Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1911)
M0UN1N0 ENTKKPRI8K. TUKSIUY. 1)KKMHKK 12. 1911. HORNING ENTERPRISE':,." ORXGOH CITT, OREGON ft. t- brodie. s sitae u4 piiK-. aiarae a mil m aaertae Ja . ISIt. a IK MM m l (IriM Art af htaraB vM Tr. try MU .. , Sts M'aiiHa r Mil . "astr MlU by Mil. I M 1 J ee wS by CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES rvcat fe aav rsret r-aga. eat Bri assa li are eosJtxai er esnton ........ . Mental Uf AW HvnkiM las Im papar rtrat dm ra papar athrr iaea rtrat Hf. aar aae ta Mr Baa firet pea, Mr M Wiin W Baa. Waaia. rat ae. Ta Wane seal a war fire aaeertlew; aax eacB iWllliml Bah tar eaeertfcrsaa" ta A Bbtterpriaa aal aa IBs saws Salty, for 4vr-naaate set afar tw wwlhr WKer (aa ansnni at transferr-aa from tat Salty ta tBa T wttfeeut (MM, tBa rata wta aa aa asr. for rea at taa aaaar. aal la aa a apactaJ saattiow. saay erear i In As at snrty a I a-.' a4rartiala I ratvs. "tree eaVertteaig a4 ewrc'al Tiaastial 4 rart Mi a at is I see aa Uvea, mwl- ja ta mciil raadltioai "TVe Bale" aa BaaArwBt aawn Ve Bar fire Jvaai laarnmaa mat tar at New Iteasa an 4 well wrttaa f saarit. vita attrraat ta Isral i VIM aa ('adlr icwat ltMt4 aar rrturad ua ay ta prray a- CITY OFFICIAL NEWapAPCR. THE MORNINQ ENTERPRISE U oDaala at tba folio wtg itoraa ttj day: HuaUy Broa Drntt Mala StraeC J. W. Mcaoahy CUar STota and Mai a. -C B. Aadaraoa. Mala near BUta. M. K. Dunn ConfacUoearj Naxt door to P. a (3ty Drag Biorm Electric UotL ScaooeborB Coofactln ry . Senta aad X Q. Adama Dec 12 In American History. 1745 Joha Jay. - rotoolal statramaa. diplomat aad Jartat. frat Tnlted States minister ta Spain and flrat chief TtMtlce of Um auprr-roe roart -. teppolatrd by Waahlnrtoni. bora ta New Tor dry; died 1SS. .1873 Edward A, Pollard, noted war time editor of tbe EVrhmood Ex: a miner, died; bora 182S. AJleo G. Tburmau. ei rmted Bute aeoator and noted Demrv cratlc etateamaa. died: bora IS 11 1901 Flrat . wtrelawa comaaaoirartoa between America and Europe. 101r Aaaortat J a at ice Edward Doajr- laas Wblte of tbe United State ao- pretn coort appolQtrd cblef Jna- tire aavaacreaaor to M. W. Fnller. oereaaatl ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.! Ban et 429. rtxea 7:12: moon rlaea 12:10 a. m.; moon at createat libra t Ion west: 1 Ol p. av. eaatern time, moufj at laat quarter: planet Merrnry rW bla THE WORLLD S BIGGEST pAM. A power dam In proceaa of conatmc tloa arrosa tnc Mlaalsalppl Hirer at Koekok. Iowa, la to bo tbe greateat at met are of ita kind in tbe world. The dam la expected to reault In a wonderful development in tbe Mlaaia alppi Valley and divert tbe cotton crop of tbe South from the New Brig land mllla to the upbuilding of treat Indaatrial centera In atatea drajned by the Mlaaiaaippi and Ita tributaries Taa coat of tbia great enterprise Is approximately f 25,000,000. It la In tended to be the mean a of building op a great Induatrlal empire In tbe Mississippi Valley, by bringing Into closer relatlonablp tbe factory and tbe market for tbe proJuet of tbe fac tory. ' Tbe Panama Canal will necessarily atimulate bualneas, but tbe great Lake that is being built at Keokuk, covering sixty square miles, will fur nisb elertrlcal energy neceasary to tbe establishment of a grnat induatryil and commercial empire In the very heart of tbe continent REGULATING IMMIGRATION. That th Federal government moat I iuiu in aiieu 'ion 10 me regulation Ol Immigration aa a condition of national welfare la the belief expressed by eeMeeaBaeeae Basra. Mr I pasa, Mr aw ar aVar .' aa mV a l WaaBty is tBa Americans Should Take Up ;: a Commercial Education ; By BURTON HEYBURN. President of New York Chamber of J Commerce a HMERICA IS BEHIND ALL OTHER PARTS OF 'THE WORLD IN FURNISHING AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A PRACTICAL COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. The chamber of convnerce of Lonkn took this matter tip s Btimber of years ggo and now conducts 'examinations all over the world, where applicanta can go through tbo examination and receive certificate of proficiency, according to their merits. Throughout the Jlritiah empire the merchants hare agreed to give precedence to the holders of auch certificates. If we are going to extend onr commerce to tbe WEST INDIES and to SOUTH AMERICA we speak the commercial languages of ants b done to encourage student m migration bursa In New York. Rmpheala U laid by Mr. VUllui oa tha fact that the United Siatee aa no longer alord to b sentimental U the reatrkOoa of Immigration, A grow lag percentage of undesirable clllteoa Lis found amoag the uscoenera each year. Moat of these Immigrants havs bo though or desire of cILUeasblp, but com here poiiHHj of aa ambition to nad opportunity to make money . with which, to return to their Id homes aa noon aa the iun total reaches a aatUfctory ftgiua. There will be general agreemea. with the proposition of Mr. Williams that aoaie. sort of reguUOoa be -tabluhed for immigration, but the eo lutloa of the problem Is not going to, be an easy one for tbe aaihoritle. Kansaa. ta again in tbe throe of a school text-book aar. exteading from Hunneacll to Shady Bend. The Turks seem to b hold the Italiana In much the same fashion that the Boers held the Brltona. Today the cost of high UTtng la Justified, and Unci Sam's aumeroa family, appears "to have the prica. Though the party has dropped to third place the Democrats of St. Loala are still eliminating each other. Were la not for the phjalcal exer cise obtained In aurrenderlng there would be nothing for the tinperlaliata of China to da Presidential years are bad for bua laces, but a mitigating circumstance la that the Republican party contlnuea In business. Wet weather la Argentine baa raised the price of wheat through out the world. The food market la becoming entirely too sensitive. Some Democratic -papers seem to think that tbe party nominated Bryan three times in order to get rid of htm. The success of the method la still In doubt. Speaker Clark's promise to stop the talk about annexing Canada will be helped" by the sudden advent of winter. Nobody will now want to think of such a thing. Saeae Frem E r'nnd VliMlxrr - Now. look nere. C-iakTv i want yoa to brvak "ft" with that gin ltle la very pretty and all that, but I know ber loo well te went yon tu rla rwur life aod happioeaa by marrying bvr Why. abe knows no more alu aou-alns than' I du alMMU l Iri-i-a dh l.n. Oeonre- IVrha not. bat one ran leara Mutbrr-After marrtase la ratbrr late for thai. ISeorre I HHKTf- Mut row aaM ymirelf that yo did not kiHtw a rblitc aUmi bouNe keeping until after too were inarrlrd Mother- Vrry true, lieorge. slid yonr poor fattier dl-d of dyaprmla twenty yeara ago The Siamese Oath. If any form of onlb is tabulated lu Impreaa one. that which Is pre rllied to tbe state offlriala of Plum it likely to do so. acb ottiiia I baa to ny. "Msy tbe blood flow from my veins, may rw-odilea devour me. may I tie condemned to carry water to Ihe flames of hell In vessels without bot toms. After death may I enter tbe body of a slave. Msy I suffer tbe harshest treatments dnring all time In years aa biiumtous aa tbe sands of all the sess. May I be reborn deaf, dumb and blind, and afflicted with d:re mala dies. May ! also le thrown luto Na rok (tbe lower regional and tortured by Prea Tarn if I break this oatb." Kebraaka Legal News. Vivisection. Vivisection was practiced In the Al exsndrian a'bool during the first cen turies of tbe Christian ers Warned Three Times. The Jiidjre looked at Briartey benign ly over bla spectacles Til bare to fine yt for exceedin' tbe limit." be said "An old offender like you" "Old offender?" Interrupted Brtarley. "Why. Judge. I never was In thla pert of tbe conntry until today In all ray life" "Tbe constable aaya he warned ys three times.- aald tbe Judce "Warned me three times?" echoed Blinrley "Ten. yon." aald tbe Judge, "lie's testified on oath that be yelled 'Hi. tbnrT a re- three times before ye stop ped Ten dollnrs and '-osta "-tlarper'a Weekly If you are not reading tbe Morning Enterpnae, why not? Tear-end Bar gain period la now on. See ad on back oss-e. must hare people here who can I those countries, and something to take up and study those lan Li and Clung, Opposing Generals In the Chinese Revolution .rav : Paote ay Asttncaa Praaa Aaanclalwa A S waa tbe case ta the days of the U'K '2rr AC I Not can civil war. old frteadablpa aod aaaortatlona have been broken ta Ihe fhlneae o prising against Maacbu domloatloa. A atrtklng example of tbla Is afforded by tbe accompaaytag llluatratloa. whlrh la made from a photograph takeo a abort time before tbe outbreak of the revolution. It abows at tbe tight General U Tuea llrog and at the left General Cbaag Palo. . Tbe picture waa taken at a fuoclVoa at which these. two officers were present aa guesla of tbe viceroy af tbe province of 1 1 open. New l be host baa loot bla vlcereyalty. General LI la commander la chief of tbe rebel arm lea, aad bla late compaaloa In arm. General Chang, wbo baa remained loyal to the throne, la directing Ae defease of tbe territory around Nanking, menaced by the advance of the insurgent column Wants, For Sale, Etc Nattase aaaar taaaa rtaseinae 'l Ka Bnaete St aae real a katf a eaal aaaltlowai Ism OM tayab cswrS. IS aar ataaita. Hal Ibm B cars. Baasj SI ear avialB. Baa aa owrw aaeaaal with taa r4ar. X flaaaalaJ raapaaatblllty far arravs; whan ana Is far ystrsa Mkatssuai attacoe Iks "wanted. WANTED Tourists and local people to sea my collodion of arrow-beads coins, Indian trmkau. iM atampj and curioa of i.! aorta. Wlil bu or aell In this lius. Have rae good bargaina In aeron-l-baod furniture and toola. (raorg4 Young. Main u., near Fifth. WANTED Four men to board and room by private family, good table and room, $4 60 a week. Inquire at Enterprise. Ct FOR BALE. FOR SALE One black mare, com ing four yeara old. very gentle, but not broke to work, weight 1150 pounJa. Farmer' Feed Yard. O. F. Hegdale. owner, between Second and Third on Main street, Oregon City. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITT. WOOD AND FUEL CO, F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal delivered to all pa ryi of tha cl'.y. SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone your orders. Pacific 3502, Home B 110. FOR SALE by C. IL Llvesay, carload of Trojan powder, Juat received. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dlmlck m. Dlmica, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTOPNEYt O. D. fcHT, Attorney-at-lJiw. Money loeawd. alietracta f imtaked. laaii titles eiamlnad, eitatte-eettled, gas era 1 law buainesa Over Bsak el Oregon City. , CHEN A BCHtrKTBEU Attoraeys-st Law, Dentscber advokat, will arao tire la all ourta. make collaetloa prlae Bldg., Oregoa City. Oregon. BUIIOER ANO CC'vai ACTOR. HARRT JONES Builder and General Contractor. EBtliaates rbeerfallv gives) on all classes of hnlldlng work, concrete wslka ana reinforced noaerete. Res. Phone Msla 111 White Queen Flour This Is The Beat Flour Obtain. ' able. Lay In Your Winter Supply of Coal Now. - ' Hay, Grain, Feed and Korract Poultry Pood. Oregon Commission Co 11TH AND MAIN . Oregon City. van a. tae- w r ' V a& M . - a J s . el "1 il Preach revolution aad In tbe Ameri INSURANCE. B. H. COOfHR. Foe FV raeuraaer Bad Real Batata. Let aa baagie ynwr propertlee - wa buy. sell aad otcbaage. Office ta Raiarsrtse dg. Oragoa City. Orwarnn CLEANINqTand rttBVNGr53' CHICAGO TAIIXIRS sqlla male to order from S10 and up. We also do cleaning, preaalng aad repairing Three door south of postoffr MUSICIANS. I J. ALBA EAGER, teacaer of wind and atrlng tnatrumenta. director of band and orchestra. Wl.l furnlab muiL for any occaalon. Call at Eleclrl Hotel NOTICES. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack a ma. Katharine Orloff, Plaintiff, veraua William Orloff. DefendanL To William Orloff. Defendant: In the name of the BUta of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and anawer to tha complaint filed agalnit you In tbe above en titled suit on or before the th day of January 1912. and If you fall to anawer, plaintiff will take a decree agalnat you. forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exlatlng between tbo plaintiff and you, and for the care and rue tody of tha minor child, Jannlta, and for auch other and further re lief In the premise as the court may deem Juat and eoulfahle a prayed for In the complaint filed herein. Service of thla aummone ta made upon you by publication In pur suance of an order of tha Honora ble R. n. Beatle, Judge of the Conn ty Court, for Clackamas County, State of Oregon, made November the 27th, 1911, directing aurlj pub lication In tbe Oregon City Enter prise, onc a week for alg aiiccea. alve weeka, the flrat publication be ing November the 28th, 1911, and the laat tha 9th dav of 1912. J. T, ELLIS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Application for Liquor Llcen. Notice la hereby -given that I wll at tha next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a llcenae to aell liquor at my place of business, corner Sixth and Main atreeta, for a period of three montha. W. M. TRUDEUL CITY NOTICES. Notice of Acceptance of Sewer Con- at ruction. Notice la hereby given that Ihe City Engineer of Oregon City, Oregon, has filed hla certificate of the work haa filed hla certificate of tba work done by Mr. II. Jonea, contractor, for the construction of Sower Dis trict No. 9. Oregon City, Oregon, and tbe City Council of Oregon City will consider tbe scceptance there of, and all objections to the accep. tance of aald construction at the Council Chamber of said City, on December 27th, 1911, at 8 o'clock p. m. , Any owner of any property within tha aaseaament dlatrlct of aald con atructlon or any agent of such own era, may at such time or any time prior thereto, appear and file-objections to tba acceptance ot aald con struction, and such objection shall be ctnl4ared and the merits de termined y the Council at lb above AAUted time and place. Tkla notice la publtahed In tbe Mvirnlug k'aterprlae and I he lime and Place were (Ur-d by the or.ler of tbe Oty Council of said Oregon City. Or"U. U ' HTIPI. Re-order. , Notice ef AeepUts"eT Orea Culvert Cenatrvctiea. NtUe la hereby len that Ihe City Knatii.-er of t)rea City, baa filed bla certificate of ihe coiupleiloa and aiirova of the aiuk done by Mr. John Van Weel. rontraclor fnr the ronatrtVtlon of the Jha Adami Iraln Culvert, and the City tVun ell f Oregon CHy UI ronaldrr Ihe object ton to (he aci-eplanr of the said Drain CuWrrt. at the Council Chamber of said dt? on the ITth day uf lierember. Itll. at t o'clock, p m Any oatiar of any proerty nlth In Ihe aaaaaauicnt district of aald coii M ruction, or any aiut of aticb owner, may at u h lime or any lime prior therrto. apitrntr and Ale objecttona to tha accemanve &f aald construction, and such objection ahalt be conaldrrrd and all the mer it determined br the (unrll at the above named time and J'Uce. , Thla not lc l publlthed In I ho Morning Knteririie and the time and place were flied by the order of the City Council of Oregon City. Oregon. I. 8Tirr. llecordere ice of Acceptance of "street Im provement. Notice la hereby given that Ihe City Knglneer of Oregon CHy, Oregon, has filed hi certificate of the com pletion and approval of tbe aork done by Mr II Jone. contractor for the Improvement- of Water atreet. Oregon City, front tbe north line of gltth atreet to the south Une of Seventh atreet. and tbe City Council of Oregon City will con alder the acceptance thereof, and all the objedlona to th acceptance of aald Improvement, at the Council Chamber of said Ore fun City, on December 27, I1L at I o'clock, p. m. Any owner of any property within the asement dUtrtct of aald Im prorernent or any agent or aurn ; owner, may at auch time or any lime prior thereto, appear and die objections to tbe acceptance of aald ' Improvement, and eurh objecrlona i may be considered aod all Ihe mer it determined by the Council at tbe above, pained time time and place, Tbit notice l publiabed la Ihe Morairg Enterprise and Ihe time and place were fl tad by the order Uof tbe City Council of Oregon City, y , wrrs'iaj. Notice of Acceptance ef Alley Im. ' provement Notice la hereby given that the City Engineer of Oregon City. Oregon, baa flled bla certificate of tbe com pletion and approval of tbe work done by Mr II. Jones, contractor for the Improvement of the Alley In block t. Oregon city, Oregon, and Ihe 'Council of Oregon City will conl.ler the acceptance thereof. and all the objedlona to tbo accep- tance of tbe aald Improvement, at Ihe Council of aald Oregon City, on December 27tb. 191 1, at I o'clock. p. m. Any owner of any properly within tbe assessment district of aald Im provement or any agen) of auch owner, may at auch time or any time prior thereto, appear and file objections to Ihe acceptance of aald Improvement, and aurh objection will be conaldered and Ihe merlta determined by the Council at the r Electric Are Popular They still possess that element of novelty dear to the American heart aod thus solve the problem of giving Christmas gifts ; that are 'dif ferent." Imagine how pleased most men would be to receive an electric shaving cop or electrc cigar lighter, instead of neckties, socks, and hand kerchiefs. 'as usual. " A tea kettle for Godmother, a samovar for Madame's five o'clock teas, a chafing dish, for the college girl or bachelor maid, a disk stove for the bachelor, a flat iron or sewing machine motor fornhe practical housewife-all these novel and useful gifts will be appreciated by whoever receives them. . It ahould not b forootten that th... .lctrlo Christmas gifts ars all USEFUL gifts. Each of those, devices Is designed to do soma on. thing than It tan be dons any other wsy, whether It Is to percolate coff... toaat bread or furnl.h th. power for running a sewing mschlns. Ths lln. of slaotrlo Chrlatmas gifts Is so compl.t that In It will bs found a suitable gift for av.ry m.mb.r pf the family. ,1 PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER GO. MA IN omen 7th and Alder Streets ' AN INVITATION With ample taaltal, aaswrat aaasuntlng, saslln builmnfiil m i M a tlnulHA Baalpa ta Muat kalnli.) m . w-4- r - m ar In pesitlea ta give bust her Is In isnhlna. Vewe Interetta vrlll grew If and aerdially invite yw la fe ta the fwlieat aesaibU ettao. The Bank of OLDEST BANK u n. LATouiurrra pi at THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' ol OREGON OTY . OREGON ; OAfnTAL, vraaiaa a x-aarai weaaieiaj waan above named lima and place. Tbl notice la publiabed iu the Morning Enterprise aod Ibe lima and place were Died by order of the Clly Council of Oregon City, Oregon. U 8TIPP, Recorder. Blarney. A ftrookljn wvioan wbo bad apeot a great deal of time la trying to leacb ber oi.k to make a guod dm a a butter gravy, but to little avail, had wis'lon scverrty to rebuke tbe Uouteatie In Ibe irvMce of vtbera "Klleu." aakl be Blrmly. "this gravy la absolutely bitter Ibla evrnlbg " "lodade. I'm eorry, mum. rsne In lugubrtoua luoee from tue na-k -How do ftt amount for it. l.lleoT" asked Ibe nilaireaa. peralalenl la Iter effuria tu gvt at the b4tent of the mat ter - tast aay. mum. unieae It were tbe tear I drw4Mt la It. Buiu."-Nsw Verb t 'T9mM He Needed a Saareteey, I Hit a Is une of Ibe Im engine driv ers on ihe rued. but. like many another "vkl tinier." be la Much bothered by tbe mnlitplklty af reports which tbe toixlern order of administration ran pel a Mm to write oot. decently be loi-k over, a Ma seniority; la tbe serv Ice etitllle.1 blia to 4. one nf the big rans aud was very pmnd But la-fore long a rlixiil lgan to show Itself en bla usually traminlt br-w. "What's Ihe mailer V a rrny aakesl blm. "Ion'l Ibe new run anil jou" "Not very well," an acted tHiren gloomily. "I've had It Ibtve weeks and I'm alt months Is-Mitd wit" me corres'Mnileace a'read.r." Vont'i'' Companion An Unanswerable Argument, Tbe poor rets (lull bad But been 10 ! r",, w ,b0 ranrttoo at toe . frvm bouse, but be went to tbe door la . aplte of tb oversight. j "Where a your terdT looulrad the ! Brat geotien-ao la waiting "Haven't got a ay." responded tha poor relation meekly "Nobody rao get la wit boot a card." "WetL I'm Bo bod 7," murmured tbe poor relation, but the Drat geallemaa in waiting could not graap tbe da Urate humor of If, aad the poor rotation waa turned a way Uoplucntt'a Christmas Gifts ' 1 ... ' Xt! ' .... i - aaywaavawsajasjesxaesiSX39aaSJaA 1 - x' 'w-r.w. nnancisl aseaL. nest men and Inslvlduai, thebaat yew have financial hsaaoaartafa hers, Weini sur fsallma. at hems Oregon City IN THK COUNTY J. MITsai r i vnm veaea t A. M. ta 1 . . 1 REAL (STATE TRANrR1 Huaan Took to Klttier ll and Ada llodri kaon, o( "i-T?.. JJ. Falla View Addition la ftraaT City; l0. ; C. 1. and Martin A 8ker . ; George and Mary Urbeer, Ua4 J? ( lion II. Uiwnahlp aouih, raasa t eaar; l. .1 Ijiura K. Roe and (X li. Horn ta C. Child. Und (a Boring Jsswjo..' 1IM, Catherine and A. P. Turner i u-, II Mlley, 4917 acre of tieoig, - U Im C. township J aHiB. raaas 1 est; ll.eoo William and Cecils Mslre la Kst ryn Anne lloyd and Wllliaai hoti Ma H. U. block 97. Oregua ru g Hteel Company's Ftrt Adaitla; tt William T. and Huaana thro4 (I II Kreba. lota 7 and I of bkr II. rire. Addition to Sandy; n, W. r. aad Buaana Sharwnod ta & II Krebe, lot of block It Qrkn i:oo. Charles and lawilse MarrkaaJ a George W tJlly, land la e tka 1 tal g. township 4 south, fangs rest 1100. Tbomaa A. flellwood aaa lo pblns He 11 wood lo J. J Uaaaer. kt 11 block 9. qulncy AdJttioa lo Mil waukle; 1 110. t nltr-d Stale In George Csrw, s) acres of aec'jon 21 township I soar, range I east; Patent. Ora Ruegne Olmateed to Id 0ts atead. 10 arre of aactloa It. to ahlp T aotith, range I east; L K.lward and Belle Mm mo is Aaarb Maitacco. Ma 0. II. II. bhrk I ka 7. I. 9, 10. block 4. Oak Grovs rvi. II J0. . Fred Coantryman and Addle Os tryman o Walter Gnbbla. ki 4 tal I of block I. Estarada; lit K. A. and Wlllema Pugb is Obi (), land In Clackamas county; IL J IL and D. L d'gaa la L It Tompklna, Und la ("lactam ceaati; 11.500 John W. IHier and Ora K Iaa lo W. W. Iirsdley, Und ta D. L C a! 4 Archibald MrKlnUy. losaula 1 aouih. range t easi; L Rudolph Klau and Sophia Klaaj 10 Mary Hcbeer, IJ (4 acres aeroai II. township 4 south, rang ear'; 11 00 Rudolph Klaua and SopkU Klaat a George Mcbaer. M acres of aadha II. township 4 anutb, rang I eaat: 11.00. Patronise oar Brtleer. ) :-ii.'i ' . .