f M0KN1N0 KNTKKPRISK, HlTKliAY. DECKMUEK 10. 1911. i. UOQNING EflTERFRlSE OREGON CITY, OREGON K. ft. BRODIC, ftdltr and Publhc. sir .a elaea attr Jaa- wr , nil m tK post mrw or CYOrrr, n4 tM AM M Mare vN Tree. .r IMli .', . (Is klurfti. a? iMn . eur Mnaiha. by Mil, r tii tr eejilM ... .MM . IM . 1 . . J COWTRACT ADVERTISING RATES f irM fmr Hkua IM tartKa....l lre Fa. Bat WK-. iM Ian intue, . la rreierre Boaitwa ir ea, a . tiret hwim. ........... ... ...... ...IM ft(iri Doaitkia ur ad KartOM. .................... 1 Ivw MH ethr taaa flrvt Ba-. per " rtr tnertk I .ww oih aaa Oral Bc. bv 4 meartlene Lreeela le wr Dm! m nialu var Waata, r Bale. Ta Raal a woe flrv ajmitiaa ec addltl.aal. Kat far adTM-ttcta hi Jw Waat gaiararlaa aitl be the taitv. for 4vr?taeaMita fer Mi waafety. Whrr Iha aaearti trwnrterr rmwa Iha dally ttta V. wuaont voaajre. Iha rata wt aa for, for ram ef h aaaac. sad taa am BM Inr sclal ptmtxttm. Caw about mev bartr ta mkMi la b Um 0A(rrnaa . Lata' advaroatn at tacaj as entaSa riM ""lrrae edvertieta aad ap. atat IrnaiM MTvanian at sa tee aa lava. aH .a ta eaeotal roadtnoaa anrarataa: taa "Ve aad Bankrupt aak ainers Uo Um-B. rirat Ineertiaa nai BaaariMM eejae wtaitar 3M iaxra. Kibj aal wrll not an-h f it. wtt tataraat ta am re-ra artll be ladr accept. Rajrcta ui aaraa aavar raluraad iiala arvaua tea bv btkaoa ta araa iiaiaa CITY OFFICIAL NEWSFAPCR. THC MORNING ENTERPRISE U on salo at taa foUowi atoroa aTarj day: Hanttr Broa Drug VUln StrooC .J. W. McAnulty Clgmrn Srnta and Main. K. B- Andaraoa. Main aoar 8txU. If. E. Vunn Confactloaary Naxt door to F. O. City Drag Storo Klatrtric HotaL 8?aoilorn Coofactkary Sa'anth and .1. Q. Adam a. . Dec. 10 In American History. IS32 Andrew Jacksuo Issued his pgoc ' ' lamatioa against the "nuiliflcra." 1863-Tb Federal army, led by Ien oral Ambroa E. Bo rankle, crossed tbe Rappahsanark at Frederlrk bnrg. Va. one of I be brilliant and daring achievement of tbe war. ; C3B6-Treaty of pear between -Catted SUtra am! Bpala signed at Parla. bringing to aa end tbe war which began la April. I8US. IBlfr-OfflciaJ fignrea of tbe thirteenth census published; population, ex rtnslv of Alaska. 81J97Z20O: la eluding all po m alow. lOLWOOOO. gala sine 19U0. VkJBSXijaiXi. ASTRONOMICAL EVENT. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Baa acts 429. liar 7.10: moon rise B:45 p. bl; p. nv. planet Venn at perihelion, trareat the sun: planet Mer cury risible; son's decllnstioa. 23 de gree M minute south of celestial equator I " ! iuly seems to be having her hands! full la Tripoli and but small .ympathy ! ,,. . jT . .v I wilt ba given her by other power. I Aa a-matter of fact. In spite of all ; the aentlmental Ulk about the Cross 1 displacing th Crescent, and th op portunitl. that will now be open for j Christian work, th selxur of Tripoli 1 wa not mad In the Interest of hu- maalty and religion, but aa a part of , th. riclou. aystem of grab to which, most of tbe great powers are ad- dieted.. When a proud father boasts that a "pair of twins" has been bora to him h mean, two chUdren and not four. But a pair of twins mean four chil dren just as aurely as a pair of U-ams mean four hone or four mule. Tet nhrase, "pair of twin" will prob ably continue a an error of peed' just so long aa twlna com into th world. Still It la aa well to remem ber that two children at a birth means twin and just twins only. Ideal of character ar not always as broad and high and positive as they : might be. Some people think that t-! cause they do not lie, steal, or break j the . law their character U abou. per-1 feet. That la nothing but a negative I Br JAMES r .aaWfj CHE COLLEGE GIRL MARRIES At EARLY AND HAS At MANY CHILDREN At ANY OTHER GIRL OF THE SAME SOCIAL tET. She does not come from tbe clasi whiph marries earlj and without anj thonght of the future because it has nothing to lose and bocause it ia just as easj to support two persons on nothing as it is to support one. While it shonld be no concern of tbe woman's college whether or not its graduates marry and hare children, it is pleating to be able to refute tLe charge that the college woman FAILS as a WIFE AND ITOTHER. character. True character U posl tlv; positively geaarou hi IU all tad toward others, poelUv ta It sympathy with what I right u4 tru. positive I Ik matter of cltlaeoahip nl of religion Moat popU will Wtraa Ut Dr. Cook, tb txbkirvr. haa don trly la turning to farming. Hla rrcant Prtnc la CopnhMa ba probably convince! him that peopla tnarUy J lak no stock la hla north polo aaavr ttona . What la ofM-work. for on poraoa may ba nothing but healthful activity for aaothor. 80 much depend npoa the bodily and aerroua condition that no art ruw can b applied to govern , all worker allk. It Ij a quer thing that mooarrha and president usually make a big army or naval review aa occaaioa (or preaching peace. To moat people auch review are suggeatlv of the chip on the ahouMer. It la a pleasing atght to aeo old men retaining a buoyancy -of spirit, but they bar to be careful not to overdo the tnll.g and dUplay chtldiahnes in stead of youthfuln. BURBANK POTATOES llurbank potatoes are finding more eager buyer aa high aa 11. IS par cen tal. 1 . o. b. country shipping point. The high price I being offered for a'pcted G ret ham and other eastern Mnlrttomah ..ud Clackamas holding. - Only a small amount of business I passing because grower want ax money. 7her Is a alight Increaa la offtflnj of crdlnary to poor potatoes. Good ordinary shipping stock la com- maadlng from 7Sc to II per cental Lo.lv ahlppina points. Alison. continue the principal pur chaser of potatoes la the Willamette Valley. Silo to data thla season for that account are said to be heavier than during any recent year for the same period While ther is a some- hat mcreared call from Texas the volume of baslnes passing for that account la still compartlvely small. Practically no table stock 1 going to San Francisco from thla section, owing to the higher price demanded for fancy good. - Prevailing Oregon City prices ar aa follows: Fruit. Vegetable. DRIED rRCTTS (Buying) Prune on basis of C 1-4 pounds for ii Wa. HIDES (Buying) Green hid, Se to e: Salter. 6c to tc; dry hide, lie to 14c; aheep pelts, Se to 7Se aca. May, Grain, Feed. KAT (Buying) Timothy. $13 to 115: clover, IS to J; oat hav. best. f to $10: mixed. $9 to til; alfalfa. $1J to sit-so OATS (Boring) Grsy, $J7 to tS: wheat. t2t to $29; oil meal. $53; , Shady Brook dairy feed, I1.2S per I'M) pound. FEED (Selling) Short. $27 to $28; rolled barley. $37 &0; process barley. $3J SO; whole corn. $37; cracked corn. $3$; whit, $; to $27; bran $27 to $28. Butter, poultry. Ego. FI)CR $4.(0 to $$.2S. BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country batter. 25c to JOc; fancy dairy, JOc; creamery. 20c to 15c. pqlXTRT - (Buying)-Hen. c to 9c. EGGS Oregon 'nch egg. 40c to tic ,,'.0 ck; rZ. $i.u to $LM; turnip, $1.25 to $1.50: Prune, on basi of l-4c for 45 and j11150 POTATOES Best buying $5c to ti nr hundred. ONIONS Oregon. $1.25 to $I.6o dot hundred; Australian, $2 per hundred. Livestock, Masts. . ' BEEP (Uv weight) Steer, fo Isnd 4c; cows, 4c; bulls, I 1-fc t Tnr a n 1 '. MUTTON 8hp. $c an 3 He: lamb. 4c and 5c. HOGS 125 to 140 pound hog. Ije and He; 140 to 20A pound. 10c and 10c. Mm Wear Cevb. The lruw iu luri , r- llixt -rlf c.11,1 it. ri.-ii itxn niiitii hi 1 1 . r j .,n.,i- 1 .ti-.a .... VI "'ii I ! in ' . r. it- - 0; 1 li- .11 , .1-1,1 if. 11 1 I ne College Bred rl T Z "Ma-h-f rt AJL JL Ji tJ X. KJ t. CX. I Failure as a Wife I 4-4-e-r MONROE TAYLOR, President of Vassar ColUtf Am 44444 - 4444444 Prince of Wales, Midshlpmin, And His Mentor, Captain Campbell aNVt -'"" M a VX'VJr' V f . 2 1 r . ? ) A Paota by marina Praas Asawciatiuo. THE edocatloa of Edward Albert, prince of Wale, baa tana far .) decidedly nautical bant II was nt to the Moyal Naval rollec ai Dartmouth when ha was thirteen and there, aceordlag to British roe dp about royalty, wa treated morh a any other cadet would be. both by master and classmate. It la hinted that th latter even "put up "their haada" with htm and kept quiet about It. Now, at to ag of seventeen, he baa ekned hla naval career. Including three month' aenrtr on the battle chip Hindustan and will be a midshipman no longer. On lbs ntadnstsa hs waa under lb special care of Captain Henry Harvey Campbell, aa old friend and measmat of King George, who waa oOctally appointed hi gusrdlan dur ing hi Um at se. It la expected that after he baa completed bis studies at Oxford, which a will enter next spring, tbe prtnc will be gazetted to th Tenth hussar, th crack regiment of which 4)1 father la colonel In chief. T YOUNG V0I1OI SELL RED-CROSS SEALS (Communication.) For several years w hav heart? more or lea about to sale of Red Cross Seal, aa they ar now called. At on time th familiar nam for them wad "Red Cross Btampa," but I'ncle Sam'a postal department mad the r-;uet to hav toem smiled seals Instead of atampa so aa not to confuse them with th regular United State tamp. At the sam time th government gav th permission to l.ave the seals placed on salo In all postofflces. Thla alone should be enough to show tbe public that they ar for a good -ause. Do not think that because these sesls at being sold all over th Unit ed State that th money derived from ti.tra I to ba used In the East. The money derived from tbe aal of the seals In Oregon la to b nJ for th car of th tuberculoid patlenta who ar found wanting out side of Portland while th money de rived from the sal In Portland will be used there. Th Woman'a Club of Oregon City, has charge of th sale of these seals In Oregon City. and aayon wishing to help In tb sal can do so by ae Ing MrDav!d Cauneld, president of the dab. , Several young ladle assisted, Sat urday In selling the sesls In th dif ferent stores aa follows: Huntley Drug Company Mlsse Edith Alldredge and Maud Moor. Jones Drug Company Misses Rob erta 8cbuebel and Virginia Shaw. J. Lrltt Mrs. Walter Wentworth. At th Kings 'Daughters' bazaar Mlsa-itnth Biightblll waa In charge. The aeals ar on aal at all time at MeAnulty Cigar Store. White's Cig ar Store and the C 0 Store, and they will be placed In other stores In a day or aa SOUTHERNERS BUY - FARMS NEAR CITY Elliott It Son hav sold a ten-acr tract to John F. Charlton, a contrac tor, who has Just arrived here from New Orleans. His brother-in-law, Henry Dannenmann, formerly of New Orleans, purchased a 0v-acr tract just opposite that of Mr. Charlton. Urt Baxter, through tbe sam real eMail flur., purchased a hous and lot on Center street, and John T. Lo der, th attorney, purchased 200 acres of fin UnJ in th Molalla country. White Queen Flour This I Tb Bt riour Obtain able. Lay In Your VVIntsr Supply of Cost Now. Hsy, Orsln, r"sd and Korot Poultry Pood. .' 1 Oregon' Commission Co 11TH AND MAIN . , Oregon city. , ift- SANTA CLAUS WILL VISIT POOR CHILDREN (Communication ) Bant Claua will visit vry poor child In Oregon City., Thla la a vary simple plan. Initiated by th Itrotber hood of 8L Andrew la 8L I'sul s church. Christmas, tolling us of th birth of Jesus Christ, makes all mm brother on grt family In Go.1. Therefor th brotherhood nnhrsltat Ingly appeala to every man and woman to aid In making a Merry Christmaa for th poorer 'little brother and sis ters,, no' matter of what religion. Bom persons know of poor, chil dren, but tbey themselves can aid lit tl. Som do not know of any Utile ones who otherwise would .have aad hearts becaus of an empty stocking. yet would Ilk to alX Below ar two coupon which es pial n themselves. All will be treated In th strictest confidence. Mall to William Hammond of .Croe A Ham mond, either or both coupons. A re ceipt will b returned In tb ease of gifts or money from him and at Christmaa time from th little -ones by a algned card. 4 4 - I desire to b Santa Claua to some chllj to the extent of th enclosed cash 4 Order (on any Oregon City 8t0re). Donation Nam Address In case of an order tb cost, g or written order on th store - designated mast b enclosed. 4 w 4444 The following ar names of children, given In confidence, who should b assisted by your movement " ' , e . Nam. 4 Address '. - : Bend as many name as you wish. 4 ' " NAME BAZAAR COMMITTEES. Women ef Luthran Church Plan Big , V Dinner. Tb women of th German Lrttheran chnrch hav appolntaj th following to bav charge of their bazaar to be given at Knspp's hall, Tuesday, when a hot dinner will be served at noon, and fancy articles will b sold: Dinner Mr. Gnstav Schnoor, Mrs. Schwartz, Mra. Bust, Mra. Cong er. Aprons Mra. A. Knapp, Mrs. R. Petold and Mrs. C. Hartman. Fancy Article Mra. William Btoo. ver. Mr. Louis Nobel, Mr. D. M. K lem sen. , Reception Mr. John Vlgellus, Mr. Thodor Btrohmyr. . Tbrs Coupls QSf Llen. Maud Cash and W. F. Power; Ionise Wells and Carl Johnson, and Msttle King and M. B. Park wer granted marriage licenses Friday. ,, ! PO TOtf KNOW hat th Rntemrlsa See ad on back pg for particular. P...4 f.M) rtrt ( or? i ii Heart to Heart Talb. By EDWIN A. fOTE RZTIK1N6 rtOH tl'SINUJ. - shall retire from buaiaea whew I am orty year of " fri4 of win. , Whyr - -Hu If my ! do not fall I shall hav emniga nwuey by that Urn. MJ I shall be itnl t ! menf of the leisure hK h t sbaU have esru'rd." Now Moat likely wpr my friend I Bfty ke will postue bis rrdmarnt lie will tud bo nis.' where bemay let go. 4r If be auouM mire st that lime h will Unirit a ki r ih,ne Ur wt'l Mid Uw be le like Ul of watrr. lie will be wit of bl natural element lie la an built thai ha U daHnl l.t aim'ber rf ai tlvliy, I Ibol ainiui'brw be ud allf tlin Ub-n hr lt hi" spher of activity he K"v afc'Kit natura. i Moreover- . . One who la able to wrk and whoae product K uwfwi i"0'rlluir to the world's ouicut When auh a oe loaf be adil t Np world's waste and BUHreit from lie wttrtd a hapi'l Urea. Inlnvd of l-elng aeaet, he bei-omra liability. ftealdr II wb 'llt ht alra while he la yet liable la d bl tb ruas a ae knnl rlk lll ' mchineiy. pbvH' and mental, la art 1 a lb rln.ln of a ft,t. When tbe bojr hta-mtu OM ty the nmblnerv l a4 l wear alf out In the rrlmllug ..f the part owe upun ber. When a man who ha labored ottt has nntbtng iu d be ss apt to go to work dlKiMfs Ms grave. Wirt-k la n tte M"mesl rurae. It la man's arrsir irinir. Tb " anple' Jl h- r'V BIOt Of -the world's wix-k trr I tx- airwoirwi. the kol llvrl and the happte"!. M.r fiieod who wsnta t retire at Bfty has ta-- a bard wurker. If be quits hi bihnra srMirarlly b I llkelf to dl pivixfnreljt. . !lememlrr hat llotwrt Ioul Hie fabann. blntelf a wurker to tbe last, said sNmiI d.rlnaT lie aald. .-In effect, tbst Instead of dribbling wsy one's life n should go over the precipice of eternity la full stream Uh a roaring Nlagaia. Detail Cain had ret nr aed from th fields alooe. "Wher Is yonr brother AbalT asked Adam. "Oh." replied "Tain, rareles Ilk. "Abe hss become a charter member of the Csn't Com Back dab. Wherenpo be established a reputa tion tbe elllae Jeater.Milwuke 9enttoel PVeHy fair "reef. "Ar they very much in wrr "I go so. They send kie to ach other by telephone and stand waiting with their Up puckered If th report Is that the wire ta buy."-New Tork Preaa. . r Electric Are Popular They still possess that element of novelty dear to the American heart and thus solve the problem of giving Christmas gifts that are 'dif ferent." ' Imagine how pleased most men would be to receive an electric shaving cup or electrc cigar lighter, instead of neckties, socks, and hand kerchiefs, "as usual." r . 1 - . , A tea kettle for grandmother, a samovar for Madame's five o'clock teas, a chafing dish for the college girl or bachelor maid, a disk stove for the bachelor, a flat iron or sewing machine motor for the practical housewife all these novel and useful gifts will be appreciated by whoever receives them. : , PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAI N OTPICE 7th ond Alder Streets ' Vrlth ampl aapltal, aurt aoitln, stMnt sa-w o,ulpmnt and a gsnu'ri elr I rnr Kslpful Knsnl T" w ar In posilleo I lv koala nn and ladlvldusl a7 tr I In nhln. , Yoe ntrSt wrlll graw If y hav a flnaai h,,., and vr rllly Invll yw t f at hsm bar, using ur fatrnTL I tb fullt pslbl lt. -The Bank of Oregon City ' 0LDKST BANK 1H THE COUNTY u rounirrr pra-uaat THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ol OREGON CITY, OREGON t wh44n ft Wants, For Sale, Etc Jtaoeva iaeae taaaa la iW am awa n wi4 sa tewa-t at aaa Ml war, thrwi Kwimr. hail a eaat aSaiUaaal kasae itaa. vjm a ear. II ear bmU. taa a aa. I Oaaal t ar asuata. ( wk saaet sa sar atOar watae sat was aa ee aceaeat WIU la ms. ftaeaelaJ raaalbiuiy fW errat. waart arrar war tra aevslS 1Mb wld w aria4 'ar aalraa. Mialwtuaa IS WANTCI Tourist and local peopl lo se my o-'lliin of arrow beads coins, India trmkeU. lid tim.ts and curi-j of t! amrta Will bu or sell la this iU llai m gool bargatsa la acoolhsnd fumltuw and tools, fir louoa. Main near Una . WANTEDA good second band farm wagon. Writ North Coast Contract Company, fit lwla Itldg , IH-r-Und WANTKI ror U b"rd and room by prlvat family, goodTshl and rooms. M 1 week. Inqutr at Enterprise ' l . yt . -a-iiw- WaTC A fraaanh cow. J. O. Biaate. C01 John Qulncy Adsen street. t fOfl AALtf FOR SAIJC hy C. IL Uveay, carload ": of Trojan powder. Just received. 'AHM LOANS. fARlaiAiANBWmlck WmkilC Lawyer, Oraoa City. Or, ' ATTO"Ntvta. 0 D IHT, Attorney at I w. Mnstf ta4. sliotrsct firokthsd. load ' tula ismlus. eatatt aUId. pwa eral law bussaea Ovwr Vaah 4 tHeoa City. tt HKN A nCHtlWtfU Atteay-t Law. Dealarkar Advohst, wilt arwo tle la all sourta. mak eotlaatlosa prta lUdg, Or sew Ctty. Oiatfia, nuTTogn) A w o"co""T CTO A HARRT JONBrV Buf14T aad Oeaaral rootraetor. Batliaale raasrfan aire oa all class of botldias work, eoacrata watts aad rwlaforwad .eeret. Rs. fboM Maaa IP Christmas Gifts It should not b forgotten that ths sctrla Chrlstmss gift ar all USEFUL gift. Each ef ths dsvloss Is designed to do som on thing bsttsr than It esn b don any other way, whsthsr It I to psrcolst certs, toast brssd ar furnish th power for running a sewing msshlns, Th lln of lotrl Christmas gifts Is so eomplt that 'in It will b found a suitable gift for vry mmbr of th family. INVITATION J IlKTBH iw'I CAiTAL. laeosxau SMeklof aWalee Ova trwra I A I f s , INtUftANCI. . H COOrKK, roe n, l,-.- aad Real Rwtata Li a nti rwr BroBaniwa-ea m arhsaa. Orrtc I ttnaj, Hag, Oreto Otf. rrn CHANIMO AND pnt IV NO, CIIICAOO TA1IJDK8 suits a,. . order Imra 114 and up. YV iaai rlraalng. presams sn rrpairtu Thre dour south of poto9r t'i ,v.,waW'. i- wVH)aia, MUSICIAN A J. AIJIA 8ACCR. Iaarer ef IM strlug tnalrumsnts, 4lrarlr of aaal and orrbeetra. Wl.l furnuk aw for any occasion. cU at Klmre IMeL NOTIClh. Notts rioal AeeooaL IN th County Court for lb tai? Oregon. Clackamsa Couaty. In tb matter of ih ut 4 John M. Graham, deceased. Notice) I hereby givaa that A 1 Graham. A. W Graham, R. IX Mw rill and William Andra, of th ita of Jobs M. Grtdwa, deceased, hav mad aad IM a th Conaty Court of ta Ksi t I1 Oregoa for the County of Ctaws mas. their Ooal report of ta ai mlnlstratioa of Mid eatai; isl that tho Hon. R. a II', Ja of aald Court. Sied th ITth 47 November. 11 1, aa the Urn af beartng aald final report, sat twa petliluu from aald ' siemlors. e landed aald Um to and Bie4 am dai or, tb lih dsy of Io.M, . Jill, at th hour of 10 tlor'i In. of said day aad data, at ds County Cuurt llous. In OrtaQi Oregon. And all persons hsvlsg b)erlai to th approval of th sssh, M hereby wtlfled and reqalTsd ts we aent asm to said Court oa or seta aald ftlb day of December, 1IL A. TL GRAHAM. A. W. GRAHAM, R. D MORRILU - WM. ANDRKHRN. Cienilori Dot of first pubcatl.m MU aw . of November, Jll. ' Dal of last publication HA W . of December, 1111. WWTfiROOK A WKSTnROOt Attorneya, portlsnA Orajai ' 1 ''.X,.'-' ,:'. saWaa