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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1911)
Y Mil '' VtATHlR INDICATIONS. " . ..itvaaioaal ram i JSay; aoutb"! '0- , Tr;'d Tu4y. occaaUmaJ Jain wtet prUo- . EN-T KPKDSt e TM only nanny;;: k twMn Portland n4 SaleeaJ " X tatee In every Beetle ef Cli: mas County, vslth a BoewlBCeej cf O 10.000. Are yon an adverOeerf WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED I 5 00 VOL. II No. I. OUEOON CITY, OKEOON, TUESDAY, DECEMUEU 5, 1911. f iiiniws m TELL PROBERS ALL e0NllATOA WHO ADMIT DY ' NAMITINO TO ( SENT INCCO TOOAY, asm IS KOI HUE PMC Oeir-ae-l tapeeta T Obtain ! eance Pointing T O'gantl. - pietAcusd Going Be for Orensl Jury. ii4 iNOKLKH. IC 4. Jaroea U t..t,n J. Mc Samara wilt appaar ,(, the Federal grand Jury bar vaaurrow morning W lr lof- taaHi-lr after aentence bf . ... .. -u. liirdalL Thla dorUr- JMaO i . - Uiot am made bare lata tonight on MiBp-trhabla auinowy. &.itinunrmaiil afforded en eg Vrtii.a Uia today by Jamaa It M Kuaara lolbo JU ourriuwr. la ui m-ore of bU atn'rooy, those of lb . . . . . t..v. f u.. iti. ana nia onniwr, wn in hich "Jim" explained u be blew up iba Lo. Angel. nme Ortobrr I. Ill, eauelng a kaa at taaety-one Uvea. Oiatrlrt Attorney Frederick, admit w bnibt tbai In addition la Iba arliiaa cnfaalon. both brother. 'Ui furnished Informatloa of elgnal Ulna to b aula" U U pracilrally Mar4 that baa tba mvn appwar aiaxirrow bofura Judia HordaalL Iba DUirirl Aiiornwy will mtmma4 wrk b-nl'nrr aa Iba court may aa fM ts baatow. Tba momanl h'oIkdc la proaouno i aroirdlnx to plana eotnplalaa' to iht, Iba broittara will ba aar4 lib luDimonaa to appear bofura tba rUral Inquisitorial body. Tka dtM-lalon rrarbad br Iba bits Kaaaaa la raiardad bara aa of vaat Iwportaora lo Iba wltola eouniry. It (bara H a iiganlle dynawhlna con iplmry. hlrb la what tba grand Jury, aata lo know about, tba ataia to alfhi la enavlnrad I bat tomorrows da tlotmnU win plaea on raeord tba aaaa of rvary man of Importaoca and miiim i it wiih tbla information H la ballaad Iba work of fadarar fraad Jurnra bara and In inaianapona IU ba fairly almpla. THE GET-RICH-QUICK. MAN. IDE FIGHTS TO RULE OUT FORMER STORY . .RECEIVED . rffia -fA,D TCTrynr ygt ' . : . I ... - ; L "" ; ' : - HON. GRA.KT B. DI3IICK. . M.1'"'' E-Mayor And Ex-County Judge Is Again Elected Executive of City LITMOU DHLS HI DNED PLEA KANSAS CITT. It-V. 4 A crucial Mot In tba atata'a caaa aalnat Dr. CUrk llyda. od trial for tba all ad murdar of Colooal Tbomaa II. laopa wbalbor tba pbyalclan'a laatl BKinjr In tba formar baarlng may ba lairoduerd aa avldanca In IbJa trial ruUbly will ba daolded by Judga Portrflld tomorrow. Aa attempt waa roada by Iba atata today to t bafor tha Jury taallmony Intended to rootradlrt a autemvnt aiada by r. Hyda In tha prarloua Wrtna. Annouoramant waa alao ada by Aaalatanl proaacutor Joat fiat iba arcuaad pbyalclan'a antlra tMtlmony would ba raad to tha Jury- CONOHIIIMAN CAI.L10 AOINT OF TRUSTS BITTtrtLY AT TACKS ACCUSCHS. IMPEACKMDa OF KEW YORKER ASKED matte Appaal for Squara Many Rally T ' Ltttlotoo'a Aid. H. L CROSS ELECTED fflfOR OF GLADSTONE LAWYER DCPIATS O- C. FREYTAO BY VOTe Of 5 TO 44 NELSON. WILKINSON, HAMMERLE. HOWELL, WILLIAMS AND PARR1SH ARE ELECTED COUNCILMEN.V .)" , . J. (L PADDOCK NEW BABCOCh ESTATE IS VALUED AT $8,000 Tha rat ate of Samuel J. naboock. alurd at fS.OOO waa fllad for probata Monday, jha i.raonaliy la raluad at Bnd tba raalty which eonalaU t Bva anraa of land at $1,000. and hri.... ... . i ..i tiin Tha funeral of Mr. Babeock waa ld at tha family rwldenca Sunday kiornlng at 10 o"rlock, and Iba lnta mam waa In tha Mountain View many mrahra of Meade Poat. Grand "iiij ill (D KOPUUIIO, Wr, ln banii a member of that or- lanuotion. BUILDINO FINK SCHOOL. A Una modern echool bouae la be ,n built at Welrhea. It will Coat fl.0OO, and H. W. Ung la tha con- "iur. ma imni inun hv." 'ft and tha rear. 'There will ba two tilde doora. front and rear, and a ii aupiuy oi nyiopima hi Mlaa Itaaal .Lewla,-of OUdatona, la ' fROF.- ANDERSON IEREAVED.J father of County School Suparvlaor , uiae in nanaaa. C P. Anderaon. aupervlaor of Coun- r ncnna in Dlatrlot no. a. n ealvAd a telegraai annminolng the 'nth of hla father at Lincoln. Kan. Mr. Anderaon waa eerenty-fle yaara ' aae and waa a yeteran of tha Clrll War. It. m nnl a few houra. The deceaaed waa ona of tha beat nown men In Lincoln, rroreaeor ah ' lraon. during bin vacation laat eum "-r, viaitad bla ratner. ' SUES ON GROCERY. SILL. r. uriRniDHi. ma ar"" - tfRan k Bohuebal. fllad ault Monday aalnat W. C. Powell for I3J7.8I, ai u. . : ...1.1 Thnmaa io oa a ua tor rw - - . Mnntfetlna aued rranolaco Bamtata r ijso alleged to ha dua o y--ory nota. ' ' . ' ... . ouivnrnN lie. 4. An Intea- iK.ikm of the operation of tba ao- railed AatlTruat ..LWJ manded by Kepunncan " i .h. iioua. at tba opening aeaalon of tba aUty eecond Congraaa today. after a remaraaui. p--- aetitaUva Martin w. L4w.-. - -I. . " .k.Mt n.nrr 8. Martin. oMb."ia.-. wllb attempt- lna to dafama him. ii waa tha cllmai of a dlapu e ba- tweVn Mr. U..W." Stanley, of the Stem veatlgatlng committee VVound after round of W"Jf u tuated Mr. Uttleton a defend of Wa Integrity and DemocraU and Repuo Uran. .-.'red him of their conO- "c ... . Martm had' handed the Bteal Inquiry. TW i . however, waa not prw- PUMr" Littleton a...H. Marti" , and other, a. in conaplracy to u . th. atreet. J Oi D. QUITS AS - HEAD, OF OIL TRUST MEADE POST HEAD DEPARTMENT COMMANDER AND OTHER DISTINGUISHED . OFFICERS VISITORS. - . JOHN ROWAN AKOSG THOSE KOREi ELKS PAY TRIBUTE Tl mFAnnnnTiiFns U VUW ViW 1 IIU1U IMPRESSIVE MEMORIAL 8ER VICES HELD BY OREGON , . CITY LODGE. ' -" Mra. Comella Mattock, la Elected Preeldent of Wonaan'a Relief Corpe Luncheon '-' ' la Srved." 1 C. L ItUTCHUtS DELIVERS NEfSS Daainw"r. nimick and W. E. Carll raa'p w ' Only Mambera To Die Ex alted Ruler Mount v In Charoe. ' ' M- E- CROS8. Vlarrey K. Croa. waa elected May r of Gladatone Monday oer O. a "reytag. the preaent nyor. by a ota of 85 to . rrank P. Nelson, amea WllUlnaon and Frank A., Ha--nerle were elected councllmen , to ,erva one 'year. Chamber. Howell. - A-William, and C. W. Parri.h w'era elected councllmen to aerra two yeara. Jonn is. DierorB. uu - rArntTAd t IT votes : for votca for city trea.urer Tha rota for city councllmen waa aa follows ' For one year term Frank P. NeV ann. II; Jam" Wllkliiaon. 82; Frank A. Hammerle. 70; William ijsaiw, 53; E. J. Noble, 35 and Frank uawsia 2S. For two year term Chambrr riowelL 111: C. A. WUllama. 7C; C. 3 ""'J C Pandock. who" ai Wrl-i,; 70; Tbom. E. Oaulti CG. waa without oppoamon, receiTwu ivjna . c. r'"-"i 4 John D. NKW Tuiuw .. 0,re, .uccwd Mr. RofKefellor ",Lyf-P .l..r. bara been Sudrnc.keMJer-ln tt. ?i:der,7ue.r7e.;.nat.ona. Theaa Included: -lea-nreal- William, - Trc"pr".n..deUntrw.....m D,"'!".7 thl naw pVealdant. alao Archbold. tha new pre d orK,or.T-i;.d from four to nlna memDera. SCHOOL "cONjjRENCE PLANNED An important held neat r0; ' cU.-.. Clarkea achool houM. c h)ri county. AthWluforc,rn inatltuta. At WHI aaaembly for an m noon nch will ba w tha puDiio COUNCILMAN-ELECT HAD BURGLAR CHASE IRRIGATION EXPERT ' SUES FOR BALANCE H. P.'Mader Monday filed , ault for $125 aRftinat the Canby Canal Com- . Ilr r,A In rfna for BOrVlCOS The County Court haa awarded the Canby. The defendant la engaged a the construction of flumea and other -....k. .... .nnnMnr witnr for lrrlsa- tion at Canby., Tbe linproyeraeui belna; made ndrr the management of M J. Le, secretary of tha cor- Th. niaintttr. who asaerta IHTULIUII. . . " . the 1125 la a balance for work, la r0 YOir KNOW that tha K"'r'"t THREE PLEAD NOT GUILTY. William Hara.n, - A Arm- t.pd.u.hter. ,J i, gaaault .trong. accused of erl nw by rranela '"JlIng a Indicted on a charge or It 'of clothing. p.--- Vnn(1.y. V.r.nd Bar,..n JjLZ,ur. f"'V ."LmX..'. court Monday. tnhn r. Albright, who waa elected councilman In tha Flr.t Ward Mon .n Mrltlna- experience wltn burglara Sunday night. Mr. Albright waa getting ready to retire when he heard a atrahga noise at a rear win dow. HC rushed out in y- . mn running toward the . t ..... street Mr. Albright, gare cnaaa . blm. AbOUt iYim lillrKiara uuv.'1"--' ' m. - tba Durgm . w...-ir trUd to.....nifi i.y Clarence IV Eaton, a ligation, tnina men Albright aurprlaed. . BARCLAY SCHOOL ELECTS. John HaLton'.t N-mbar 0f Vote, for "Mayor. The Barclay .chool election Mon day resulted aa followa:. .k. ualeatnn 18. AIICO HeYrnrne. Armstrong , Treasurers-Herbert Harrla 7. Car- ... unm 19 and jonn ruru o. r,CoS nrrt Wfrd-V Shaw g Marlon Plckln I and Albert Roaka council. Second W.rd-Gaorge Pnoa 7 Edmond BolIacK o. - Council Third Ward-Marahall aC.rfa Meyer. 1. and Donald 811- cog 1. m.. ton Clarke. Department Com mander, and M. L. Pratt. Paat Com mander Grand Army of tha Republic, attended the annual Inspection Fri day of Meade Poat. Na. 1 by Captain Jame. Shsw and Aaslstant AdJuUnt General Wlinama. ' Tha paat com mander made an excellent ddJ; complimenting tna p . . .viw rinnnded to by snowing, wu.tu -c-ir-- ,h Key. T- B. Ford, pastor of the Metho- dlat chtircb. Stale oist emirv . Hantlnirton alao Bona oi ' ctv. . --- .1. wa, reaent. A reception to the dla- tinauUbed yisuors wa - - .n i,nrhon being .eryad '" '.I o.-f rnn,L Tba by tne vtom-ua tw. foUowIng orncera wwe ; Commander J. r Senior noe-Com mander Joaepb Ro man. . ' 1T. Junlon Vlce-Commanaer r- Quartermaater George a. Chaplain Iwla P. Horton.-, Surgeon John Ackley. - , , Officer of tba Day J- Doremua. Officer of tba Gard-E. W. MldUm. Reoresentatlvea to State EncmP- ment-J. U Mattocka JVJ. Jmtea M. Taylor. J. Gorbett. W. W. Wntenpaugh. ' . , - Altematea C. w. ix-'. Johnon. GfOrae Horton, W. W. Free mrn. J. O. Van Hoy. - Council of Admtniairauon u- at a V IfohhUk 'A , cm ana a. ""-;- i The Woman'a Ketiei corpa. j the following: - , .1 President Cornelia mi'" Senior Vtca-Prealdent Mary Ran dall. ' .. ' .v- Junior YlcePTeaiaeni wu , rFord. , Cbnplain saaie acmbj. Mualclsn Jennie B. Harding. Treasurer Emma Rowan. Condnctor-MInnle Donovan. Guard Amanda Hickman. 1 rleKitea to the State Convention porter. Susan Unn, Isabel McArthur. Alternate Catharine DeFord.Mln rendered a an Irrigation engineer at nle Donovan, Mary Glbbs, Anna Tufta and Amanda Ilicitman nrt,.' rinm. Ttt fxlKa of ElkB NO. . . a imnMUiin memorial aer- I19 " . . , . Vlcca at the Congregational church Sunday afternoon, ur cijaa s Exalted Ruler, bad charge of the ax crclBea. and George L. Hutcblna, of rortland. delivered tha memorial ad- I'rcat. Ralph C. Utmicit aou uv. . E. Carll are the only mambera or tna f J . -. klff. dlfMi. -a ouartet, consisting of J. W. Al . a TmiKher. M. J. Keating and A. W. Ledburg rendered "Not Dead But Sleepeth." C. -ru': E. A. Chapman and Theodora Osmund composed tha ' memorial committee. The exercise, were beautlfuL ' The program In part waa aa fol- Openlng Ode .. Tha Lodge Membera Air: Auld Lang 8yne. Invocation .... Rov. C. W. Rob naon Contralto Solo-"Abide w,tk MJjjdle . ' " ' Misa ' Eliaabetb Roe ,.i iv.i rw.arf Rut SleeDath yur .wv . Wki,l a...- J. W. Altock. J. A- Tauscher. M. J. Keating. A- W. Ledbury. m..rl.l IfMrMM inviuv. ... vu. Bro. "George L. Hutchina Portland Lodge. No. 14J. rnnr.itn Soto "Calvarv" (request) . .....v.. C. Rodney (Mi D;ii ELECTED III FORMER EXECUTIVE ' CARRIES 4 EVERY WARD, HAVING MAJORITY OF 112. ' l - r '. , . ..-....'.; John f. AlbrlBM,'WIMIam Baara en Fred J- Tooxe Elected T i Council Plan Ta Police Hill Section Wina. r Grant B. Dlmlck, for four year. ' Mayor of Oregoh City and four feara Judge Clackama. county, waa ou. Monday elected Mayor of Oregon City by b comfortable majority over. "WU- , Ham Andreaen. TMmlck carried aft . , three wards, nosing out la Ward Na j by twelve vote The former Mayor obtained a majority In tba tare warda of the city of 112 votes. John F. Albright waa elected to th , council from tha Flrat Ward, recetr Ing 13 votea to 78 for M. D. PhMlpa. f In tha Third Ward William Beard waa elected councilman over E. F. Elliott.' Beard', vote waa 86 aaa - liotf. 21. - ' The proposal to place a,nigni pouc. in h. tiill section of the city . carried by a tremendoua majority, tb Tote being a loiwwa: - Ward 1 war a i mra Tee . U , 201 . s . No 6 W;"" MaJoriUea . 5V 12t 57 , - a. T waa ehoaen COUncllmAB In the Second Ward without oppoal tlon. hla vote being 147 out of J20 vote, cast M. D- Latoorette had no opposition tor CUT Treasurer, ana, obtained 573. bla vote being aa fol lowa: First Ward, 195; Second Ward, 278; Third Ward. 100. There were 600 votes cast "r or. which la considered a rair when It 1 remembered that tne cam pal m waa an unusually quiet one. The vote for Mayor waa: r . . warai wuqi war Dlmlck ' .;.. "I98 Andreaen .... . . - W-'. ' Dlmlck a " " , majority SO L 70 H Mr. Andreaen. when aeen laat night, . . after the result waa known,' said he bad no comment to male, otner man tn. ih.nk hla frienda for their work j and aupport In hla behalf. Judge Dlmlck gave out me roiwr- lng statement laat night: "I bavp been lnrrome inai t n been elected Mayor of the city by 112 majority and I am proud of the fact that my frienda have confidence . In my Integrity, v I desire to tate that I have made no campaign either for tha nomination or election, nor have I asked legal voter tn Oregon City to aupport me;' nor have I made , a promise to appoint any man to of fice, or even Intimated that I waa favorable to any person for any poat- . tton. After January 1, with the co- ; operation of the council we wm give Oregon City a groa k ..iminiatratlon for the enaa- . lng year.' I appreciate the manly cam paign Pt up by, Mr. ADurew- consider blm one of onr best eiu: tens. Continued oa page two. ERNEST J- 8IAS LECTURES. Third of Lyceum senea . Larae Audlenca. Ernest J. Slaa. the well known lec turer, appeared oeiore lence at the Baptist church Monday nlgbt in the third of the Lyceum aer lea. The lecture waa one of the flneat ever given In this city ana sr. beld the rapt attention of bla bear era. Hla aubject .waa "The Loet Chord.- Mr. 81aa waa for two yeara manager of tba Western Lyceum Cir cuit of the Redpatb Central In the '.West. ' i .-" ".. '. ' ' '' HOLIDAY SALE- S17.965 TO BE SPE1IT FOR COUilTY BRIDGES n. r-...... rAnrt haa awarded tha rn,.i rtridn Company a contract ror r. ., irt.i. Pnddins River. R.innyalde Gulch, near Arnett a and Clear Creek at or near Bannew. an iiki 1 urnrt Sinn 1 , lat- rvaa- 1.. ti.. At-w tm ta Mint 11T.9G5 and Til IS. A U T -vn ---- ' " - . all matcrtala for tha brldgea must b on tha ground by May 1. The con. i. in tin. wltb the policy of i rut: l in " - - the county court to build aa many permanent bridge, aa poaaiu.-. i GYPSIES ENTERTAINED BY HISS WILLIAMS ..... n.. wniiama entertained miaa , . the Cypsle. a home of her ala- ter. Mra. C. C. Minr. du - - . ' Kv her niece. Miss - , of Portland. The : . . .-a m. evening waa devotea io . -. .nit itmei. follow- ad by a luncheon. The """f will be at tne nomo " jory Caufleld. Saturday night, Decem ber 1. . Those attending Baturaay meeting were Ml-a 7Jda Ooldsmlth. Miss Almee Bollack. Mra. M- V touMta. Mlse Helen - Ethel Cauneld. Mla Mable Montgom .ry. of Portland. Mis. If mi ly O MaUey. Ssa Ellaanem n.". t wrence. of Portland. . Read te Morning narprla. Ladies' Suits .... : ' and Coats ....... .... .r ..... , - ;. t - - ,' ' . 'y ' . . ' New ideas in Ladies coats with heavy storm collars and cuffs in Mannish Suit- : . . ings at Special Price.- S J 4.90 L. Adams Oregon City's Bi Department MStore... '''-Www 'Wfl- i- J Ufc i i ' ;t;::;;ipi,,5 ..... '. , 7, ' r. id nn back page i