Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 13, 1911, Image 3

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Useful XMAS
for Jen
Men's Gloves, Men's bhlrts, Men's
tie and hose combination sets, Men's
honkcrc.ilefs In gift boxes. Men's
fanty .suspenders for Xmos, and
numerous suitable gifts for men.
Tho Arl) IImv( and the Individ
ual OtwK,
Tb aeroplane aleev ar lb latest
They r I'll and floppy a th
llwtH of cellrg gown, Tb vrdl
Cory klmouo typ la quit put In ilf
sbad This sleer grows up from lb,
waist llu and down from (hi sbouldt
aud count t"Mvllirr In a K"ui'tt l
the wrist, ao luat when the urm of
the wmirvr r eirvUhe'l out tbe
leerea tuiu to b Bug, bat Ilk affair
Itrndlug tv the aides of lb MoU lu
unheard of proxrtlou. Ilowiver. a
they arr lb latent
from Paris It la certalu tbal Ibey will
Vut tb Orat lime In years a ftuuiaa
la going to bsvs something to sy a
to "hot aba abull and ahnll Dot wear
and atlll b eonaldered mod)b!y gown
d. Tba only two lU-oia (bat fssbJoB
Made Mentally a
Copy rt hi or A mrtcn pnw
clatieu. IfU.
I 110 AIWA AO v
I for I ha rrat an conviction
if Buy Prson Of persoos.
sslawfully riBMi roplo of The
Morning ICnlvrprl from tbe
arsmlaee of subec-rtbete after
sapor bat bwtr1ecd there kf
Natural Clvll
f fV
Nlelken &
log telling SldA-. ortland.
hon M'ln HS1.
"I'd ilk i know why people
BM ae many foul questions."
"Are you anooyvd that wayf
"Nary niw h." '
They probably think It ta I ha ool)
tied you ran answer."
. i Amwm from tonsllllls.
' ta slightly Improved.
It will pey you to a o. c sty
before purchasing toys elsewher.
Misses Xmm1 and Mod GoUsrallh,
of Portland, arrived lu thlaj city Tuee
day. aal will vlall several daya wllb
ibrir grandmother. Mra. A. Ckild
anil'b. Mr. and Mra 8. K. Ultay. of Eata.
i rail irrnnm
1 will brai r njaht iht-ir bom ber.
Mra lIUy ir lr" "
Jackaon. of Ihla rlly.
Jamaa I'rllt. formerly of tbla el'y.
but now ot 8aalda. Or, l to tWg
rlty on l.ualnaaa for a taw daya. Mr.
tlt baa one of tha tnot attractlva
llttls homoa at that rort.
Tb rra-eroal Iirotbarhood will
Iva ihrlr rKular monthly aoclal at
th. Knapp ball on FtIX "
whrn literary and mu.leal proitrain
will b given and followed by danc
ltg Nolvel baa plenty of good cheeaa In
atora. Cream. 8l Llwburger.
Any quantity. 7U Main txeet.
About forty-one peraoni. young ...
old. aurprlaed Mr nd Mr Cbarle
Hpangl'-r at their ht'me In Cni Sat
urday evening. A moat dellghlfu
?.!. w.. had in carl. ;
mtialc. Luncheon waa aerved during
the evening. .
Tha ladlea of rrwoj'"""-" -"-;"
bold a bar In tne ueune
Herentb atreet. oppoIU P",
Thuradar afternoon.
j T. Merrill and U A. Car- hve
.rrlved In thla city nd hare gone
Edward Ui of Tiaker. waa In thla ,ha ahoa bualneaa. They bv
Couaty Judge peat! waa a buay
man Tueaday. Aaide from attending'
to hie dutlea aa judg ha found time
to officiate at the marriage of threw
rauplea. Tbla la aald to be Judge
lieatle'a record number for one day.
Ha officiated at the marrlagea of
Amelia Kerk and Laurl Bella; ueue
Earlrtch and Arthur Bagal and E. M
Devlin and John If. Vernon.
Oriel June Duncan and- Harry
AiUrne , alao were married at the
rourth.iue. Kev. J. O BtaaU official
DavtlepMiant terelae for the Arme.
m jour arma bang looaely at aide
tl.en take a deep, full breath, cloee
Land tightly. fli elbowa and bring
fl.ia to abouldrra. moving only the lov
er arm and renlatlng the movement
uartlT. Neit. with Data beid at about
der. bring the elbowa alowly out and
up to the level of the aboukler. TUw
third pet of the movement is u cerrj
the Bnta clone under the armplta and
back aa far aa poaalble. eroaalng tbem
bleb op on the back, then letting arma
fall alowly to aldee. Every movement
ebwuld be resisted.
II H Miller, of Walla Walla, Waah.,
la In tbla city. ,
0. Clbba, of Clalrmont, waa In thla j will
city on Tueadar.' '"
Kly Htark. or Cania. was In tbla
city on bualneaa Tuesday.
ttly Monday, visiting friends.
R T. IMbble, of Molalla. waa In
this city Tuesday on buslnesa.
IVt line of furs In Oregon City
tot ChrUtmaa glfta at D C. Ely a.
Charlea Daugherty, of Portland.
In this rlty on bualneaa Tueaday.
Henry Honrtcl. of Clalrmont, was
mong the Oregon CUy laltora Tues-
(leorge Marr, of Itirtland, waa
among the Oregon City vlaltora Tu'a
dy. Jacob Jossl. of Clalrmont. waa In
'his city transacting bualneaa Tues
day. ;
W. p. Dibble, one of the well known
rodents of Molalla, was In .this city
Tho largnst fancy-work Una and
Rlchnrdson'a allka at fl C. Fly"".
Mrs. Delia Rlelght, of Portland. wM
thla cltjr on bualneaa Tueaday af
ternoon. W. . Marrla. of rorest Orove, wss
a this city Tuesday, having come
nere on bualneaa. .
Oeorgo Klrbyaon, of Shubel, waa In
"! city Monday, and waa aooompanl
by hie daughter, Etta.
Mra. Agnea Zurber. of Portland, wai
""at of Mra. Justin 1 Lageaon.
Br.. Sunday.
W. it. Evene, of Canby. ona of .he
"H known reatdenta of that place,
a In thla city Monday.
d Schafer, of Molalla. waa in
Ihla city Monday and Tueaday, regla
rlng at th Electrlo Hotel.
Reduced prlcea on all millinery for
ms holidays. Miss U Binni.
Mrs. E. 8. Wairn, of Newberg. it
n tnis city and la a guest or ner bib
ter-ln law, Mra. O. O. T. WllHama.
I. R Wmlok. on of tb prominent
and well-known reatdenta of Canby.
a In thla city Tueaday on bualnea.
Mra. H. U Plotta and Mlaa Alice
B'-hertlnger. of thla city, apent Bun
4T at Wllsonvllle aa gueata of Mlaa
Mra. W a. Unlmaa. who waa laat
"aturday operated upon af Bt. Vln
nfa Hoapiui, Portland, la Improv
Mr. and Mra. Wllllaia OUenther of
hub), w-known rfaldenta of that
P'aca, were In thla olty on bualneaa
Mlaa Helen Smith, who
'ry III at her lorn In Caaamah, for
t -.1
nart of the building ore..,.
5 Blmmona. the contractor. Mr Me
rill cam to thla city from Vancou
ver Waah and Mr. Care recently
csmerom South Carolina. They will
carry a full line of ahoes.
Ml.. II. IUll-y. the nonet, r...a. .
nesr Maple Lane, waa In tbla city
Tueaday. bringing with her torn of
her choice chryaanthemuma. Some
of these beautiful blossoms were more
?hsn eighteen Inches In circumference
'.d about eight inches In diameter
MIM Hall, haa mad. a careful atudy
f "he culture of these flowera for
aeveral jeara.
Dafeeta ef Flaure.
Msny defects of tbe Opnre ar caused
by bsd poeiures. Lesrn to stand talL
tt our muscles hold you op. Hold
th. hMd hish and you will soon ae-
tjutr a queenly bearing regardless of
k-iirhL Thw wboe work tends to
bring th shoulders forward and cramp
tberbest muxt counteract tins lenuem j
h consrlous effort until proper poi
tlons both when sitting snd walking
bcome an estsbllahed bablt. v
l Out rer the Liver.
In larlns the foundation for a good
tomplexlon one must see thnt tb liver
Is healthy, the dlpestlon good. Good
digestion Is. of course. eseenOal. that
.h. mar receive Its proper nour
ishment. Th HI uourtKhed person la
rhln. anaemic the ejee ar hollow, tb
. heeka sunken, tb npa paic. to asm
white Indlce-tlxaa U a fo t a good
Five appllcanta were
Initiated and
ntinnti were
a large n""""'1 ' ' r
-veehed at a meeting of the
v: . evening. The
,f MUCCaneea ;
ul Miiccsoft.. - srowta
. a .. v... had a remarkable I"''
Ikm'u: H U Sh'sn"'-. u a
log in tnia wr,. - fo,,
John WUIIams awoke with a terrt
ble headache. He bad s dire reroeio
bra nc of bsvlug breo tbe nlgbt before
wlih two frleuds of his. Borland sad
Tukr. of tsklnar a number or
blug lu r)T WrrlriQka ao smoking a large uiisull
tr of cigars. Suddenly he' remember
d somcthlDg else. II snd bis friends
had been discussing tb vsrlous wsys
ciimlnsls gsv themselves away. WU
llama bad wondered why they did so.
averring that b would suppose every
fscnlty tbry possessed would be csll
ed out ta shield tbem from delevtloo
sod puulsbment.
This Is aa far a Will Isms remeta
tered.- From that tlm tb liquor be
bad taken affected blin so fsr Ibat be
had no recollection of wbst bad trans
pired. He did not even know how he
bsd got to bed. Tb experience wss
a novel one to him. for b bad never
been Intoxicated before. II was em
ployed in a bank and ao trusted waa
be that b wss made a Keeper oi "
aaf lock combination lo order thai
when th cashier wss sbseot tbe
funds mlgbt b available.
gomctbUig under Williams pillow
rendered his bead oocomrortsnie
Putting bis band ther to discover
wbst It wss. be pulled ont sn obloug
narrel done no In brown -paper. He
ooeoed It and waa aurprlaed to see a
package of bank bllle. 1 ben- ne re
mem le red something more. He bad
mad a bet with Tucker that be would
take a aum of mooey from tb bank
keep it a month, meanwhile proceea
lug with bta duties at the institution
wtthnut hetravlns- his secret. ineo
th DsrtT had gon to tb bank. Wll
Uams bad opsned tb aaf and bad
taken tb mouey
All this be recalled while looking al
tb package and waa horrified at what
be had don. If detected what avail
would It b for Borland and Tucker Jo
awear that tbe money bad been taken
nn ht aud waa to be returned? He
was In tb position of a crlmlnaiTtlU
Insists npon tr the big waist lln and anrt thought waa to telephone te tnr
. to a sllsht shirring In of th bank that be was 111 and would not
aklrt at Its joining to tbe blouse. b ther that day. kui tne ios wou
The almnl frock made with a gath- b discovered, and m aoseuce wouiu
red skirt is alwaya needed for tbe cans suspicion toot He bsd tsaen to
eounser sirls. Tbe Illustration show I money, fto; be most get up sod go
a charming little frock of this descrip- to th bank as oauat H plunged lot
Uon thst will b found ver useful at a cold bath, dressed, drank a cup oi
a model for school dresses. I coffee and. leaving tbe bllle locked in
k t' l- " TT T T L-T I i A a l I ,..M.-uw.m m unl . .
face tbe officrra sad clerks of tbe bank
ki. u.. w..foa niiari la out foe i Meanwnue ne naa wr """
a-lrla of sts, eight, ten and twalre years ol I .,,. De would confess the whole af
as. Bend 10 cent to thla erBe glrlng , . Woukt n. k. Keiirred? Would
number. Tin. an St will se prompur I K ... . .... K k.H .......
- . . . if I. k.-SA asAesel I II Dim IM rtlUBIUri TTVA I1MI uw- usau w.wa
m ftdditioiuil tw et itimp tot liim ultted lh tbft. become fiiilhiedea at
A $3000.00 STOat OF
We hsve th finest lln of Ladles' and Children's ghoee
ever shown In Oregon CHy. W ar going t sell these at cor".
to get acquainted.
$4.00 Shoes at
$3.50 Shoes at
Q1. 85
carrura osa nice dbs
oatua, which tnssrea more p'Jmv
ur. ,
what he had don and made up tbla
tore to ear bimseirr ms iwo
friends would testify for him. but al
most any one would help a fellow out
of auch a tlx. and tbelr teiitlmony
would b taken "with a grain of salt
No; his only hope waa to carry oul
Veil " In Venus Once
Mourning Styles. .
Extremely long mourning veils ar I tn- renditions of hla bet successfully,
worn, and these depend not only from n eBtM, the bank, assuming ss
th small plain hats, but- from nf I rareless aa air aa be could command.
nug little helmet ahapca covered wltr Nothng nremed amiss with those aa
th line not all concealed by the veil mblp there willbims sat down at
In. j hla desk and went to work. About II
A hlzh mourning bat la fsshloned oV, h( ied Into the presl
from dull, sheer allk In narrow folds AmVm .n.. -here be found the cash
At . each aide la a tall pointed black omcerg .bowing by tbelr de
wing, tbe two meeting a iew I meavnor that th lose bad been die
above tbe hlh crown. wbi n la eigm- COTerwL
Inches high. Tbe brim, which la I
"Mr. WUllama." aald tb president.
Inconspicuous. Is made of folds of the I mjj.ooO q bills la missing from tbe
As a further inducement we will give
FREE with every pair of Ladies'
shoes one pair of Baby's shoes
Merrill & Cave
Comer 9th and Main Sts.
With the neartng of Chrlatmaa, the
hurry of shopping and aendlng away
of Xmaa packages let It not be for-
fotten to put some of th "Red Cross
Seala" on very Xmaa package that
la aent away. Then, too. wrhen k let
ter la written aeal It with a "Red
Croee Seal" and let all of your frlenda
know that yon ar In favor of clean
ing out th "Great ' White Plague"
and In thla way cleaning out a pest
greater than any yet confronted- by
th American people.
The Seala ar on sate at all time,
at the following place: McAnulty'a
cigar ator. Whlte'a cigar atore. Th
C. C. atore. Electric HoteL-. IJttlw't
confectionery. Shlvely'a millinery.
Jonea Drug Company and Huntley
Bros. Company.
The Home Mis
sionary. Society,
will give a ba
zaar all day Fri
day io the Green
corner 7 th and
Center streets.
A. Q A. and Annl P. Terex and
Fred and Mary Atrong to C. J. MUler,
land In suction 1L township. J south,
range 4 east; $10.
Charlea G- and Idle H- Schroeder
to Elliabeth M. Smith. acrea of
Clackamas county; $L
Annl E. Cook and 8. B- Cook to
Jennie E. Johnston, land In Clacka-
m.a pniintT- 11. '
8. B. to Annie Cook, tract of
Wichita; ft. ""oh
Annie E CCook to 8. B. Cook, aosjtli
half of east half o'. tract , Wlchltt;
fl OO. ' ; ' ' '
W. W. Myera to Oregon City, weat-
elry half of loU 1 and 2. block 169.
Oregon City; fl65.
Sarah T. Howard and T. T. How
ard to Oregon Swedish Colonisation .
Company. 661-J acre of section 22,
township 4 south, rang J eaax; au
DO YOU KNOW that the Enterprl .'
See ad on back page for partlewlar.
rear-end Bargain Period la now ont;
AU members of Sola Circle, Woxoen ,
"of Woodcraft, are requested to xoee .
at Dunn's confectionery store, stain
street, between Fifth and Sixth
streets, at :30 o'clock to attend
the funeral of Mra. Anna A. Dodg.
which will be held from the Baptist
church at 10 o'clock.
Guardian Neighbor.
narrow mourning allk.
safe. Ton and.Mr. Stivers, tbe cashier.
(ieat nature are alwaya gener
ous, TKey are fountains not onty
of vitality, but of bestowal. VHow
ever grest the reward they receive
may be, these reward are but a
frecben ol the worth of the aervic
rendered, and no man ought to be
satisfied, whatever hi position or
work, unlet he can led that he ia
giving 11 more lhan he is receiving.
Guard a Alton
fcrcaier auceesa next
r warn elXted.
",Ha " K.SM Commandor-A
B 8lV Ueutenant Command.r-E. A,
U,i?.hcord Keeper-ra 8 Follanabee.
Chap.aln-P. J. Woodward.
H.rseant r. F. H
Master of
VSSnnd - MaMT of Ou-rJJohn
.nel-Arthur I- McAnulty.
net,el andA-BBuckl...
A campaign i". to dou-
tarted and the order tPt a w
it. memherah lp wllhtn a y
rrl.h. the re"rw.g .r th
- Ta Pan Corn.
Hsre la th proper way to pop corn:
pot tbe regular qnaotlty-tbat la. a
very small quantlty-lnto tbe popper
f .m ..-r tha cold water fao-
ana ooiu n " " u -ct
long uougb to thoroughly eaturet.
th. kernel Phske th. popper and.
p,.,. It on the hark f rang, to .1
iow the corn to dry. then pop Th.
kernel will b very larg and tber
will b no bard center.
-Maybelle, It muat b dllghtfnl t
bo as beautiful aa a Greek godd."
"It ls."-WaahInaton Herald.
Not Afrld f th. Oirtleolu
"So you're actually going to marry
voung Was.erly! Why. there', oottr
ing to him but bit folllea and big
bank account-" . .,
..y.n nn can rely on m. to change
.U tbat!"-;ieveiand Plain Dealer.
Net shrrred In bsnda la applied on
nthir ara I he nnlv one who
both brims and crowns In many of tu. combination of tb aaf. lock
mourning model. I 1 am not going to accuse you of tak-
On on smart model, almost or iai , I aim nl T vlllh to
plctur variety, dull taffeta la cut InU wbt yoa hT t) My bout tb
atter" .
WUllama. whose heart was In bis
throat, denied any knowledge of bow
the theft could ba been effected. H
looked frightened, but that wss to be
xpected. Tb president, after atudy-
Ing bis fsc carefully, dismissed mm.
Williams went back to bis desk and to
mlserv. Aa to doing hla work that
waa Impossible. Wbst be tried to do
he blundered over. After an intermina
ble day of wretchedness he went borne
and to bis room and fell on his bed
with a groan.
If I. who am really innocent or
wrong." he aald. "am so affected by
my position, whst must be th state of
a real criminal T"
There was no sleep for Williams
that night. He dreaded to go to me
bank that day and dare not remain
away. He went to bis desk at tbe uau
al hour, and as be sat down, though be
looked at no one and no on looked at
him. be felt that a battery of eyee was
npon him. During the day a trifle or
comfort cam to him, sine no wss
treated by all In tb bauk with tn
same frlendllneaa aa befor tb rob
bery. Put ther waa a ateady wear
upon hla nerves, and wben n reacneu
his room he felt that be had lost mock
ground on this first dsy of hie trial.
He now knew that n coma not
for thirty daye nor
O. A. C. Short Courses
Begta Jan. 3, Conttooc Fcwr Weeks
Every citisen of Oregon la cordially Invited to
attend the short courses of the Oregon Agrteul-
tural College, beginning Jan. J- Eleven dlatlno-
. YOU Ue courses will be offered In Agriculture. Me-
chanlc Arts. Domestic Selene and Art, Co
mere. Forestry and music. Every course ta ae-
L 1.1 signed to HELP tbe atudent In hla dally work.
- Make thla a pleasant and profitabl winter out-
, . r . ing No tuition. Reasonable accommodation
lnViteO For beautiful llluatrated bulletin, tddresa
. r H. M. TEN N ANT. Registrar, Corvallla. Oregoa.
.V' Farmer Busine.s Cours. by Corr pondence.
'l have Juat received a larg ahlpment of BUrer-
.. . . - m m nther stock
wa.r and in oroer io mn "
In my amaB quarter hav decided to run a Special
Sale, beginning next Tuesday. December IX and ctoa
out the entire etock of Silverware.
J.nn.l the strsln
large pe' ,orra tor ,.,. tbtkt ,im. De must . And a
" .T-n..d
on plan of tr;'M.,. , 1
vUlble from tbe streets.
Hosd the Merntng kXterprl.e
freaking It Oantly,
"1 hav. called, sir. to
see tbe photo
...... l. n a
of tb. lady with "u"
'TaiUP Tour fa. . -tralgbtr
"Of cours I csnT
,ry well.. W.'ll break you In Brst
with the t.V0OO applicants, snd then
!12.,.iiv ss you grow stronger, we
worko. up to tb. big prU. ThL
;1, pTJai. 4nd don't g frlgbUn
finwar with a center of craiie.
The evening waiet that ta made wltt
one big revere and lapped eurpH"
faahlon Is sn exceedingly smart one
this season. Thla model may be treat
d in auch a way aa to adapt It for for
mal occaslona. JTJDIO CHOLLKJ.
way to return the money, covering hla
tracks at the ssme time. He waa ao
unstrung that he could not, dar not
ns an? method that occurred to turn-
On th Bfth day he went to th pres
ident and confessed that h bad been
tempted to ateal tbe mooey. ma King no
mention of his bet.
Tb omission saved him. His friends
I . . ... . .... nMaiAnr nn.
i.. ;.nt. to this omce, giving Dumber. 7111 told 01 in Dei, sou iu. v -
" TP. k. nnmnw rorwardod to yot Lt.ratnmt th mental strain that bad led
mna n . I . .
t.. mall. II in naate aona u wtlllama to eonrea maiawii iu
26-plece Set in hanlaome case. Regular price f 21.60.
Sale price
12-plec set" Regular price f5. Sale price
Carvlnr Seta. Regular price f5. Sale price
Steak Set Regular price f4. Sale price
Watchmaker and Jewelsr.
Mssonlc Building antranc.
u. u.ntnn oattsrn la eut la slsai
. . a inchea buat mosaur. Bno
rvm . -
tw cant atamp ror iair im
Inauroa mor prompt eaUvary.
nal hs waa not.
Motal Arrivals.
Th following ar reglaterd at the
trin.l lintel:
w.ti imward. ' Portland; Miss
ti- ruU. B. Martin. Portland; J.
U Hendry. Oregon City; Thomas
Bradley, Fred Schafer, Molalla; Harry
Schafer. Molalla: Harry McOulre.
Paaco; H. 8- Miller. Walla Walla,
Wash.; W. H. Evana. Canby; Fred
u.ft Herman Moehnke, a Swalee.
Tafkll. Ran Francisco; W. H
Harris. Forest Orova; BJ. May. Port'
nr P mbbla. Molalla; R. T.
. Terrible Suffering,
n And did you suffer much when
you bsd sppendlcltlsi
She Pufferr I tnougni i enmuu n.-
r live to tell the tsle
He Ah. fhnt munt hsve been sur
ferliia. Ii.h-t - Phllndeiphla Record
A ftlaky Bualnaea.
Tb. maker of a new aauce waa liber
ally rewarded In ancient' Rome, bu If
It were not rellabed tb Inventor wa
required to eat of nothing els tUI h
vritT vwnw thst tb Enterprlae bad dlscovred another condiment
yearend Bargain Period la now onfl more agreeable to th Imperial taste
See ad on back page for partlculara. -
Treatment at Hot Lak. Including medical attention, board and
baths, coata no more than you would pay to live at any first class
hoteL Rooma can be had from 76 cent to f2.50 per day. Meat.
In tbe cafeteria ar aerved from 20 eenta up and in tb grill at the
usual grill prlcea. Bathe range from 50 eenta to f 1.00.
We Do Cure Rhenmatism
Hot Lake Mineral Bath
and mud given under clo
tlfla direction hav enred
thousand. Writ for lllne
trated booklet descriptive t
Hot Lk Sanatorium and
tb methods employed. Hot
Lake Sanatorium la aoeeav
alble as It Is located direct
' ty on th msln lln of th
O.-W. R. A N. railway, and
special ucuralon rata are
,. ..slim i . r
.y-.v..,.;..fK i
. .'
to he had at all tl
- ,1