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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1911)
HOItNINO ENTKUPRI8K. TUESDAY. DKCKMIIKH 6. 10U. cooninG entekprise 02X003 CTTT, ORIOON B I. BR0O4E, Editor and pwkflefcee. mi. at to aw aw see Aet af two f Ktuxrmn. Oaie Yaer. I Ml .- Ml Mik by Ml IN fc stoats, by Ml.., , LM ar tMl kr MHIW,., JS CONTRACT ADVEXTISIXO RATES rwa paee. rwt Km. .lee )" Usao Htm page, par 1m .mm first pae. sar utaryrtaa ana he tee easss tt h M tetfr, far eSi iifiia est asaaeSBMy Mr eke waafeir Tlreae irnrtiilM w i ifsj kaMM IlKl-tl at tfat U tee aa M. I ll l 4- smwas Peas real CITY OFFICIAL NEWBPAPS. ec we.n iwva. mhim.. Backlash Hill I nil II raw tin niia Iktn be In ' Waste. r Isle, T ImI as . m M Swarerw Ullrtf; sal la Ml wlaar tae T l t traaarTe r tk tell ii - mmt man. tfca rear wa aa ea Jbrraa Ja?M" aa4 lea aa Srwswleasg at raaal iIi.imk KM warn aw m VSiw Imm h4 wal a Huso aniataa at II. ml ami m ta leaat usSwa, w w 1a4iy ii.ih t toiiml un srtsse we-ear lef eaS satasse eaaaaapaav- e THE MORNING ENTERPRISE W em Ml at the following; mm ; e every dart '. . Butler Bna-Onp Mail Street ' J. W. McAailty CUare litml i4 Malm. a . B. B. AalarKM, ' ' Mail Mir Smb. Nzt mt p. a City One Stan - Electric HoteL - 8r knee lira a Ciaifettkmrnj O Iwia aid A Q. Adaame, e) Dec 5 In American History. ns-Mart!a Ta Bona, eighth at ef the Catted States, bora: died 1882. rm-DaiW - Shape with LOTO mi -Shaye- MCl-ICu uta. the BiQflai patfrtot. Krar Tark aa fraat a tha irrtTW BraokJji 00 Brca loat. XSBT-Anra WalBaftoi RaUlaa. iiUar. ad; bora 1MT. VBKU-fitKf Crartar, CXSfaraia vapt- taOaC died H Krar Tart cfty: ASTRONOMICAL CVCNTt. (TYoaa bom today to aaa ta acta 429L rtoea TM; T3M a. aa.: KhOB a. fin aaaoa: plaiat MafT-ary aoartaa. SCA POWER AND LAND POWER. At td cad of tlx wacka altar tka aoddci declaration of war by Italy gainst Tarkry, aad tha Immediate actzara of tha port of Tripoli ty U ItaJiai Navy, the acaaa of boatilftlca la at in conflDd to tha area witkii raaga of tha battteahipa. Tha Traka -ww aaprrparad In th aeaa of har fatg bo Bary. aad alao aaready at the poiat of attack. Thmy bare rallied oatsJde of Tripoli aad win ertdtntlr make the moat deperaU iaiatane to the adrance of a land force. The Itallaa Anr. f comaiaDder nst real ize that any attempted oorramt ta tka Held would bare to deal with aa aaolta of the noat fanatical fury, and that tha fi(btlo(r would be baod to hand bo natter what the coat to the defenders of their own territory. In the war reaching op the Nile the BrtUah Infantt square were barely able to maintain tbemaelre againat the Arabs anned chiefly with peara and knlrea Similar rackleaa forms of assault ara certain if the soldiers march out of Tripoli. Thos the war has taken tha peco-1 l'HiiiMiiii inn ii 1 1 in i ii Panama Canal toaaorrwwj aia acta Kara tiaaa. lutionize Shipping of United States I ' Bjr HOWARD HAULDER. t 1 1 1 1 n u n 1 1 1 h m 1 1 1 n 1 1 fl wcnirsu ur Tnl PANAMA CANAL WILL REVOLU AT . vtA&.i w . v .. . . ... 1 i"B. inArrit, aVv WORLD. AND THE NATION ORALLY BE THE UNITED b P0 ""nxrh serve the center of production on the Atlntl . tula ire more adjacent to the Panama canal than the European ceo- ten of production. Tbia u a great opportunity for the United State ' to utilize new consuming marketa in North and South Americi on the ' other tide of the canal ft . Tbe greateat aarlng, of course, effected bj the Panama canal is in tbe combined trade to tbe west coast of South America and the Pacific coast of North America. There ia one thing certain, and that i if tbe Panama canal ia to be b SUCCESS tbe NAVIGATION' law, of tbe United Statea must be changed. One of tbe first alterations should be to allow foreign buDt ihipe to be placed under the Ameriain flag. As a British abip ', owner it ia not to my interest to mj tbia, but it if of enormous value . to tbe commerce f the United States and would reault in tbe building 17 cf ber mercantile marine, with tbe poaaibQity of a big naval reserve liar iiapa of al aaoppoi4 ural t tack with Kit ta roaaact of may coopantloi byi4 taa raac of taa ruaa oa taa tattlaaalpa. Til IlalUaa ca aoM Ua port of Tripoli. Uwtaar vita aoaaa othar TwtlaA ports u4 mail talaada, bit aow )oec cm tkaao ooodlttoaa M oi4ar4 ay tao baIJIar rau or taa Europaaa powara? Baca I war will avaotaalty wUlai oat la aon alrortloa,. Italy ta lot Itkaly to rcda, aad tao Twrks woaM rp4r at a tkalr twi tranimaet If tt wtU aot ftkt whaa aaaallad. Aa aaatlara Ua4 Italy aa tka aa powar kt Tarkay tha 4faaivo laa4 powar. Jaat tka aaaia tka coat of war ta kaary, a4 tk pfoata of aay coaitry woM ba dlaaatla!W4 wttk a war that lookad Oka a daadlnrk. Tkvy dnaaad actloa of aona ktaL aad aa thar raxalak tka j HcbUng m aid pay tka bUla taayl aka tkvwaWraa laird. A Cl rapiblie woaid featfa baalaaaa wltk A popataUol of M. 00,0O Tka mw gorariBMt caa poatpoaa ladaflaftaly Ua aib)oct of proaotta( lailrUo. Mayor Gayior. of Naw York, do cUraa tkat waaaai do lot amt tota. RaaiatraUoi ta CaJltbriia rttlaa tedlcatM Ual tka woanai of tiat atata will akoar tka toai k good axanpla by alwaya goUd to tka poUa. Mr. Bryai aaya Va kaa atoda kls poattloi oa notkar aoailaattoo claax to UtaUlgait paopla. Aa ka kaa lot aid ha woaM dacBia If ooilat btKh tha tatelfixvat aad ulatelOit ara ll aoaaa doabt oa tia aabjacc Mtaara. Joki Bigatov aad Aadraw CariagM cWorat4 tkalr Ut Mrth- day. aJtkoack tkara la I diffaraaca of'atgktaaaa yaara la thotr agwa, Mr. Blgatov batig M lid Mr. Canada 7C Both ara atia ta actira, alcoroaa Ufa. raaisttic all tha aaaaathafJe aad imreotJa Udaaieo of Dr. OawCa cilofofoni bottka. LIVE STOCK MARKET TVa Portkaid Uaioi Stock Tarda Oosapaay re porta aa toUowa; Receipts for tka week wert MS cat tle; 11 calraa; 1)17 koga; SOU sheep IP horaaa. I tha face of holiday coadittoaa tha Market for cattla atrBtheoed. There waa a eaappier tooa thai was expected Steers aoM at $.T One car lot af apayed keif era aold ax Si.. ll bcUto demand at aood cairaa aold at 1J4. aad bulla. wkicfe ara ta cooataat deasaad. aoM Hoc raccipta were made ap eatirety territory tributary to tkla mar ket aad prices were atroac beta from 5c to Iftc klgker thaa tka pre-, kma week. Tka aafity of koca waa good la almost every ahipmeit. ex cept a few which wrra orer the da- trablo weig&C The opening of a new territory by tha railroad waa evidenc ed ta tho receipts of a ahlpment of boss from Tillamook. Sheep receipt a Wpra moderate aad tha market waa fairly atronc. One lot of yearHnc wetkers. aaediam qoai tty aold at 4.4t. Receipts for tha month of Novem ber, were 77I cattle; I7 etlvea; hos; It.flS keep ' aad Ml The foHowinc aalea are representative: 24 Bters 1J j.;o 12 Steers 1111 . . 44 C7 Steers .1262 SJS 27 8ters ...1010 475 3 Calrea . . m 1M 74 Calves oa 4 5a 5 Balls 1440 4 25 I Boil 1240 J75 34 Spayed netfrrs . . 115 S 40 7 Cows 1057 4 CO 113 Cows 14S 40 7 Cows S 4 25 337 Hoc 2t5 .7S 326 H-tK 217 6.70 j 187 Hors f 6 63 1 2" Hons 521 4 00 15 Ijimbs 7 ' 4.75 217 Yr. Wethers g 4.40 35T7 Ewes 5 3 55 4P Kwm p$ 3 to j Prevailing Oregon City prices are I as follows: Fruits, Vegetablee. i DRIED FRLTT8 (Baying) Italian 1 ,UUCT 1 oasis n a l-s pounas ror 4 ' 50s. HIDES (Burlnr) Oreen bMa 5c lo 6c; ssiters. 6c to 6c; dry bides. dim ii 1 1 iii ii 1 1 1 1 iii n i j Will Revo f British Mcamship Owner 1 1 i 1 1 n m h m i m 1 1 n IN CERTAIN PARTS OP THE MOST TO BENEFIT WILL NAT STATES. ' ' Maine Wreck Shows Evidence Of an External Explosion ; -V 7. f 2fJ ;'' r A - 1 . f V'". I toe '. - ; - ' -I WHETHER tha Mstaa waa deatreyad by aa totems! er etternal eip4e aaea wtU be deterairasd wlthli tka leit few aaooths Kk tie help af tka e vide oca mads available by the aorevertar ef tke wrark, wkerfc. tkaaka to tke ceoTardaa awrroaadtic tt. m lew aimoat dry. Tho pacraph here reprodoced. wk others, afford proof, ta the eptoieo ef snaay aeval adVara. that tha battlaahip waa blew a ap by a mine They poia aa tka aertiea) of attorn wnarb appaara betwaea the- aaaet aad the derrick a. abewtag by tta paalttoa above tha etker wreckase ikat H waa forced apward a; aa asternal eipfaeioo. Tka ssrsisail as tke eammhialai wbk-b will repwri spea tha raaaa af tha dkmater after a tkoroak Uapacttoi of tke wreck la as fatlewa: Rear Adaural Yreeiaad. preskleet: CaW Navai Cooetractar Rlrkard M. Watt. Coleaai vt UHam M. Black af tha army aoatoeer earpa. si pert ea drr aad eiptosrtea. aad Cea wander kaspecUea aid aarvey ef shipa 11a to 14e; sheep pelta, 25c to TVc ck. Hay. Oraha, Peed. HAT Bavtag Timothy, fit to 115: clover, tl to t; oat kar. beat. t to Ilk: sailed. ttf SU: alfalfa, lit to SllM OATS (Baring) Gray. $27 to S2; whoac I2S to 29: oil meal. 43: Shady Brook dairy feed. S1-2S par iaa powada. PKCD 4 Setting Sborta. 127 to I2S: rolled barley. I7M; process barley. ISftja; whole corn. 137; cracked eon. t; white. 2 to 127; bran 127 to 12k. Butter, paortry. Eggs. PLOCH ILU to SS25. BUTTER fBaylng) Ordinary cowntry hotter. 25c to 30c. fancy dairy. 30c; creamery. 30c to tSe. POCX.TR T Baying) Heas. kc to he. EWIS Oregoi lack eggs. 4 V to 45c SACK VEGETABLES Carrota. 11.25 to f I M per aack: pannlpe. II 25 to fLM; tarn I pa, L25 to tlM: Pranea. oa basic of 6 l-4c for 45 and 5tte: beets. $1.64., beeta. $1 50 POTATOES Beat baying 55c to $1 per hand red. ONIONS Ores-os, $1 25 to $15e per handred; Aastrailan. $2 per hundred Livestock. Meats. . BEEP 'Lira weight) Steers, ft; and SHc; cows. 4H; bells, t 1 2c VEAL Cslves bring from M tt lie. according to grade MUTTON Sheep, Ic aa te: lamba. 4c and 5c HOGS 125 to 140 pound bogs. iJc nd lie; 144 to 20 pounds. 10c aid 10 He. CORRESPONDENCE BANOY. R. E. Easoi has moved his family Into his new bWBgalow. and Geo. Odell will occupy tha house vacated by Mr. Eason. Weather arouad these parts is fine for digging spuds More new sidewalks hare been built on botb sides of Main street. Aa or dinance will soon be brought before the city council providing that every property owner maintain a good side, vslk lo front of bis premises. Mrs Ed. Monet, ha returned from a visit in Portland. I The Farmers' Society of Bonify held their first riveting at Melnlg's ball Friday. Perry gbetley has retimed from a business trip to Hood River. Sixty couples attended the dance and supper at Sandy Saturday nigh, Mrs. E. Russel and daughter Ann, of Portland, spent .Thanksgiving at Howard's ranch.' , Mleste Bachmaa and Mulr of tbe Bandy schools attended tbe Clacka maa County Tenders' Association at Mtlweokle Saturday. Miss Bach man Spent Thanksgiving la Clackamas. Mrs. Chae. Barbour and. Miss Mulr spent Thanksgiving la Portland. C. W. Howard and J. H. Pope, of Portland, spent Tbaaksglrtng with friends In Sandy. The ' following Thankigirlog pro gram waa given by the Sandy Pablic schools before I very appreciative audience. Song "Harvest Home" .... School Reading of President's Thanksgiv ing Proclamation .... Sophia Zogg Recitation "Welcome- Josephine Dixoa 1 Recitation The Squirrel's Thank a. 1 giving" Gladys Mitchell! Recitation "Gentleman Gay's Thanksgiving' Mary Junker 1 Mediation n g coming" Rath Cos Bong "Wa Need Thee, Turkey Dear ; , . primary Division Recitation The Cat's Soliloquy" Prances Memlg Recitation -Thankful For Tbaoka- givlng" ..Peter Clark Ckarlaa P. Uackea af tha board for ens Song The LJUle gboemaaer Hiram Smith aad Primary Uvtaloi RecRitlo -Advto to a DolT .... Baatriea Beers Soto--Hymi of Tkaaksglving-. . . Jaila rtTT Recititloo TkaakaciTiag- Ned MltckeiT RoctUtkna "Beat of AIT Henry Kabttu Song Jack OXaatera Boag- Alfred MetitaV Heary Jaaher. Ray aid Oay Cos. Herbert Rerrtatioa "History 'of Tkaakagiv- tner Katie Jaaker ReciUtioo Novembej-" , Gertrede Mel nig Snog Thaaksclvtnra Here" .... Praace Meialg. Mary, Janker. Beatrtc Boers. Ererrlae Tkaakagtrlag Week Lowlae Carer. Mary Shanks and Josephine ntioa. ReciUtioo Poor Peter" Pearl Wioa Recltstloo "Why ,Am Thaakfq- Carl Shstaks Soog "W Offer Thanks" Katie Janker. Get-trade Meialg. 11a Perry. Hazel Cox. gabra Deatoi. Recliatloo The Turkey's Remedy" Prank McCormlrk Recitation Tho Happy Miller- Austin Gray Song -Happy Miller for Thanksgiving- ' and Haach George Henneesy, Harry Mitchell. Clarence Kebra. Brace Schmlnky. Recitation -Tom's Thanksgiving" . Liwreace Bebb ReciUtioo "ThaaksgJvllg Day" .. Prank Schmltt l-k Birds Have Flown Away" Gladys Mltrhr-H, Theresa Koblua, Lorene Edaon. Recttatloa "The Glad Thanksglv- ing Theresa Kubltza ' Mediation 'ThsnksglvlBg. Day Herbert perry Reclutloa -When tha Frost is On . the Pampkln- . . George ifnnessy Dialogue After Tkaaksglving-... Tl ProKre Ed.'fion of The Enfriprie will contain facts and figures; ttonr. on each of rhe luUtanfal indmtrirs of Oackamai County, iordxji'njj Hortirulfure. General AKriculturr. Daioinir and Stock Breeding. V'tjrctable and Truck Gardening. Iimbcr. t Manufadurinjf. Will alio contain illustrated irticJci covering the Educational Facilities of County. v Climatic conditions. " Increase in taxable wraith for pat ten year. Street improvement. Trariportatkn includinif new railioads brine projected and wa ter transportation. Article f rom individual fruit and grain powers pving figures on production. Illustrated writeups of each town in county. Interview with two score or more prominent business and pro fm.oful men letting out in a concie way and in their own wordi. they imprews of Oregon Gty and aackamai Countr and why they think it offers good opportunities for homemaling and invest menf, .... Printed or, . good quality of bx.k paper in attractive magar.ine form .profusely jl ortrated, th.s handome aouvrnir numlr will he one that you will be proud to mail to your rastern friends, aa it will fell the story of life, progress and opportunity in Clackamas County forcefully and accurately. 1Ttewp,m!nf?W ?f O"0" Gfy nas arranged Co mail 1500 come. East; the other commercial bodies of the county will ' doubtlesa make similar arrangements. . Thei!ft ,h" "P. circ,J,,, over Clackamas County a rJA l"'00 V that ? it busines. firms not rep- vSnWeer " " " 'Has your firm arranged for representation ? . I' not'.ule?neltTpr ofVe and our solicitor will calf on you and explain the plan in detail IX) IT NOW. , tleatrica Baal. MCormtrh Stmg "llarvaat of Squirrel kid Hooey Pea- Trimary DIlaiol ReclUlloa "Tomaiy'l VteW t Aaaalm OraJ fcecttatloa- The Raaaoa Wky" ... Henry Junker Holo "Sing. 8lag. LJIy bells Ring" liaaei usioa kTiarciaa Thankilli- lAwrenca llebb, Kddy rhmlts. rred Jualara, Ray Cot T Soar Tha rirat Thanksilaf .. Pour liora aad r Ulrla. Cjsrclea Three IJttle Maids" ... Marie McCormkk. Ilaiel lUroea, atk Cox. Acroatlo "TkaakMlvlag Dinner1 .. ... KUbteei ITlmary lliplla Boor -America" School WHIiea aa Weed. Soma peraa a bo maka atudy af tha aabjert ara af I ha 0lnka I hat the first writing npoa tbia pieces of Prom tbrtr roovealenca tfcU r rotable. Bath board were aed at aa early period by tha Greeks ad Romaaa aad were fregaeally ce red with wst. which waa. af retiree, tore easily nrtttea upon thai the bar wood. Where wat was a ami errere were readily eraJ hy ralWag with the" bluet end of the pleca of metal whk-k nerved tor a r-"- Ta nake the wrttlng avre vWlble If appears tkai ae black ubatan-e was smeareti aver tha enrfaie of the white wai and remained la the a. rah bed marks. ' Mshiep Up Hse Mini "Da yoa ke aa(berl" be asked sad ly. after she bad refuerd la marry hi in. Tm lot anlte are.M ahb answered. wtlh bored pomeneaa. "Father kasa't got kta rommmtal rating yet. New York Times. Used te H. "Are yn the man who waa married la a rage of Hirers r - Tm the nisa." tHd it erm eirttlcgr "It dsd then, ll wonklat new."- Loatst ille Conrjer-Jouftial. Ceed Hearted Cahhega. " A well kowwa eiwrt la rooking eo roaktered Inmbie In n sabarbna rom maaity the -t her afterauoa when she prepared lu ietare at the Mothers' Hab. Iter eb)et was "How la Cook." She begaa by telling haw mack a ma a appreciates rl rewklng and I be a she pfwpoaed to gte varWoa rerlpea, Altoog the first wa one far retd slaw. Ts have litis best." begaa the lartnrer. ake a gnral beaned rabbage and'- Al this point a yennar matron Inter-. ntpted She was eager to get a tl tha tnfonaatlria reahie. Tell me. pieaae." she stokr rv -hew la nne ta know the dlspositta -f a ea bha re r-Philadelphia Tlmea. Wall awarded. "That's kaadaomo office rlork of yoara. A real yoa arraid ItTl be eteiear "Never. Why, every rfcrk la my employ kaa owe ere ea R all day " hew Terk Wer4 . KsT.asw Wweej. "Sr." aaya ibe lareotnr lo Ike cs pi ta llet. "I kave Invented a cocker re w that wilt sek en etgbl la every womaa ll tkia bid. I waat yoa ta back ma." -What kind af a eorkarrew la UT asks the capHatlst. -last end of belag twisted, as the or dinary corkscrew is. it ta made stactly Ilka a fork."-Jadga'a Library. . A Traeteale Aerneey. "I aee yog doa t remember ma, air." -No. nlr. I doit" - "I'm Bisks, I owe yaw g3a" "Ah! New that yow meatlon the h sum rememhei yon perfectly." iJetmlt Pree rreaa. Helped Papa, now mark maey bare roa la roar tev bask - ..w th. i.n I .-.. . . ... -I ,ui nivi iniir iiinxo. "I did bare X hat par waa financial ly emberraaeral last week, and 1 loaned him (."-Chicago News. esjrsiecioea. "That was a aiysterloos robbery the ather day." as Id Smith to Jones. "Wby. I don't see what mystery there wis ,uit it remarked Jooes "Tb drtertivea caught the thieves the same day " "Te." rr-tarned tbe first ietkrr. "that's what I mU.--Nmj.1oo Aa hwera AN INVITATION Willi gmpla aapital, Maral Mntlay anatlltn " extern and a aanalaa daalra ta raidar helpful flaaaalsi wa art In paalllan ta (Iva koalaaaa msa and Individuals Um 'J lhr la In nkl Vaar Ini.rsaU. will raw If yaw have a finsnelal KsadaualJ and wa aardlally lavlla yai to feel at Kama hsra, uaina tJtn la tha fullest peestbis aalaM. . . " '"', The BaoIx of Orecoo City umai pah a. UkTOURJrTTa PissMsat f rj. THE FIRST NATIQNdL BANZ o! OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, Muttt4a Ira a I aerp I aaklof Rualwssa Wants, For Sale, Etc WANTEO. WANTKt Twartsts aid local people to eea my oulioctioai of arrow-kaads aolna, ladtaa tnnlKtu. lid standi and rurloe of u! aorta. Will bu or sell Ii tkia iiu Hats aoraa gool bargsiss Ii evonikand rurnita' bear rirtk. WANTa.l mall potatoes by sexh or ton at tka Nash reed Harm. Bevealk aad J. Q. AdaaM atreota. Oretroa Otv. ' WANTKUlioys aid gUla. Hero Is yor Ckaare youngsters to maka your Christmas awoay easy. Tka Morning Caiec prise will pay yoo a big oom mlaaioi for hrtiigng la trial aubaertpUuaa. If yow waat to know mora a boat U tail or write to lha Clrwulatloi Maa ager of tka Morning Kater prlaa, Oregoi City, aid lean all about what yon wUI kare to do, Tka mora you tan ta tha mora yoa wUI maka aid yoa caa maka i tot if hustle. , POP) BALK, TOR BALR-n leager aato, Urea nearly aew, ly painted, first -claaa thspo, A bargain, ar will trade If unlncaav bered real aetata. Q. care Enter prise. FOR SALE Tbe faasoue New Oroo aad Clarka eeedllaga plraw berry plant. Prlcea very reasonable. 8. O Iiillmaa. (It High treel.-Oro- goa City. POR BALK by C IL Llveaay, carload of Trojai powder, just. jrecei red. Bl'DCRBAN HOME On State Cipl Ul Highway, I M miles south of Oregon City, rtaetered dwelling kooee; eea rooms; good frame bam and outbuildings; lots of fruit; beat of garden noil; every bit la high state of cultivation; school close Oood fenoaa, floe well of water, everything handy and con venient for aa Meal home. Will take property ap to 11,000 In trade, prrco, 14.000. John W. Under, bona fide owner, Stevens building, Oregoi city. Or, Presi dent. Title and Investment Com pany. Clackamas Co. Abetractera. s isai 1 i FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dlmlck Dimick, kiwyara. uragoi city. Or. ATTORNEYm, 0. D RBT, AUoraay-at-Uaw. Moawy loaaod, ataNraeta rim Is bed. ae uiksa eiamrned. astaua settled, aww rai law haaiaeee Over Balk a Oregoi CJty. (THEN A BCHUmrU Attorney oat Law. De stacker ideokat. will peae Uoa la all aourta. make ooilootieii - priee BJdg, Oraaoo City. Oi Wi-1 " 1 am. BUILDER AND CO"T ACTOR. HARRY JOfOCS Buflder aid a en era! Coatraator. Estimates cheerfully glrea oa ail elaaeee of batldlng . work, coaerete wants aaa raiiforaed eeaerets. Rea. pbM Mali HI. INSURANCE. . H COOPER, por Firs lave ranee Real Estate. Lt aa kaadlr pro parties w awe. aeJl aad sekaoao. offtca la Pa tar prise Mdc, Oregoi City. Orwgoi. CHICAGO i TAfLORS suits mad to oroer rrorn 110 and up. Wa also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. 1 ore ooora south of poatoffoo. MUSICIANS. 1. AUA 8AGER. teacaer of wind and siring instruments, director of band and orchestra. WU furnish miulo for aay oeeaaloa. Cll at Eleetrlo IIOISL . NOTICES. - Summona. In tha Circuit Court of tba Btate of uregon, for the County of Clacka mas, y Katharine Orloff, , Plaintiff, ' fersus William Orloff, . Defendant. To William Orloff, Defendant! in tna name of tha BUte of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer to the complaint .... ',n,t rou In the above en titled suit on or before tha fth day of January IBIS, and If you tall to answer, plaintiff will take I wtil be mow Ml al eaa east a war4 aval isnriiaa haJT a eaal . asaiMsaal mase M aara. aaea M ear saak fas maei aeaeaaaeor erase aaaass aa aee so eaao I I wrak Un aaoa. kM hssswal wis issltmtr ear awarw. ahan srrara as ear fraa s mn asaiss was be prmiad far paaiao Mwnaiiisa sSsras kaa iw I n WUHTT P. J. MRTBa rw. Oveo trwea kgaiast yoa. foraver dlsso,u booda of knatrtmnay ksrMii low ..(.(lag betas., ibVt and yoa. aad for the ra, tody of tha minor eh.l4.Z2 aad for such otker sad funTj lief la lha premise. M7h?ll! may deem Just and a-pilUblT- keriS th9 eW"Uto 5 BerTlco of this sum moa, -Mpoi ywi by publlcathia taTT uaaro of ai order of th HoaH UaR.Il. iwatle, Jnd of Us btat If Court, for Clackamas fw, lata af Oregon. Kd NotenZ lha trih. till, directing ssrh a7 la iiif wrvsrtn LU rata) prlaa. oor a week for sue weeks, tka first ptibHcatiea w lag November the Jtik. iu M STi ,h 01 ,4 J. T. EUJft, Attorney fur PlalatH OnCOOS CITT. Or. Decewbsr t IBi To the Stockholders of tke CWi amaa sVioikeei Railaay Cnipair; Toe aad aack nf yoa art km. aotlfled that tka anasal BMsUat g Ike stork holders of tha Oafkisi Bouthen Railway compaar rj he held la Ike office of lb tane tary. la Oregoi city. Or. sa m ktk day of Ikscember, A U U1J, ll Ike kour.of l o'clock a. 1 d aald day, at wklrk meenai t Sad of Directors will be elected fcv Da asulDg year aad otkn lapyuat busttteea will come befora tks aeg. las GEO. A. HAMilNO, rrssiarat 0 & DIM inc. gef retorr fUBMiniainioiojczj (Cdatliwad from paps Ll 1 Mrs. Nleti Barlow Uwreaea "The Nlahl of Reet" fvk Oregwa Mala Quartet Eulogy Bra. Jsmsa H. Of . Oregoi Oty Lodge, he. Ill liaiitoao Bolo-KveaUig aad Mo - IB" ktu Ipkttt Mr. J. A. Tauarher. Cloalag Ore monies Tho LeAe M "One Sweet Solemn Thought .... Oregoi Mala Quartet. Hymn "Nearer My God ta Tkra IteaellcUon Rev. C W. IUMaM 1 FIRE ROUTES FAMILY. Tka house occupied by J. WIQk oi In Gladstone , was destroy! v re at tl :k0 o'clock tost algM. Bt Wllllamam aad family were teake ed by neighbors and escaprd hi th alght clothing. Tha hatldnuj ai a tents were destroyed w. If you are iot reading tk enterprise, why not? T ear-ess gall period la aow oa. las ef , hack pae. White Queen Flour Thla la The Bt r'mar OtU bis. ' Lay In Yur Wlntsr lupff Cos I Now. Hay, Oralrt, Fssd " Poultry Food. Oregon Commission Co , 11TM AN0 MAIN Oregon City. - rVEDSTElS NEW linaw!Ano:i.i DiCIW.-IAtf SeU ef the world . aotkm and enl TL7 ew aoauiliia1 " lW.gWrJoTiel aeWi fee Psde. laetrefleea. P.. H Is she ishoaarreWJ' h we see "il I araaaafd" ! r " 7 with tee k aoey1 at H N ts sa 1 ataale voluaw. Press aa see eew eapcs tkwrftp. . . em . .la trtlBwVf ww I 1 M. k I . jej. i aitiM VS!gfrw.s