Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 10, 1911, Image 3

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t Are You
and Xmas
4 Mrt a" then will 0".
ain w remind you of our
mM Xm.. Sal.. 0l
lm v'rF "
Mitt IvIbu thl big
Mi aa ''"'y
Mol&on A
tot Sailing ildg-. Portland.
Phen Main 8181.
At the Portland Theatres
day after aeveral w'ka' l!)nu
of perltuultle. Mr. Fur una hd re
reived word about week that
bur alater wee vary II She bati.I
In hr talalile, and arrived two it1t
before her datb. Mra. Vvot la atir.
vlved lijr hr bueuand. two IlltU cbtl
dreit, aged aeven and eleven y.are
aud aeveral alaUra.
. Tbe tauth annual ball of Cniaract
Una Company No. I will It lo
Chrlaimaa nlht lo Iluarb'a Hull and
nut New Yrar'a Eve, aa waa amnmnc-J.
,111 aav money. 'S"op early
, (void th big roeh.
for lb arreat an eoovlctlon
a aar peraoo or pereooe, wbo
tulaafully remov rople of Tba
Murtilng KnUrprla from tba
traaUwe of eubeertbr after
M(wr baa bHi placed Uer by
euTler. 1 J
Kan H Waa 5
1 don't Uk TJ, SJuSj
w atorb h l5-Pf
mm holdup I L X
at va oof at ftC
auara of Iba 1
KM and tMi oua lIV-V
vararidaw up," P11a
DeoM holdup h I
Ma aot 1 J
klad reader f-J I
mak Mueller, of Clarhea, waa In
kia city tuturday.
(lark Htewart. of Caru. waa la
t city Friday.
rd Rtrinrr. of lar Craaa. a
Li tbia city tuturday,
William Itanlrla. of lUavar Craah,
Vu la ibia city Friday.
William Vauaban. of MoUUa, waa U
Ihto city Saturday.
Jack Irl.h and I"anar Iriah. of Cania
Vra to tbla city Baturday. '
R. Allon. of Klwood. waa In tbla
rir rrlday and Haturday..
Bart OwrtiaiiRh. of Wblta Salmon,
Wuk. la In tbla city oo bualnoaa.
Bt Ima of fura In Orfn City
Cbrlatmaa atfta at H C Kly"a
I Mr. and MraA Karfla MaynclJ. of
HlihUod. wara In tbla city Saturday
7 P Klrr-ham nnm nf tha DrORlIn
hi farmira of U(an, waa In tbla city
UTtuay. .
M. K. S Warran. of Oak Urova.
u amuna tba Oraaon City 'taltora
Tha Urtat fanrv-work II oa and
Rlckardai.n'a allka at D. C Ely'a.
Altornay Wood, of Portland, waa
trnu.-iln bualnaaa In Oron CUT
tetarday. ,
T. Dakar, of Walla H'alJa, Waab .
a) la ihu ii mtiA la rlatarfd at
tba tKKtrlo I total.
Blvvrr Ramaby. a wall known farm
'. of Molalla. waa In tbla city tran
aclln bualnaaa Haturday.
Rrdurvd uMraa on all millinery for
uia bolldya. Mlaa L Ilium.
Mra. I rod nimnrL of Portland, la
tbla city vlaltlna- at tha noma of
Mr. and Mra. (J. A. litrkal.
1. K. virk nt ui.ral a inarrbant
f that Dlnr-a. waa anion tha Oron
City bualnaaa VliAtora Saiurdny.
It all) im vnu in aaa D. C. Ely
bftfora nnrrhaaln m Inll rlethcre.
Mra tvnb nf f'arua. ao-
nipiuild by har little aon and dauitb
"t. wora In tu a city Baturony.
Mr. anil Mra i O. I am. of HtillWOOd.
nd thi lr little child, have niovad to
willamtie. Mra. Ijim la daiun ar
f Mr. nnd Mra. O. Lnrann. of Wllla-
matt, ' .
D. M. Klman haa opened a Br"l
nd marrhinl'. rmlminnt In hla
Hare and aervea a dallcloua lunch!"
'"m 11 to and from I 10 7 Jal'r-
f. Kloman haa a white cook and ia
akln a ramitatlim for hla raaort
J. A. RoKaha a nnimlnnnt realdent
of NawDort waa tn thla cltT Baturday.
Ur u..i. . ... ...nn.llnr aeV-
"'vnijQ BIIU WIIW HIV V' " "
'! weka at Jennlnje Lodge, where
"'J have property Jntereaie. i
"l return to Newport within a few
aka i -
Nobel haa nlant of aood chaeae In
"k. Cream, 8w' "1 Umburger.
Aly quantity. 711 Main atreet.
Hort Eaatman arrlve-t In thla city
rrlday from ttoaton, Maaa., and will
"ve here. Mr. Kaatman and family
J"' aoma time lived at fort Fairfield,
before going to Boaton. Hla fnm
I'r arrival k.r .Knnt two weoka ago.
Tr ere at nraaent vlaltlng at the
"he of Mr. and Mra. John McCor
of Third and John Adama
Wreeta. .
Tha lo.iu. n riarman Lutheran
eburch will rlva a baaaar at Knapp'a
Hall. T,i..h.. rbiumhar It. Aprona
"d fancy artlolea will he aolJ. and
t dinner will be aervea at nou.
fcdward rttrtnnaof thla city, re-
Information Friday "
from In.llananoila lnd.. atatlng the
Callle Foor. wife of Franh Foot.
6! Hater of Mra. rprtanav'4 ro"
The Uraaon City Hi-ttt, cmxiand
of Harry Cotiffr. lmla Hmltb, !')
liima, VA- Coufer. J. Alllrrd( an I
Hen llodolaoa will aaaUt the drill
tara of Multnoinab Camp No. 77.
Woodman of the World, at their an
nual mlnatral abow to he given at
W. O. W. Hall. HI Eaat HUtta trt.
Portland. nt Tueaday tilabt
Harold Hwafford and Italpb Hhi'p-
brd. end mn of local repute, will
alw attnid. bolplng to make fuo of
tbe blark fare variety.
Hevaral matil?ra of Camp No 77
wltne4 tbe rerent portormanre
liven In thla city by tbe loraj camp
Kn lia and wara linoreaaad by tbe
aurroaaful manner In wblrh tbebnme
hoya hamllM tbemaelvee. Iavltatuma
to lake part In tbe I'ortland perform-
nre foltuwed.
A gnd ahow la proinlaed by taa
Him City boya a bo have bsn practic
ing alaadlly under tbe direction of Mr.
fiborirf. dUtrlrt manager for toe
Woodmen. All the lateel aonga ana
y,k will be In order, .
L A. Carra. proprietor of a pool
room on Beventb aireru waa
IJ&O by Oeoordrr BUPP nr aeaoina
hla plara open after 11 ocioca ai
flrat Baptlat Chorth Main and Ninth
atreeta-B. A. Haywortb. paaior.
preaching by the tar t 1 m
and T.JO P The paator In the
evening will preach the elath. of a
earlee of ermme on "The Men and
Kallglon rward Movement."
. . - Akin
Oerman tutheran
aynod,-Re. H- Pa"ror- D,r-
vlcea will be held at 10: JO a. ro.
a..n,l.r achool at t:10 a. m.
Cathol.-Corner Water and Tenth
atreeta. Rev. a. iuu k------
realdenca 11J Water; Low Maa I
a. ro.. with aermon; High Maaa
10:10 a. m.s afternoon aervlce at
.1.. aa
4 Mat ry morniu
N Edwaroa, p'i,
Png .rvlce 10: JO. B"Jf
11 60. Evening aervlco T:J0. Morn
Ing aubject. -The Rulldera or a
Church it Work. Evening
The Child In the Mldat, Flrat oi
. rl of Cbrlatmaa .ermon.
Carman Evangeiieat-v"."-
.. . Jl fltPaVllft. 1V7T.
If) (a JMAUlaHJH w' ' Por.
UlUlawJU, a-
in. wedneadar at 7:J0 p. m-
0..-.tone Chrlatlan-Ber. A- . r
key. paaior; mm- --- -- -
m.: preaching at It and $.
Mountain View U"'. m"
.a -1 1 a iinnBT buiui w
Herman Bchrader,
iUpertntenae; ."-- d
matinee, December 10. Other two
matlnece Wednaadaf I Bargain Day)
and Baturday. -One
of the great feature of the
play la the reallatlo third act In which
the clrcua arenee are dvplrted. Includ
ing a miniature clrcua caravan Jlamp
peartog In the d lata nee. Tbe aecond
arene of thla act abowg a clrcua In
full awing, with the trained boraea,
Donltta. doKa. clowna, acrobata, rlng-
maatera, bareback fldera and aerial ,
acta of all daacrtptlona, with all thai
neceaaarlea of tba wblt tope, and la
In full keeping with the, atandard aet
by Frederic Thorn peon, producer of,
the play and tbe creator of tbe huge
Hippodrome and the rreaUsat amuae-j
ment park Id the worm imu rare:.
i-,.n-. i.i.nd Naw York City. Watch i
for the panUe.
Eatacada Btat Itank to Charlea K.
pubola. lot 7 of block J2, Flrat Addl
tlon to Eatacada; t250.
Jacob K- Bhlelda and LIIHe M.
Bhlelda to Thomaa Weaver, lota B.and
t of block 10, Mllwaukle; t!00.
I. q ciodfelter and Uoaalle - P.
Clodfelter to William Cavanaogh, 1-3
acre of aectlona 1. 2. 11. 12, townehlp
2 aoutb, range 1 eaat; flO.
Eugene H. and Anna P. Glrty to W.
J. Dodiion, land In Clackamae coun-
ty; 1. .
O. K and Ollv D. Hunter to W. J.
Dodaon, land In aectlon 8, townahlp
3 aouth, range 1 watr Jt.
W. J. and Ilelle Dodaon to Llcea
tcr Beat Atklna, 30 acree of aectlon
8, townnhtp 3 aouih, rang 1 Veat;
alao 15 acrea of aectlon 8; townahlp
4 aouth. range 1 weat; $7,423.
Minnie Odell to Jamea and Percllla
Yale, lota 1, , 4, block 12. Mlnthorn
Addition to Portland: $300. . .
tr you are not reading the Morning
n-ni.rnri.o whr notT Tear-end Bar
gain Period la now on. Bee ad on
back page ,
C-ohan t Harrla prea-nt Wlncbell gmlth"a comedy aucceaa, "The For
tune Huntar." at The llelllg Theatre, Bvntlt and Taylor atreeta, for
aeven nlahta. Wxlnnlng Sunday, December 10, with apodal price matlneea
Weduaday and Haturday.
The moat Important event In early
theatrical offertnga will be the en
gagement of "The Fortune Hunter,"
Wlncbell Bml'h'a famoua comedy of
town and country, preaented by Fred
Nlblo, one of Amerlca'a beat come
dlana. and a nerfM-t company, Includ
ing Mlaa Joeephlne Cohan, at the
Helllg Theatre. Seventh and Taylor
atreeta, for aeven nlgbta, beginning
Sunday evening. December 10, anj
which will Include apeclal price mat
Ineea on Wedneaday and Saturday..
The Wlncbell Smith comedy waa
played two yeara In New York and
on year In Chicago, and In tbe lat
ter city light patronaae prevailed for
eeveral we ka Finally tha tide turn
.1 and the Metronolla of the Weat
woke np to the fart that a charming
play, bubbling with clean run, ana
fraught with boneat eentlment, waa
vlalble. and for the remaining time
during the engagement tbe theatre
waa parked.
Aa Nat Duncan, tbe nero oi me
about which tbe theme of the play la
evolved, Mr Nlble haa made a laat
Ing Impreaalon. Hla playing of tbe
city youth wbo haa made a roeaa of
hla life, hut who flnda hla real aelf
and bualnea abllitlea through tbe
mlafortune of othera. placea him In
the front ranka of light comedy ac
tora of the American atage. Aa the
old dnigglat wbo baa frittered hla Ufa
and auuatance away on Inventlona
that never amounted to anything,
Frank Tiacon la one of tbe bea char
acter actor on tha American atage.
Joaephlne Cohan la an exqulatle ac
reaa In tb role of BeC.y Graham. She
adda aplendld dramatic momenta to
the role, and playa the part with a
true ring of an and aympathy.
The character of the vlllaae to
whlcti Duncan goea to work out the
j erheme, are atudlea from tlfe. The
old, crahoed. country banker; th
amall town, youthful dandy; the Til
lage belle and her cbum. all are fami
liar per aon a to thoae who have lived
Jn country town, and the author haa
made them breathe ana iiv me ai-
Hailig Theatfe
Seventh and Taylor Streeta.
Phonea Main 1 and A-1122.
7 Nighta beginning Sunday, Dee.
10. 1810.
Special Price at Mattnee
Wedneaday and Saturday. . '
of Wlncbell Smith" .
with '
Fred Nlblo and a Perfect Company.
Including Joaephlne Cohan.
Evenlnga: $2. $160, $1. 75c, 50c.
Both 'Matlneea: $L50, $1. 75c 50c,
SSc and 25c
Seata Now Selling for Engagement.
The Car that Delivers -the Goods
1000 pound Ford Delivery Wagon
: $815 .
. For Demonstration Call
FORD GARAGE 4th & Main Sts.
-Tom 'Thumb'e Wedding" at Church
Drawa Big Crowd.
"Tom Thumb'a Wedding," given by
the primary grade of th preabjrter
tan church Friday night under th
acperrlaion of Mlaa Alma Moore and
Mlaa Eula Schuebcl. wa a decided
aucceaa. Each peraon Uklng part did
welL T: proceeJ amounted to a
neat mm. Following the tableau of
"Ton Thumb'a Wedding" mualcal
and literary program wa g1vn by
some of tb children. - ' t
Buach'a Hall la Thronged With Merry
Buach' ball waa filled to 1U capac
Itv Saturday nigh; whe th Cadet
of th Artlaan Lodge. gv their Brc
ball of the eeaeoii Th hall wa elab
orately decorated with national coKh.
tbe order a colon, and tn mnaic iur
niahed by Fox' orcheetra of P rt
land pleased all th dancer and apci-
tator ;
The committee In charge la deaerv
Ing of much praie for th aooceee
of tho baa '
A sm IHIIIIHI1. im K. , -
acbeme for the marrying of a fortune moapher they portray.
"Polly of the Clrcua," FreJerlc
Thompaon'a mammoth production
with Mlaa Ida St. Leon In the leading
role, will be eeen at the Baker Thea
tre for one week, beginning Sunday,
Sunday Night, Dc 17.
Lecture on Hypnotlem, Etc.
' i
December 21, 22, 23. 24 "
Th Comedy Succea
-7 DAYS."
I ha v Just received a, larg ahlpment of 8Ur
ware and In order to make room for my other tock
In my email Quarter have decided to run a Special
Sale, beginning next Tueeday, December 12, and ctoee
out th entire atock of Silverware, ,
.i ...
26 piece Set In handaom caae. Regular price $22.50.
Sale price .". flS-00
13-plec et Regular price $5. Sale price 84.78
Carring Set. ReguUr price $5. Sal price ... .83,75
8teak SeU. Regular price $4. 8al prtc S2S
'take advantage OF this1 while jt lasts.. '
' Watchmaker and Jeweler. . ' j
Maeonic Building entrance.
Monroe atreet.
mnrnlDi aervlce
& Study rry Thurad.y aft.r-
r,r.7M.thedlM EpP'
r seventh and Main J-
vice and preaching by tbe pa auir.
:,:Tngnt-.h,.r- PA SrdUl welcome
Undaborougn. w c.
1 Si n Y 6:45.
K.taraea 11 . m. and 7. P--.b'tW-'...
Proteatant Epl.oepal
Vu.Ik, C. W. Roblnaon
Holy eurharlat, 8 a.
I Prayer and a er
m.nn. Sunday acnooi, i.
mon, 7:3 uuu", . . nrt
.uperlnt.nn.nt. ----- ,,,
11: T, r, d. . - ' -eerrlc
7. ' .,. preach
22 52?!&!J3Z
on; Sunday acnovi - 7
Waat orgon v..y lock
Did You Hea It Knock, o wei?e You Asleep
You canVmake money by waiting antii opportunity has passed, it is calling yoU now - to
MULINO. : ' '
The majority of fortunes throughout the country have been made through the increase in
real estate values v ' ; 4
rn. : Diornuia
anrharlat and
"i1 Jr
. Mulino has two stores, a blacksmith shop, a school , a .church, a
and a flour mill. A railroad will be completed to Mulino m six months, don t you think that is a
healthy start for an infant? , ' . '
Rhv in Mulino now the orices will be double by the lime the railrrfad is there. Terms easy, a - little
downed altacffl
9 Beaver Building, Oregon City. Telephone
Vlulln0 10W v-iuiupanjr, aiiwipi"! . , ,
am . ' . .: . .:. -
IVL L. BOWM.4N Agent