Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1911)
ar . . - ' ; gig i&mac dale (jig Xmas bargains now owoit ,-ou ot this store. To save on low Xmos buying investigate Ihis big SALE. Atth Pdrtiarid Tiiaitfes last car "Ml V Ve7 . VHAWn wis AT MIDHIOHT J.LEVITT t- Oor Windows v Suspension Bridge Coiner T ASK FOR PREMIUM TICKETS 1 am ogWARD aw iae arrest aurf ooovlctloo f0 . nm nartnOL bO . ... narxlO Of persona, who remove oplee of Tho . hAM Ik. of eubecrlbert after jMe b.o plaood thort br ; 1 I QeeUresooo 0 M4. J "333 Nlolmon & Undborg V'. 1 I O CaOm TAILORING 101 Belling Bltfo Pert I and. aher.e Main (111. paetur-VYell. bow are jro today t rttVit-No l-ettee. dortor twtir-trm. I tblah tot would bet- V rt u(T In tbee pills I or ridest-l haven't Ulm of them paAof-ror guudneae tste.-rW Mel. MIO, tbOtt. 3 I LOCAL DRI CPS In In In fret Kaineralh. of Sbubel, Ink mj Saturday. i W. Aanland. of Tbo Dalles. U (a ally on bulneee. YUllaat liavla. of Carua. waa fill Thursday. W Bbleoder. or Ilor Creeh, w a thla clijr Saturday. ' irillUm llornerhurh. of Portland. ml tsla city Saturday. Prd Pmlth and If, of Eldorado. tar la thla city Saturday. ' frsd Joaal, of Carua. tu among the 0m City vlaltore Saturday. Vr. and Mra. Maealnger and wife. Is!sabl. ere In ihla city Friday. Crirk IMrlrb. of Eldorado, waa wag the Oregon City rialtore rrl- Hr, and Mra May Arid, or IllRhland. Mr imona tba Oracon CHy f laltora fiUay CairlM Miowart. of Carua. waa tamactliig bualnaaa In Oracon City MUr Ua Cravfa, of llaioldala. acom paaltM kr bla family, woro to (bla Krnetl (iurnthrr and wlf a. of Shu- K wara In thla erty on bualniaa tiarday. . Valaniina liohlondor and two chll- Iran, of Hoavar Crank, war In Uil 1 Cfty Satnnlay. , Jacob (inwamlllar. ono of tba well-1 laora ranidnnta of Sbubal. waa In, Oraton City Friday . I Mr. and Mra. William Guanthar. of I cbabrl. apant Thajkaairtng with bar ; on, DanUI Quantbar. ' Mr. and Mra. O. llolman. wall! kaoan rtalilanta of Iioavar Croak, i ft In Oragon City aturday. j Mlia Kornlr Pawaon laft on Pat- ; rtr tor Unn Mill, wbaro aba will rwumo har dutlaa In taacblng tobooL Dr. U E. DoollttU, or Nawbarf, waa thla city friday , and Saturday, lltlng Mr. and Mra, A. B. Doollttla. Valeniina Roblandar, ona of tba armera rmldkiiK t Paor Croak, waa kmnnt tha Oragon City Tlaltora Sat- Mr and Mra MrTaM. former n-al-dvnia or Oroion City, but nu of HelV woud, ra la tbla rliy Krtday ava bln II. W Tult. of Junction Oily, wnu baa bawn la tbla city, rag.urd at tba UM-trte Hotel, baa raturoad to bla noma, i Among tba Carua raaldanla In thla rlijr during tba latirr part of tba araak ra rrank and Ooorga Anaoraon, Kph ltala. (Jrua Anderaia, Umm rranian, of Cawaa, WaalL, lrot ThankagtTlng with hla mot bar, Mra. Oorga Ktainaa, of Cancmab. Ha tcrompanlvd by Mr. McKln ny, of Camaa Mra. I'. IX Dovaraaux. of Euua. bn haa bran In Oragon CKy for aav aial daya tlalllng br alaur, Mra. C. A. Naab. baa raturned to br home. Mra. J. W. IUrrr()fl. of Nawbark. bo baa baan In thla city flailing Mr. and Mra. A. II. Wllanot. haa rwUiined to U. r boma. Mra, parrroff bi.a, ala lar of Mra. WlUnot.y i - Mlaa Iioai -Warner, taachrr of tba HUmr arbool on tba Catacada Una, bo baa bn a landing ber yacatloo la tbla rlty with bar parent a, Mr. and Mra. Ttomaa Warner, b-ft on Satur day for Hlr. Mra rtank White, Mra. rted Oulllott and her baby. V'lrglL. of rtlad. who bare been In tbla ally visiting tba former'aaiatera. Mra. Lloyd Wllllama and Mra W. C. Uraen. returned to ortland Saturday morning. Mlaa tiertle ttaarle. formerly of tbla rlty, but' now of Portland, and rad t'llrldJ. of trtland. apeut Tbanka givlng Day at Camaa, Waab.. whera they were the gueata ot the former'a. aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mra. Frank Frwman They returned to their borne ThankagWIng evening. fev J. O. Rtaata will go to Hood River today to attend to bualneaa Jn eonnerlu.n with tba Advent Chriatlan rburrh. He will conduct aervlcea In Jia church thero. B. F. Hnnelt and A. waiiera. oi lleaver Creek, were In tha city Sat urday. Mlaa 'Mildred Kruno, a teacher In the llllnd Bohool at Salem, who baa been In tbla ell kpending her Tbanka gtvlng vacation with her mother. Mra, Anna Krua nd ,ui"r MlM NtU Kntao. will return to Salem thl avo nlng to reauma bar dutlea. She waa accompanied baro by Mlaa Ethel Harding, of Balam, who alao rcturna to galrm tbla evening. (Jeonte r Rogara. aecretary of the , Capital Highway Commlaalon. vlalted i (Irani U. Ulmlck. a member of thai coramlaalon. and M. U. lAiovnii. gtretary of tha Eat 8lda Capital Highway AaaoclaUon, Friday evening. Mr. jtogera hiu me J .. - . fin .A,lf Stable Laaaad By Henog. V'd Hanog baa leaaed tha Naab burn and feed alable on Swntk alrat't Tbero waa complaint that tba barn waa not In proper aanltary con dition, but Chief of Police Shaw and . k M el m .awl 1 LflM n. MnriiL neaiin oiucer, ti'- aiable and found tha report to groundleea. CUD OPERA THIS WEEK'S ATTRACTIOII if:, Tlungod Into grand opera, Portland la raveling la an unuaual form of on tertalnmanU It promlaea, too, to 'bo one of tha moat ouccaaaful aaaaona In yeara. Aa a ruta Portland doe not aupport grand opera aa liberally -aa thla claaa of araoeement require, but (ho good aurt received Tbankaglvtng day, when the two perfortnancee wara crowded, aent forth hundreda of aft' tbnalaata. There la luet ono verdict iMHicarnlng the Ijimbardl company, and that la favorable. Tbo organUav tlon ran alng, and that la tha cblaf rajulnment of grand opera. If a proprlate coatuma, good looka, youta and arenlc production can be added to tbo volrea. they add Juat ao much to tba general plvaaura; but grand op era la primarily a treat for tbo ear, and not for tba aya. To tba aar. tha Lambardl company meeta every demand.1 No ona, nn leaa df. ran alt through a rendition of an opera by tbla organisation with out becoming entbualaatlo and ap plauding until glovea apllt. For roontba ahead of a grand opera aeaaon peo ple begin making Inqulrlea, but ordin arily tbelr Intareat atopa before tba actual arrival of tha company. So many patrona of the Hellig are now lauding the lambardl company tnat tba aeaaon looka Ilka a money-maker. The program for thla weak followa: Tonight, Thale." Monday "Fauat," Tueada7 -Thale." Wadneaday raatV pea "Madame Butterfly." Wedoeedajr night, "Carmen.'' ' ' The Lambardl forcoa number among thai lat of principal artleta, auch celebrated alngera aa Deaaette Alvlna. the gifted dramatlo aoprano, of New York and Berlin: Lidla Lory. of Florence. Italy; Elvira RoaettL the eminent dramatic aoprano and hero ine ot paat Lambardl aaaaona; Elvira Caaaiaa, tba great meixo aoprano, lata of La Scala, Milan, and Adalgtaa Olana. aopranot ' pthere ta bo beard bare during tbo Halllg tbeatro engage ment are Big.- Carlo Cartlcn, tenor, (laat aeaaon with tbo Boa ton Urand Opera Company); Big. Salvatoro Sclarettl, tanor,,Uto of tbo Metropoli tan Grand Opert Company; Benor Manuel Balaaar, tha eminent Spanlah tenor; Angela Aatola nod Mlchele UlovacchlnV . baxltonea; j Oloaoppo Maggl, tbo diatlngulabed Italian bari toun, famnua for bla trtumpna aa Ath anael. In Maaaenet'a aanaatlonal "Tba la,". Antonio Sabetllco and AJ ceeta Mori, baaaoa. . . Opart to HesLTt waToydB e9amaWar a) '''-By OMIH : A. liY: l "f ;wiratCxAiuTT scans: Wa aava careful tbougbta foe l ha atraagar And ainllaa tor tae aemetlme giwet, but oft tor "our ewa" DAVI LEWIS THIS WEEK. Clever Comedian .In, Hla Xateet' Suo eeat, "Oortt La to Voor Wlfo-", Dave Lowfa, who wtt bo atarred In "Don't Uold. You Wlfo.T, under 'th9 direction t , (UwUnd and ' Clifford, which cornea to tba Dakar, all next weak, atarting with the naual matinee, Sunday, will bo aea aa Amoo Double day, a New Yorker, wbo la under tha doralntlon of a wife wbo haa auffra getto tendenclea. Hhe goea to Atlao tlo City and while aha la away tbo buabaad goea out lor a nigbt or it with boon companion!. They meet three cborue glrla, are arreated for apeodlng and aro Anally landed at their flat after, many eicltlng ex per lencea. Later tbo wife and bar frlonda ahow up unexpectedly while a gay party la In progreee with tba cborua glrla, and tbo oropllcatlona aro man, but tha men prove equal to tbo occa alon and Anally tum tbo tab lea on tha women and the curtain goea down on a happy and reunited little coterie. Mr. Lowla to anpVrted by a Urge company of expert farceara, and tbo production eeaUlna all tha brilliancy that featured tbo ancceaaful run at tbo Whitney Opera Houae In Chicago laat aeaaon. Aeatetlng Mr. Lowla tbero will bo Miriam Shelby, Edna Roland. Oladya Wilcox, Nolllo Love. Virginia Stewart, Batello Vernon, Ignore rroy, Sam Roae, Hoi worth SUrk, Harry Ellla. Benton Oarvln. Mart Franklin and Edward Spencer. Matlnaea alao Wadneaday (Bargain Day) and Sat urday. BUSINESS MEN SHOULD AID PROGRESS EDITION Are you Intereated In tha progroaa of your homo xltyT Tbo Enterpnee la compiling a blatorlcaJ edition ot CUckamaa county and Oregon City, giving facta and Ogurea which will be Intereatlng to your frlenda In th Kaat. Bualneaa men have an oppor tunity of adding tbelr Indorsement of the reaourcea offered by tbla county. Aak ua for detailed Information. , ANDERSONS HAVE R SUN ION Mr. and Mra. K B. Andaraon ontof lalned Tbankaglvtng at n dinner Mr. and Mra. a A. Anderaon. of Maple lAne, Oacar Anderaon, Don glaaa And eraon. Mlaa Elbi Croea and baby An derson. Thla waa tha first family re union tbo Anderaona bavo enjoyed alnce tba marriage of Mr. and Mra. Anderaon. j f V WenH-rful Ibjc. Vitality. - It l a urtitmllns fiizrte tu f!e entiv mol'BlHt't"v frail IIMV He.-ta of tue mowmlto mid hutterlv nMffin brave Hie --o!l orvn an tl- winter and yet retuln Hirlr vitality. The lura of tlie mCkweeil Iwtlerfly lui liwu.exiHiswl to air art It) "In I blast W deirreea IhI r rcr Taken ont of ninre of thla nrtl StJul' bllxxartl and graduiillr ."thawed our." tblxaamo worm u seable to creep In lean than half an hour afterward. Butterflies baro been found Blnlna joyously about In the bigbeat latttudl man Van erer nenetrated. and tba mo quitoea of Alaska and Greenland aro known to bo tbo healthiest epecimena of that race of little peats. a(Sl WW ana wMeiaji, Tbo other evening a a certain city two email boy a ware beard eobblne; U froot of, tbelr home. . r. Ho ono came unUl a neighbor want over and Inquired tbo cause for grief. Ono gnawered; - . "Wa want to go Into the boose. If la ao dark and cold here.- But mother won't let ua In because abo la baring a card party."' " r ' Doubtless tbo mother lores ber own tbo beat.. but in ber strange way bt abowlng It abo locked out ber babes and reserved bar a in Ilea for the "aoni tlme guest." , It to often" ao. " ,r- ," ' ' ' ' '. I know n traveling man who to home only on Sunday. On that day hla wife and two dangbtera go to tborch and leave him to get bla dinner. Da baa been beard to remark tltat charity beglna at borne. And ao does religion. " ,' Of course neither' charity' nor re ligion ends at homo, but that charmed circle la surely the beginning place far tbo exercise of both. ' ' "Tba candle ' that . ablnee farthesi ahlnea tbo brightest nearest borne." ' How i far that little candle"tbe homo candle "throws Its beams!" We bare Scripture warrant for tba statement that ho wbo prorldetn not for hla own boose bold baa "denied the faith and to worse than ao. lnndL And , ., . ." ." . Providing for a household meana mora than furnishing the bread and buttar. . . v. - Toe sort of bospltalUy that ahu's out ta own to give careful tbougbta for the atranger to not hospitality, at alL It to refined cruelty. It doea not oven meet tbo definition of Herbert Spencer, wbo aaya that all action la fundamentally aelflah. - " . ; -- Tbo sort of religion that leada us to neglect aad refuao onrvwo In order to minister to tbo bee then abroad. to not real religion. - r f.,..., (: Let na stand by our own. ' It to they who will atand by ua when tba others tarn tbo cold a boulder and forget our benefits. , . f , . , v . .., 'SolSabf - M.t a No. He wbo Urea beat and loves most In the little circle will lira best and eerve moat In the wider eircle. ,. i ( ! " "!' "' , f . ' 'i .'. He Talked Shep. Do waa a railroad man and spoke ..... ' ' ' ' ' r 7m - mm - t II'. ill Si. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS Men's Chenille embroidered and Pat ent leather slippers, special ptice : Men's imitation alligator slip ;pers, black' or brown' , Uw i f '.V. 'i Men's line leather slippers; black or brown ; k , 1 ,S s si' :) Ladies' all felt slippers black 'I I 4 ' ' Ladies', felt slippers leather soles, black : 1 $ii5 t "a 50c .-ant' 65 c Ladies' fine felt hotsse slippers; ftir trimmed, black, red and gray. Qfffi Mere. Wen. "Wnan I rlstt the Grand Canyon of tbo Yellowstone 1 realise the insignifi cance of man. Ever been tberor. "Nerar.i Ton can get tbo same "eo lation by going to a auffragetto meet ing." Kansas City Journal. ' mostly in rallcoad terms. Bo waa tbo father of two bora. One day bo In vited tbo minister " homo to - dinner. Tbo hungry boya wanted to pitch la. aa usual, but the father in a stern rolco cautioned tbem to wait -Thai mlnlaier bowed hla bead to returrf thanks. The boya. rnnorent of what waa being dona, began before tha' blessing waa half said. "Excuse me a minute. said the father, add roes tag tbo minister, -until 1 awltch a few empties." aaVnTaaraarBSS: IHIolLgdjldy. IBairaSgh.o . hazing next two weeks we will offer otir entire A ; i ri stock of Crockery, Glass ani Gravnltwar at net -V. And in order , to redoce our Imtnence stock of goods Willi sell Groceries, and other goods at .7 greatly redoced prices to Cash CityCr; .; V; CUM TO PRESfllT io;hiiu;i8vddi;;c the Tbo' primary ' department of Praabytertan church will ; present "Tom Thumb's Wedding" In tbo church, parlors next Fridar evening. Tbo bride will be Velma Rinds n, and abo will bo attended by Ruth Schuo- beL aa maid of honor. Tha jjnaeu- maida are to be Francea Rowland. Franoea Androwa. Violet Boauilaat and Paulina Pace, The- flower glrla win bo Elolaa Ely and Katharine Landa- borougb. , Tbo . ribbon bearer wfU be Margaret Landaboroagk, : Hetoa Story, Margaret Wlfflsms, 'Ftorence ,Wolfe, .', ,Tho "bridespo will ,be MalTiho ProaC and. tlw boat 'man" Roland Egy. Thar uahear win bo Gor don Wilson, Kenneth Swanaoa, Uran Hannaford.' Frad Tooso. Jr, to to i bo tbo clergyman. " Mr. Leon DeaLarxea wlU alug,,"(Ob Proaalae Mo.! asdf tef the labteam the children ar tt gjfo a abort musical program. Mlaa Aim Moore and Mlaa JSula, Schnebel have charge of tbo entertsinmenU , ,' . ; ' .If' you aro not reading th Morning Enterprise, why nott Tear-end Bar- gain. Period to now on, t See il on back page,.., jr,."y n-y.-, :" irday. be Ttead tha Morning En'-rprlae. aswaesssaj'-. Thp far that Delivers thejoods tnnA ....j cnnl niivrv Waon v sv. h wa w lllllll llllllllll UB-M . ajjarw.- - j nBBasasBBasaBBsaaa aaJaasassmswaZasasam . ant mWmm9mmmmmmammmmmmmmmammmmaaa'i 1) J I l i Jf I A V VJ J.,'1 '1 i 111 I I DStj YottHcitKnpcto pw if . . bmmm . You can't make money by waiU opportanity has passed, it is calUng yooow :to The majority of fortunes' throtighoat the country have been made; tlugh the iSuj real estate values , , ,.:-v:'."- .t,,.t.- issBBsswsaBSBBsaasssBsjsmwssBBssBJBa "''" " " '''' " '"''t Mulino . i ri and a Hour mi nastwo stores,: a ill. A railroad, will be completed to Mulino in six monins, aon i you : : healthv start for an infant? . . ; aa. L jr.uiA u., Ka t.m tho ''m llrnafi k thprt. t Terms" caSV. 3 HttlC BUY n UUIinO nOW me pnc Will UC.UUUUic vymy im. .' ..""i 1 ft Vrcr t. Vrll rvn and alittleeach month. Let u$ know When you vrish to s down Mulino Townsite. Company; Incorporated, Room 9 Beaver Building, Oregon City. TelepK epnone $815.00 '. ; for Demonstrcticns Cell ; C. A. ELUOTT . M. L. BOVIV1 AN. Agent - PTTnr.LLLrr