Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1911)
t I MORNINO ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMHER 13, 1911. For tho Sorvioo of tho Rooptm; Frank Duooh'o Storo (Oovorlng 00,000 Cquaro Feet of Cpaoo) 0 In tdoat Christmas Gift plmoo In thm Wllmmotto Vmltoy to Buy Cultablo anriatntaa 0V7o. 3 CHAD P A D I V EARLY IN THE WEEK OIIUI HiVtVLil and Eattv fn th Day. Di:V4CMUi;i) Saturday Nt, Dc.-S6th, la DOUBLE STAMP DAY. 1 i3d For This Is Going to Be the Best and Biggest Christmas This Old World , Has Ever Seen A great holiday show; this store's exhibit of Holiday Articles Is truly a superb exposition representing the largest, most attractive and fairest-priced showing of It's kind In Qkanus CountyCome In and select yourjChrlsttnai Gifts early We'll store them for you free of charge. - " . fit V Tiro Standard Favorite Give your wife the ideal gift, a Standard Favorite Rangeindeed the most practical and popular gift; the one to give her delight and keenest pleas ure for a lifetime. Tht Standard Favorite is oe of the greatest fuel savin g ran ges made. It is widely knowu and has our strongest guarantee. WE HAVE THEM AT $50.00 1 to $80.00 OTHER RANGES We have many other makes of Ranges, one of which is . The Elite .T"t",XiU,,r $23.75 All kinds of second hand Cook Stoves and ranges Pricey from $2.50 to i2Q.OO. 7 Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, .M7 D1ra;n, ,o !;,J c - in this , d-pitrncnt-V re unable to show cuts and quote prices in this space, but the bargains irom uus department are great Dooble Stamp Day Saturday. TOYS AT COST Nowhere is Wine to I found , a rmxe 1 comjJrte stock of Toys than at this slore. The newest and most up to date things to amuse the youngtrrs. They're all Going at Actual Cost. WOOD IlilNGSluGIV A Wonderful Toy Land SUGGESTIONS OF TRULY SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS No need to wait longer to buy toys as wt are selling them right nov at exactly coit. S ock arc at their best and made up cf tr t newest things. 3-PIECE PARLOR SUIT This beautiful S piece Suit at ll0 would make a splendid jifi. other Suits up to $41.55. DININQ TABLES IRON S)0a Ad S foot table (or $9 IS; others from We have a large stork anj the price IS to $i0 00 , run from $17 to $ oo. ORIMtfta (kHMl full site MORRH CHAIRS DniHr at IT Si) A splendid bit of Uiirrlt ana 0 DO and sp l'f rroin l $30 TOYS THAT WILL MAKE GLAD THE HEARTS OF THE LITTLE ONES Doll Meade I nun Sc to 12.00 Shoo Firs I1.2S jlo $2 75 Tor Wheel Bar row, lie to 45c Drama JOc te sue Writing Desks $2 25 Tool Cheats 7$c to 9 0a The Urged Hix k of mils 10 rea t llr. j All till an 1 kfe (ulna at roat Rorklna llnrees' t're. from e to II 10 to 1171 MM. , ' 1 Look these over: Good sloj Automobiles, Wagons, Doll Carriages, Rockers, Chairs. Dressers, Beds, Tables, Aeroplanes, Building Blocks, Tea SetsTeddy Bears, Horns, ond Hundreds of Other Toys. Will Store. Purchases Until Wanted We will store packages for early shoppers until we are instructed to deliver them. FRANK BUSCC-3 OREGON CITY, OREGON The Advantage of Paying Your Ac counts Saturday Is that ycu wlU get double trading stamps. ST3LE TAX KEN CALLED Um (Continued from page I.) county, and out of that 640 acres a twelve-acr tract was sold and Im prored. and after the tmproTement the twelve acre are now aaaeaaed for more than the remaining; 628 acres The County Aaaeaaor Informs me that such la not the cae and that while aome land la aasesaed low on account of Its rocky condition being wholly unfit for cultivation or even pasture, the com pari aona which I hare men tioned ar untrue. ' T'llstened a short time ago to a speech made by a Single tax advocate In Clack am county, wherein he stated that he Dad found two tracts of land similarly altuated. each con taining 100 acrea; one held by a real dent who was Improving the aame and the taxes on that tract of land was more than $80, and the other tract of land equally aa level and the fertil ity of the soil equally aa good, but held by a speculator, and the Utter tract of land was only taxed for $16. "I wlah to atate that the asaertlon la a faliie and misleading anj no aasesa ment of that kind appear upon the anaeasment roll of Clackamas county. .There are tracts of land, however, npoa xixst hills that ar fertile and have been Improved that are asaeued under the law of 1907. at their true cash value, and lying along the aide of that tract is another tract dipping over Intp a rocky precipitous canyon which is also assessed at Its true cah value, but the value ia very small on account of the worthless condition of the land. "Those condition of aTalrs exist In every county, and no Intelligent man will use those comparisons as an ar gument unless he wishes to practice deceit. I wish to call your attention to a conversation that I had yesterday in .vrtland with one of the atrongesi advocates of single tax la the state snd he Informed me that the munici pal tax and the special tax raised In school districts located In a city, af ter the aingle tax law was put Into operation by exempting Improvements and personal property would cauae the special levies In those towna to be a little more than double thetr present rate and ( therefore it would strike the real property owner very heavily unleaa some means could be devised to raise a large part of the apecal taxes In the "ctty'from licenses and other Internal revenue, as they do at the present time in Vancouver, B. C. "This coming' campaign will be one principally of education and we ahould strive to see that both sides of the controversy are thoroughly understood so thst we will make no error ta our decision." PACKY AFRAID OF WOLGAST? It Is Queetienable Whether Pair Will Ever Clash In Ring. It would be Interesting to know who stirred tap the Wisconsin onlrlala to prevent the proponed bout lietweeej McFirland and Champion Ad Wol gast recently. It was not the title bolder. It la certain that MrKarlaod drew a long breath when be realised he would not have to meet the Michi gan wildcat In spite of sll talk another match. It ia questionable that McFarland will ever again be drawn Into arranging another content -with thi champion. ' Yals Has Many Crew Candidates. A total of 214 candidates responded to the call for crew " candidate at Tale university, and Princeton, too. baa more men ansloos for seats tn the shells than ever before. that the outlook for rowing Is promising. The... .(Q (Q Store Some people are trying to dispute the idea of there being a Santa Claus. But if these same people will drop into The C C Store we believe that we could convince them the old gentleman is still on the job. But in stead of having just a pack of toys, he has a carload on display for your inspection. We also have many useful and appropriate gifts for older people. Here are a few suggestions: Ladies' Fancy Neckwear ;." and 5."J cents. Ladles' all linen Handkerchiefs 2.. 15. 13 n,l " cents. Ladles' fancy Em!roldereJ Handkerchiefs ."J, ,"J and () cents. LJtdles' cross-bar and plain White Handkerchiefs 5 cents Fancy Handkerchiefs or Olove Dotes , and cents Ladles' fir. a Plack Hose, spliced heels snd toes ; pairs for 31 Men's fine sllllnen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs f.". ffl. 27t "J ItH ct- Men's soft Untuned Cambric Handkerchiefs 5 and l(.ents. Men's Kore-ln-band Ties, In fancy Christmas boxea . . 23 ,n(1 ',17 cents Men's Suspenders, in fancy boxes.,. 5) cents. Men's Uncy Collar and Cuff Hoxes j) and 23 cents. Way's Bcarf Mufflers for men and women 23 cents. Men's fancy Embroidered Mercerized Half Hose .......... cents Remember the place and shop early. The- C Store COMING SPORT EVENTS tUin Street Oregon Cify, Ore. New Orteana la making sn effort to ' land the all around athletic champion- ahtp for 101Z . I The 1912 OI)iupk' game at Stock , holm. 8 wed en. will begin Jboe 20 and : conclude July 22. The annual cros country run of the , Intercollegiate association will be held at the Brookllne (Hit Country club course on Nov. 23. The Juarez (Mexico) Jockey club' ' winter meeting will open on Nov. 30. Itaclng will continue for a hundred days and possibly more. Expecting Toe Much. "Don't ynu ever nitre sn aivldeiitu on this rond?" nil the worried trav eler. "Course we do." replied ihe ruml conductor. "Hut jou don't tiit we're goto' to run a tralu "ff the trn k Jen' to nynmse every foreigner tbnl i comeM down here nn' hiiya a ik-ket. do youf- Wanhlnirton fltsr. Almost Impossible. i Jack Why wouldn't she marry you ? I Bhe loves you to distraction I know It. bei-ause she told me mi Ceor Khe I UiMlsted on my prorlim tliut I am .lot i already uinrrled. Iie'iiije she says there Is a Kreiil denl ut blirniiiv now Sdsya. Well. It Is easy enough to prove that one Im married, hut how the dirk 1 ens am I going to prove tlml I inn not? LLOYD SMITH GIVEN BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs Horace Minor, of Fif teenth and Minor atreeta, entertained at their home Saturday nigh In honor of Lloyd 8mlth. whos birthday anni versary occurred on tb following day. An oyster supper waa served by the hostess, who waa aaslsted by Mra. SmltuT Miss Cora Smith, and Mra. Oacar Minor. The evening was d voted to vocal and InatrumenVal music and dancing. Present were Mr. and Mra. Oscar Minor, Mr. and Mrs Horace Minor, Mr. and Mrs. Smith., Mis Bertha Smith, Lloyd 8mrth. Mr.' and Mra. J. Smith. Mr and Mrs. Earl Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Edwsrd flory, Miss Ida Morley. Miss Nina Morley, John Smith, Iealle Smith, Dave Lee, Edward In man. Jack Rlpp. Miss Emma Webber, Miss Mav Walker. Rnh.rt ftml'h Misses Mary, Edlfh and Maude Riley, Miasea Eunice, Gertrude and Clifton Tally, William Smith, otto Smith, Mr. Curtia, Theodore Johnson, Mr. Montague. J. C: COOK A Cowherdly Ions. A young lady had Juki announced bet approaching marriage to s young inut named C'slffy. "Hum!" remarked an outspoken tiun pan lo D Tie will lie liully If be domo'l j turn out to be bossy l.ippiui ttl'a . An easy one. What English word may be pro nounced quicker by tacking a syllable on to It? Quick. U. 8. TO SEND 15 ELK TO THIS STATE Through the efforts of State Gams Warden William I Klnlej, on his re rent trip to Washington, D. C. the government has been puraaaded to do nate fifteen elk to Oregon. These ani mals will be taken from the forest reserves of Wyoming, crated snd transported to Oregon as soon as the people of this state provide an ade quate pasture for them. They will be come the sole property of Oregon and serve ' to perpetuate a race of noble animals that la rapidly becom ing extinct In the northwestern part of the state there Is a 2,500 acre pasture that has been set aside by the National government for testing the utility of a coyote proof fence. It Is said to have proved effective for that pur pose anj the forestry service, accord ing to Warden Flnley. Is willing to give this Mg park to the slate aa an elk reserve. The matter of location, however, has not been settled, as this Is a question that will be left to the state at large, as It la distinctly a matter or puoiic interest. The Wyoming elk are magnificent Specimens and It Is believed that they will thrive In this slate. Fortunately, the Biological Survey of the Depart ment of Agriculture will meet nart of the expenses of crating and trans porting the antlered herd from Wyom ing to this stste. The food for the winter will hsve to he provided by the people of Oregon. It Is expected they will be moved by February snd some definite action aa to location must be taken before tha.t time. With a starter of fifteen animals, there ought aoon to be a large herd. If yon are not reading the Morning Enterprise, why notf Year-end Bar gain period la now on. See ad on hack pae. What will be one of the moat t trartlva homes In thla city Is thst of J. C. Cook on Tenth and Madison streets, which la being built by Mr. Cook and his brother. T. F. Cook. The house Is on a lot overlooking the northern part of the city. The plans were drawn by T. F. Cook. There are seven rooms, pantry and bath on ha Brit rioor while on the second floor are four large Bleeping apart ments. .The reception hall will be the only nn. nf Its fclti4 in tki. it w i - the stlpDle eelline with IiImii! Lsnd besutlful electroliers. The tint ing of the walls la of red. while the living room, which adjoins. Is tinted In tan. beam celling In mission color ing, and the dining room, which opena from tha reception hall and living room by archways Is of the aame col oring as the reception hstl. At the rear of the dining room la the kitchen tinted In pes green, tiled walla, the pantry adjoining being tinted In a darker shade of arena. A hsll lea.ilng from the living room through the low er floor to the rear of the house Is about twenty feet In length, and has tiled walla tinted In the asms color ss the living room snd the woodwork being of mission. To the right of the hall two aleeplng apartments open one or wnich will he used aa a den. me colorings of then rooms are at. traetlve, one being pale blue, while the other Is of a light shsde of green. The rooms are large and airy, the ceptlon hall being 9ti feet, living room inns ,,.,,1, fining room nm feet den 11,1, aleeplng rooms l.ixll feet, while the rooms on the second floor are of various dimen sions, each one having dormers with swingnng windows. On the south side of the house will he a screened porch, and adjoining this running the length of the building will be an open terrace, with cement flooring and ce ment pillars. Cloae to, the front of the house at the main entrance la the porch with an artistic cover with four droop-pornera. The grounds are to be beautified aa aoon as the house Is completed, which will be about Janu ary 1. J. C. Cook came to this city about two years sgo from Wisconsin. He Is a maker and repairer of screen Pistes Used hv tha mn tnlll. iu. city. His brother, who drew the plans ror the house, came to thla city from Ban Franclaco. He formerly lived in Wisconsin. ferlng ordinary to good stork to the local trade, but there Is aa of orTerlnss nf fancy growth suitable for the Han Francisco trade. For thla quality, dealers continue to bid aa hlsb aa 11 14 per rental f o. b Rasters Multnomah and Clacka mas points, but the movement bsi been practically sui landed o lag to the Inability of shlpiiers to gst any response from growers. Ordinary potatoes are being quoted at fl rental delivered fob. cars I'ortlsnJ. although for fairly good shipping stock this pries continue to be offered and paid f. o. b count rr points. Bulk of the demand for potatoes at this time retnslns with the Aritons trade, hut there la a fair lurrease In Ihe sail from Teiaa. Hhlppers are experiencing Soma trnnhla nl I. Ihe unusual roughness of a majority of the offerings ConildersbU unma tured stock la llkeie offered, thla consisting principally of those that eegnn to receive their second growth. Prevailing Oregon Cltv jrlras sra aa follows: j fruits, Vsgetsblss. DRIED FRUITS ( Buying) -Prunes on basis of 1 pounds ror JJ 60's HIDES (Buying) Green hides. s to tie: sailers. So to tr; dry hides lie to Mc; sheep palta, 2dc to 7c each. Hay, Grain, rd. "AY (Buying) Timothy, ) to $11; clover, f to II: oat bay. best. 9 to $10; mixed. t to 11$; alfalfa. $U to HON) OATH (Buying) Orey. $17 Is $:; wheat. $: U $:; oil mel$U. Shady Brook dairy feed. IU ssf l'0 pounds. ' FEED (Selling) Short a. $27 Is $:i; rolled barley. $1710; prtxeai barley. JIM; whole cora. ; cracked corn. Ill; white. $! Ut $tt; bran $J7 to $l. utter. Poultry, Iggt. riXH'K-f4 14 to Ills. BITTER (Buying) OrdlaaiT country butter. Me to V; fssef deny, 30c; creamery, to J&ft. rot'LTRY (Uuylngl-IUfs. to 0. E(1G8 -Oregon each t. Ita is !lr UCK VEGETABLES Osrr, It'll-to 10 per saek; parsnips, IMS lo U0: luralpa, 1 Jl to ll-M: Prunes, on basis of i 1 lo for 41 ss4 &"c: beets. 1. SO. beeta. f I So POTATOES Best buying S II per hundred, ONIONS Oregon. It XI to It lv f hundred: Australian, It per enodrei Uveetoek. Mssta. BEEF (Live weight) Steers, k snd (l Ho, sows, IHe; bulls, I lis lotto. , VEAL Calves bring from Ss 13a, a coord log to grade, MUTTON Sheep. 1c so W lambs Q and So. HOGS 12S to 140 pound hoes, I snd He; 140 lo too pounds, 1M sal Dumped Out. "Still In polltke. Itugglesr . "Tea; I've been In politics for twelve yesrs. but I'm about to ult it." Whst'a the reason for that?" "Haven't ynu rend the election re-turnsr-CliUago Tribune. ES - FREELY OTTERED i Potato -grower are now frMy of. i i . o j. The Car that Delivers the Goodj 1000 pound Ford Delivery Wagon $8,5 For Demonstration Call ' G. A. ELLIOTT FORD GARAGE 4th & Mfn St.. PHONES: MAIN U9, A72