne and tola ute I waa a' fieM " - 1'rar-uii W ralr Meeeie Re see. -Al a rail la arms, in N-na. Aadra rtldeo. aha wss laaie. rlereti nimwlf a a ret-riiit. U a-n r.ful 00 e rounl ! til- t rilH'teil mhI ne eirtalmed "I loaHiKtil yl aer- .kii for Sk-I to 0a tit. tiot ! run ay." Tk Wreeasa. "Yoa refit1 Bur- ten r4r Sat" "I rememlirr.' aald Ike brireaa. "Yon wild II wind wre. k yoiir life." "II did have bed lo work for a llvLig -er alia e"-LouUville fwurlee. Jenraai - v country tbat ta rwmarirabla far tta large aatera. kaa tka blgtiaat death rata. Highly Freaakla, .The man wbo aald be wee "oat oa a lark" waa In reality "ant aa a swal low - Safeguarded. She Does tbe course of ibelr love mo smooth? Ue Ob. yea; tkere are banks oa both idea. Judge. aecSuntlnf, sasellsnt lt yVf ta raeidee kelatul a...i . e ; ""' - i ia4 a u '.f saaast feaaa I A. M. , I B J REAL EST ATI TRANttt Ik O. and Anna J. Ro.ocraa is Mra. K. J. Lewla. Ma It and 14 jkLZ 4t Oreoo Iron Si.) First Addition to ogo; ioo. Jobn O. and Ckarlott ium m John samuelaon and Charlotte uelwm. lota and I of block 1. ., Addition to Canby: )M. 1 Suaaa M llarrla to William Js aon, 40 acre of section 14. Uaasaa I aoutk, range 1 east; o. " George R. Young and Florets Young to Clarence V. Atterbery. acrea of aectloa Ik. township $ soatk range I weal; $M). M. L Young lo Rudolph atartta. kaa 14. IS, bkwk a. Oak Uruv park lis , Julia A. IUbbU to Walter p rgk bla. 100 acre of William Engle a L C township soulk, raaga $ sM. llorara M. Taaaart and Kt Tat grt to George ChlWlrr. 44 arrs at aertlon 14. township I soul a, rasgt east; 10. N. D aad Eltiablk M. Hantlar b) jwla and Anna llelgerana. 44 am of section la. towashlp 4 aoatk, rsaa I east; It.JOO. Espreeelenlvt te Enleriala. Many wko fceard repreaentatlrs al Ike Ollleeple Rckool of ExpreaaUai M Ckautaaqua laal summer will at pressed to know that a similar seta lalassant will be glvea bare tkla weak MUs Rdna Ilertsch and a torepsslna, both of the senior rlaa of tb (Itrka ple school, will gtva a rertial al tk Presbyterian ckurrk an Friday t alng al ockiek. Tke nrograai H be varied by pleasing bits ot tern (km. pantonine, dletoguee, eta Tk rouag ladles are experienced la ptk tie entertalnmeal and are reaaa mended as very rspable and plsastat Adult 38 tenia, children It rests MASONS ATTEND FUML Sedy e X. T. Wood I iMecrSg Is , Meunlaia Vew. Many frtenda of tke l I Wood attended Ike fuaeral servtajl i.i. ,mlA ai I ha family S3 denca on Twelfth aad Wster suetfl a m. " 1 1 M'ednday anemooo a a Rev. J. R. ladstKirougk. P-W 43 the Presbyterian cfcurck. offlrlairi Tbe deceased waa a member of III Masonic oyder aad also of the and l-ailea of Society, and Ibees ita orders attended la a bod f- The fWti tributes were beautiful. Th lsh meat wss In Ike Mountain le cem etery Many friends and reUtlvesii th deceased were here from fw land. .4