HORN EN city-lt.in rrld.y; TH. wai dairy mwck I - InM arj and f tat awyriatlrst ma. County, wJU fre k v ao.000. Ar. yew a --. . H f B4) eitrenn wl ponton. , t. , V? t kL Y C SI t C R P R I SC CSTADLISHCD I 50 0 VOL. H-No. 131. 0UK00K CITY, ORE00N, JfKIDAY, PECEMHEtl 8, 1911. Pn Week, 10 Otra iniAMARA MADE BOAST OF BRIBE , . 'M R(MARK OF DYNAMITE SAID TO HAVK CAUIIO M'M .NIOAL TO CONFESS. CO 000 SUM REPORTED OFFERED ytstrel Ornd Jury Ha.ra Cenfaaslon In th. Prob. of All.g.d . Qlgantla Dynamlt. Caneplraole. . 13 . U)rt ANOBIJM. !. T "I. Svl iUidrls of Ibouaand of dollar and .t American' Fwd.ratlon of llr .,f uie. It look only S0.0O lo tMr Viui'Ht Altaian, of Chlraao. and , M ihy couldn't coqvlrl him in can' PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL-: n.i. attrlhuted today by le i in ltctle Malroro Mrlrtt lo Jama II yrNamar a WoNaroera waa being aka 'n a train f"w Chi tt in lha oUhl of April I !(. c.tiM.4 Ortle R MeManlgal, than alao pUr rrwi. lo become angered with MrSemara for hla Indlacreet etate aot end rlrcumetance ttit M McMentgal ta breh from bla mwpaHUm a4 eventually coiifoM hU connection with varloue dynamite t.kn throughout Ihe country. MrMnlli rl eoofliiB h4 i ..1 (r tb trial of Jm IL ii4 Joho J. McNmr. no undrj ,m.n.. fr thoir iUm of Ruiliy, M IhU .rUrDc. t ttd bM-n gibr4 by lb uu. lun.d of toy 0 lh fnli4 uin onmm. Tb r'lrl Urod Jury brd He. Manual a atory all day and will bar mft of It tomorrow, laying lb f'un 4ion fur lha prol Inlo lb all-d ajntniltlng conilrarla Ibat itrnd 4 fr..m ctMial lo eoaal In lha lat tar yarm, Tb MrNamaraa wro not lakrn l t ih rvdral Orand Jury and It may b that McManlcal 'ry will h rrrd4 a ufflrlnl and lha oth er ir ha rmoTd lo Han Quantln irlli.ul ftirlbar Intarrogallon hr. . Thai MrManlgala aiory Unpllrad ohir man In lb nlirnttona Aao. elation of flrldso and Bimcmral Iron Wnrkvra Utm known IbroMch var ht aimrrM. klrManlical allRia that prrMuta oibir than John J. McNa aiara. lha arrtlanf troaaurar. lall klm for lha twanty "Joba- of dynamlt Inx ahlrh ha ofonpUb-d alnra IWT. A a q imatlon robbly will b rata d aa lo lha compalanry of Irallmony from ronvW-tad Mont, II waa conald rd unllkaly that lha rlallna o lha MrNamaraa, If any. would b of mnwH)uinra, for orh taatlmooy could not ha uhk In coirt again! Ihoaa In dirlad Tha alory of McManlital. who kaa nH yat acn ban tirought to Irtal. will ha of graat alua. howarar. to Iba Rnvrmmant'a Inraatlgator and lha aiaia will n ry him on lha In. dlptmanta acalnat blm nnill lha ld aral authorltloa ara throiigb. -V " , Ifl V . ' .''I V ; -cf , I Mi- W -rj7c-M voo- I i, i iTb - ? I ) S Hinc wMte i aj') -Jr lrf 51! i!-J--!-J-i 1 1 HTTT1 1 &BAMP 7. L MULVEY AND 111 MISS SHANNON WED . 80118 OF VHERAWS ORGANIZE TOrWOV REV. HILLEBRAND OFriCIATES AT IMPRESSIVE CHURCH CEREMONY. EDIFICE IS BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED Braakfaat Sarvcd at Homa of Brlda'a Mothtr Aftar WhleH Youna , Coopla Laava For San FYanciaco. '" A very pratty wtddlnj caremony waa performed at St Jobn'a Catho lic church Wedneaday mornlna: at 11:80 o'clock w hen Mlaa Allra Mary Shannon, daughter of Mra. Kata Shan non, of tbla city, and of th lata L L Shannon, waa married to Mr. WU- ,toydMwlveyi tba ceramony b9- A camp of Bona of Veterana win a organized at the Willamette hall tomorrow night, by State Organizer Huniiugton. Twenty-eight haa etg nined their Intention of becoming membera. They ara ' aa followa: nnorge C. Browoell. 8 f. Scripture, Cbarles Hobble. Faxon Hayford, H. O. Haddock. Curtla O. MtlUr. Brenton x.AA.r r.M,,rrm W m Miller. A. B. iitickles. O a Dlmlck. C. IX Roblaon, Joaeph Neely. frank T. Daly A. U u.-iiiima n r Williams. George Bat- dorf. Samuel Batdorf, Edmond Bat dorf. J. C. TnfU. F. J. Meyer, W. II Hobble. William Johnaton, George M. Clyde, E. H. Cooper. W. B. Ortflrith. O. B Grlirith, Charlea A. F- Prleater and Conrad Prleater. It la tbougbt the camp will Bare ai leaat fifty membera by January. j CLACKAMAS C0UII1Y. DEATH RATE SMALL RAILROAD LIT RAISE TRESTLE CITY COUNCIL ORDER CLACKA , MAS SOUTHERN TO OIIV FRANCHISE- ' PARKS Of CITY ARE TO EE CJ3 Street Commlttaa la Inatructad U Ho pair Moialla Avenue And Seventh And Center Straata at Once. The City Council baa notified thw officer of the Clackamaa Sou'-bem Railway Company to raise the treaUa at Fifteenth and Waahlngtoa acreeta ao aa to gle a clearance of tweWo feet and make It conform In overy respect to the franchise. The treaUe la aald to be only a Uttle more tbaa ton tet above the atreet. It waa dw- VjT lv SCHOOL EXPENSES 1PJ.IF uci n uriTuiu i ruvi FOUND BY DEALER HLLU lllllim LLII DIRECTORS WILL MAKE SUGGES TIONS TO TAXPAYERS AT . . BIG MEETING. ljrn A Company, of thla city, will i ahlp a carload of Durbank potatoea to i Tureka, CalH on the steamer Alliance, which aalla from Portland next Wed- I nciday. Thla will make the ali'.h car- MRS TAYLOR IS DENIED ALIMONY xaipf OP MILLIONAIRE MINER ALLOWED ONLY 1500 SUIT MONEY. NO INCREASE WILL BE NECESSARY If you ara not reading the Morning miarnrlaa, why not? Year-end Par gain Period la now on. Pee ad o back page Salary of Teachere For.i8' ia mated at 20, 000 Total Epana Placed at 1J0.4M. Nolwlthatandlng the extraordinary. 4 6 UZ J little light on a few Chrlatmaa thing, tntlv MAS. Wa ara showing quit an x holiday line for HIS CHRIST Most man Ilka aomathlng practical and aanalble. Qlve HIM something HE can use. Smoking Jackata, Bath Robaa, Jewel , Setrfa, Handkarchlafa, SUppara Neckw.. u...rw. Mata. Bho. Eto ... fl r I I " A aneclal lot ef Smart Overcoat ' nd Suit for th young ehape. Pried Brothers -XCLUSIVI CLOTHIERS . Not Llk Other. 6th and Main O'a. E(tl- load of potatoea that thla firm baa shipped, most of wnlch have been rnt to Humboldt county, Cal. While aortlng poUtwa a few day ago Mr. Larsen found a petrified po tato, which b will keep aa a curio. Many of hla cuatomer hava examined the apud. ' ,, MISS MARIETTA UPTON WEDS. Brlda I Nlec of Mra. Latouretta and E. L. Shaw. Miss Marietta I'pton. of Portland. ... -i rh f tiii-tt ftnil R. .niece oi mm. v. u- - expendllures for the opcrauou , u ,nd jeff Shaw, of tnia city, waa m.lntenanra of the puhlio acnooia "- married Weaneaaay ... ,. a f AJ ..n. in nr Oatrander. of Portland. the current yer. standing from thla city were roctore baa managed to VeP h 0,- M(, Mrs charlea D- Latourette. . ii -uhin ih estimates , . , .. .. ..,irii Mrs Mr. ana mr. m. ij. , ii.rr Mardlna. .Mr. ' and .-Mrs. $2,500 MONTHLY WAS ASKED BY HER Plaintiff Appeala To Supreme .Court For . Reversal of Declaion Setting Aalda Annul ment Verdict. i mnii wall nnm me IHlinruivM ' , made one year ago. when a apec. m nine mlllH waa made, and after carefully considering me r.u mitea f'r 1911. the board baa con cMod to Commend to , th. U V ,h.t no inprense be man" "-" The report and rw. m. - - the board will he ma... . -meeting of the taxpayer of the apnooi dls" t to be held next Saturday eve n sirii " v courthouse. ning a I oi-iu.- - - . .hftVII The one Item tn.i ;..- , .11 other l tn " Vh "re i "ailmated t I20.00O for 191J. There, Br. 1.. the Oreo,, M:y 'tiudin, c;..r p- -; Tooxe, whose V- lis ner tlve. Th. minimum month and ih ""r'irvc.. month and gpw-iai - of principal- receive mora. ......... p - the building n. . ,1.000 to 11.200. ". ,n:,m. ""AV0:: in the; teacher whoa, terms ci . . rntmehem t hWjrW- fi no Inprease In t " v. I d janitor. O.W materially reaup ." - hlrh ; estlmatea and the p'. " vear I the arhooU will ne oir..u , follow: oono; Taphor' anlnrle .A rierk a aatnry f .Innltor' aalarle ;:"' nepalra and Improvementa. . . . Pupplloa Water" rent Vliht' and 'powir'.. Apparatua and 'n",,r Printing and advertlalng !ntor"l on Ixinda Interest on loan....- Miscellaneous expenditure .. $0.4r,S The board e.tlmato that $9,000 will harcom. from th.ng fund, frm the ,,..,. K'ind $1,000 from tuition . of $11S00. leaving a tmUne. ' " m. to which muat be .ddod 1 $1.9 -0 that the law pmvl.loi , .hall go Into a .Inking fund to tak. care of the hn Usue at mayirlty.. The ncmu (Continued on page two ) E. U Shaw, Mrs. m. - v rn-lgga ' Mrs. J. W. Norrla and Jeff Shaw. ' Th. bride, ba. often visited Mr and Mrs. C. D. Latourette In this city, and Is a daughter of a former resident of Oregon City. Rea i. Morning n'erprtra r. Circuit Judge Eakln Thursday de nied the defendant, alimony In the suit for annulment of marriage of Charlea D. Taylor, the millionaire miner, against Minnie N. Taylor. Mra. Taylor asked $2,500 alimony month ly and $7,000 ault money. She wa allowed $300 ault money. George C Browncll and William 8tone, attor neya for the plaintiff, have appealed the case to the Supreme Court. The plaintiff waa grantod an annul ment of marriage last September, but about two month, later Mr. Tay- (Contlnned on page 4.) nr , 1.R0O J 1.R00 1.2001 H00i 350 BOO 2R0 2,073 200 7R0 TODAY H hf,v' Little Red Riding Hood ' With Eva Prout aa "Llttla Red Riding Hood." An Elaborate Production ' Dan the Lighthouse Keeper (A Sacoat Story ). A witty The Night Herder (A Tal. of Llf. on tha Plalna.) ' "Twas Ever Thus" com.dy absurdity that 'will tickle tha young ladies. ITIHIE Ina nerformed bv tha Rev. A. Hille- brand in tb. preaenca of about 100 relative and friends of the young; . couple. ' J . . . i i . t n v. n Art n ' m wn. . TO lOe llfllDV Ul uuu."'""" - ding march, rendered by Mia lu Draper, the bride and bridemald, Mlaa Cla Barclay Pratt, entered the ohnrrti anil tha aroomaraan and hla beat man, Mr. Harry Draper, tb. bride' and her bridesmaid passing up the left aisle, while the Driaegroom nu alked w 4boj rltbt aisle, and stood at the altar. After tha ceremony the choir of about twen ty rendered beautifully High Maa In honor of St. Louta, 'Mis Clementine Com p ton, of Portland, rendering im pressively Faura a Sancta Maria, ai th. .in- of tha eomDanv relatlvoa and a few intimate frlenda of the couple .n.lr-d tn the BhannoQ homo on R.vnth and Water treeta. where a I wedding breakfaat waa served Tha decoration of the churcn were In charge of the young ladlee of the Catholic church, rrienas oi r ana Mrs. Mulvey, and were very pretty, being In white chrysanthemums, ferns, Oregon grape and trailing vines, while the decoration of the Shannon home vera simple and they showed amsuc taste. They were of whlta chrysan themums, and white rosea and aapara- vii. furnl Tha hrlde looked very pretty In her Grecian gown of bite marquisette over whit meeaallne. ana wore a - th or Jananeae orange bloeaoma ml lininnu maldenbafr fern. The only Jewela worn by her wa a hand- some Javalier or pearis. toe bi tha btldegToom. She carried an arm bouquet of brides' roses, from which was auspended clusters oi japnne orange blosaoma. The brldeamald. Miss Pratt, wora a becoming gown of pink marquiaette over yellow me sa line, and carried an arm oouquei i bridesmaid rosea. Those attending the reception ai tha Shannon borne were Mr. and Mr. Fred Shannon, of St. Johna; Mr. and Mr. Mooney.. of Clackama: Mr. and Mr. Hubert Kuppenbender, Mr. Mar garet L Mulvey, Mr. Kate snannou. i r. rsiuhnn. nf Portland: Mr. and Mra. 4S. Kenneth 8tanton, Mr. and Mr. B. T. McBaln and daughter, Jea .... i.. channnn. Mis Margaret Mulver. Rev. A. HUlebrand, Mis CU n.,i.. Pr-t Miai Dolly PratL Dr Clyde Mount, Llvy.Stipp. Harry Drap er, Jamea Cary, Mis Compton. u. ..rf vii-. M invar receiveu iu"j handsome wedding glfta, Including cutglaaa. china, silver and brassware aim iib.u. ... The bride and brwegroom rcu ...mnhll. about S o clock for Portland, ana 1 city went to San Francisco oj Rhaa-a Limited. Upon their return .vi. u in hnnt two weeaa Mr and Mr. Mulvey will occupy their handsome bungalow on Filth and Madlsoa street, which they have pur chased from Frank Andrewa ...v- I. woll and favorably . i fKf- itr wher she na ,pent moat of her life. she as an instructor w lu" ..ku .xhoois hut for the.pasi 1. 1 1 V Uuinn. ...... , ; eeveral yeara sue n , of the Portland hoola ; 1 The bridegroom u n" ... ri.k.maa countv all hi life, nav . . ki. hnvhnnd day near ina HuniL in. j . .. .. k,w where the family own . . . ifl.r mnvlnif to this City Q( 14t.l la. a -a ha accepted a position In the office of the county clerk, and the office of County Clerk last No ! k . inrir malorlty. W ! n tnown throughout Clackamas I county, and b. and hla bride have a host of friends here. LEWIS M. DAVIES AND ANNA BLUHM MARRY Anna Bluhm and Lewis M. Davles were married at me rreBuj.., rrhr.J.r afternoon by KeV. J. . ,..1 ,.., nnth are well K. Ull!UBlPU""h"' ... -i riiv. tha bride nav- HUUWIl Hi v.ir-- - . . .i ..iolv.a here. Mr. anu lnK seTri.i ii.k-- ----- - ;. Mrs. Davles will live on the Moialla i road near Carua. r.i h. Pnnra Samson or- fiplated at the weddftig of Altonl Blair ) and Frances Huston. t. t w Thomas, of Moialla, was in Oregon City Thursday on bla way! home from Portland wnere n ...c.t a nemonatratlon of th. DeTrey k synthetic dental 1 which 14 described as an -..!. r.t Llcansaa. 'Marriage license were lasuml j.. . t rtrnnka and C. -- I nurr . Meece Barton, and Anna Bluhm and Iwla HV. Davlea. ' - . f 1 ' Clackamas county vital etatiatlc for Tuli. inmif ana fiemember. aa com piled by the SUte Board of Health are as followa: ' . Jnlv Death. 11. 4 caae dlptherla and 18 acae scarlet fever. August Death 14, no eontagiou rtlaease reported. September Deatha 15, 3 caaea ty phoid fever The. population of the county I. 23.931 and there were 147death and 261 birth In 110. " Unclaimed Lettem list of unclaimed letter at tha Oregon City postofMce for the week ending December S. 1911: Woman' List BlundelL 1 Maud; Carleton, Mra. 8arah; Johnstone. N. B-; Johnson, Mr. N.; Shaw, Alice 3- . Men' List Ballard, Dr. , C. A.; Campbell. Jullu: Cox. Et FtlaaeL C. a; FeingoldEdw.; Jackson. Nell; Marker. E. E.; McKee, Harvey; Wrlhgt, Nelaoa; Tale, James A. -rrvi rf.it Tinm rhw LuanRea made by January 1. 1912. tha fran chise would be revoked. Chief of Folic. Shaw reported tba 480 tramps were arrested ln Novem ber, and that $87.50 In Anew had beea collected. Application of A. ' KnlgbUy to transfer his saloon Hcenao to John I Cameron and Arthur Da vis and J. A. Barber to traneier am aloon Hcenaa to A. J. Knightly Ver. granted. " ' The time of opening bid for ta improvement of the tiro houae ta. Mountain- Ylevr and Oenpol-t wil extended to December IS. , ' Dr. Strickland aald that nono oc the parka In the city, excepting Mo Loughlln Park, had been named, aao auggeated that thla be done at V lal meeting called for Dembw. He .uggested that the park betwa Sixth and Seventh and Adama and Jefferson street might bo called Con tra! Park or Charman Park. A tlon that theparka be namad by th. council and that tha reatdenta of O. "(Continued on pa- 41 . Ou r Holiday Book -Stock is now jromplete and tbeltimejo adect wnntianow.eaeU.lka.a , you would pay in Portland. San Francisco orJNeJYork GIShoddJiirejiotha it for you bef orejhnatr ' derioaitwLjei Boy, and Girla Booka haa been carefully gelected and ejaceajalljhe)Jbeal Linjuyenile lwksnd jr?uwULl5a them priced from 2Sc to $2.50. - Picture Book. 5c to $1.00. .1 jnuatratedftjkfancyjin DeLuxe Booka in aet $4.90 to $15.00. Aak for cat- alog. t , . . . s v . . ..,'-..-- Nelaon LargeJpe Bjble and Teatamenta, 1 Oc to $7UU. American Standard Biblea, revised edition, 50c to $5.00. ...... . ... . , . ,. . .. ; - 400 Popular Books Formerly Pub- lished at $1.50 NOW 50c Among them, are, such titles as these : , t 1 Freckle C S. Porter Bar 20 ' . Mulford Call of the Wild London Chip of the Flying U ' . Bower Danger Mark Chamber 5440 or Fight Hough Silver Horde Rex Beach The Spoilera Rex Beach Whiapering Smith , opearman Calling of Dan Mathewa Wright Garden of Allah Hichena The Man Higher Up jvinier Glengarry School Day Ralph Connor Jane Cable - McCrutcheon Layendor and Old Lace Reed Peter Hopkinson Smith Prince of India , , UwWallac Shepherd of the Hill - Wright TheWeavera-Gilbert Parker When A Man Marriea '' '. . Rhinehart The Younger Set Phillips Dr. Lyendar People , '' Deland The Virginian Wiater Old Peabody Pew K. D. Wiggin -1 i Come now and select your book while we can give you careful and unhurried attention. . Huntley Brothers Co. TheRexall Store f- - Xma$ Headquarter ! '4. ft ! f. 4 1 4 ' t